Following are selected paragraphs and links from from articles sent by Ken Sherrill to Ken's List between August 2 - 6.
Thanks, Ken Sherrill, for your invaluable work on behalf of the GLBT community!
Ray and Michael
Forwarded from Ken's List <>
Contra Costa Times, CA, August 2, 2006
Contra Costa Times, CA, August 2, 2006
Catholic agency ending adoption program
Catholic Charities of San Francisco will scrap its child adoption program,c aught in a clash between a church prohibition against adoptions to gay couples and state anti-discrimination law.
The Stranger, WA, August 3, 2006
Marriage Denied
Reeling from the Recent Supreme Court Decision, the Gay Community Struggles to Answer the Question: What Next?
On September 20, 1971, Paul Barwick, a Vietnam veteran and former statepatrol dispatcher, showed up at the King County auditor's office requestinga marriage license. With him was the man he wanted to wed, John Singer, a staffer at the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission who favoreddresses rather than pants at work, and who was soon to change his name to
Faygele benMiriam.
Black gay pride parade claims bias over permit
August 3, 2006
Federal officials are cracking down on a popular black gay pride event atJacob Riis Park in Queens - a move that has organizers crying foul.
August 3, 2006
Federal officials are cracking down on a popular black gay pride event atJacob Riis Park in Queens - a move that has organizers crying foul.
Poll: South Dakotans Against Abortion Ban
Tuesday, August 1, 2006
SIOUX FALLS (AP) -- A scientific poll done for KELO-TV and the Argus Leaderof Sioux Falls shows that South Dakotans are leaning against a proposed banon nearly all abortions in the state.
Last week's telephone survey of 800 registered voters found that 47 percentopposed the measure that overwhelmingly passed the 2006 Legislature.Thirty-nine percent favored it and 14 percent were undecided.
Czech Republic: Most same-sex couples sign partnership without ceremony
CTK Czech News Agency via Prague Daily Monitor, Czech Republic, August 2, 2006
CTK Czech News Agency via Prague Daily Monitor, Czech Republic, August 2, 2006
Prague - Most of the more than 50 same-sex couples who signed registeredpartnership in July did so in the registrar´s office without any ceremony,CTK has found out in a poll carried out across the country.
USA Today, August 2, 2006
Give me your tired, your poor ... or not By Steve Kluger
With advocacy groups and state courts pushing for new laws to barsame-gender marriage, gay adoption and civil unions - even though othernations are opening their doors (and their hearts) to the same issues - theglobal image that the United States has been laundering for well over 50years seems to have developed ring-around-the-collar.In fact, the emperor is stark naked. But that should come as no surprise toanyone who's been paying attention.
'Sperm Theft' Ruling a Step Forward for Men's Reproductive Rights
'Sperm Theft' Ruling a Step Forward for Men's Reproductive Rights
Jeffery M. Leving and Glenn Sacks Commentary March 09, 2005
All's fair in love, war, and paternity cases. When child support is sought,there is scarcely any deceit that courts won't push aside under the "bestinterests of the child" test.
The courts have ruled that boys who were statutorily raped by older womenmust pay child support. Courts have ruled that when a woman has taken thesemen from a condom a man used for sex with a different woman and hasinserted it in herself, the man must still pay child support.
Town Hall, DC, August 2, 2006
Gender difference, not gay marriage, at center of family fight
By Michael Medved
When social conservatives make the arguments against gay marriage, weusually lose the debates before we even begin.
We make a terrible mistake whenever we focus the discussion on the nature ofhomosexuality - is it a sinful and destructive erotic perversion, or avalid, harmless way to express affection and sensuality? Since manyAmericans feel sympathetic to homosexuals because of their personalcontacts, or else through media imagery and messages, they resist the notionthat same sex love is wrong by its very nature. Even within religiouscommunities, advocates of the gay agenda score points by asking, "If homosexuality is a sin, then why did God make me this way?"
When social conservatives make the arguments against gay marriage, weusually lose the debates before we even begin.
