**IF YOU CAN'T ACCESS THE FULL ARTICLE, CONTACT US AT rays.list@comcast.net and we'll be happy to send the full article.
Go to this link for the following articles:
-Poll: 70 Percent In Jamaica Oppose Any Rights For Gays
(Kingston) There is little chance laws against homosexuality will berepealed in Jamaica if a public opinion poll released Friday is anyindication.
-Pride Bans Gay Soldiers
(Hamilton, Ontario) Gays and lesbians have been part of the Canadianmilitary since 1992 when the armed forces lifted its ban on gays fromserving.
-Presbyterian Pastor To Officiate At Ga. Gay Wedding
Now that gays and lesbians can legally marry in California, a retiredPresbyterian Church (U.S.A.) minister is again challenging herdenomination's position on same-sex marriage by officiating the wedding oftwo women.
-Tasmania Mulls Gay Marriage
(Hobart, Tasmania) The Australian state of Tasmania could be the first areain the country to legalize same-sex marriage.
-Abstinence Only Program Moving Toward Renewal
Despite a growing body of evidence showing it is not only ineffective butalso discriminatory toward LGBT youth a renewal of the Bush administration'sabstinence-only-until-marriage program for schools appears likely inCongress.
-Obama, Clinton To Campaign Together
Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama's campaign announced Fridaythat he will campaign with former rival Hillary Rodham Clinton next week, astep toward unifying a fractured Democratic Party after a bruising primaryfight.
-Obama Team Weighs Nunn, Edwards For VP Slot
Former Sens. John Edwards and Sam Nunn are on a list of potential runningmates for Democrat Barack Obama, a congresswoman said, one day after she metwith members of Obama's team vetting possible candidates.
-Pressure Mounting On NJ Lawmakers To Legalize Gay Marriage
LGBT rights activists are stepping up their pressure on New Jersey lawmakersto take up legislation that would convert the state's civil unions law toprovide for marriage.
-Gay Marriage Foes Protest At NYS Capitol
Conservative Christian pastors from throughout New York State have staged anoisy protest in front of the Capitol to denounce Gov. David Paterson (D)for requiring state agencies to recognize the same-sex marriages of NewYorkers who went to areas where they could legally wed.
-Study: Treating Herpes Does Not Prevent HIV
(London) Doctors have long suspected that people with herpes are more likelyto catch HIV. So they thought that by treating herpes, they could also cut aperson's HIV risk. But a new study that tested this strategy found theassumption may have been wrong.
-New Transgender Policy For NY Juvenile Jails
Transgender youth in New York's juvenile detention centers are now allowedto wear whatever uniform they choose, be called by whatever name they wantand ask for special housing under a new anti-discrimination policy drawingpraise from advocacy groups.
New York Times
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Michael Shernoff, 57, Gay-Health Therapist, Is Dead
Michael Shernoff, a psychotherapist who beginning in the early years of theAIDS epidemic wrote widely on its emotional toll on gay men and whoorganized an early safe-sex workshop, died on Tuesday at his home inManhattan. He was 57. The cause was pancreatic cancer, his brother Jeffreysaid.
-A Global AIDS Campaign Stalled
A handful of Republican senators is blocking action on a bill that wouldgreatly increase American funding to combat AIDS, tuberculosis and malariaaround the world. If their delaying tactics succeed, the United States willlose considerable leverage in trying to persuade other advanced nations tocontribute substantially more money to fight against global disease at theupcoming meeting of the Group of 8 industrial nations.
Washington Post
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Gay rights advocates seek to stop marriage measure
Gay rights advocates asked California's highest court Friday to keep off theNovember ballot a citizens' initiative that would again ban same-sexmarriage.
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Universalists plan five-day gathering in Fort Lauderdale with caucuses,issues, rallies Gay rights, immigrants, the environment, paganism - next week's gathering ofUnitarian Universalists can seem like a collision of social caucus and NewAge festival. But the five-day event, starting Wednesday in FortLauderdale, does have a few philosophical anchors.
Miami Herald
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Saudi Arabia arrests alleged gays in raid
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia -- A Saudi newspaper says religious police havearrested 21 allegedly homosexual men and confiscated large amounts ofalcohol. Al-Medina daily says the Commission for the Propagation of Virtueand the Prevention of Vice, which employs the religious police, was toldFriday of a large gathering of young men at a rest house in Qatif, ineastern Saudi Arabia.
Express Gay News
Go to this link for the following articles:
-Principal's resignation stirs debate over clubs
School board will vote on Monday
The idea of a gay club at a high school outside of Columbia was enough tomake the principal resign.
-Reassignment possible for gay wedding refusals
At least 14 employees raised religious objections
Employees who refuse to perform gay wedding ceremonies at the San DiegoCounty Clerk's Office are facing reassignment.
-Mistrial declared as jury can't agree on hate-crime charge in fatal fight
Jury can't decide if accused got in fight because he thought the victim wasgay. A mistrial was declared Wednesday in Sacramento Superior Court onhate-crime charges against a man linked to a volatile feud at Lake Natomalast summer that killed Satender Singh.
-City of West Hollywood Officials to Conduct More Than 100 Civil Ceremonieson Saturday, June 21, 2008 at West Hollywood Park
-Abstinence-only funding is like an evil Energizer Bunny
It really just keeps going and going. And we just continue to bedisappointed. The House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health andHuman Services, Education, and Related Agencies voted yesterday to continuefunding the Community-Based Abstinence Education (CBAE) program despiteresearch over the last year that has proved over and over again theinefficacy of abstinence-only education.
-Paul Cameron Urges Russia To Suppress Gays
Paul Cameron is continuing his tour of Moscow, where he's spreading hisvirulent form of anti-gay propaganda masquerading as "science" to receptiveaudiences. Yesterday, he spoke at a round table sponsored by the RussianOrthodox Church, where he claimed that gays are twice as likely to abusealcohol and drugs, and avoid paying taxes. That last one is a new one, butlikely a key part of his Nazi-inspired "homosexuals-as-parasites" argument.
-"Can't I Just Have Mayonnaise?" Whines O'Reilly Over "Gay" Commercial
One almost feels bad for Bill O'Reilly. The right wing blow hard simply can't wrap his little head around Heinz's new mayonnaise commercial, whichfeatures a two men kissing. In an effort to digest the mayonnaise advert,which began airing in Britain this week, O'Reilly brought it up on hiseponymous show. See short video:
The Advocate
Go to this link for the following articles:
-Obama And One-Man, One-Woman Marriage
Sen. Obama reminded us this week that he believes marriage is between a manand a woman, something LGBT people might have easily forgotten over thecourse of the primary. [...] More precisely, Sen. Obama said, "I believemarriage is between a man and a woman," shortly after being asked if heopposed same-sex marriage, to which he responded, "Yes." This positioning isnot new for Sen. Obama. He has uttered those words plenty - during a debatewith Alan Keyes in 2004, on the Senate floor in 2006, even in his 2007 HumanRights Campaign candidate questionnaire. But if LGBT people across thecountry bristled at the one-man, one-woman construction, they can beforgiven. After scouring the web, drawing upon memory and scanning my notes,this reporter cannot remember the senator using those words during theentire primary season from January right through until Sen. Hillary Clintonconceded the race to Obama on June 7. In fact, I don't believe he has usedthem in any one of the 20-some Democratic debates.
-N.J. Congressman Has Change of Heart on Gay Marriage
New Jersey congressman Steve Rothman announced this week that he supportsthe legalization of same-sex marriage, according to the Bergen Record . Thearticle says Rothman's change in position was motivated by the recentmarriage of his lesbian stepdaughter (and the subsequent addition of threenew stepchildren to the family).
-Amnesty International Urges Chicago to End Police Brutality Toward Gays
The Chicago Sun Times reported Friday that Amnesty International has takenan active role in trying to end the police brutality suffered by some of thecity's LGBT citizens. According to civil rights activists, the ChicagoPolice Department has a contract in place that prevents any investigation byor involvement from the Independent Police Review Authority. The activistssuggested that this contract offers too much protection for the city'scrooked cops.
-The Whole World Is Watching
The media spotlight turned to California last week as the first marriageswere performed. Although for the most part it was a rare glimpse at thehuman angle of our battle, sometimes their silence spoke louder than wordsGay marriages finally commenced in California, setting the pace for the restof the country. National newspapers approached the subject of gay marriagefrom a number of angles. They wrote stories that were giddy withanticipation; they spoke of gay marriage's bringing a reversal of fortunesto couples and the economy, and often, they warned people to proceed withcaution.
National Gay News
Go to this link for the following articles:
-In Lieu of Gifts, Same-Sex Couples, Opponents Requesting Donations For GayMarriage Campaign
Scot Hammond and Seth Lawrence have already had five commitment ceremoniesor weddings during their 14 years together. The last thing they need isanother blender. So instead of registering their July 6 wedding at adepartment store, the San Francisco couple entered their names in thewedding registry on the Equality California Web site, asking wedding guestsand friends to make a political donation to support gay marriage instead ofbuying them a wedding gift.
-Task Force Director Declares
Support for Homeless Youth Bill
Rea Carey, the director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force ActionFund, has issued a statement in support of the federal Runaway and HomelessYouth Act, which the House of Representatives passed this month, accordingto a recent press release. The bill, if passed by the Senate - which it isexpected to do - would, among other things, connect homeless youth to familyreunification programs and provide access to housing and health services.
-Gay Group Launches Campaign on Voting
At first, there were "Get Out the Vote" campaigns. Then, politically mindedmusicians and other celebrities appealed to the MTV generation to "Rock theVote." Now, playing off those earlier slogans, Valley gay community leadershave launched their own voter drive ahead of this fall's high-stakeselection: Out the Vote.
Marriage Equality News
Go to this link for the following articles:
-The Australian state of Tasmania could be the first area in the country tolegalize same-sex marriage. The opposition Greens Party announced plansFriday to introduce a marriage equality bill in the state Parliament when itresumes sitting on July 1. But the move already is drawing condemnationfrom both the state and national governments. Tasmania in 2004 became thefirst state in Australia to create a domestic partner registry for same-sexcouples.
-More than 250 evangelical Christian ministers came to the state Capitol onThursday to blast Gov. David Paterson for requiring state agencies torecognize same-sex marriages and to back the Senate for its opposition tolegalizing the same-sex unions. "We're here to take a stand for therighteous," said the Rev. Tom Stiles of Rochester. "This is just thebeginning of what we're calling a revival."
-Five years ago this month, the Supreme Court struck down Texas'consensual-sodomy law in a prosecution involving two men who were having sexin a private home. Justice Kennedy's majority opinion in Lawrence v. Texascontained some high-flying rhetoric insisting that lesbian and gay Americansare ordinary citizens entitled to respectful treatment. Justice Scalia'soutraged dissent charged the court with reading the entire "homosexualagenda" into the Constitution and, further, predicted that the majority'sanalysis spelled the end of all morals-based regulation of sexual conduct.At risk, Scalia warned, were laws against fornication, bestiality, adultery,bigamy, incest, obscenity, prostitution, and masturbation(!).
-Vermont: The Justice Department released a memorandum from its Office ofLegal Counsel advising the Social Security Administration that the federalDefense of Marriage Act presents no obstacle to paying Social SecurityDisability benefits to a child on account of the disabling condition of thechild's non-biological mother, who is in a Vermont civil union with thechild's biological mother. Although dated October 16, 2007, the memorandumwas made public on June 9.
Pink News - UK
Go to this link for the following articles:
-Nigerian Archbishop claims there is "no hope" for Anglican communnion
A group of anti-gay senior Anglican clergy are gathering in Israel for aconference on the future of the church as one of their leaders claims theunified communion is effectively over.
-COMMENT: "Gay brain" study makes sweeping generalisations
Many of you have probably read about the recent study that says the brainmakeup of gay males is similar to that of straight women, and that holdstrue for gay women and straight men.
-HIV positive men more likely to have unsafe sex
A recent survey has revealed that HIV positive men who are aware of theirdiagnosis are more likely to have unprotected sex than men who are unawareof their status.
-No pre-nup for Ellen and Portia
Now that same-sex marriages are legal in the state of California, a slew of entertainers are quickly planning their nuptials.
-John Edwards on Obama's Vice Presidential list
The leader of the Congressional Black Caucus has revealed that former VicePresidential nominee John Edwards is on a list of potential running matesfor presumptive Democratic nominee Barack Obama.
-Tory claims "sex change" surgery is a choice
A Conservative MP has claimed that gender reassignment is a "matter ofchoice." Mark Pritchard, who represents The Wrekin, expressed his viewduring Business Questions in the House of Commons yesterday.
-Gay social networking site launched in Jamaica
A new way for gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans people in the Caribbean tocommunicate and meet up has been launched.
-Report highlights Scotland's "invisible" gay youth
Gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans youth in Scotland are neglected due to alack of knowledge among professionals, a report claims
-Business advice offered to LGBT entrepreneurs
The Gay Business Association is hosting an Ask The Experts event as part ofthe Pride London festival, open to all LGBT professionals from charities,businesses and other organisations.
-Ukrainian gay groups form union
Three leading gay and lesbian organisations in the Ukraine have formed theUnion of Gay Organisations of Ukraine (UGOU).
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Gay Millionaire Tax Objector Might Face Jail
By Matt Comer | QNotes
An openly bisexual millionaire, related to the Merrill Lynch and Johnson &Johnson families, might be facing jail time for his decision to protest gayinequalities in the U.S. tax code. Charles Merrill - who once lived inHendersonville, N.C., and originally hails from Southern Pines, N.C., butcurrently lives in New York City and Palm Springs - decided in 2004 towithhold his income taxes to the government as a willful, civil disobedienceof U.S. tax law. Since then, he has withheld his taxes every year as aprotest against the inequalities present in the tax code and marriage lawsof the nation. The Internal Revenue Service will go to trial againstMerrill on Nov. 17, 2008 in the U.S. Tax Court in San Diego, Calif. The finefor each year of Merrill's civil disobedience is three years in jail or a$25,000 fine.
-Archbishop Peter Jensen Does A Nicolosi.Well Almost
Ex-Gay Watch
The Anglican Archbishop of Sydney, Dr. Peter Jensen, is a central figure inthe opposition to same-sex marriages and homosexuals serving in the church.As such, he is also firmly against the appointment of openly gay GeneRobinson as the Bishop of New Hampshire. Earlier this year he attempted torally support against homosexuality in a rift that threatens to split thechurch. Curiously, Dr. Jensen is also consistent in rejecting theappointment of female bishops. Archbishop Jensen has also argued stronglyagainst the possibility of women bishops for the Anglican Church ofAustralia. Holder of the Licentiate in Theology and Bachelor of Divinity,Dr. Jensen failed to answer direct questions regarding several passages ofscripture that (most would agree) no longer apply in today's culture andcompare those to similar passages about homosexuality. The interview,conducted by CNNNN, demonstrates at what point Dr. Jensen becomes ratherless consistent.
Forwarded from Gay Asylum - UK
Go to this link for the following articles:
-Catholics to come out at London Gay Pride
Gay Catholics from all over the country will be parading behind a'ProudlyLesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgendered & Proudly Catholic' banner intheimpending Pride London Parade. In excess of 500,000 people are expectedat the event in two weeks time,whose theme is 'Fairytales, Myths andLegends'. The two week Pride festival, of which the parade is a part, usestheatre,music, debate, art and entertainment to raise awareness ofdiscriminationand the issues and difficulties affecting the lives of LGBTpeople aroundthe world. Gay Catholics have decided to choose the paradeevent to proclaim the banner's message to other LGBT communities, as well asthe rest of the Church.
Forwarded from Euro-Queer
Contact rays.list@comcast.net for the full article:
ILGA-Europe's monthly electronic LGBT political and legal news bulletin
-Sexual Reorientation
The gay culture war is about to turn chemical.
Last month, when the California Supreme Court declared same-sex marriage aconstitutional right, it repeatedly invoked the precedent of interracialmarriage. An attorney involved in the case protested, "There is no evidenceto establish that a homosexual lifestyle is an immutable characteristic suchas race." He's wrong. There's lots of evidence. More of it just came outthis week. It's been driving the gay rights debate all along, away from theclutches of religion and into the clutches of science. The trend isinexorable, but its implications are about to change. The culture war overhomosexuality is dying-and a chemical war is threatening to take its place.
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
Go to the links for the following articles:
Contact rays.list@comcast.net if can't access the article
-Gay City News for Thursday, June 19, 2008
-The first and second rounds of the new Universal Periodic Review wrapped upin Geneva on Friday, June 13th. ARC International will be producing a fullreport of the proceedings with a SOGI-specific analysis. However, we wantedto provide the list with a few highlights of the proceedings for those whohave been particularly interested in this new mechanism. These are just afew examples of note, and not a comprehensive overview.
...The Kingdom of the Netherlands produced one of the strongest and mostcomprehensive reports, which should act as a model for countries coming upfor review in this process.
...In contrast, South Africa's participation in the process could behighlighted as one of the weakest. ...The Czech Republic was presented witha recommendation with regard to the Yogyakarta Principles. In response theygave a very positive response and indicated that, "In 2007, the GovernmentCouncil for Human Rights set up a Working Group for the issues of sexualminorities.
...Ghana, in their report, completely ignored any SOGI recommendations madeby States at all. They were simply absent from the report. In contrast,Benin at least addressed depenalization in their oral presentation, and saidthe law is not applied, but they could not move forward with depenalizationat this time.
...Pakistan also did not address SOGI recommedations.
Instead, they included a paragraph in their written report called"Politicisation". It stated: " We accept the recommendation to continue tooppose the politicisation of human rights in the United Nations andelsewhere.
...Switzerland shocked many in the room by rejecting
recommendations to put in to place federal anti-discrimination law thatprotects against all forms of discrimination, including on the grounds ofSOGI, and a recommendation regarding same-sex couples.
...Groups in the Republic of Korea have been recently very concerned about the dropping of sexual orientation as a recommended ground for inclusion in the new draft Anti-Discrimination Act.
...Another highlight was the country report for Japan. They accepted the ecommendation in subparagraph 11 "to take measures to eliminate discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity" in their written report.
Kim Vance
Co-Director, ARC International
-The Week in Washington Blade!
-Buck Angel, A Man With a Pussy: LGB Without the T
As transgenders push for respect, a rift grows with traditional gayleadership
As the undisputed king of transgender porn, Buck Angel thrives on hisability to deconstruct traditional notions of masculinity. He unabashedlypromotes himself as a man with a pussy. Headlining the 2006 Black Party wasa career high: "It was super-awesome-the audience was amazing," Angel says.
"Everything was really positive."
That was, however, far from the universal view among the thousands ofhyper-masculine attendees. The Black Party-the mega dance-and-flesh festheld every March at Roseland-reflects the hyper-masculine ideal thatdominates gayborhoods like Hell's Kitchen, South Beach, and the Castro. JoeJervis, live-blogging during the party, summed up the sentiments ofmanyattendees: "Men who have been fucked, fisted, shackled, flogged, andpissedupon have finally crossed a lurid and yet rarely discussed carnalthreshold. They have seen, in person, a pussy."
Palm Center Scholar to Publish Definitive Story of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell";Appearance set for New York Panel Discussion and Film Premiere, June 13 & 14St. Martin's Press has announced that it will publish the much-anticipatednew book on gays in the military by Dr. Nathaniel Frank, the country'sleading expert on "don't ask, don't tell,"and a senior research fellow atthe Palm Center. The book, Unfriendly Fire:
How the Gay Ban Undermines the Military and Weakens America, will bepublished by the imprint, Thomas Dunne Books, in the winter of 2009. Basedon hundreds of exclusive interviews with service members, policy makers andother experts on gays in the military, the book builds on research andwriting Dr. Frank has published in major news venues such as the New YorkTimes, Washington Post and The New Republic. It is the first comprehensive,full-length book on the subject since the late Randy Shilts published thebest-selling Conduct Unbecoming in 1993.
From SunBurst - Sunshine Cathedral - Ft. Lauderdale
Q&A with Rev. Durrell Watkins
...Question: My mother believes I will go to hell for being gay, and she quotes the bible at me to make her case. How can I persuade her that isn't true?
...Answer: You may never persuade your mother that her homophobia isn't sharedby God. What is important is that you never allow yourself to believe thatyou are anything less than a child of God, filled with God's love. We can'tcontrol what others believe about us, but we can decide what we will believeabout ourselves.
