Thursday, July 26, 2007

GLBT DIGEST July 26, 2007

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Ray's Note:

First we have Ft. Lauderdale's Naugle! Now, we have a Broward County deputy
unable to deal with masturbation in a cell! Yuck!

see below.....

Prisoner convicted of doing indecent act in Broward jail cell
By Tonya Alanez
5:19 PM EDT, July 25, 2007

A Broward County jail inmate accused of masturbating in his cell while afemale deputy saw him from another room was convicted of indecent exposureWednesday.

A jury took 45 minutes to convict Terry Lee Alexander of the misdemeanor.

Judge Fred Berman sentenced Alexander to 60 days in the county jail. Hecould have received a maximium one-year sentence.

Alexander, 20, was sitting on his bunk alone in his cell masturbating inNovember when a female deputy, monitoring his cell from a nearby controlroom, took offense.

Although masturbation, a common jailhouse occurrence, violates most jail andprison rules, it doesn't often result in criminal charges. It is generallydealt with internally with a disciplinary write-up and temporary loss ofphone or recreation privileges, Florida jail and prison officials said.

To discourage the behavior in Broward jails, the Sheriff's Office encouragesdeputies to file criminal charges, said Elliot Cohen, the agency'sspokesman.

Deputy Coryus Veal seems to have taken that mission to heart: She hasbrought similar charges against seven other inmates in six months.


Forwarded from Michael Emanuel Rajner
National Secretary - Campaign to End AIDS
Founding Member - Campaign to End AIDS-FLORIDA

Hatred and ignorance exist in all parts of our world. Below is a writtenaccount of the discrimination experienced by youthful participants at thisyear's Youth Action Institute sponsored by Campaign to End AIDS inRaleigh, NC. I had the pleasure to travel to Raleigh, NC and with many ofthe youth - they are extrodianary individuals.

We are very proud of this year's participants as they harness their skillsto lead their generation and end AIDS.

I wanted to share this article with many of you considering what we here inFort Lauderdale are experiencing with a Mayor and side-kick the irreverent O'Neal Dozier spew such hatred and condemnation for people living with AIDS.

With you in the Fight!
Michael Emanuel Rajner
Activists Dissed at N.C. State

POSTED ON JULY 25, 2007:
Homophobic comments fuel campus debate over tolerance
By Mike Alberti

Twenty young people from around the nation gathered on the N.C. StateUniversity campus earlier this month for the Campaign to End AIDS YouthAction Institute.

They came to learn the ins and outs of AIDS advocacy, but in addition tolessons in attracting media attention and lobbying politicians, some NCSUstudents gave them an education in intolerance.

Institute participant Brett Calka was sitting outside the dorm where hisgroup was staying for the week, smoking a cigarette with a friend andminding his own business on the third day of the conference.

"We began to hear someone yelling from another building in front of us,"said Calka, a 23-year-old from Chicago. "At first, I couldn't hear what theywere saying, but then I heard the words 'faggot' and 'sissy.'" Calka couldnot identify who was yelling because the blinds were drawn over the windows.

Some of the participants, ages 13-26, are openly gay. Others are not, butbelieve the abuse stemmed from an ongoing stigma that AIDS is just a "gaydisease."

NCSU was chosen to host the third annual youth conference because the Southhas a rapidly growing number of new HIV infections and a general lack ofsupport organizations, says organizer Charles Long.

Quintana Lane, a 20-year-old from Miami who has been infected with HIV sincebirth, ran into resistance trying to explain the group's presence andeducate two students with whom she had a negative encounter.

"I wanted to let them know why we were there," said Lane. "After I toldthem, they said they didn't want us bringing HIV and AIDS into theircommunity. Then one of them said, 'And I don't like gay people, either.'"

Lane told the young men that for at least 10 years, the infection rate hasbeen dropping among gay men while rising among African Americans andHispanics. Lane says as a colleague hailed her to rejoin the group, the mensaid, "I guess you have to go. Your faggot is calling you."

"I think they saw the AIDS posters we had up and just associated it withhomosexuality," says Lane. "It shows how much work needs to be done."

Long said that he was not surprised to encounter homophobia while workingonHIV/AIDS related issues.

"However, it was surprising to encounter so much of it on a college campus,"Long says. "People are there to expand their minds, and you'd tend tobelieve that when they don't know about something they'd want to learn aboutit instead of just dealing with it in an ignorant way."

The participants say hateful remarks were directed at them in the dininghall and the gym as well as in the dorm.



Forwarded from Al Fitiha
International GLBT Muslims

Islamic Approach to HIV/AIDS on Spotlight at International Conference

Daily Monitor (Addis Ababa)
20 July 2007
Posted to the web 20 July 2007

By Biruk Girma
Addis Ababa

World's Muslim leaders are set to convene on the concept of Islamic approachto HIV/AIDS and its implementation among the Muslim society, at aninternational conference scheduled to be held here from 23 - 27 July, theEthiopian Islamic Affairs Supreme Council (EIASC) announced yesterday.

Speaking to reporters on the upcoming conference, Council officials said thefive day conference expected to be attended by over 30 countries aims tobuild and share experience among the Muslim leaders on the issue ofHIV/AIDS.

The leaders are also expected to reach a consensus on the strategies andmodalities for implementation of the Islamic approach to HIV/AIDSprevention, treatment, care and support, according to the officials.

Articulating and analyzing the concept focusing on how it could betransformed from theory into practice by sharing experiences on theimplementation of various aspects of the issue using the concept would alsobe brought to light at the meeting, officials explained.

Participants of the 3rd consultation conference will include Muslimreligious leaders, Muslims living with HIV/AIDS who are involved inadvocacy, government officials and leaders of other organizations interestedin promoting the religion's approach to HIV/AIDS.

Around 134 participants from 30 countries are expected to take part in theweek-long conference.

The international conference is being organized by EIASC in collaborationwith the Islamic Medical Association of Uganda, the US Embassy in AddisAbaba and the US Agency for International Development (USAID).

The Addis Ababa conference is to be held under the theme The IslamicApproach to HIV/AIDS: Enhancing the Community Response, officials said.

The 1st International Muslim Leaders' Consultation was held in the Uganda in2001 under a theme "Strategies for strengthening and expanding theinternational Muslim community response to AIDS" with slogans like "Jihad onAIDS: Self discipline using Allah's guidance." The 2nd meeting was held inMalaysia in 2003 under a theme "The caring Ummah, transforming theresponse." In the year 2000, a group of Muslim practitioners interested inusing the Islamic approach to combat HIV/AIDS met in Durban, South Africaduring the International AIDS conference.