We make a terrible mistake whenever we focus the discussion on the nature ofhomosexuality - is it a sinful and destructive erotic perversion, or avalid, harmless way to express affection and sensuality? Since manyAmericans feel sympathetic to homosexuals because of their personalcontacts, or else through media imagery and messages, they resist the notionthat same sex love is wrong by its very nature. Even within religiouscommunities, advocates of the gay agenda score points by asking, "If homosexuality is a sin, then why did God make me this way?"
Latvia slams Belarus over video
Story from BBC NEWS:
Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2006/08/01 17:16:13 GMT
Latvia has accused Belarus of a serious provocation over the treatment ofone of its diplomats.
Belarus state television on Sunday showed what appeared to be hidden camerafootage of gay sex, claiming the Latvian diplomat was involved.
The Latvian Foreign Minister, Artis Pabriks, told the BBC News website thevideo was an "unprecedented attack" on the diplomat, aiming to humiliate him.
CWA Warns About New Leftist Alliance Against the Family
Washington, D.C. - Concerned Women for America (CWA) has learned about a broad coalition of far-left organizations which has launched a new strategy in the assault against the family; the so-called "same-sex marriage"movement wants to expand the marriage debate beyond what they are callingone-size-fits-all marriage to include issues like abstinence education,divorce laws, and marriage promotion efforts. In addition, they want to linktogether people from diverse concerns -- sexual orientation, race, genderidentity, class distinctions and citizenship status -- in their common effort to gain economic benefits.
Roanoke Times, VA, August 1, 2006
Editorial: Marriage amendment can be defeated Mason-Dixon poll shows that the measure's support isn't as overwhelming as opponents may have feared.
Few people were probably shocked by a poll showing that a constitutionalamendment to ban gay marriage and civil unions is favored in Virginia. Theonly surprising thing about the poll numbers is that the margin was as lowas it was: 56 percent supporting to 38 percent opposed, with 6 percent undecided.
Associated Press via Times Daily (Northwest Alabama)
July 31, 2006
July 31, 2006
Win by gay candidate challenged in Alabama House race
The mother-in-law of a defeated legislative candidate challenged the outcome of a Democratic runoff election, claiming the winner timed the filing of a campaign finance report to keep voters from learning she was supported by a pro-gay campaign fund.
=, August 1, 2006
GOP Candidate For Fla. Gov. OKs Civil Unions
by Newscenter Staff
(Miami) The frontrunner in the race for the Republican nomination forgovernor says that he has no objections for civil unions for gays.
But Charlie Crist says that he opposes same-sex marriage and supports maintaining the ban on gays adopting.
Meanwhile, suggestions he is gay continue to dog Crist. Last week Crist,who currently is Attorney General, was asked by a radio interviewer about the rumors.
(Miami) The frontrunner in the race for the Republican nomination forgovernor says that he has no objections for civil unions for gays.
But Charlie Crist says that he opposes same-sex marriage and supports maintaining the ban on gays adopting.
Meanwhile, suggestions he is gay continue to dog Crist. Last week Crist,who currently is Attorney General, was asked by a radio interviewer about the rumors.
Ottawa Citizen, Canada, August 1, 2006
When the tolerant behave like ignorant bigots
Brigitte Pellerin, The OttawaCitizen
It's one thing to be sympathetic to, or at least tolerant of, a way of lifethat differs markedly from your own. It's quite another to be called namesbecause you don't actively celebrate lifestyles that couldn't be more at odds with yours.
It's one thing to be sympathetic to, or at least tolerant of, a way of lifethat differs markedly from your own. It's quite another to be called namesbecause you don't actively celebrate lifestyles that couldn't be more at odds with yours.
San Francisco Chronicle, CA, July 31, 2006
A Time Out for Same-Sex Vows
Jon Carroll
A few months ago I said that I thought, what with the oceans dying and the ice caps melting and Iraq in flames and 10 million kids in Africa starving,that gay marriage maybe wasn't worth quite as much energy as it was getting.We do need to do issue triage because we can't be everywhere. Sometimes itseems as if we can't be anywhere.