Gay & Lesbian Leadership SmartBrier
Go to this link for the following articles:
-Pride event resumes at DOJ
For the first time in five years, DOJ Pride held a pride event at theDepartment of Justice's Great Hall in Washington, D.C., after AttorneyGeneral Michael Mukasey approved a nondiscrimination policy in January. TheBush administration previously had prohibited the event from being held inthe Great Hall. Mukasey told the association for LGBT employees that they"have a right to be proud of who they are." Washington Blade (6/19)
[Send your comments about articles to Rays.List@Comcast.net]
Saturday, June 21, 2008
NATIONAL & WORLD NEWS - June 21, 2008
**IF YOU CAN'T ACCESS THE FULL ARTICLE, CONTACT US AT rays.list@comcast.net and we'll be happy to send the full article.
New York Times
Go to the links for the following articles:
-The Court and Workers
The Supreme Court's pro-worker decision on Thursday is notable because thecourt has appeared in recent years to go out of its way to side withcorporations.
-Louisiana's Latest Assault on Darwin
A Louisiana bill on the teaching of evolution implies that there are validcompeting scientific theories to evolution, when there are not. [...] In2006, for the first time in U.S. history, a majority of all births to womenunder 30 - 50.4 percent - were out of wedlock. Nearly 80 percent of birthsamong black women were out of wedlock. By comparison, when John F. Kennedywas elected president in 1960, just 6 percent of all births were tounmarried women under 30. Since then, the percentages have risen across theethnic spectrum. One-third of white, non-Hispanic women under 30 who gavebirth in 2006 were unmarried. For Hispanics, it was 51 percent.
-A Dubious Milestone
A lot of clowns have fathered babies when they shouldn't have, but it's alsodifficult for many people to find the kind of job that makes raising afamily feasible.
-Bloomberg, in Florida, Blasts Rumor About Obama
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, injecting himself directly into the presidentialcampaign, forcefully denounced on Friday what he called a "whisper campaign"linking Senator Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic presidentialnominee, to Islam.
Washington Post
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Lawmakers' Relatives Plead Not Guilty to Fraud
A sister, brother and niece of indicted Rep. William J. Jefferson (D-La.)pleaded not guilty Friday to federal fraud charges accusing them ofpocketing grant money earmarked for charitable and educational programs.New Orleans tax assessor Betty Jefferson, her brother Mose Jefferson and herdaughter Angela Coleman were arraigned on charges they stole more than$600,000.
-Obama Making Christian Push
With the Democratic presidential nomination in his grasp, Sen. Barack Obamais making a full-throttle push for centrist evangelicals and Catholics.It's a move that's caught some conservative evangelicals off guard. They saythey are surprised and dismayed to see a liberal-minded politicianattempting to conscript their troops. At the same time, they say that Sen.John McCain (R-Ariz.) has done little to court their affections.
-Pastors Focus On Faith, Morals In Private Meeting
When Sen. Barack Obama held a recent closed-door meeting with an A-listassortment of Christian leaders, the majority of the time was spentdiscussing abortion, homosexuality and the Democrat's faith. That focusdidn't please some participants who had flown to Chicago hoping to also talkabout domestic and foreign policy matters.
Demand Fox stop race baiting and fear mongering
Right now, Fox News is trying to paint Barack Obama as foreign, un-American, suspicious, and scary. They're trying to send Americans the message that ourcountry's first viable Black candidate for President is not "one of us."I've joined on to ColorOfChange.org's campaign to push back on Fox, publiclydemanding they stop their race-baiting and fear mongering. If that doesn'twork, then we'll go to their advertisers and the FCC. I wanted to invite youto sign on as well. It takes only a moment:
Here's what happened recently:
After Senator Obama won the nomination, he and his wife gave each other a"pound" in front of the cameras. Fox anchor E.D. Hill called the act ofcelebration a "terrorist fist jab." Then last week, a Fox News on-screengraphic referred to Michelle Obama as "Obama's baby mama"--slang used todescribe the unmarried mother of a man's child. It was a clear attempt toassociate the Obamas with negative cultural stereotypes about Black people,an insult not only to Michelle Obama but to women and Black peopleeverywhere. After each of the incidents mentioned, Fox issued some form ofweak apology. But what does it mean when you slap someone in the face,apologize the next day, then slap them again on the third? It means theapology is meaningless. These aren't one-time incidents--they're part of apattern that continues no matter how often Fox is forced to apologize. Foxhas a clear record of attacking and undermining Black institutions, Blackleaders, and Black people in general. If we don't push back now, we will seemore of the same from now until November. Please join me in helping to bringan end to Fox's behavior.
Fort Report
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Coastal Governors Pledge to Protect Oceans from Offshore Drilling
A bipartisan group of seven coastal governors are reiterating concerns aboutoffshore drilling as Congress actively considers proposals that would revokea 27-year moratorium on the practice.
-What will offshore drilling really mean?
President Bush's call for lifting the ban on offshore oil drilling has beencalled cruelly misleading -- and rightly so. He knows exploiting ourcoastlines won't bring down gasoline prices any time soon. In fact, a recentreport from his energy office found that increasing offshore drilling willhave no significant impact on gas prices for decades (see Verbatim at left).
-Shift on immigration could cost McCain
The issue of illegal immigration used to set Sen. John McCain apart. Whilemany in his party called for taller fences and harsher penalties, McCainwanted to give undocumented workers a path to citizenship. When hisRepublican rivals for the presidential nomination called him soft on bordersecurity, McCain flew to Miami last June to say they were "pandering forvotes."
[Send your comments about articles to Rays.List@Comcast.net]
New York Times
Go to the links for the following articles:
-The Court and Workers
The Supreme Court's pro-worker decision on Thursday is notable because thecourt has appeared in recent years to go out of its way to side withcorporations.
-Louisiana's Latest Assault on Darwin
A Louisiana bill on the teaching of evolution implies that there are validcompeting scientific theories to evolution, when there are not. [...] In2006, for the first time in U.S. history, a majority of all births to womenunder 30 - 50.4 percent - were out of wedlock. Nearly 80 percent of birthsamong black women were out of wedlock. By comparison, when John F. Kennedywas elected president in 1960, just 6 percent of all births were tounmarried women under 30. Since then, the percentages have risen across theethnic spectrum. One-third of white, non-Hispanic women under 30 who gavebirth in 2006 were unmarried. For Hispanics, it was 51 percent.
-A Dubious Milestone
A lot of clowns have fathered babies when they shouldn't have, but it's alsodifficult for many people to find the kind of job that makes raising afamily feasible.
-Bloomberg, in Florida, Blasts Rumor About Obama
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, injecting himself directly into the presidentialcampaign, forcefully denounced on Friday what he called a "whisper campaign"linking Senator Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic presidentialnominee, to Islam.
Washington Post
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Lawmakers' Relatives Plead Not Guilty to Fraud
A sister, brother and niece of indicted Rep. William J. Jefferson (D-La.)pleaded not guilty Friday to federal fraud charges accusing them ofpocketing grant money earmarked for charitable and educational programs.New Orleans tax assessor Betty Jefferson, her brother Mose Jefferson and herdaughter Angela Coleman were arraigned on charges they stole more than$600,000.
-Obama Making Christian Push
With the Democratic presidential nomination in his grasp, Sen. Barack Obamais making a full-throttle push for centrist evangelicals and Catholics.It's a move that's caught some conservative evangelicals off guard. They saythey are surprised and dismayed to see a liberal-minded politicianattempting to conscript their troops. At the same time, they say that Sen.John McCain (R-Ariz.) has done little to court their affections.
-Pastors Focus On Faith, Morals In Private Meeting
When Sen. Barack Obama held a recent closed-door meeting with an A-listassortment of Christian leaders, the majority of the time was spentdiscussing abortion, homosexuality and the Democrat's faith. That focusdidn't please some participants who had flown to Chicago hoping to also talkabout domestic and foreign policy matters.
Demand Fox stop race baiting and fear mongering
Right now, Fox News is trying to paint Barack Obama as foreign, un-American, suspicious, and scary. They're trying to send Americans the message that ourcountry's first viable Black candidate for President is not "one of us."I've joined on to ColorOfChange.org's campaign to push back on Fox, publiclydemanding they stop their race-baiting and fear mongering. If that doesn'twork, then we'll go to their advertisers and the FCC. I wanted to invite youto sign on as well. It takes only a moment:
Here's what happened recently:
After Senator Obama won the nomination, he and his wife gave each other a"pound" in front of the cameras. Fox anchor E.D. Hill called the act ofcelebration a "terrorist fist jab." Then last week, a Fox News on-screengraphic referred to Michelle Obama as "Obama's baby mama"--slang used todescribe the unmarried mother of a man's child. It was a clear attempt toassociate the Obamas with negative cultural stereotypes about Black people,an insult not only to Michelle Obama but to women and Black peopleeverywhere. After each of the incidents mentioned, Fox issued some form ofweak apology. But what does it mean when you slap someone in the face,apologize the next day, then slap them again on the third? It means theapology is meaningless. These aren't one-time incidents--they're part of apattern that continues no matter how often Fox is forced to apologize. Foxhas a clear record of attacking and undermining Black institutions, Blackleaders, and Black people in general. If we don't push back now, we will seemore of the same from now until November. Please join me in helping to bringan end to Fox's behavior.
Fort Report
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Coastal Governors Pledge to Protect Oceans from Offshore Drilling
A bipartisan group of seven coastal governors are reiterating concerns aboutoffshore drilling as Congress actively considers proposals that would revokea 27-year moratorium on the practice.
-What will offshore drilling really mean?
President Bush's call for lifting the ban on offshore oil drilling has beencalled cruelly misleading -- and rightly so. He knows exploiting ourcoastlines won't bring down gasoline prices any time soon. In fact, a recentreport from his energy office found that increasing offshore drilling willhave no significant impact on gas prices for decades (see Verbatim at left).
-Shift on immigration could cost McCain
The issue of illegal immigration used to set Sen. John McCain apart. Whilemany in his party called for taller fences and harsher penalties, McCainwanted to give undocumented workers a path to citizenship. When hisRepublican rivals for the presidential nomination called him soft on bordersecurity, McCain flew to Miami last June to say they were "pandering forvotes."
[Send your comments about articles to Rays.List@Comcast.net]
FLORIDA DIGEST - June 21, 2008
**IF YOU CAN'T ACCESS THE FULL ARTICLE, CONTACT US AT rays.list@comcast.net and we'll be happy to send the full article.
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Florida, Mexico tomatoes played part in outbreak
Federal officials said Friday that tomatoes grown in Florida or Mexicocaused at least some of the salmonella outbreak that has sickened 552people.
-Florida homeowners catching an insurance rate break
Nine of 10 local insurance agents who spoke with the South FloridaSun-Sentinel recently said most of their customers' yearly propertyinsurance premiums have dropped 15 percent to 40 percent this year.
-Openly gay former commissioner to run for Fort Lauderdale mayor in 2009
'Flush Naugle' organizer would be Lauderdale's first openly gay leaderDean Trantalis, an attorney who was the city's first openly gay commissioner, is running for mayor in spring 2009.
-Spirit Airlines plans to lay off pilots and attendants in Fort Lauderdale
Spirit Airlines will lay off 45 pilots and an undisclosed number of flightattendants from its hub at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International airportAug. 1. The Miramar-based airline notified pilots that it would cut 20captains and 25 first officers based at the airport effective Aug. 1, saidSean Creed, chairman of the Spirit pilot union's Master Executive Council.Spirit will accept voluntary leaves to reduce the overall pilot count, hesaid Friday.
Miami Herald
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Crisis brings out best, worst in School Board
You could see this one coming for months now, but Miami-Dade School Boardmember Renier Diaz de la Portilla took the first real steps on Thursday totry to oust Superintendent Rudy Crew. Mr. Diaz de la Portilla doesn'tbelieve that Mr. Crew and his administration have ''lived up toexpectations.'' Nor does he believe that Mr. Crew, specifically, has met his''contractual obligations.'' Given the open hostility and backdoormaneuvering that some members have engaged in in recent months to underminethe superintendent, we're glad that the issue now has been brought into theopen.
-THE ECONOMY: S. Fla. jobless rate highest in 5 years
Unemployment hit 5.5 percent in Florida last month, although the tourismindustry seemed to remain strong. If those visitors stop coming, SouthFlorida's problems could get much worse.
-Public defender challenges Dade's sex offender laws
The Miami-Dade Public Defender's Office says a confluence of county and cityrules has made it virtually impossible for sex offenders to find a home.
-IN MY OPINION: Liaisons are dangerous, not a teenager's fantasy
I don't get it. No matter how deeply I analyze, no matter how much I try towrap my brain around it, I'm flummoxed by the recent spate of women chasingafter underage boys. What does a grown woman see in a teenager? Anadolescent who still needs his parents' permission to go on a school fieldtrip?
Express Gay News
Go to this link for the following articles:
-Las Olas courting gay shoppers
Las Olas is one of Fort Lauderdale's major tourist destinations, but nowthat nightclub Cathode Ray closed, the gay presence has dwindled. Butbusinesses along the strip are once again courting the gay dollar: men's andwomen's upscale-casual clothing store Shop 603 (603 E Las Olas Blvd. 954-467-0900) has expanded its marketing efforts to specifically target GLBTshoppers, luring them to the racks of Ed Hardy clothes, sunglasses andperfumes. Last month Michigan businessman Scott Dray and his partner James(is that business or pleasure?) purchased the Ciao Café, located on thebeach at the intersection of A1A and Las Olas. The gay co-owners say thecafé caters to a general audience, but they are reaching out to the gaycommunity. Ciao Cafe features coffees, gelato, smoothies, as well astheir dining menu. Located at 411 S. Ft Lauderdale Beach Blvd (A1A), in theformer St. Bart's.
From Dolphin Democrats
Please join us Saturday evening as we show our support for the nextPresident of the United States as we march in the 1st Annual NighttimeStonewall Street Festival Parade on Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Obamasupporters will be assembling to march in the parade at 7pm at the FortLauderdale High School parking lot. Here's a link to the GOOGLE MAP. Wearyour Obama colors! We have signs or bring your own. This year theStonewall Street Festival will light up Wilton Manors as a beacon of PRIDEwith the first ever night time parade. The theme for the parade is "SizzlingWith Pride," say it loud, say it proud, and say it with LIGHTS! Beginning at8:00 PM, be a part of history as we view over 60 entries! The parade ishosted and commentated by local popular personalities at the main stage.
Fort Report
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Update: Republicans likely to retain control of the Florida Legislature
The next three speakers of the Florida House were among state lawmakersassured an unopposed ride to a new term today as qualifying for Florida'sstate races ended. But Senate President-designate Jeff Atwater, R-NorthPalm Beach, drew a well-known challenger for what is expected to be themost-watched legislative race of 2008. Former Sen. Walter "Skip" Campbell,D-Fort Lauderdale, qualified to run against Atwater.
-Poll indicates support for offshore drilling
Poll results released today help explain why John McCain and Florida Gov.Charlie Crist have taken the political gamble of proposing to lift a federalban on offshore oil and gas drilling. A Rasmussen poll taken on Wednesdayfound that 62 percent of a nationwide sample believes that drilling shouldbe allowed off the shores of California, Florida and other states.
-Fla. has trouble leading South into climate fight
Florida - which could be among the most vulnerable states should dire globalwarming predictions of rising seas, shore erosion and monster hurricanescome to pass - is considering capping emissions of greenhouse gases andhoping fellow Southern states to follow suit.
[Send your comments about articles to Rays.List@Comcast.net]
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Florida, Mexico tomatoes played part in outbreak
Federal officials said Friday that tomatoes grown in Florida or Mexicocaused at least some of the salmonella outbreak that has sickened 552people.
-Florida homeowners catching an insurance rate break
Nine of 10 local insurance agents who spoke with the South FloridaSun-Sentinel recently said most of their customers' yearly propertyinsurance premiums have dropped 15 percent to 40 percent this year.
-Openly gay former commissioner to run for Fort Lauderdale mayor in 2009
'Flush Naugle' organizer would be Lauderdale's first openly gay leaderDean Trantalis, an attorney who was the city's first openly gay commissioner, is running for mayor in spring 2009.
-Spirit Airlines plans to lay off pilots and attendants in Fort Lauderdale
Spirit Airlines will lay off 45 pilots and an undisclosed number of flightattendants from its hub at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International airportAug. 1. The Miramar-based airline notified pilots that it would cut 20captains and 25 first officers based at the airport effective Aug. 1, saidSean Creed, chairman of the Spirit pilot union's Master Executive Council.Spirit will accept voluntary leaves to reduce the overall pilot count, hesaid Friday.
Miami Herald
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Crisis brings out best, worst in School Board
You could see this one coming for months now, but Miami-Dade School Boardmember Renier Diaz de la Portilla took the first real steps on Thursday totry to oust Superintendent Rudy Crew. Mr. Diaz de la Portilla doesn'tbelieve that Mr. Crew and his administration have ''lived up toexpectations.'' Nor does he believe that Mr. Crew, specifically, has met his''contractual obligations.'' Given the open hostility and backdoormaneuvering that some members have engaged in in recent months to underminethe superintendent, we're glad that the issue now has been brought into theopen.
-THE ECONOMY: S. Fla. jobless rate highest in 5 years
Unemployment hit 5.5 percent in Florida last month, although the tourismindustry seemed to remain strong. If those visitors stop coming, SouthFlorida's problems could get much worse.
-Public defender challenges Dade's sex offender laws
The Miami-Dade Public Defender's Office says a confluence of county and cityrules has made it virtually impossible for sex offenders to find a home.
-IN MY OPINION: Liaisons are dangerous, not a teenager's fantasy
I don't get it. No matter how deeply I analyze, no matter how much I try towrap my brain around it, I'm flummoxed by the recent spate of women chasingafter underage boys. What does a grown woman see in a teenager? Anadolescent who still needs his parents' permission to go on a school fieldtrip?
Express Gay News
Go to this link for the following articles:
-Las Olas courting gay shoppers
Las Olas is one of Fort Lauderdale's major tourist destinations, but nowthat nightclub Cathode Ray closed, the gay presence has dwindled. Butbusinesses along the strip are once again courting the gay dollar: men's andwomen's upscale-casual clothing store Shop 603 (603 E Las Olas Blvd. 954-467-0900) has expanded its marketing efforts to specifically target GLBTshoppers, luring them to the racks of Ed Hardy clothes, sunglasses andperfumes. Last month Michigan businessman Scott Dray and his partner James(is that business or pleasure?) purchased the Ciao Café, located on thebeach at the intersection of A1A and Las Olas. The gay co-owners say thecafé caters to a general audience, but they are reaching out to the gaycommunity. Ciao Cafe features coffees, gelato, smoothies, as well astheir dining menu. Located at 411 S. Ft Lauderdale Beach Blvd (A1A), in theformer St. Bart's.
From Dolphin Democrats
Please join us Saturday evening as we show our support for the nextPresident of the United States as we march in the 1st Annual NighttimeStonewall Street Festival Parade on Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors. Obamasupporters will be assembling to march in the parade at 7pm at the FortLauderdale High School parking lot. Here's a link to the GOOGLE MAP. Wearyour Obama colors! We have signs or bring your own. This year theStonewall Street Festival will light up Wilton Manors as a beacon of PRIDEwith the first ever night time parade. The theme for the parade is "SizzlingWith Pride," say it loud, say it proud, and say it with LIGHTS! Beginning at8:00 PM, be a part of history as we view over 60 entries! The parade ishosted and commentated by local popular personalities at the main stage.
Fort Report
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Update: Republicans likely to retain control of the Florida Legislature
The next three speakers of the Florida House were among state lawmakersassured an unopposed ride to a new term today as qualifying for Florida'sstate races ended. But Senate President-designate Jeff Atwater, R-NorthPalm Beach, drew a well-known challenger for what is expected to be themost-watched legislative race of 2008. Former Sen. Walter "Skip" Campbell,D-Fort Lauderdale, qualified to run against Atwater.
-Poll indicates support for offshore drilling
Poll results released today help explain why John McCain and Florida Gov.Charlie Crist have taken the political gamble of proposing to lift a federalban on offshore oil and gas drilling. A Rasmussen poll taken on Wednesdayfound that 62 percent of a nationwide sample believes that drilling shouldbe allowed off the shores of California, Florida and other states.
-Fla. has trouble leading South into climate fight
Florida - which could be among the most vulnerable states should dire globalwarming predictions of rising seas, shore erosion and monster hurricanescome to pass - is considering capping emissions of greenhouse gases andhoping fellow Southern states to follow suit.
