Lesbian couple denied UK recognition of marriage
Staff and agencies
Monday July 31, 2006
Guardian Unlimited
A lesbian couple lawfully married abroad failed today in a high court bid to
have their union recognised under UK law.
The president of the high court family division, Sir Mark Potter, refused to
declare the Canadian marriage of Celia Kitzinger and Sue Wilkinson valid in
He said the couple faced "an insurmountable hurdle" in trying to have asame-sex marriage recognised in UK law.The couple were married in Canada, where same-sex marriages are legal, in2003 but found their status downgraded to that of a civil partnership whenthe relevant act came into force in the UK last December. The relationshipwould have been recognised if they were a heterosexual couple but is notregarded as such because of the UK's Matrimonial Causes Act 1973.
In his ruling, the judge said: "It is apparent that the majority of people,or at least of governments, not only in England but Europe-wide, regardmarriage as an age-old institution, valued and valuable, respectable andrespected, as a means not only of encouraging monogamy but also theprocreation of children and their development and nurture in a family unit
in which both maternal and paternal influences are available in respect of their nurture and upbringing.
Washington Post Company
As Vote Nears, Opponents Attack Ban's Wording
By Chris L. Jenkins
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, July 31, 2006; B02
Opponents of a constitutional amendment that would ban same-sex marriage in
Virginia have been fighting the proposal with emotional pleas: "Don't write
discrimination into the state Bill of Rights," goes one rallying cry. "We
are your friends and your neighbors," says another.
But as voters get closer to deciding whether to approve the amendment,opponents are using a more cerebral argument as well. The wording of theamendment is so vague that it might affect a broad range of Virginians bypotentially voiding contracts between unwed heterosexual couples as well,they say.
"This amendment would affect unmarried couples whether they are gay orstraight," said Dyana Mason, executive director of Equality Virginia, thestate's largest gay rights organization. "One of our biggest fears is thatthese documents [such as contracts or wills] could be found unconstitutional if a third party tries to come in and stop their enforcement. Those same
concerns apply to heterosexual couples who haven't gotten married."
Express Gay News
National Gay Basketball Association coming to Utah
Group not concerned about conservative climate
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) | Jul 30, 5:48 PM
The National Gay Basketball Association is coming to play a tournament inone of the nation's most conservative states this fall.Participants say they're not concerned that Utah's conservative religious and political climate will impact the games. Most Utah residents are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which considers homosexuality a sin.
Doug Fadel, captain of Queer Utah Aquatic Club, and co-chairman of Team Salt Lake, said such sporting events help to dispel myths about Utah. About 100members of Team Salt Lake competed in the Gay Games VII in Chicago. Theinternational tournament, modeled after the Olympics, is held every four years.
"People were really surprised there was such a big team from Salt Lake City,' he said. "I'm sure that will be the impression of the basketball teams when they come."
Local organizer Jeff Sanchez agreed. Anti-gay measures such as Utah's constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, he said, are "not an issue for us. We're just here to play."
WI: Basic fairness is on the line in vote
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, WI, July 30, 2006
Basic fairness is on the line in vote
A remarkable story is unfolding across Wisconsin this year.
It's a story about who we are and who we want to be as a state.
It's a story about how we should treat people - our friends, neighbors,coworkers, and fellow citizens.
And it's a story about thousands of people who are giving thousands of hoursand dollars to stand up for what's right and make sure others in theircommunities understand what's at stake this year.
Wisconsin is having a serious conversation about whether, on election day,we should add these two sentences to our state constitution:"Only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state.
365Gay.com, July 30, 2006
Madrid Mayor Under Fire For Gay Wedding
by 365Gay.com Newscenter Staff
(Madrid) Madrid mayor Alberto Ruiz Gallardon has drawn the ire of his ownparty for officiating at the wedding of two gay men.
Ruiz Gallardon is a member of the conservative Popular Party which opposessame-sex marriage. The PP fought last year's legislation which allows gayand lesbian couples to wed and continues to battle the law in the courts.
Ironically Javier Gomez and Manuel Rodenas, the couple married by the mayor,are also members of the PP. Gomez is an advisor and strategist for theparty. Rodenas is a party member and city council employee.
Ann Coulter Interview - Gay Bashing Unacceptable
Chris Mathews - I just watched your July 27 MSNBC interview
of Ann Coulter where she referred toAl Gore as a "fag." It scarcely fazed you. In fact, you praised her at theend of the interview and invited her back. What would your reaction have
been if she had referred to Joseph Lieberman as a "kike" instead? Wouldyou have accepted that remark so blithely?
Homophobic remarks and jokes about gays and lesbians on public televisionare too often tolerated. This toleration implies tacit acceptance and itgives license to those who would further demonize and do violence to gay and lesbian people.
It's time in America that we reject such remarks and penalize those thatmake them. Ann Coulter does not deserve the bully pulpit you afforded her.
Steve Krantz, Ph.D.
Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG),
Los Angeles Chapter
To: Chris Matthews - hardball@msnbc.com
Your Interview With Ann Coulter at
I am extremely upset with your July 27 interview with Ann Coulter!!!
Why would you give this person a bully pulpit on your show? In an age when journalists are under great pressure to clean up their acts and producesolid information and programming for a grossly uninformed country, youslipped to a new low. Ann Coulter is an irresponsible loud mouth AND YOU INVITED HER BACK!
I used to admire your skills and abilities. Pandering to the "dumbest of the dumb" with cheap FAG JOKES puts you on the slippery slop to join theilk of the Fox News crowd and the right-wing radio jockeys.
Please get out of the gutter and use your intellect for serious work.
Ray Rideout
Wilton Manors, Florida
Stockholm ready to party with Pride
Published: 31st July 2006 15:16 CET
The Local
Online: http://www.thelocal.se/article.php?ID=4477
It is once again time for the Stockholm Pride festival - a week-longcelebration of gay culture that brings some truly original characters intothe streets, buses and restaurants.
Starting on Monday, the festival brings thousands to Sweden's capital totake part in a variety of talks such as "Voice training for transsexuals,"and "Cunt - the facts," and a session where participants would be able toquestion the political parties.
The heart of Stockholm Pride 2006 is Pride Park on Södermalm, which iscalled Tantolunden during any other time of the year, will have performanceson stage starting on Wednesday.
Pride House is the festival's cultural centre. It is loaded with seminars,debates, workshops, exhibitions, and other performances.
Klaipeda authorities ban gay parade planned to coincide with the city's
Vilnius, July 28, Interfax/BNS - Klaipeda mayor refused to issue permissionfor a march of sex minorities through the city during the celebrations tomark another anniversary of this port city.
Klaipeda is to celebrate its 754th anniversary on August 1. To mark this occasion, representatives of sex minorities requested Mayor RimantasTaraskevicius to permit a march of sex minorities through the city.
The initiators of the march, members of the League for Equal Opportunities,suggested that their event would underscore the historical and culturalidentity of the city and foster the public spirit of the Klaipeda people.
The mayor's office however, having considered the request, refused to issue a permission, Jolanta Braukyliene, press secretary of the Klaipedaself-government, informed the BNS agency. She said the mayor's office refused the permission because of the failure of the request to indicate the aim of the march, its time and venue, its route and number of participants.