Foley's pathetic blame game
Hey, Mark Foley! Stop using sexuality to explain away why you're so screwedup. You're screwed up because you were a mess to start with, not because youdrink too much (allegedly). You're a creep. Live with it.
By Karel
Our president lies about WMDs in Iraq and launches an unjust and unnecessarywar. We are in debt beyond belief. Home prices are plummeting. Governmentspending is out of control. A woman's right to choose is under attack. Gaysare bashed regularly by members of Congress and the President. Americans aredying as we speak. We've lost the war in Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden hasnot been captured, the Chinese basically own us, and goodwill towardAmericans is at an all-time low. There can be no doubt there's lot to talkabout and a lot of upsetting events.
But what's got the media on their heads?
Ex-Representative Mark Foley: a pervert. a congressman, a Republican fromFlorida who likes to hear about how 16-year-old boys masturbate, a leaderwho used his own power to seduce young pages and ex-pages. A man whose partycovered up his behavior by saying "bad dog, don't do it again, bad." Nowthere's huge fallout, and the Republicans have cut and run from Foley fasterthan they say the Democrats want to do from Iraq and now.
More Arrests As Military Gay Protests Spread To Florida
by 365Gay.com Newscenter Staff
October 7, 2006 - 11:00 am ET
(Tampa, Florida) A national campaign opposing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" theban on gays serving openly in the military saw four of its members arrestedFriday in a small community east of Tampa.
As demonstrators marched in front of a military recruiting office at a mallin Brandon four members of the group entered the building an attempted toenlist in the Navy.
They were told that gays and lesbians cannot serve under the Clinton-era lawand asked to leave. When they refused the recruiting officer steppedoutside and waved to a police officer in a patrol car who had beenmonitoring the protest.
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Australia: Opinion: Secret to happy marriage? Pre-nup, but what if SSM?
Secret to happy marriage?
By Carrie LaFrenz
October 06, 2006 01:29pm
Article from: AAP
SOME people consider it a bad omen, while others say it's the best thingthey have ever done, but one thing is for sure, the prenuptial agreement (orprenup) is more common today than you may think.
For some, treating marriage like a business deal makes sense.
Ian Kennedy, chairman of the family law section of the Law Council ofAustralia, said in the last few years there is certainly more interest inprenups.
"There are two types of people for whom (the prenup) is particularlyimportant," he said.
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Homosexuality Is Not Pedophilia: The Mark Foley Fallout
By Oriol R. Gutierrez Jr.
C 2006 DiversityInc.com
October 06, 2006
Most pedophiles are heterosexual men. In other words, most pedophiles arenot homosexual men. Homosexuality is not synonymous with pedophilia.
The sexual orientation of Mark Foley, who recently resigned from Congressbecause of sexual e-mails and text messages with teenage male pages,shouln't be the headline. Yet the connection between his alleged pedophilia(which he denies) and his sexual orientation (he has confirmed he is gay) isnow taking attention from the real story (his misconduct and its cover up).
An authoritative study in the "Journal of the American Medical Association"states that 90 percent of pedophiles are men but that 98 percent of thosemen are heterosexual.
There are numerous additional sources that assert the veracity of this study.
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Foley incident stirs up a stereotype about gay men
Conservatives link interest in teen boys to sexual orientation
- Wyatt Buchanan, San Francisco Chronicle Staff Writer
Saturday, October 7, 2006
Some conservatives have reacted to former Rep. Mark Foley's sexual messagesto teenage boys and announcement he is gay by suggesting homosexuals aremore likely to molest children, a link that psychiatric groups say has nobasis in fact.
Yet the stereotype seems to be sticking, repeated in the conservative andmainstream media. A columnist for the Wall Street Journal suggested thathomosexuality exists on a continuum stretching from "just another gay guy"to "a compulsive, predatory sex offender."
Jay Leno recently quipped that GOP now stands for "Gay Old Pedophile," andBen Stein wrote in the American Spectator that "I hope it won't come as asurprise to anyone that a big part of male homosexual behavior is interestin young boys. (Take a look at anyone renting 'Endless Summer' next time youare at the video store.)"
October 7, 2006
Oscars for the "Homosexual Defenders" Please
By Dean Powers
Anne Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity deserve Oscars for their roleas sympathizers in "The Passion of the Gays." After a career cumulative of ahalf-century of gay-bashing between the three of them, they are suddenly thehomosexual's only protectors in a sea of gay-hating, liberal sharks. Toattempt to make the leaps in their logic, you would need a cape bigger thanSuperman's. They don't realize it because they live in a differentplanet-zone than their listeners, but their change of loyalties rings false.
