Saturday, November 04, 2006

GLBT DIGEST - November 4, 2006

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4 Convicted of Beating Gay Tourists

PHILIPSBURG, St. Maarten - Four French nationals were convicted Thursday ofbeating two gay American tourists in this Dutch Caribbean island and weresentenced to between six months and six years in prison.

One of the victims, Ryan Smith, suffered brain damage and could not speakproperly for six months after he was attacked with a tire iron in April.Smith and the second victim, Richard Jefferson, were employees of CBS Newsin New York at the time of the attack.

Three citizens of the French part of the island - Glen Cockly, MichelineDelaney and Allan Daniel - and a man from the nearby French Caribbean islandof Guadeloupe, Michel Javois, were found guilty of public violence andcausing grievous bodily harm.


Tennis ace joins "gay sheep" protests

Marc Shoffman

Animal rights campaigners have praised lesbian tennis icon MartinaNavratilova after she criticised experiments taking place on sheep perceivedto be gay.

Navratilova spoke out against Oregon State University (OSU) and OregonHealth & Science University (OHSU) this week after it emerged that theinstitutions are conducting hormone-altering experiments on "gay sheep" tomanipulate their "sexual preferences."

The tennis star has been backed by the PETA (People For The EthicalTreatment Of Animals) after she wrote to the presidents of both universitiesdemanding they stop the experiments and spend the money on a worthy cause.

She wrote, "How can it be that, in the year 2006, a major university wouldhost such homophobic and cruel experiments? ... I respectfully ask that youpull the plug on this appalling and misguided research. Surely you can finda way to redirect the millions of public tax dollars that are being wastedon these experiments to a more fruitful venture-perhaps by funding a gay andlesbian community centre to foster dialogue and acceptance for people of allsexual preferences?"


The Rocky Mountain News,1299,DRMN_15_5115625,00.html

Haggard's sex accuser fails polygraph
By David Montero, Rocky Mountain News
November 3, 2006

A former male prostitute who accused Colorado Springs pastor Ted Haggard ofengaging in gay sex over the course of three years failed a polygraph testadministered Friday morning in Denver.

The polygrapher, John Kresnik, said the results "indicated deception" but healso believed the results may have been skewed because the accuser, MikeJones, was suffering from a migraine and didn't get much sleep.

"I'm disappointed with myself," Jones said on Peter Boyles' morning talkshow on KHOW radio after taking the 90-minute polygraph. "I feel like I'vedisappointed a lot of people. I initiated it and I'm willing to accept theconsequences of it."

However, Jones said he "would not back down" from his original accusations.He also said - at the prompting of Kresnik - to take two more lie detectortests after he got some sleep. Jones said he only got two hours of sleep.


The New York Times

November 4, 2006
Evangelical Leader Says He Bought Drugs
Filed at 7:43 a.m. ET

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) -- The Rev. Ted Haggard said Friday he boughtmethamphetamine and received a massage from a male prostitute. But theinfluential Christian evangelist insisted he threw the drugs away and neverhad sex with the man.

Haggard, who as president of the National Association of Evangelicalswielded influence on Capitol Hill and condemned both gay marriage andhomosexuality, resigned on Thursday after a Denver man named Mike Jonesclaimed that he had many drug-fueled trysts with Haggard.

On Friday, Haggard said that he received a massage from Jones after beingreferred to him by a Denver hotel, and that he bought meth for himself fromthe man.


The New York Times

November 4, 2006

Actor Neil Patrick Harris Says He Is Gay
Filed at 3:01 a.m. ET

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Neil Patrick Harris is gay and wants to quell any rumorsto the contrary. ''(I) am quite proud to say that I am a very content gayman living my life to the fullest,'' Harris tells People magazine's Website.

The 33-year-old actor said he was motivated to disclose his sexualitybecause of recent ''speculation and interest in my private life andrelationships.''

Harris stars on the CBS comedy ''How I Met Your Mother.'' He started on TVas a teen, playing the namesake doctor on the series ''Doogie Howser, M.D.''


The current issue of The Express Gay News is online


The current issue of The Independent Gay News is online


The Washington Post

Minister Admits to Buying Drugs and Massage

By Alan Cooperman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, November 4, 2006; A02

The Rev. Ted Haggard, the Colorado minister who resigned Thursday aspresident of the National Association of Evangelicals, admitted yesterdaythat he bought methamphetamine and received a massage from a maleprostitute.

But Haggard told reporters outside his home in Colorado Springs that themassage was arranged by a Denver hotel and was not sexual. He also said hethrew the drugs away. "I never kept it very long, because it's -- it waswrong. I was tempted. I bought it, but I never used it," he said.

The 11-member executive committee of the NAE said late last night that ithad accepted his resignation. Given "the seriousness of Rev. Haggard'smisconduct while in the leadership roles he held, we anticipate an extendedperiod of recovery will be appropriate," the board said.


The Washington Post

Marshall Admits No Doubts About Marriage
Senator's Campaign Against Same-Sex Couples Outrages Opponents

By Chris L. Jenkins
Washington Post Staff Write
Saturday, November 4, 2006; B04

The debate was over, and the stately atrium at the University of VirginiaSchool of Law was nearly empty. But Del. Robert G. Marshall, a PrinceWilliam County Republican who wryly refers to himself as Virginia's "chiefhomophobe," was just warming up to his next showdown over same-sex marriage.

"There is a natural order of things, a natural order where gay marriage isan impossibility," he said, books tucked under his arm and waving a hand foremphasis, like the disheveled college professor he often resembles. "Forexample, a woman's arm is constructed at a certain angle so that she canadequately cradle a baby. This is the way we're created. There are justcertain things that nature intended."


Contra Costa Times

Posted on Thu, Nov. 02, 2006

Poll shows increased support for banning gay marriage

Associated Press

MOUNT LAUREL, N.J. - Support for banning gay marriage in New Jerseygrew in the days after the state Supreme Court ruled that gay couples shouldhave the same rights as married heterosexuals, according to a poll releasedThursday.

A little over half the Rutgers-Eagleton poll's 809 respondents favoredchanging the state constitution so that gay marriages would be banned. InJune, a poll showed the opposite, with a little more than half opposing sucha constitutional amendment.

The state Supreme Court last week ruled that New Jersey's Legislaturehad six months to extend to gay couples the same protections thatheterosexual couples get when they are married. But the court said thelawmakers do not have to call it marriage.



Congressman Jim Davis - Florida Gubernatorial Candidatesigns END AIDS NOW PLEDGE

Never before has a Gubernatorial Candidate signed a pledge to End AIDS!

Fort Lauderdale, FL - Tonight Congressman Jim Davis demonstrated leadership to the nation and the 125,000+ Floridians living with HIV/AIDS when he signed the END AIDS NOW PLEDGE. For the past several months exhaustive efforts to have been made to have any gubernatorial candidate to provide an official response to Florida having the third-most cases of HIV/AIDS in the nation and South Florida accounting for 3 of the 4 counties having the highest HIV infection rate in the nation per capita.

T0night, Gubernatorial Candidate Jim Davis committed to "work to develop and implement a plan to end AIDS including universal access to education, awareness, prevention, treatment, care and support.

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz joined Jim Davis in taking a stand to demand leadership and sign the END AIDS NOW PLEDGE! She kept asking me, "Michael, tell me what I can do to help and I will!"


Transcripts of Pastor Ted Haggard soliciting drugs

Gay escort releases recordings of phone messages allegedlycontaining the voice of Pastor Ted Haggard soliciting methamphetamines

Friday, November 03, 2006
Spero News

Mike Jones, a 49-year-old male escort who lives in Denver accused Rev.Ted Haggard, Evangelical Senior Pastor of the 14,000-member New Life Churchin Colorado Springs, of engaging in a three-year homosexual relationshipwith him that he said included methamphetamines use. Jones said he has theproof in recordings of telephone messages Rev. Haggard left for him.