It was there noted that the experiences and culture of Muslim communities inthe fight against AIDS were not being adequately catered for by the thenconferences.

"Thus, they agreed that these consultation conferences should be held toshare the experiences of Muslim communities and chart the way forwardregarding the Islamic approach to combating AIDS" council officials said.


South Florida

Remind mayor he serves all residents of city
July 26, 2007

It became clear from Brittany Wallman's July 18 article, "Gay activists askthe mayor of Fort Lauderdale to resign," that Mr. Naugle, the current mayorof Fort Lauderdale, needs to be reminded, once again, that he is a publicservant. Mr. Naugle, this means your job is to serve the public, not postureand self-serve.

It appears Mr. Naugle has also forgotten he is an employee of all theresidents of Fort Lauderdale, not just some. Mr. Naugle certainly curbs hisphobic disdain for Fort Lauderdale's gay population when it comes toaccepting their tax dollars to underwrite his paycheck. Is that"plain-spoken" enough for you, Mr. Naugle?

Carroll Billups
Fort Lauderdale



South Florida
Fort Lauderdale Mayor is at it again
July 26, 2007

ISSUE: Mayor isn't fooling anyone.

Oh, that clever Jim Naugle must feel like he really pulled a fast one.

The Fort Lauderdale mayor had his assistant send out an e-mail that he wasgoing to issue an apology Tuesday for his incredibly stupid and tastelessremarks about the gay community on the steps of City Hall. Figuring Nauglewould issue some kind of apology, the media and activists gathered for thepress conference.

Ah, but all it really did was feed the mayor's ever-expanding ego. Anyonewho's followed Naugle's publicity-craved antics never expected a heartfeltapology, because that would have required class and humility from someonewho has become a serial insulter.

Instead, the press conference gave Naugle another chance to go on one of hishomophobic rants. He did apologize - for underestimating the problem of menhaving sex with each other in public restrooms. He also urged people to callthe police to complain when they come upon it.

The good news is that Naugle can't seek re-election. The bad news is thatFort Lauderdale is stuck with him until 2009. Protesters mean well, but thatdoes little but increase Naugle's feeling of self-importance. Don't expectNaugle to step down, and trying to recall a term-limited official who hasabout 20 months left in office probably isn't worth the time, effort andmoney.

The best thing would be for the gay and lesbian community - and allresidents who don't like their city being nationally embarrassed by theirmayor's antics - to work toward identifying and electing a mayor who isconsiderate of the entire community and its diversity, rather than someonewho just wants to use the position as a podium to push a misguided agenda ofbigoted bile.

BOTTOM LINE: The clock is ticking on Naugle's tenure - thankfully.


Disciplinary action to be taken against Judge who separated a lesbian motherfrom her children
By h.b.

Jul 25, 2007 - 5:37 PM

The General Council for Judicial Power, CGPJ, the body which oversees thejudiciary in Spain, has confirmed that it is to take disciplinary actionagainst the judge who wanted to separate a mother from her daughters becauseshe is lesbian.

The Disciplinary Commission of the CGPJ was unanimous in the decisionconsidering it a serious fault by the judge, Fernando Ferrín.

It follows earlier criticism of the judge by the Minister for Justice,Mariano Fernández Bermejo, who said that he had included unconstitutionalconcepts in his ruling.

The Murcia judge now faces the possibility of a fine, or even action couldbe taken against him to have him removed from duty.

He had ruled that the custody of two daughters be taken away from the motherfollowing a divorce case, because the woman's new partner was a woman. Hecalled on her to chose between her daughters and her partner.


Half of Romanian women had an abortion, the other half married as virgins
Jul 25, 2007

The latest poll conducted by the Public Opinion Barometer shows that 45% ofthe respondents admit having called for an abortion in one of theirrelationships. If limited only to women, the percentage grows to 50%, a factcaused, specialists say, by the possibility of women having an abortionwithout their partners knowing it.

In families, the love is considered as the main condition for a successfulrelationship, still 10% of all couples suffer because of the alcohol abuseand its consequent domestic violence.

The report, published on Tuesday, shows that two thirds of Romanians have along-term relationship and 56% made it official through marriage. 22% of allcouples share the living space with the parents or other relatives.


NEW from DIRELAND, July 26

Two major Jamaican reggae stars, Buju Banton and Beenie Man, want to have itboth ways: they've signed a pledge to put an end to their songs calling forthe murder of gays and lesbians -- and thus halt a successful boycott thathas cost them millions-- but back home in Jamaica (one of the world's mostculturally homophobic countries) they're pandering to their bigoted hometownfans by trying to pretend they didn't sign the pledge.

For all the details, click on:


NEW from DIRELAND, July 26

A new wave of assassinations of Iraqi gays - part of the organized ampaignof "sexual cleansing" of homosexuals that has been one of the saddestbyproducts of the Anglo-American invasion and occupation of Iraq - has beenconfirmed by Iraqi LGBT, the all-volunteer, London-based group of gay Iraqiexiles that has been documenting the grim work of the Islamist anti-gaydeath squads in Iraq. For all the details, click on:


More Collective Executions To Be Carried Out In Iran
By Jahanshah Rashidian
Posted Sunday, July 22, 2007

Paris 22 July (IPS) According to the latest news, the Islamic Republic ofIran (IRI) hanged on the week ending on 21 July 2007 16 people, 12 of themin the notorious Evin, prison. They had been arrested through a series ofcrackdowns on Tehran's "thugs", starting two weeks ago, accused ofhomosexuality, sodomy, rape, theft and ignoring Islamic norms of thesociety.

According to Mr. Sa'id Razavi, the Public Prosecutor of both Tehran and theIslamic Revolution tribunals, a number of detainees are to be executed inthe coming weeks, on the same offences

According to the Public Prosecutor Tehran, more detainees are to be executedin the coming weeks.

In a series of crackdowns aimed at "increase public security", the regime'sSecurity Forces started clamping down on "thugs" in the Capital. The drivewas a follow-up to the offensive plan that traditionally starts in thesummertime with nationwide morality crackdowns on women labelled "bad hijab"(badly veiled).

IRI's authorities spoke of a steadily increasing number of arrests. "Ourdecisive confrontation would continue in Tehran down to the very last thug",said the Commander of the capital's metropolitan police force, RevolutionaryGuard General Ahmad Reza Radan, according to the semi-official "Fars" newsagency.