[Send your comments about articles to Rays.List@Comcast.net]
Friday, June 20, 2008
GLBT DIGEST - June 20, 2008
**IF YOU CAN'T ACCESS THE FULL ARTICLE, CONTACT US AT rays.list@comcast.net and we'll be happy to send the full article.
New York Times
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Maine: Group Abandons Gay Law Campaign
A group has abandoned a campaign to overturn a state law protecting gay menand lesbians from discrimination. The group, the Christian Civic League ofMaine, said it had failed to gain the support needed to continue. Theproposal would have repealed protections in employment, housing, publicaccommodation, credit and education. It would also have affirmed a state lawrestricting marriages to one man and one woman, ensured that only oneunmarried person or one married couple jointly could adopt a person,prohibited clerks from issuing marriage licenses to persons of the same sex,and prohibited municipalities from licensing civil unions. California andMassachusetts are the only states to legalize same-sex marriage; a handfulof others allow civil unions or domestic partnerships among same-sexcouples.
-New transgender policy at New York juvenile jails
Transgender youth in New York's juvenile detention centers are now allowedto wear whatever uniform they choose, be called by whatever name they wantand ask for special housing under a new anti-discrimination policy drawingpraise from advocacy groups.
-Rival Conferences for Anglican Church
Once a decade, hundreds of bishops of the international Anglican Communionmeet in Canterbury, England, for the Lambeth Conference. This summer, inthe most tangible demonstration yet of the church's division overhomosexuality, hundreds of bishops are boycotting the Lambeth Conference andattending a rival meeting for conservative Anglicans in Jerusalem.
-Conservative Anglicans Plan Rival Conference as Split Over HomosexualityGrows
Once a decade, hundreds of bishops of the international Anglican Communionmeet in Canterbury, England, for the Lambeth Conference. This summer, inthe most tangible demonstration yet of the church's divide overhomosexuality, more than a quarter of the invited bishops are expected toboycott the conference and attend a rival meeting for conservative Anglicansin Jerusalem, called the Global Anglican Future Conference.
Washington Post
Go to the links for the following articles:
-New transgender policy at New York juvenile jails
Transgender youth in New York's juvenile detention centers are now allowedto wear whatever uniform they choose, be called by whatever name they wantand ask for special housing under a new anti-discrimination policy drawingpraise from advocacy groups.
Go to this link for the following articles:
-Supreme Court Asked To Ban Jerusalem Gay Pride
Israel's Supreme Court was asked Thursday to issue an injunction barringgays from holding a pride march in Jerusalem later this month.
-Senate Deadlocked On World AIDS Bill
At the White House on Thursday, President Bush awarded the PresidentialMedal of Freedom to two people behind a triumph of his administration, aprogram to fight the global AIDS pandemic. Down the street on Capitol Hill,a few Republican senators continued to block what would be a major expansionof that program.
-Bid To Wipe Out All Maine Gay Rights Laws Fails
A conservative Christian group has given up its attempt to mount areferendum drive to wipe out all protections for LGBT citizens in Maine.
-Emirates Sheik On Trial For Attacking American Man Who Spurned Him
Geneva's chief prosecutor argued Thursday that a brother of the United ArabEmirates' ruler should receive the maximum penalty on a charge of assaultingan American man with his belt in a luxury hotel bar.
-Az Bill Would Allow Anti-Gay Slurs In Schools
The Arizona Senate has given preliminary approval to legislation barringschools from discriminating against religious beliefs, a move opponents saywill encourage students to bully gay students.
-German Lutherans Divided Over Gay Bishop Candidate
The German Lutheran Church could become the first mainstream denomination inEurope to have an openly gay bishop and conservatives already are warningsuch a move could split the church.
-How the GOP Is Blowing It by Wayne Besen
One has to look no further than Jeffersonville, Ind. to figure out howRepublicans blew their recent hegemony in American politics. This Louisvillesuburb is where the former chairman of both the Clark County RepublicanParty and Young Republican National Federation pleaded guilty last week tocriminal deviant conduct for performing oral sex on a man while he slept,following a house party. This incident is the latest to underscore the rankhypocrisy within republican ranks. The party of Rev. Ted Haggard, Sen. LarryCraig, Rep. Mark Foley, and former Spokane mayor Jim West simply lost itsmoral authority as guardian of the good.
Express Gay News
Go to this link for the following articles:
-New rules for transgender kids in NY juvenile jails
Advocacy groups say policy is one of nation's most progressive
-Maine group drops anti-gay rights push
Effort failed to draw support needed
-George Michael sounds off on gay marriage
'25 Live' tour kicked off Tuesday
George Michael is a most happy fellow these days: He's kicking off his firstNorth American tour in 17 years and same-sex marriage has just beenlegalized in California.
-New fears of Anglican schism over homosexuality
Once a decade, hundreds of bishops of the international Anglican Communionmeet in Canterbury, England, for the Lambeth Conference. This summer, inthe most tangible demonstration yet of the church's divide overhomosexuality, hundreds of bishops are boycotting the Lambeth Conference andattending a rival meeting for conservative Anglicans in Jerusalem.
Five years ago, Gene Robinson was elected the first openly gay Christianbishop, causing the greatest crisis the modern Protestant community has everfaced. Will his love for another man rip the church in two? We're about tofind out.
-Gay icon details journey down the 'Pink Carpet'
TV star Leslie Jordan writes about Hollywood, addiction and gay culture
When Leslie Jordan first came to Hollywood in 1982, it was still taboo to bea gay star. In his new book, the actor - best known for his Emmy-winningrole as Karen's pretentious rival Beverley Leslie on the hit series "Will &Grace" - writes about the struggles and successes he encountered along hisjourney. An excerpt.
-Breaking: Incompetent Buffoon Honors Inept Boob
George W. Bush awarded retired General and former Joint Chiefs of StaffChairman Peter Pace with the distinguished Medal of Freedom today. As youmay remember, Pace once called gays and lesbians "immoral" in an interviewwith the Chicago Tribune.(ThinkProgress has the audio in case you wanted torelive it). Giving this award to a certified homophobe and one of the chiefarchitects of the Iraq debacle is a slap in the face to the estimated 65,000gay and lesbians soldiers serving in today's military. No wait, we take thatback, it's a slap in the face to anyone, anywhere who has ever served inanything remotely military-ish, ever, including our high school color guard.
-The Log Cabin Republicans' 'education' of the LGBT community on McCainbegins
I almost lost my lunch reading this spin. You might recall from a recentpost that the Log Cabin Republicans organization said it "will do its partto educate gay and lesbian voters about Sen. McCain in the weeks ahead." Areyou ready for the "education"?
-Gay pride hits Fort Lauderdale...again?
Despite the gripes, living the life in South Florida is a gay ol' timePolitics, politics, politics, it's all about the politics in this week'sissue of The Express. Big news is coming out of Fort Lauderdale: DeanTrantalis, a former city commissioner, is hitting the campaign trail tobecome the city's first openly-gay mayor, and he's counting on all the angryGLBTs to vote for him. Not that we should vote for him because of that initself. There's also a whole city out there to run. Sometimes the gaycommunity forgets about everything else out there.
Marriage Equality News
Go to this link for the following articles:
-Gay wedding bells could ring up big money for N.J.
Link: Star-Ledger
New Jersey could boost its economy by more than half a billion dollars overthe next three years by promptly legalizing same-sex marriage, a Californialaw professor told a state commission yesterday. Brad Sears, executivedirector of the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law, said gay weddingsalone would pump $248 million into New Jersey's economy under a "veryconservative" economic analysis. He said additional spending on gifts,overnight hotel stays by visiting friends and other items could boost thetotal to "a half billion dollars plus" over the next three years.
-Facts show that same-sex couples are fine parents
Link: Sacramento Bee
We can tell, by analyzing the census data, whether children raised bysame-sex couples are any more likely to be held back in elementary schoolthan children from other families. If being raised by same-sex coupleparents were such a profound disadvantage as critics claim, we should expectchildren raised by same-sex couples to do poorly in elementary school. Thecensus data show that children raised by same-sex couples are just as likelyas children raised by heterosexual couples to make normal progress throughelementary school, given the same levels of parental education and income.
-Same-Sex Marriage & November Election
Link: KNBC
There a sense that the fight has been fought and that, in this electionyear, voters are not so much attuned to social values issues; the economy,the Iraq war, and health care dominate voter concerns.On the other hand, thekey swing state of Florida, along with normally Democratic California, willhave a same-sex marriage ban on the ballot, and that could help energize anunenthusiastic GOP base.On still another hand, young voters and the liberalDemocratic base, energized by the candidacy of Barack Obama, could turnoutin numbers large enough to doom these initiatives. In fact, a recent FieldPoll shows that, for the first time since it began sampling public opiniontoward gay marriage, a majority (51 percent) of the state's voters supportthe legalization of same-sex unions, and fully 68 percent of voters betweenthe ages of 18 and 29 approve.Nor does it help the GOP presumptive nominee,John McCain that his chief California supporter, Governor ArnoldSchwarzenegger, has indicated that he supports the Supreme Court ruling andwill oppose the new initiative.
-Cross-border skirmishes
Link: Bay Windows
It is precisely because the fight for marriage equality is so important thatwe should wage it smartly and responsibly, which means working together. Aslast week's joint statement said, "We need to choose the courts andlegislatures where we have the best chance of winning." In the meantime, allof us should be telling our stories and making our case to help move publicopinion and lay the groundwork for future victories. Until we get a federalversion of the California ruling, married same-sex couples traveling fromstate to state will be in a legal no-man's-land. It is a profound injusticethat will take more than rash actions to defeat. Let's stop demandingshortcuts and cooperate in the slow and steady work of making real andlasting change. Right now we have an initiative to defeat in California, topreserve the victory there. You can contribute to the cause by visitingw ww.equalityforall.com.
-The Gay Marriage Home-Buying Discount
Link: US News & World Report
As the national housing market continues writhing in despair, one realestate agency is looking to take advantage of the state's controversiallegalization of gay marriage to jump-start home sales. With same-sexcouples from across the country headed to sunny California to wed, WellsfordRealty in San Diego is offering incentives for them to buy homes in thearea.
Pink News - UK
Go to this link for the following articles:
-Ukrainian gay groups form union
Three leading gay and lesbian organisations in the Ukraine have formed theUnion of Gay Organisations of Ukraine (UGOU).
-Business advice offered to LGBT entrepreneurs
The Gay Business Association is hosting an Ask The Experts event as part ofthe Pride London festival, open to all LGBT professionals from charities,businesses and other organisations.
-"Gay" circus premieres in Barcelona
Circus performance is the latest art form to be given a gay treatment withthe creation of a "new notion of circus based on male and female acrobaticsand oriented to a gay and lesbian friendly audience."
-Cumming hailed as inspiration to gay youth
Award-winning actor Alan Cumming is to be honoured by the US gay communityafter The Trevor Project called him an "inspiration" to youngsters.
-Gay discrimination law passes Lithuanian parliament
Discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation has been included in anew Law on Equal Treatment passed by the Lithuanian parliament.
-Carly Simon comments on lesbian rumours
She's back with a brand new album-the highest debuting release of hercareer, thanks in part to a partnership with Starbucks-and now, 62-year-oldCarly Simon is finally putting to rest those lesbian rumours.
-Sweden warns Moldova over LGBT rights
Swedish Foreign Minster Carl Bildt has condemned the violence againsthomosexuals during the Moldova Pride Festival and demanded that Moldaviangovernment upholds the rights of its LGBT people.
-Cardiff will celebrate Pride in September
The Welsh capital will have a Pride event this year following thecancellation of Cardiff Mardi Gras. Cardiff Pride will take place onSaturday 6th September on Coopers Field.
-More than 100 people complain to police about "gay cure" MP
A meeting in Belfast organised by gay advocacy group the Coalition on SexualOrientation (CoSo) earlier this week was told than more than 100 complaintshave been lodged with police about Iris Robinson.
-Why Obama could be good for gays
When Hillary Clinton explicitly called for gay rights (twice) in herconcession speech it was noteworthy. Why?
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Go to the above link for the following articles:
-Arizona Group Strives to Boost Number of Gay Voters
A group of community leaders in Arizona have banded together to launch avoter drive ahead of the November election. The non-partisan project, calledOut the Vote, has focused on recruiting voters at bars, churches and otherLGBT gathering places. "The gay community is not just made up of gaypeople. There are business owners and family and friends," project organizerAnnie Loyd told The Arizona Republic. "We have the opportunity to educatemany people from many different walks of life - Democrats, Republicans,business owners, young people - about the importance of voting and gettingregistered to vote." The general election is particularly important in thefall this year, as every seat in the state legislature is up for grabs asare several Congressional seats.
-LCR Get McCain Endorsement Jitters?
Chris Crain | Citizen Crain
There appears to be some hope that the Log Cabin Republicans are havingsecond thoughts - or at least giving some thought - to whether they shouldendorse John McCain, who opposes absolutely any and every form of gay civilrights protection. Marc Ambinder reports: The Log Cabin Republicans aren'tsure whether they plan to endorse John McCain, or whether extending a presidential endorsement is even necessary. .When I last checked with the group and with the McCain, they were working tofind a mutually convenient time for McCain to meet with the LCR board. He also attached a copy of an email sent to LCR members asking for theirinput on the question:
-LGBT Catholics Strive to be More Visible
By John Lendman | Windy City Times
LGBT Catholics from various Chicagoland parishes gathered in prayer anddiscussion at Loyola University, 25 E. Pearson, June 14 to share testimoniesand network on how to become more visible in their faith-based communitiesand the Catholic Church. Michael Herman and Sister Jeannine Gramick spokeat the June 14 LGBT Catholic forum at Loyola University. "Here In Faith:
Creating a Welcoming Catholic Community Through Prayer andStory" - sponsored by Call to Action, a national Catholic social justiceorganization, with New Ways Ministry and Dignity Chicago-seeks to motivate LGBT Catholics and their allies to be more active in the eyes of the Church. "The church belongs to lesbian and gay people just as much as the churchbelongs to anyone," Sister Jeannine Gramick, co-founder of New Ways Ministrysaid.
-IL: Gay Former Priest Talks about the Catholic Church
By John Lendman | Windy City Times
Former priest Michael Herman was among the attendees at "Here In Faith:Creating a Welcoming Catholic Community through Prayer and Story," whichtook place Sat., June 14, at the Water Tower campus of Loyola UniversityChicago, 25 E. Pearson, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Herman talked with Windy City Timesabout the Catholic Church; his own past; and religion and politics. WindyCity Times: Is it Father Michael Herman?
-Supreme Court Asked to Ban Jerusalem Gay Pride
by 365Gay.com Newscenter Staff
(Jerusalem) Israel's Supreme Court was asked Thursday to issue an injunctionbarring gays from holding a pride march in Jerusalem later this month. Theultra-right National Jewish Front and the city of Jerusalem filedseparate briefs with the high court asking to have the parade cancelled. The National Jewish Front in its brief called the parade a "a provocation". The brief filed by the city said it feared civil unrest. The parade isscheduled for June 26th. The high court will hear arguments. The court hasnot indicated when it will hear arguments.
Forwarded from Gay Asalyum - UK
Go to this link for the following articles:
The World is an Unkind Place for Gay Refugees
Commemorating June 20, World Refugee Day
Just two years ago, Arash and Javad (not their real names), two youngIranian men were building their future together. Arash was pursuing asuccessful career in Iran's financial sector and Javad was a universitystudent in Tehran. Now the men live in abject poverty in a remote area ofTurkey. They have no income and are frequently forced to scavenge for foodin their neighbors' trashcans. Javad, a diabetic, needs regular monitoringand medication, which he cannot afford. His health has deteriorated to thepoint where he regularly suffers diabetic comas. How did two young,upwardly mobile Iranians end up in such dire circumstances? The answer tothis question is simple. Arash and Javad are gay men forced to flee theircountry as refugees. According to the Iranian penal code, homosexual conductis a crime that is punishable by death.
-The South African government should recognize that political repression andeconomic deprivation have forced Zimbabweans to flee their country andimmediately stop deporting them, Human Rights Watch said in a reportreleased today. Human Rights Watch called on the government to grantZimbabweans in South Africa temporary status and work rights. Read more at:
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
Go to the links for the following articles:
Contact rays.list@comcast.net if can't access the article
In the latest chapter of Uganda's history of homosexual repression, threegay activists were arrested at a U.S.-funded AIDS conference when theydemanded that Uganda include gays in its HIV prevention campaign from whichthey have been excluded because, as Uganda's President Yoweri Musevaniclaims, "We don't have homosexuals in Uganda."
-Turkish singer tried over dissent
Bulent Ersoy could face a long jail term for her anti-military remarks Oneof Turkey's best known singers, Bulent Ersoy, has gone on trial charged withattempting to turn the public against military service. The charges werebrought after she suggested it was not worth sacrificing soldiers' lives inTurkey's conflict with the Kurdish separatist PKK group. The transsexualsinger made her comments on television last February.
Michigan: Triangle Foundation
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Triangle Responds to Anti-Gay Discrimination at Spectrum Hospital
Grand Rapids - Instead of compassionate medical treatment, Ashleigh Habermanand Erica Schaub received a "lifestyle" lecture from a Spectrum Hospitalphysician. The couple went to Spectrum Health South Pavilion Urgent CareCenter in Grand Rapids for treatment of Schaub's lingering cold. Accordingto a WOOD TV 8 report, the physician responded in an inappropriate mannerasking who Haberman was to Schaub. Ashleigh Haberman and Erica Schaub havemadeda life-long commitment to each other and were married in Canada. WhenSchaub explained Haberman was her life partner, the lecture began. Thephysician asked for the couple's opinion on the recent California SupremeCourt marriage decision and "he proceeded to give his opinion on how he feltthat marriage, gay marriage, shouldn't be called a marriage because it's areligious-based word, and he's a Christian, and there's no way that marriagecould be considered legal in the gay sense," said Haberman.
[Send your comments about articles to Rays.List@Comcast.net]
New York Times
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Maine: Group Abandons Gay Law Campaign
A group has abandoned a campaign to overturn a state law protecting gay menand lesbians from discrimination. The group, the Christian Civic League ofMaine, said it had failed to gain the support needed to continue. Theproposal would have repealed protections in employment, housing, publicaccommodation, credit and education. It would also have affirmed a state lawrestricting marriages to one man and one woman, ensured that only oneunmarried person or one married couple jointly could adopt a person,prohibited clerks from issuing marriage licenses to persons of the same sex,and prohibited municipalities from licensing civil unions. California andMassachusetts are the only states to legalize same-sex marriage; a handfulof others allow civil unions or domestic partnerships among same-sexcouples.
-New transgender policy at New York juvenile jails
Transgender youth in New York's juvenile detention centers are now allowedto wear whatever uniform they choose, be called by whatever name they wantand ask for special housing under a new anti-discrimination policy drawingpraise from advocacy groups.
-Rival Conferences for Anglican Church
Once a decade, hundreds of bishops of the international Anglican Communionmeet in Canterbury, England, for the Lambeth Conference. This summer, inthe most tangible demonstration yet of the church's division overhomosexuality, hundreds of bishops are boycotting the Lambeth Conference andattending a rival meeting for conservative Anglicans in Jerusalem.
-Conservative Anglicans Plan Rival Conference as Split Over HomosexualityGrows
Once a decade, hundreds of bishops of the international Anglican Communionmeet in Canterbury, England, for the Lambeth Conference. This summer, inthe most tangible demonstration yet of the church's divide overhomosexuality, more than a quarter of the invited bishops are expected toboycott the conference and attend a rival meeting for conservative Anglicansin Jerusalem, called the Global Anglican Future Conference.
Washington Post
Go to the links for the following articles:
-New transgender policy at New York juvenile jails
Transgender youth in New York's juvenile detention centers are now allowedto wear whatever uniform they choose, be called by whatever name they wantand ask for special housing under a new anti-discrimination policy drawingpraise from advocacy groups.
Go to this link for the following articles:
-Supreme Court Asked To Ban Jerusalem Gay Pride
Israel's Supreme Court was asked Thursday to issue an injunction barringgays from holding a pride march in Jerusalem later this month.
-Senate Deadlocked On World AIDS Bill
At the White House on Thursday, President Bush awarded the PresidentialMedal of Freedom to two people behind a triumph of his administration, aprogram to fight the global AIDS pandemic. Down the street on Capitol Hill,a few Republican senators continued to block what would be a major expansionof that program.
-Bid To Wipe Out All Maine Gay Rights Laws Fails
A conservative Christian group has given up its attempt to mount areferendum drive to wipe out all protections for LGBT citizens in Maine.