If you are going to oppose legislation for gay people, then do it becauseyou are hiding your own homosexual behavior from Bubba and Chip, not becauseyou are trying to score political points. I am being facetious, butapparently politics is exactly what prompts the right to inveigh againsthomosexuals. Limbaugh, sounding more like the type of human rights activisthe typically drags behind his verbal pickup truck, denounced the left for"gay-bashing." He complained about their "gay bashing" over and over againon Friday before jetting off in his private plane for a golf tournament somewhere.
Charles risks Anglican discord with fond tribute to Trinity's gay dean
By Andrew Alderson and Jonathan Wynne-Jones
The Prince of Wales has entered the controversy over gay clergy by lavishingpraise on the first Church of England priest to write about his homosexuality.
Prince Charles has endorsed the ministry of Harry Williams in his forewordto a new book of essays by the Anglican theologian, who died earlier thisyear, aged 86.
The intervention from a man who, as king, will be the head of the Church ofEngland, will alarm conservative bishops who last week addressed growingconcern over the number of gay clergy that have "married" since the CivilPartnerships Act was introduced last year.
Posted on Sun, Oct. 08, 2006
Foley social circle excluded gay community
Former lawmaker Mark Foley was open about his homosexuality -- at least in Washington, if not among voters in his district. But he stood aloof fromD.C.'s thriving gay community.
Cox News Service
WASHINGTON - Mark Foley chitchatted at Washington dinners with DennisHopper, called Julia Roberts a friend and once surprised ArnoldSchwarzenegger with a gift of German strudel.
He bought Sonny Bono's old Jeep Wrangler and 14 years ago toured with theAllman Brothers as an honorary roadie.
The Republican congressman kept a hectic social calendar, making the roundsof cocktail parties, fundraisers, movie screenings and other to-dos despitethe House's frequent late-night sessions and his constant visits to hisdistrict in Florida.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
GOP Starts Effort To "Out" Their Own Gay Members And Staffers
I don't intend to go any further with this post, but I find it interestingthat one of the powder-kegs that the Foley scandal has ignited is theapparent discontent within Republican ranks regarding their own "network ofgay staffers and gay members" including (allegedly) within SenatorMcConnell's (R) office.
Now there appears to be an effort to "out" their own. I wonder whether thosegay Republican staffers and members who are being targeted by their ownparty are seeing the same ugliness and hate that we witness from afar on afairly regular basis by the GOP.
This came from David Corn's website:
There's a list going around. Those disseminating it call it "The List." It's a roster of top-level Republican congressional aides who are gay.
San Jose Mercury News
Posted on Sun, Oct. 08, 2006
Ex-page: I had sex with Foley
By Walter F. Roche Jr.
Los Angeles Times
A former House page says he had sex with then-Rep. Mark Foley, R-Fla., afterreceiving explicit e-mails in which the congressman described assessing thesexual orientation and physical attributes of underage pages but waitinguntil later to make direct advances.
The former page, who agreed to discuss his relationship with Foley with theLos Angeles Times on the condition that he not be identified, said hiselectronic correspondence with Foley began after he finished the respected Capitol Hill program for high school juniors. His sexual encounter in thefall of 2000 also came after he left the page program. At the time, he was21 and a graduate of a rural Northeastern college.
``I always knew you were a player but I don't fool around with pages,''declared one instant message from Maf54, a screen name Foley used inexchanges involving a number of male former pages.
Sunday Independent, 8 October 2006
Gay-bashers lead boys in blue to set up Pink Patrol
'PINK PATROL' is the unofficial name being given to a squad of undercovergardai in Dublin set up to counter the rising number of attacks on the gaycommunity.
The special unit was set up earlier this year in response to a dramaticincrease in the number of attacks on men leaving a number of known gay barsin Dublin, but particularly the George, on the city's south side. During thesummer the undercover team supported existing uniformed Gardai primarily inthe George's St area on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights to monitorattacks against members of the gay community.
In the space of three months gardai arrested and charged at least 14individuals for their involvement in such attacks in inner city Dublin.Gardai said that most of the attackers were known to them and belonged toone gang.
Gardai have also initiated a process of crime mapping which has enabled themto identify hot spots involving homophobic attacks where they can focustheir resources.