Saturday, December 16, 2006

GLBT DIGEST - December 16, 2006

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The New York Times

December 16, 2006
In New Jersey, Gay Couples Ponder Nuances of Measure to Allow Civil Unions

HOBOKEN, N.J. Dec. 15 - Away from the loud political arguments over the NewJersey Legislature's vote to establish civil unions for same-sex couples,gays and lesbians across the state have begun to grapple with thepracticalities: What verb to use? Get unified?

After drinks at a bar here Thursday night, hours after the vote, RosannaDurruthy, 44, said she and her partner would soon start planning theceremony they had talked about for years. "This is great," said Ms.Durruthy, a Hoboken resident who has lived with her partner for nine years."Will we have the major event where we get the villa in Tuscany? We're stilldiscussing it." (She favors the Amalfi coast.)

Ms. Durruthy celebrated the news amid laughter and a long embrace with herold friend Bill Carter, 37, who lives in Texas with his partner. Mr. Carterwas happy for his friend and said he considered the law a collective leapforward, but added of his home state: "There are no rights there; sodomyjust came off the books."


The Washington Post

Washington Archdiocese Settles Sex Suit

By Alan Cooperman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, December 16, 2006; A11

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington said yesterday that it hasreached a $1.3 million settlement with 16 men who were sexually abused bypriests between 1962 and 1982.

Both the total dollar figure and the amount per victim -- an average ofabout $81,000 before legal fees -- are small compared with the sumsnegotiated by some other Catholic dioceses, particularly in California,where two recent settlements totaled $160 million and topped $1 million pervictim.

But the victims in the Washington archdiocese were in a weaker legalposition because all of their potential claims were beyond the statute oflimitations for civil lawsuits. In California, the legislature has allowedvictims of child sexual abuse to sue for damages no matter how long ago theabuse occurred.


The Sun-Sentinel,0,423309.story

Bush views on gays and parenting unchanged

By James Gerstenzang
Los Angeles Times

December 16, 2006

WASHINGTON · Although he recently expressed confidence that Mary Cheney willmake a loving parent, President Bush continues to think it is best that achild is raised by a man and woman married to each other, the president'sspokesman said Friday.

The pregnancy of Vice President Dick Cheney's younger daughter, a lesbian,has reignited public discussion of gays becoming parents.

Some social conservatives, who strongly support Bush and the vice presidenton most issues, greeted the news of Mary Cheney's pregnancy with dismay,arguing that it undermined efforts to emphasize the primacy of thetraditional family unit.

Commenting on the controversy, Bush last week told People magazine that MaryCheney would be "a loving soul to her child. And I'm happy for her."

Pressed on whether his remark contradicted views he previously expressedthat being raised by gays falls short of an ideal situation for a child, heavoided a direct response.


Forwarded from Ron Mills:

Below is an excerpt of a longer article found at
http://www.washblad 12-15/news/ national/ enda.cfm

Top 10 gay bills in Congress

Gay-supportive members of Congress have introduced these bills at therequest of gay rights or AIDS advocacy groups in recent years. All of themhave died in committee after Republican leaders in the House and Senaterefused to bring them up for a vote. The new Democratic-controll ed Congressis expected to be more sympathetic toward the 10 bills, but Democraticleaders chose not to place any of them on their agenda for their first 100days in office.

Employment Non-Discrimination Act: Calls for banning private sectoremployment discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act: Calls for giving the federalgovernment authority to prosecute hate crimes based on a victim's sexualorientation, gender identity or disability.

Military Readiness Enhancement Act: Calls for repealing the U.S. military's"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy so that gay male, lesbian and bisexual troopswould be allowed to serve openly.


Forwarded from Ron Mills:


In a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll,eight in 10 Americans would be"comfortable" or "enthusiastic" about an African-American or woman runningfor president.

More Americans express doubts about a candidate who served in Bush's cabinet(59%) than one who is gay or lesbian (53%). check page 19 of the polleven Evangelicals did worse than a Gay Candidate

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