Pictures taken by Fars news agency, and reproduced by several moderatedailies shows a man barefoot and stripped to the waist, with two plasticwatering cans round his neck, being grabbed by a police officer, while otherimages showed black balaclava-clad police officers beating their captives. Anumber of captives were forced to ride a donkey as a "warning to others".


Alarm at US right to highly personal data
Religion and sex life among passenger details to be passed on to officials
Jamie Doward, home affairs editor
Sunday July 22, 2007 / The Observer

Highly sensitive information about the religious beliefs, politicalopinions and even the sex life of Britons travelling to the UnitedStates is to be made available to US authorities when the EuropeanCommission agrees to a new system of checking passengers.

The EC is in the final stages of agreeing a new Passenger Name Recordsystem with the US which will allow American officials to accessdetailed biographical information about passengers enteringinternational airports.

The information sharing system with the US Department of HomelandSecurity, which updates the previous three-year-old system, isdesigned to tackle terrorism but civil liberty groups warn it willhave serious consequences for European passengers. And it has emergedthat both the European parliament and the European data protectionsupervisor are alarmed at the plan.

In a strongly worded document drawn up in response to the plan thatwill affect the 4 million-plus Britons who travel to the US everyyear, the EU parliament said it 'notes with concern that sensitivedata (ie personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, politicalopinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership,and data concerning the health or sex life of individuals) will bemade available to the DHS and that these data may be used by the DHSin exceptional cases'.

Under the new agreement, which goes live at the end of this month,the US will be able to hold the records of European passengers for 15years compared with the current three year limit. The EU parliamentsaid it was concerned the data would lead to 'a significant risk ofmassive profiling and data mining, which is incompatible with basicEuropean principles and is a practice still under discussion in theUS congress.'


Rep. Wasserman Schultz Amendment Restores $3.5 Million of Ryan White AIDS


( Washington , DC ) -- Community-based health centers throughout the countrywill be able to continue family centered HIV care because of an amendment tothe Labor, Health and Education spending bill offered by Rep. WassermanSchultz, and passed by the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday, July19, 2007.

"As HIV infections in women and young people continue to rise,disproportionately impacting low-income women and youth of color, Title IVprograms have needed additional resources in recent years," said Rep.Wasserman Schultz. "A $3.5 million increase to Title IV will prevent cuts toHIV services for women, children, youth and families living with HIV."

The Bush Administration had provided no additional funding for Title IV ofthe Ryan White CARE Act. This effectively cut care for numerous familiesthroughout America because while the number of patients and costs had risenfor community health centers, there had been no comparative increase inprogramming funds.

"Had we not increased the funding in this program, we would have beenreducing the number of people that receive care from this program -at thevery time the need for these services is increasing," Wasserman Schultzstated.

Title IV's unique model of coordinated, family-centered care has provensuccessful at promoting better health. HIV-positive children treated byTitle IV have reduced hospitalizations, fewer symptoms, and feweropportunistic infections, resulting in overall improved health and longerlife. Babies are more likely to be born HIV-free if their HIV-positivemothers receive prenatal care through a Title IV program.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

My Ex-Gay Life :: Dissecting Reparative Therapy
by David Foucher
EDGE Publisher
Wednesday Jul 25, 2007

[Editor's Note: this article is the third in a four-part exclusive EDGEseries on "ex-gays."].

"Sexuality is a fluid, dynamic thing. There's no such thing assexually-fixed identities - those are things that are fabricated by man." -Michael Glatze

Counseling those who are distressed by their same-sex attractions is a fieldaround which ethical battles are far more subtle than their religiouscounterparts. Psychologists who practice one of a number of forms of"reparative therapy" (also known as "conversion therapy" or "reorientationtherapy") are quick to distance themselves from ex-gay ministries; however,their targeted results are similar, and their degrees of success aresimilarly low (approximately 30% on average in the short-term).

At heart: what should be done therapeutically with a man or a woman who nolonger wishes to be attracted to their own sex?

Building up to the 1940s, homosexuality was largely understood to be amental illness - a pathology that presumably resulted from any number ofperceived "issues" with a person's upbringing. For a period of time,psychologists set about attempting to "cure" homosexuality with a variety ofdocumented therapies, often hysterectomies for women to castration formales. More holistically damaging treatments including the widely-usedelectro-shock therapies offered the increasingly desperate opportunities forextreme pain. It was not until 1948, when Alfred Kinsey published the firstmoderately exhaustive study on homosexuality, that these physical treatmentswere proved to be entirely ineffective in suppressing same-sex desires.Largely speaking, the psychological world foundered on the issue for nearlythirty years.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

Is Ann Coulter a lesbian?
Mark My Words
By Mark Segal
C 2007 Philadelphia Gay News
Lesbian outing on the horizon

When someone is very homophobic, sometimes the reason is that he/she wishesto hide a personal same-sex preference. And the most outspoken are the mostcloseted conservatives. Take actor Rock Hudson and Roy Cohn (chief counselto Sen. Joseph McCarthy) as examples. It's about time to expose another ofthese individuals, one who feels at ease using the "F" word. And no, we'renot talking about Isaiah Washington from "Grey's Anatomy."

We're talking about that closeted lesbian Ann Coulter.

Now, the first thing you want to know is how do I know she's a lesbian andnot a man. Let's be clear: She is a lipstick lesbian and prefers butchwomen. Mostly on the plump side, these gal pals are disguised as her "femalesecurity." Off hours, they usually wear plaid and can be found working onMs. Coulter's plumbing. At times, Coulter can be heard from her hotel roomscreaming, "Yes, work that drain hole."

Ms. Coulter's support of Mary Cheney's new baby should not be confused withthe idea that she wishes to become just another pregnant lesbian herself.She rejected that path after numerous attempts with the turkey-bastermethod. And like the vice president's daughter, she does not believe in thenew domestic-partners legislation legalizing lesbian marriages, andtherefore does not wish to give birth to a bastard - many of course wouldsay like the child's mother.

The same sources who exposed to me Coulter's dykedom also explained that oneof the cases that she travels with is dedicated to sex toys I appreciatethat those sources did not reveal the specifics of the toys other than tosuggest that the items in the case where as sharp and large as her tongueand, thanks to the Department of Homeland Security, have problems passingsecurity at airports.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

The AFL-CIO Presidential Candidates Forum is asking union members what theywould ask the candidates.

Working people can submit questions and vote for the questions that will beasked at the August 7th AFL-CIO Presidential Cadidates Forum!

