Saturday, September 06, 2008

GLBT DIGEST - September 06, 2008

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New York Times
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-Let's Talk About Sex
We need to create a sex education infrastructure that acknowledges realityand protects our children from unwanted pregnancies, or worse.

Washington Post
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-Public Display
The Picture-Perfect American Family? These Days, It Doesn't Exist. With thedebut of the Palins before a nationwide audience, a presidential campaignthat was supposed to be about the economy, Iraq or even race hasunexpectedly become -- for a little while, at least -- a conversation aboutfamily. But even before the surprising news of 17-year-old Bristol Palin'spregnancy, the Obamas, Bidens and McCains had spent an inordinate amount ofprecious convention time introducing us to their loved ones: videos,scripted shout-outs, smiling tableaus as the confetti came down. Bothparties clearly thought that it was crucial for the candidates to show howdeeply they value their family lives.

Steve Rothaus
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-Gay marriage opens new chapters on good manners
Two beautiful, meant-to-be-together souls become one. Two hearts. Onepromise. Partners in life and love . . . With gay marriage a reality intwo states, Hallmark Cards has made it easier for those wanting to send thevery best to Mr. & Mr. California or Mrs. & Mrs. Massachusetts.

South Florida Blade
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-SAVE Dade picks new Executive Director: Rapid search ends with Carlos"C.J." Ortuño
SAVE Dade, a.k.a. Safeguarding American Values for Everyone, lost its famedand beloved leader Heddy Pena when she was scooped up by the non-profitorganization Florida Red and Blue.

-Rainbow flags illegal in Miami Beach-but not for long
City commission to make ruling on public display of gay pride
In a move that will undoubtedly rock the South Florida universe, Miami Beachcity commissioners are prepared to rule on the legality of displayingrainbow flags in public. Rainbow flags cannot be flown outside anybusinesses or homes in Miami Beach, because of a city code restricting"pennants, banners, streamers, flags and flagpoles." Only flags thatrepresent actual countries are allowed. No word on the legalitiessurrounding my Brazilian next door neighbor, who uses his country's flag ascurtains.

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-Scientists: Roman Empire made Europeans more susceptible to HIV
A genetic study by French scientists claims that a gene variant spread byRoman legions as they conquered most of Western Europe has made peopleliving in the areas more vulnerable to HIV/AIDS.

-Gay Australia beyond Sydney
If you love a big gay Aussie parade (you know, the one that adds a littlecolor to the mainstream media each year) and a crushing number of near nakedguys out for fun, Sydney has what you're looking for. However, if you've"been there, done that," or are looking for a different kind of Aussieadventure, head south, and take a chance on the States of Victoria andTasmania.

-Church sign attacks gays
A church in Blacklick, Ohio, is making a statement using Katy Perry's song"I Kissed a Girl." Havens Corners Church put up a sign with the lyrics "Ikissed a girl and I liked it" and an additional line that reads "Then I wentto hell."

-Obama enlists all-woman army to blunt Palin
Barack Obama's campaign plans to employ high-profile female supporters in aneffort to blunt GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's potential topersuade women to vote Republican. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York,Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano and Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius all werescheduled to campaign for Obama in the coming weeks. Republicans say theyhope Palin, who made her national debut with a feisty speech on Wednesday,could put some female voters in play.

The Advocate
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-Missoula Police Beef Up Outreach to Gays
The GLBT Community Liaison program in Missoula, Mont., is getting amakeover. With a website, posters, radio spots, and billboards, the MissoulaPolice Department and community partners are campaigning to stop bias andreport it when it occurs, according to New West Missoula.

National Gay News,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/
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-Few Gay Couples Enrolling for State Health Benefits
Expensive, taxpayer-funded lawsuits over whether New York should recognizesame-sex marriages from other states could linger for years, but so far fewgay couples are taking advantage of the state's expanded rights, recordsshow. The state Department of Civil Service said it was aware of only 33same-sex married couples who had signed up for the state's health insurancesince it extended the benefits to them May 1, 2007.

-Subway Fires Gay Porn Star
Granted, other than the obvious joke above, there's nothing funny aboutthis: It seems that 22-year-old porn actor Kurt Wild has been fired from aSubway restaurant outside of St. Louis after a customer recognized him fromhis other line of work and raised hell with the management.

Pink News - UK
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-Posters call for execution of gays as tensions mount over Sarajevo queerfestival
International observers have spoken out after tensions around the first evergay festival in Bosnia intensified. The Queer Sarajevo Festival is to takeplace in from September 24th to 27th. The Dutch, Canadian and Swissembassies are among those supporting the event.

Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
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-Instruction in Pole Dancing Tests the First Amendment
ADAMS TOWNSHIP, Pa. - It is safe to say that last week was the first time the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania had ever filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of a pole dancing instructor. But Witold J. Walczak, the organization's legal director, said the issues involved were common to many of its cases. "Why is the A.C.L.U. here?" Mr. Walczak asked. "The simple reason is this involves teaching, and that is expression protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution." The instructor, Stephanie Babines, 30, was denied a permit to open a dance studio here. The A.C.L.U. has sued to overturn that decision.

-Smoother Transitions
BREANNA L. SPEED waited four years before announcing to her co-workers that she would not be Wendell anymore. She was concerned that the revelation that she felt more comfortable living life as a woman than in the male body she was born with would jeopardize her job at Hewitt Associates, an outsourcing company in Lincolnshire, Ill., where she had worked as a database administrator for seven years. But since Feb. 26, 2007, when she walked into the office as Breanna (with a company ID and a workplace paper trail that carried her new name), Ms. Speed said she has received nothing but support.

-Study Links Gene Variant in Men to Marital Discord
Men are more likely to be devoted and loyal husbands when they lack aparticular variant of a gene that influences brain activity, researchersannounced yesterday -- the first time that science has shown a direct linkbetween a man's genes and his aptitude for monogamy. The finding isstriking because it not only links the gene variant -- whichis present in two of every five men -- with the risk of marital discord anddivorce, but also appears to predict whether women involved with these menare likely to say their partners are emotionally close and available, ordistant and disagreeable. The presence of the gene variant, or allele, alsoseems predictive of whether men get married or live with women withoutgetting married.

Contact for the full article

-HeartStrong Announces 28th Outreach Trip
Restorative Therapy & Faith-based Anti-GLBT Bullying
At Religious Educational Institutions Uncovered
Seattle - Marc Adams, Lambda Literary Award finalist and Silver Pen Award recipient for his autobiography, The Preacher's Son, will be heading the 28th Outreach Trip for HeartStrong beginning September 17, 2008. HeartStrong, Inc., is the non-profit educational organization Adams co-founded. HeartStrong is for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender students of religious schools, colleges, and universities. HeartStrong hasprovided hope and help to GLBT students who have endured faith-based anti-GLBT bullying in religious schools around the world since 1996. Adams is executive director. Since 1996, the HeartStrong Outreach Team has self-driven more than 368,000 miles around North America providing hope and help for GLBT students from religious schools and educating the public about the plight of these students.
All dates for the 28th Outreach Trip are listed below. There will be afew more additions over the next couple weeks. For more detailedinformation about locations and times, please visit and go to our Educational Forums page.

14 Olympia WA
18 Westchester PA
19 Manchester CT
21 Canton NY
21 St Lawrence University Canton NY
23 Syracuse NY
26 Garden City NY
27 Princeton NJ
28 Rockland County NY

1 Frederick MD
6 Westchester NY
8 Ellicott City MD
12 Media PA
12 Tom's River NJ
14 Worcester MA
15 Rockland County NY
19 Buffalo NY
19 Jamestown NY

9 San Francisco CA
16 Prescott AZ
17 Paradise Valley AZ
23 Prescott AZ
30 Thousand Oaks CA

1 Fresno CA
14 Los Angeles CA
17 Los Angeles CA
20 Reno NV
21 Reno NV

HeartStrong is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization. All donations are taxdeductible as allowed by law.

From Transgender Equality
Contact for the full article

-Transgender Youth Supported with New Program
Miami: In Florida, bullying is at the forefront of everybody's lips. Arecent anti-bullying law has made the public schools in lorida more awareand diligent in addressing issues of bullying and harassment. No place doesthis happen more than in the lives of GLBTQ youth. According to VivanMarthell, director of Pridelines Youth Services, transgender youth face themost discrimination today, even more than for gay or lesbian youth.Although this population is smaller than the other initials (GLBQ), thisgroup is the most severely affected by bullying, harassment, isolation andsuicide," Marthell explained. Because of this, Pridelines Youth Services hasrecently created a new program on Tuesday nights called Between Here andSomewhere Else where transgender and gender variant youth can meet foractivities, support, and peer socializing.

-Name Change Kit
Here's a link to the magnificently thorough Florida Name Change Kit puttogether by our dear friend Karen Doering, formerly of the National Centerof Lesbian Rights.

GLAAD's "The Best & Worst of National News"
August 2008

-New York Times Op-Ed Debunks Legitimacy of Olympics "Sex Test"
In an op-ed titled "The XY Games" published on August 3, acclaimedtransgender author Jennifer Finney Boylan critically examined the tests usedto determine gender in many prominent athletic competitions. In reaction tothe ruling of the Beijing Olympics organizers to set up a "genderdetermination lab," specifically designed to test female athletes"suspected" of being male, Boylan pointed out the illegitimacy ofchromosomal testing, saying that these tests "measure maleness andfemaleness by the wrong yardsticks." In light of this, Boylan calls for anend to these discriminatory tests, saying that gender "is malleable andelusive, and we need to become comfortable with this fact, rather thanafraid of it." Boylan points out the possibly tragic results these tests canhave, such as the global humiliation and subsequent suicide attempt ofrunner Santhi Soundarajan who "failed" such a test at the 2006 Asian Games.
GLAAD encourages you to email Jennifer Finney Boylan and The New York Timesand commend them on addressing the discriminatory practice of gender testsin the Olympic and athletic communities.

