Saturday, December 23, 2006

FLORIDA DIGEST December 23, 2006

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The Miami Herald

Posted on Sat, Dec. 23, 2006


Gov. Bush leaves Capitol for the last time

TALLAHASSEE - (AP) -- With the family cat in tow, Gov. Jeb Bush headedFriday for the next chapter of his life, leaving his Capitol office for aholiday trip to South Florida with no plans to return to the office.

Gov.-elect Charlie Crist takes over Jan. 2. Bush won't return to Tallahasseeuntil that day, when he will attend Crist's inauguration.

At the airport, Bush was joined by his wife Columba, who carried the familycat, Sugar, onto a state plane.

Bush, who plans to live in Coral Gables, said he's not sure exactly what isnext.


The Miami Herald

Posted on Sat, Dec. 23, 2006

Crist's moves after election pay off in poll


During his recent campaign for governor, Republican Charlie Crist oftentrotted out the cliche that the only poll that mattered was the one onElection Day. Ha! This was a candidate who spent hundreds of thousands ofdollars on polls and listened to them carefully.

Crist was certainly all ears this week when 57 percent of voters in a newQuinnipiac University survey said Jeb Bush was a ''good'' or ''great''governor, and 21 percent expect him to be even better.

Such high hopes reflect the goodwill Crist built up over his career and hisrecent campaign, but also some of his people-pleasing, media-friendlydecisions since the election.

(The poll of 1,066 voters, taken Dec. 12-18, has a margin of error of plusor minus 3 percentage points.)

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