-Emirates Sheik On Trial For Attacking American Man Who Spurned Him
Geneva's chief prosecutor argued Thursday that a brother of the United ArabEmirates' ruler should receive the maximum penalty on a charge of assaultingan American man with his belt in a luxury hotel bar.
-Az Bill Would Allow Anti-Gay Slurs In Schools
The Arizona Senate has given preliminary approval to legislation barringschools from discriminating against religious beliefs, a move opponents saywill encourage students to bully gay students.
-German Lutherans Divided Over Gay Bishop Candidate
The German Lutheran Church could become the first mainstream denomination inEurope to have an openly gay bishop and conservatives already are warningsuch a move could split the church.
-How the GOP Is Blowing It by Wayne Besen
One has to look no further than Jeffersonville, Ind. to figure out howRepublicans blew their recent hegemony in American politics. This Louisvillesuburb is where the former chairman of both the Clark County RepublicanParty and Young Republican National Federation pleaded guilty last week tocriminal deviant conduct for performing oral sex on a man while he slept,following a house party. This incident is the latest to underscore the rankhypocrisy within republican ranks. The party of Rev. Ted Haggard, Sen. LarryCraig, Rep. Mark Foley, and former Spokane mayor Jim West simply lost itsmoral authority as guardian of the good.
Express Gay News
Go to this link for the following articles:
-New rules for transgender kids in NY juvenile jails
Advocacy groups say policy is one of nation's most progressive
-Maine group drops anti-gay rights push
Effort failed to draw support needed
-George Michael sounds off on gay marriage
'25 Live' tour kicked off Tuesday
George Michael is a most happy fellow these days: He's kicking off his firstNorth American tour in 17 years and same-sex marriage has just beenlegalized in California.
-New fears of Anglican schism over homosexuality
Once a decade, hundreds of bishops of the international Anglican Communionmeet in Canterbury, England, for the Lambeth Conference. This summer, inthe most tangible demonstration yet of the church's divide overhomosexuality, hundreds of bishops are boycotting the Lambeth Conference andattending a rival meeting for conservative Anglicans in Jerusalem.
Five years ago, Gene Robinson was elected the first openly gay Christianbishop, causing the greatest crisis the modern Protestant community has everfaced. Will his love for another man rip the church in two? We're about tofind out.
-Gay icon details journey down the 'Pink Carpet'
TV star Leslie Jordan writes about Hollywood, addiction and gay culture
When Leslie Jordan first came to Hollywood in 1982, it was still taboo to bea gay star. In his new book, the actor - best known for his Emmy-winningrole as Karen's pretentious rival Beverley Leslie on the hit series "Will &Grace" - writes about the struggles and successes he encountered along hisjourney. An excerpt.
-Breaking: Incompetent Buffoon Honors Inept Boob
George W. Bush awarded retired General and former Joint Chiefs of StaffChairman Peter Pace with the distinguished Medal of Freedom today. As youmay remember, Pace once called gays and lesbians "immoral" in an interviewwith the Chicago Tribune.(ThinkProgress has the audio in case you wanted torelive it). Giving this award to a certified homophobe and one of the chiefarchitects of the Iraq debacle is a slap in the face to the estimated 65,000gay and lesbians soldiers serving in today's military. No wait, we take thatback, it's a slap in the face to anyone, anywhere who has ever served inanything remotely military-ish, ever, including our high school color guard.
-The Log Cabin Republicans' 'education' of the LGBT community on McCainbegins
I almost lost my lunch reading this spin. You might recall from a recentpost that the Log Cabin Republicans organization said it "will do its partto educate gay and lesbian voters about Sen. McCain in the weeks ahead." Areyou ready for the "education"?
-Gay pride hits Fort Lauderdale...again?
Despite the gripes, living the life in South Florida is a gay ol' timePolitics, politics, politics, it's all about the politics in this week'sissue of The Express. Big news is coming out of Fort Lauderdale: DeanTrantalis, a former city commissioner, is hitting the campaign trail tobecome the city's first openly-gay mayor, and he's counting on all the angryGLBTs to vote for him. Not that we should vote for him because of that initself. There's also a whole city out there to run. Sometimes the gaycommunity forgets about everything else out there.
Marriage Equality News
Go to this link for the following articles:
-Gay wedding bells could ring up big money for N.J.
Link: Star-Ledger
New Jersey could boost its economy by more than half a billion dollars overthe next three years by promptly legalizing same-sex marriage, a Californialaw professor told a state commission yesterday. Brad Sears, executivedirector of the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law, said gay weddingsalone would pump $248 million into New Jersey's economy under a "veryconservative" economic analysis. He said additional spending on gifts,overnight hotel stays by visiting friends and other items could boost thetotal to "a half billion dollars plus" over the next three years.
-Facts show that same-sex couples are fine parents
Link: Sacramento Bee
We can tell, by analyzing the census data, whether children raised bysame-sex couples are any more likely to be held back in elementary schoolthan children from other families. If being raised by same-sex coupleparents were such a profound disadvantage as critics claim, we should expectchildren raised by same-sex couples to do poorly in elementary school. Thecensus data show that children raised by same-sex couples are just as likelyas children raised by heterosexual couples to make normal progress throughelementary school, given the same levels of parental education and income.
-Same-Sex Marriage & November Election
Link: KNBC
There a sense that the fight has been fought and that, in this electionyear, voters are not so much attuned to social values issues; the economy,the Iraq war, and health care dominate voter concerns.On the other hand, thekey swing state of Florida, along with normally Democratic California, willhave a same-sex marriage ban on the ballot, and that could help energize anunenthusiastic GOP base.On still another hand, young voters and the liberalDemocratic base, energized by the candidacy of Barack Obama, could turnoutin numbers large enough to doom these initiatives. In fact, a recent FieldPoll shows that, for the first time since it began sampling public opiniontoward gay marriage, a majority (51 percent) of the state's voters supportthe legalization of same-sex unions, and fully 68 percent of voters betweenthe ages of 18 and 29 approve.Nor does it help the GOP presumptive nominee,John McCain that his chief California supporter, Governor ArnoldSchwarzenegger, has indicated that he supports the Supreme Court ruling andwill oppose the new initiative.
-Cross-border skirmishes
Link: Bay Windows
It is precisely because the fight for marriage equality is so important thatwe should wage it smartly and responsibly, which means working together. Aslast week's joint statement said, "We need to choose the courts andlegislatures where we have the best chance of winning." In the meantime, allof us should be telling our stories and making our case to help move publicopinion and lay the groundwork for future victories. Until we get a federalversion of the California ruling, married same-sex couples traveling fromstate to state will be in a legal no-man's-land. It is a profound injusticethat will take more than rash actions to defeat. Let's stop demandingshortcuts and cooperate in the slow and steady work of making real andlasting change. Right now we have an initiative to defeat in California, topreserve the victory there. You can contribute to the cause by visitingw ww.equalityforall.com.
-The Gay Marriage Home-Buying Discount
Link: US News & World Report
As the national housing market continues writhing in despair, one realestate agency is looking to take advantage of the state's controversiallegalization of gay marriage to jump-start home sales. With same-sexcouples from across the country headed to sunny California to wed, WellsfordRealty in San Diego is offering incentives for them to buy homes in thearea.
Pink News - UK
Go to this link for the following articles:
-Ukrainian gay groups form union
Three leading gay and lesbian organisations in the Ukraine have formed theUnion of Gay Organisations of Ukraine (UGOU).
-Business advice offered to LGBT entrepreneurs
The Gay Business Association is hosting an Ask The Experts event as part ofthe Pride London festival, open to all LGBT professionals from charities,businesses and other organisations.
-"Gay" circus premieres in Barcelona
Circus performance is the latest art form to be given a gay treatment withthe creation of a "new notion of circus based on male and female acrobaticsand oriented to a gay and lesbian friendly audience."
-Cumming hailed as inspiration to gay youth
Award-winning actor Alan Cumming is to be honoured by the US gay communityafter The Trevor Project called him an "inspiration" to youngsters.
-Gay discrimination law passes Lithuanian parliament
Discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation has been included in anew Law on Equal Treatment passed by the Lithuanian parliament.
-Carly Simon comments on lesbian rumours
She's back with a brand new album-the highest debuting release of hercareer, thanks in part to a partnership with Starbucks-and now, 62-year-oldCarly Simon is finally putting to rest those lesbian rumours.
-Sweden warns Moldova over LGBT rights
Swedish Foreign Minster Carl Bildt has condemned the violence againsthomosexuals during the Moldova Pride Festival and demanded that Moldaviangovernment upholds the rights of its LGBT people.
-Cardiff will celebrate Pride in September
The Welsh capital will have a Pride event this year following thecancellation of Cardiff Mardi Gras. Cardiff Pride will take place onSaturday 6th September on Coopers Field.
-More than 100 people complain to police about "gay cure" MP
A meeting in Belfast organised by gay advocacy group the Coalition on SexualOrientation (CoSo) earlier this week was told than more than 100 complaintshave been lodged with police about Iris Robinson.
-Why Obama could be good for gays
When Hillary Clinton explicitly called for gay rights (twice) in herconcession speech it was noteworthy. Why?
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Go to the above link for the following articles:
-Arizona Group Strives to Boost Number of Gay Voters
A group of community leaders in Arizona have banded together to launch avoter drive ahead of the November election. The non-partisan project, calledOut the Vote, has focused on recruiting voters at bars, churches and otherLGBT gathering places. "The gay community is not just made up of gaypeople. There are business owners and family and friends," project organizerAnnie Loyd told The Arizona Republic. "We have the opportunity to educatemany people from many different walks of life - Democrats, Republicans,business owners, young people - about the importance of voting and gettingregistered to vote." The general election is particularly important in thefall this year, as every seat in the state legislature is up for grabs asare several Congressional seats.
-LCR Get McCain Endorsement Jitters?
Chris Crain | Citizen Crain
There appears to be some hope that the Log Cabin Republicans are havingsecond thoughts - or at least giving some thought - to whether they shouldendorse John McCain, who opposes absolutely any and every form of gay civilrights protection. Marc Ambinder reports: The Log Cabin Republicans aren'tsure whether they plan to endorse John McCain, or whether extending a presidential endorsement is even necessary. .When I last checked with the group and with the McCain, they were working tofind a mutually convenient time for McCain to meet with the LCR board. He also attached a copy of an email sent to LCR members asking for theirinput on the question:
-LGBT Catholics Strive to be More Visible
By John Lendman | Windy City Times
LGBT Catholics from various Chicagoland parishes gathered in prayer anddiscussion at Loyola University, 25 E. Pearson, June 14 to share testimoniesand network on how to become more visible in their faith-based communitiesand the Catholic Church. Michael Herman and Sister Jeannine Gramick spokeat the June 14 LGBT Catholic forum at Loyola University. "Here In Faith:
Creating a Welcoming Catholic Community Through Prayer andStory" - sponsored by Call to Action, a national Catholic social justiceorganization, with New Ways Ministry and Dignity Chicago-seeks to motivate LGBT Catholics and their allies to be more active in the eyes of the Church. "The church belongs to lesbian and gay people just as much as the churchbelongs to anyone," Sister Jeannine Gramick, co-founder of New Ways Ministrysaid.
-IL: Gay Former Priest Talks about the Catholic Church
By John Lendman | Windy City Times
Former priest Michael Herman was among the attendees at "Here In Faith:Creating a Welcoming Catholic Community through Prayer and Story," whichtook place Sat., June 14, at the Water Tower campus of Loyola UniversityChicago, 25 E. Pearson, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Herman talked with Windy City Timesabout the Catholic Church; his own past; and religion and politics. WindyCity Times: Is it Father Michael Herman?
-Supreme Court Asked to Ban Jerusalem Gay Pride
by 365Gay.com Newscenter Staff
(Jerusalem) Israel's Supreme Court was asked Thursday to issue an injunctionbarring gays from holding a pride march in Jerusalem later this month. Theultra-right National Jewish Front and the city of Jerusalem filedseparate briefs with the high court asking to have the parade cancelled. The National Jewish Front in its brief called the parade a "a provocation". The brief filed by the city said it feared civil unrest. The parade isscheduled for June 26th. The high court will hear arguments. The court hasnot indicated when it will hear arguments.
Forwarded from Gay Asalyum - UK
Go to this link for the following articles:
The World is an Unkind Place for Gay Refugees
Commemorating June 20, World Refugee Day
Just two years ago, Arash and Javad (not their real names), two youngIranian men were building their future together. Arash was pursuing asuccessful career in Iran's financial sector and Javad was a universitystudent in Tehran. Now the men live in abject poverty in a remote area ofTurkey. They have no income and are frequently forced to scavenge for foodin their neighbors' trashcans. Javad, a diabetic, needs regular monitoringand medication, which he cannot afford. His health has deteriorated to thepoint where he regularly suffers diabetic comas. How did two young,upwardly mobile Iranians end up in such dire circumstances? The answer tothis question is simple. Arash and Javad are gay men forced to flee theircountry as refugees. According to the Iranian penal code, homosexual conductis a crime that is punishable by death.
-The South African government should recognize that political repression andeconomic deprivation have forced Zimbabweans to flee their country andimmediately stop deporting them, Human Rights Watch said in a reportreleased today. Human Rights Watch called on the government to grantZimbabweans in South Africa temporary status and work rights. Read more at:
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
Go to the links for the following articles:
Contact rays.list@comcast.net if can't access the article
In the latest chapter of Uganda's history of homosexual repression, threegay activists were arrested at a U.S.-funded AIDS conference when theydemanded that Uganda include gays in its HIV prevention campaign from whichthey have been excluded because, as Uganda's President Yoweri Musevaniclaims, "We don't have homosexuals in Uganda."
-Turkish singer tried over dissent
Bulent Ersoy could face a long jail term for her anti-military remarks Oneof Turkey's best known singers, Bulent Ersoy, has gone on trial charged withattempting to turn the public against military service. The charges werebrought after she suggested it was not worth sacrificing soldiers' lives inTurkey's conflict with the Kurdish separatist PKK group. The transsexualsinger made her comments on television last February.
Michigan: Triangle Foundation
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Triangle Responds to Anti-Gay Discrimination at Spectrum Hospital
Grand Rapids - Instead of compassionate medical treatment, Ashleigh Habermanand Erica Schaub received a "lifestyle" lecture from a Spectrum Hospitalphysician. The couple went to Spectrum Health South Pavilion Urgent CareCenter in Grand Rapids for treatment of Schaub's lingering cold. Accordingto a WOOD TV 8 report, the physician responded in an inappropriate mannerasking who Haberman was to Schaub. Ashleigh Haberman and Erica Schaub havemadeda life-long commitment to each other and were married in Canada. WhenSchaub explained Haberman was her life partner, the lecture began. Thephysician asked for the couple's opinion on the recent California SupremeCourt marriage decision and "he proceeded to give his opinion on how he feltthat marriage, gay marriage, shouldn't be called a marriage because it's areligious-based word, and he's a Christian, and there's no way that marriagecould be considered legal in the gay sense," said Haberman.
[Send your comments about articles to Rays.List@Comcast.net]
NATIONAL & WORLD NEWS - June 20, 2008
**IF YOU CAN'T ACCESS THE FULL ARTICLE, CONTACT US AT rays.list@comcast.net and we'll be happy to send the full article.
New York Times
Go to the links for the following articles:
-The Two Obamas
Barack Obama is no liberal goo-goo. Republicans keep calling him naïve. Butnaïve is the last word I'd use to describe him. [...] He's the mosteffectively political creature we've seen in decades. Even Bill Clinton wasn't smart enough to succeed in politics by pretending to renounce politics.
-After a decade of shouting, "Follow the water!" in its exploration of Mars,NASA can finally say that one of its spacecraft has reached out, touchedwater ice and scooped it up.
Washington Post
Go to the links for the following articles:
-A False Moderate?
It was not quite a Roger Mudd moment, but it was close. Mudd, you might recall, posed a simple question to Ted Kennedy in 1979: "Why do you want to be president?" Kennedy's vague, unprepared answer raised serious questions about his candidacy. Recently, Jake Tapper of ABC News asked a similarly blunt question of Barack Obama: "Have you ever worked across the aisle in such a way that entailed a political risk for yourself?" Obama's response is worth quoting in full: "Well, look, when I was doing ethics reform legislation, for example, that wasn't popular with Democrats or Republicans. So any time that you actually try to get something done in Washington, it entails some political risks. But I think the basic principle which you pointed out is that I have consistently said, when it comes to solving problems, like nuclear proliferation or reducing the influence of lobbyists in Washington, that I don't approach this from a partisan or ideological perspective."
-The Small-Donor Fallacy
Not long ago, Sen. Barack Obama criticized special-interest lobbies that"use their money and influence to stop us from reforming health care orinvesting in renewable energy for yet another four years." He has said thathis army of small donors constitutes "a parallel public financing system,"one in which ordinary voters "will have as much access and influence overthe course of our campaign" as that "traditionally reserved for the wealthyand the powerful."
-McCain's Oil Epiphany
Gas is $4 a gallon. Oil is $135 a barrel and rising. We import two-thirds ofour oil, sending hundreds of billions of dollars to the likes of Russia,Venezuela and Saudi Arabia. And yet we voluntarily prohibit ourselves fromeven exploring huge domestic reserves of petroleum and natural gas.
-A Better Surveillance Law
Congress shows it still knows how to reach a compromise in the national interest. CONGRESSIONAL leaders of both parties should be commended for drafting legislation that brings the country's surveillance laws into the 21st century while protecting civil liberties and preserving important national security prerogatives. The bill is scheduled to be voted on today in the House, and it deserves to pass.
-The Politics of Spare Change
Even $85 million wasn't enough to get Barack Obama to keep his promise.
BARACK OBAMA isn't abandoning his pledge to take public financing for thegeneral election campaign because it's in his political interest. Certainlynot. He isn't about to become the first candidate since Watergate to run anelection fueled entirely with private money because he will be able to raisefar more that way than the mere $85 million he'd get if he stuck to hispromise -- and with which his Republican opponent, John McCain, will have tomake do. No, Mr. Obama, or so he would have you believe, is forgoing themoney because he is so committed to public financing. Really, it hurts himmore than it hurts Fred Wertheimer.
-Obama to Reject Public Funds for Election
Sen. Barack Obama reversed his pledge to seek public financing in thegeneral election yesterday, a move that drew criticism from adversaries andallies alike but could provide him with a significant spending advantageover Republican rival John McCain.
Pew Research center
Go to this link for the following articles:
-Politics Goes Viral Online
A new Pew Internet & American Life project report finds that already in thiscampaign season, more Americans -- 46% -- have gone online to get politicalnews and campaign information than in all of 2004. Large numbers of peopleare not only going online to learn about the campaigns, but are also takingan active role in spreading news and information about their candidate ofchoice or the race in general. Read more
-What Limits Remain on Government Funding of Religious Groups andActivities?
A look at the implications of a recent Supreme Court case that permits
executive agencies to fund religious groups and activities without fear ofconstitutional litigation. Read more
-U.S. Worries Rise About Loss of Global Respect
A new Pew survey finds that seven-in-ten Americans -- now including amajority of Republicans -- see the loss of international respect for thenation as a major problem. Islamic extremist groups remain the largestperceived threat to America followed by nuclear programs in Iran and NorthKorea. Read more
-Gas Prices Pump Up Economic Interest
As economic news continues to register at an almost record level with thepublic, no other issue gets close to the level of attention accorded theprice of oil and gas. Fully 72% of Americans say it is the economic orfiscal problem they've heard the most about. Read more
-Campaign Spouses: Public Hears More Negatives About Michelle than Cindy
While opinions about both potential First Ladies are mostly positive, Mrs.Obama has emerged as a more high profile and controversial spouse than Mrs.McCain. Read more
-In a relatively light week of campaign coverage, attention focused onpolicy differences. Still, a fair amount of attention was also paid to somecontroversies and gaffes. Read more
-Daily Number
43% - Torture Justified
More than four in ten Americans (43%) say that the use of torture can bejustified to gain key information sometimes (31%) or often (12%). Check backevery weekday for another number in the news. Read more
Fort Report
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Drilling for Answers
Will we find the oil we need offshore?
Houston-There's something about the heavy air here that puts visions ofdrilling in the mind. On Tuesday, John McCain, who came to pander to thelocal oil industry, called for a reversal of the 27 year ban on offshoredrilling. (President Bush echoed it today), and threw in a plea to drill inthe Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for good measures). After two days here,chatting with people in the oil industry, and with the many locals whobenefit from it, I was ready to wade into the waters off of Boca Raton,Florida, and start prospecting for black gold.
