Thursday, January 04, 2007

GLBT DIGEST - January 4, 2007

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Canadian Boy Can Have Two Moms And A Dad High Court Rules
by The Canadian Press

Posted: January 3, 2007 - 11:00 am ET

(Toronto, Ontario) An Ontario boy can legally have two mothers and afather, the province's highest court ruled Tuesday.

The same-sex partner of the child's biological mother went to court seekingto also be declared a mother of the boy.

After hearing arguments in 2003, Superior Court Justice David Astondismissed the application saying he didn't have the jurisdiction to rule inthe case.

Court was told the child has three parents: his biological father and mother(identified in court documents as B.B. and C.C., respectively) and C.C.'spartner, the appellant A.A.

A.A. and C.C. have been in a stable same-sex union since 1990. In 1999, theydecided to start a family with the assistance of their friend B.B.


Gay Media Watchdog Identifies Top Offenders Of 2006
by Newscenter Staff
Posted: January 3, 2007 - 7:00 pm ET

(New York City) The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation on Wednesdayidentified what it called the worst media and anti-gay voices in 2006.

In releasing the list GLAAD's President Neil G. Giuliano said theorganization is putting the media on notice to stop all anti-gay rhetoricthat he said has fed a climate of hatred and prejudice against LGBTAmericans.

"Every day, LGBT people are viciously attacked and slandered by those whocreate and or profit from anti-gay messages," said Giuliano.

"Such expressions of intolerance clearly have an impact on how people treatmembers of our community."

GLAAD works with reporters and editors and bookers and producers to ensuretheir stories are fair and accurate, and speaks out publicly when homophobicremarks are made in the media.


January 04, 2007

Former secretary of Defense urges Congress to "revisit" gay ban

Former secretary of Defense William Cohen said Tuesday that congressionalleaders should take another look at the military's antigay "don't ask, don'ttell" policy regarding gay service personnel.

Joining a long list of former military leaders who have come out against thePentagon's "don't ask, don't tell" policy regarding gay service personnel,former secretary of Defense William Cohen told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Tuesdaythat congressional leaders should revisit the gay ban. "It's time to startthinking about it and starting to discuss it," Cohen said in an interviewregarding a January 2 New York Times op-ed by retired chairman of the JointChiefs of Staff John Shalikashvili. "I think what we're hearing from withinthe military is what we're hearing from within society-that we're becoming amuch more open, tolerant society for diverse opinions and orientation,"Cohen said, adding that the ban is "a policy of discrimination."

Cohen's remarks are the first by a Defense secretary indicating support forreevaluating the law. He went on to say that "we ought to have discussions,some hearings" and noted that "I think that [incoming Senate Armed ServicesCommittee chairman Carl] Levin and others will ask for hearings and listento testimony."


Who's Who embraces gay partners

3rd January 2007 12:10pm
Tony Grew

It is THE reference guide to the great and the good of British society.Every year since 1849 it has listed those judged prominent enough in publiclife to be included.

Now, for the first time, among the ossified entries listing the achievementsand hobbies of retired civil servants, obscure peers and failed politicians,will be a shining example of 21st century modernity.

Gay and lesbians have for the first time been allowed to list their civilpartners in the book, the latest edition of which costs a mere £145.

Who is included is based on choosing people whose "prominence is inherited,or depending on office, or the result of ability which singles them out fromtheir fellows," according to their official website.

There are around 32,000 entries, which are compiled from questionnairesfilled in by the subject themselves. Around a thousand new entries arerevealed each January to replace those who have died.


Chris Hedges: America's Holy Warriors
Posted on Dec 31, 2006
By Chris Hedges

Editor's note: The former New York Times Mideast Bureau chief warns that theradical Christian right is coming dangerously close to its goal of co-optingthe country's military and law enforcement.

The drive by the Christian right to take control of military chaplaincies,which now sees radical Christians holding roughly 50 percent of chaplaincyappointments in the armed services and service academies, is part of a muchlarger effort to politicize the military and law enforcement. This effortsignals the final and perhaps most deadly stage in the long campaign by theradical Christian right to dismantle America's open society and build atheocratic state. A successful politicization of the military would signalthe end of our democracy.