Haggard confessed to his church's board of overseers about some of theaccusations although the board has not revealed details of the confession.

Jones provided two voice messages to the local news channel, 9News,claiming they include the voice of Haggard calling him. A voice expert told9NEWS that the messages left for the male escort matched the voice of PastorHaggard. Jones claims Art is really Haggard and is referring tomethamphetamines in the messages.

August 4, 2006 2:18 pm
"Hi Mike, this is Art. Hey, I was just calling to see if we couldget any more. Either $100 or $200 supply. And I could pick it up reallyanytime I could get it tomorrow or we could wait till next week sometime andso I also wanted to get your address. I could send you some money forinventory but that's probably not working, so if you have it then go aheadand get what you can and I may buzz up there later today, but I doubt yourschedule would allow that unless you have some in the house. Okay, I'llcheck in with you later. Thanks a lot, bye."



Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

The Christian Right's scare tactics and the GOP's retreat into homophobia
By Mel Seesholtz, Ph.D.
Online Journal Contributing Writer

Nov 3, 2006

Online Journal [Blog]

Hitler's National Socialist German Workers Party used the Bible and theirperversion of Christianity to promote bigotry, discrimination and hatred ofJews, gypsies, the physically and mentally impaired and, of course,homosexuals. The Klu Klux Klan still uses the Bible and their perversion ofChristianity to promote bigotry, discrimination and hatred of Blacks, Jewsand, of course, homosexuals. The American Family Association constantly usesthe Bible and their perversion of Christianity to promote bigotry,discrimination and hatred, but they have a more focused target:homosexuals and any group or company that supports the social recognition orlegal equality of gay and lesbian Americans, such as the dastardly"pro-homosexual" Wal-Mart chain.

Don Wildmon's American Family Association -- which is dedicated todemeaning, denigrating and, if possible, destroying gay and lesbianAmericans and their families -- "has called on Christian consumers to spendtheir dollars elsewhere as a sign of their displeasure with Wal- Mart'spro-homosexual leanings, says the nation's largest retailer is not justworking with the homosexual agenda of the NGLCC [National Gay and LesbianChamber of Commerce], it is promoting it.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

The GOP's dwindling anti-gay parade

Polls show Americans turning their backs on the divisive politics ofhomosexuality. Will hard-liners in the heartland, like Colorado's MarilynMusgrave, be forced to follow?

By Michael Scherer

Nov. 3, 2006 | LOVELAND, Colo. -- In this season of porno-themed politicalads and anti-gay marriage amendments, Colorado Rep. Marilyn Musgrave is,surprisingly, tacking in a different direction. She no longer wants to talkin public about the "radical homosexual agenda"and its malicious impact on the American family. "I am running on a platformof security. Economic security. Border security. National security," thecorn-husk blond Republican announced at the start of a candidate debate lastweek in Windsor.

This is a dramatic departure from the Musgrave of old, the Pentecostalmother of four who came to politics in 1990 as a school committee memberdetermined to stamp out sex education. As a state legislator in Colorado,she campaigned constantly against gay marriage and attempted to denybenefits to the same-sex partners of state employees. In Congress, she hastwice served as the chief sponsor of a constitutional amendment to ban gaymarriage. "As we face the issues we're facing today, I don't think there isanything more important than the marriage issue," she announced, just sixweeks ago, at a Washington conference for values voters. "If we have gaymarriage, our religious liberties are gone."


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

Parliamentary committee in South Africa delays decision on civil unions

The Associated Press
International Herald Tribune

Friday, November 3, 2006
A key parliamentary committee on Friday delayed a decision on proposedlegislation to enshrine same-sex partnerships in the law to give more timefor discussion the measure.

The Home Affairs Portfolio Committee said it now planned to vote on thelegislation Tuesday or Wednesday.

The Civil Unions Bill was introduced to comply with a Constitutional Courtruling that the government must accord homosexual couples the same rightsand reponsibilities as heterosexual couples. The government has until Dec. 1to comply.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

AZ: McCain Makes TV Ads Against SSM

McCain gets heat on homefront as he heads to California

The Business Journal of Phoenix

As the election enters the homestretch, Sen. John McCain is helpingCalifornia Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, while facing criticism forsupporting a gay marriage/domestic partners benefits proposition onthe homefront.

The Arizona Senator appears in television advertisements favoringProposition 107, a measure than would ban same-sex marriages andprohibits public employers from offering domestic partnershipbenefits and legal status to all unmarried couples.

Prop. 107 also is supported by social conservatives and the CatholicChurch, and opposed by most Democrats, labor unions and gay rightsadvocates who have focused on its domestic partner benefitsprohibitions.


N.J. marriage ruling could impact Md. case
Appeals court to review decision in December

Nov. 03, 2006

A New Jersey court decision mandating equal marriage rights for gay couplescould influence the outcome of a similar case pending in Maryland, accordingto local observers.

Although the Maryland Court of Appeals is not bound by the New JerseySupreme Court's ruling of Oct. 25, legal observers said the decision couldimpact the Maryland case.

"I think it will have more of an effect psychologically," said Barbara Babb,director of the Center for Families, Children & the Courts at the Universityof Baltimore.

The Maryland Court of Appeals is scheduled to review on Dec. 4 a lower court'sruling that a 1973 state law limiting marriage to heterosexuals isunconstitutional.

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The Washington Post

Attorney General Proves Steadfast in the Art of Evasion

Friday, November 3, 2006; A19

Open-government advocates are howling this week over a newly releasedtranscript of Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales's testimony before theHouse Judiciary Committee in April on topics including domestic wiretappingand surveillance, treatment of potential terrorists, and the president'spower to declassify information.

During the session, Gonzales evaded most of the four dozen questions askedby Republican and Democratic members by claiming ignorance, or telling thecommittee -- which oversees the Justice Department -- that the answers weretoo secret to share. So frustrating was Gonzales's stonewalling that inclosing the hearing, committee Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-Wis.)lectured the attorney general:

"I'm afraid that you have caused more questions to be put out for debatewithin the Congress and in the American public as a result of your answers.


Forwarded from Susan Fishkorn
Tri-County -

Friday, November 03, 2006
Army Times: "Time for Rumsfeld to go"
An editorial scheduled to appear on Monday in Army Times, Air Force Times,Navy Times and Marine Corps Times, calls for the resignation of Secretary ofDefense Donald Rumsfeld.

The papers are sold to American servicemen and women. They are published bythe Military Times Media Group, which is a subsidiary of Gannett Co., Inc.

Here is the text of the editorial, an advance copy of which we received thisafternoon.


Time for Rumsfeld to go

"So long as our government requires the backing of an aroused and informedpublic opinion ... it is necessary to tell the hard bruising truth."

That statement was written by Pulitzer Prize-winning war correspondentMarguerite Higgins more than a half-century ago during the Korean War.

But until recently, the "hard bruising" truth about the Iraq war has beendifficult to come by from leaders in Washington. One rosy reassurance afteranother has been handed down by President Bush, Vice President Cheney andDefense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld: "mission accomplished," the insurgency is"in its last throes," and "back off," we know what we're doing, are a fewchoice examples.


Thursday, Nov. 02, 2006

An Abu Ghraib Offender's Return to Iraq Is Stopped

After TIME reports that a military dog handler, convicted for his role inthe prisoner abuse scandal, has been ordered to return to Iraq, the Pentagondecides to bring him back to the U.S.


As if the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal weren't bad enough for America'simage in the Middle East, now it may appear to much of the world that one ofthe men implicated in the scandal is returning to the scene of the crime.

The U.S. military tells TIME that one of the soldiers convicted for his rolein Abu Ghraib, having served his sentence, has just been sent back to servein Iraq.