-Gay Couple's Immigration Struggle Reported by the Wisconsin State Journal
Melanie Conklin of the Wisconsin State Journal highlighted the seriouslosses communities all over the country are facing because of the lack offederal recognition for same-sex marriages. In the article "Immigration lawseparates same-sex couple" Conklin shares the story of Pamela Hathaway andLucie Ferrera, a bi-national couple living in Wisconsin. Hathaway andFerrera married in Canada last January, and as they are unable to gainspousal immigration rights, the couple has been forced to move to Canada tostay together. Conklin shows how Hathaway and Ferrera's friends andneighbors are trying to come to terms with her departure, and describes thecouple's hopes that the laws will change so they can come back to theirhome.
GLAAD encourages you to contact the Wisconsin State Journal and MelanieConklin and thank them for drawing attention to the struggles bi-nationalgay and lesbian couples face due to immigration laws and the lack of federalrecognition for their relationships.
Melanie Conklin
Wisconsin State Journal Editor, Ellen Foley

-Portrait of Young Gay Orthodox Jewish Woman Published by the Detroit FreePress
On August 12, the Detroit Free Press ran the article "Student finds couragein her art," by Christy Duan, about a young Orthodox Jewish gay woman andher journey towards self-acceptance. Duan describes Naomi Zaslow's processof reconciling her sexual orientation with her Orthodox Jewish upbringing,quoting the young artist about her decision to come out. Zaslow says,"sometimes you do need to take the risk. There are places where you can findsupport. Things do get better." Zaslow's recent senior art showcase focuseson her multi-faceted identity. Duan highlights her success, giving hope toother young LGBT people as they strive to find acceptance and images ofthemselves within their religious communities and families.
GLAAD encourages you to email Christy Duan of the Detroit Free Press andthank her for providing insight into the experiences of a young OrthodoxJewish gay woman and helping readers to learn from her journey.
Christy Duan

-Reuters Draws Attention to Anti-Gay Attitudes Prevalent in Olympic AthleticWorld
In an August 18 Reuters article, Paul Majendie draws attention to the factthat only 10 of the 10,500 athletes competing in Beijing during thissummer's Olympics are openly gay. The article explained that many athletesfear coming out and facing disapproval from fans and teammates. Majendiepoints out that the lack of openly gay athletes creates an environment inwhich being a gay athlete is perceived to be a deterrent to success. Thelack of encouragement for openly gay athletes permeates through the world ofathletics, and is rarely given the much needed attention Majendie offerswith this article. He details some of the tangible consequences athletescould face if they come out, such as lost endorsement deals and unwantedmedia attention distracting them from their performances.
GLAAD encourages you to email Paul Majendie of Reuters and thank him forbringing attention to the prevalence of anti-gay attitudes in the world ofathletic competition.
Paul Majendie

-Chicago Tribune Runs Defamatory Op-Ed Defending ~Don't Ask, Don't Tell'Policy
On August 14, the Chicago Tribune published an Op-Ed by Elaine Donnelly,president of a group that calls itself the Center for Military Readiness.Donnelly is a vocal opponent of allowing gay service members to serve in hemilitary, and breathlessly claims that if the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" ban islifted, there will be "forced cohabitation with professed (not discreet)homosexuals, in all military communities, 24/7." Donnelly's baseless scaretactics dishonor many thousands of courageous, loyal and patriotic servicemembers, at the same time as the ban continues to put our country at risk bydischarging essentials service members just because they're gay. Whilesubstantive discussion about the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" ban is important,the Chicago Tribune offered instead little more than fear-basedhyperventilation from a predictably virulent anti-gay activist.
READ ARTICLE:,0,5487863.story
GLAAD urges you to contact the Chicago Tribune and voice your concerns. Urgethem to promote a discussion about the real-world impact of the "Don't Ask,Don't Tell" ban, and ask them to bring voices to the table that can crediblyaddress the ways in which it puts our nation's security at risk.
Chicago Tribune, Letter to the Editor

-Rush Limbaugh Insults Rachel Maddow After She is Named Host on MSNBC
Rush Limbaugh made insulting comments about Rachel Maddow, the popularopenly gay political commentator who will be hosting her own show on MSNBCthis September. On his August 20th radio show broadcast, Limbaughmentioned Maddow's new show. Referencing Dan Abrams, whose time slot Maddowwill be taking over, Limbaugh joked that, "he's losing his show to somebodywith more testosterone than he has." Limbaugh's juvenile remarks wereuncalled for, and made Maddow's sexual orientation the punch line of thejoke.
GLAAD urges you to email Clear Channel and its CEO Mark Mays and ask them tohold Rush Limbaugh accountable for his comments.
Mark Mays

-Mike Galanos Sensationalizes So-Called "Dangerous" Trend of Girls KissingGirl
In his August 25th broadcast on CNN Headline News, Prime News host MikeGalanos led a sensationalized segment about a so-called "devastating" trendof girls kissing girls. Drawing on the popularity of pop singer Katy Perry'shit song "I Kissed A Girl" as evidence of a widespread crisis for teenagegirls, Galanos reported that girls are experimenting with other girls solelyto garner male attention. He repeatedly refers to this trend as"devastating," "dangerous," and "disturbing." While the intention was tohighlight the need to garner positive self-esteem in teenage girls, Galanosrelies on stereotypes to create hysteria and shock his viewers, and fails toinclude young lesbian and bi women in his analysis.
GLAAD urges you to contact CNN and Mike Galanos to call for an apology forthese sensational statements, which aimed to create unwarranted fear andperpetuate misconceptions around lesbian and bi teenagers. ÂCONTACT:
Prime News

VP Candidate Has Not Yet Expressed Views On 'Pray Away the Gay Movement'
ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Gov. Sarah Palin's church is promoting a conference thatpromises to convert gays into heterosexuals through the power of prayer."You'll be encouraged by the power of God's love and His desire to transformthe lives of those impacted by homosexuality," according to the insert inthe bulletin of the Wasilla Bible Church, where Palin has prayed since shewas a child. Palin's conservative Christian views have energized that partof the GOP electorate, which was lukewarm to John McCain's candidacy beforehe named her as his vice presidential choice. She is staunchlyanti-abortion, opposing exceptions for rape and incest, and opposes gaymarriage and spousal rights for gay couples. Focus on the Family, anational Christian fundamentalist organization, has scheduled the "Love WonOut" Conference for Sept. 13 in Anchorage, about 30 miles from Wasilla. Palin, campaigning with McCain in the Midwest on Friday, has not publiclyexpressed a view on the so-called "pray away the gay" movement.


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NATIONAL & WORLD DIGEST - September 06, 2008

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About Sarah Palin from a Wassillan
So many people have asked me about what I know about Sarah Palin in the last2 days that I decided to write something up . . . Basically, Sarah Palin andHillary Clinton have only 2 things in common: their gender and their goodlooks. :) You have my permission to forward this to your friends/emailcontacts with my name and email address attached, but please do not post iton any websites, as there are too many kooks out there . . .
Anne Kilkenny

New York Times
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-Barack Obama's the right choice for the color blind
Here's how I learned about racism: In the early 1960s, I arrived from Israelon a scholarship to the UCLA School of Journalism. One summer, I drove mybattered Plymouth to New York just to see how big America was. I pulled intoa gas station in Ft. Smith, Ark. While refueling, I went to the diner nextdoor and ordered a glass of milk and a tuna fish sandwich. The waitress eyedme from behind the counter, and said, "We don't serve Orientals." Troublewas, I had no idea who were "Orientals." I guessed she didn't like the way Ilooked - flowery Hawaiian pants, black camisole, long black ponytail. And adark California suntan. Still, I figured that people who didn't likesomeone, an "Oriental" in this case, wouldn't be crazy about Jews. So Ifilled up my bottle, bought a tin of peanuts and hit the road. Later, Ipassed a dumpy restaurant advertising fried chicken, with the caveat, "Wedon't serve colored." Now, in a historical swoop, Barack Obama, both"Oriental" and "colored," in a sense, is the Democratic candidate forpresident. TV pundits, liberal and conservative, breathing words into emptyspace, posit a dichotomy. At this point, they say, he should be 12 to 15percentage points ahead of McCain. So, why isn't he? Quick, get me a tunafish sandwich! People of a certain age in Boca Raton tell me I know Obamais a smart guy, but I just can't bring myself to vote for him.,0,1138666.column

-U.S. Rescue Seen at Hand for 2 Mortgage Giants
The plan would replace the leaders of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac andvirtually wipe out their shareholders but let them continue to work with thegovernment standing behind their debt.

-Zardari Is Elected Pakistan's President
Asif Ali Zardari, the widower of slain former prime minister Benazir Bhuttoand a controversial politician with little experience, was elected presidentof Pakistan.

-In Destitute Swaziland, Leader Lives Royally
The extravagance of King Mswati III, who has given his 13 wives palaces andBMWs, is spurring protests.

-Caught in the Cross-Fire
Unless the Pentagon comes up with a better strategy, the United States andits allies may well lose the war in Afghanistan.

-Running From Reality
From the speakers' faux populist gibberish, you would never have known thatthe Republicans have used their titanic power to lead the country to itspresent sorry state.

-McCain's Grizzly Politics
John McCain is not actually running for president. He's running for Senatemajority leader. All his passion is directed at defects in the legislativeprocess.

-The Mirrored Ceiling
It turns out there was something more nauseating than the nomination ofSarah Palin as John McCain's running mate this past week. It was the tone ofthe acclaim that followed her acceptance speech. "Drill, baby, drill,"clapped John Dickerson, marveling at Palin's ability to speak and smile atthe same time as an indication of her unexpected depths and unsuspectedstrengths. "It was clear Palin was having fun, and it's hard to have fun ifyou're scared or a lightweight," he wrote in Slate.