During the past two years I traveled across the country to research andwrite the book "American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War onAmerica." I repeatedly listened to radical preachers attack as corrupt andgodless most American institutions, from federal agencies that providehousing and social welfare to public schools and the media.


Same-sex marriages continue as judges delay action on challenges

Published 12:18 pm PST Tuesday, February 17, 2004

SAN FRANCISCO -- Two judges delayed taking any action Tuesday to shut downSan Francisco's same-sex wedding spree, citing court procedures as theytemporarily rebuffed conservative groups enraged that the city's liberalpoliticians had already married almost 2,400 gay and lesbian couples.The second judge told the plaintiffs that they would likely succeed on themerits eventually, but that for now, he couldn't accept their proposed courtorder because of a punctuation error.

It all came down to a semicolon, the judge said.

"I am not trying to be petty here, but it is a big deal ... That semicolonis a big deal," said San Francisco Superior Court Judge James Warren.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

Birds do it, bees do it . . .
Martin Fletcher

The Times January 03, 2007,,7-2527347_1,00.html

Our correspondent reports from Oslo on a new exhibition that appears todebunk the theory that homosexuality is an exclusively human preference

Is homosexuality natural? Post your comments using the form below

It is not what you would expect to see when you take your children on aSunday outing to the natural history museum: a giant photograph of one malegiraffe humping another, or two whales sparring with giant penises. This,however, is Norway, where - for better or worse - the normal rules do notapply. Three years ago the Government told the country's museums andlibraries that they should do more to contribute to social debates and dareto tackle taboo subjects.

The results of that order are now coming through. One museum is staging anexhibition that debunks the national myth that every Norwegian was an heroicResistance fighter in the Second World War. A second is planning anexhibition on Vidkun Quisling, the ultimate Norwegian collaborator. A thirdhas an exhibition showing how badly Norway has treated Gypsies.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

Andrew Sullivan, The Daily Dish (blog), January 3, 2007
Let Them Vote
Andrew Sullivan

The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts did the right thing, it seems tome, in upholding the duty of the commonwealth's legislature to vote on apossible 2008 marriage amendment. (I await the howls about judicial activism from thetheocon right.) Yes, there will be a huge surge of Christianist money intoMassachusetts to keep gay couples stigmatized under the law. Yes, there willbe another round of bitter and emotional debate. But advocates for marriageequality are far too defensive in fearing such a vote.

We should be relishing it. So far, very few can argue that marriage equalityin Massachusetts has been a failure. On the contrary, it has united many oncedivided families, it has strengthened many relationships, it has broughtmore stability to gay culture, it has given children more security, and ithas opened hearts and minds. We have close to two years to use this evidenceto persuade the people of Massachusetts that civil equality is something tobe proud of.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

Worcester Telegram, MA, January 3, 2007
Editorial--The right vote
Lawmakers did their constitutional duty

Massachusetts' legislative leaders did the right thing twice yesterday,first by resisting pressure to convene then immediately recess theconstitutional convention, then by promptly calling a roll call vote onwhether the initiative petition on marriage should be moved forward for asecond vote in the 2007-08 session.

The Supreme Judicial Court last week left no doubt as to where lawmakers'duty lay. In a unanimous decision, the justices ruled that the Legislaturewas required by the state constitution to act on the initiative.

Sixty-two lawmakers voted to move forward the proposed amendment, 12 morethan the 50 votes needed. A second vote is needed to place the proposal onthe November 2008 ballot.


From: Deb Price

Deb Price:

Gay admirer thanks President Ford

Thirty years ago, I thought of myself as a Jerry Ford Republican.

I was one of the schoolgirls shouting and waving when President Ford andQueen Elizabeth II arrived at Washington National Cathedral in July 1976 forthe building's dedication ceremony.

Just weeks earlier, I had graduated from the Episcopal girls' school nextdoor. I was headed for the University of Michigan, Ford's alma mater.

When I voted for him in November 1976, I was a timid, closeted 18-year-old.I couldn't have imagined -- and, I expect, neither could he -- that 25 yearslater, in an interview with me, Ford would become the highest-rankingRepublican in history to endorse equal treatment for gay couples.

After Ford left office, my regard for him grew. I came to see his pardoningof Richard Nixon as wise and gutsy.

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