Saturday, October 27, 2007

GLBT DIGEST October 27, 2007

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Iran treats its Arab minority as second-class citizens. Now it is planningto hang six of them after rigged trials held in secret.

By Peter Tatchell

The Guardian - London, UK - Comment Is Free - 26 October 2007

President George W Bush justifies his imposition of sanctions against Iranon the grounds that Tehran supports the insurgency in Iraq and is seekingnuclear weapons. Not a word from Washington about the way the Iranian regimeis abusing the human rights of its own people. Bush doesn't care about theirfate. In this sense, he mirrors the Iranian state.

The charge sheet against Tehran includes the probably true allegation thatit is supplying Iraqi insurgents with weapons that are being used to kill USsoldiers. But it doesn't include any mention of Tehran's murder of its owncitizens. Surprise. Surprise.

US policy on Iran is dictated primarily by selfish geo-political interests.Concern about terrorism and nuclear weapons are, in part, a populist cover.They disguise a secret neo-imperial agenda. Washington's real goal is toextend its sphere of influence, remove a non-compliant regime and guaranteeits access to already diminishing global oil supplies (of which Iran holdsabout 10% of the world's known reserves).

The latest human rights abuses by Tehran are the secret, rigged trials andthe imminent execution of six more ethnic Arab Iranians (Ahwazi Arabs) inAhwaz, the provincial capital of Khuzestan in south-western Iran - homelandto five million Arabs.

the news of their impending executions has been smuggled out of Iran by themen's families and is corroborated the Federation for Human Rights (FIDH),Amnesty International, the Human Rights & Democracy Activists group and bythe inadvertent admissions of Khuzestan's prosecutor, Musa Pirbani.



The Washington Post

Political Tide Turning

Religious Americans Have Long Voted Republican, but Issues Such as the IraqWar, Gay Marriage and the Environment Are Forcing Them to Reconsider in '08

By Michelle Boorstein
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, October 27, 2007; B09

E xperts watching the 2008 presidential election say they see ferment in asegment of the population that has long been more likely to vote Republican:religious Americans.

Since the 1980s, white Americans who attend regular worship services anddescribe themselves as religious have been much more likely to say in pollsthat they are Republican than Democrat or independent. Even among minoritygroups that vote heavily Democratic -- Jews, blacks, Latinos -- the morereligious people are, the more likely they are to vote Republican.

But early data suggest that some of the religious vote is up for grabs nextyear. While exit polls showed that 82 percent of white evangelicalProtestants who attend church weekly voted for President Bush in 2004, only60 percent of the same group said they expected to vote GOP in 2008,according to a Pew Research Center survey released this year. Amongweekly-attending white Catholics, the percentage dropped from 61 percent to38 percent; among weekly-attending white mainline Protestants, from 57percent to 36 percent.

Pollsters and political scientists say some religious voters who supportedBush now feel discouraged, either by the war in Iraq, or by the rich-poorgap, or because they feel he didn't go far enough on the hot-button socialissues they cared about, such as abortion and gay marriage. And new issueshave risen in importance for religious voters that are not seen as GOPpriorities, such as the environment.

Concern about the ferment was apparent last weekend in Washington, wherethousands of Christian conservatives were being courted by GOP candidates ata conference of the Family Research Council. Christian leaders have lamentedrecently that none of the GOP candidates seems able to enthuse theirconstituents.

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Court Allows Anti-Harass Training Suit

Associated Press Writer
7:53 PM EDT, October 26, 2007


A high school student can pursue nominal damages from an eastern Kentuckyschool district over its required anti-harassment training, an appeals courtruled Friday.

The U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 that the Boyd County schooldistrict's policy provided a "chill" on student Timothy Allen Morrison'sability to profess his Christian beliefs and opposition to homosexuality.The ruling sends the case back to U.S. District Judge David Bunning for ahearing on damages.

Judge Karen Nelson Moore, joined by Judge John R. Adams, wrote that theallegation of a policy stifling free speech is enough to allow Morrison toseek damages. To make his case, the judges said, Morrison must show that thepolicy would "deter a person of ordinary firmness" from exercising freespeech rights.

Joel Oster, an attorney for the Alliance Defense Fund, a Scottsdale, Ariz.,Christian law group that represented Morrison, said the ruling has left him"ecstatic."

"It's everything we could have hoped for," Oster said. "This vindicates ourclient's constitutional rights."

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Express Gay News

Rumors swirl over fate of ENDA amendment

Pelosi, Baldwin mum on reports that freshman Dems kill trans measure
By LOU CHIBBARO JR. | Oct 26, 4:21 PM

The offices of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and gay Rep.Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisc.) declined to comment today on a press report thatHouse Democrats have decided not allow Baldwin to introduce an amendment torestore transgender protection to the Employment Non-Discrimination Act(ENDA).

the Hill, a daily newspaper that covers Congress, reported on Thursday thatfirst-term Democratic members of the House urged Pelosi not to bring up theBaldwin amendment because it would hurt their re-election efforts next year.

"House Education and Labor panel Chairman George Miller (D-Calif.), whosecommittee passed ENDA, said he told the freshman lawmakers at theirWednesday breakfast with Pelosi that the amendment did not have the votes topass and would not be brought to the House floor," the Hill reported.

The report came two days after House Democratic leaders postponed a votethis week on ENDA, saying they needed more time to assess the support forthe Baldwin amendment.

The newspaper, considered an authoritative source on the inner workings ofCongress, reported that Reps. Ron Klein (D-Fla.) and Tim Walz (D-Minn.)delivered a message to Pelosi on behalf of their fellow freshmen Democratsthat the first-term House members did not want to vote on a transgenderamendment.

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Song Links Saggy Pants to Being Gay

October 27, 2007
Mel Evans

A new campaign links saggy pants with homosexuality. AP

The Bryant Park Project, October 26, 2007 · A new campaign by the city ofDallas targets the hip-hop style of wearing your pants low enough that yourboxers are showin - and part of your posterior, too.

The campaign has a signature song, "Pull Your Pants Up," by Dooney Da'Priest, that links so-called saggin' with being gay. After the BPP bloggedNPR's original report on the public service announcement, listeners objectedto lyrics they

Andrew Jones commented on a line about living "on the down low" - commonslang for a man who has secret sexual encounters with other men.''It's cutewhen homophobia is part of a citywide campaign," Jones wrote. "Shaming theyouth by calling them gay, love that from the government."

An accompanying billboard says it's rude to be "walking around showin' yourbehind to other dudes." The song's refrain is "Be a real man - pull yourpants up."

In an interview with a local television station, Dooney explained thatsaggin' comes from jail, where he argued that showing your boxers has a veryparticular meaning. "You're letting another man know that you're available,"Dooney said.

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New Zealand Civil Unions Reach Milestone

by Newscenter Staff
Posted: October 26, 2007 - 5:00 pm ET

(Wellington) New Zealand has reached its 1000th civil union a governmentagency has revealed.

The civil union law went into effect in April 2005.

To obtain a license, partners must be at least 18, not related, andcohabitating. Civil unions are available to same-sex couples andopposite-sex couples who do not want to marry.

Four in five civil unions have been between same-sex couples.

Lesbians Alburta Gibson and Tina Pitman became the 1000th couple to takeadvantage of the law. The South Auckland couple met 6 years ago.

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Craig To Make Constitutional Argument

by The Associated Press
Posted: October 26, 2007 - 5:00 pm ET

(St. Paul, Minnesota) Idaho Sen. Larry Craig will argue before an appealscourt that Minnesota's disorderly conduct law is unconstitutional as itapplies to his conviction in a bathroom sex sting, according to a new courtfiling.

This is the first time Craig's attorneys have raised that issue. However, anearlier friend-of-the-court filing by the American Civil Liberties Unionargued that Craig's foot-tapping and hand gesture under a stall divider atthe Minneapolis airport are protected by the First Amendment.

Craig has been trying to withdraw his August guilty plea disorderly conduct.A judge turned him down earlier this month, and now Craig is taking hisrequest to the state Court of Appeals. The Republican at one point said hewould resign but now says he will finish his term, which ends in January2009.

Craig's legal arguments are previewed in a "statement of the case" filedlate Thursday. In addition to the constitutional argument, it says the judgeerred by not allowing Craig to withdraw his plea, and that the judge whosentenced Craig to a fine and probation never signed anything saying heaccepted the guilty plea.

Craig was arrested in June by an undercover police officer who said thesenator moved his foot next to the officer's foot and tapped it in a waythat indicated he wanted sex. He was also accused of sending a signal byswiping his hand under the divider between the stalls. Craig said theofficer misconstrued those motions.

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Man Testifies Phelps Anti-Gay Military Protest Made Him Physically Sick

by Newscenter Staff
Posted: October 26, 2007 - 3:00 pm ET

(Baltimore, Maryland) In what is believed to be the first civil lawsuitagainst the Rev. Fred Phelps' church over an anti-gay protest at the funeralof someone from the military killed in Iraq, the father of the dead Marinesaid the demonstration made him sick to his stomach and gave him nightmares.

Albert Snyder is suing Phelps and his Topeka, Kan.-based church after churchmembers demonstrated at the funeral of Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder last yearin Maryland, and then posted pictures of the protest on their Web site.

Cpl. Snyder was killed in March, 2006.

Snyder's lawsuit alleges church members violated the family's right toprivacy and defamed the Marine and his family at the funeral and on thechurch's Web site.

"They turned this funeral into a media circus and they wanted to hurt myfamily," Albert Snyder testified.

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To Form a More Perfect Union: Marriage Equality News

Go to the website, above, for the following articles:

The Iowa Catholic Conference's governing board issued a statement Fridaysupporting the passage of an amendment to the Iowa Constitution denotingmarriage as a union only between a man and a woman as a way to preserve akey societal building block. ....... Also Friday, a separate coalitionof clergy announced plans to hold a rally/prayer vigil expected to drawseveral hundred people from around Iowa to a Des Moines church in support ofa marriage amendment and to address issues organizers believe will underminemarriage and silence the church. ...... The focus of the event, she said,will be the ramifications of a recent Polk County court decision that struckdown a state law and legalized same-sex marriage in Iowa. The rulingcurrently is under a stay order pending an appeal before the Iowa SupremeCourt.

Massachutts: What's a gay activist to do after winning marriage equality?That's the question leaders of Mass Equality have put to their members,soliciting input on strategic direction for the organization now that gaysin the Bay State can marry each other legally and are protected from jobdiscrimination. Activists in other parts of the world, including England andCanada, are facing the same dilemma. Massachusetts is the only state tolegalize same-sex marriage, but it's also legal in Belgium, Spain, theNetherlands, Canada and South Africa. The United Kingdom has civilpartnerships that grant all the rights of marriage. Marc Solomon, executivedirector of Mass Equality, said his organization has received thousands ofresponses to a survey it posted to its web site two weeks ago, but he hasnot had a chance to go through them yet.

The General Counsel for the for the American Jewish Congress, Marc D. Sternwarns of the "The granddaddy of all battles", the coming fight for taxexamptions for those who hold to orthodox positions concerning humansexuality and marriage. The debate over the rights of homosexuals willimpact religious organizations far beyond the issue of same-sex marriage, alawyer specializing in church-state issues said Oct. 24. Marc D. Stern,general counsel for the American Jewish Congress, gave the closing talk at adaylong briefing in New York on the views of various religious traditionsabout homosexuality. "The granddaddy of all battles will be fought over taxexemptions," Stern said. He cited a case in which a religious organizationthat rented out its gazebo for weddings refused to rent it for a same-sexmarriage and as a result had its property tax exemption suspended. The caseremains under appeal, Stern said.