-Tropical Storm Hanna Hits the Carolinas
With Hurricane Ike not far behind, Tropical Storm Hanna came ashore near theCarolina border.

-U.S. Spied on Maliki, Book Says, Upsetting Iraq
The Iraqi government reacted with concern and dismay on Friday toallegations that American officials spied on Prime Minister Nuri Kamalal-Maliki, and warned that it could affect negotiations over the continuingAmerican troop presence in the country. The claims about espionage againstsenior Iraqi government figures appear in Bob Woodward's book "The WarWithin: A Secret White House History, 2006-2008," The Washington Postreported Friday.

-Some See a Fighting Spirit as Detroit Mayor's Ruin
When it looked to most people around here as if a 31-year-old might be tooyoung to win a mayoral election, Kwame M. Kilpatrick decided to take on thefight, and the reward was his inauguration in 2002 as Detroit's chiefexecutive. Mr. Kilpatrick has fought and won many battles since. But helost perhaps the biggest one of his life on Thursday. After holding out formonths in hopes that he could beat criminal charges against him, he reversedhimself and, in a deal with prosecutors, pleaded guilty to two felonies,agreeing to resign and serve jail time, among other penalties.

-The Way We Live Now: 24/7 School Reform
In an election season when Democrats find themselves unusually unified oneverything from tax policy to foreign affairs, one issue still divides them:education. It is a surprising fault line, perhaps, given the party's longdominance on the issue. Voters consistently say they trust the Democratsover the Republicans on education, by a wide margin. But the split in theparty is real, deep and intense, and it shows no signs of healing any timesoon.

Washington Post
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-So What Is Fair Game With Sarah Palin?
Look at the Rules Hillary Clinton Had to Play By.
Watching Gov. Sarah Palin explode onto the national scene over the last weekgot me thinking back to a cold evening earlier this year, just before theNew Hampshire primary. I was half-listening to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clintonspeak at an auditorium when a strange noise interrupted the event: two youngmen shouting, in muffled voices, "Iron my shirt!"

-Thailand's New Crisis
An opposition movement claiming to defend democracy does its best to destroyit. THE GOOD news about democracy is that as elected government has spreadand deepened its roots around the world during the past two decades, poorpeople and neglected ethnic groups in many countries have gained power. Incountries such as Brazil, Indonesia and Mexico, government policies haveshifted to accommodate the newly enfranchised, and their lives haveimproved. The downside is that the expansion of the political system has, ina few countries, touched off cultural or class warfare that has underminedthe new freedom. In some cases, such as Venezuela and Bolivia, populistsclaiming to represent a poor or indigenous majority have won elections, thensought to entrench themselves in power and eliminate competition from theold elite. We've had a lot to say about the harm Venezuela's Hugo Chávez andBolivia's Evo Morales have done to their countries.

-Energy Loss: Sen. John McCain's acceptance speech was notable for what itdidn't say.
SEN. JOHN McCAIN's energy policy was pretty clear before he accepted theRepublican nomination for president Thursday in St. Paul, Minn. He wants tobuild more nuclear power plants, develop clean coal technology, increase theuse of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power, and expandoffshore drilling. Despite the swipe Mr. McCain took at his Democraticopponent, there's not much difference between his energy policy and that ofSen. Barack Obama (Ill.).

-Abramoff Gets Reduced Sentence of Four Years in Prison
Judge Cites Assistance Ex-Lobbyist Provided In Corruption Probe

-Rangel Says He Didn't Know of Loan Terms: Villa Deal Compounds Controversy
Rep. Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.) did not know that the Caribbean resort villahe purchased 20 years ago was financed with a no-interest mortgage from thedeveloper and has generated $75,000 in income that he should have reportedon tax and financial disclosure forms, his lawyer said yesterday.

-Don't let them eat cake, Saudi cleric says
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia -- When Hala al-Masaad invited her girlfriends over tocelebrate her 18th birthday with cake and juice, the high school student wasstepping into an unusual public debate. Is celebrating birthdays un-Islamic?

Miami Herald
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-A good story, but look closely
You gotta love this campaign. No sooner does the curtain come crashing downon one climactic moment than up it goes on another. The Democrats chooseNoDrama Obama and the channel switches to Soap Opera McCain. You wantchange? I'll show you change: Introducing Sarah Palin, a running mate asunfamiliar as the tundra.

Fort Report
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-GOP Mocks Public Service
For the first time in American history, a major political party devoted asubstantial portion of its national convention to attacking grassrootsorganizing.

-Most Clinton Backers Say Palin's Too Far A Stretch
Sandy Goodman was deeply disappointed when Hillary Rodham Clinton didn't getthe Democratic nomination, then again when she was bypassed for the VP spot.So Goodman, a longtime Florida Democrat, flirted with thoughts of shunningBarack Obama, and perhaps even voting Republican.

-Analysis: McCain sincere, short on answers
It's odd to present yourself as a maverick to the most partisan audienceimaginable, as John McCain did Thursday night. But the real audience wasn'tsitting in the Xcel Center this evening to watch the Arizona senator acceptthe Republican Party's presidential nomination; it was the independents athome looking for a reason to vote for him.

-Obama, Seeing Hope In Ohio, Shifts Schedule There
Obama Shuffles Schedule, Hones Campaign Strategy To Reflect Electoral MathSo much for the 50-state strategy. Barack Obama, who once pledged tocompete in every state, has shifted his thinking. Now, he'll pick and choosewhere to spend time and money.


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FLORIDA DIGEST - September 06, 2008

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From Justin Flippen, Candidate for Wilton Manors City Commission
-I am pleased to share with you that today I officially qualified with theCity of Wilton Manors as a candidate for the Wilton Manors City Commission.I will continue to work hard for your support and vote on November 4th andthen once elected every day after that as your public servant. I recentlyreturned from Colorado where I had the distinct fortune of being interviewedby Melissa Long on CNN. I invite you to watch the interview at the linkbelow where we discussed a number of issues including my candidacy foroffice:

Equality Florida
-Sixty Day Countdown
Sixty days from today, millions of Florida voters will vote NO on Amendment 2.
Polling shows us that this amendment will be decided by a very slim margin.
In the next 60 days, we must talk to 400,000 Florida undecided voters andmake it clear that Amendment 2 will strip away essential domestic partnerbenefits and family protections. When people understand the harm inflictedby Amendmet 2, they vote NO. Will you help? We know you will vote NO on 2November 4th, but we need your help to reach 400,000 more voters who willvote NO.
There are two immediate ways you can help.
1) Phone Bank - Sign up to phone. If you like to talk - and we know you do -
phone banking is a fun and effective way to educate voters.
2) Contribute - With your help, we'll use our enormous grassroots network toeducate voters face-to face. We'll talk to voters on the phone and ask themto vote NO On 2. We'll mail tens of thousands of voters information on whyAmendment 2 is bad for Florida. But we can only do it with your support.We only have sixty days to ensure this mean-spirited amendment stays out ofthe Florida Constitution.
We need you now!
Nadine Smith
Co-Chair, Fairness for All Families, Inc.

Go to the links for the following articles:

-Marriage needs no protection from the likes of these
We have all lost a good friend with the passing of Del Martin on August 27.
Most of us don't know Del, but in the photographs of the first legalmarriage between two women to take place in San Francisco on June 16, Del isthe one with the white hair, exchanging vows with Phyllis Lyon, her partnerof 55 years.
Del was a trailblazer for equality of rights for gays and lesbians, but morethan that, she was a human being who just wanted to be treated with dignityand respect, which is what we all deserve.
At the polls this November, faced with the question of Amendment 2 (theso-called "Marriage Protection Amendment"), I will be thinking of Del andPhyllis and their 55 years together. Marriage needs no protection from thelikes of them.
John Cutrone, Lake Worth,0,7508118.story


Go to the links for the following articles:

-Storm FAQs
What gas stations and stores in Broward and Palm Beach counties havegenerators? And more ...,0,2422811.story

-Ike continues its track west
A hurricane watch has been issued for the Bahamas and other Atlantic islandsas Hurricane Ike, still a Category 3 storm, inches closer to South Florida,the National Hurricane Center reported. As of 5 a.m. Saturday, the tempestwas just 210 miles east of Grand Turk Island. Its maximum sustained windsremain at 115 mph. Ike is moving west-southwest at almost 16 mph.Forecasters say Ike will pass near or over the southeastern Bahamas lateSaturday night, then continue churning past Cuba and toward the FloridaKeys. Hurricane force winds extend outward up to 45 miles from the center.If the storm does not change course, it will hit South Florida late Tuesdayor early Wednesday, the Hurricane center said.,0,6144719.story

-Tropical Storm Five Day Forecast Map

-Hunt for missing ballots widens in Palm Beach County
Another Palm Beach County election mess, including thousands of missingballots, stumbled toward a new venue today with county officials leaving itto the courts to decide a disputed judicial race.,0,4647658.story

Miami Herald
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--Florida has plenty of gas to weather Hurricane Ike
Drivers shouldn't have any immediate problems filling up their cars inpreparation for Hurricane Ike. This time around, Florida has plenty of gas.

-Next Dade schools chief likely to come internally
With Rudy Crew's tenure apparently ending, Miami-Dade's next superintendentwill probably come from inside the system.

-FAMILY CARE: Special-needs families can get extra care during Hurricane Ike
When hurricanes approach, Dr. Daniel Armstrong, director of the University of Miami's Mailman Center for Child Development, worries about the children --and adults -- with special needs. ''The way we respond to this as acommunity says a lot about us,'' he says. ``We learned a lot in HurricaneAndrew. We can do a lot of things to help.''