Pride At Work has submitted several questions, check them out - and if youwould like to hear the candidate answer them, VOTE for them!!!

Or, you can submit your own question for consideration!

1. MARRIAGE EQUALITY: Currently, thousands of lesbian, gay, bisexual, andtransgender workers are denied rights and benefits that sustain families,because of their lack of access to marriage. Since civil unions do notprovide couples with access to federal benefits, and civil unions arefailing to provide equal benefits in states where they are in effect, wheredo you stand on ending marriage discrimination in this country?

To vote for this question visit:

2. ENDA: In 30 states it is legal to fire someone based on their sexualorientation, and in 37 states it is legal to fire some based on their genderidentity / expression. Do you support the passage of the EmploymentNon-Discrimination Act to put a stop to this discrimination?

To vote for this question visit:

3. HATE CRIMES: According to 2004 FBI statistics, hate crimes based onsexual orientation made up 15.5 percent of all reported hate crimes. Do yousupport passage of the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act togive the Justice Department the power to investigate and prosecute biasmotivated violence?



Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

State Supreme Court Rebuffs Religious Extremists in Rhode vs. Ann ArborPublic Schools

Ann Arbor's gay and lesbian public school employees and their families havewon, for now, against our state's religious extremists.

A few hours ago today, July 25, the Michigan State Supreme Court dismissed alawsuit by anti-GLBT taxpayers to force the city's school district to stopproviding health insurance and other employment benefits to the families ofgay and lesbian employees.

"Today's decision is a clear rejection of the right wing's obstructionisttactics of log jamming our courts every time their so-called morality isoffended," said Triangle Foundation director of policy Sean Kosofsky." Theyhave no standing to sue and no right to block Ann Arbor Public Schools fromoffering health insurance to their employees. This attack on decency andequality has been dealt a fatal blow."

The Court has yet to render a decision on National Pride at Work vs.Granholm, a suit brought by pro-equality activists to recognize the right ofgay and lesbian employees to receive health insurance and other employmentbenefits for their families.

You can make sure your friends and family receive important updates on thefront for equality by signing them up here.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List


I am writing to request your help in recruiting participants for a studywhich examines the relationship between anti-gay attitudes and behaviors andmasculinity. Below is a brief description of the study with a link to thestudy itself. Please take the time to forward or re-post this recruitmentannouncement to any individuals or groups you believe may be willing toparticipate. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

William Mullane

Doctoral Student, Clinical Science
Department of Psychology
University of Southern California

If you are a male between the ages of 18 and 23, please take a few minutesto participate in an anonymous online study examining how masculinity isrelated to how individuals feel and behave towards gay men. This study isbeing conducted by William A. Mullane, B.A., and Gerald C. Davison, Ph.D.,from the University of Southern California's Department of Psychology.

This is a study is an online study conducted using SurveyMonkey.Participants in this study are given the opportunity to take part in alottery drawing. This lottery drawing is for one of three $50.00 prizes.Participation in this study is not necessary for entry into the lotterydrawing. Because the number of participants in this drawing can not beknown, your odds of winning can not be determined at this time.

This online survey will take approximately 30 minutes. All responses areanonymous, meaning that they can not be linked back to you.

This study has been approved by the University of Southern California'sUniversity Park Institutional Review Board. Should you have any questions orconcerns about this study, you are encouraged to contact the PrincipalInvestigator, William A. Mullane by phone (213-740-2280) or email ( ) or USC's Institutional Review Board by phone at(213-821-5272).

Your participation is voluntary. We thank you in advance for yourconsideration.

Go to the following web address to participate in either the lottery drawingor the Masculinity Survey:


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

The New Statesman: Pink Planet
Brian Whitaker

23 July 2007

Brian Whitaker reports on the new global upsurge in pink politics, fromChina and Iraq to South America plus we've interviews with gay people aroundthe globe

London, Toronto, Madrid, Paris . . . This summer, Pride marches bringhundreds of thousands of people on to the streets of the world's majorcities. Politicians and celebrities who once would have shunned them nowreap kudos by declaring their support. If Ken Livingstone failed to show upone year at Pride London, the media would want to know why. But don't expectthe mayors of Moscow or Jerusalem to put in an appearance any time soon:both have sought to ban parades in their own cities and in some parts of theworld only fools would dream of trying to hold one. Yet increasingly, evenin countries where public discussion of homosexuality is still largelytaboo, questions about gay rights are gradually coming to the surface.

According to Scott Long, of Human Rights Watch, gay activism is growing inboth Latin America and Africa. "It's still relative, but ten years ago,outside South Africa, Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe, there were no groupsanywhere in Africa," he said. "Now, most anglophone countries and anincreasing number of West African countries have at least smallorganisations that are trying to do something.

"In Latin America there's a really vibrant movement that has connected withthe left, and particularly in countries like Argentina and Chile there's acompletely different atmosphere now. These issues have become respectable ina lot of places."

For the full article, contact Ray's List


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

Defining a sex predator, for life
By Wendy Koch, USA TODAY

The night Matthew Shettles graduated from high school, he had sex with hisgirlfriend.

He became a sex offender.

He was 18 and she was five weeks shy of 15, when a three-year age differencewould have made the act legal. The girl confided in a counselor, whoreported Shettles. He was convicted of a misdemeanor and given three years'probation, community service, a $1,600 fine and his name on a registry ofsex offenders for life.

RELATED: States ease consensual sex laws

"He couldn't even find an apartment," says his mother, Ann Shettles, ofBeaverton, Ore. His college teachers were notified, she says. Now 21, he's adishwasher at a pancake house with plans to return to college.

"People judge me," Matthew Shettles says. "Some have called me a rapist." Hetestified to the Oregon Legislature this year in favor of a change in statelaw.

Lawmakers passed the bill, ending registration for teens convicted of sexwith someone underage if the younger person is at least 13 and the two areless than five years apart. Six other states eased punishment this year forteens convicted of consensual sex.

"We're trying to get pedophiles, not teens in a consensual relationship,"says Oklahoma state Rep. Gus Blackwell, a Republican who wrote a lawclassifying offenders by severity and punishing them accordingly.

Officials who say punishment has gone too far cite the case of GenarlowWilson, who is serving a 10-year sentence in Georgia for receiving oral sexat a party from a 15-year-old girl when he was 17.

"We're reliving the crucible," says New Hampshire state Rep. Lee Hammond, aDemocrat. Once on a public registry, he says, a teen's future can changedramatically. "You can hang up a lot of careers."