AUSTRALIA's first Jewish same-sex commitment ceremony is likely to be heldin Sydney over the summer months, after Progressive rabbis this week agreedon a format for such unions. Approaches to same-sex commitment, the role ofnon-Jewish partners and the ethics surrounding the climate-change debatewere some of the topics discussed at the Union for Progressive Judaism's(UPJ's) biennial conference in Hobart this week.At a meeting of the Councilof Progressive Rabbis of Australia, New Zealand and Asia (Moetzah), heldafter the four-day conference, UPJ rabbis adopted a British model forconducting same-gender commitment ceremonies. Moetzah chair Rabbi JeffreyKamins told The AJN that a set of guidelines from Rabbi Mark Solomon, aformer Australian now with the British Liberal Judaism movement, has beenadopted. The English model was adopted because it makes a clear distinctionbetween a commitment ceremony and a marriage ceremony, he said.


National Gay News

Go to the website, above, for the following articles:

Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama's campaign held a hurriedly puttogether conference call Thursday night with gay and lesbian leaders inSouth Carolina to discuss the candidate's gospel tour, which includes asinger who says homosexuality is a choice. Obama campaign spokesman KevinGriffis refused to talk about what was discussed on the call with SteveHildebrand, Obama's early voting state strategist, and Joshua DuBois, whoruns faith programs for the campaign.

A federal appeals court today agreed with the American Civil LibertiesUnion, ruling that a school policy designed to protect lesbian, gay,bisexual, and transgender students from harassment went too far insquelching the right of some religious students to express their views onhomosexuality. "The court understood what we've been saying all along - thatyou don't have to violate anyone's First Amendment rights to protect gay andlesbian students from being harassed at school," said Sharon McGowan, astaff attorney with the ACLU's national Lesbian Gay Bisexual TransgenderProject. "Respecting students' rights to express their religious views aboutgay people and keeping gay students safe at school aren't mutuallyexclusive, and schools can and should do both."

Scientists have genetically tweaked the brains of worms to get females toseek out other females for mating in experiments that have bolstered theevidence for a biological basis for sexual preferences. US biologistsselectively turned on a gene associated with maleness in the brains offemale worms and found that these altered worms were attracted to the samesex. The findings were published yesterday in the journal Current Biology.

Maine: Many people know that GLBT translates to gay, lesbian, bisexual andtransgendered people. A new organization is adding an "A" to the end of thatto stand for allies - straight people who support the GLBT community.

When the wnba's newest team opens its season next May in Philips Arena, youcan bet the crowd will include a strong showing by lesbian fans, eager tohave a professional franchise to call their own. The public effort earlierthis year to land the expansion team in Atlanta included gay and lesbianvolunteers, scores of lesbians who pledged to buy season tickets, and eventsdesigned to rally the area's gay market. With the official announcement Oct.17 that Atlanta will add another team to its roster of professional sportsofferings, lesbian fans are now anxiously awaiting the opening tip nextseason.

Florida: The city of Opa-locka has passed a ban on wearing sagging pants oncity property. On Wednesday, the city commission adopted a law that wouldprohibit pants worn below the waistline.Commissioner Timothy Holmes said hesponsored the ordinance because he did not want the city's youth to weartheir pants too low.

"It's not nice," he said. "It's not respectable."


The New York Times

Georgia Court Frees Man Convicted in Sex Case

October 27, 2007

ATLANTA, Oct. 26 - After more than two years in prison for having consensualoral sex with a fellow teenager, Genarlow Wilson shook the hand of a wardenFriday at the Al Burruss Correctional Training Center in Forsyth, Ga., andsmiled shyly as he walked into the arms of his waiting mother and youngsister.

Mr. Wilson's mother had skipped up to the prison door to wait for him.

"I ran around inside the house 20 times," said Juanessa Bennett, his mother,describing her reaction to hearing that her son would be set free.

Mr. Wilson, who is now 21, was released just hours after the Georgia SupremeCourt ended his 10-year prison sentence. The court said the sentence for theact, which was considered a felony at the time, violated the Constitution'sprotection against cruel and unusual punishment.

In a 4-to-3 ruling, the court's majority said the sentence was "grossly disproportionate" to the crime, which "did not rise to the level ofculpability of adults who prey on children."

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Combat bullying with more school initiatives

October 27, 2007
By Meline Kevorkian and Robin D'Antona

The recent tragedy at a Cleveland high school has once again brought theissues of school violence, bullying and school safety to the minds ofeducators, parents and community leaders.

Schools have been actively developing policies and practices to reduceviolence, but there's a need for more initiatives, especially in ourschools. Researchers have, in fact, linked bullying prevention to schoolsafety and student achievement. More than 90 percent of educators surveyedworldwide at various size schools ranging from elementary through highschool linked bullying to school violence.

Bullying is not just a negative or hostile exchange between one or moreindividuals of unequal power. It is about how children and adults interact.Bullying is about a culture that allows and encourages this behavior.Investigators believe bullying may have played a role in the recentCleveland incident.

Bullies operate in various environments. They are not only found in theclassroom and the playground, but also on athletic fields, board rooms andeven in cyberspace. In the past eight years, bullying prevention and theconnection to school safety was brought into the center of a nationaldialogue.

With national focus and new laws introduced in many states, we now haveexperts offering opinions on how to deal with this problem. There are manyprograms being offered; some offer excellent solutions and others fall shortof their goals. The challenge is being able to tell the difference betweenwhat works and what is just a temporary fix.

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Forwarded from EuroQueer

You can find an overview of the second day of the ILGA-Europe's annualConference in Vilnius on our website:

You will also find pictures from various conference events:

Juris Lavrikovs
Communications Officer
from Vilnius


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
October 24, 2007 2:32 PM PDT

Appeals court overturns law targeting 'sexually explicit' photos

Posted by Declan McCullagh

A federal appeals court has struck down, on First Amendment grounds, along-standing requirement forcing people who produce "sexually explicit"images to keep detailed records about their operations.

The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Tuesday (click for PDF: that the "2257"record-keeping requirements--which bedeviled the adult industry because theyapply even to Web sites that "reproduce" sexually explicit material--areoverly broad and violate Americans' free-speech rights.

Tuesday's ruling is a remarkable win for adult publishers, not just becauseof the weighty nature of the regulations but also because the lawsuit hasbeen going on for so long. The case was originally filed in September 1995,and this is likely going to be the last word unless the U.S. Supreme Courtgets involved.

Although the Justice Department tried to downplay the impact of therecord-keeping rules, the court reasonably noted that the regulations applyeven to couples taking erotic photos for their own private use. Uploadingthem to the Web is regulated as well, of course.

"This reach is extremely broad, and the most commonsense limitation, forwhich the statute and regulations provide some support, would be to limitthe statute's reach to photographs taken for a commercial purpose, that is,photographs taken for the purpose of sale," the 6th Circuit said. But, thejudges added, "the plain text and definitions of the terms used admit...nocommercial limitation on who will be considered producers."

Translation: an adult couple taking a single erotic photo of themselves witha digital camera in their own bedroom is required to (a) inspect their owngovernment-issued photo identification; (b) ascertain that they're at least18 years old; (c) photocopy their own IDs; (d) photocopy the erotic image;(e) file this information in physical form; (g) display the date and astreet address "prominently" in their files; (g) open these files to agentsof the Justice Department without advance notice.



Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

[euro-queer] Sweden: Gay marriage and defence in focus at Moderate

Gay marriage and defence in focus at Moderate conference

Published: 25th October 2007 08:32 CET

Fredrik Reinfeldt's Moderate Party starts its annual conference on Thursdaywith a mountain to climb if it is to recover the poll rating it enjoyed whenit was elected just over a year ago.

A poll by Sifo earlier this month gave the four-party government its lowestrating since the election, trailing the opposition by 11 percent.

But the message from the party leadership is that the party's move towardsthe centre-ground of Swedish politics will not be reversed.

One of the key issues to be voted on at the conference is a proposal toallow gay marriage - something the leadership is keen to push through. If,as seems likely, the conference adopts the motion, the Christian Democratswill be the only party not to support a gender-neutral marriage law.

Supporting gay marriage would also serve to complete the Moderates'transformation from a traditional conservative party to a more centristorganization, but it is a big step for traditional-minded members.

Anti-gay marriage supporters, drawn mainly from the Catholic and evangelical churches, have this week taken out adverts to urge politicians to reject theproposal. Among those involved in the group is Anna-Maria Corazza Bildt,wife of Foreign Minister Carl Bildt. While most ministers have expressedsupport, former prime minister Bildt has refused to state his position onthe issue.



Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

[euro-queer] 'I was forced to flee Iran' - Xtra Vancouver

'I was forced to flee Iran' - Xtra Vancouver

INTERNATIONAL VIEWS / Iranian gays do exist and need the world's supportArsham Parsi / Xtra West / Thursday, October 25, 2007

I was born in September 1980, in Iran. As a teenager growing up in Shiraz, Iwas lonely and filled with self-loathing. I had never met another queer, andI thought I was a freak.

I prayed to become a good person, a normal person. Other people fasted forone month, but I fasted for three.

Then I found the internet. And I discovered that I was not alone.

After that, I started to understand who I am and come to terms with mysexual identity. I began to do advocacy work for the queer community inIran, but my work earned me the attention of the Iranian authorities and Iwas forced to flee Iran on Mar 4, 2005.

It was 12:45 pm. I have never forgotten that time. I had to leave all my ownthings in my motherland and go into exile. It was intolerable.

My train took me to Turkey, where I was able to register as a refugee at theoffice of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Ankara. I hadstopped praying by then.

When I fled to Turkey, I promised my God that I would continue my supportfor Iranian queers and that would be my form of worship.

Three months after arriving in Turkey, my case was accepted, and two monthslater I was invited to Canadian Embassy in Ankara. Eight months later, hereI am in Canada.

Homophobia runs deep into Iranian society. This, of course, partly reflectsthe influence of the conservative Islamic legal and religious standardspromoted by the government. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini notoriously calledfor homosexuals to be extirpated as "parasites and corruptors of the nation"who "spread the stain of wickedness."

It also reflects a patriarchal social system in which sexuality iscontrolled and feared, except when at the service of reproduction.



Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

Lithuanian mayor bans gay rally

By Mathew Charles
BBC News, Vilnius

An annual gay rights conference in the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius, wasattacked with smoke bombs, after a rally in the city was banned.

Over 200 gays, lesbians and transsexuals attended the meeting.

Delegates inside a local bar found it difficult to breathe after the smokebombs were thrown, but had to stay inside because of safety concerns.

The event was to be part of a week of events organised by ILGA Europe, a gayrights group based in Brussels.

A press officer for Mayor Juozas Imbrasas told the BBC the public gatheringhad been banned because of what she said were "safety concerns" due tobuilding works.

ILGA Europe rejected the mayor's decision saying no alternative site hadbeen offered to them and described the ruling as appalling.

Executive Director Patricia Prendiville said "It is a positive duty of thecity authorities to offer an alternative venue to the applicant and they didnot do that.

"There is no doubt that the City of Vilnius used the construction works as acover. "



Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

Donald E. Wildmon
Founder & Chairman - American Family Association

Ford reaffirms commitment to homosexual groups
Ford says more "gay" support could be forthcoming

In an interview with The Advocate (Nov. 2007 issue), America's largesthomosexual magazine, Ford states more gay-specific ads are a distinctpossibility.

In reaffirming its commitment to advancing homosexuality, Ford spokesman JimCain said, "We haven't ruled out the possibility of doing more targeted (gayspecific) ads."

The comment came in a four-page article entitled, "Driving the Gay Market,"summarizing Ford's past and current advertising practices in gay and lesbianpublications.