Fort Report
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-Farmworkers exploited, even enslaved, in Florida
Between each December and May, Florida grows nearly the entire U.S. crop of fresh field tomatoes for our homes, restaurants and supermarkets. Although the tomato is essential produce, most consumers do not know, or do not care, that many of the farmworkers who harvest the crop are exploited and otherwise mistreated.


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Friday, September 05, 2008

GLBT DIGEST - September 05, 2008

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Steve Rothaus
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-259 major companies score 100 percent on HRC's gay Corporate Equality Index
On Tuesday, September 2, HRC released the 2009 Corporate Equality Index. Thereport measures the extent to which the 583 rated employers protect theirLGBT employees. Ratings are based on factors like non-discriminationpolicies, diversity training and benefits for domestic partners andtransgender employees. The findings of this year's report include:
* 259 major U.S. businesses achieved the highest rating of 100 percent -up from 195 last year.

South Florida Blade
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-Barney Frank: Sarah Palin's family life is fair game
'They're the ones that made an issue of her family'
Rep. Barney Frank is among the first Democrats to publicly say Alaska Gov.Sarah Palin's family background, including the pregnancy of her unwedteenage daughter, should be fair game for campaign discussion. "They're theones that made an issue of her family," Frank, D-Mass., said Tuesday in atelephone interview with The Associated Press.

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-Obama enlists all-woman army to blunt Palin
Barack Obama's campaign plans to employ high-profile female supporters in aneffort to blunt GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's potential topersuade women to vote Republican. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York,Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano and Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius all werescheduled to campaign for Obama in the coming weeks. Republicans say theyhope Palin, who made her national debut with a feisty speech on Wednesday,could put some female voters in play.

-Corvino: Palin, pregnancy and principles
I admit it: I was fascinated by the announcement that Sarah Palin's17-year-old daughter is pregnant. It's no surprise that teenagers havesex-even evangelical Christian teenagers, and especially very good lookingones, in Alaska, where there's not much to do but hunting and fishingand.well, you know.

-Killing ourselves with hate
Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute in Philadelphia - EPPI - used tobe the place where teenagers who attempted suicide ended up. There was awhole floor of them. Nothing but kids. The walls were that paleinstitutional green of old aquariums and the cloudy windows had chicken wireimbedded in them.

-Gay man fights for life after homophobic attack
Three teenagers are in police custody following a vicious unprovoked attackin East London that has left a gay man in hospital fighting for his life.The 20-year old victim, whose name is being withheld by police for hisprotection, was stabbed seven times.

The Advocate
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-Accepting the GOP Nomination, McCain Makes Dubious References to Gays
His running mate had a "news flash" for the media Wednesday night, and JohnMcCain had one for LGBT Americans on Thursday: "Education is thecivil-rights issue of this century." It was the second thinly veiled dig atgays and lesbians the Arizona senator made as he accepted the GOP'snomination for president.

-Virginia Delegation Rejects Gay-Inclusive Guidebook
The Virginia delegation to the Republican National Convention had to bravethe Minneapolis-St. Paul area without a handy guidebook, all because theguide included information on gay-friendly local attractions. According toABC News, a campaign official from the Virginia lieutenant governor's officecanceled an order for 150 of the guidebooks because they included six toeight pages dedicated to gay and lesbian nightclubs.

-McCain's Top Strategist Addresses Log Cabin Republicans
Senior McCain campaign strategist Steve Schmidt spoke to Log CabinRepublicans, calling them "an important part" of the Republican Party andsounding a personal note about his lesbian sister. In what represents amarked shift from the Republican campaign rhetoric of 2004 - where someGeorge W. Bush advisors stoked anti-gay sentiment in an attempt to drivesocial conservatives to the polls - Steve Schmidt, senior campaignstrategist for the McCain campaign, stopped by a Log Cabin Republicanluncheon Thursday to welcome the group to the convention.

- Sarah Palin's Average American Family Doesn't Support Mine
OPINION: As Sarah Palin stood before the average American family Wednesdaynight, touting hers as one and the same -- her five-months-pregnant,17-year-old daughter, Bristol, dressed in formfitting fabric appearing toalmost accentuate her baby bump while the daddy-to-be, clean-shaven (unlikehis rougher-looking MySpace photos), sat alongside adoringly, the picture ofAbercrombie perfection -- for the first time, I saw what all this gaymarriage fuss was all about.

National Gay News,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/
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-Gene May Hold Key to
Neutralizing HIV: U.S. Study
The AIDS virus is especially hard to fight because few people developantibodies to neutralize it, but U.S. researchers said on Thursday they havefound an immunity gene that may offer a new way to fight back. They saidthe gene Apobec3 helps mice develop antibodies against an HIV-like virus,and they think the same gene in humans could lead to a potent vaccineagainst the human immunodeficiency virus or HIV. "This gene is central toHIV biology," Dr. Warner Greene of the Gladstone Institutes at theUniversity of California, San Francisco, said in a telephone interview.

-Gay Rugby Team Plays With Pride
I first approached the team in the summer of 2007. At that stage, a verysmall group of friends, probably two or three guys, had decided to put theword around that they would meet up the following Tuesday for a kick-aroundbehind Botanic Park. About eight people turned up and that humble beginningwas the start of what was going to be a really exciting and life-changingjourney for the team.

-Gay Pride Festival Goes on
Against the Odds in Southern Utah
Salt Lake City's gay-pride festival draws tens of thousands of people. Majorsponsors such as Wells Fargo, Hilton and Bud Light line up to splash theirlogos at the event. And politicians, Democrats and Republicans alike, marchin the parade - second only in size to Utah's Days of '47 procession. Notso at southwestern Utah's only pride festival.

Marriage Equality News
Go to this link for the following articles:

-Palin no stranger to Focus on the Family
Link: The Rocky Mountain News
James Dobson went from not supporting John McCain to becoming anenthusiastic cheerleader for the Republican presidential ticket in six shortmonths. What happened? Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, that's what. While anunknown quantity to many Americans, Palin has been on Focus on the Family'sradar since at least 2006.

-High School Student to McCain: You're No Leader
Link: ABC News - Political Radar
Senator John McCain had a testy exchange with a high school student inConcord, NH, Tuesday, but one that McCain himself characterized as "whatAmerica is supposed to be about." William Sleaster, a student at ConcordHigh School rose to ask McCain a question about gay rights and, ultimatelydissatisfied by the answer he received from McCain, told the Republicanpresidential contender that he'd come looking to see a leader and didn't.

-Hollywood celebrities support gay marriage rights in ad campaign
Link: PageOneQ
Engaged couple Heather Matarazzo and Caroline Murphy, actors Tyne Daly,Christine Lahti, Camryn Mannheim and Wilson Cruz, Air America comediennesFrangela, labor organizer Dolores Huerta and Rev. Neil G. Thomas are amongthose who also contributed their time and voices to the campaign, recentlyfeatured in The Advocate. "If some of us don't have civil rights, then noneof us do," said Angela Shelton, half of Frangela. "At least when we got ridof Jim Crow, I thought that was the goal." "As two black women," addedcounterpart Frances Callier, "we feel that it's really our responsibility,becaus ewe have a platform in terms of the radio, to go out there and speakabout it."

-M. V. Lee Badgett: The Summer of Love and Commitment
Link: Huffington Post
by M. V. Lee Badgett
In 1932, Louis Brandeis, one of the most respected Justices in the historyof the Supreme Court, urged that states should be seen as sociallaboratories, trying out innovative laws and policies that provide helpfulinformation for other states not yet ready to act. Over the last decade,eleven states (with almost a quarter of the U.S. population) have put thisidea into practice in the context of the legal recognition of same-sexcouples. These experiments with ways to legally recognize same-sex coupleshelp explain what we're seeing in California and Massachusetts this summer.The results should encourage social conservatives and liberals alike:
granting same-sex couples an equal right to marry reveals that marriageretains its singular value for expressing love and commitment in the UnitedStates.

-Alaska Guv's Slim, But Unfriendly Record
Republican Senator John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin, Alaska's governorand a little-known conservative with a slim record on gay and AIDS issues,to be his running mate in the 2008 presidential race has sparked scrutiny ofher views on a host of traditionally hot button social issues. "She'sfairly socially conservative, she's fairly anti-choice," said Jeffrey A.Mittman, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Alaska(ACLU).

Pink News - UK
Go to this link for the following articles:

-British Army to host LGBT conference
The most senior solider in the British Army will show his support for gaytroops next month when he attends the fourth Armed Forces LGBT Conference inLondon.

-5% of Beijing gays are HIV+ say health authorities
The number of gay men in the Chinese capital who have HIV is much largerthan previously thought. New figures from the Beijing Centres of DiseaseControl and Prevention indicate that ignorance upt o 5% of gay men inBeijing have HIV.

-Video: McCain accepts nomination as oldest Presidential candidate ever
In the past two weeks we have seen history made. The first African Americanaccepted the nomination of a major party for President and the firstRepublican woman came from nowhere to take the Vice Presidential

-Asylum campaigners to protest in Cardiff
A campaign group who want to overturn the decision to deport a gay asylumseeker will protest in Cardiff tomorrow, the day of the city's Pride event.The 'Keep Babi Safe in Cardiff' anti-deportation campaign will be holding ademonstration by the Aneurin Bevan statue on Queen Street, Cardiff.

-US bishop attacks Rowan Williams over marginalisation of liberals
The symbolic head of the Anglican communion has been criticised by a leadingAmerican cleric for spending too much time and effort attempting to placateconservative bishops. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, has hada turbulent year trying to lead the communion towards some sort of commonposition on the issue of gay clergy.

-McCain campaign threatens to sue National Enquirer over VP 'affair' story
An American tabloid newspaper has alleged that the Republican party'snominee for Vice President had an extra-marital affair.

Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
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-The historic Democratic National Convention is over but one questionremains: what the hell happened to the gays? Like so many others aroundthe world, LGBT people watched through excited tears as Barack Obamaaccepted the presidential nomination at Invesco Field last Thursday. Butthere was tremendous anxiety in LGBT land, too: after a week ofinvisibility, would Obama even mention the word "gay"? And then ithappened. Obama said: "I know there are differences on same-sex marriage -but surely we can agree that our gay and lesbian brothers and sistersdeserve to visit the person they love in the hospital and to live lives freeof discrimination." Tobias Wolfe, the brilliant author, scholar andCo-chair of Obama's National LGBT Policy Committee, was ecstatic.

-This week's Gay City News

-Democratic Party Platform and Republican Party Platform on Equality
Compare the 2008 Democratic Party platform and the 2008 Republican Partyplatform on gay rights and equality for equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual,transgender and queer (LGBTQ) Americans.


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NATIONAL & WORLD DIGEST - September 05, 2008

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New York Times
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-News Analysis: Party in Power, Running as if It Weren't
The nominee's friend described him as a "restless reformer who will clean upWashington." His defeated rival described him going to the capital to "drainthat swamp." His running mate described their mission as "change, the goalwe share." And that was at the incumbent party's convention.

-The TV Watch: Obama Steps Into O'Reilly's 'No Spin Zone'
It was billed as the ultimate smackdown, and it certainly promised to be awonk vs. wacko match: the cerebral, conciliatory Senator Barack Obama versusBill O'Reilly, Fox News Channel's most irascible, combative anchor: acommentator who calls liberals "loons" and "pinheads" and on Thursday's showdescribed reporters scrutinizing Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska as "sniveling,left-wing, wine-drinking, brie-eating."

-Bhutto Widower With Clouded Past Is Set to Lead
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Asif Ali Zardari, the widower of Benazir Bhutto, isset to become president on Saturday, an accidental ascent for a man knownmore as a wheeler-dealer than a leader. He will start his tenure burdened bya history of corruption allegations that cloud his reputation even as theyremain unproved. Though he has won the reluctant support of the Bushadministration, which views him as a willing partner in the campaign againstterrorism, Mr. Zardari will assume the presidency with what many consideruntested governing skills as a tough Taliban insurgency threatens the veryfabric of Pakistan, a nuclear-armed state of 165 million

-The Real John McCain
If John McCain wants to convince Americans that he is offering a differentsort of leadership, he needs to take control of his campaign.

-The Resentment Strategy
The G.O.P. is selling the politics of resentment; you're supposed to voteRepublican to stick it to an elite that thinks it's better than you. [...]Can the super-rich former governor of Massachusetts - the son of a Fortune500 C.E.O. who made a vast fortune in the leveraged-buyout business - reallykeep a straight face while denouncing "Eastern elites"?

-Political Memo: Firing Up the Faithful With Echoes of Culture War Rhetoric
Rudolph W. Giuliani, a former mayor of New York, said Senator Barack Obamathought a small Alaska suburb was not "flashy enough" or "cosmopolitanenough," linking his campaign to "Hollywood celebrities." Mitt Romney, aformer governor of Massachusetts, denounced the "Eastern elites" that hesaid dominated the television broadcasts and editorial pages.

-Unemployment Rate Rises to 6.1%
The nation's jobless rate zoomed to a five-year high of 6.1 percent inAugust as employers slashed 84,000 jobs, the government reported.

-Rangel Failed to Report $75,000 in Income
Representative Charles B. Rangel has owned a villa in the Dominican Republicsince 1988 but never reported rental income on his tax returns.

-Detroit's Mayor Will Leave Office and Go to Jail
Mayor Kwame M. Kilpatrick pleaded guilty to felony charges here on Thursdayand agreed to resign from office and serve 120 days in jail, ending eightmonths of political turmoil but also opening a new era of uncertainty forthe city.

-As Texas Execution Nears, Hearing Is Set on a Claim That Judge andProsecutor Had Affair
With less than a week to go before the scheduled execution of a man whocontends his murder trial was tainted by a love affair between the judge andthe prosecutor, a state judge on Thursday ordered a hearing into theaccusation and the Texas attorney general called for a review of thefairness of the trial.

Washington Post
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-McCain campaign courts critical Catholic vote
Shortly after a priest's opening prayer and a screening of a short film onJohn McCain's faith, Sen. Sam Brownback stepped to the microphone and didn'twaste words. "Just to get to the whole meat of the matter, the Catholicvote is a swing vote," the Kansas lawmaker and Catholic convert said at aCatholic reception during this week's Republican National Convention.

-Quick Take: Courage in the Face of Oppression
The relationship of Ferda and Kiymet is one of the few light moments in "AJihad for Love," Parvez Sharma's documentary about homosexuality in theMuslim world. The two Turkish women laugh and touch in public, and in apoignant scene, Kiymet meets Ferda's 80-year-old mother. The introductiongoes well, and the three women sit together and joke about life and love.This kind of normality is absent in the lives of Sharma's other characters,most of whom have had to make wrenching choices between pursuing love andremaining within the embrace of traditional societies. Payam, a gay man whofled persecution in Iran, calls his mother from a phone booth in Turkey toupdate her on his hope of political asylum in Canada. He can hear herweeping, which makes him break down.

-No More Mr. Maverick
The new McCain could win, but it's the old McCain who deserved to bepresident.

-The Support the Palins Really Need
Ever since John McCain picked Sarah Palin to be his running mate, many havelavished praise on her decision not to have an abortion after she and herhusband learned that their youngest child, Trig, would be born with Downsyndrome. Do those telling Palin "attagirl" and "way to go" have any ideawhat challenges and struggles Trig's parents -- and all of us who care forchildren with special needs -- live with every day? Though everyone cheeredthe Palin family in Minnesota this week, will those people be there for thatlittle boy and his family when their support is really needed?

-Racism in Plain English
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, it finally happened: A Republican congressmanhas come right out and called Barack Obama "uppity." Rep. Lynn Westmoreland(R-Ga.), often described as one of the most conservative members of Congress(which is saying something), used that racially loaded term to describeObama in a conversation today outside the House chamber with a reporter fromThe Hill. As you can see in The Post's news coverage, the reporter gaveWestmoreland a chance to take it back. Bless him, he didn't.

-Abramoff Gets Reduced Sentence of Four Years in Prison
Judge Cites Assistance Ex-Lobbyist Provided In Corruption Probe
Jack Abramoff, the powerhouse Washington lobbyist who admitted running awide-ranging corruption scheme that ensnared lawmakers, Capitol Hill aidesand government officials, yesterday received a reduced sentence of fouryears in prison because of his cooperation with federal investigators.

-Soldiers' Suicide Rate On Pace to Set Record
Suicides among active-duty soldiers this year are on pace to exceed bothlast year's all-time record and, for the first time since the Vietnam War,the rate among the general U.S. population, Army officials said yesterday.Ninety-three active-duty soldiers had killed themselves through the end ofAugust, the latest data show. A third of those cases are under investigationby the Armed Forces Medical Examiner's Office. In 2007, 115 soldierscommitted suicide.

-U.S. Letter Puts India's Premier On Defensive Over Nuclear Deal
NEW DELHI, Sept. 4 -- As international negotiators met in Vienna to decidethe fate of the contentious nuclear energy agreement between India and theUnited States, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's government found itselffacing a revived political battle at home over the deal because of therelease of a secret letter in Washington.

-Palin: Iraq War 'a Task That Is From God'
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin told ministry students at her former church that theUnited States sent troops to fight in the Iraq war on a "task that is fromGod."

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-McCain competes with Obama for critical Catholic swing vote
Shortly after a priest's opening prayer and a screening of a short film onJohn McCain's faith, Sen. Sam Brownback stepped to the microphone and didn'twaste words. "Just to get to the whole meat of the matter, the Catholicvote is a swing vote," the Kansas lawmaker and Catholic convert said at aCatholic reception during this week's Republican National Convention.,0,4484453.story

Miami Herald
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-Ike eyes Florida; Hanna races toward Carolinas
Almost as soon as Florida fell out of Hanna's forecast cone, it slipped intoIke's, and that mighty, major hurricane could be on our doorstep Tuesday.''We are in a state of emergency,'' Gov. Charlie Crist said Friday from thestate's emergency operations center in Tallahassee, repeating: ``We are in astate of emergency.''

-Horrible scene in Haiti after Hanna
GONAIVES, Haiti -- Her third day without food or water, Fleurie Benita wadedthrough the calf-high mud, balancing her life's possessions on her head,uncertain of what to do next, or what will come next. With every step, themother of four recalled the blinding sheets of rain and the sound of deathknocking at her front door. Then her desperate decision.

-Arrests mark last anti-war march of convention
Percussion grenades, tear gas and nearly 400 arrests marked the finalanti-war march during the Republican National Convention. More than 800arrests were reported during a week of sometimes peaceful, sometimes violentdissent.

-Gov. Palin and Sen. Clinton 'could hardly be less alike'
You know what bugs me most about Sarah Palin? It isn't that John McCainspent weeks claiming Barack Obama was unready to lead, then chose her as hisrunning mate -- and potential leader of the free world -- a woman who untilsix years ago was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, population: 5,469. [...] No,what's troubling is that in choosing the Alaska governor as his runningmate, McCain makes a cynical and demeaning appeal to women upset thatHillary Clinton's presidential bid fell short and that she was snubbed byBarack Obama as his No. 2. Had McCain chosen a woman of greater experienceor higher national profile, he might at least have a fig leaf of deniabilityto hide behind. In settling on the relatively unknown Palin, he throws eventhe fig leaf away.