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

Hungarians test eastern Europe's gay taboo
Tue Jul 24, 2007 7:35 PM EDT

By Krisztina Than

BUDAPEST (Reuters) - "I am Gabor Szetey. A faithful Hungarian-European.Citizen, public official, member of the government. And gay."

Of all the arenas in which a senior government politician could come out,Szetey's choice -- two days before a Gay Pride march earlier this month inpost-communist eastern Europe -- was one of the most defiant.

Hungary's Secretary of State for Human Resources risked hostility because hewanted to highlight persistent intolerance, not just of gay people, but alsoof other minorities, in eastern Europe.

After decades under communist rule when homosexuality was banned or simplyout of sight, most east Europeans still find it hard to accept. The lack oftolerance has been coupled with a surge in nationalism in some parts of theregion.

"I think my coming out took so long partly because I was 22 in 1990," Szeteytold Reuters. He blamed the communist regime -- which collapsed in 1989 inHungary -- for the fact many still keep their homosexuality secret.

"Until I turned 22, I thought I was an alien."


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

Chinese now more open to having sex with multiple partners

New Delhi, July 25 : There was a time in China when speaking about sex, orsexual preferences, was considered taboo. Not anymore.

According to Pan Suiming, the Director of the Institute of Sexuality andGender at Renmin University of China, 25 percent of Chinese adults hadmultiple sex partners in 2006, and added that this is partially indicativeof a sexual revolution.

In an interview with Life Times earlier this month, Pan shockingly revealedthat premarital sex and homosexuality is on the rise in China, riding on theback of the country's double-digit economic growth.

Pan says that his survey of modern sexual preferences in China over the lastsix years revealed that the practice of having sex with more than one otherperson advanced to 25.3 percent in 2006, up from 16.9 percent in 2000.

The figure was six percent in the 1980s, a time when China launched itsreform and began opening up its economy to the rest of the world.

Pan's findings are unpopular, as many believe the sharp-rise in peoplehaving more than one sexual partner indicates the country is on the verge offalling from morality.

But Pan counters by saying that his finding suggest a progress in people'sattitude toward sex.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

GSN Press Release

Monday, July 23, 2007
Richard Schwartz
Ken Frydman

Source Communications LLC
212-239-8678 or 917-734-6239 212-239-8678 or 917-626-4270

Report Card on Prejudice in America

New Zogby/GSN Survey Reveals That:

. A Racist Lives Next Door - Most Americans believe they don't makedecisions based on race.but think their neighbors do

. A gay President is OK, but most Americans wouldn't sanction his orher marriage

They also think most Americans believe:
. Republicans are most responsible for many of the world's ills
. Muslims are most likely to engage in terrorism
. People least want to work with the morbidly obese

LOS ANGELES, CA - Most Americans believe their fellow citizens hold strongbiases against minorities, according to a landmark poll by ZogbyInternational commissioned by GSN. The survey of 10,387 American adults, oneof the most comprehensive ever conducted on prejudice according to Zogby,explores attitudes about race, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender,physical appearance, and politics. The poll's margin of error is +/- 1percent point.

This "Report Card on American Prejudice" is part of a wide-ranging effort byGSN to spur a national dialogue on intolerance and bigotry. The survey'srelease provides a powerful follow-up to the July 17 premiere of thegroundbreaking new television series, "Without Prejudice?" - which airsTuesdays at 9 pm (EST) on GSN.

* On Race: While 67% of respondents claimed to have no preference
themselves between a white, black or Arab clerk in a convenience store, 71%
said, "most Americans" would seek out the white clerk. Just 1% said
Americans' first choice would be to approach a black clerk, while less than
0.5% said the same for an Arab clerk. And yet, ironically, 55% of
respondents said race relations have improved over the past 10 years. Other
results on race (where respondents picked from among several races):

* 73% said in the event of a shooting, most Americans would expect
African Americans to be involved

* 55% said in the event of a drug bust, most Americans would expect
African Americans to be involved

* 53% said in the event of identity theft; most Americans would expect
whites to be involved

* 70% said in the event of insurance fraud, most Americans would
expect whites to be involved

* On Political Affiliation: When asked which political party most
Americans believe to be responsible for many of the gravest problems facing
the world:

* War: 62% blamed Republican vs. 14% Democrat
* Global Warming: 56% blamed Republican vs. 10% Democrat
* Prejudice: 52% blamed GOP vs. 22% for Democrat
* Poverty: 49% held Republicans accountable; 29% Democrats
* Corruption: 47% blamed Republican vs. 31% Democrat
* Crime: On this issue, respondents reversed the trend, with 42%
blaming Democrats vs. 23% for Republicans
* On Religion: By a wide margin, respondents believed Americans think
Muslims are the most likely to engage in terrorism (83%). Moreover, 42%
believe Americans would be most concerned about their child dating a Muslim;
followed by an atheist (17%), and a Mormon (14%).In addition:
* 37% believe Americans think Catholics are most likely to be involved
in sexual abuse - far more than any other religious group
* The poll turned up virtually no instances of Americans believing
their neighbors have negative views toward Jews
* On Sexual Orientation & Gender: 62% said they believe Americans
oppose same-sex marriages. Yet 58% would elect a gay person for President -
about the same as for an Arab-American (57%), and more than for a person
over age 70 (51%) or for an atheist (51%). Meanwhile, a plurality (47%)
believe gays and lesbians should be allowed to adopt children. On gender,
93% think Americans believe men are most responsible for crime,extra-marital affairs (82%), and sexually transmitted diseases (72%).
* On Disability: When asked to choose whom they believed mostAmericans would least want to work with, 26% of respondents said someone whois morbidly obese. Twenty-two percent said someone with facialdisfigurement. Respondents thought Americans would object much less to deaf(3%) and blind (1%) co-workers.

Pollster John Zogby said, "Over my years of polling, I've learned thatAmericans tend to offer socially acceptable responses when questioned ontheir own views about race and prejudice. That's why in this poll wepredominantly asked people about "most Americans'" views on race andprejudice. We believe this provides a far more accurate window into howpeople really think about these issues. Americans are more forthcoming whendiscussing the problem in the context of their neighbors' lives than in thecontext of their own lives."

Dena Kaplan, GSN's Sr. Vice President for Marketing, said, "Our network isproud to sponsor the Without Prejudice Project. This pioneering effort -which includes the poll, partnering with leading advocacy groups, and thebroadcast of our new game show, 'Without Prejudice?' - will help provoke aconstructive national conversation about our inner-most feelings towardrace, religion and other issues that define the way we, as Americans, treatone another."