Providing evidence of their continued commitment to the homosexual agenda,Ford placed a full-page ad in the November 2007 issue of OUT promoting itsnew Volvo C30 automobile. OUT is the nation's second largest homosexualmagazine.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

Thursday 10.25.07

Reps. Tim Walz (Minn.) and Ron Klein (Fla.), leaders of the class offreshman Democrats, carried a message to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) onTuesday that their fellow first-term lawmakers did not want to vote on anamendment extending civil rights to transgender employees.

House Education and Labor panel Chairman George Miller (D-Calif.), whosecommittee passed the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, said he told thefreshman lawmakers at their Wednesday breakfast with Pelosi that theamendment did not have the votes to pass and would not be brought to theHouse floor.

In addition, Miller told the freshmen he recognized that the amendmentexposed the first-term lawmakers to political attacks from conservatives andliberals alike, said two sources who attended the breakfast.

Democratic leaders are wrestling with when and how to bring the EmploymentNon-Discrimination Act, which would ban discrimination in the workplacebased on sexual orientation. Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) had introduced anamendment extending the civil rights protections to transgender workers.Such language was included in the initial bill until Democratic membersconvinced House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.)to pull it.

Frank approves the transgender language but maintains it lacks the votes topass.

"People didn't want to force a 'hard' vote that might hurt their electionchances," Hilary Rosen, a Democratic lobbyist and gay and lesbian advocate,wrote on the Huffington Post, a liberal blog.

Meanwhile, the Office of Management and Budget said on Wednesday in itsStatement of Administration Policy that President Bush's senior adviserswould recommend he veto the bill on the grounds that it is unconstitutionaland restricts religious liberty.


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NATIONAL & WORLD DIGEST October 27, 2007

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Obama Fundraiser Defects To Clinton

by The Associated Press
Posted: October 26, 2007 - 5:00 pm ET

(Washington) A longtime Democratic fundraiser has abandoned Barack Obama'scampaign to help rival Hillary Rodham Clinton win the party's presidentialnomination.

Bob Farmer, who was a top fundraiser for several past Democraticpresidential candidates, had served on Obama's national finance committee.

Farmer did not respond to a request for comment after a message was left athis home in Bal Harbour, Fla. But Kirk Wager, Obama's Florida finance chair,said Farmer let him know he was switching sides without saying why.

"I thanked him," Wager said.

In response to the departure, Obama spokesman Bill Burton said, "He was nota bundler. He didn't raise any money for us, but we wish him well." Bundlershad committed to raise at least $50,000 for the campaign.

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The New York Times

That Old Time Religion

October 27, 2007

President Bush was back in campaign mode this week, resurrecting twotried-and-true red-meat issues to rally the cadres in his dispiritedRepublican Party - fervent supporters of missile defense and of squeezingFidel Castro's Cuba. Seven years in the White House have done nothing tochange his views. Campaigning now for his legacy, he is still wrong on bothissues.

Mr. Bush has brought his 1960s Cuba policy into the Internet age by allowingprivate organizations to send computers to Cuban youths - if the governmentdoes not control their use. That is unlikely. And he proposed aninternational fund to provide grants, loans and debt relief to the Cubangovernment - but only after it allows free speech and open elections. Untilthen, Mr. Bush will cling stubbornly to the half-century-old economicembargo that has failed to unseat Mr. Castro while giving him an ever readyexcuse for his government's economic failings and repression.

No one knows what will happen when Mr. Castro, who is ailing, dies. TheUnited States is denying itself any chance to help influence Cuba's futureby sticking to the failed policies of the past. Its overriding interestshould be in a peaceful transition to the democratic and economicallydynamic society that Cubans have dreamed of for decades.

Easing the embargo could strengthen Cuba's battered middle class and help itplay a more active role in whatever comes next. Mr. Bush's call for theCuban people to rise up is more likely to persuade the government'ssupporters - the only ones with guns - to hang on even more stubbornly orbrutally.

Mr. Bush's blind faith in missile defense is equally disquieting. Thepresident has already wasted billions on a small and unproven system inAlaska. Now he wants to build one in Europe to guard against a possibleattack on American allies by Iran.

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The New York Times

Today's Hidden Slave Trade

October 27, 2007
Op-Ed Columnist

The woman testifying in federal court in Lower Manhattan could hardly haveseemed more insignificant.

She was an immigrant from South Korea and a prostitute, who spoke little orno English. She worked, she said, in brothels in New York, Philadelphia,Georgia, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Washington, D.C.

She did not offer a portrait of the good life. Speaking through aninterpreter, she told about the time in D.C. when a guy came in who looked"like a mental patient, a psycho." Weirded out, she wanted nothing to dowith him. But she said the woman who ran the brothel assured her everythingwould be fine.

It was fine if you consider wrestling with Hannibal Lecter fine. The johnclawed at this woman, gouging her flesh, peeling the skin from her back andother parts of her body. She was badly injured.

According to the government, the woman was caught up in a prostitution andtrafficking network that ruthlessly exploited young Korean women, some ofwhom "were smuggled into the country illegally."

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The New York Times

Poland, Untwinned

October 27, 2007

Poland's voters have rendered a clear, negative judgment on thefearmongering political style of the Kaczynski twins - President LechKaczynski and Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski - and their 15 months ofjoint rule. They decisively rejected the Kaczynskis' Law and Justice Party,turning instead to the center-right, pro-business Civic Platform, whoseleader, Donald Tusk, is now expected to become prime minister.

Lech Kaczynski's job was not at stake Sunday. He remains president until2010. But his power to veto future legislation will be largely nullified bythe new parliamentary arithmetic.

The Kaczynskis spoke, and will doubtless continue to speak, for the hurtsand resentments born of Poland's tragic 20th-century history. The problemwas that they often behaved as if that history was the exclusive property oftheir political party, and their belligerent, populist tone its onlylegitimate voice.

The grudges and suspicions they nurtured extended not just to ex-Communists,but to Germans of all generations, foreign business leaders, secularists,intellectuals, and on and on. They fostered a climate of accusation andsuspicion that divided Poland from its natural European partners andalienated the more forward- and outward-looking younger generation.

That climate also threatened to snuff out the critical democratic spiritforged in the heroic Solidarity movement that defied Communist power aquarter-century ago. Lech Walesa, Solidarity's former leader, became anoutspoken critic of the Kaczynskis' rule.

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The New York Times

U.S. Airlines Put Off Buying New Planes

October 27, 2007

It's not just flights that are being delayed. United States airlines arealso putting off purchases of new planes, meaning the nation's fleet ofaircraft, on average, is aging right along with the passengers.

Northwest Airlines, for example, flies 109 of the oldest jetliners in thecountry, DC-9s, with an average age of 35 years. Northwest has yet to decidehow to replace the DC-9s, which could remain in service another five yearsor more.

American Airlines operates a fleet of 300 older MD-80s, a model that guzzlesfuel and lacks the latest in passenger comforts. And American has only ahandful of replacement planes coming in the next couple of years.

The fleet of big jets operated by nine major domestic airlines has agedsteadily since 2002, according to Airline Monitor, an aviation researchfirm. The average age was 10.6 years at the end of 2002, and it has riseneach year, hitting 12.2 years at the end of 2006. Domestic airlines largelystopped ordering new planes after Sept. 11, 2001, shrinking their fleets toadjust to a drop in demand. Travel has rebounded strongly, but airlines are,for the most part, years away from taking delivery on large numbers of newplanes. A big reason is that Boeing and Airbus have committed most of theirairliner production capacity in coming years to carriers outside the UnitedStates.

Indeed, only 43 of the 710 Boeing 787s on order have been identified asgoing to domestic airlines; 25 to Continental Airlines and 18 to Northwest.And none of the 165 giant Airbus A380s on order are destined for UnitedStates carriers. In essence a new generation of jetliners - bigger, morecomfortable, more fuel efficient - is largely bypassing domestic airlinesand their customers.

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The New York Times

Saudi King Tries to Grow Modern Ideas in Desert

October 26, 2007

JIDDA, Saudi Arabia, Oct. 25 - On a marshy peninsula 50 miles from this RedSea port, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia is staking $12.5 billion on agargantuan bid to catch up with the West in science and technology.

Between an oil refinery and the sea, the monarch is building from scratch agraduate research institution that will have one of the 10 largestendowments in the world, worth more than $10 billion.

Its planners say men and women will study side by side in an enclave walledoff from the rest of Saudi society, the country's notorious religious policewill be barred and all religious and ethnic groups will be welcome in a pushfor academic freedom and international collaboration sure to test thekingdom's cultural and religious limits.

This undertaking is directly at odds with the kingdom's religiousestablishment, which severely limits women's rights and rejects coeducationand robust liberal inquiry as unthinkable.

For the new institution, the king has cut his own education ministry out theloop, hiring the state-owned oil giant Saudi Aramco to build the campus,create its curriculum and attract foreigners.

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The Washington Post

Slipping in Afghanistan

As the violence worsens, NATO struggles to raise troops.
Saturday, October 27, 2007; A14

THE UNITED STATES and its NATO allies are engaged in a regular ritual:blaming each other for the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan.This week, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates forcefully criticized Europeangovernments for failing to meet commitments to supply troops and equipmentfor Afghan operations; he even threatened that the United States mightwithdraw its troops from Kosovo -- a European preoccupation -- ifAfghanistan were not better supplied. At a meeting of defense ministers, theNetherlands again complained that it -- along with the United States,Britain and Canada -- bears the brunt of the fighting against the Taliban,while Germany, Italy, Spain and most other NATO members restrict theirsoldiers to the safer parts of Afghanistan or ban them from combat. In replythe German defense minister suggested that NATO's aggressive militarystrategy in the south does more harm than good.

Loud disputes such as this have always been part of NATO and tend todisguise its successes -- such as the facts that all 26 of the alliancemembers have troops in Afghanistan, that all have increased their commitmentin the past year and that NATO forces continue to rout the Taliban whereverit is encountered. Yet there are real problems, both in the fighting and inthe supply and distribution of forces, and they are worsening. According tothe United Nations and independent monitoring groups, violence has increasedsignificantly in Afghanistan for the second straight year, spreading fromthe southeast to areas close to Kabul. Coalition deaths, including 94 U.S.soldiers killed, already exceed the full-year total for 2006.

The disparity of effort among NATO members continues to be significant. TheUnited States contributes 15,100 troops to the 41,000-member NATO-ledinternational force, known as ISAF, and deploys another 13,000 incounterterrorism operations. Britain has 7,700 troops in the country,meaning that Britain and the United States together account for more thanhalf of ISAF's strength. Meanwhile, France and Germany together deploy 4,200soldiers, or 10 percent of ISAF -- and none serve in the areas where most ofthe fighting takes place. Among other nations only Canada and theNetherlands, with 1,700 and 1,500 troops, are contributing substantially toanti-Taliban operations.

The defense ministers' meeting produced some small promises of additionalforces: Germany promised to send 200 more trainers for the Afghan army, andFrance chipped in 50. But the bottom line is that 2007 is looking likeanother year in which the Western alliance will lose as much as it gains inAfghanistan. Unless the trend is arrested -- which would require moretroops, more resources and more willingness to put soldiers at risk -- itwill lead both NATO and Afghanistan to failure.


The Washington Post

Progress on Surveillance
A bipartisan Senate bill on monitoring foreign communications

Saturday, October 27, 2007; A14

THE SENATE intelligence committee's bipartisan rewrite of the ForeignIntelligence Surveillance Act is not perfect, but it illustrates that thereis a path to a reasonable compromise that would give intelligence agenciesthe flexibility to intercept foreign communications while strengtheningoversight of their activities. The proposal has the backing of theintelligence panel's top Democrat and Republican, Sens. John D. RockefellerIV (D-W.Va.) and Christopher S. "Kit" Bond (R-Mo.), and the Bushadministration has expressed a welcome openness to the approach.