Now comes a statement from 260 current and former leaders of such gay rightsorganizations as the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and the Gay &Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation that also suggests reducing theconcentration on gay marriage. Their reasons are different from mine, although they're not mutually exclusive.
=, July 31, 2006
Czech Gay Unions Catching On
by Newscenter Staff
(Prague) In the first three weeks that the Czech Republic's civilpartnership law has been in effect some 49 gay and lesbian couples have nregistered.
The number may appear small compared to the number of same-sex couples whoregistered under a similar law in the UK, but LGBT leaders say they are surprised at the number.
=, UK, July 31, 2006
Most families welcome civil partnerships, study shows
Marc Shoffman
The first major research into attitudes to same sex civil partnerships sincethey were legalised in December 2005 has shown general acceptance fromfamilies and friends, with some exceptions.
The study, carried out by sociologists at The University of Manchester, wasbased on interviews and focus groups with 91 gay men and lesbians who are either planning or have had a civil partnership.
The first major research into attitudes to same sex civil partnerships sincethey were legalised in December 2005 has shown general acceptance fromfamilies and friends, with some exceptions.
The study, carried out by sociologists at The University of Manchester, wasbased on interviews and focus groups with 91 gay men and lesbians who are either planning or have had a civil partnership.
ACLU and Lambda Legal Urge High Court to Repeal Extreme Anti-Gay Law
07.31.06, By Anthony Cuesta
The American Civil Liberties Union and Lambda Legal asked a federal appealscourt Friday to reconsider its July 14 ruling upholding a Nebraska law thatbans all protections for same-sex couples.
"The federal appeals court panel that decided this case just ignored theU.S. Supreme Court, which has ruled that states can't pass laws just todiscriminate against gay people," said Matt Coles, Director of the ACLU'sLesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Project, in a media statement. "We arehopeful that the court will recognize this decision simply can't be squaredwith Constitutional guarantees of equality."
Belarus State TV Broadcasts Diplomat's Homosexual Sex Tape
Created: 31.07.2006 13:05 MSK (GMT +3), MosNews
Created: 31.07.2006 13:05 MSK (GMT +3), MosNews
Belarus' state-run television showed footage featuring two men having sexual intercourse with one another, the Interfax news agency reported Monday.
Lesbian couple denied UK recognition of marriage
Monday July 31, 2006; 11.45am
The Guardian, London
Monday July 31, 2006; 11.45am
The Guardian, London,,1834153,00.html?gusrc=rss&feed=1
A lesbian couple lawfully married abroad failed today in a high court bid to have their union recognised under UK law.
The president of the high court family division, Sir Mark Potter, refused todeclare the Canadian marriage of Celia Kitzinger and Sue Wilkinson valid inBritain.
He said the couple faced "an insurmountable hurdle" in trying to have a same-sex marriage recognised in UK law.
A lesbian couple lawfully married abroad failed today in a high court bid to have their union recognised under UK law.
The president of the high court family division, Sir Mark Potter, refused todeclare the Canadian marriage of Celia Kitzinger and Sue Wilkinson valid inBritain.
He said the couple faced "an insurmountable hurdle" in trying to have a same-sex marriage recognised in UK law.
Mayor's gay liaison spearheaded trans job fair
Nipper stays out of public eye in first months
By LOU CHIBBARO JR, Jul. 27, 2006
Working quietly behind the scenes, Darlene Nipper, director of D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams' Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Affairs,helped put together the nation's first known transgender job fair sponsoredby a U.S. city.
Sex offender evictions put on hold
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution,
A federal judge signaled Friday that he will stop Georgia sheriffs fromevicting sex offenders who live close to school bus stops while the state'snew sex offender law is challenged in court.
A federal judge signaled Friday that he will stop Georgia sheriffs fromevicting sex offenders who live close to school bus stops while the state'snew sex offender law is challenged in court.