-Nation's mayors gathering in Miami for conference
Obama, favored among group, slated to speak
They govern 85 percent of the U.S. population, but the nation's mayors willonly hear from one presidential candidate during their annual gathering thatbegins today in Miami.
-Politifact.com: Tying offshore drilling to price perks 'foolish'
When Sen. John McCain dropped his energy bombshell, calling for the federal government to lift restrictions on offshore drilling for oil, he began bynoting the high price of gas these days. "With gasoline running at morethan four bucks a gallon, many do not have the luxury of waiting on thefar-off plans of futurists and politicians," McCain said in a speech onTuesday in the oil hub of Houston.
-Ecological impact: Where offshore drilling goes, beaches suffer
Stephen Leatherman has seen every kind of beach in America, and he reallylikes the ones in Florida. The man known as Dr. Beach usually ranks themamong the prettiest in America. This year he picked Pinellas County's ownCaladesi Island as No. 1. If oil companies start drilling in the easternGulf of Mexico, that's likely to change. "We've got some of the finest,whitest sand in the world," said Leatherman, a professor at FloridaInternational University in Miami. "Oil doesn't seem to go with that. Thiscould lower the value of our beaches."
-Florida's Gov. Drill: Crist's flip-flop on offshore exploitation isindefensible
It should go down as one of the more mercenary flip-flops in the state'shistory. With his eyes on John McCain's ticket as a running mate, Gov.Charlie Crist on Wednesday fell behind McCain's push for ending themoratorium on oil drilling along Florida's coastline after years of favoringthe ban without conditions. McCain was himself capitulating to the oil andgas industry, having backed the ban previously.
-Obama team weighs Nunn, Edwards as running mates
Barack Obama's search team considers John Edwards and Sam Nunn as potentialrunning mates Former Sens. John Edwards and Sam Nunn are on a list of potential runningmates for Democrat Barack Obama, a congresswoman said Thursday, one dayafter she met with the team Obama has reviewing possible candidates.
-Most say US on wrong track: AP-Ipsos poll
Wherever the nation should be headed, this isn't it. The number of
Americans who believe the country is moving in the wrong direction has risensharply, to nearly eight in ten, amid soaring food and gas prices, fallinghome values and unending war. Just 17 percent say the country is going inthe right direction, according to an AP-Ipsos poll.
-Obama Backed by Sierra Club And, in a Shift, AFSCME
The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees and theSierra Club announced separately yesterday that they would endorse BarackObama for president.
-McCain stumps strategists by playing up his unpopular stance on free trade
The candidate may be trying to show that his convictions about NAFTA areindependent of public opinion or that rival Barack Obama is 'irresponsible'to oppose the policy.
-Poll on presidential spouses finds an edge for Obama
Less well-known, Cindy McCain to take to TV today
One is the Ivy League-educated, outspoken spouse who draws criticism like amagnet. The other is the very practiced, very rich second wife who keeps alower profile. In the battle of potential presidential spouses, MichelleObama, despite the attacks on her, is viewed more favorably by Americans,while Cindy McCain is less well-known, according to a poll out yesterday.
[Send your comments about articles to Rays.List@Comcast.net]
New York Times
Go to the links for the following articles:
-The Two Obamas
Barack Obama is no liberal goo-goo. Republicans keep calling him naïve. Butnaïve is the last word I'd use to describe him. [...] He's the mosteffectively political creature we've seen in decades. Even Bill Clinton wasn't smart enough to succeed in politics by pretending to renounce politics.
-After a decade of shouting, "Follow the water!" in its exploration of Mars,NASA can finally say that one of its spacecraft has reached out, touchedwater ice and scooped it up.
Washington Post
Go to the links for the following articles:
-A False Moderate?
It was not quite a Roger Mudd moment, but it was close. Mudd, you might recall, posed a simple question to Ted Kennedy in 1979: "Why do you want to be president?" Kennedy's vague, unprepared answer raised serious questions about his candidacy. Recently, Jake Tapper of ABC News asked a similarly blunt question of Barack Obama: "Have you ever worked across the aisle in such a way that entailed a political risk for yourself?" Obama's response is worth quoting in full: "Well, look, when I was doing ethics reform legislation, for example, that wasn't popular with Democrats or Republicans. So any time that you actually try to get something done in Washington, it entails some political risks. But I think the basic principle which you pointed out is that I have consistently said, when it comes to solving problems, like nuclear proliferation or reducing the influence of lobbyists in Washington, that I don't approach this from a partisan or ideological perspective."
-The Small-Donor Fallacy
Not long ago, Sen. Barack Obama criticized special-interest lobbies that"use their money and influence to stop us from reforming health care orinvesting in renewable energy for yet another four years." He has said thathis army of small donors constitutes "a parallel public financing system,"one in which ordinary voters "will have as much access and influence overthe course of our campaign" as that "traditionally reserved for the wealthyand the powerful."
-McCain's Oil Epiphany
Gas is $4 a gallon. Oil is $135 a barrel and rising. We import two-thirds ofour oil, sending hundreds of billions of dollars to the likes of Russia,Venezuela and Saudi Arabia. And yet we voluntarily prohibit ourselves fromeven exploring huge domestic reserves of petroleum and natural gas.
-A Better Surveillance Law
Congress shows it still knows how to reach a compromise in the national interest. CONGRESSIONAL leaders of both parties should be commended for drafting legislation that brings the country's surveillance laws into the 21st century while protecting civil liberties and preserving important national security prerogatives. The bill is scheduled to be voted on today in the House, and it deserves to pass.
-The Politics of Spare Change
Even $85 million wasn't enough to get Barack Obama to keep his promise.
BARACK OBAMA isn't abandoning his pledge to take public financing for thegeneral election campaign because it's in his political interest. Certainlynot. He isn't about to become the first candidate since Watergate to run anelection fueled entirely with private money because he will be able to raisefar more that way than the mere $85 million he'd get if he stuck to hispromise -- and with which his Republican opponent, John McCain, will have tomake do. No, Mr. Obama, or so he would have you believe, is forgoing themoney because he is so committed to public financing. Really, it hurts himmore than it hurts Fred Wertheimer.
-Obama to Reject Public Funds for Election
Sen. Barack Obama reversed his pledge to seek public financing in thegeneral election yesterday, a move that drew criticism from adversaries andallies alike but could provide him with a significant spending advantageover Republican rival John McCain.
Pew Research center
Go to this link for the following articles:
-Politics Goes Viral Online
A new Pew Internet & American Life project report finds that already in thiscampaign season, more Americans -- 46% -- have gone online to get politicalnews and campaign information than in all of 2004. Large numbers of peopleare not only going online to learn about the campaigns, but are also takingan active role in spreading news and information about their candidate ofchoice or the race in general. Read more
-What Limits Remain on Government Funding of Religious Groups andActivities?
A look at the implications of a recent Supreme Court case that permits
executive agencies to fund religious groups and activities without fear ofconstitutional litigation. Read more
-U.S. Worries Rise About Loss of Global Respect
A new Pew survey finds that seven-in-ten Americans -- now including amajority of Republicans -- see the loss of international respect for thenation as a major problem. Islamic extremist groups remain the largestperceived threat to America followed by nuclear programs in Iran and NorthKorea. Read more
-Gas Prices Pump Up Economic Interest
As economic news continues to register at an almost record level with thepublic, no other issue gets close to the level of attention accorded theprice of oil and gas. Fully 72% of Americans say it is the economic orfiscal problem they've heard the most about. Read more
-Campaign Spouses: Public Hears More Negatives About Michelle than Cindy
While opinions about both potential First Ladies are mostly positive, Mrs.Obama has emerged as a more high profile and controversial spouse than Mrs.McCain. Read more
-In a relatively light week of campaign coverage, attention focused onpolicy differences. Still, a fair amount of attention was also paid to somecontroversies and gaffes. Read more
-Daily Number
43% - Torture Justified
More than four in ten Americans (43%) say that the use of torture can bejustified to gain key information sometimes (31%) or often (12%). Check backevery weekday for another number in the news. Read more
Fort Report
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Drilling for Answers
Will we find the oil we need offshore?
Houston-There's something about the heavy air here that puts visions ofdrilling in the mind. On Tuesday, John McCain, who came to pander to thelocal oil industry, called for a reversal of the 27 year ban on offshoredrilling. (President Bush echoed it today), and threw in a plea to drill inthe Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for good measures). After two days here,chatting with people in the oil industry, and with the many locals whobenefit from it, I was ready to wade into the waters off of Boca Raton,Florida, and start prospecting for black gold.
-Nation's mayors gathering in Miami for conference
Obama, favored among group, slated to speak
They govern 85 percent of the U.S. population, but the nation's mayors willonly hear from one presidential candidate during their annual gathering thatbegins today in Miami.
-Politifact.com: Tying offshore drilling to price perks 'foolish'
When Sen. John McCain dropped his energy bombshell, calling for the federal government to lift restrictions on offshore drilling for oil, he began bynoting the high price of gas these days. "With gasoline running at morethan four bucks a gallon, many do not have the luxury of waiting on thefar-off plans of futurists and politicians," McCain said in a speech onTuesday in the oil hub of Houston.
-Ecological impact: Where offshore drilling goes, beaches suffer
Stephen Leatherman has seen every kind of beach in America, and he reallylikes the ones in Florida. The man known as Dr. Beach usually ranks themamong the prettiest in America. This year he picked Pinellas County's ownCaladesi Island as No. 1. If oil companies start drilling in the easternGulf of Mexico, that's likely to change. "We've got some of the finest,whitest sand in the world," said Leatherman, a professor at FloridaInternational University in Miami. "Oil doesn't seem to go with that. Thiscould lower the value of our beaches."
-Florida's Gov. Drill: Crist's flip-flop on offshore exploitation isindefensible
It should go down as one of the more mercenary flip-flops in the state'shistory. With his eyes on John McCain's ticket as a running mate, Gov.Charlie Crist on Wednesday fell behind McCain's push for ending themoratorium on oil drilling along Florida's coastline after years of favoringthe ban without conditions. McCain was himself capitulating to the oil andgas industry, having backed the ban previously.
-Obama team weighs Nunn, Edwards as running mates
Barack Obama's search team considers John Edwards and Sam Nunn as potentialrunning mates Former Sens. John Edwards and Sam Nunn are on a list of potential runningmates for Democrat Barack Obama, a congresswoman said Thursday, one dayafter she met with the team Obama has reviewing possible candidates.
-Most say US on wrong track: AP-Ipsos poll
Wherever the nation should be headed, this isn't it. The number of
Americans who believe the country is moving in the wrong direction has risensharply, to nearly eight in ten, amid soaring food and gas prices, fallinghome values and unending war. Just 17 percent say the country is going inthe right direction, according to an AP-Ipsos poll.
-Obama Backed by Sierra Club And, in a Shift, AFSCME
The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees and theSierra Club announced separately yesterday that they would endorse BarackObama for president.
-McCain stumps strategists by playing up his unpopular stance on free trade
The candidate may be trying to show that his convictions about NAFTA areindependent of public opinion or that rival Barack Obama is 'irresponsible'to oppose the policy.
-Poll on presidential spouses finds an edge for Obama
Less well-known, Cindy McCain to take to TV today
One is the Ivy League-educated, outspoken spouse who draws criticism like amagnet. The other is the very practiced, very rich second wife who keeps alower profile. In the battle of potential presidential spouses, MichelleObama, despite the attacks on her, is viewed more favorably by Americans,while Cindy McCain is less well-known, according to a poll out yesterday.
[Send your comments about articles to Rays.List@Comcast.net]
FLORIDA DIGEST - June 20, 2008
**IF YOU CAN'T ACCESS THE FULL ARTICLE, CONTACT US AT rays.list@comcast.net and we'll be happy to send the full article.
Miami Herald
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Gay ex-Lauderdale commissioner joins mayoral race
Dean Trantalis' entry into the Fort Lauderdale race for mayor could split the gay vote. After Mayor Jim Naugle enraged Fort Lauderdale gays last year with a rant about ''homosexual activity'' in public restrooms, activists pledged to elect a gay-friendly mayor in the 2009 election.
Go to the links for the following articles:
-South Florida charities struggling as volunteers scale back or quit
For the past seven years, Doreen Fishkin has spent a few times a weekdriving homebound South Florida seniors to their doctors' appointments, thegrocery store or nursing homes and hospitals to visit spouses.
-Tampa condo plans clothing-optional pool in hopes of selling units
A Hillsborough County housing complex is planning to have aclothing-optional pool in an effort to sell units in a slumping market. Aspokeswoman for the project's developer said one pool is being set aside fornude swimmers, sunbathers and hot-tub users at the Arbors at Branch Creek.
-Obama edges past McCain in latest Florida poll
A new poll out from Quinnipiac University shows Barack Obama leading JohnMcCain in Florida 47 percent to 43 percent. The four-point lead is withinthe poll's margin of error, but it still represents a turnaround from mostrecent polls showing McCain leading in Florida.
-Broward anti-bullying policy a good start
ISSUE: Broward County school district leads the way with anti-bullyingpolicy. The school yard bully is no longer just an oversized kid thatthrows his weight around. In the 21st century, it could be a teenage girlwho assaults a rival and posts it on the Internet or a boy terrorizing aclassmate with a weapon or a student making unwanted sexual advances towardanother child. In turn, the victims can become the aggressors, leading themto vent their frustration and humiliation through violence Columbine-style.
Miami Herald
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Anti-bottled water campaign enlists mayors to cause
Miami's Mayor Manny Diaz is among more than a dozen mayors calling onmunicipal governments to phase out bottled-water purchases in a resolutionto be presented at the U.S. Mayors Conference, which begins Friday in Miami.
-Elián saga might hound Obama visit
Some Cuban Americans are planning to protest Democrat Barack Obama's visit to Miami on Saturday.
Summoning a time of political upheaval in Miami, a great-uncle of Elián González plans Friday to publicly denounce two Barack Obama campaign advisors who helped send the boy back to his father in Cuba eight years ago.
Express Gay News
Go to this link for the following articles:
- City Theatre grows up: New, naughty series caters to adults
For 13 seasons, Miami's City Theatre has had the South Florida theatercommunity buzzing with its innovative, edgy Summer Shorts festival, amonth-long series of short plays presented in repertory in Miami and FortLauderdale. This year, the theatre took this reputation one step furtherwith an irreverent-and decidedly adult-series, Undershorts.
-Sing it loud, sing it proud
Fort Lauderdale Gay Men's Chorus put on a production of pride
The Fort Lauderdale Gay Men's Chorus concludes its 23rd season this weekendwith a high-energy musical review, "Rockin' with the Rhythm." The concertsare set for Saturday and Sunday, June 21 and 22 at the Broward Center forthe Performing Arts Amaturo Theater.
-Hook-ups are a set-up
Man claims police entrapment in questionable prostitution bust
Fort Lauderdale landscaper Marcelino Veliz claims Fort Lauderdale policeundercover agents unfairly set him up during a sting operation targeting gaymen May 30.
-LaFontaine answers dredged up dirt
The race for Florida Legislature District 92 just got dirty. Last week,opponents of Mark LaFontaine divulged information to blogger Tim Smith abouthis 1992 arrest involving a domestic dispute and assaulting a policeofficer, and a 2006 eviction from an apartment he was renting and a defaultcourt judgment. LaFontaine said he is not surprised that informationresurfaced as the campaign nears the Aug 26 election date. "It's been outthere since day one," LaFontaine said. "This is being dredged up right nowbecause my opponents can't go toe-to-toe with me on the issues." He admitsthat police were called to a verbal domestic dispute he had with a formerpartner, but said assault charges were false. He also said the eviction wasthe result of his landlord taking unusually strong action in weeks afterHurricane Wilma. LaFontaine's opponents are Wilton Manors Mayor ScottNewton and former Deerfield Beach Commissioner Gwyndolen Clarke-Reed.
-Reesey qualifies for November ballot
Adriane Reesey, an openly gay candidate for Broward Supervisor of Elections,just qualified for the November ballot. She submitted a check for $8750 tothe elections office in lieu of turning in a signature petition. Reeseyworks as a community liaison for Broward Sheriff's Office and serves aschair of the Broward County Human Rights Commission. She is running againstincumbent Dr. Brenda Snipes and Ellen H. Brodsky. Last year, Reesey wasawarded the Humanitarian of the Year award by the Dolphin Democrats; she isalso vice president of the organization.
-Queery: Jim Naugle
Fort Lauderdale's mayor hems and haws about his plans for the weekend
The Express editorial board thought it would be a good idea to check in withFort Lauderdale Mayor Jim Naugle to see what his plans were for this weekend's Stonewall Street Festival, sponsored by Pride of Greater Fort Lauderdale. Naugle enraged the local GLBT community last year by making negativecomments about gay men cruising in public restrooms and in parks, whichsparked the "Flush Naugle" campaign. He remains in office until March 2009,but he has been effectively muzzled by a city resolution to abstain fromhateful speech, and he was booted from the county tourist board because ofhis position against gay businesses advertising in city touristpublications.
Equality Florida
Go to the links for the following articles:
-From Nadine Smith - Executive Director
With so much at stake this election season, we set an extremely ambitiousgoal of reaching 2,000 donations by July 1st. We knew it would bechallenging to meet that goal, but we also know the importance of thishistoric election year. The tremendous response this past week has pushed usover the halfway mark. Thank you to everyone who has already stepped up!Because of your commitment, our proven and ambitious "TurnOut Florida"election plan is on the verge of becoming a reality. If you haven't made acommitment yet, will you commemorate the importance of this election yearwith a gift of $20.08 or more? We've already begun to implement the TurnOut Florida plan and we'll survey over 2,000 candidates in the next fewweeks. We're going to ask them tough questions about their support fordiversity and where they stand on issues that impact the lives of LGBTFloridians. [...] With your help, we can we defeat Amendment 2, theso-called "marriage protection" amendment. If passed, Amendment 2 willpermanently ban the recognition of marriages and civil unions for same sexpartners in Florida, and it will be used to dismantle domestic partnershipprotections for all unmarried couples, including: seniors, fire fighters,teachers and police officers.
The biggest bake sale ever?
Hundreds of "Hungry for Change" bake sales all around the country. Thousandsof MoveOn members baking hundreds of thousands of cookies, cakes, and pies.All to raise money for MoveOn's massive campaign to reach millions of votersthis fall and help elect Barack Obama. Incredible. Don't stop now-we'retrying to make this weekend's bake sale the biggest in history. If youhaven't already, please sign up to bring something sweet to sell at the bakesale in Fort Lauderdale.Here are the details:
Host: Rae T-fellow MoveOn member
Where: Las Olas- Start in Front of Mangos (in Fort Lauderdale)
When: Saturday, Jun. 21, 2008, at 12:00 PM
And here's the link to RSVP and tell the host what you're bringing:
Fort Report
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Our view: The drilling myth
McCain, Crist call for offshore drilling won't cut gas prices, threatensFlorida environment
Let's do something utterly reckless that puts Florida's tourist-dependenteconomy and rich marine life at serious risk and does nothing -- absolutelynothing -- to cut the price of gas and end our nation's addiction to oil.Crazy? It sure is.
-Drill down? Why not slow down instead?
Gas at $4 a gallon does funny things to people. Take Florida Gov. CharlieCrist. One minute he's champion of the state's coastal environment, the nexthe's leading the charge to expand oil drilling in the Gulf.
-Drilling for Answers
Will we find the oil we need offshore?
Houston-There's something about the heavy air here that puts visions ofdrilling in the mind. On Tuesday, John McCain, who came to pander to thelocal oil industry, called for a reversal of the 27 year ban on offshoredrilling. (President Bush echoed it today), and threw in a plea to drill inthe Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for good measures). After two days here,chatting with people in the oil industry, and with the many locals whobenefit from it, I was ready to wade into the waters off of Boca Raton,Florida, and start prospecting for black gold.
-Ecological impact: Where offshore drilling goes, beaches suffer
Stephen Leatherman has seen every kind of beach in America, and he reallylikes the ones in Florida. The man known as Dr. Beach usually ranks themamong the prettiest in America. This year he picked Pinellas County's ownCaladesi Island as No. 1. If oil companies start drilling in the easternGulf of Mexico, that's likely to change. "We've got some of the finest,whitest sand in the world," said Leatherman, a professor at FloridaInternational University in Miami. "Oil doesn't seem to go with that. . Thiscould lower the value of our beaches."