The biggest sticking point -- and the biggest difference between the Senatebill and a measure backed by the House intelligence and judiciarycommittees -- doesn't involve the terms under which surveillance would beconducted. Rather, it concerns the question of retroactive immunity fromlawsuits for communications providers that cooperated with theadministration's warrantless surveillance program. As we have said, we donot believe that these companies should be held hostage to costly litigationin what is essentially a complaint about administration activities.

Immunity aside, both the Senate and House bills would create a strongoversight role for the special court that oversees FISA. Under bothmeasures, the court would review the procedures used to determine thattargets of surveillance are outside the United States and to effect the"minimization" measures designed to protect the privacy of U.S. citizenswhose communications are inadvertently intercepted.

The Senate measure would expire in six years while the House version wouldexpire in less than two years, along with provisions of the USA Patriot Act;the shorter House time frame is preferable. An amendment to the Senate billby Oregon Democrat Ron Wyden would go too far by requiring that a warrant beobtained when U.S. citizens are the target of surveillance overseas; thiswould be an unnecessary and potentially disruptive precedent.

As the debate proceeds, lawmakers and the administration need to keep inmind the big-picture points that have, at times, eluded both the Bushadministration and some civil liberties groups. Intelligence agencies shouldbe able to intercept the communications of foreign targets overseas withoutthe burdensome and unnecessary requirement of obtaining an individualwarrant every time. But that power, and the potential threat to Americans'privacy that it inevitably entails, needs to be checked and constrained,including by the kind of meaningful court review that was not present inlegislation that the administration muscled through Congress this year. TheSenate intelligence measure, which outlines one path for achieving thisbalance, is a badly needed contribution to what has been an unnecessarilypartisan debate.


The Washington Post

From CIA Jails, Inmates Fade Into Obscurity
Dozens of 'Ghost Prisoners' Not Publicly Accounted For

By Craig Whitlock
Washington Post Foreign Service
Saturday, October 27, 2007; A01

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan -- On Sept. 6, 2006, President Bush announced that theCIA's overseas secret prisons had been temporarily emptied and 14 al-Qaedaleaders taken to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. But since then, there has been noofficial accounting of what happened to about 30 other "ghost prisoners" whospent extended time in the custody of the CIA.

Some have been secretly transferred to their home countries, where theyremain in detention and out of public view, according to interviews inPakistan and Europe with government officials, human rights groups andlawyers for the detainees. Others have disappeared without a trace and maor may not still be under CIA control.

The bulk of the ghost prisoners were captured in Pakistan, where theyscattered after the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.

Among them is Mustafa Setmariam Nasar, a dual citizen of Syria and Spain andan influential al-Qaeda ideologue who was last seen two years ago. On Oct.31, 2005, the red-bearded radical with a $5 million U.S. bounty on his headarrived in the Pakistani border city of Quetta, unaware he was beingfollowed.

Nasar was cornered by police as he and a small group of followers stoppedfor dinner. Soon after, according to Pakistani officials, he was handed overto U.S. spies and vanished into the CIA's prison network. Since then,various reports have placed him in Syria, Afghanistan and India, thoughnobody has been able to confirm his whereabouts.

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The Washington Post

Bhutto Visits Ancestral Homeland Under Tight Security

By Griff Witte
Washington Post Foreign Service
Saturday, October 27, 2007; 8:27 AM

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Oct. 27 -- Under extraordinarily tight security, formerprime minister Benazir Bhutto returned to her ancestral homeland Saturday inher first major move since an assassination attempt against her last weekclaimed 140 lives.

In a quick and tightly scripted visit, Bhutto paid respects at the tomb ofher father, former prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, and waved to a crowdof thousands that had gathered to mark her homecoming after eight years ofexile. But Bhutto did not speak to the assembled mass of flag-wavingsupporters, and concerns about a possible follow-up attack seemed to dictateevery aspect of the trip.

Her convoy, which included vehicles mounted with machine guns, sped alongthe route from the airport to the tomb in the village of Garhi Khuda Baksh.Only bodyguards and members of the media were allowed near.

Bhutto's vehicle, a white, bullet-proof SUV, was equipped with a hatch inthe roof, flanked by two metal slabs. At several points, she emerged to showher face to local backers who worship the Bhutto name with an almostreligious fervor.

Once inside the tomb -- a five-domed, white marble giant that is still beingbuilt more than a decade after work began -- a solemn-looking Bhutto laidrose petals over the grave of her father, who was hanged in 1979 byPakistan's then-dictator, Gen. Zia ul-Haq.

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The Washington Post

Turkey Pulls U.S. Into Decision on Kurds
Ankara Postpones Reaction to Iraq-Based Militants Until After Meeting WithBush

By Karen DeYoung
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, October 27, 2007; A09

Turkey's military chief said yesterday that Ankara will delay a decision onwhether to launch a cross-border offensive into Iraq until after TurkishPrime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan meets here with President Bush 10 daysfrom now. "We will wait for his return," Gen. Yasar Buyukanit told reportersin the Turkish capital.

In Washington, officials were relieved that an attack does not appearimminent. But they were also discouraged by the statement, which leaves theBush administration precisely where it does not want to be: in the middle ofa confrontation between its troubled client state in Baghdad and a key NATOally.

Since cross-border attacks this month by Iraq-based militants of theKurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) left 40 Turkish soldiers, police andcivilians dead, the Bush administration has sought to persuade Ankara andBaghdad to resolve their differences peacefully and directly.

"We think this is an opportunity for the Iraqis and the Turks to worktogether," Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told Congress Thursday. Sofar, however, it is an opportunity that neither side appears eager to take.While administration officials enthusiastically called attention to ameeting of Iraqi and Turkish defense and security officials in Ankarayesterday, Turkish officials said that no progress had been made.

"Everyone there is guilty," Deputy Prime Minister Cemil Cicek said in aTurkish television interview, referring to the PKK, which both the UnitedStates and Europe have labeled a terrorist organization. Ankara has givenBaghdad a list of names of PKK members, he said, "and we want all of them tobe handed over." U.S. officials have estimated the PKK to number about 4,000fighters, most of them based in remote camps close to the border.

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The Washington Post

Democrats Urge Bush to OK Water Projects

The Associated Press
Saturday, October 27, 2007; 12:22 AM

WASHINGTON -- Democratic leaders in Congress have sent President Bush aveto-proof bill to authorize spending $23 billion in water projects, havingwaited more than a month to request his signature on a measure he hasthreatened to veto.

Democrats have more than the two-thirds majority votes in both chambers ofCongress needed to override Bush if he vetoes the bill. The Senate passed iton Sept. 24 by a vote of 81-12; the House passed it Aug. 1 by a vote of381-40.

An override would mark the first such loss for Bush and could cast him in amore politically vulnerable light.

"This congressionally approved bill authorizes more than 200 projects toprotect lives and livelihoods in our communities from the devastatingimpacts of flooding by building and repairing floodwalls and levees, as wellas by restoring wetlands that absorb floodwaters," House Speaker NancyPelosi, D-Calif., and four other top House Democrats wrote Bush in a letterFriday urging him to sign the bill they sent to him on Tuesday.

The bill funds work to restore the hurricane-ravaged Louisiana coast andFlorida's Everglades, projects the Bush administration supports. But thepresident threatened a veto after the bill's anticipated cost ballooned by$9 billion as projects were added in negotiations between the House andSenate.

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In Armenian resolution, Congress should not be arbiter of history

October 27, 2007

Apparently, Congress has nothing better to do than alienate current allieswith questionable and dated genocide voting. While they're at it, why not anew genocide vote on Mongolia for what the Mongols did to Islam and others?Why not a new genocide vote on Russia for its many past pogroms? And so onand so on.

Genocide is not to be ignored nor condoned. This is one of the greatesttragedies of history. However, our Congress is not ordained to be thearbiter of that history. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Democratshave raised the possibility that George W. Bush is not the dumbestpolitician in Washington.

Lewis M. Greenberg

Deerfield Beach


The Miami Herald

As glaciers melt, Chile's future uncertain

Posted on Fri, Oct. 26, 2007

SAN JOSE DE MAIPO, Chile -- With a population of 16 million people, Chiledoesn't produce much of the greenhouse gases blamed for global warming. Butit's paying the price.

Giant glaciers are disappearing. Mudslides are becoming more common. Snow nolonger falls in the spring, replaced instead by tepid rains.

In May, an entire lake in southern Chile disappeared practically overnightafter the Tempano Glacier, which had acted as a dam, melted anddestabilized.

And the changes aren't limited to Chile. Neighboring Argentina facesdroughts near its side of the Andes due to dropping rain levels. Shrinkingglaciers in Bolivia are threatening water supplies in some towns.

''What's happening in Argentina is very similar to what's happening inChile,'' said Mario Nuñez, director of the Argentine Sea and AtmosphereInvestigations Center. ``We're all trying to prepare for an uncertainfuture.''

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The Boston Globe

Obama faces dilemma in chasing Clinton

By John Whitesides, Political Correspondent
October 26, 2007

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Barack Obama, struggling to gain ground on rivalHillary Clinton in the 2008 White House race, faces a delicate dilemma intrying to bring down the Democratic front-runner without spoiling his upbeatimage.

After launching his campaign with a burst of excitement, the first-termIllinois senator is mired more than 20 points behind Clinton in nationalpolls and trails by smaller margins in the early voting states of Iowa andNew Hampshire barely two months before the first contests.

While that is plenty of time to turn around the race, Obama's promise of anew style of consensus-building politics has raised questions about howhard-nosed he will be -- or can afford to be -- in confronting Clinton.

"The campaign has to develop a level of aggressiveness and intensity thatI'm not sure we've seen yet. If he's playing to win, they are going to haveto ratchet it up," said Simon Rosenberg, head of the Democratic advocacygroup NDN.

But an approach that is too harsh could dilute his message, alienate hisnewest converts and harm a potentially bright future in the Democratic Partyat the age of 46, analysts said.

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The Boston Globe

Giuliani resembles Bush on terror war

By Libby Quaid, Associated Press Writer
October 26, 2007

WASHINGTON --Rudy Giuliani, to quote a Democratic rival, would be likePresident Bush on steroids in the way he would go about protecting the U.S.from terrorists.

In reality, Giuliani doesn't seem very different from Bush on the issue.

The former New York mayor says the government shouldn't be shy abouteavesdropping on citizens. He is prepared to use military force to stop Iranfrom getting nuclear weapons and root out terrorists in Pakistan. And heopposes a U.S. pullout from Iraq.

Former FBI Director Louis Freeh, a Giuliani friend and adviser on homelandsecurity issues, said in an interview: "I would say they're very much joinedat the hip on these policies, and particularly the mind-set and commitmentof both the president and Mayor Giuliani to stay on offense."

Giuliani sounds more muscular.

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FLORIDA DIGEST October 27, 2007

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Lamberti appointed Broward sheriff: He'll finish Jenne's term and seekoffice

By Sofia Santana and Brian Haas
October 27, 2007

Mere hours after being appointed the post of interim sheriff on Friday,career lawman Al Lamberti said he was ready to make some changes at theagency.

"We're ready to roll up our sleeves and go to work now," said Lamberti, 53,who had been acting sheriff since former Sheriff Ken Jenne resigned Sept. 4in the face of a federal indictment.

However, Lamberti declined to go into specifics, saying he wanted to discussthe changes with his command staff.

Lamberti's appointment by Gov. Charlie Crist will keep him at the helm ofthe 6,300-member force at least until Jan. 2009, when the current termexpires. The job is up for election in Nov. 2008, and Lamberti, a registeredRepublican, has said he intends to run.