The New York Times

November 4, 2006
Op-Ed Contributor
In the Voting Booth, Bias Starts at the Top
Stanford, Calif.

PEOPLE who are first in line at a movie know they have the best chance ofgetting the seats they want. When students answer multiple-choice questionsincorrectly, they usually choose one of the first options offered. Whenpeople taste-test four brands of beer, they tend to prefer the one they tryfirst.

And so it is with voting. Candidates listed first on the ballot get abouttwo percentage points more votes on average than they would have if they hadbeen listed later (flipping a 49 to 51 defeat into a 51 to 49 victory). Infact, in about half the races I have studied, the advantage of first placeis even bigger - certainly big enough to win some elections these days.


The Boston Globe

On Kerry, Bush gets assist from Democrats
By Joan Vennochi | November 4, 2006

GEORGE W. BUSH still has the power to make Democrats quake.

The president earns dismal marks for job performance, according to recentpolls. His unpopular Iraq war policy stands to turn voters againstRepublican candidates across the country.

Yet even with the presidential juice at low octane, some Democrats swiftlyechoed the White House talking points after John Kerry bungled a bad joke.Kerry, a decorated combat veteran, insulted the US military, they insisted;he must apologize.

All it took to bring them to their knees was the usual: a blast of hot airfrom the White House, fanned by Matt Drudge, Rush Limbaugh, and cable TV,and then giftwrapped by the mainstream media.


The New York Times

November 4, 2006

Blinding the Taxpayers on Iraq

Talk about arbitrary deadlines. Iraq is still an open-ended tragedy, andthere is mounting evidence that without vigilant, independent monitoring,reconstruction contracts will waste American tax dollars without deliveringthe results that Iraqis have been promised. Still, the Republican-controlledCongress has voted to close down, as of next Oct. 1, the one effectiveoversight agency that has shown it could produce results.

The deadline for ending the work of the Special Inspector General for IraqReconstruction was included in the conference report on a huge militaryauthorization bill - inserted at the last minute in the back room by thestaff of Duncan Hunter, the Republican chairman of the House Armed ServicesCommittee. It should be promptly lifted by the new Congress to be electednext week.


The New York Times

U.S. Seeks Silence on CIA Prisons
Court Is Asked to Bar Detainees From Talking About Interrogations

By Carol D. Leonnig and Eric Rich
Washington Post Staff Writers
Saturday, November 4, 2006; A01

The Bush administration has told a federal judge that terrorism suspectsheld in secret CIA prisons should not be allowed to reveal details of the"alternative interrogation methods" that their captors used to get them totalk.

The government says in new court filings that those interrogation methodsare now among the nation's most sensitive national security secrets and thattheir release -- even to the detainees' own attorneys -- "could reasonablybe expected to cause extremely grave damage." Terrorists could use theinformation to train in counter-interrogation techniques and foil governmentefforts to elicit information about their methods and plots, according togovernment documents submitted to U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton onOct. 26.


The Miami Herald
November 3, 2006

Blaming the bottle dodges responsibility


Maybe we ought to give Prohibition another try.

Granted the attempt to outlaw drinking wasn't exactly a success back in the1920s, but maybe it's time to have another go at it. Don't we owe that muchto the public figures who have become the unwitting victims of fool juice inrecent months?

First, there was Mel Gibson, actor, minding his own business, toolinghappily down Pacific Coast Highway, until alcohol jumped inside him and madehim say terrible things about Jews.


The Washington Post

Haggard Case Fuels Debate Over Hypocrisy

The Associated Press
Friday, November 3, 2006; 8:48 PM

-- With the Mark Foley scandal still troubling Republicans, one of thenation's top evangelical leaders is now accused of paying for gay sex.Heading into Tuesday's election, when voters in eight states will decide ongay marriage bans, liberals and some conservatives are saying the party thatprides itself on family values has a hypocrisy problem.

Ted Haggard, a staunch foe of gay marriage and occasional participant inWhite House conference calls, resigned as president of the NationalAssociation of Evangelicals and head of his Colorado church followingallegations he met monthly with a gay prostitute for three years. Haggarddenies having sex with the man, but admits receiving a massage and buyingmethamphetamine.


The Washington Post

Rep. Ney of Ohio Resigns From Congress

The Associated Press
Friday, November 3, 2006; 10:42 PM

WASHINGTON -- Rep. Bob Ney of Ohio, who pleaded guilty last month in theJack Abramoff influence-peddling investigation, resigned from Congress onFriday.

The Ohio Republican, who had been pressed to quit by fellow lawmakers, senta letter of resignation to House Speaker Dennis Hastert, according to Ney'schief of staff, David Popp.

"I can confirm the letter has been delivered to the speaker," Popp said inan electronic mail message to The Associated Press. The speaker's officewould not confirm whether it had received the letter.


The New York Times

November 3, 2006
Op-Ed Columnist
Insulting Our Troops, and Our Intelligence
George Bush, Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld think you're stupid. Yes, they do.

They think they can take a mangled quip about President Bush and Iraq byJohn Kerry - a man who is not even running for office but who, unlike Mr.Bush and Mr. Cheney, never ran away from combat service - and get you tovote against all Democrats in this election.

Every time you hear Mr. Bush or Mr. Cheney lash out against Mr. Kerry, Ihope you will say to yourself, "They must think I'm stupid." Because theysurely do.


November 4, 2006
Hussein Sentence May Come on Sunday

BAGHDAD, Nov. 3 - Nearly three years after being captured by Americantroops, Saddam Hussein faces the possibility of a death sentence on Sundayfrom the Iraqi court that has been trying him and seven others for thebrutal repression of a Shiite town north of Baghdad in the 1980s.

Iraq's Defense Ministry, bracing for possible violence, announced Fridaythat it has canceled all military leave and placed the country's forces onheightened alert ahead of the verdicts on Mr. Hussein and the otherdefendants. "We are on alert for any possible emergency," said Maj. Gen.Ibrahim Shaker, the ministry's spokesman.


The New York Times
November 3, 2006

Avoiding Calamity on the Cheap

A much-anticipated study on climate change ordered up by Prime Minister TonyBlair of Britain has attempted to calculate the economic costs of globalwarming. Though necessarily conjectural, the study warns that if we continueon our current course, atmospheric temperatures could rise four degrees orso in this century, producing a hugely disruptive mix of rising sea levelsand withering droughts.

This in turn would drain the world economy of trillions of dollars, withsocial and economic costs on a scale "similar to those associated with thegreat wars and the economic depression of the first half of the 20thcentury."


The New York Times

November 3, 2006
Op-Ed Columnist

As Bechtel Goes

Bechtel, the giant engineering company, is leaving Iraq. Its mission - torebuild power, water and sewage plants - wasn't accomplished: Baghdadreceived less than six hours a day of electricity last month, and much ofIraq's population lives with untreated sewage and without clean water. ButBechtel, having received $2.3 billion of taxpayers' money and having lostthe lives of 52 employees, has come to the end of its last governmentcontract.

As Bechtel goes, so goes the whole reconstruction effort. Whatever ourleaders may say about their determination to stay the course complete themission, when it comes to rebuilding Iraq they've already cut and run. The$21 billion allocated for reconstruction over the last three years has beenspent, much of it on security rather than its intended purpose, and there'sno more money in the pipeline.


The Washington Post

U.S. Plans to Screen All Who Enter, Leave Country
Personal Data Will Be Cross-Checked With Terrorism Watch Lists; RiskProfiles to Be Stored for Years

By Ellen Nakashima and Spencer S. Hsu
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, November 3, 2006; A18

The federal government disclosed details yesterday of a border-securityprogram to screen all people who enter and leave the United States, create aterrorism risk profile of each individual and retain that information for upto 40 years.