Ft. Lauderdale

Hey guys!

We want to invite you to our regular meeting at the M House tomorrow, We'llbe talking about or next Core Group activity "Sea experience" and the nextmajor party in the phenomenal Gay Tea Cruise, please don't miss it, we needyou input and support. We also have a topic of discussion:

Gay life and STDs - Do we know enough about it/ Its young gay guys beinginfected and affected in Broward?

Please bring your friends and some ideas about the next movie nights tittlesyou want to see and activities you wants us to have as a group. Itssummer!!!! so lets come with some ideas ;) refreshments will be serve andgift certificates for new attendees Will be provided also. If you bring afriend you will also get a Gift certificate

Time: 7:00 pm to 9:00 p.m

We may go out after so come prepared

We also encourage you to invite friends to the M Group this Saturday.Remember!! the M group is on Saturday 1:00 to 3:00 and it's a 2 hours Focusgroup about just Prevention and safer sex. if you haven't participated yetand want to come let us know. Its a lot of fun and we will have lunch andyou will leave with a 20 dollars gift certificate as an incentive for yourassistance.

See you tomorrow

MHouse : 2645 N Andrews Ave
Wilton Manors, FL 33311
Phone: 954-618-0736


A summer league of their own
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
July 26, 2007

The outlook isn't so rosy for the Red's Bar team tonight. The slow-pitchsoftball team gathered at Mills Pond Park on a recent weeknight, is threeinnings into their match with the fireballs from Bas Plastics. They're downfour runs.

But Mary Beth Rendler isn't particularly concerned. She's standing on thesidelines a few yards back from the clay infield and watching the Plasticstear the cover off the ball.

"This is fun!" Rendler said, sounding convincing. "Exercise! Camaraderie!Work up a thirst!"

She describes slow-pitch as the unambitious kid brother of the baseballfamily. The feeling out here, though, is nice and easy.

This isn't a competitive group, Rendler said. Most of the players areblue-collar people. Both the Red's Bar and Bas Plastics teams are coed, withevery other batter a woman.


Study links obesity to attitude of friends and family toward weight
By Bob LaMendola and Tina Shah
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
July 26, 2007

Having obese friends or family members greatly influences whether you becomeoverweight, not necessarily because you pig out together but because theymay change your perceptions about weight, a new study says.

Researchers who analyzed three decades of weight history from 12,000 peoplefound they were 57 percent more likely to become obese if a friend didfirst, and almost three times as likely if the two were close friends.

The first-of-a-kind study, reported today in the New England Journal ofMedicine, suggests a new way of thinking about America's obesity epidemic,obesity specialists said.

"We were very surprised," said study co-author James Fowler, who studiessocial networks at the University of California, San Diego. "These resultsshow your friends have more effect on your risk of obesity than your genes."

In a nation where two-thirds of people are overweight and 31 percent areobese, the researchers theorize that when people see friends and family gainweight, they grow more tolerant of obesity and more likely to gain, Fowlersaid.


The Miami Herald

Posted on Thu, Jul. 26, 2007
Businesses hope Naugle doesn't deter gay tourism

Fort Lauderdale Mayor Jim Naugle's comments on beachgoers and gay sexcreated a local media flap, and Gary Mercado wants to keep it that way.

Mercado, an owner of Fort Lauderdale's largest gay hotel, says he's fightinginitial instincts to wage a public battle with Naugle for fear of nationalpublicity hurting Broward County's lucrative gay travel market.

''I don't want to add fuel to the fire,'' said Mercado, who owns the ElysiumResort with partner Steven Barnes. ``I'm not really sure we want to escalatethis past the local level because it might have repercussions for the travelindustry.''

Headlines and blog entries emerged as a top concern this week as one of thecountry's most popular gay vacation spots faces another controversy overlocal government and homophobia.

In May, Fort Lauderdale attracted the attention of gay media when an airportworker used the public address system to read a Biblical passage denouncingmen having sex with men.


July 25, 2007 11:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Neal Boulton Named Editor-in-Chief of GENRE Magazine
New editor brings proven track-record of lifestyle magazine success to thenation's largest gay publishing house

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--GENRE Magazine, an affiliate of Window Media LLC,the nation's largest gay publishing group, today named Neal BoultonEditor-in-Chief of GENRE Magazine. The announcement was made today by WindowMedia Chairman David Unger.

Boulton, author of Obesity Diaries, joins GENRE after three years aseditor-in-chief of Men's Fitness and as the corporate development editor forShape and Natural Health, along with a string of critical and commercialsuccesses at other Weider Publication titles. Prior to his consecutiveleadership roles at Weider, Boulton successfully re-launched OutsideMagazine, L.A. Times Outdoors and Life Magazine.

William Kapfer, GENRE Vice President & Publisher of GENRE and Window MediaCo-President says: "GENRE is committed to being the complete lifestylesourcebook catering to today's smart, stylish and tuned-in gay man. Ourreaders and advertisers want and deserve the best, and this appointmentunderlines our determination to continue to produce the most top qualitymagazine in our category.

Boulton graduated from Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland, and wasappointed an Associate in Journalism at Columbia University with a focus onthe role of design in journalism. "I see a great opportunity to intensifyall of GENRE's strengths," said Boulton. "And additionally, I seek to buildupon them with new ones."

Boulton succeeds Christopher Ciompi who served as GENRE's Editor-in-Chieffor the past two years.


July 26, 2007
Bulgarian pardon of medics outrages families of HIV-infected children

The families of the children infected with the AIDS virus in a Libyanhospital voiced outrage Wednesday at the pardon and release of six medicswho were flown home to Bulgaria a day earlier.

''We deeply condemn and are deeply disappointed at the absurdity anddisrespect shown by the Bulgarian presidential pardon,'' the LibyanAssociation for the Families of HIV-Infected Children said in a statementfaxed to the Associated Press.

The five nurses and one doctor were flown to Bulgaria on Tuesday andimmediately pardoned by Bulgarian president Georgi Parvanov.

Their release was secured during a three-day trip to Libya by French firstlady Cecilia Sarkozy and the European Union's commissioner for foreignaffairs, Benita Ferrero-Waldner.

French president Nicolas Sarkozy was heading to Libya on Wednesday to renewFrance's relations with Libya.