Lamberti was at an FBI leadership conference in Cocoa Beach when thegovernor's office called Friday afternoon. Crist wanted to talk to him, ithad to be in person, and it had to be at Fort Lauderdale-HollywoodInternational Airport, Lamberti was told. So, he immediately left theconference and drove south.

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The Washington Post

3 States Compete for Water From Shrinking Lake Lanier
Interior Secretary Is Dispatched to Mediate Clashing Priorities

By Peter Whoriskey
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, October 27, 2007; A01

BUFORD, Ga., Oct. 26 -- No gauges are necessary at Lake Lanier to measurethe ravages of the Southeast's drought.

Wooden fishing docks tower 10 feet over dried mud that used to be squishylake bottom. Boat ramps begin at the parking lot and end in sand. Newislands emerge from shallows.

"If the water drops another foot, I don't know that anyone will be able toget a boat in," said Mike Boyle, 64, a resident who has long trolled thelake for spotted and striped bass.

The waters of Lake Lanier, funneled through federal dams along theChattahoochee River, sustain about 2.8 million people in the Atlantametropolitan area, a nuclear power plant that lights up much of Alabama, andthe marine life in Florida's Apalachicola River and Bay.

Now, amid one of the worst droughts on record, all three places feeluncomfortably close to running dry. That has prompted a three-state fightthat has simmered for years to erupt into testy exchanges over which one hasthe right to the lake's dwindling water supply and which one is or is notdoing its share to conserve it.

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The Miami Herald

Crist: Accept lesser tax-cut plan

Posted on Sat, Oct. 27, 2007

Faced with a legislative stalemate on property taxes, Gov. Charlie Cristsaid Friday that lawmakers should be willing to accept a scaled-down planthat gives a break to homeowners who move.

That may be all the monthslong effort to trim property taxes may accomplishby Tuesday, the deadline to get a proposal to voters on the Jan. 29 ballot.

But ''that's a heck of a lot,'' Crist told The Miami Herald on Friday. Headded that he predicts legislators will pass something.

His statements, grounded in political reality amid the Legislature'ssquabbling, mark a retreat from a call he made as recently as Wednesday whenhe told the Walton County Chamber of Commerce: ``Mark your calendars and getready to vote yourselves a big, fat tax cut.''

The House and Senate agree on a plan to allow homeowners ''portability'' totransfer their tax savings to a new home. The predicted tax savingsstatewide: $2.1 billion over four years.

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Sarasota Herald

Frustrated delegates miss top candidates


LAKE BUENA VISTA -- Democrats are gathered here for their biggest statewidebash in two years, but the celebration is tinged with frustrations.

The guests of honor -- top presidential candidates, including HillaryClinton and Barack Obama -- all snubbed their invitations.

Some disappointed delegates are staying home, unwilling to pay $200 to stayin hotel rooms for an event whose highlights include a performance by the1970s band Orleans.

If that wasn't enough, on Sunday, the party's executive committee will heara motion -- albeit one expected to fail -- to oust party chairman, KarenThurman.

One delegate has even used the convention to launch a campaign to convincehis fellow Democrats not to donate to any of the Democratic presidentialcandidates.

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St. Petersburg Times

YouTube debate gets full GOP slate
Romney and Thompson sign on for Nov. 28 in St. Petersburg.

By AARON SHAROCKMAN, Times Staff Writer
Published October 27, 2007

ST. PETERSBURG - Bring on the snowman.

Mitt Romney and Fred Thompson agreed Friday to join the other majorRepublican presidential contenders at next month's CNN/YouTube debate in St.Petersburg, their campaigns said.

Romney and Thompson are the last candidates to commit to the Nov. 28 debateat the Mahaffey Theater downtown. Their announcements came within hours ofeach other Friday afternoon, after a St. Petersburg Times reporter asked whythey had not yet said whether they would show up.

Romney previously had criticized the format, where questions can come fromanyone - even as in the case of the Democratic YouTube debate a snowman. ButFriday, a Romney spokesperson said the former Massachusetts governor waseager to attend.

"Gov. Romney is looking forward to traveling to St. Petersburg for thedebate and looking forward to discussing issues important to voters inFlorida and across the country," Kristy Campbell said.

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Palm Beach Post

Now, make full amends for failing abused boys

Palm Beach Post Editorial
Saturday, October 27, 2007

Imagine that you want to adopt children, and the state of Florida offers you
three adorable brothers.

There's just one problem. Those brothers come with this label:


Maybe you still would want to adopt them. But you'd ask lots of questions.And you'd at least know what you were getting into. A Boynton Beach couple,though, didn't get any of that information when they adopted three brothersin 1998. One year earlier, when a therapist visited the boys' foster home,the youngest had clutched the therapist so tightly that she had to "peel himoff." The little boy begged her to take him away from the "bad man."

Even after going to their adoptive home, the boys showed the terribleeffects of the abuse that the state's negligence allowed to go on. And on.And on. In 2002, with the adoptive parents' consent, The Post reported thefamily's story. Here is an excerpt: "According to the parents, the brothershave set fires, molested each other, tried to molest classmates, tried tocommit suicide by drinking cleaning products, held knives to their throatsand broken their adoptive mother's jaw."

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Friday, October 26, 2007

GLBT DIGEST October 16, 2007

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The Washington Post

Marylanders Lean Left on Gay Marriage, Death Penalty

By John Wagner and Jon Cohen
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, October 26, 2007; B01

More than half of Marylanders would prefer that convicted murderers get lifein prison rather than the death penalty, and nearly six in 10 supportallowing gay and lesbian couples to form civil unions, according to a newWashington Post poll.

The findings place Maryland somewhat to the left of the country as a wholeon two social issues likely to be heavily debated when the General Assemblyreconvenes in January for its annual 90-day session.

Death penalty opponents, who count Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) among theirranks, are gearing up for another attempt to abolish capital punishment. Andsupporters of gay marriage have vowed to turn to the legislature after acourt ruling last month that upheld Maryland's 34-year-old law definingmarriage as between a man and a woman.

In the new poll, nearly six in 10, or 57 percent, support civil unions, upsignificantly from nearly four years ago, when 44 percent were in favor.Meanwhile, 51 percent continue to oppose granting full marriage rights tosame-sex couples.

The poll found the state mirroring national opinion on the presidentialprimaries. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) and former New York mayorRudolph W. Giuliani (R) lead the races for their party's presidentialnomination.

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The Washington Post

Don't Ask: The military cruises a gay Internet site for employees, albeitbriefly.

Friday, October 26, 2007; A20

THE U.S. MILITARY has positions to fill. Thousands of them. And, like anyenterprise seeking employees, it casts a wide net to find qualifiedpeople -- as long as they're not gay. So it was the height of irony thatmilitary want ads were placed on a gay professional networking Web site lastweek. In fact, the placement would have made perfect sense were it not forthe wrongheaded "don't ask, don't tell" policy that bans gay people fromserving openly in the military.

Since 1993, more than 11,000 people have been discharged from the servicesbecause of their homosexuality. Of those, 800 were in positions deemed"mission-critical" by the Pentagon. Those would be combat engineers, medicalprofessionals and linguists (58 of whom spoke Arabic) -- the very people theArmy, Navy and Air Force were looking for when their job postings showed upon, which stands for Gay, Lesbian & Everyone Else.

According to USA Today, which informed the Defense Department of its unusualadvertising venue, the Navy is looking for Arabic translators andintelligence analysts, the Air Force is looking for social workers andnurses, and the Army and Army National Guard have infantry and artillerypositions available. Mind you, the military didn't go to directly.The ad placements involved a mix-up with the military's private ad agency.And the listings were removed once the Pentagon was informed.

The whole sorry episode highlights the absurdity of the ban on openly gaypeople in the military. Israel, Australia, Britain and 21 other countrieshave no problem with gays and lesbians serving openly in their armed forces.With its military stretched to the breaking point, the United States shouldfollow their wise lead. That it doesn't is as shortsighted as it is unjust.


The Washington Post

Harry Potter's Secret
Hint: It Has Nothing to Do With Gay Headmasters

By Michael Gerson
Friday, October 26, 2007; A21

There is something inherently odd about considering the sex lives offictional characters in children's books. Just how hearty were the Hardyboys? And we will not even speculate about Heidi's reclusive grandfather.

But J.K. Rowling has forced such considerations upon us with herannouncement that Albus Dumbledore, the beloved headmaster of HogwartsSchool of Witchcraft and Wizardry, is gay. The news, delivered by the authorafter a Carnegie Hall reading, was received with gasps in the audience andaround the world. The popularity of the Harry Potter books is unprecedented;the final installment, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," sold 11million copies in 24 hours. For many fans, the characters of the series havemore real blood in their veins than all the wax figures of politics andentertainment.

The Dumbledore revelation was taken by many Christian conservatives asadditional confirmation that Rowling is a corrupter of youth. What could bemore subversive than the combination of witchcraft and homosexual rights?

Having undertaken the monumental task of reading "The Deathly Hallows" aloudto my boys each night -- the book runs 759 pages -- I am certain thiscritical reaction is badly mistaken.

Ruling out magic in children's literature would, of course, completelydepopulate Narnia and Middle Earth, leaving just silent forest. The use ofmagic in fairy tales recurs for a reason; it reveals another reality -- whatC.S. Lewis called the "deep magic" -- just beneath the surface of our days.Magic is usually the way that children are introduced to the idea oftranscendence.

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The Washington Post

Homosexuality, Reconciled

Friday, October 26, 2007; WE33

"For the Bible Tells Me So" is a brisk, entertaining and even movingexploration of the sometimes frayed intersection where Christianity meetshomosexuality. Basically the film, from director Daniel G. Karslake, arguesthat homosexuality is a natural genetic condition and, as such, should beaccepted as normal by all. But it's never strident or chest-thumping, andits methodology is superbly thought out.

It follows a number of evangelical families, each with a child who is gay.It watches as child and parent struggle with this issue until each realizesthat it doesn't have to be an issue at all and that love will conquer all.So families shatter but then magically reassemble, stronger for the trauma.

The movie also takes time to make the case that the Bible's injunctionsagainst homosexuality should be taken in context along with a lot of otherbiblical injunctions, such as the one that calls for death for committingadultery or the condemnation of planting two kinds of seed in the samefield.

-- Stephen Hunter


The Washington Post

Let Tomboy Discover Her True Self

By Marguerite Kelly
Special to The Washington Post
Friday, October 26, 2007; C04

Q. My husband and I are very concerned about my 14-year-old daughter, whodresses like a boy, acts like a boy and says that "girly girls" are "weak."

She doesn't identify with any females, have a best friend or even hang outwith any particular girl, but she tells me she isn't a lesbian, even thoughthe kids at school call her such names and worse. Our son, who is a yearyounger and at the same school, says she embarrasses him; he doesn't want tobe seen with her and says people say unflattering things to him about herand call her a freak.

My daughter wears only long-sleeved shirts and jeans to school and blackslacks and a white dress shirt to band concerts. She also wears her hairshort, so I told her she could get her ears pierced, which she adamantlyrefused to do, "now or ever."

She won't even shave her legs. She says it's a useless chore but herclassmates pick on her when she wears shorts in phys ed. She also refuses towear deodorant, although she does shower every morning. My husband says I amfailing as a mother if I can't get this message across to her but I think weshould pick our battles.

I would rather leave her alone and let her develop in her own style -- aslong as she looks and smells clean -- in the hope that she will come intoher own in high school.

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The Washington Post

Seized Elton photo judged not indecent

Friday, October 26, 2007; 7:41 AM

LONDON (Reuters) - A photograph owned by Elton John which was seized bypolice at a gallery as part of a child pornography probe is not an indecentimage, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said on Friday.

The photo, entitled "Klara And Edda Belly-Dancing," had been removed from anexhibition at the Baltic gallery in Gateshead last month after managementhad sought advice before it was put on public display.