[Send your comments about articles to Rays.List@Comcast.net]
Miami Herald
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Gay ex-Lauderdale commissioner joins mayoral race
Dean Trantalis' entry into the Fort Lauderdale race for mayor could split the gay vote. After Mayor Jim Naugle enraged Fort Lauderdale gays last year with a rant about ''homosexual activity'' in public restrooms, activists pledged to elect a gay-friendly mayor in the 2009 election.
Go to the links for the following articles:
-South Florida charities struggling as volunteers scale back or quit
For the past seven years, Doreen Fishkin has spent a few times a weekdriving homebound South Florida seniors to their doctors' appointments, thegrocery store or nursing homes and hospitals to visit spouses.
-Tampa condo plans clothing-optional pool in hopes of selling units
A Hillsborough County housing complex is planning to have aclothing-optional pool in an effort to sell units in a slumping market. Aspokeswoman for the project's developer said one pool is being set aside fornude swimmers, sunbathers and hot-tub users at the Arbors at Branch Creek.
-Obama edges past McCain in latest Florida poll
A new poll out from Quinnipiac University shows Barack Obama leading JohnMcCain in Florida 47 percent to 43 percent. The four-point lead is withinthe poll's margin of error, but it still represents a turnaround from mostrecent polls showing McCain leading in Florida.
-Broward anti-bullying policy a good start
ISSUE: Broward County school district leads the way with anti-bullyingpolicy. The school yard bully is no longer just an oversized kid thatthrows his weight around. In the 21st century, it could be a teenage girlwho assaults a rival and posts it on the Internet or a boy terrorizing aclassmate with a weapon or a student making unwanted sexual advances towardanother child. In turn, the victims can become the aggressors, leading themto vent their frustration and humiliation through violence Columbine-style.
Miami Herald
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Anti-bottled water campaign enlists mayors to cause
Miami's Mayor Manny Diaz is among more than a dozen mayors calling onmunicipal governments to phase out bottled-water purchases in a resolutionto be presented at the U.S. Mayors Conference, which begins Friday in Miami.
-Elián saga might hound Obama visit
Some Cuban Americans are planning to protest Democrat Barack Obama's visit to Miami on Saturday.
Summoning a time of political upheaval in Miami, a great-uncle of Elián González plans Friday to publicly denounce two Barack Obama campaign advisors who helped send the boy back to his father in Cuba eight years ago.
Express Gay News
Go to this link for the following articles:
- City Theatre grows up: New, naughty series caters to adults
For 13 seasons, Miami's City Theatre has had the South Florida theatercommunity buzzing with its innovative, edgy Summer Shorts festival, amonth-long series of short plays presented in repertory in Miami and FortLauderdale. This year, the theatre took this reputation one step furtherwith an irreverent-and decidedly adult-series, Undershorts.
-Sing it loud, sing it proud
Fort Lauderdale Gay Men's Chorus put on a production of pride
The Fort Lauderdale Gay Men's Chorus concludes its 23rd season this weekendwith a high-energy musical review, "Rockin' with the Rhythm." The concertsare set for Saturday and Sunday, June 21 and 22 at the Broward Center forthe Performing Arts Amaturo Theater.
-Hook-ups are a set-up
Man claims police entrapment in questionable prostitution bust
Fort Lauderdale landscaper Marcelino Veliz claims Fort Lauderdale policeundercover agents unfairly set him up during a sting operation targeting gaymen May 30.
-LaFontaine answers dredged up dirt
The race for Florida Legislature District 92 just got dirty. Last week,opponents of Mark LaFontaine divulged information to blogger Tim Smith abouthis 1992 arrest involving a domestic dispute and assaulting a policeofficer, and a 2006 eviction from an apartment he was renting and a defaultcourt judgment. LaFontaine said he is not surprised that informationresurfaced as the campaign nears the Aug 26 election date. "It's been outthere since day one," LaFontaine said. "This is being dredged up right nowbecause my opponents can't go toe-to-toe with me on the issues." He admitsthat police were called to a verbal domestic dispute he had with a formerpartner, but said assault charges were false. He also said the eviction wasthe result of his landlord taking unusually strong action in weeks afterHurricane Wilma. LaFontaine's opponents are Wilton Manors Mayor ScottNewton and former Deerfield Beach Commissioner Gwyndolen Clarke-Reed.
-Reesey qualifies for November ballot
Adriane Reesey, an openly gay candidate for Broward Supervisor of Elections,just qualified for the November ballot. She submitted a check for $8750 tothe elections office in lieu of turning in a signature petition. Reeseyworks as a community liaison for Broward Sheriff's Office and serves aschair of the Broward County Human Rights Commission. She is running againstincumbent Dr. Brenda Snipes and Ellen H. Brodsky. Last year, Reesey wasawarded the Humanitarian of the Year award by the Dolphin Democrats; she isalso vice president of the organization.
-Queery: Jim Naugle
Fort Lauderdale's mayor hems and haws about his plans for the weekend
The Express editorial board thought it would be a good idea to check in withFort Lauderdale Mayor Jim Naugle to see what his plans were for this weekend's Stonewall Street Festival, sponsored by Pride of Greater Fort Lauderdale. Naugle enraged the local GLBT community last year by making negativecomments about gay men cruising in public restrooms and in parks, whichsparked the "Flush Naugle" campaign. He remains in office until March 2009,but he has been effectively muzzled by a city resolution to abstain fromhateful speech, and he was booted from the county tourist board because ofhis position against gay businesses advertising in city touristpublications.
Equality Florida
Go to the links for the following articles:
-From Nadine Smith - Executive Director
With so much at stake this election season, we set an extremely ambitiousgoal of reaching 2,000 donations by July 1st. We knew it would bechallenging to meet that goal, but we also know the importance of thishistoric election year. The tremendous response this past week has pushed usover the halfway mark. Thank you to everyone who has already stepped up!Because of your commitment, our proven and ambitious "TurnOut Florida"election plan is on the verge of becoming a reality. If you haven't made acommitment yet, will you commemorate the importance of this election yearwith a gift of $20.08 or more? We've already begun to implement the TurnOut Florida plan and we'll survey over 2,000 candidates in the next fewweeks. We're going to ask them tough questions about their support fordiversity and where they stand on issues that impact the lives of LGBTFloridians. [...] With your help, we can we defeat Amendment 2, theso-called "marriage protection" amendment. If passed, Amendment 2 willpermanently ban the recognition of marriages and civil unions for same sexpartners in Florida, and it will be used to dismantle domestic partnershipprotections for all unmarried couples, including: seniors, fire fighters,teachers and police officers.
The biggest bake sale ever?
Hundreds of "Hungry for Change" bake sales all around the country. Thousandsof MoveOn members baking hundreds of thousands of cookies, cakes, and pies.All to raise money for MoveOn's massive campaign to reach millions of votersthis fall and help elect Barack Obama. Incredible. Don't stop now-we'retrying to make this weekend's bake sale the biggest in history. If youhaven't already, please sign up to bring something sweet to sell at the bakesale in Fort Lauderdale.Here are the details:
Host: Rae T-fellow MoveOn member
Where: Las Olas- Start in Front of Mangos (in Fort Lauderdale)
When: Saturday, Jun. 21, 2008, at 12:00 PM
And here's the link to RSVP and tell the host what you're bringing:
Fort Report
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Our view: The drilling myth
McCain, Crist call for offshore drilling won't cut gas prices, threatensFlorida environment
Let's do something utterly reckless that puts Florida's tourist-dependenteconomy and rich marine life at serious risk and does nothing -- absolutelynothing -- to cut the price of gas and end our nation's addiction to oil.Crazy? It sure is.
-Drill down? Why not slow down instead?
Gas at $4 a gallon does funny things to people. Take Florida Gov. CharlieCrist. One minute he's champion of the state's coastal environment, the nexthe's leading the charge to expand oil drilling in the Gulf.
-Drilling for Answers
Will we find the oil we need offshore?
Houston-There's something about the heavy air here that puts visions ofdrilling in the mind. On Tuesday, John McCain, who came to pander to thelocal oil industry, called for a reversal of the 27 year ban on offshoredrilling. (President Bush echoed it today), and threw in a plea to drill inthe Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for good measures). After two days here,chatting with people in the oil industry, and with the many locals whobenefit from it, I was ready to wade into the waters off of Boca Raton,Florida, and start prospecting for black gold.
-Ecological impact: Where offshore drilling goes, beaches suffer
Stephen Leatherman has seen every kind of beach in America, and he reallylikes the ones in Florida. The man known as Dr. Beach usually ranks themamong the prettiest in America. This year he picked Pinellas County's ownCaladesi Island as No. 1. If oil companies start drilling in the easternGulf of Mexico, that's likely to change. "We've got some of the finest,whitest sand in the world," said Leatherman, a professor at FloridaInternational University in Miami. "Oil doesn't seem to go with that. . Thiscould lower the value of our beaches."
[Send your comments about articles to Rays.List@Comcast.net]
Thursday, June 19, 2008
GLBT DIGEST - June 19, 2008
**IF YOU CAN'T ACCESS THE FULL ARTICLE, CONTACT US AT rays.list@comcast.net and we'll be happy to send the full article.
Washington Post
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Calif. Court Considers Medical Rights
Justices Weigh Whether Doctors, Citing Religion,
Can Refuse to Treat Some Patients
On the heels of its ruling on same-sex marriage, California's highest courtwill decide another potentially landmark civil rights case: whether doctorscan refuse to treat certain patients for religious reasons. The casereaches back nearly 10 years, to when Guadalupe "Lupita" Benítez ofOceanside was trying to conceive. Benítez, who is gay, says doctors violatedher civil rights because they refused her a fertility treatment, saying it was against their religion to perform insemination on a lesbian.
-Easy Rider?
It's an article of faith among liberals that the media are being too kind to
John McCain. Now add Barack Obama's name to the critics. In an interview
with ABC's Jake Tapper, Obama said the race was close because he and Hillary
were tied up in a long battle. "While we were doing that," he said, "John
McCain basically was getting a pass, both from the media . . . as well as
from other opponents. And so I think that explains it."
-'¡Gaytino!': His Two True Selves
The history of showbiz and the showbiz of history figure prominently in"¡Gaytino!," the autobiographical solo piece Dan Guerrero performed at theKennedy Center's Terrace Theater on Tuesday and Wednesday. But those epochalthemes did not seem to be the catalysts for the enthusiasm (cries ofrecognition, a standing ovation) that greeted his turn on opening night.Rather, the sizable audience seemed to be esponding to Guerrero's utterunguardedness as he evoked his life as a gay Hispanic ith a passion for thearts.
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Broward beckons South Florida gays from Miami-Dade
There was a party every night. A velvet rope, an out-of-town DJ, a visitingdrag ueen. There were over-the-top nightclubs that reinvented life afterdark. If you ere gay and looking to be part of the South Florida scene 10years ago, South Beach idn't just beckon. It screamed. Flash forward to2008.
Miami Herald
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Gay ex-commissioner to seek Lauderdale post
Fort Lauderdale's first and only openly gay city commissioner has decided torun for mayor. Dean Trantalis confirmed that he will run for mayor in theMarch 2009 election. Trantalis had been vague about his political intentionsearlier this week, although a board member of the gay political groupDolphin Democrats said Trantalis told him he planned to run for mayor.
-Both sides in marriage fight aim for mainstream
When gay and lesbian couples started getting married in California thisweek, one set of voices was quiet among the choruses of "Here Come theBrides" - those of the conservative activists who put a same-sex marriageban on the November ballot.
Go to this link for the following articles:
-Obama Opts Out Of Public Campaign Financing
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Thursday he'll bypassthe federal public financing system in the general election, abandoning anearlier commitment to take the money if his Republican rival did as well.
-Calif. Gay Marriage Foes Quiet But Not To Be Discounted
When gay and lesbian couples started getting married in California thisweek, one set of voices was quiet among the choruses of "Here Come theBrides" - those of the conservative activists who put a same-sex marriageban on the November ballot.
-Gay Servicemembers Group Protests Presidential Honor To Former Joint ChiefsChair
President George W. Bush is being criticized for awarding of thePresidential Medal of Freedom to Former Chair of the Joint Chiefs of StaffGeneral Peter Pace.
-Canadian Drug Company Reports Positive Result On HIV Drug For Fat Disorder
Theratechnologies Inc. has reported positive results in a confirmatory Phase3 clinical trial of its lead compound, tesamorelin, in patients withHIV-associated lipodystrophy.
-Court Rules Anti-Gay Amendment Cannot Be Used In Custody Cases
An Ohio appeals court has ruled that the state's constitutional amendmentbanning same-sex marriage cannot be used to terminate a child custodyagreement between partners.
Express Gay News
Go to this link for the following articles:
-California's gay marriage law revives religious debate over homosexuality
Some cling to literal reading of religious texts. Others call for newinterpretations. With same-sex marriage now legal in California, people offaith are renewing a passionate debate over whether homosexuality issanctioned by God. Christians, Jews and Muslims on both sides of the issuecite the holy writings of their religions. Some note that the Bible depictsman-lying-with-man as an "abomination," while others say it speaks of God'slove for all people created in his image.
-Former Nunn staffer remains troubled over 1982 firing
Local gay man says Ga. senator is 'of the past,' unsuitable running mate forObama
He would rather not talk about it. But at the request of a reporter, RalphWhite Jr. this week recounted how in August 1982 then-U.S. Sen. Sam Nunn(D-Ga.) called him into his office and told him he would have to resign fromhis job as Nunn's legislative assistant because White is gay. Nunn's namehas been back in the news as a potential running mate for Barack Obama.
-Gay marriages contribute to a June boom
More than 2,700 wedding licenses are issued in California in the first twodays of legal same-sex unions, exceeding the total for a whole typical week.In the two days since same-sex couples have been allowed to wed inCalifornia, the number of marriage licenses issued statewide has surpassedthat of an entire typical June week, according to a Times survey of thestate's 58 county clerks. Just over 2,700 marriage licenses were issued inthe state between 5:01 p.m. on Monday -- when the state Supreme Court'sruling lifted the ban on gay marriage -- and the end of business on Tuesday.The statewide average for a whole week in June is about 2,460.
-14 county workers objected to services
Employees told they could be reassigned
At least 14 employees in the San Diego County Clerk's Office raisedreligious objections to performing gay wedding ceremonies but were told bytheir boss they couldn't pick and choose between marriage applicants.
-Hey, gay couples: Need a place to tie the knot? Honeymoon?
California's tourism commission is recommending 10 potential sites,including several with outdoors appeal and a hotel that's throwing in amembership to the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation.
The Advocate
Go to this link for the following articles:
- Gay Marriage Isn't Racist
Jasmyne Cannick may not admit it, but marriage equality benefits all gaysand lesbians -- not just the white ones
-SLDN Condemns Presidential Honoree
Servicemembers Legal Defense Network on Wednesday strongly condemnedPresident Bush's plan to award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Gen.Peter Pace, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
-Alleged Police Abuse of Transgender Woman Being Investigated
The Human Rights Campaign on Wednesday called for a criminal investigationinto the case of police brutality against a transgender woman in Memphis.
-Link: San Francisco: Marriage Equality in Pictures
Take a look at the first day of marriage equality in the city where it allbegan.
-Oregon Senator Apologizes for Linking Gay Marriage to Polygamy
Oregon Republican U.S. senator Gordon Smith apologized for comments he madelast week that appeared to link same-sex marriage to polygamy, according toThe [Portland] Oregonian newspaper.
-Thai School Introduces Transgender Bathroom
A secondary school in northeastern Thailand, the Kampang School, hasdesigned a new bathroom for transgender people.
National Gay News
Go to this link for the following articles:
-Newlyweds Celebrate Aboard Olivia
Olivia Offers Wedding Services and Honeymoon All-In-One
Instead of going to the chapel, leading lesbian travel and entertainmentcompany, Olivia, is offering couples the chance to celebrate California'srecent same-sex marriage ruling at sea. Olivia will host a special weddingceremony and reception for couples before setting sail on Olivia's Women inMusic and Sports Mexican Riviera Cruise, Oct 4-11. "This landmark decisionmarks a new era for the gay and lesbian community - and is one that ourcustomers and couples should richly celebrate," said Olivia General ManagerLisa Henderson.
-Seth Kilbourn Appointed Executive Director
of Openhouse in San Francisco
A non-profit, community-based organization celebrating its 10th anniversarythis year, Openhouse provides housing, services and community programs forSan Francisco's large and growing lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender(LGBT) senior population. Following an extensive search by theorganization's Board of Directors, Seth Kilbourn was selected based on his vision for theorganization and wide-ranging experience in public and non-profit service.For more than 15 years, Kilbourn has been advancing issues and causes ofenormous importance to the nation's LGBT communities.
-Jack Thompson Don't Know Jack
Why will the right-wing crusader likely lose his license? Swastikas are justthe start. Jack Thompson looks nothing like 9/11 orchestrator Mohamed Atta. He wears aslick business suit and lives in a million-dollar home in Coral Gables. Yetthe 56-year-old lawyer hand-delivered a letter to U.S. District Court ChiefJudge Federico A. Moreno last week that sounded a lot like terrorism:"Maybe," he wrote, "my 'mistake' was not killing 3,000 people to make mypoint." On Monday, federal marshals showed up at his home to question himabout the matter. Next up for the man who for 20 years has worn the mantleof the puritanical police: disbarment.
-Texas GOP Cuts Off Vendor That Sold Racist Button
The Texas Republican Party is distancing itself from a vendor who soldcampaign buttons at last weekend's state convention that asked, "If Obama ispresident ... will we still call it The White House?" The state GOP partysaid Wednesday that it will donate the $1,500 rent it collected from thevendor, Republicanmarket.com, to Midwestern flood victims.
-New York Rugby Club
Ranked Number One in the U.S.
The Gotham Knights Rugby Football Club had a particularly strong showing atthe Bingham Cup, an international rugby tournament. Held every two years,the tournament is named in honor of gay rugby player and 9/11 hero MarkKendall Bingham, who helped found the Gotham Knights in 2001. This year'stournament featured over 30 teams and was held in Dublin, Ireland June 12 -15.
-Same-Sex Wedding Expos Tour California
RainbowWeddingNetwork.com celebrates the May 15th ruling in California,adding four events to its summer calendar focused on supporting same-sexcouples throughout the Golden State as they plan for their weddings.Preparations are well underway for four back-to-back GLBTQ Wedding Expos inSan Francisco, Sacramento, Los Angeles and Long Beach. Over forty localwedding vendors will participate in each event, who actively support equalrights in marriage. Other highlights include Music, Fashion, Planning Tips,Samples and Informative Presentations about the issues concerning equalityin marriage and adoption for the GLBTQ community. Admission is free, and allsupporters of non-discrimination are encouraged to attend.
-Revolutionary Gay Web 2.0 Marketing Company Launches; Opens Doors to Floodof Clients
With corporations finally acknowledging the considerable buying power of thegay community ($712 billion in 2008, according to Witeck-CombsCommunications), an innovative new company, Pink Banana Media, has sprung upto help these corporations, large and small, market their services directlyto this powerful segment of the population.
Marriage Equality News
Go to this link for the following articles:
-California's non-partisan Legislative Analyst Office (LAO) is researchingthe economic impact of a November ballot initiative that would effectivelyoverturn the state Supreme Court's decision legalizing same-sex marriage.Some LGBT activists say that a favorable fiscal analysis could resonate withvoters, particularly in an atmosphere of state budget crisis and a besiegednational economy. "This is something voters care especially about when weare in an economic downturn," says Shannon Minter, the lead attorney whoargued the case on behalf of same-sex couples. Currently, California has abudget deficit of approximately $16 billion.
-As wedding bells begin ringing for gay couples and families in California,opponents of gay marriage are turning up the volume on a relatively newargument: that same-sex marriage is a threat to religious liberty. Justtoday we have seen two passionate salvos. Maggie Gallagher, writing at NRO,warns that gay marriage means "the official harassment and repression (byour own government) of traditional religious faiths." Marc Stern, generalcounsel for the American Jewish Congress, writing in the L.A. Times, warnsthat "it is religious rights that are likely to be 'obliterated' by anemerging popular majority supporting same-sex relationships."
Pink News - UK
Go to this link for the following articles:
-UK: Davis accused of supporting rights for suspected terrorists but notgays
An openly gay government minister has mocked the civil liberties campaign offormer Shadow Home Secretary David Davis.
-Albania failing to protect gays from violence and discrimination
The Council of Europe's Commissioner for Human Rights has highlighted theproblems faced by gay, lesbian, trans and bisexual people in Albania.
-Australian Senate delays gay equality legislation
The Australian Democrats have accused opposition parties of homophobia afterthey used their Senate majority to delay legislation on same-sexdiscrimination.