The Advocate

July 26, 2007
Fred Thompson shakes up still-unofficial campaign staff

Republican presidential hopeful Fred Thompson is shaking up hisstill-unofficial campaign, replacing his top aide with a former Michigansenator and a veteran Florida strategist.

The shake-up comes amid consternation inside the campaign about the activerole played by Thompson's wife, Jeri, a lawyer, media consultant and formerRepublican National Committee official.

''Rumors are rumors,'' said Thompson spokeswoman Linda Rozett. ''It is not apersonal issue. It's an organizational issue. We are strengthening theorganization as we enter the next phase.''

Acting campaign manager Tom Collamore will still advise Thompson, but hispresidential operation will be run by the duo of former senator and energysecretary Spencer Abraham and a Florida GOP strategist, Randy Enright,according to Rozett.

Thompson, 64, is a former Tennessee senator better known as an actor inmovies and on NBC's long-running drama Law & Order. He has established a''testing the waters'' committee that allows him to raise money for apresidential bid, with an official launch likely in September, after theLabor Day holiday.


The Advocate

July 26, 2007
McCain brushes off Gingrich's criticism of Republican presidential field

John McCain on Tuesday brushed aside derogatory comments made by formerHouse speaker Newt Gingrich, who called the Republican presidential field a''pathetic'' bunch of ''pygmies.''

''I see the former member of the House of Representatives as a person whohas many, many comments to make and he's made many, many comments criticalof me in the past,'' McCain told reporters Tuesday after attending afund-raiser in Grand Rapids, Mich. ''We had a fundamental disagreement aboutthe role of money in politics.''

Speaking at a Monday breakfast sponsored by The American Spectator, aconservative magazine, the Georgia Republican labeled the nine-man GOPpresidential field as a ''pathetic'' bunch of ''pygmies,'' the San FranciscoExaminer reported.

In an interview with the newspaper, Gingrich said he had ''no interest intrying to figure out how I can go out and raise money under John McCain'sinsane censorship rules so I can show up to do seven minutes and 20 secondsat some debate.''

The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, which McCain, a senator fromArizona, cosponsored with Democratic senator Russ Feingold of Wisconsin,places limits on how much money can be raised by candidates and campaigns,and on how much can be used. Christian broadcasters have said it restrictswhat they can tell voters before elections.


July 26, 2007
Giuliani says judges who aren't "strict constructionists" hurt democracy

Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani said Tuesday that judges whoare not so-called strict constructionists threaten American democracy.

Giuliani, answering a question at a news conference in Riverside, Calif.,about his support for abortion rights, veered into a broad criticism of thefederal judiciary. He repeated his pledge to appoint strict constructioniststo the federal bench.

''What 'strict constructionist' means is that a judge will interpret theConstitution in accordance with what someone else meant when they wrotethose words and not try to legislate,'' the former New York mayor said. ''Ifyou are not a strict constructionist, I believe you imperil the Americandemocracy because you take the role of a legislator.''

As he has in the past, Giuliani said he would appoint judges in the mold ofChief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito, President Bush'sappointees to the Supreme Court and two justices embraced by conservatives.

Throughout the campaign, Giuliani has struggled to square what he calls hispersonal opposition to terminating pregnancies with his long record ofsupport for a woman's right to choose.


July 26, 2007
Ohio court: Marriage ban does not preclude unmarried couples from domesticviolence protections

Ohio's domestic violence laws do not conflict with the state's ban onsame-sex marriage, the Ohio supreme court ruled in Columbus Wednesday. In a6-1 decision, justices rejected the argument that the domestic violence lawwas unenforceable in cases involving unmarried couples because it refers tothem as living together ''as a spouse.''

Chief Justice Thomas Moyer wrote in the opinion that lawmakers included manygroups under the domestic violence law and that describing people's livingarrangements isn't the same as creating a law approximating marriage.

The same-sex marriage ban prohibited the government from creating any suchapproximation.

''The state does not create cohabitation; rather it is a person'sdetermination to share some of life's responsibilities with another thatcreates cohabitation,'' Moyer wrote. ''The state does not have a role increating cohabitation, but it does have a role in creating a marriage.''

The case was being closely watched around the country for the precedent itcould set affecting a dozen similarly worded laws.


The Advocate

July 26, 2007
New Mexico gays can marry in Massachusetts

Following up on a March 2006 court ruling, Massachusetts officials announcedlast week that New Mexico same-sex couples who want to marry inMassachusetts may legally do so.

New Mexico is one of very few states that do not explicitly limit marriageto between a man and a woman. (The others are Rhode Island, New York beforeJuly 6, 2006, and of course, Massachusetts itself).

Massachusetts began marrying same-sex couples in 2004, triggering hope amongcouples elsewhere-and a nationwide tsunami of prohibitory legislation.Then-governor Mitt Romney forbade city and town clerks from lettingout-of-staters wed, a prohibition some clerks defied.

In March 2006 the state's highest court ruled that same-sex couples who livein any other state would not be allowed to marry in Massachusetts if theirown state prohibited same-sex marriage, unless they indicated an intent tolive in Massachusetts after marrying.

Subsequent rulings upheld marriage rights for gay Rhode Islanders and forgay New Yorkers who'd wed before a New York appeals court's July 6, 2006,crackdown.


The Advocate

July 26, 2007
Priscilla musical heads to Broadway and West End

The producers of a Sydney theater adaptation of cult movie The Adventures ofPriscilla, Queen of the Desert are laying the groundwork to take the musicalto London and Broadway. The wild success Priscilla is enjoying in Sydneywith disco-loving straight women ages 20 to 40 could be duplicated withBroadway fans, especially those who delighted in Mamma Mia! according to theNew York Post.

Broadway insiders estimate that Priscilla, with its 23 tons of scenery, 514costumes, and vats of glitter, could cost as much as $15 million to mount.(The Advocate)


Vermont Moving Slowly Forward On Gay Marriage
by Newscenter Staff
Posted: July 25, 2007 - 1:00 pm ET

(Montpellier, Vermont) Vermont, the first state to legalize civil unions, isnow cautiously moving forward on same-sex marriage with the Democraticleaders in both the House and Senate announcing Wednesday the creation of acommittee to study the issue.

Speaker Gaye Symington and Senate President Peter Shumlin told a Burlingtonnews conference they are setting up a 10 member commission that will hold 6public hearings around the state to gauge public opinion.

But carefully avoiding making same-sex marriage an election issue, thecommission will report back to the legislature in April and no action willbe taken until after the 2008 election.

The go-slowly approach, Symington and Shumlin said is aimed at avoidingpolarizing public opinion during the election campaign along party lines.