The details, released in a notice published yesterday in the FederalRegister, open a new window on the government's broad and oftencontroversial data-collection effort directed at American and foreigntravelers, which was implemented after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.


The Bush Administration Is Weak on Terror

By Stephen Van Evera, AlterNet

Posted on November 3, 2006, Printed on November 3, 2006

[Editor's Note: This essay is part of a series of Audits of the ConventionalWisdom, a project of the Center for International Studies at MIT.]

The U.S. public widely credits President Bush with toughness on terror. AnAugust 2006 poll found 55 percent of Americans approving his handling of thecampaign on terror and only 38 percent disapproving. Republican candidatesare running successfully on the terror issue in this fall's electioncampaign. In fact, the Bush administration is weak on terror.

The administration wages a one-front war against al-Qaeda, the main terrorthreat, when effort on every relevant front is needed. Specifically, it hasfocused on an offensive military and intelligence campaign abroad whileneglecting five other critical fronts: bolstering homeland security,securing weapons and materials of mass destruction from possible theft orpurchase by terrorists, winning the war of ideas across the world, endingconflicts that fuel support for al-Qaeda, and saving the failed states whereal-Qaeda and like groups can find haven.


Bill Berkowitz
November 3, 2006

George W. Bush's link to Evangelical Right caught in November SurpriseAfter admitting "some guilt" in accusations of purchasing gay sex and usingamphetamines, Ted Haggard, megachurch pastor, president of the NationalAssociation of Evangelicals, and adviser to George W. Bush, resignsPastor Ted Haggard got a November Surprise: Only a few days before Coloradovoters were to head to the polls to vote on two ballot initiatives involvinggay marriage, Mike Jones, a former gay escort claimed that he had athree-year sexual relationship with Haggard, the founder and senior leaderof the 14,000 member Colorado Springs, Colorado-based New Life Church, thestate's largest megachurch. Haggard also served as president of the NationalAssociation of Evangelicals (NAE - website) whose 30-million members comefrom more than 45,000 churches across America. Over the past few years,Haggard has been a regular advisor to the Bush administration.

Within 48 hours of Jones' revelations and despite receiving a vote ofconfidence from Dr. James C. Dobson, Haggard resigned his post at the NAE,and "voluntarily" took an administrative leave of absence from his church.


British Believe Bush Is More Dangerous Than Kim Jong-il
By Julian Glover
The Guardian UK

Friday 03 November 2006

US allies think Washington threat to world peace. Only bin Laden fearedmore in United Kingdom.

America is now seen as a threat to world peace by its closest neighboursand allies, according to an international survey of public opinion publishedtoday that reveals just how far the country's reputation has fallen amongformer supporters since the invasion of Iraq.

Carried out as US voters prepare to go to the polls next week in anelection dominated by the war, the research also shows that British voterssee George Bush as a greater danger to world peace than either the NorthKorean leader, Kim Jong-il, or the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.Both countries were once cited by the US president as part of an "axis ofevil", but it is Mr Bush who now alarms voters in countries withtraditionally strong links to the US.


Evangelical pastor confesses to 'some' accusations
President of the National Association of Evangelicals, Ted Haggard, accused of participating in a three-year homosexual affair and drug use

Friday, November 03, 2006
Spero News

Rev. Ted Haggard, Evangelical Senior Pastor of New Life Church in Colorado Springs, has confessed to some of the accusations against him according to Rev. Ross Parsley, who is serving as Acting Senior Pastor of the 14,000-member Protestant church.

Rev. Ted Haggard, a key Evangelical in the religious right and president of the National Association of Evangelicals, said in a statement that he placed himself on administrative leave "pending investigation, spiritual counsel, and a decision by the church's board of overseers" after he was accused of using drugs and participating in a three-year homosexual relationship.

After he resigned, the board of overseers met with Haggard. "It is important for you to know that he confessed to the overseers that some of the accusations against him are true," said Parsley in an e-mail to the congregation.

Ted Haggard is married and has five children and has vociferously opposed gay marriage.

Time Magazine included Pastor Haggard in their list of the 25 Most Influential Evangelicals in America. The Wall Street Journal noted his advisory role with the Bush White House, calling him one "of the nation's most politically influential" clergy, and Harper's Magazine wrote, "No pastor in America holds more sway over the political direction of evangelicalism than does Pastor Ted."

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The Miami Herald

Posted on Sat, Nov. 04, 2006

Recalling bad old days for Fla. gays


Through Bob Cole's eyes we can see a half-century of change in gaySouth Florida:

. As a frightened Miami Beach teen in the 1950s, reading in The MiamiHerald about ''perverts'' hauled away from bars in police raids.

''It was a terrible period,'' said Cole, now 63 and an honoree attonight's 10th annual National Gay and Lesbian Task Force recognitiondinner. (An added twist -- Cole's humanitarian award is sponsored by TheMiami Herald.)

. As a student at the University of Florida in the early '60s, justafter a McCarthy-era witch hunt by state Sen. Charley Johns to root outhomosexual professors and students on campus.


The Express Gay News

Anti-gay state rep resigns over racial slur
Gay priest says Rep. Arza also used Spanish derogatory term forlesbian

Friday, November 03, 2006

State Rep. Rafael Arza, the Hialeah Republican who resigned this weekafter being caught on tape making racial slurs, also used a derogatorySpanish term for lesbians during a conversation in April 2005 with a gaypriest, according to a letter that the priest sent this week to the speakerof the Florida House of Representatives.

Rev. Msgr. Leonardo Falcon, a priest with the American CatholicChurch, said Arza used the Spanish derogatory term "tortillera" to describeNadine Smith, who is executive director of the gay rights group EqualityFlorida. Falcon, who is a Cuban-American, said Arza made the comment to himin Spanish when the priest was meeting one-on-one with Arza to lobby for asafe-schools bill in April 2005.

Smith said she was "angry but not surprised" when Falcon told her thatArza had called her a "tortillero."


The Express Gay News

Polls show tighter race after Crist 'outing'
Republican candidate refers to seven-month marriage during debate
Friday, November 03, 2006

Based on polling data, the Florida governor's race has become closer sinceReform Party candidate Max Linn went on a radio show Oct. 11 and said hisRepublican opponent, Charlie Crist, is gay. Crist has repeatedly deniedrumors that he is gay.

Crist had enjoyed double-digit leads in most polls before the "outing"started receiving attention in the gay and alternative media. But aQuinnipiac University poll of 816 likely voters conducted Oct. 18-22 showedthe race to be a statistical dead heat with Crist ahead 46 to 44 percent,within the poll's margin of error.


The Independent Gay News

The Elections: Vote!

By Paul Harris

This is the last edition of "The Independent" before the election onNovember 7. Midterm elections attract smaller voter turnouts than thepresidential election held every four years.

While this is disappointing from the point of view of democracy it offersminorities, like ours, a significant opportunity to influence the results ofelections - IF ONLY WE TURN OUT! And make no mistake these elections AREimportant. At the congressional level it offers the Democrats theopportunity to put a break on some of the more damaging policies ofPresident Bush by changing control of the House of Representatives, and ifthey do really well on Tuesday, November 7, possibly the US Senate as well.

In the State of Florida Bill Nelson's re-election as US Senator is aforegone conclusion. Katherine Harris has fought one of the oddest and mostself-destructive campaigns in Florida history. I have lost count of how manyof her campaign staff have resigned in disgust. If she can not run her owncampaign properly Heaven help Florida. With or without your support BILLNELSON, admittedly not the most exciting Democrat in the US Senate, willstroll home to victory.



GLCC Announces "Stars of the Rainbow" Date, Venue and Call for Nominations

Fort Lauderdale - The Gay & Lesbian Community Center of South Florida (GLCC) is accepting honoree nominations for "Stars of the Rainbow". This premier event will be held at the Hyatt Regency - Pier 66 aboard the Grand Floridian Yacht on Sunday, January 21, 2007. SAVE-THE-DATE!