Fort Report
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-Civil Rights Group Fires Back at GOP for Ridiculing Community Organizing
Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama came under attack Wednesdaynight by several Republican convention speakers for his service as acommunity organizer in Chicago, including a zinger from GOP vicepresidential nominee Sarah Palin, who said, "I guess a small-town mayor issort of like a 'community organizer,' except that you have actualresponsibilities." Now, civil rights groups are fighting back.

-Cindy McCain's $300,000 Outfit
One of the persistent memes in the Republican line of attack against BarackObama is the notion that he is an elitist, whereas the G.O.P. represent realworking Americans like Levi "F-in' Redneck" Johnston. It caught ourattention, then, when First Lady Laura Bush and would-be First Lady CindyMcCain took the stage Tuesday night wearing some rather fancy designerclothes. So we asked our fashion department to price out their outfits.

-Number of black GOP delegates at a marked low, survey finds
The Republican Party, which seemed poised to make inroads among African-American voters by backing three black candidates in major races - andexecuting a high-profile outreach effort that included a mea culpa forslavery - has far fewer black convention delegates in this year's conventionthan it did in 2004, according to a recently released study.

-Barack Obama sits down with Bill O'Reilly
He tells the conservative Fox talk-show host that the Iraq troop increasesucceeded 'beyond our wildest dreams.' In a much-anticipated interview withconservative nemesis Bill O'Reilly, Sen. Barack Obama said Thursday that thetroop surge in Iraq had "succeeded in ways that nobody anticipated" and"beyond our wildest dreams.",0,6251356.story?track=rss

-Alaska's 'first dude' digs into job creation
Todd Palin - oil worker, champion snowmobiler, hunter and commercialfisherman - also has been boning up on mining lately in his role as Alaska'sfirst spouse. On two separate occasions last fall, the husband of theRepublican vice presidential candidate boarded planes chartered by miningcompanies that want to dig for gold, zinc and lead in remote Alaska valleys.

-Nomination Itself Is a Testament to Obama's Readiness
Early in the 1960 campaign, Democratic vice presidential candidate LyndonJohnson jumped on a special train in Washington and headed out across theSouth, trying to rally that once-solid Democratic region to support hispartner, John F. Kennedy. At his first stop, in Culpeper, Va., Johnson,desperately trying to stem the defections to the Republican ticket, left afew hundred spectators pondering his shouted rhetorical question: "What hasRichard Nixon ever done for Culpeper?"


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FLORIDA DIGEST - September 05, 2008

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Help Keep Miami-Dade County Schools Safe- Save Our TRUST Counselors!
Our students cannot afford to lose their TRUST!
Miami-Dade County School Board is under pressure to make significant budgetcuts and have set their sights on our student's first line of defenseagainst bullying and harassment. For years now, TRUST (To Reach UltimateSuccess Together) Counselors in Miami-Dade have worked tirelessly to keepall students safe. At an August 28th budgetary committee meeting, Miami-DadeCounty School Board members placed the elimination of the TRUST Counselorprogram on the list of considered abudget cuts. While this item has beentaken off the official agenda for next week's School Board meeting, theprogram is still in jeopardy and needs your support. Tell the School Boardto keep our TRUST counselors! know that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender youth are among thosewho are most often the targets of bullying and harassment. The TRUSTCounselor Program provides award-winning peer counseling programs that thathave proven effective in changing the culture of entire schools. Combinedwith their serving as sponsors of GSAs (Gay Straight Alliances), the TRUSTprogram has become essential in the effort to keep Miami-Dade Public Schoolssafe for all students. Write your school board members TODAY and ask them to support our TRUST
counselors and keep our schools safe!
Safe Schools South Florida

Stonewall Library & Archives, ArtsUnited and Fort Lauderdale InternationalFilm Festival (FLIFF) are pleased to announce this month's selection fortheir monthly first-run feature films series, F4U (Films for Us). Thesefirst-run LGBT films are shown at Cinema Paradiso, at 7:00 pm on the secondWednesday of every month. Cinema Paradiso is located in Fort Lauderdale at503 SE 6 Street, a block east of Broward County Courthouse on the south bankof New River. This month's selection, to be shown on Wednesday, September10, is "Fashion Victims," a sexy German farce with a deliciously dislikeable(but untimately redeemed) main character. The twisted buddy picture pits amiddle-aged women's clothing salesman against his adventurous son and setsthem off on a hysterically unfortunate road trip. A male Thelma and Louise?Not exactly. The film won Berlin & Beyond Fest's first-feature prize aswell as an audience award at the Max Ophuls Festival. General admission:$9; Senior and students: $7.00; Members of Stonewall or ArtsUnited: $5.00.Stonewall is located at 1717 North Andrews Avenue in Fort Lauderdale.
For further information, please contact:
Jack Rutland, Executive Director
Stonewall Library & Archives

From Mark LaFontaine / Broward County Veterans Council
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2008 11:30AM - 1:00PM
I am requesting that those who wish to attend, or take out an ad in our"Souvenir Journal" please contact me at this email address ( call me at 954-258-5896 to reserve your seat. Take the opportunity toshow your support for the veterans in our community and for the VeteransService Organizations that are an integral part of the fabric here inBroward County. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Mark LaFontaine


South Florida Blade
Go to this link for the following articles:

Scott Newton re-enters race for Wilton Manors Mayor
After loss of State Legislature primaries, mayor runs for re-electionScott Netwon has announced he will run for re-election as Mayor of WiltonManors, Fla. He had previously not entered the mayoral race because he ranfor election in the State House of Representatives, in District 92, whichincludes Wilton Manors, as well as areas of other such cities as FortLauderdale and Pompano Beach. However, he did not win the Democratic Primaryin his district, coming in behind Gwendolyn Clark-Reed. York Times

-A Bad Experiment in Voting
Florida's Oskaloosa County should not allow military members to vote overthe Internet until a reliable system is developed.

Go to the links for the following articles:

-It's time to take Hurricane Ike very seriously
As Hurricane Ike churns in our direction, forecasters continue to insistthey still aren't sure where the system will ultimately go.

-Tropical Storm Five Day Forecast Map

-Hurricane Ike shifts south, but remains a threat
The National Hurricane Center is urging South Florida today to stay vigilanteven though Hurricane Ike has weakened, but some folks apparently don't needa reminder. At the Coral Springs Home Depot, the madness started Thursdaynight, said Chris Pryor, an assistant store manager at the business onUniversity Drive and West Atlantic Boulevard.,0,5226022.story

-Hurricane Ike spurs concern about Lake Okeechobee dike
Tropical Storm Fay gave Lake Okeechobee a welcome boost, but a repeatdrenching from a parade of storms churning toward Florida threatens to pushthe lake's aging dike past its limits. For the first time since April 2006,the Army Corps of Engineers on Thursday started lowering newly swollen LakeOkeechobee to ease the strain on its 70-year-old earthen dike - named one ofthe six most at risk of failing in the country.,0,4764945.story

-Hunt for missing ballots widens in Palm Beach County
A hunt will launch at daybreak today for roughly 2,500 missing Palm Beach County ballots from the Aug. 26 primary, the latest turn in an election plagued by counting problems. The search for ballots will involve what Assistant County Administrator Brad Merriman describes as an armada of county workers, including off-duty firefighters and sheriff's deputies, who will go to voting locations in hopes of finding missing ballots.,0,4647658.story

-South Florida Medicare officials seek help fighting phony blood infusion billings
A medical fraud scheme prevalent at HIV/AIDS clinics in Miami is migrating northward into Broward and Palm Beach counties, enough so that federal officials are asking the public for help. Unscrupulous clinics have collected hundreds of millions billing Medicare for phony treatments with costly intravenous drugs for HIV/AIDS and cancer. On Wednesday, Medicare unveiled a new hot line for reporting suspected "infusion fraud," as the scheme is called.,0,3167827.story

Fine Art Clearance Event
Saturday, September 6, 2008 1:30-4:00 pm
at ArtServe Auditorium, 1350 East Sunrise Blvd, FortLauderdale
Original paintings, photographs, prints and more, all for $200 and less!
Free admission

Fort Report
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-Clinton visits Florida Monday
U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton will return to Florida for the second time inthree weeks with campaign stops in Central Florida on Monday, Democratsannounced Thursday. It would be the first public appearance for Clintonsince Republican John McCain picked Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his runningmate.

-Missing ballots case may go to court
Just when Palm Beach County election officials thought they had solved themystery of the missing ballots it blew up in their faces again. A welcomereport that 2,700 of the 3,478 missing ballots had been found on Thursdaywas replaced with the grim news that workers had recovered only 957 ballots.


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Thursday, September 04, 2008

GLBT DIGEST - September 04, 2008

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Steve Rothaus
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-Video | Gay Log Cabin Republicans president speaks of McCain endorsementFrom GLAAD Video:

Go to this link for the following articles:

-Meet Deb Mell - running to be Illinois' first lesbian legislator
Deborah Mell was expecting a peaceful event when she joined hundreds ofdemonstrators in downtown Chicago for a pro-gay marriage rally in March2004. Instead, things got rowdy, and Mell was arrested. A female policeofficer said Mell attacked her, and Mell was taken away in a paddy wagon.

-Report: French police spy on gays ahead of Papal visit
French police are spying on LGBT and HIV/AIDS group ahead of next week'svisit by Pope Benedict XVI, a prominent Paris newspaper reported onWednesday. Among the groups under surveillance is ACT UP, an outspokencritic of the Vatican's refusal to accept condoms as a means of preventingHIV/AIDS, according to Le Figaro.

-Accused gay basher barred from Boston neighborhood
A man accused of taking part in what police call a homophobic attack on fourpeople has been ordered not to enter Boston's heavily gay South End. FabioBrandao pleaded not guilty to four civil rights violations, four counts ofassault and battery, and three counts of assault and battery with adangerous weapon.