-Turkish trans singer faces jail over Army comments
A well-known trans performer in Turkey is facing jail after a TV outburstwhere she implied that military action against separatists is not worthsoldier's lives.
-Gay prince to speak at EuroPride
Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil, from the Royal Family of Gujarat in north westIndia, will be one of the three opening speakers at EuroPride 2008 inStockholm.
-London's gay rugby club in world tournament final
London's only gay rugby club, the world famous Kings Cross Steelers has wonplaces in the finals of The Bingham Cup in Dublin, Ireland.
-Court gives US woman joint custody over former partner's child
In a landmark case in America, a woman has been given joint custody over thebiological child of her former lesbian partner.
-EU confirms sexual orientation will be included in discrimination directive
Commissioner Jacques Barrot confirmed today that the European Commissionwill propose a cross-cutting directive aimed at combating LGBTdiscrimination.
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Moscow Court: Third Gay Pride Ban "Lawful"
MOSCOW, June 18, 2008 (GayRussia.ru) - Tverskoi District Court of Moscowthis afternoon dismissed the complaint by Moscow Pride organisers againstthe ban of one of the Gay Pride marches for tolerance and respect for therights and freedoms of homosexual people in Russia planned for May 1 thisyear.The march was scheduled to take place from the Moscow Central PostOffice to Lubyanka Square.During court hearing, Nikolai Alekseev, principlethe organiser of Moscow Pride, said that the Russian legislation does notgive the authorities the right to ban any public event if it does notcontradict the Constitution.
-Federal Law Presents Hurdles for Gay Marriage
As of right now same sex marriage marriage is not recognized under Federallaw. Here is a look at some important differences that will affect gaycouples: Federal Income Tax laws make a sharp distinction between thoseinvolved in a traditional marriage and those in a same sex marriage. Whilemarried gay couples must file their state tax returns as married filingjointly or separately, they must file their federal income taxes as singleor head of household. This can lead to more Federal taxes being paid by gaycouples. Immigration laws treat same sex couples differently as well. If anAmerican citizen marries a foreign citizen of the same sex, the foreigncitizen will not gain residency rights from the marriage, as would a spousefrom a traditional marriage.
-Childern of the Revolution: The Battle for Equal Rights for Gay and LesbianParents Goes On
When Grace Goodbean and Netty Redish noticed that one of the girls they werefostering never brought friends home from school, they decided to ask herwhether it was because she was embarrassed that they were lesbians. "We werewondering," they asked her, "if you might not be inviting people homebecause of us." "Oh no," she said. "Everyone knows I'm fostered!" Goodbeambelieves it sums up young people's attitude to their gay parenting. "Ithadn't entered her head that we might be talking about being lesbians. That was acomplete non-issue for her."
-A Love That, Today, May Dare to Speak Its Name
On a Minnesota summer day in 1981, my parents stood in their billowysundresses to say "I do." Neither of them thought to call their ceremony awedding. No family members were present. Instead, a small group of friendscelebrated their "commitment ceremony" at the only church in town that wouldhave them. As two women, my parents didn't know how to imagine a world wheretheir love could be honored legally. In 1981, the country had justinaugurated Ronald Reagan, who didn't say the word "gay" in public untilRock Hudson died of AIDS in 1985. So my parents made their own way towardthe family they wanted, without the trappings of church or state. In early1983, I was born - one of the first babies born in Minnesota to a lesbiancouple via a donor dad.
-Savage: 'The Children's Minds are Being Raped by the Homosexual Mafia'
Responding to a caller who said, "I had to explain to my young son why thesetwo men were holding hands the other day," radio host Michael Savage stated,during the June 16 broadcast of The Savage Nation, "You've got to explain tothe children . why God told people this was wrong." He went on to say, "Youhave to explain this to them in this time of mental rape that's going on.The children's minds are being raped by the homosexual mafia, that's myposition. They're raping our children's minds." During a discussion aboutgay marriage with a previous caller, Savage said: "It's not a joke when youpervert an institution like marriage, which is in trouble enough. It's not ajoke." He added, "Our children are being destroyed by this." He went on tosay of gay marriage, "It's a very important story. The children don't knowwhat to make of it. Children nine, 10 are saying, 'I'm gay.' They don't knowwhat it even means." He added: "It's a giant propaganda machine trying topervert children." Talk Radio Network, which syndicates Savage's show,claims that Savage is heard on more than 350 radio stations. The SavageNation reaches at least 8.25 million listeners each week, according toTalkers Magazine, making it one of the most listened-to talk radio shows inthe nation, behind only The Rush Limbaugh Show and The Sean Hannity Show.
-Transsexual Singer Faces Jail After Questioning Turkey Military
With her bee-stung lips and long permed black hair, Bulent Ersoy, atranssexual and one of Turkey's most popular singers, is no stranger tocontroversy. Now she finds herself on trial for trying to turn the publicagainst the country's military. The charges stem from remarks Ms Ersoy madeearlier this year on the hugely popular television show Popstar Alaturkathat called into question Turkey's deeply ingrained militarism. Shesuggested that it was not worth sacrificing soldiers' lives in Turkey'sconflict with the Kurdish separatist PKK group. "I am not a mother, nor everwill be, but I would not bury my child for someone else's war," Ms Ersoysaid.
-Brussels Pledges Bill Against Sexual Orientation and Age Discrimination
The European Commission has made another u-turn inits plans to boost EU anti-discrimination rules, pledging to put forward acomplex bill ruling out unfair treatment of citizens on all grounds,including sexual orientation and age. The shift was announced by JacquesBarrot, the commissioner-designate scheduled to take over the justice andsecurity portfolio from Franco Frattini, Italy's new foreign minister, at ahearing in the European Parliament's civil liberties committee in Strasbourgon Monday (16 June). Some MEPs are happy the Commission has changed itsmind on discrimination bill "All discrimination is serious, and deserves tobe fought with the same determination," Mr Barrot told MEPs, adding that theEU executive had asked his colleague, social affairs commissioner VladimirSpidla to "draw up a proposal for a cross-cutting directive."
-Clone Cell Cancer 'Cure' Hailed
Scientists claim they have cured advanced skin cancer for the first timeusing the patient's own cells cloned outside the body. The 52-year-old maninvolved was free of melanoma two years after treatment. US researchers,reports the New England Journal of Medicine, took cancer-fighting immunecells, made five billion copies, then put them all back. Scientists in theUK warned that further trials would need to be done to prove how well thetreatment worked.
-Halliburton Subsidiary KBR Faulted for Hurricane Work
Reports of problems with defense contractor KBR Inc. just keep piling up.The Houston-based company's efforts to repair Navy facilities followingHurricanes Ivan and Katrina were deemed shoddy and substandard, auditorssay, prompting one technical adviser to claim that the federal government"certainly paid twice" for many KBR projects because of "design andworkmanship deficiencies," according to a report released today by theDefense Department's inspector general. The report, released following aFreedom of Information Act request, says the U.S. Navy hired KBR, Inc., thenknown as Kellogg, Brown and Root, in July 2004 to repair Defense Departmentfacilities after Hurricanes Ivan and Katrina. The federal government agreedto pay the company $500 million over five years. At the time, thecompany was a subsidiary of Halliburton, the Texas oil company, whose formerchief executive is Vice President Dick Cheney.
-PA: City Council Approves Commitment Registry
Pittsburgh City Council gave final approval today to legislation creating aregistry of couples that are unmarried, but declare and prove a "mutualcommitment" to each other, in an effort to create standards for employers,including the city, that allow partners to share employee benefits. Councilman Bruce Kraus, who along with Council President Doug Shields wrotethe legislation, said the measure "really is administrative and it really isa bit of housekeeping." But he added that it aims "to show that Pittsburghis in fact a very progressive and forward-thinking city" and position it to"attract good-quality employers, and good-quality employees." Its passageby a 7-1 vote brought cheers from some in the audience, who attended toreceive a proclamation for Pride Week events, which start Thursday. Thelegislation allows straight or gay couples to gain city recognition of theircommitment.
-Prospects of Gay Lutheran Bishop Divides Germany
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany could elect its first openly gay Lutheran bishopnext month, a move conservatives say would alienate many Christians and opendivisions in the Church. The July 12 election brings to Germany the questionof gay clergy and same-sex unions which has caused rifts in severalcountries and faiths, including the Anglican community. Horst Gorski, asenior cleric from Hamburg, is standing for the post of bishop of Schleswigin northern Germany against Gerhard Ulrich, a senior cleric from theSchleswig area. The incumbent bishop is retiring in September. Gorski is awidely respected theologian and he helped set up a centre for gay andlesbian Lutheran pastors. His open homosexuality angers some Lutheranconservatives who argue his election as bishop would leave many Christianswith no spiritual home.
-Why I Blessed Gay Clergymen's Relationship
The rector of St Bartholomew the Great in the City of London, in the eye ofstorm over gay 'marriage', explains why he decided he must bless a gayrelationship
Forwarded from Michael Emanuel Rajner
Contact rays.list@comcast.net for the full article
-The National Association of People with AIDS in collaboration with SouthFlorida AIDS Network and the Miami-Dade County Health Department will hostaone-day regional meeting entitled "AIDS in America" at BarryUniversity,Miami, Florida at the Andreas School of Business Building 11300NE SecondAvenue Miami Shores, Fl 33161. The NAPWA 2008 Regional Meetingshave twogoals in mind:
1) To increase knowledge about health, including treatment and careservices;and
2) To increase social networking opportunities.
Please join us at NAPWA's Regional Meeting at Barry University (Miami) onJuly 23rd.
Michael Emanuel Rajner
National Community Organizer
National Association of People with AIDS (NAPWA)
954 272-8131 Fort Lauderdale
305 677-3506 Miami
From Transgender Equality
Contact rays.list@comcast.net for the full article
WASHINGTON - The Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest gay, lesbian,bisexual and transgender civil rights organization, today called for acriminal investigation into the case of polie brutality against atransgender woman. A newly released video out of Memphis, Tennessee clearlyshows a police officer brutally abuse Duanna Johnson as she was held in theShelby County Criminal Justice Center. Johnson is a transgender woman, andhad been arrested on a charge of prostitution. "This type of profoundviolence is the exact thing that police officers are supposed to protectpeople from," said HRC President Joe Solmonese. "HRC is calling for a fullcriminal investigation and prosecution to the fullest extent of the law."
-Video shows police beating
MEMPHIS, TN (WMC-TV) -Video obtained by Action News 5 shows a Memphis policeofficer beating a suspect at 201 Poplar in an apparent case of policebrutality. The video, recorded February 12th, shows Duanna Johnson in thebooking area at the Shelby County Criminal Justice Center after an arrestfor prostitution. The tape clearly shows a Memphis police officer walkover to Johnson - a transsexual - and hit her in the face several times."Actually he was trying to get me to come over to where he was, and Iresponded by telling him that wasn't my name - that my mother didn't name mea 'faggot' or a 'he-she,' so he got upset and approached me. And that's whenit started," Johnson said. Johnson said the officer was attempting to callher over to be fingerprinted. She said she chose not respond to thederogatory name the officer called her.
http://www.wmctv. com/global/ story.asp? s=8515744
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
Go to the links for the following articles:
Contact rays.list@comcast.net if can't access the article
-The right to love
Same-sex unions do not diminish the bonds of marriage, they uphold them.
Across California today, in mass public weddings and in small, privateservices, gay and lesbian couples will exchange official vows of undyingloveand wedlock. With the sanction of the state Supreme Court, these couplesstand together as full citizens at last. Their long odyssey to reach thisday serves to remind us why people marry at all, especially in an era ofcasual relationships. As any married person can attest, marriage issignificant precisely because it is difficult. True, it confers certainpublic protections, but even more, it requires personal sacrifices.
-Task Force donates $180,000 to Dade Community Foundation
The Task Force announced at a Coconut Grove reception last week that$200,000 from the 11th Annual Miami Recognition Dinner and the 2008 WinterParty Festival will benefit the local Miami LGBT community. Of that amount,$180,000 will be granted to Dade Community Foundation's GLBT CommunityProjects Fund to be disbursed to local organizations providing criticalservices to LGBT people. The remaining $20,000 will be used to conduct along-term strategic planning process for the future of the Winter PartyFestival.
Fort Lauderdale, FL (June 18, 2008) -- The Gay American Heroes Foundation(GAHF) is pleased to announce the appointment of four new members to itsHonorary Board of Directors and three new members to its Advisory Board ofDirectors: Charlie David, Thea Gill, Christine O'Leary, and Elliot Tiberhave been appointed to the Honorary Board, and Mark Bias, Cate Colgan, andDJ Fr8-0 have joined the Advisory Board.
Gay American Heroes Foundation is committed to education and remembrance ofthose who died because of their sexual orientation and gender identity via atraveling memorial and educational exhibition which will travel across theUnited States to universities, colleges and communities where hate crimeshave occurred. Information on Gay American Heroes Foundation may be foundat www.GayAmericanHeroes.com
Gay American Heroes Foundation, Inc. is a Florida not-for-profit corporationand is in the process of obtaining Internal Revenue Service recognition ofits 501(c)3 tax-exempt status. Pending such recognition, GAHF operatesunder the fiscal sponsorship of Dade Community Foundation, Inc. in Miami,Florida, which is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. Donations made to GAHFvia the Gay American Heroes Fund at Dade Community Foundation are thereforedeductible to the extent permitted by law.
Gay American Heroes Foundation
ATTN: Scott Hall, Founder and President
1350 East Sunrise Blvd, Suite 119
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
954.636.1775 or 321.506.8738
Family Equality Council Program Team
Join Family Equality Council for the 13th Annual Family Week inProvincetown, MA, July 26-August 2, 2008! Every year this wonderfuloccasion-Family Week-brings together hundreds of LGBTQ-headed families andfriends for learning, community building and most importantly lots of fun!
We've got a great week planned! To ensure more opportunities to shareexperiences and make connections with one another, we are bringing back someold Family Week favorites and enriching the week with new program additions.
Here are some things to expect:
- The Family Parade through Provincetown with a sign-making event sponsoredby Cultural Care Au Pair;
- The Welcome Picnic on Herring Cove Beach;
- Community Gatherings;
- Movie Night & Pajama Party, sponsored by Bank of America;
- Little Gatherings for our youngest attendees;
- R Family Dance & Kiddie Bop
- And for the first-time ever, Family Equality Council children'sprogramming (ages 3-8). In its pilot year and organized by our new youthcoordinator, this is a special program designed with the children of LGBTQparents in mind.
Register today! If you're planning to attend our Tuesday evening beachgathering with a boxed dinner, our Friday Pizza Party or if you want yourchild aged 3-8 to attend our first-ever children's programming - you mustpre-register for the event!
[Send your comments about articles to Rays.List@Comcast.net]
Washington Post
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Calif. Court Considers Medical Rights
Justices Weigh Whether Doctors, Citing Religion,
Can Refuse to Treat Some Patients
On the heels of its ruling on same-sex marriage, California's highest courtwill decide another potentially landmark civil rights case: whether doctorscan refuse to treat certain patients for religious reasons. The casereaches back nearly 10 years, to when Guadalupe "Lupita" Benítez ofOceanside was trying to conceive. Benítez, who is gay, says doctors violatedher civil rights because they refused her a fertility treatment, saying it was against their religion to perform insemination on a lesbian.
-Easy Rider?
It's an article of faith among liberals that the media are being too kind to
John McCain. Now add Barack Obama's name to the critics. In an interview
with ABC's Jake Tapper, Obama said the race was close because he and Hillary
were tied up in a long battle. "While we were doing that," he said, "John
McCain basically was getting a pass, both from the media . . . as well as
from other opponents. And so I think that explains it."
-'¡Gaytino!': His Two True Selves
The history of showbiz and the showbiz of history figure prominently in"¡Gaytino!," the autobiographical solo piece Dan Guerrero performed at theKennedy Center's Terrace Theater on Tuesday and Wednesday. But those epochalthemes did not seem to be the catalysts for the enthusiasm (cries ofrecognition, a standing ovation) that greeted his turn on opening night.Rather, the sizable audience seemed to be esponding to Guerrero's utterunguardedness as he evoked his life as a gay Hispanic ith a passion for thearts.
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Broward beckons South Florida gays from Miami-Dade
There was a party every night. A velvet rope, an out-of-town DJ, a visitingdrag ueen. There were over-the-top nightclubs that reinvented life afterdark. If you ere gay and looking to be part of the South Florida scene 10years ago, South Beach idn't just beckon. It screamed. Flash forward to2008.
Miami Herald
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Gay ex-commissioner to seek Lauderdale post
Fort Lauderdale's first and only openly gay city commissioner has decided torun for mayor. Dean Trantalis confirmed that he will run for mayor in theMarch 2009 election. Trantalis had been vague about his political intentionsearlier this week, although a board member of the gay political groupDolphin Democrats said Trantalis told him he planned to run for mayor.
-Both sides in marriage fight aim for mainstream
When gay and lesbian couples started getting married in California thisweek, one set of voices was quiet among the choruses of "Here Come theBrides" - those of the conservative activists who put a same-sex marriageban on the November ballot.
Go to this link for the following articles:
-Obama Opts Out Of Public Campaign Financing
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Thursday he'll bypassthe federal public financing system in the general election, abandoning anearlier commitment to take the money if his Republican rival did as well.
-Calif. Gay Marriage Foes Quiet But Not To Be Discounted
When gay and lesbian couples started getting married in California thisweek, one set of voices was quiet among the choruses of "Here Come theBrides" - those of the conservative activists who put a same-sex marriageban on the November ballot.
-Gay Servicemembers Group Protests Presidential Honor To Former Joint ChiefsChair
President George W. Bush is being criticized for awarding of thePresidential Medal of Freedom to Former Chair of the Joint Chiefs of StaffGeneral Peter Pace.
-Canadian Drug Company Reports Positive Result On HIV Drug For Fat Disorder
Theratechnologies Inc. has reported positive results in a confirmatory Phase3 clinical trial of its lead compound, tesamorelin, in patients withHIV-associated lipodystrophy.
-Court Rules Anti-Gay Amendment Cannot Be Used In Custody Cases
An Ohio appeals court has ruled that the state's constitutional amendmentbanning same-sex marriage cannot be used to terminate a child custodyagreement between partners.
Express Gay News
Go to this link for the following articles:
-California's gay marriage law revives religious debate over homosexuality
Some cling to literal reading of religious texts. Others call for newinterpretations. With same-sex marriage now legal in California, people offaith are renewing a passionate debate over whether homosexuality issanctioned by God. Christians, Jews and Muslims on both sides of the issuecite the holy writings of their religions. Some note that the Bible depictsman-lying-with-man as an "abomination," while others say it speaks of God'slove for all people created in his image.
-Former Nunn staffer remains troubled over 1982 firing
Local gay man says Ga. senator is 'of the past,' unsuitable running mate forObama
He would rather not talk about it. But at the request of a reporter, RalphWhite Jr. this week recounted how in August 1982 then-U.S. Sen. Sam Nunn(D-Ga.) called him into his office and told him he would have to resign fromhis job as Nunn's legislative assistant because White is gay. Nunn's namehas been back in the news as a potential running mate for Barack Obama.
-Gay marriages contribute to a June boom
More than 2,700 wedding licenses are issued in California in the first twodays of legal same-sex unions, exceeding the total for a whole typical week.In the two days since same-sex couples have been allowed to wed inCalifornia, the number of marriage licenses issued statewide has surpassedthat of an entire typical June week, according to a Times survey of thestate's 58 county clerks. Just over 2,700 marriage licenses were issued inthe state between 5:01 p.m. on Monday -- when the state Supreme Court'sruling lifted the ban on gay marriage -- and the end of business on Tuesday.The statewide average for a whole week in June is about 2,460.
-14 county workers objected to services
Employees told they could be reassigned
At least 14 employees in the San Diego County Clerk's Office raisedreligious objections to performing gay wedding ceremonies but were told bytheir boss they couldn't pick and choose between marriage applicants.
-Hey, gay couples: Need a place to tie the knot? Honeymoon?
California's tourism commission is recommending 10 potential sites,including several with outdoors appeal and a hotel that's throwing in amembership to the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation.
The Advocate
Go to this link for the following articles:
- Gay Marriage Isn't Racist
Jasmyne Cannick may not admit it, but marriage equality benefits all gaysand lesbians -- not just the white ones
-SLDN Condemns Presidential Honoree
Servicemembers Legal Defense Network on Wednesday strongly condemnedPresident Bush's plan to award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Gen.Peter Pace, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
-Alleged Police Abuse of Transgender Woman Being Investigated
The Human Rights Campaign on Wednesday called for a criminal investigationinto the case of police brutality against a transgender woman in Memphis.