"Last year's Stars of the Rainbow gala was the GLCC's largest fundraiser to-date and we plan to surpass its success this year!" states Paul Hyman, Executive Director. "The theme SPLASH! will top the party-style BASH of 2006 with an elegant venue, great entertainment and superb cuisine!"

Deadline for nominations of 2007 honorees is Friday, November 17, 2006.

1. Please submit your nomination(s) suggested categories are as follows:
Community Group
Agency, Foundation, Nonprofit or Organization
Business or Body of Government

2. Briefly explain how they have made an outstanding contribution to the community and/or the Center and why they should be recognized.

Nomination Forms are available at the GLCC and online at If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities, volunteering on the committee or more information please contact Robert Boo, Development Director at 954-463-9005 or via email at

Nicole Martin
Operations Manager
Gay and Lesbian Community Center of South Florida
1717 North Andrews Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311
Phone: 954-463-9005
Cell: 954-812-0822
Fax: 954-764-6522


The Florida Times Union Jacksonville

November 4, 2006

POLITICAL TICKER: Gov. Bush snaps at Orlando reporter

The Times-Union

The campaign of gubernatorial front-runner Charlie Crist received some11th-hour attention Friday it probably could have done without.

Gov. Jeb Bush, traveling with the attorney general and fellow Republicanduring a stop in Orlando, bristled when television reporter Steven Cooperinterrupted another reporter to ask about Crist's sexuality.

"Put a smile on your face and don't be such a horse's ass," Bush said.

The governor later apologized, according to published reports.

Cooper's question came hours after a former Florida Democratic Partyemployee who leads new gay-rights organization questioned Crist's personallife in a Tallahassee news conference. Crist, a 50-year-old bachelor who wasbriefly married in 1979, has denied he is gay.

J. Taylor Rushing


Blacks Show Crist Support; Davis Questions His Mettle

Published: Nov 4, 2006

TAMARAC - Saying he's closing in on Republican Charlie Crist in thegovernor's race, Democrat Jim Davis hit Broward County on Friday afternoonto fire up his base.

Crist, meanwhile, capped a day of campaigning with an event in his hometownof St. Petersburg designed to show off what may be an unprecedented level ofblack support for a Republican candidate in Florida.

At a community center in south St. Petersburg, about two dozen blacksupporters from across the state, several of them community leaders,gathered to support Crist.


St. Petersburg Times

Endgame: firing up the voters

As Tuesday nears, Davis and Crist work on keeping their parties' faithfuloptimistic.

Published November 4, 2006

ORLANDO - Democrat Jim Davis and Republican Charlie Crist worked feverishlyFriday to energize voters in advance of Tuesday's election for governor,with Davis promising lower insurance rates and Crist vowing to cut taxes.

Davis promoted his plan to lower property taxes and insurance rates, whileCrist told Republican crowds that Davis would raise taxes - a reference toDavis' plan to cut property tax bills by considering re-enacting theintangibles tax on savings.

Both candidates packed their schedules and worked against a common enemywith a different cause: low turnout among their party faithful.

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Friday, November 03, 2006

GLBT DIGEST - November 3, 2006

**IF YOU CAN'T ACCESS THE FULL ARTICLE, CONTACT US AT and we'll be happy to send the full article.


What issue do you think should be the top priority for the president and Congress to deal with?

2006 Oct 23-26 %

Situation in Iraq/War64%

Economy in general18%

Immigration/Illegal aliens 15%

Poor healthcare/hospitals; high cost of healthcare11%

National security6%


Fuel/Oil prices/Lack of energy sources/The energy crisis6%

Education/Poor education/Access to education5%

Federal budget deficit/Federal debt4%

The situation in North Korea3%

Social Security3%




Foreign aid/Focus overseas2%

Poor leadership/Corruption/Dissatisfaction with government/

Homosexual issues/Gay marriage2%


War/Conflict in the Middle East1%


Ethics/Moral/Religious/Family decline; dishonesty; lack of integrity1%

International issues/problems 1%

High cost of living/Inflation1%

Care for the elderly1%


Judicial system/Courts/Laws1%

Lack of respect for each other1%

Below 0%

Unifying the country*
Lack of military defense*
Natural disaster relief/funding*
Lack of money*
Gap between rich and poor*
Election year/Election reform*
Race relations/Racism--
Trade deficit/Foreign trade--

Other 3

No opinion2
* Less than 0.5%
Note: Percentages add to more than 100% due to multiple responses.

Gallup first asked this question in April, and in each poll since that point, the war in Iraq has ranked as the most salient issue from the public's perspective. In April, 29% of Americans said Iraq should be the top priority for the government. By June, this percentage climbed as high as 60%, before dropping back from July to September, when roughly half of Americans said Iraq should be the government's top priority. Now, mentions of Iraq as the top priority have surged to 64%.

To Watch The Blue Tsunami Hitting The US On Tuesday


Editor's Inbox

A Global Overview of Gay Rights

After the New Jersey court ruling on gay marriage last week, thisquestion has come again to the political fore in the U.S. There, anincreasingly successful gay-rights movement battles a Republicanpolitical-religious alliance in an epic conflict. Around the world gays areviciously persecuted. It is critical that opposition to same-sex marriagedoes not add fuel to the fire which leads to the arrest, torture and deathof homosexuals around the world.

Let's take a look around the globe to see where lesbian, gay, bisexualand transgender (LGBT) rights stand. Europe has far exceeded any otherregion of the world in its support for the human rights of lesbian, gay,bisexual and transgender people. This support extends to same-sexrelationships in that nearly every Western European country has some policyaddressing the rights of lesbian and gay couples. The Netherlands, Belgiumand Spain offer full marriage. The Scandinavian countries spearheaded theovement in the late 1980's and early 1990's with full domestic partnershiprecognition, which the United Kingdom and France have essentially extendedas well. Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Portugal, and Croatia areamong the other European countries that have extended certain limitedpolicies to same-sex couples.


Bulgarian Court Opens Suit of Alleged Paedophile MP

3 November 2006, Friday.
The Sofia Weekly

Sofia court has given the start of a case against MP Vladimir Kuzov accusedof homosexual actions with a 13-year-old boy.

To face court proceedings, the Parliament stripped him of the MP immunityearlier this year.

Kuzov has allegedly committed his crimes in the period between June andSeptember of 2001, during the summer break from school, prosecutors say.

The child sex scandal involving the 40-year-old broke out in the beginningof the year, when a suspended investigation against Kuzov came back to thesurface.

It emerged that there had been a probe, but it had to be cancelled whenVladimir Kuzov assumed a lawmaker post.


The Miami Herald

Posted on Fri, Nov. 03, 2006

House Foley report will come after Election Day
Despite working long hours, the House ethics committee will fail todraw conclusions about the handling of the Mark Foley scandal before votersgo to the polls Tuesday.
Associated Press

WASHINGTON - The House ethics committee has been working hard todetermine if Republicans covered up former Florida Rep. Mark Foley'scome-ons to former male pages, but even 12-hour work days won't bringconclusions by Tuesday. The lack of a report leaves voters to sort throughconflicting Republican accounts in deciding whether GOP leaders failed toprotect teenagers in their care. Foley became overly friendly with malepages when they served as errand-runners for lawmakers and -- after theyleft Congress -- sent some of them inappropriate e-mails and lurid instantmessages.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

AK: Same-sex benefits dispute

KTVA, AK, November 1, 2006

Same-sex benefits dispute
By Andrea Gusty, CBS 11 News Reporter

Same-sex benefits for state and municipal employees: it's been a seven-yeardebate in Alaska. The governor's even called a third special session aboutit. The debate over same-sex benefits has been raging for the last sevenyears.