-Gov. Palin's secret (gay) code
There are over 1.5 million gay teenagers who are experiencing a slow motionnervous breakdown this evening - and many of these teenagers may be sittingin their parents' homes tonight listening to the vice presidentialnomination speech by Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. What will be the messagebehind her choice of words and phrases this evening - genuine love,understanding and respect, or hostility, prejudice and misunderstanding?

-Boyfriend joins Palins at convention
The boyfriend of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's unwed, pregnant daughter willjoin the family of the Republican vice presidential candidate at the GOPconvention in St. Paul, Minn. Levi Johnston's mother said her 18-year-oldson left Alaska on Tuesday morning to join the Palin family at theconvention where Sen. John McCain will officially receive the Republicannomination for president. The boy's mother, Sherry Johnston, said there hadbeen no pressure put on her son to marry 17-year-old Bristol Palin and thetwo teens had made plans to wed before it was known she was pregnant.

National Gay News,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/
Go to this link for the following articles: & Vegas, Baby!, Gay Internet Radio, is proud to announce the launch of, the network's first local affiliate. StudioOUTveGas.comwill specialize in delivering All Things Vegas, to the Lesbian, Gay,Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) communities of Southern Nevada. will carry the daily programming, as well
as localized specialty programming.

-Companies with Top Rating for LBGT Workers Jumps by One-Third
The Human Rights Campaign Foundation today released the seventh annualCorporate Equality Index, which rates 583 businesses on a scale from 0 to100 percent on their treatment of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgenderemployees, consumers and investors. The 2009 edition of the CEI reports 259businesses achieved a perfect score, a one-third increase over last yearwhen the number was 195. The 259 top-rated businesses collectively employmore than 9 million full-time employees. These workers are protected fromemployment discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity orexpression because of their employers' policies on diversity & inclusion,training, health care, and domestic partnership benefits.

-New Gay and Lesbian Magazine in Hawaii
Expression! magazine made its debut in Hawaii August 2008 with the intent ofpromoting a positive and quality resource for the State's Lesbian, Gay, Biand Transgender community. Expression! is locally owned and operated formedby a group of professionals with the vision of propelling its communityforward. "It's time Hawaii has a resource that connects its Gay and Lesbiancommunity in a positive manner with its 'heterosexual counterparts' and wehope to do this by representing our community with professionalism andintegrity", stated Jade Le - President and Founder.

Marriage Equality News
Go to this link for the following articles:

-CA: Bakersfield school board rejects resolution on same-sex marriage
Link: Bakersfield Californian
Excerpt: Mona Twocats lives in Bakersfield with her wife, who she has beenwith for 20 years, and they have sent three children through the Kern HighSchool District. So when she found out a resolution to support Proposition8, which is a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, would bediscussed Tuesday evening, she decided to speak to the KHSD board.

Pink News - UK
Go to this link for the following articles:

-Welsh Anglicans unlikely to appoint gay man as bishop
The leaders of the Anglican Church in Wales have played down suggestionsthat a prominent gay man could be selected as the next Bishop of Bangor.

-Christian attempts private prosecution over erect Jesus statue
The Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art in Gateshead is facing a privateprosecution after it exhibited a 1ft high statue of Jesus with an erection.

-Sir Cliff Richard reveals identity of his male companion
Legendary pop singer Sir Cliff Richard has revealed that he has shared hislife with a former Roman Catholic priest for the last seven years.

-Straight Pride attracts zero participants
Plans for a so-called "Straight Pride" in New York, promoted by a reggaemusic label, appear to have backfired. The event, due to be held lastweekend, was billed as "a chance for heterosexuals to gather together andproudly embrace their sexuality and celebrate reggae, dancehall and familyin love and unity."

-France to ask UN for universal decriminalisation of homosexuality
The French minister of human rights and foreign affairs has confirmed thatshe will appeal at the United Nations for the universal decriminalisation ofhomosexuality. Rama Yade also said that the EU wanted to take the lead instopping violence against women worldwide.

-90% of straight Americans OK with gay co-workers
An annual US workplace survey has found that 79% of heterosexual adultsthink gay co-workers should be judged on how they do their job. The 7thnational Out & Equal Workplace Survey also found that 71% of heterosexualsagree that how an employee performs at their job should be the standard forjudging them and not whether or not they are transgender.

-Republicans have nothing to offer gay Americans claims HRC
America's leading gay rights group has accused the Republicans of not havinga positive word to say about LGBT people. Human Rights Campaign's AssociateCounsel Brian Moulton said that the Republican Platform at this week'sNational Convention includes: "Calling us unfit for military service,opposing legal recognition for our relationships and our families,supporting faith-based organisations that would deny us jobs and servicesusing federal dollars, and attacking judges who acknowledge our equalityunder the law."

-HIV conference told of sexual abuse of youths in Papua New Guinea
A delegate to the Pan Pacific Gathering for HIV+ People has said that atraditional practice in the Pacific country of Papua New Guinea puts youngmales at risk of sexual contact from village elders. reports thatthe PNG delegate, a transgender woman, spoke out during a closed session atthe Auckland conference.

-Cardiff prepares for Saturday Pride
Wales' capital will celebrate Pride this weekend, replacing the annualCardiff Mardi Gras, which was cancelled due to lack of community andfinancial support. There will be a women's stage, supported by lesbianmagazine Diva, hosting a variety of entertainment aimed at women, while menwill have their own zone.

Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Go to the links for the following articles:

-Truth Wins Out is Troubled that Sarah Palin's Church Supports 'Ex-Gay'Ministries
Contact: Wayne Besen
Truth Wins Out expressed deep concern today after learning that RepublicanVice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin's church appears to support so-called"ex-gay" ministries. These programs that aim to "pray away the gay" areineffective and have harmed thousands of gay and lesbian people. TWO urgedthe media to ask Palin if she supports such programs and what her views areon this topic. In a background article on Palin, Time Magazine revealedthat Wasilla Bible Church, where the Palins worship, had a Sunday morningprogram insert advertising an upcoming Focus on the Family conference oncuring homosexuality in Anchorage called Love Won Out. Truth Wins Out'sExecutive Director, Wayne Besen, will be in Anchorage next week to opposethis anti-gay symposium.

-McCain: Stop Questions on Palin Background
ST. PAUL, Minn. - John McCain's campaign on Wednesday angrily called for anend to questions about its review of Sarah Palin's background, deriding a"faux media scandal designed to destroy the first female Republican nominee"for vice president. "This nonsense is over," declared senior campaignadviser Steve Schmidt in a written statement. The statement stood out forits admission that Palin is under siege - it condemns "this vettingcontroversy" - and for its attempt to blunt questions about how rigorouslyMcCain and his campaign explored the background of a candidate who may getthe nation's second most powerful job. It also suggested that Palin is avictim of gender bias in the media.

-NYC's School Antibullying Policy Given More Teeth
The New York City Department of Education will start training educators thisfall through a new initiative that strengthens the city's existing Respectfor All antibullying policy for the city's schools. The plan was approved byMayor Michael Bloomberg and city schools chancellor Joel Klein, according The initiative "prohibits students from bullying otherstudents for any reason, including taunting and/or intimidation through theuse of epithets or slurs involving race, color, ethnicity, national origin,religion, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation ordisability," according to the DOE.

-Palin's Church Supports Ex-Gay Therapy
By Jim Burroway | Box Turtle Bulletin
This comes from Time magazine: "We like to call this the Bible Belt ofAlaska," says Cheryl Metiva, head of the local chamber of commerce. Churchesproliferate in Wasilla today, and among the largest and most influential isthe Wasilla Bible Church, where the Palins worship. At the 11:15 am Sundayservice, hundreds sit in folding chairs, sing along with alt-rock praisesongs, and listen to a 20-minute sermon about the book of Malachi. The onlysign of culture warring in the whole production is an insert in the day'sprogram advertising an upcoming Focus on the Family conference onhomosexuality in Anchorage called Love Won Out. The group promises to teachattendees how to "respond to misinformation in our culture" and help them"overcome" homosexuality.

Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
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-Equality Forum, a national and international gay, lesbian, bisexual andtransgender (GLBT) civil rights organization, reported that 471 (94.2%) ofthe 2008 FORTUNE 500 companies voluntarily include sexual orientation intheir employment nondiscrimination policies. This year marks the fifthanniversary of Equality Forum's FORTUNE 500 project, which is acollaboration with Professor Louis Thomas, Wharton School of the Universityof Pennsylvania, and Ian Ayres, William K. Townsend Professor, Yale LawSchool. "The FORTUNE 500 have overwhelmingly decided that including sexualorientation is in the best corporate interest and helps communicatecorporate values to the estimated $660 billion annual domestic GLBT consumermarket," stated Malcolm Lazin, Executive Director, Equality Forum.
...Noncompliant Companies
Aleris International
Auto-Owners Insurance
BJ Services
Cameron International
Commercial Metals
D.R. Horton
DISH Network
Energy Transfer Equity
Expeditors International of Washington
Exxon Mobil
Fidelity National Financial
Frontier Oil
Leggett & Platt
Pilgrim's Pride
Plains All American Pipeline
Targa Resources
TRW Automotive Holdings
Universal Health Services
Virgin Media
Western Refining

Share Your Story of Coming Out & Greek.
Network with Other LGBT & Ally Fraternity & Sorority Leaders.
Learn Strategies for Your Community to be Safer, More LGBT-Friendly. Neverhas there been a leadership conference to share, network and learnstrategies to create safer, more LGBT inclusive fraternity and sororitycommunities. The Out & Greek National Leadership Conference is the first ofits kind for undergraduate fraternity and sorority leaders and is sponsoredby the landmark Lambda 10 Project, aneducational initiative of Campus Pride . TheLambda 10 Project founded in 1995 works to heighten the visibility of LGBTmembers of the college fraternity and sorority by serving as a clearinghousefor educational resources and materials related to sexual orientation andgender identity/expression. The conference will highlight the progress onissues of sexual orientation within Greek Life and introduce a "TransgenderAction Guide" as well as many other strategies to be more LGBT-inclusive.