-Link: San Francisco: Marriage Equality in Pictures
Take a look at the first day of marriage equality in the city where it allbegan.
-Oregon Senator Apologizes for Linking Gay Marriage to Polygamy
Oregon Republican U.S. senator Gordon Smith apologized for comments he madelast week that appeared to link same-sex marriage to polygamy, according toThe [Portland] Oregonian newspaper.
-Thai School Introduces Transgender Bathroom
A secondary school in northeastern Thailand, the Kampang School, hasdesigned a new bathroom for transgender people.
National Gay News
Go to this link for the following articles:
-Newlyweds Celebrate Aboard Olivia
Olivia Offers Wedding Services and Honeymoon All-In-One
Instead of going to the chapel, leading lesbian travel and entertainmentcompany, Olivia, is offering couples the chance to celebrate California'srecent same-sex marriage ruling at sea. Olivia will host a special weddingceremony and reception for couples before setting sail on Olivia's Women inMusic and Sports Mexican Riviera Cruise, Oct 4-11. "This landmark decisionmarks a new era for the gay and lesbian community - and is one that ourcustomers and couples should richly celebrate," said Olivia General ManagerLisa Henderson.
-Seth Kilbourn Appointed Executive Director
of Openhouse in San Francisco
A non-profit, community-based organization celebrating its 10th anniversarythis year, Openhouse provides housing, services and community programs forSan Francisco's large and growing lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender(LGBT) senior population. Following an extensive search by theorganization's Board of Directors, Seth Kilbourn was selected based on his vision for theorganization and wide-ranging experience in public and non-profit service.For more than 15 years, Kilbourn has been advancing issues and causes ofenormous importance to the nation's LGBT communities.
-Jack Thompson Don't Know Jack
Why will the right-wing crusader likely lose his license? Swastikas are justthe start. Jack Thompson looks nothing like 9/11 orchestrator Mohamed Atta. He wears aslick business suit and lives in a million-dollar home in Coral Gables. Yetthe 56-year-old lawyer hand-delivered a letter to U.S. District Court ChiefJudge Federico A. Moreno last week that sounded a lot like terrorism:"Maybe," he wrote, "my 'mistake' was not killing 3,000 people to make mypoint." On Monday, federal marshals showed up at his home to question himabout the matter. Next up for the man who for 20 years has worn the mantleof the puritanical police: disbarment.
-Texas GOP Cuts Off Vendor That Sold Racist Button
The Texas Republican Party is distancing itself from a vendor who soldcampaign buttons at last weekend's state convention that asked, "If Obama ispresident ... will we still call it The White House?" The state GOP partysaid Wednesday that it will donate the $1,500 rent it collected from thevendor, Republicanmarket.com, to Midwestern flood victims.
-New York Rugby Club
Ranked Number One in the U.S.
The Gotham Knights Rugby Football Club had a particularly strong showing atthe Bingham Cup, an international rugby tournament. Held every two years,the tournament is named in honor of gay rugby player and 9/11 hero MarkKendall Bingham, who helped found the Gotham Knights in 2001. This year'stournament featured over 30 teams and was held in Dublin, Ireland June 12 -15.
-Same-Sex Wedding Expos Tour California
RainbowWeddingNetwork.com celebrates the May 15th ruling in California,adding four events to its summer calendar focused on supporting same-sexcouples throughout the Golden State as they plan for their weddings.Preparations are well underway for four back-to-back GLBTQ Wedding Expos inSan Francisco, Sacramento, Los Angeles and Long Beach. Over forty localwedding vendors will participate in each event, who actively support equalrights in marriage. Other highlights include Music, Fashion, Planning Tips,Samples and Informative Presentations about the issues concerning equalityin marriage and adoption for the GLBTQ community. Admission is free, and allsupporters of non-discrimination are encouraged to attend.
-Revolutionary Gay Web 2.0 Marketing Company Launches; Opens Doors to Floodof Clients
With corporations finally acknowledging the considerable buying power of thegay community ($712 billion in 2008, according to Witeck-CombsCommunications), an innovative new company, Pink Banana Media, has sprung upto help these corporations, large and small, market their services directlyto this powerful segment of the population.
Marriage Equality News
Go to this link for the following articles:
-California's non-partisan Legislative Analyst Office (LAO) is researchingthe economic impact of a November ballot initiative that would effectivelyoverturn the state Supreme Court's decision legalizing same-sex marriage.Some LGBT activists say that a favorable fiscal analysis could resonate withvoters, particularly in an atmosphere of state budget crisis and a besiegednational economy. "This is something voters care especially about when weare in an economic downturn," says Shannon Minter, the lead attorney whoargued the case on behalf of same-sex couples. Currently, California has abudget deficit of approximately $16 billion.
-As wedding bells begin ringing for gay couples and families in California,opponents of gay marriage are turning up the volume on a relatively newargument: that same-sex marriage is a threat to religious liberty. Justtoday we have seen two passionate salvos. Maggie Gallagher, writing at NRO,warns that gay marriage means "the official harassment and repression (byour own government) of traditional religious faiths." Marc Stern, generalcounsel for the American Jewish Congress, writing in the L.A. Times, warnsthat "it is religious rights that are likely to be 'obliterated' by anemerging popular majority supporting same-sex relationships."
Pink News - UK
Go to this link for the following articles:
-UK: Davis accused of supporting rights for suspected terrorists but notgays
An openly gay government minister has mocked the civil liberties campaign offormer Shadow Home Secretary David Davis.
-Albania failing to protect gays from violence and discrimination
The Council of Europe's Commissioner for Human Rights has highlighted theproblems faced by gay, lesbian, trans and bisexual people in Albania.
-Australian Senate delays gay equality legislation
The Australian Democrats have accused opposition parties of homophobia afterthey used their Senate majority to delay legislation on same-sexdiscrimination.
-Turkish trans singer faces jail over Army comments
A well-known trans performer in Turkey is facing jail after a TV outburstwhere she implied that military action against separatists is not worthsoldier's lives.
-Gay prince to speak at EuroPride
Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil, from the Royal Family of Gujarat in north westIndia, will be one of the three opening speakers at EuroPride 2008 inStockholm.
-London's gay rugby club in world tournament final
London's only gay rugby club, the world famous Kings Cross Steelers has wonplaces in the finals of The Bingham Cup in Dublin, Ireland.
-Court gives US woman joint custody over former partner's child
In a landmark case in America, a woman has been given joint custody over thebiological child of her former lesbian partner.
-EU confirms sexual orientation will be included in discrimination directive
Commissioner Jacques Barrot confirmed today that the European Commissionwill propose a cross-cutting directive aimed at combating LGBTdiscrimination.
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Moscow Court: Third Gay Pride Ban "Lawful"
MOSCOW, June 18, 2008 (GayRussia.ru) - Tverskoi District Court of Moscowthis afternoon dismissed the complaint by Moscow Pride organisers againstthe ban of one of the Gay Pride marches for tolerance and respect for therights and freedoms of homosexual people in Russia planned for May 1 thisyear.The march was scheduled to take place from the Moscow Central PostOffice to Lubyanka Square.During court hearing, Nikolai Alekseev, principlethe organiser of Moscow Pride, said that the Russian legislation does notgive the authorities the right to ban any public event if it does notcontradict the Constitution.
-Federal Law Presents Hurdles for Gay Marriage
As of right now same sex marriage marriage is not recognized under Federallaw. Here is a look at some important differences that will affect gaycouples: Federal Income Tax laws make a sharp distinction between thoseinvolved in a traditional marriage and those in a same sex marriage. Whilemarried gay couples must file their state tax returns as married filingjointly or separately, they must file their federal income taxes as singleor head of household. This can lead to more Federal taxes being paid by gaycouples. Immigration laws treat same sex couples differently as well. If anAmerican citizen marries a foreign citizen of the same sex, the foreigncitizen will not gain residency rights from the marriage, as would a spousefrom a traditional marriage.
-Childern of the Revolution: The Battle for Equal Rights for Gay and LesbianParents Goes On
When Grace Goodbean and Netty Redish noticed that one of the girls they werefostering never brought friends home from school, they decided to ask herwhether it was because she was embarrassed that they were lesbians. "We werewondering," they asked her, "if you might not be inviting people homebecause of us." "Oh no," she said. "Everyone knows I'm fostered!" Goodbeambelieves it sums up young people's attitude to their gay parenting. "Ithadn't entered her head that we might be talking about being lesbians. That was acomplete non-issue for her."
-A Love That, Today, May Dare to Speak Its Name
On a Minnesota summer day in 1981, my parents stood in their billowysundresses to say "I do." Neither of them thought to call their ceremony awedding. No family members were present. Instead, a small group of friendscelebrated their "commitment ceremony" at the only church in town that wouldhave them. As two women, my parents didn't know how to imagine a world wheretheir love could be honored legally. In 1981, the country had justinaugurated Ronald Reagan, who didn't say the word "gay" in public untilRock Hudson died of AIDS in 1985. So my parents made their own way towardthe family they wanted, without the trappings of church or state. In early1983, I was born - one of the first babies born in Minnesota to a lesbiancouple via a donor dad.
-Savage: 'The Children's Minds are Being Raped by the Homosexual Mafia'
Responding to a caller who said, "I had to explain to my young son why thesetwo men were holding hands the other day," radio host Michael Savage stated,during the June 16 broadcast of The Savage Nation, "You've got to explain tothe children . why God told people this was wrong." He went on to say, "Youhave to explain this to them in this time of mental rape that's going on.The children's minds are being raped by the homosexual mafia, that's myposition. They're raping our children's minds." During a discussion aboutgay marriage with a previous caller, Savage said: "It's not a joke when youpervert an institution like marriage, which is in trouble enough. It's not ajoke." He added, "Our children are being destroyed by this." He went on tosay of gay marriage, "It's a very important story. The children don't knowwhat to make of it. Children nine, 10 are saying, 'I'm gay.' They don't knowwhat it even means." He added: "It's a giant propaganda machine trying topervert children." Talk Radio Network, which syndicates Savage's show,claims that Savage is heard on more than 350 radio stations. The SavageNation reaches at least 8.25 million listeners each week, according toTalkers Magazine, making it one of the most listened-to talk radio shows inthe nation, behind only The Rush Limbaugh Show and The Sean Hannity Show.
-Transsexual Singer Faces Jail After Questioning Turkey Military
With her bee-stung lips and long permed black hair, Bulent Ersoy, atranssexual and one of Turkey's most popular singers, is no stranger tocontroversy. Now she finds herself on trial for trying to turn the publicagainst the country's military. The charges stem from remarks Ms Ersoy madeearlier this year on the hugely popular television show Popstar Alaturkathat called into question Turkey's deeply ingrained militarism. Shesuggested that it was not worth sacrificing soldiers' lives in Turkey'sconflict with the Kurdish separatist PKK group. "I am not a mother, nor everwill be, but I would not bury my child for someone else's war," Ms Ersoysaid.
-Brussels Pledges Bill Against Sexual Orientation and Age Discrimination
The European Commission has made another u-turn inits plans to boost EU anti-discrimination rules, pledging to put forward acomplex bill ruling out unfair treatment of citizens on all grounds,including sexual orientation and age. The shift was announced by JacquesBarrot, the commissioner-designate scheduled to take over the justice andsecurity portfolio from Franco Frattini, Italy's new foreign minister, at ahearing in the European Parliament's civil liberties committee in Strasbourgon Monday (16 June). Some MEPs are happy the Commission has changed itsmind on discrimination bill "All discrimination is serious, and deserves tobe fought with the same determination," Mr Barrot told MEPs, adding that theEU executive had asked his colleague, social affairs commissioner VladimirSpidla to "draw up a proposal for a cross-cutting directive."
-Clone Cell Cancer 'Cure' Hailed
Scientists claim they have cured advanced skin cancer for the first timeusing the patient's own cells cloned outside the body. The 52-year-old maninvolved was free of melanoma two years after treatment. US researchers,reports the New England Journal of Medicine, took cancer-fighting immunecells, made five billion copies, then put them all back. Scientists in theUK warned that further trials would need to be done to prove how well thetreatment worked.
-Halliburton Subsidiary KBR Faulted for Hurricane Work
Reports of problems with defense contractor KBR Inc. just keep piling up.The Houston-based company's efforts to repair Navy facilities followingHurricanes Ivan and Katrina were deemed shoddy and substandard, auditorssay, prompting one technical adviser to claim that the federal government"certainly paid twice" for many KBR projects because of "design andworkmanship deficiencies," according to a report released today by theDefense Department's inspector general. The report, released following aFreedom of Information Act request, says the U.S. Navy hired KBR, Inc., thenknown as Kellogg, Brown and Root, in July 2004 to repair Defense Departmentfacilities after Hurricanes Ivan and Katrina. The federal government agreedto pay the company $500 million over five years. At the time, thecompany was a subsidiary of Halliburton, the Texas oil company, whose formerchief executive is Vice President Dick Cheney.
-PA: City Council Approves Commitment Registry
Pittsburgh City Council gave final approval today to legislation creating aregistry of couples that are unmarried, but declare and prove a "mutualcommitment" to each other, in an effort to create standards for employers,including the city, that allow partners to share employee benefits. Councilman Bruce Kraus, who along with Council President Doug Shields wrotethe legislation, said the measure "really is administrative and it really isa bit of housekeeping." But he added that it aims "to show that Pittsburghis in fact a very progressive and forward-thinking city" and position it to"attract good-quality employers, and good-quality employees." Its passageby a 7-1 vote brought cheers from some in the audience, who attended toreceive a proclamation for Pride Week events, which start Thursday. Thelegislation allows straight or gay couples to gain city recognition of theircommitment.
-Prospects of Gay Lutheran Bishop Divides Germany
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany could elect its first openly gay Lutheran bishopnext month, a move conservatives say would alienate many Christians and opendivisions in the Church. The July 12 election brings to Germany the questionof gay clergy and same-sex unions which has caused rifts in severalcountries and faiths, including the Anglican community. Horst Gorski, asenior cleric from Hamburg, is standing for the post of bishop of Schleswigin northern Germany against Gerhard Ulrich, a senior cleric from theSchleswig area. The incumbent bishop is retiring in September. Gorski is awidely respected theologian and he helped set up a centre for gay andlesbian Lutheran pastors. His open homosexuality angers some Lutheranconservatives who argue his election as bishop would leave many Christianswith no spiritual home.
-Why I Blessed Gay Clergymen's Relationship
The rector of St Bartholomew the Great in the City of London, in the eye ofstorm over gay 'marriage', explains why he decided he must bless a gayrelationship
Forwarded from Michael Emanuel Rajner
Contact rays.list@comcast.net for the full article
-The National Association of People with AIDS in collaboration with SouthFlorida AIDS Network and the Miami-Dade County Health Department will hostaone-day regional meeting entitled "AIDS in America" at BarryUniversity,Miami, Florida at the Andreas School of Business Building 11300NE SecondAvenue Miami Shores, Fl 33161. The NAPWA 2008 Regional Meetingshave twogoals in mind:
1) To increase knowledge about health, including treatment and careservices;and
2) To increase social networking opportunities.
Please join us at NAPWA's Regional Meeting at Barry University (Miami) onJuly 23rd.
Michael Emanuel Rajner
National Community Organizer
National Association of People with AIDS (NAPWA)
954 272-8131 Fort Lauderdale
305 677-3506 Miami
From Transgender Equality
Contact rays.list@comcast.net for the full article
WASHINGTON - The Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest gay, lesbian,bisexual and transgender civil rights organization, today called for acriminal investigation into the case of polie brutality against atransgender woman. A newly released video out of Memphis, Tennessee clearlyshows a police officer brutally abuse Duanna Johnson as she was held in theShelby County Criminal Justice Center. Johnson is a transgender woman, andhad been arrested on a charge of prostitution. "This type of profoundviolence is the exact thing that police officers are supposed to protectpeople from," said HRC President Joe Solmonese. "HRC is calling for a fullcriminal investigation and prosecution to the fullest extent of the law."
-Video shows police beating
MEMPHIS, TN (WMC-TV) -Video obtained by Action News 5 shows a Memphis policeofficer beating a suspect at 201 Poplar in an apparent case of policebrutality. The video, recorded February 12th, shows Duanna Johnson in thebooking area at the Shelby County Criminal Justice Center after an arrestfor prostitution. The tape clearly shows a Memphis police officer walkover to Johnson - a transsexual - and hit her in the face several times."Actually he was trying to get me to come over to where he was, and Iresponded by telling him that wasn't my name - that my mother didn't name mea 'faggot' or a 'he-she,' so he got upset and approached me. And that's whenit started," Johnson said. Johnson said the officer was attempting to callher over to be fingerprinted. She said she chose not respond to thederogatory name the officer called her.
http://www.wmctv. com/global/ story.asp? s=8515744
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
Go to the links for the following articles:
Contact rays.list@comcast.net if can't access the article
-The right to love
Same-sex unions do not diminish the bonds of marriage, they uphold them.
Across California today, in mass public weddings and in small, privateservices, gay and lesbian couples will exchange official vows of undyingloveand wedlock. With the sanction of the state Supreme Court, these couplesstand together as full citizens at last. Their long odyssey to reach thisday serves to remind us why people marry at all, especially in an era ofcasual relationships. As any married person can attest, marriage issignificant precisely because it is difficult. True, it confers certainpublic protections, but even more, it requires personal sacrifices.
-Task Force donates $180,000 to Dade Community Foundation
The Task Force announced at a Coconut Grove reception last week that$200,000 from the 11th Annual Miami Recognition Dinner and the 2008 WinterParty Festival will benefit the local Miami LGBT community. Of that amount,$180,000 will be granted to Dade Community Foundation's GLBT CommunityProjects Fund to be disbursed to local organizations providing criticalservices to LGBT people. The remaining $20,000 will be used to conduct along-term strategic planning process for the future of the Winter PartyFestival.
Fort Lauderdale, FL (June 18, 2008) -- The Gay American Heroes Foundation(GAHF) is pleased to announce the appointment of four new members to itsHonorary Board of Directors and three new members to its Advisory Board ofDirectors: Charlie David, Thea Gill, Christine O'Leary, and Elliot Tiberhave been appointed to the Honorary Board, and Mark Bias, Cate Colgan, andDJ Fr8-0 have joined the Advisory Board.
Gay American Heroes Foundation is committed to education and remembrance ofthose who died because of their sexual orientation and gender identity via atraveling memorial and educational exhibition which will travel across theUnited States to universities, colleges and communities where hate crimeshave occurred. Information on Gay American Heroes Foundation may be foundat www.GayAmericanHeroes.com
Gay American Heroes Foundation, Inc. is a Florida not-for-profit corporationand is in the process of obtaining Internal Revenue Service recognition ofits 501(c)3 tax-exempt status. Pending such recognition, GAHF operatesunder the fiscal sponsorship of Dade Community Foundation, Inc. in Miami,Florida, which is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. Donations made to GAHFvia the Gay American Heroes Fund at Dade Community Foundation are thereforedeductible to the extent permitted by law.
Gay American Heroes Foundation
ATTN: Scott Hall, Founder and President
1350 East Sunrise Blvd, Suite 119
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
954.636.1775 or 321.506.8738
Family Equality Council Program Team
Join Family Equality Council for the 13th Annual Family Week inProvincetown, MA, July 26-August 2, 2008! Every year this wonderfuloccasion-Family Week-brings together hundreds of LGBTQ-headed families andfriends for learning, community building and most importantly lots of fun!
We've got a great week planned! To ensure more opportunities to shareexperiences and make connections with one another, we are bringing back someold Family Week favorites and enriching the week with new program additions.
Here are some things to expect:
- The Family Parade through Provincetown with a sign-making event sponsoredby Cultural Care Au Pair;
- The Welcome Picnic on Herring Cove Beach;
- Community Gatherings;
- Movie Night & Pajama Party, sponsored by Bank of America;
- Little Gatherings for our youngest attendees;
- R Family Dance & Kiddie Bop
- And for the first-time ever, Family Equality Council children'sprogramming (ages 3-8). In its pilot year and organized by our new youthcoordinator, this is a special program designed with the children of LGBTQparents in mind.
Register today! If you're planning to attend our Tuesday evening beachgathering with a boxed dinner, our Friday Pizza Party or if you want yourchild aged 3-8 to attend our first-ever children's programming - you mustpre-register for the event!
[Send your comments about articles to Rays.List@Comcast.net]
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