The photograph is of two young girls, one of whom has her legs apart.

Northumbria CPS said it had told police there was insufficient evidence tojustify proceedings for possession or distribution of an indecentphotograph.

It said it had investigated the picture by U.S. photographer Nan Goldin in2001 when it was part of another exhibition at the Saatchi gallery in Londonand had decided then that it was not indecent.

Kerrie Bell, head of CPS Northumbria's South Unit, added: "In order to provethat the photograph is indecent we must be satisfied that contemporarystandards of propriety are so different now to what they were in 2001, thatit is more likely than not that a court will conclude that the photograph isindecent. I am not satisfied that is the case.

"Even if the photograph was now considered to be indecent, a defendant wouldbe able to raise a legitimate defence, given that the photograph wasdistributed for the purposes of display in a contemporary art gallery afterhaving been deemed not to be indecent by the earlier investigation."

Called "Thanksgiving," the Gateshead exhibition was due to have shown 149 ofGoldin's pictures.

Klara And Edda Belly-Dancing had been exhibited in the Saatchi gallery inLondon in 2001 as part of the "I Am A Camera" exhibition.

Elton John had said on his Web site that the photograph was part of aninstallation which had been exhibited in Houston, London, Madrid, New York,Portugal, Warsaw and Zurich "without any objections of which we are aware"and was offered for sale at Sotheby's in New York in 2002 and 2004.

Goldin is renowned for her work among gay and transvestite communities inthe United States.



Guards disciplined in gay prison wedding

The Asssociated Press
October 26, 2007


Eight prison guards have been disciplined for their part in a gay weddingceremony for two female inmates at Lowell Correctional Institution in MarionCounty.

State Department of Corrections officials say the discipline was handed outbecause the officers allowed the inmates to perform, decorate andparticipate in an unauthorized ceremony in a close-management dormitory.

One officer has been fired, another has resigned and six have beensuspended.

Officials say allowing the inmates to gather for the event placed officersat risk. One of the two inmates who participated in the wedding has beentransferred to another prison.


The Miami Herald

Unique 'Bugchasers' conveys powerful truths

Posted on Fri, Oct. 26, 2007

Cabaret, comedy, sex show, tragedy, disco parade -- Octavio Campos' TheBugchasers is all that and more. Campos' most ambitious work yet, whichpremiered Thursday night at the Carnival Center for the Performing Arts, isan ironic, affectionate and appalled look at the lengths people will go tofor intimacy. We're ridiculously needy to the point of self-destruction, itseems to say, and that's funny and terribly sad.

None of this is in logical dramatic sequence. Instead, Campos throws aprecisely choreographed sequence of images, monologues, ideas and music atus, packed with information. But the final effect is a powerful one.

Bugchasers was inspired by ''bugchaser'' parties where gay men, both HIVpositive and negative, have unprotected sex, in part to deliberatelyexchange the AIDS virus. Campos exposes the absurdity and the twisted logicbehind this phenomenon. ''As a man Octavio cannot get pregnant,'' intonesperformer Matt Glass. ``But he can get a virus and that virus will carry hisDNA into the future long after Octavio is gone.''


Bugchasers is full of sequences where people try to connect or puffthemselves up, in ways that are all too recognizeable. ''I need you to bejust as fierce as I am,'' proclaims a strutting Diana Lozano.

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Express Gay News

HIV vaccine trial participants warned of possible increased risk of HIV

Study volunteers can be 'unblinded' to find out if they received vaccine orplacebo
Oct 25, 12:38 PM

Some U.S. participants in the recently halted HIV vaccine trial co-sponsoredby Merck & Co. are being told by study coordinators they may be at higherrisk for contracting HIV if they received the actual vaccine and not theplacebo.

Dr. Mark Mulligan, executive director of the Hope Clinic in Atlanta,stressed that the HIV vaccine cannot cause HIV infection, althoughscientists are investigating whether it may make those who received it moresusceptible to infection. (Photo courtesy Hope Clinic)

The trial, known as the STEP study, received funding from the NationalInstitutes of Health.

The STEP trial in the U.S. and other countries was halted Sept. 21 afterthree years of research when it was determined by an independent Data &Safety Monitoring Board that the vaccine did not stave off HIV infection norreduce the virus in those who became infected.

In an Oct. 23 press release, the National Institute of Allergy & InfectiousDiseases, part of the NIH, stated a similar trial in South Africa, known asthe Phambili study and using the same HIV vaccine, also halted enrollmentand immunizations. The South African trial was stopped because anindependent DSMB there also determined the vaccine was not working.

The DSMB in South Africa also recommended volunteers be told whether theyreceived the vaccine or placebo, be strongly encouraged to return to theirstudy sites for protocol-related tests, and be counseled about thepossibility "that those who received the vaccine may have an increasedsusceptibility to acquiring HIV infections," according to an NIH pressrelease.

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The Oregonian

Gay Triangle's fate has meaning for me

Thursday, October 25, 2007
By Wade Nkrumah
The Oregonian

Portland is somewhat of an anomaly among West Coast cities with sizable gaypopulations. We don't have a gay ghetto.

San Francisco has the Castro. Los Angeles has West Hollywood, or WeHo.Seattle has Capitol Hill. San Diego has Hillcrest.

Even in the deep Southwest's Houston, generally not regarded as a haven forgays -- or anyone, really -- there's Montrose.

Downtown's Gay Triangle area -- centered around the triangular block boundedby West Burnside, Southwest 12th and Stark -- is the closest Portland comesto a "gayborhood."

Stark is the Triangle's spine. It has bustled with the sights and sounds ofgay nightlife since the early '70s and the dawn of the post-Stonewall era --the 1969 riots in New York City that many cite as igniting the modern gayand lesbian civil rights movement.

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Fort Worth Star-Telegram

Councilman raises issue of homosexuality in city race

By Anthony Spangler and Aman Batheja
Star-Telegram staff writer
Posted on Thu, Oct. 25, 2007

Fort Worth City Councilman Chuck Silcox urged a group of Republicans onWednesday to vote for Chris Turner in the nonpartisan District 9 councilrace because Turner is Republican and straight.

Silcox predicted a runoff in the six-candidate race to replace Wendy Davisbetween Turner, a Republican political consultant, and Joel Burns, a realestate agent and city zoning commissioner. The election is Nov. 6.

"This is an excellent time to have Republicans get out and support aRepublican: Chris Turner," Silcox told a group of about 50 at a Fort WorthRepublican Women's Club meeting and a forum for Republican state HouseDistrict 97 candidates. "We have two people of opposite partisan politics,opposite philosophical persuasions and opposite sexual orientations.

"I didn't tell you which one was homosexual," Silcox said as the crowdlaughed. Pointing to Turner, Silcox continued: "He's married to a female,and the other's married to a male. You make your own mind up."

Burns, Turner and bicycle shop owner Bernie Scheffler were among the firstto announce their candidacies for the District 9 seat. They were joined byretired businessman Jim Beckman, real estate agent Mark Pederson and FortWorth school Trustee Juan Rangel.

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The Georgetown Voice

Making Georgetown proud, finally

October 25, 2007

It took two hate crimes in as many months to make it happen, but Georgetown's administrators have finally made a commitment to support the University'sLGBTQ community. At an open forum last night, President John DeGioiacommendably announced that Georgetown will have a fully-staffed,fully-funded LGBTQ resource center by next fall. Three working groups willbe created to address the creation of the resource center, the developmentof a better bias-reporting system and plans for LGBTQ diversity trainingduring New Student Orientation.

DeGioia's announcements were a long time coming. This fall's two homophobichate crimes highlighted Georgetown's need for a resource center and formajor changes in campus culture. At last night's forum, Bill McCoy, thecurrent part-time coordinator for LGBTQ resources, said that one of the bestways he knows how to help gay and lesbian students here is through hiscounseling, and the center will allow many more students to have access tohim.

The resource center alone isn't the solution, though, and the two otherworking groups are crucial for effecting comprehensive change. DeGioiasummed up the current situation best when he said, "We have real work to do."

The bias-reporting system must continue to be improved. Last week, it tookDPS less than a day to alert the campus via e-mail that a potentiallydangerous character was lurking in an off-campus residence. Meanwhile, ittook them five days to notify us of the hate crime, in which a student wasallegedly pushed into a wall and endured homophobic slurs, because thealleged victim's informal report got lost amid DPS' piles of paperwork,according to GU Pride. DPS must work with the administration to come up witha reliable reporting system so that students will feel confident that theirconcerns are not ignored.

Still, the best solution is to stop these incidents before they start.Mandatory diversity training in freshman dorms-which GU Pride Co-PresidentScott Chessare (COL `10) describes as "LGBTQ 101"-should help Hoyas becomemore tolerant and better allies.

After a long silence, it was encouraging to finally see the administrationtake what Vice President Todd Olson called a "unique public charge" on thisissue. GU Pride and the rest of the student body must continue to work withthe administration to make sure that tonight's talking points become areality.


The Gay Patriot West

Log Cabin's Sammon: Open to Criticism from Gay Conservatives

Posted by GayPatriotWest at 12:57 pm - October 25, 2007.
Filed under: Civil Discourse, 2008 Presidential Politics, Blogging, LogCabin (Republicans)

In blogging on my cross country journey, I commented on my meeting with LogCabin President Patrick Sammon. I had thought to offer a detailed account ofthat meeting and may do so at a later date, but given my propensity forlong, essayistic posts, I believe a shorter one where I hit the salientpoints may better serve our readers.

First, the one thing that most struck me about Patrick was his decency. Whenwe talked, he listened to me as I offered criticisms of Log Cabin, oftentaking notes, even jotting down things at odds with the group's policy(e.g., my rationale for Log Cabin coming out against ENDA).

As I wrote ten days ago, Patrick is the first Log Cabin leader (in "thetwelve years that I have been involved in the organization") to meet with meand listen to my concerns. (He gave me a better hearing than did theleadership of Log Cabin when I presided over its fastest growing club in the1990s.) Indeed, I would argue that he is the first Log Cabin leader to takegay conservative critics seriously.

While I found his predecessor Patrick Guerriero to be a nice guy with apolished presence, in the course of the New Orleans convention in 2005, thatPatrick made several snide remarks about bloggers, clearly a reference tothe criticism this blog leveled against his organization.

And it wasn't just during the meeting where Patrick (Sammon) has listened tomy concerns. I have e-mailed him my posts critical of the group's decisionto launch an ad campaign attacking Republican presidential contender MittRomney. In each case, he has replied, taking issue with some (but not all)of the points I have made-in a ivil manner. In those e-mails, he showedrespect for the issues I raised.

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Express Gay News

Out Traveler readers poll picks Fort Lauderdale as top gay resort town
Visitors bureau moves forward with new promotions

Oct. 25, 2007

For Nicki Grossman, Oct. 16 was an excellent day. Not only did she get anachievement award for her work as president and CEO of the Greater FortLauderdale Convention & Visitor's Bureau but she was also interviewed onNational Public Radio about Fort Lauderdale being chosen as the Favorite GayResort Town by the readers of Out Traveler in the magazine's annual poll.

"This is the most magical, wonderful award," she told the members of theRainbow Alliance, a coalition of gay business owners who honored Grossmanwith their first Diva award. "It sends a strong message to keep doing whatyou're doing. This is a wonderful ending to a horrible saga for us."

Grossman was referring to the turbulent summer that drew Fort Lauderdale,and its billion-dollar gay tourism industry, into the front lines of anational discussion about gays and public sex.