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NATIONAL & WORLD DIGEST - September 04, 2008

**IF YOU CAN'T ACCESS THE FULL ARTICLE, CONTACT US AT and we'll be happy to send the full article.

New York Times
Go to the links for the following articles:

-G.O.P. Officially Nominates McCain
Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska sought to wrest back the narrative of her life asshe introduced herself to a roaring crowd at the Republican NationalConvention.

-Running Against Themselves
The difficulty for the Republican ticket in talking about change and actinglike insurgents is that they have been running Washington for most of thelast eight years.

-Sarah Palin Speaks!
Many people believe that Sarah Palin is a terrible choice for a runningmate. But you have to remember who the other options were.

-Political Memo
Two Conventions With No Shortage of Contrasts
Three days into the Republican National Convention, its differences fromlast week's Democratic conclave have grown apparent: overwhelmingly whitedelegates, a strongly unified hall, erratic energy levels and speeches thatfocus heavily on iconography.

-Op-Ed Columnist: How Home Became Homeland
Oh, it's good to be home. The threat level has been raised (or was thatlowered?) to orange. I wonder idly what this means - an image ofmedium-intensity jihadist chatter menacing Armonk, N.Y., comes to mind - butI have no time to get that vision in focus before another cheery messagerolls out across the airport.

-American Forces Attack Militants on Pakistani Soil
Coalition forces opened fire in a village near the Afghan border, killingseven people, the Pakistani military said.

-Cheney Backs NATO Membership for Georgia
One day after the United States proposed $1 billion in assistance forGeorgia, Vice President Dick Cheney flew there to reaffirm support for itseventual NATO membership.\

-Mugabe Threatens to Appoint Cabinet
Zimbabwe's president, Robert Mugabe, said he will name a new cabinet ifopposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai refuses to sign a power-sharing deal byThursday, the state-owned newspaper reported on Thursday - a deal that bothsides have confirmed would leave Mr. Mugabe himself in command.

-Assessing the Value of Small Wind Turbines
With the California blackouts of 2001 still a painful memory, Chris Beaudoinwants to generate some of his own electricity. He marveled the other day athow close he is to that goal, gazing at two new wind turbines atop hisgarage roof. They will soon be hooked to the power grid.

-US readies for T.S. Hanna; Cat. 4 Ike close behind
Residents moved boats and booked inland hotel rooms while National Guardtroops prepared to deploy along the Southeastern coast as Tropical StormHanna plowed through the Atlantic on Thursday, with Category 4 Hurricane Iketrailing a few days behind. The uncertain path of Hanna, which may become ahurricane by the time it hits land sometime Saturday, had emergencyofficials holding off ordering coastal residents to head inland Wednesday.Still, high schools in South Carolina canceled football games and workers inSavannah, Ga., put storm shutters over the windows of the gold-domed CityHall.

-Hearing on Detroit Mayor Begins
After months of legal challenges meant to stop her, Gov. Jennifer M.Granholm of Michigan opened an unusual hearing on Wednesday to determinewhether she should remove Mayor Kwame M. Kilpatrick of Detroit from officefor misconduct.

-Living Together: In Studies of Virtual Twins, Nature Wins Again
AS sisters only four months apart, Julie and Sara Curry grew up beingpeppered with questions from confused classmates. Your mom was in labor forfour months? asked one friend, said Sara, 19. How is it possible? othersinquired.

Washington Post
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-Pentecostalism obscured in Palin biography
Sarah Palin often identifies herself simply as Christian. Yet John McCain'srunning mate has deep roots in Pentecostalism, a spirit-filled Christiantradition that is one of the fastest growing in the world. It's oftenderided by outsiders and Bible-believers alike.

-Where Palin Stands
Policy positions previously staked out by Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin:Abortion: Opposes abortion in all circumstances except when a pregnancythreatens the woman's life. A member of Feminists for Life.

-McCain's Focus on Iraq War Carries Risk
The 55-page Republican Party platform, approved here this week, containsexactly one paragraph devoted to the war in Iraq -- a sign of how theconflict that dominated the last two national election cycles has faded as amajor political issue.

-Criticizing McCain, Obama Keeps Focus on Economy
Sen. Barack Obama on Wednesday dismissed the ongoing Republican NationalConvention as a substance-free spectacle hiding behind Sen. John McCain'sbiography and ignoring the economic insecurity that many Americans arefacing every day as he continued a swing through working-class towns in theMidwest.

-In Diverse Nation, a White Convention
Republicans have worked to improve their minority outreach, but setbackshave negated their efforts.

-Democracy Within Our Reach: What's at Stake Saturday in Pakistan
Pakistan is at a crossroads. The gravity of the situation has led me, at theinsistence of my Pakistan People's Party (PPP), to run for president inSaturday's elections. My children and I are still mourning our belovedleader, wife and mother, Benazir Bhutto. We did not make the decision for meto run lightly. But we know what is at stake. Chief among the challengesthat all Pakistanis face is the threat of global terrorism, demonstratedagain in this week's assassination attempt against Prime Minister YousafRaza Gillani.

-Stepping Off the Gas
When it comes to fuel prices and energy independence, the watchword is 'nopain, no gain.' THE PRICE of crude oil is falling sharply. It closed atless than $110 a barrel yesterday -- down almost $38 since its July peak.The slack oil market has translated into direct relief at the pump, withregular gasoline now 19 cents a gallon cheaper than it was a month ago.Great news, right? The U.S. economy can grow faster with less risk ofinflation; the potential benefits range from brisker domestic car sales toless pressure on state and local government budgets. So much for those evilspeculators driving us all to the poorhouse!

Miami Herald
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-What the Anchorage Daily News has had to say on Palin
How well has Sarah Palin done during her 21 months as Alaska's governor?Here are excerpts of Anchorage Daily News editorials about some major issuesand challenges during her tenure.

-In Palin's hometown, pregnancy news doesn't hurt support
If you watched TV news or went online on Monday, there was a lot ofspeculation about how her unmarried pregnant daugther would play into SarahPalin's appeal as a devoted mother and proponent of conservative values.

The Advocate
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-Pundits Noonan and Murphy Slam Palin On-camera -- and Off
In what was thought to be an off-air exchange, Wall Street Journal columnistPeggy Noonan and former John McCain adviser Mike Murphy were caught in a"Jesse Jackson" moment when the two Republican insiders continued to discussSarah Palin well after they thought the NBC cameras had stopped taping,calling McCain's VP pick "cynical" and "gimmicky." The incident occurredwhen NBC host Chuck Todd asked Noonan if she thought Palin was the mostqualified choice for the VP spot. "The most qualified? No. I think they wentfor this, excuse me, political bullshit about narratives. Every time theRepublicans do that, because that's not where they live and that's not whatthey're good at, they blow it." A former speechwriter for President Reagan,Noonan has continued to spark controversy on MSNBC's Morning Joe, callingSarah Palin a "Hail Mary" pass that probably won't complete the RepublicanParty. Time columnist Mike Murphy, who said McCain's choice flies in theface of his "reputation as a noncynical politician," continued when hethought the cameras were off with "It's not going to work." "It's over,"replied Noonan.

Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
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-Palin Helps Alaska Get Rich Off Oil While the Rest of the Country Suffers
By Robert Scheer | Truthdig | AlterNet
Welcome to the People's Republic of Alaska, where every resident this yearwill get a $3,200 payout, thanks in no small measure to the efforts of SarahPalin, the state's Republican governor. That's $22,400 for a family ofseven, like Palin's. Since 1982, the Alaska Permanent Fund, which investsoil revenues from state lands, has paid out a dividend on invested oil lootto everyone who has been in the state for a year. But Palin upped the anteby joining with Democrats and some recalcitrant Republican state legislatorsto share in oil company windfall profits, further fattening state taxrevenue and permitting an additional payout in tax funds to residents. Nowonder she is popular with voters in a state whose residents pay no incomeor sales taxes but are blessed with state coffers rolling in cash at a timewhen all other states are suffering. Indeed, when the oil companies pay moretaxes to the state of Alaska, they get to write that off against theirfederal tax obligation, leaving the rest of us to make up the shortfall. Thestate of Alaska owns most of the oil-producing land and was getting upwardof 85 percent of its budget from the oil companies that lease the fields,even before Palin helped increase the state's cut. While other states fireschoolteachers because of the economic downturn, Alaska has, as Palinindicated in accepting John McCain's offer to join him on the GOP ticket,more money than it knows what to do with. In a display of plucky arroganceat her coming-out press conference, Palin boasted deceptively that ifAlaskans wanted that infamous bridge to nowhere, "we'd build it ourselves."

Fort Report
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-Palin Missed Her Chance
All right: Sarah Palin's speech was well-delivered, charming, anopening-night hit. The anchors and pundits now analyzing it on CNN arefalling all over themselves: "I think Republicans have to be thrilled withwhat happened here tonight-the most macho speech of the night was deliveredby a woman," Republican consultant Alex Castellanos marveled. But this allhad been a foregone conclusion. People have questioned her experience andher background; nobody really questioned whether she could give a goodspeech, especially after her successful rollout address last Friday.Tonight, diminished expectations combined with Palin'sknown-to-be-remarkable charisma made for the speech-making equivalent ofputting a champ bowler two feet in front of a set of plastic duckpins.

-Why Bristol's Baby Matters
Families deserve privacy about family matters, but families that wantabsolute privacy should stay out of politics. Sooner or later someone wouldhave noticed the pregnancy of Bristol Palin, 17-year-old daughter of JohnMcCain's vice-presidential pick, especially since everyone in her hometownof Wasilla, Alaska, seemed to know already.


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