This summer the Alaska Supreme Court ordered the State of Alaska and theMunicipality of Anchorage to provide health and retirement benefits forsame-sex partners of state employees and retirees by the first of the year.What is being debated now is what the eligibility requirements for thosebenefits will be.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

Evidence from Scandinavia on gay marriage, social conservatism, and slipperyslopes:

William Eskridge and Darren Spedale, coauthors of the book "Gay Marriage:For Better or For Worse? What We've Learned From the Evidence" (OxfordUniversity Press, 2006), have looked at marriage rates and other evidence ofthe social effects of recognizing same-sex relationships in the 17 yearssince Scandinavian countries began doing so.

In an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal,(subscriber only) they summarize their findings as follows: Seventeen yearsafter recognizing same-sex relationships in Scandinavia there are highermarriage rates for heterosexuals, lower divorce rates, lower rates forout-of-wedlock births, lower STD rates, more stable and durable gayrelationships, more monogamy among gay couples, and so far no slippery slopeto polygamy, incestuous marriages, or "man-on-dog"unions.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

NAACP Leader Denounces Anti-Gay Amendment | Nov. 1, 2006

(Richmond, Virginia) National NAACP chair Julian Bond has joined thegrowing number of notables opposing amending the Virginia constitution toban same-sex marriage.

The measure also would nix civil unions and likely void domestic partner
benefits in the state.

"I'd always thought Virginia was for lovers, not against them," Bond tolda forum at the University of Virginia where he is a professor. "We believeit is always wrong to use a constitution to single out one group fordiscrimination."

The forum was sponsored by the Office of African-American Affairs and theLGBT Resource Center of the Office of Student Life.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

Kenneth Sherrill, Professor
Department of Political Science
Hunter College, CUNY
695 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10021

Buried deep in a new NY Times poll, I found the following question withsome historical data.

57. Which comes closest to your view? Gay couples should be allowed tolegally marry OR gay couples should be allowed to form civil unions butnot legally marry OR there should be no legal recognition of a gaycouples relationship?

Marry Civil unions No legal recognition
3/10-14/04 22 33 40
5/20-23/04 28 29 40
7/11-15/04 28 31 38
10/28-30/04 23 34 36
11/18-21/04 21 32 44
2/24-28/05 23 34 41
7/29-8/2/05 27 27 43
10/27-31/06 28 29 38

This can be hard to read if you are not using fixed width fonts.Today's polling is 28% marriage, 29% Civil Unions and 38% nothing, whichis largely unchanged from the past 2 years.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List



Join the boards and staff of Woodhull next week in Kansas City, Mo for thelargest LGBT political change conference in the country: Creating Change.For this year's conference, held in Kansas City, MO, the Woodhull FreedomFoundation has partnered with the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force tocreate an entire track dedicated to Sexual Freedom. (See below for theentire Sexual Freedom Track)

Our mission for this conference is to help educate activists and advocateson the importance of focusing on the general issue of sexual freedom ratherthan any one particular identity. In order to accomplish this we areshowcasing a daylong, Pre-Conference Institute on Sexual Freedom onThursday, November 8th, that will be led by experienced activists andleaders from different areas of the Sexual Freedom movement.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

Knoxville Metro Pulse, TN, November 1, 2006

The Sexual Imperative
Some puzzlements about the gay-marriage question and its implications byJack Neely

Next week, Tennessee will vote to constitutionally ban gay marriage.

Folks have their reasons, which I suspect have nothing to do with anytranslation of the Bible. Its epic stories of extravagant polygamists andstoic celibates offer little in the way of guidance about theone-man-one-woman marriage.

Still, for reasons of their own, people want to legislate a strictdefinition of marriage and engrave it into the Constitution. Whether it'sright or wrong, I suspect that grandiose gesture won't do Tennessee muchgood.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

Knoxville Metro Pulse, TN, November 1, 2006

The Sexual Imperative
Some puzzlements about the gay-marriage question and its implications byJack Neely

Next week, Tennessee will vote to constitutionally ban gay marriage.

Folks have their reasons, which I suspect have nothing to do with anytranslation of the Bible. Its epic stories of extravagant polygamists andstoic celibates offer little in the way of guidance about theone-man-one-woman marriage.

Still, for reasons of their own, people want to legislate a strictdefinition of marriage and engrave it into the Constitution. Whether it'sright or wrong, I suspect that grandiose gesture won't do Tennessee muchgood.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

Why Support for Traditional Marriage is Eroding

by Michael J. McManus

Virtue OnLine--The Voice for Global Orthodox Anglicanism

October 2, 2006

"After failing to defeat a single state constitutional marriage amendment in2004, homosexual activists are increasingly optimistic they can post alandmark victory in at least one state this year," reported the BaptistPress.

"It could be a watershed year," said Carrie Evans of the Human RightsCampaign, the nation's largest homosexual activist group. In South Dakota aJuly poll showed the amendment losing 49-41 percent. Arizona has mixedpolls, one showing passage, the other, defeat.

In Virginia opponents have raised $1 million to defeat the measure, threetimes that of supporters. Opposition spending has whittled down thepercentage supporting the amendment from 56 to 52 percent.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

State House will revisit gay marriage
By Editorial Board
Publication Date: 11/02/06

Purdue Exponent

The support, opposition and possible legalization of same-sex marriages havebeen debated heavily among politicians in recent years. After next week'selections, the issue will be brought up and debated again in the IndianaHouse.

In March of 2006, 51 percent of Americans opposed the legalization ofsame-sex marriage, 9 percent lower than in August of 2004. In addition tothat, 39 percent of Americans are now in favor of the legalization ofsame-sex marriage, up 10 percent since 2004.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

Prospects for gay issues in the next Congress

Published 11/02/2006
analysis by Bob Roehr

Bay Area Reporter

As voters prepare to cast ballots in the November 7 midterm elections, thelatest polls show Democrats taking control of the U.S.House of Representatives and picking up seats in the Senate, though probablynot enough to take control of that body.

That prospect has LGBT advocates salivating over enhanced prospects foradvancing gay issues. But one should not get hopes up too high.

It seems almost certain that one piece of legislation will move, theEmployment Non-Discrimination Act, which has been expanded to betrans-inclusive. ENDA is the centerpiece of the Human Rights Campaign'slegislative agenda and, as the big dog of gay organizations, it often callsthe shots.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

From The State (Columbia SC)
2 November 2006


Guest columnist

The choir director at your church. The special education teacher at thelocal school. The pharmacist who filled your child's prescription. The manwho made your daughter's birthday cake. The real estate agent who sold youyour home.

These are people you know. They are gay or lesbian, many of them partnered,many raising children. And all subject to discrimination if Amendment 1passes on Tueday.

Amendment 1 is mistakenly called a "gay marriage amendment." Marriage isjust the first sentence. The rest of the amendment- 113 words often left outof discussions - prohibits any "legal status, right, or claim"for unmarried couples and their children.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

Washington Post, DC, October 31, 2006

U.S. Republicans Exploit Fear
Shekhar Gupta

New Delhi, India - In an ideal world, certainly homosexuals should marry.But the world isn't what you want it to be, the world is what it is. Thisissue is political and Republicans use it.

This week, just days before the Republicans seem set to lose the House ofRepresentatives, all indications are that gay marriage is going to be one ofthose never-ending hot-button Roe v Wade-kind of debates in U.S. politics:drawing faultlines right through the political and judicial system, throughsociety and religion.