Fort Lauderdale Mayor Jim Naugle sparked the turbulence with a series ofstatements in the media that most people viewed as anti-gay. Naugle madesome of his statements on national news shows. Among his complaints was thatGrossman's office was indirectly fomenting Fort Lauderdale's high HIVinfection rates by including gay bathhouses in its brochures and featuringsexy images of naked men together.

Being named favorite resort destination by gay travelers was the mostappropriate answer to Naugle's comments, Grossman said.

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Express Gay News

A positive vacation experience

HIV-positive cruise offers camaraderie, fun and health seminars
Oct. 25, 2007

Since 2004, Fort Lauderdale travel agent Paul Stalbaum has been making adifference in the lives of hundreds of people who are living with HIV/AIDS.Stalbaum's direct impact does not involve providing medical services or foodto his clientele. But, for most of his clients, Stalbaum's services have agreat impact on the quality of their lives.

Stalbaum organizes an annual cruise for HIV-positive people. On Oct. 28, histhird excursion will sail from the port of Miami to Belize, Mexico and portsin Central America and the Caribbean for a week of adventure, education and,most of all, sharing.

"It's truly a bonding experience," says Stalbaum. "What people are findingis true lasting friendships."

Stalbaum expects more than 260 HIV-positive people from throughout thecountry will sail on Sunday. On board, they will participate in healthseminars featuring top specialists, social mixers and the obligatory cruiseship dance party. Each event is discreetly executed and professionallyorganized to include only members of Stalbaum's party. The travelers willhead out on group excursions to ruins, nature hikes and shopping sprees thatare tailored just for them.

For Mike, a loan officer from Wisconsin, taking the cruise surpasses anykind of therapy he's had since being diagnosed HIV positive in 1985.

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Express Gay News

Halloween is a good time to reflect on the new Dark Age

Fundamentalists have turned the planet into one big 'hell house'
Oct. 25, 2007

For most people, Halloween is a fun festival of fantasy. It's a night wheneveryone is free to be someone else. Revelers may choose to honor real orfictional heroes by portraying them, or they may choose to disarm villainsby mocking them. Whether they choose to be Batman, Robin, Frankenstein, Sen.Larry Craig or Osama bin Laden, most people view the holiday as a harmlesscostume party that allows people to express their creativity and theiropinions about the world.

But there are those who use Halloween for their own dark purposes. In recenttimes, hooligans and gang members have declared Halloween "hell night" andhave used it as an excuse to engage in violence, set things on fire and marother people's peaceful celebrations. Last year, nine people were shot atthe Castro Street Halloween party in San Francisco. It should be noted thatthe shooters were not gay; they were members of a straight street gang whocame into the Castro that night to raise hell, according to media reports.

But it's not just straight hooligans who have tapped into the dark side ofHalloween. Some religious extremists have also declared Halloween "the Devil'sday," and they have used Halloween as an opportunity to advance theirsuperstitious and psychologically damaging beliefs about hell and eternaldamnation.

In recent years, religious fundamentalists have presented "hell houses"throughout the country, which are supposed to teach people that varioussins, including homosexuality, will lead to eternal damnation. In one "hellhouse," presented by the Rev. Keenan Roberts, a gay marriage is presidedover by a demonic figure that is supposed to represent the devil. In thenext scene, one of the men is seen dying of AIDS.

The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force recently produced a study on thehell houses that denounced the skits for "literally demonizing lesbian, gay,bisexual and transgender youth."

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Express Gay News

Giuliani moves to right of Thompson, McCain on gay issues

Thursday, October 25, 2007
To the Editors:

At this week's Republican debate, and later on Sean Hannity's show, RudyGiuliani told America that if the gay community has too much politicalsuccess, then he would be in favor of writing discrimination into ournation's Constitution to ban gay marriage.

Specifically, Rudy said that with only one state recognizing gay marriage,he is currently against changing the Constitution. But should five or sixstates recognize gay marriage, then he would support a constitutionalamendment to ban gay marriage.

Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council is pleasantly "shocked" thatRudy is now warming up to the idea of amending our Constitution against gaycouples. Rudy's support of a constitutional amendment against gay men andwomen if gay couples win the right to marry in more than four states nowplaces him to the right of John McCain and Fred Thompson on this issue.

Coupling this with Rudy's past statements in favor of keeping "Don't Ask,Don't Tell" against our brave gay men and women in the military, I will beinterested to see the Log Cabin Republican reaction to Giuliani's campaign.

Fort Lauderdale, Fla.


SC Gays Threaten Protest At Obama Rally

by Newscenter Staff
Posted: October 26, 2007 - 8:00 am ET

(Columbia, South Carolina) A hastily arranged Thursday night conference callbetween Barack Obama's campaign and South Carolina LGBT civil rights groupsappears to have done little to quell the anger over the Democraticpresidential hopeful's intent to have gospel singer Donnie McClurkin appearwith him this weekend.

McClurkin, who claims to be an "ex-gay" says homosexuality is a choice.

A Grammy Award winner, McClurkin told the Associated Press in a Septemberradio interview that he was "once involved with those desires and thosethoughts," but God turned him away from them.

Obama's "Embrace the Change" tour to drum up support among Blackevangelicals is set to being in Columbia on Sunday.

As the anger over McClurkin mounted the Obama campaign Wednesday nightannounced it had invited openly gay pastor Andy Sidden to also appear onstage. Sidden is a local United Church of Christ minister.

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Obama's Missed Opportunity

by Wayne Besen

The Obama campaign hit a sour note when it chose to woo African Americanvoters in South Carolina this weekend with a gospel concert featuringvirulently homophobic and "ex-gay" gospel crooner Donnie McClurkin.

It is a shame, and quite ironic, that Barack Obama is in the center of thisexplosive controversy. The Senator has a solid record on GLBT rights, gaypeople are active in his campaign and by all accounts he is an ally to ourcommunity. Indeed, I personally admire Obama and think he would make a goodpresident.

But, the embrace of McClurkin, an extremist who refers to homosexuality as a"curse," is downright insulting. On more than one occasion, McClurkin hasused his celebrity to demean GLBT people and disseminate blatantly falseinformation about our lives.

"There are countless numbers of people who are not happy in this lifestyleand want to be freed from it," said McClurkin. "They were thrust intohomosexuality by neglect, abuse and molestation, and want desperately tolive normal lives and one day have a happy home and family."

McClurkin's explanations for the etiology of homosexuality are patentlyabsurd, unscientific and have no basis in fact. I can't imagine why theObama campaign would choose to associate with a man who is so closelyidentified with hatred and discrimination. Other despicable quotes fromMcClurkin include:

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Romney Basks In Homophobic School's Endorsement

by The Associated Press
Posted: October 25, 2007 - 5:00 pm ET

(Manchester, New Hampshire) Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romneyembraced his association with Christian conservative Bob Jones III Thursdaydespite Jones' sharp criticism of the Mormon faith central to Romney's life.

"I'm proud to have the respect of people and the support of people who don'tagree with my faith, but agree that I'm the right person to be president,"the former Massachusetts governor said while campaigning here. "And I'm notrunning for preacher; I'm running for president."

In the 2000 election, George W. Bush similarly basked in the reputation ofBob Jones University, a Greenville, S.C., school named for Jones'sgrandfather that is influential with some conservative Christians. Less thana month after a visit to the school, Bush wound up apologizing to RomanCatholic leaders for "causing needless offense."

The university teaches its students that Catholicism, like Mormonism, is acult. At the time, it also had a policy banning interracial dating betweenits students. It rescinded the policy after publicity generated by Bush'svisit.

The university continues a policy of banning openly gay alumni which it saysare "militant" homosexuals from its campus, school spokesman Jonathan Patiesaid Monday during an interview with The Associated Press.

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Surgeon General Nominee Absent At Trans Minister's Church Trial

by Newscenter Staff
Posted: October 25, 2007 - 5:00 pm ET

(San Francisco, California) James Holsinger, President Bush's nominee forSurgeon General and president of the United Methodist Church's highestcourt, was conspicuously absent this week when the Judicial Council beganhearings that included the case of a transsexual pastor.

Holsinger has come under fire for a 1991 document he wrote opposing adecision by the council to allow a lesbian to be an associate pastor.

In the document titled "Pathophysiology of Male Homosexuality," Holsingerstated that in his capacity as a physician biology and anatomy precludedconsidering LGBT equality in the United Methodist Church. In the document hetook lengths to say that his opinion was his scientific view and that histheological views are separate.

Holsinger also supported a pastor who would not permit an openly gay man tojoin the church.

Holsinger, an MD and professor at the University of Kentucky, is a formerhead of Health and Family Services in Kentucky. In addition to his medicaldegree he holds an MA in biblical studies from Asbury Theological Seminaryand is one of nine members of the council.

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More Toddlers Infected With HIV In Kyrgyzstan Scandal

by The Canadian Press
Posted: October 25, 2007 - 3:00 pm ET

(Bishkek) The latest cases involve children who are 2 and 3 years old andwere found after an analysis of blood samples from the southern city of Oshwhere the outbreak occurred, Erkin Bakiev of the regional AIDS center said.

Health Ministry officials in the former Soviet republic have accused medicalstaff of accidentally infecting children and adults while administeringinjections and blood transfusions.

The outbreak has now afflicted 21 children and five adults, four of whom aremothers, Bakiev said.

The health minister earlier fired four medical officials, including theheads of the Osh region's children's hospital and blood transfusion center.

The source of the infection was difficult to identify since the firstHIV-diagnosed child was hospitalized 12 times in various medical centersthroughout the Central Asian country, the ministry said.

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Russia 'Losing AIDS Battle'

by The Associated Press
Posted: October 25, 2007 - 1:00 pm ET

(Moscow) Richard Holbrooke, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations,told Russians on Thursday that their country is losing the battle againstHIV/AIDS because of government inaction and a lack of public awareness.

"You are in terrible, terrible danger here in Russia," said Holbrooke, whonow heads an international group that promotes partnerships between thegovernment and private sector to combat HIV/AIDS and other infectiousdiseases.

"I'm terribly sorry to say this - this is not a political statement."

Officially, Russia had about 390,000 registered cases of HIV infection as ofAugust 2007. But international experts say the true number of HIV carriersis closer to 1.6 million and is expected to grow by 30 percent by 2010.

With 80 percent of Russia's HIV cases among 15-30 year olds, the diseaseposes a threat to Russia's economic competitiveness, according to the GlobalBusiness Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

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National Gay News

Go to the website, above, for the following articles:

The starting quarterback for the Wartburg football team faces charges foryelling homosexual slurs at another student. Nicholas Yordi, a sophomore,was arrested for yelling slurs at Joe Apel, a junior, on campus on October9th. He's charged with disorderly conduct. Yordi has pleaded not guilty.

In the weeks before the 78th annual Academy Awards, Brokeback Mountainproducer Diana Ossana already suspected what few outside Hollywood couldimagine: Her film was going to lose the Best Picture race. ''Several peopletold me they knew a lot of Academy voters who just refused to see thefilm,'' says Ossana, who also co-wrote the screenplay with Larry McMurtry.This tragic love story between two men had dominated the critics' awards andbanked $178 million worldwide. It even captivated sellout crowds in stateslike Oklahoma and Ohio - just not, apparently, in Academy screening rooms.''What are they afraid of?'' McMurtry asked Ossana. ''It's just a movie.''

Elbridge James wasn't surprised when many of his fraternity brothersridiculed him for supporting same-sex marriage. But what James didn't expectwas for a handful of his old college buddies to rise to his defense. They,too, believed that gays' and lesbians' battle for marriage is a matter ofcivil rights.

Oh, yeah! I was eagerly awaiting the deranged reaction of James Hartlineregarding the tragic, dangerous fires in Southern California. (See Autumn'sdiary and pictures on the firestorms.) Hartline, a fundamentalist,recloseted gay man with AIDS (he contracted HIV from years of unsafe sex inbathhouses) today sees himself as battling dark forces in San Diego's"homosexual stronghold of Hillcrest," says the fires are God's wrath on theHomosexual Agenda.