Until now, this was largely a U.S. domestic debate but it's increasinglyechoing across the world as well. Take 2004: the gay marriage opposition wasone reason why faith-based groups were mobilized in strong numbers and wesaw the coming together of "pro-family" values and "fear" (the war againstterror). As religion gets factored in more and more into policy debates,it's significant to see which way this heads.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

KBCI, ID, October 31, 2006

HJR 2: A Business Perspective
By Thanh Tan

BOISE - Next week, Idaho voters will decide whether to amend Idaho'sconstitution so that gay marriage and domestic unions between heterosexualcouples will never be legally recognized.

If HJR 2 passes, it would apply to all levels of government in the state.
But how might it affect the private sector?

Ed Zimmer is CEO of the ECCO Group in Boise. The company employs more than200 people locally. They manufacture lights, beacons, and alarms.

Like many other businesses, the company hasn't taken a position on HJR 2.

But personally, Zimmer is speaking out.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

Marriage Myths;Here are three myths thatdominate the marriage debate.

National Catholic Register, CT, November 5-11, 2006 Issue

Marriage Myths

Here are three myths that dominate the marriage debate.
BY the Editors

Here are three myths that dominate the marriage debate.

Myth 1: Same-sex couples who want to marry simply want the same rights asothers.

In fact, this isn't what homosexuals want at all.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

CO: Domestic partnership called 'baby step'

Associated Press, November 1, 2006

Domestic partnership called 'baby step'
Referendum I allows religious adoption agencies to turn away homosexualcouples Colleen Slevin

DENVER (AP) - George Guzman supports Referendum I even though some of itslanguage irks him.

The ballot proposal that allows same-sex couples to get many of the samerights as married couples under Colorado law allows religious adoptionagencies to turn away same-sex couples. It also says marriage can only bebetween a man and a woman.

"It's not about us as people. It's about us as homosexuals and that'sdiscrimination," Guzman, 39, said following a debate Monday in Denver.Despite those objections, he's decided to support the domestic partnershipproposal largely because it would give more gay people the security andfreedom of being covered by their partner's health insurance.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List, November 1, 2006

Alaska Seeks To Delay Court Ordered Partner Benefits

(Juneau, Alaska) The state of Alaska is asking the state's highest court toreview an order requiring changes in its proposal to provide same-sexbenefits for domestic partners of state employees and retirees.

The Superior Court has issued an order directing the state to rewrite theregulations.

Alaska Attorney General David Marquez on Wednesday defended the state'sproposed regulations, describing the court order as ``inappropriate.''

``The adopted regulations are neither unfair nor constitutionally infirm,''Marquez said.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List, October 31, 2006

Canadian Gays Say Marriage Survey Skewed by Newscenter Staff

(Ottawa) Two national LGBT civil rights groups are lashing out at a publicopinion poll that shows a majority of Canadians would support allowinggovernment appointees who perform civil marriages to refused to conductsame-sex ceremonies.

The COMPAS poll for the Institute for Canadian Values which opposes gaymarriage found that 57 percent of those surveyed said marriage officiantsshould be allowed the choice of whether or not to "officiate at gaymarriages," provided there are enough marriage commissioners available forsame-sex unions.


Archbishop of Canterbury to visit Pope this month

By Philip Pullella
Friday, November 3, 2006; 7:02 AM

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, spiritualleader of the world's Anglicans, will make his first official visit to PopeBenedict on November 23 at the Vatican, Church sources said on Friday.

The timing is significant because this year marks the 40th anniversary ofthe historic meeting between his predecessor, Archbishop Michael Ramsey, andPope Paul VI in 1966.

That was the first formal meeting between the heads of the two churchessince England's King Henry VIII broke with Rome in the 16th Century.

In the past 10 years, relations between the two Churches have been strainedover the issue of women priests and homosexual bishops.


Gay Sex Allegation Sidelines Haggard

AP Religion Writer

November 3, 2006, 4:30 AM EST

The head of the National Association of Evangelicals, who has stepped downwhile his church investigates a claim he paid a man for sex, had beenworking to broaden the evangelical agenda, raising the profile of the groupbut also drawing criticism from old guard leaders.

The Rev. Ted Haggard of Colorado had continued to fight abortion andacceptance of gay relationships in his three years as association president,recently championing a proposed ban on same-sex marriage on his home state'sballot. But he also prioritized anti-poverty work and environmentalactivism. The association recently started a project called "Re:Vision,"meant to advance a "broad biblical agenda" to include improving health careand ending racism.


Sermon to be last for Colorado Springs pastor
High-profile Reynolds says he is homosexual

By Joe Garner, Rocky Mountain News
October 27, 2006

A pastor who is one of Colorado Springs' leading human rights advocates willgive up his pulpit after preaching Sunday, a month after telling hiscongregation that he is homosexual.

"I made a statement to them that I am a same-gender-loving person," the Rev.Benjamin L. Reynolds said Friday. "I would not use the word 'gay.' "

Reynolds, 45, said he used a September meeting of the membership of EmmanuelMissionary Baptist Church to announce his resignation and reveal his sexualorientation. "I did not want to divide or split the congregation," he said."My beliefs and teachings are different from what the congregation believes,as a whole."


Attacks on Frank intensify with his star poised to rise
By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff | October 27, 2006

WASHINGTON -- It is one of Vice President Dick Cheney's favorite attacklines. If Republicans lose control of the House, Cheney warns at campaignrallies, then Democrats such as Representative Barney Frank of Massachusettswill become powerful committee chairmen, "and I don't need to tell you whatkind of legislation would come."

Indeed, the possibility that Frank could control a committee that overseesthe regulation of most of the nation's financial services industries isbeing portrayed by Republicans as a major reason to prevent a Democratictakeover.

In addition to the attacks by Cheney, Representative John N. Hostettler , anIndiana Republican facing a tough reelection fight, has launched an ad thatsays Democrats have a "radical plan to advance the homosexual agenda, led byBarney Frank." House majority whip Roy Blunt even issued a press releasethat attacks Frank for supporting "scary" legislation such as "Medicarecoverage of adult diapers."


The Miami Herald

Posted on Fri, Nov. 03, 2006
Key Evangelical quits amid gay sex claim

Associated Press

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - The president of the National Association ofEvangelicals, an outspoken opponent of gay marriage, has given up his postwhile a church panel investigates allegations he paid a man for sex.

The Rev. Ted Haggard resigned as president of the 30 million-memberassociation Thursday after being accused of paying the man for monthlytrysts over the past three years.

Haggard, a married father of five, denied the allegations, but also steppedaside as head of his 14,000-member New Life Church pending an investigation.

"I am voluntarily stepping aside from leadership so that the overseerprocess can be allowed to proceed with integrity," he said in a statement."I hope to be able to discuss this matter in more detail at a later date. Inthe interim, I will seek both spiritual advice and guidance."


The New York Times

November 3, 2006
Accused of Gay Liaison, Head of Evangelical Group Resigns

WASHINGTON, Nov. 2 - The Rev. Ted Haggard, the president of the NationalAssociation of Evangelicals and one of the nation's most influentialChristian leaders, resigned on Thursday, one day after a former maleprostitute in Denver said in television and radio interviews that he had hada three-year sexual relationship with Mr. Haggard.

Mr. Haggard, who is married and has five children, has denied theaccusation, saying in a television interview: "I am steady with my wife. I'mfaithful to my wife."

He also said he had never met the man making the accusation.


The New York Times

November 3, 2006

Under Fire, South Africa Shakes Up Its Strategy Against AIDS


JOHANNESBURG, Nov. 2 - Departing from years of indecision and, on occasion,denial, South Africa's government is considering a new and sweeping assaulton an AIDS pandemic that already includes one in eight of the world's H.I.V.infections

Every day, 1,000 South Africans are infected with H.I.V., and 800 more arekilled by AIDS, the government says. With that backdrop, the deputy ministerof health, Noziza Madlala-Routledge, said in an interview on Thursday that anew AIDS strategy to be announced in December might include proposals tobroaden the distribution of life-saving antiretroviral drugs, remedy theshortage of health care workers and improve treatment of H.I.V.-positivepregnant women.

The new strategy will be overseen by a restructured national AIDS councilcharged with halving the number of new H.I.V. infections by 2011.


Blame it all on the gay agenda
By Steve Kluger | November 2, 2006

IT'S FINALLY happened. We've been exposed. With the recent ruling by the NewJersey Supreme Court requiring equal marital rights for same-gender couples,the Homosexual Agenda has been outed by our spiritual leaders -- who urgeAmericans to vote Republican on Election Day in order to preserve our fewremaining national values.

What's there left to do but come clean? Although we've attempted to keep ourcovert ops cloaked in diverting sequins, there's no plugging the leaks thathave revealed our subversive intentions. It's the Pentagon Papers all overagain.

The truth began to emerge last week when a male couple was wed inMassachusetts.



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Dealing with North Korea
November 3, 2006

AFTER SECRET talks in China between Christopher Hill, the US assistantsecretary of state in charge of negotiations with North Korea, and his NorthKorean counterpart, the two sides announced plans Tuesday to resumesix-party talks in Beijing on a deal to dismantle the North's nuclearweapons program. The Bush administration's past refusal to make theconcessions needed for such a deal has endangered Asian security and raisedthe specter of terrorists one day purchasing a nuclear device from NorthKorea. So it is good news indeed that the six-party talks that weresuspended a year ago will be reconvened.

Given the stakes in the upcoming talks, there could hardly be a moredelicate moment to focus attention on the crimes against humanity that thePyongyang regime has committed against its own population. But that isprecisely what a damning new report on humanitarian conditions and humanrights abuses inside North Korea has done.



Genetic research and human behavior
By Steven J. Heine | November 3, 2006

RECENT DISCOVERIES have placed genetic research in the spotlight. People arenow able to track their ancestry through analyses of their DNA, medicalcloning technologies make front-page news, and burgeoning research inbehavioral genetics continues to articulate how people are geneticallypredisposed to act in certain ways.

Yet one question that rarely gets considered is how people make sense of thebarrage of information about how genes underlie and guide human behavior.Perhaps more problematic, how do people respond to suggestions that thereare genes shared by their race or sex that may be associated withundesirable outcomes?

Last year former Harvard University president Lawrence Summers came underfire for questioning whether women might be underrepresented in science andmath occupations because of innate differences between the sexes. On the onehand, this is a legitimate scientific question.


Nov. 2, 2006, 2:50AM
Scientists say White House muzzled climate research

Associated Press

WASHINGTON - Two federal agencies are investigating whether the Bushadministration tried to block government scientists from speaking freelyabout global warming and censor their research, a senator said Wednesday.

Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., said he was informed that the inspectorsgeneral for the Commerce Department and NASA had begun "coordinated,sweeping investigations of the Bush administration's censorship andsuppression" of federal research into global warming.

"These investigations are critical because the Republicans in Congress haveignored this serious problem," Lautenberg said.


Romney consults evangelical leaders
By Scott Helman, Globe Staff | November 2, 2006

Governor Mitt Romney is convening meetings with small groups of evangelicalleaders to seek guidance for his possible presidential run, as Romney andMormon supporters intensify efforts to allay concerns about his faith.

Romney, who is ramping up preparations for a 2008 campaign, huddledprivately at his Belmont home last Thursday with about a dozen evangelicals,including conservative activist Gary Bauer, president of the group AmericanValues, and Richard Land, a prominent leader in the Southern BaptistConvention.

Two weeks earlier, Romney met with about a dozen Baptist pastors at aprivate club in Columbia, S.C. Today, he is set to meet with more Christianleaders at an activist's home in Greenville, S.C.


The New York Times

November 3, 2006
New York

At Ease on the Stump, and Showing Flashes of Humor

Close friends of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton are always saying that she
has a great sense of humor - witty, sarcastic, playful - and that skeptical
voters would come around if they saw that part of her personality.

Well, skeptical voters, take note: Mrs. Clinton has had some pretty amusingmoments on the campaign trail this fall, wearing her personality on hersleeve more than she has in the past.

This campaign season has been something of a dress rehearsal for Mrs.Clinton, as she considers auditioning for a bigger role in 2008. Herpolitical issues, campaign advertisements and public persona are beingcalibrated for her to go national - if she decides to go for it.


Abuse can alter brain, study finds
Low serotonin linked to cycle of cruelty

By Ronald Kotulak
Tribune science reporter

November 2, 2006

A new study on monkeys raised by abusive mothers suggests that growing up inan abusive household can alter brain chemistry in a way that makes someyoungsters prone to mistreating their own children when they grow up.

In other words, abuse is not just something that's learned from living withabusive parents, although that may have an influence, according to authorsof the report, published in Thursday's issue of the journal BehavioralNeuroscience.

Suffering through abuse also appears to permanently lower the brain'sproduction of an important regulator of emotions called serotonin, saidDario Maestripieri, the study's lead author and an associate professor atthe University of Chicago in comparative human development. Low serotonincan make people more prone to acts of rejection, impulsive aggression andviolence.


How Low Will Bush Go?
President's Scare Tactics Demean Politics and Voters

By Eugene Robinson
Friday, November 3, 2006; A21

If Democrats manage to take control of one or both houses of Congress onTuesday, the reason will be that voters were not adequately roused into astate of heart-pounding, knee-knocking, teeth-chattering fear.

Not that Republicans haven't been trying. George W. Bush used to claim hewas "a uniter, not a divider," but that was a long time ago. These days,he'd probably try to deny the quote the same way he tried to disown "staythe course." The Karl Rove formula for political victory has been to draw abright line between "us" and "them" and then paint those on the other sidenot as opponents but as monsters.


Forwarded from Susan Fishkorn
Tri-County -

The New York Times

AP Exclusive: Pa. Congressman Agreed to Pay Ex-Mistress About $500,000

11/03/06 0:12AM GMT
By MICHAEL RUBINKAM , Associated Press Writer

A Republican congressman accused of abusing his ex-mistress agreed to pay
her about $500,000 in a settlement last year that contained a powerfulincentive for her to keep quiet until after Election Day, a person familiarwith the terms of the deal told The Associated Press.

Rep. Don Sherwood is locked in a tight re-election race against a Democraticopponent who has seized on the four-term congressman's relationship with thewoman. While Sherwood acknowledged the woman was his mistress, he deniedabusing her and said that he had settled her $5.5 million lawsuit onconfidential terms.


Posted on Fri, Nov. 03, 2006


State Democrats hope to match 'well-oiled' GOP machine
An anti-Republican mood nationally may help Florida Democrats onTuesday, but they are fighting the GOP's get-out-the-vote efforts.


Disgust with the war in Iraq and congressional scandals have put manyvoters in an anti-Republican mood, but the nationwide funk won't helpFlorida Democrats win Tuesday unless they get their people to the polls.

Democratic activists say they are far better organized than in pastelections, when a less-than-robust turnout contributed to successivestatewide defeats.


Many Americans Not 'Absolutely Certain' Of God
Poll Shows POSTED: 11:45 am EST November 1, 2006

Americans are often thought of as people who believe in God.

But results of a new Harris Poll show that may be changing.

The poll found that 42 percent of all U.S. adults said they are not"absolutely certain" there is a God, including 15 percent who are "somewhatcertain," 11 percent who think there is probably no God and 16 percent whoare not sure.

Not everyone who described themselves as Christian or Jewish said that theybelieved in God. Only 76 percent of Protestants, 64 percent of Catholics,and 30 percent of Jews said they are "absolutely certain" there is a God.However, most Christians who described themselves as "born-again" (93percent) said they are absolutely certain there is a God.

Differences Between Demographic Groups