National Gay News

Unacceptable Remarks
by Court Personnel Take Center Stage

Commentary by Norm Kent

Years ago there was a cigarette commercial for a cancer stick named'Virginia Slims,' marketed to women. The campaign congratulated feminists bysaying: "You've come a long way, Baby."

Another Madison Avenue claim that always got to me was one where a housewifewas featured in the laundry room washing her husband's shirts. The husbandcomes in, puts on one of the shirts, notices how clean it is and how sharpthe collars are, and says: "My wife, I think I will keep her."

For years, we have objectified women, reduced them to sexual creatures, fromthe pictures in Playboy to the jokes on an athletic field. But lots ofthings we might have once tolerated as commonplace today warrant censure,and it has nothing to do with political correctness. It has to do with whathas always been right while we accepted unfairly what was wrong.

Imagine if an African American was charged with a crime, and afterdeliberating for an hour, the jury came back with a verdict of 'Not Guilty.'The judge looks up and says: "Well I guess he will go home and celebratewith a watermelon." We would flip out. Some things you just don't sayanymore. Hopefully, because we have grown up.

Broward County, Florida, is now a major urban and metropolitan center.Courtrooms are no place for racist, sexist, or homophobic jokes. But when agay man, who happened to be an athlete, was acquitted the other day, laughsabout the position he played were part of the transcript. "I guess he is atight end," one party said. "Nope," joked the other, "he is a wide receiver."

Maybe it was laughter after the stress of a trial. Both parties graciouslyapologized instantly after the remarks were made. To her credit, theprosecutor on the case stingingly rebuked the participants who published theinsensitive remarks. But here is the thing.
We have a long way to go still.

One lawyer came up to me the morning after the incident. "Forgive the pun,Norm, but you gays are still going to be the butt of jokes for a while. Doesnot matter what the Supreme Court says."

What happened in that courtroom is a wake up call for all of us. We stillhave a battle to fight and the conscience of a community to be won. The bossof one of those who made an offensive remark could have congratulated hislawyer for winning an acquittal. Instead, he remonstrated him for publishingan inexcusable and offensive comment, docking him a week's pay and havinghim apologize to the office. Some have said this is too severe. No, it isnot. We are not being oversensitive. We are being right.

The penalties imposed are not designed to impede humor or limit free speech.The penalties exacted are to insure some guys in a bar next week gettingdrunk don't think its okay to take a baseball bat out of their drunk and go'off some fags.' The penalties are sent to remind a fourth grade studentgoing to an elementary school that a homosexual has the same dignity as aheterosexual.

One of the reasons it is so important for gays to be able to adopt hassomething more to do with insuring equality then making a child breakfast.The same is true with the Supreme Court decision in Texas three years agoprotecting two guys who were found in bed with each other. I am glad theywent free, but the case was not just about them. It was about the highestcourt in the land saying that all citizens are free to engage in the livesthey want to without impediment or government interference.

The Supreme Court decision is about children everywhere growing up andseeing that there are no laws anywhere making it illegal for people to begay or engage in homosexual conduct. It is hard to stigmatize conduct thatis legitimatized.

African Americans may have been emancipated by Abraham Lincoln with aproclamation in 1857, but over a hundred years later Lyndon Baines Johnsonstill had to sign a Civil Rights Act to foster greater equality betweenraces. So it is too with homosexuals. We can win court battles, but now wemust win the will of the people. It takes a while for things to filter intoour world. I accept that, but begrudgingly.

When we are faced with situations like the ones, which occurred in a BrowardCounty courtroom this week, we simply have to say 'No More.' You can't laughit off. You can't look the other way. It is not just because you do not wantto become the next target. Rather, it is because we want to make it so thatnone of us are ever targets again.

The comments made in a Broward County courtroom may have been made jokingly.But it shows the joke is still on us, unless we stand up and say, 'No More.'

We still have a long way to go.


The Advocate

Ancient Enemies

A decade after the release of a documentary that profiled Jesse Helms, oneof the fiercest enemies of gay rights, Dear Jesse comes to DVD -- includinga never-before-seen interview with Matthew Shepard -- and reminds us how farwe have come.

By Steven Gaughan
October 24, 2007

Almost a decade has passed since Tim Kirkman filmed his Emmy-nominateddocumentary Dear Jesse, yet the piece retains its significance as one of thefirst accounts of the divisive rhetoric that has come to characterizeAmerican politics. This short film is a first-person compare-and-contrastbetween the gay filmmaker and the notoriously conservative Jesse Helms, whoserved five terms as a Republican senator from North Carolina. Kirkman, whogrew up in a similar environment, seeks to understand what motivates decent,"God-fearing" people to practice the politics of hate.

In 1972, Helms became the first Republican to represent North Carolina inthe U.S. Senate since the 19th century. His conservative politics quicklyearned him the moniker "Senator No" -- that is, no affirmative action, noabortion, no gay rights. Despite his tendency toward intolerance, Helmswould become the longest-serving popularly elected U.S. senator in hisstate's history.

Yet it would be a mistake to characterize North Carolina as a state otherthan one built on "churches and banks," says local theater director SteveUmberger. His production of Angels in America, a play sympathetic to gaysand people with AIDS, met with firm disapproval from conservativeCarolinians. And the state was and still is very much composed ofmiddle-class Americans who respect Helms for his consistent -- albeitbigoted -- rhetoric.

Although times have changed -- the 1998 film was produced before same-sexmarriage was legalized in Massachusetts -- Kirkman shows us that we arestill a nation deeply divided over issues of moral "right" and "wrong." Andhe points to the toll that this division can take on the American public.

The movie concludes with a short clip of Matthew Shepard, interviewed withhis boyfriend at Catawba College in North Carolina two years before histragic death. Not included in the original documentary, the 1998 tapeincluded the footage as a reminder that a lack of tolerance can breedviolence. "This is the only footage I have of Matthew," Kirkman comments onthe film. "It's not fair. It isn't enough." And it isn't enough to encompassthe vitality of the young man. But it does serve to emphasize the necessityfor understanding -- on both sides of the divide.

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Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

Obama's Anti-Gay Gamble (Doug Ireland in Gay City News)

Gay City News, October 25
by Doug Ireland

Senator Barack Obama has enrolled a trio of notorious anti-gay bigots tocampaign for him in the South - and when a blogosphere firestorm eruptedover the move, Obama compounded his betrayal of the gay community byrefusing to dump the homohaters.

This past weekend, the Illinois Democratic senator's presidential campaignannounced a three-day, gospel music campaign tour through South Carolina itbilled as "Embrace the Courage" featuring four singers - Reverend DonnieMcClurkin, Mary Mary (a sister act duo), and Reverend Hezekiah Walker, allprominent in the gospel world. The tour was designed to mark the final daysof Obama's "40 Days of Faith and Family" campaign in South Carolina, acritical early primary state.

McClurkin, an evangelical minister and a Grammy Award-winner, has told theWashington Post that he's in "a war" against what he calls "the curse ofhomosexuality."

Moreover, McClurkin is the poster boy for the African-American "ex-gay"movement. He claims that he became homosexual after having been molested byrelatives when he was eight and 13, but was "cured" by religion.

As McClurkin explained it to Religion and Ethics Newsweekly: "There was abig 20-year gap of sexual ambiguity where after the rape my desires weretoward men, and I had to fight those things because I knew that it wasn'twhat we were taught in church was right. And the older I got, the more thatbecame a problem, because those were the first two sexual relationships thatI had. Eight years old and 13 years old. So that's what I was molded into.And I fought that. When I tell you from eight to 28, that was my fight - inthe church. And you were in an environment where there were hidden, youknow, vultures I call them, that are hidden behind frocks and behind collarsand behind - you know, reverends and the deacons, and it becomes a preyingground, a place where the prey is hunted, and that was what it was like."



Forwarded from EuroQueer

Dear friends,

You can find an overview of the first day of the ILGA-Europe's annualConference in Vlnius on our website:

This morning there was a protest outside the conference venue with around 9people carrying posters such as Go Home, Lithuanian will be gay free etc.The police was present to ensure there is no disturbance. I understand thataccording to Lithuanian law a public action with less than 10 people doesnot require an authorisation and it seems the protesters knew that as theywere only 9. They also had T-shirts with slogans against homosexual propaganda.Many conference participants went our to make pictures and also talked tothe protesters. The protest went peacefully, they were collecting signaturesfrom the passing by people to support their call to the authorities tooutlaw'homosexual propaganda'.

More details and pictures (I made a few) will appear later today or tomorrowon our website:

Juris Lavrikovs


Forwarded from EuroQueer

"Homosexual baby "ad campaign" a bit strange" says Vatican cardinal

Catholic News Agency

Rome, Oct 25, 2007 / 02:29 pm (CNA).- The Vatican's Secretary of StateCardinal Tarcisio Bertone has come out against a controversial advertisingcampaign whose goal is to promote the idea that homosexuality is genetic.

The campaign, run by the regional government of Tuscany, uses a photo of anewborn whose hospital identity bracelet bears the French word "homosexuel."Its caption reads "Sexual orientation is not a choice." The image isexpected to appear on billboards across Tuscany. The initiative has beenpraised by some homosexual rights organizations.

Cardinal Bertone told ANSA that, "Doing a publicity campaign like this isnot a good idea. This is a bit strange. They shouldn't have gone that far."

The Catholic UDC party called the campaign a "chilling" exploitation of ababy to push the "erroneous" message that homosexuality was innate.

The Italian philosopher Gianni Vattimo, who is openly homosexual, criticizedaspects of the publicity campaign. He doubted that homosexuality could beexplained away by genes.


Forwarded from EuroQueer

Church of Sweden split over gay marriage

Published: 25th October 2007 12:32 CET

The Church of Sweden's governing body voted on Thursday in to retain theright to carry out legally binding weddings. When all the votes werecounted, 161 delegates had accepted the proposal, with 74 against.

The issue has risen to the top of the church agenda following a recentgovernment report recommending the introduction of a new gender-neutralmarriage law.

If parliament pushes through the bill, as seems increasingly likely, thechurch will be forced to either lawfully wed homosexual couples or abstaincompletely from the legal element of the marriage ceremony.

With this prospect in mind, the church's liturgical committee decided tolook into the matter more closely. Having weighed up the pros and cons, thecommittee eventually recommended the Church of Sweden to continue performinglegal weddings.

But there is strong opposition to the move within the church, with tworepresentatives tabling motions calling for the church to considerabandoning the legal element of the wedding ceremony. Instead couples wouldbe legally wed in a civil ceremony before later going to the church, mosqueor synagogue to receive God's blessing.


Forwarded from Truth Wins Out


Truth Wins Out Offers To Help McClurkin Accept Himself So He Can Live WithDignity and Respect

New York - Truth Wins Out urged Donnie McClurkin to set the recordstraight after a man on the website Clay Cane said he was havingsexual relations with the Grammy winning singer, even as he preachedanti-gay sermons. If the allegations are true, McClurkin should cancelhis appearance at the Obama rally and learn to be true to himself.

"McClurkin should do the Obama campaign a favor and bow outgracefully, so he has time to reflect on his alleged hypocrisy andcome to a place of self-acceptance," said Truth Wins Out's ExecutiveDirector Wayne Besen. "We offer a helping hand to assist him in thecoming out process. Truth Wins Out understands that the notion of'ex-gay' is a myth and McClurkin will be conflicted until he liveshonestly and openly."

Truth Wins OUT is a non-profit organization that counters right wingpropaganda, exposes the "ex-gay" myth and educates America about gaylife. For more information, visit


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