"Is it time to change that status, and I would like to draw more Vermontersinto understanding what that means what it means. I don't think that's onthe radar screen of most Vermonters, and I think this will put it on theradar screen if its's ready to change," said Symington.


Transgender Workers Making Advances In Workplace
by Newscenter Staff
Posted: July 25, 2007 - 3:00 pm ET

(Washington) The number of Fortune 500 companies that ban workplacediscrimination for transgender Americans has risen 60 percent since Jan.2006 and has quadrupled since 2003, according to a new report.

But there is still a considerable way to go, the report issued by the HumanRights Campaign indicates.

Since Jan. 2006, the number of Fortune 500 companies that include genderidentity in their non-discrimination policies went from 78 to 125 thereport, called "State of the Workplace for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual andTransgender Americans 2006-2007" shows.

In 2003, only eight companies had such policies. Employers across industrieshave added protections for transgender workers.

In the aerospace and defense industries, Honeywell, Northrop Grumman andBoeing followed Raytheon's 2005 announcement that it will protecttransgender employees from discrimination. Other companies that expandedtheir non-discrimination policies include Internet giants Google and ahoo!;supermarket giants Safeway and Costco; pharmaceutical firms Merck, Eli Lillyand DuPont; and Marriott, Hilton and Starwood among hotels.


Michigan Supreme Court Tosses Gay Partner Benefits Challenge
by Newscenter Staff
Posted: July 25, 2007 - 3:00 pm ET

(Lansing, Michigan) In a narrowly worded ruling the Michigan Supreme Courton Wednesday said that 17 taxpayers challenging the Ann Arbor schooldistrict's same-sex benefits policy could not proceed with their case.

The decision did not touch on the constitutionality of the benefits. Thatissue is proceeding separately.

In the school board issue the court said that the taxpayers did not havelegal standing to challenge the board.

After voters passed an amendment to the state constitution in 2004 limitingmarriage to opposite-sex couples the 17 taxpayers sent letters to schoolboard members asking them to stop providing benefits to the domesticpartners of gay and lesbian employees.

In 2005 the state appeals court dismissed the case ruling that the taxpayersdidn't "demand" that the district stop providing the benefits before filinga lawsuit, as required under state law.


Condoms A Hit At Old Folks Homes
by The Associated Press
Posted: July 25, 2007 - 5:00 pm ET

(New York City) While volunteers passed out cups of Jell-O to thewhite-haired lunch crowd at a senior center, another group was distributingsomething that didn't quite fit amid the card games and daily gossip:condoms.

The condom giveaway is part of an effort by New York City's Department ofAging to educate older people about the risks of contracting the virus thatcauses AIDS. After the condom giveaway, free HIV testing was offered.

AIDS education of the elderly has become an important issue asantiretroviral drugs that can keep patients living into their golden yearschanges the face of AIDS. Experts warn that ignorance about HIV amongseniors can lead to new infections.

And those infections are happening. A physician from Howard UniversityHospital in Washington recently diagnosed unsuspected HIV in an 82-year-old.

So HIV educators are taking their message of prevention to senior centersand other locales where older people meet. They also hope to create awelcoming environment for people who already have the virus.


Another Fort Bragg Soldier Fired For Gay Porn
by Newscenter Staff
Posted: July 25, 2007 - 5:00 pm ET

(Fort Bragg, North Carolina) A soldier who allegedly appeared in a gaymilitary-themed porn site will be discharged officials at Fort Bragg saidWednesday.

The soldier, who was not named, was assigned to the 1st Battalion of the321st Field Artillery Regiment.

Last year seven paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne Division were dischargedafter it was discovered they appeared on the same site.

In the most recent case, the military in a statement, said that theallegations just recently came to light, although the soldier apparently hadmade in the Online video about two years ago.

The solider, the military said, has admitted to starring in the video. Hebe discharged under "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" the ban on gays serving openlyin the military.


Ireland To Legalize Gay Civil Partnerships
by Newscenter Staff
Posted: July 25, 2007 - 5:00 pm ET

(Dublin) Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern announced Wednesday that hisgovernment will bring in legislation giving same-sex couples the same rightsas married pairs.

The legislation would be similar to Britain's civil partnership law thatgives gay and lesbian couples all of the rights of marriage except the name.

Ahern said he would push through the legislation "as soon as possible".

"This Government is committed to providing a more supportive and securelegal environment for same-sex couples," he said.

The announcement comes at the Supreme Court prepares to hear a caseinvolving same-sex marriage rights and five months after a private membersbill that would have allowed civil unions was defeated in Parliament.


Gay Man Accused Of Plotting To Kill Wife
by Newscenter Staff
Posted: July 25, 2007 - 5:00 pm ET

(Reno, Nevada) Police have charged a Reno, Nevada man with trying to hire ahit-man to kill his wife so he could avoid a messy divorce and be able tolive with his same-sex partner.

Reno Police say that James Gau, 50, sought to have his estranged wifemurdered so that his gay relationship would not become public and possiblylead to his being denied custody of the couples six children.

Police Sgt. Dave Evans tells the Reno Gazette-Journal that Gau had spentweeks trying to convince a man to commit the murder, even providing him witha picture of Sheryl Gau and their children.

The paper reports that Gau provided the hit-man with his estranged wife'saddress in the small town of American Fork, and recommended he not to killhis wife at the home, make it look like a robbery and he break her neck toavoid blood.

Police say that Gau recently separated from his wife after telling her hewas gay, had a boyfriend and they were going to life together in Reno.

He reportedly moved to Reno in the last several weeks and allegedly beganseeking out a person to commit the murder.


Democratic Hopefuls Snub Party Moderates
by The Associated Press
Posted: July 26, 2007 - 9:00 am ET

(Washington) Bill Clinton will be there. So will 300 officeholders from morethan 45 states. But one thing will be missing when Democrats gather inTennessee this weekend to discuss how to appeal to moderate,independent-minded voters in 2008: the Democratic presidential field.

Not a single one of the eight presidential candidates plans to attend theDemocratic Leadership Council's summer meeting, a snub that says less aboutthe centrist DLC than it does about a nomination process that rewardscandidates who pander to their parties' hardened cores while ignoringeverybody else.

"They have tunnel vision," DLC founder Al From said of his fellow Democrats.

From said he has nothing against Clinton's wife, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clintonof New York, or the other seven Democratic presidential candidates. He evenunderstands why they won't attend the DLC meeting.

But that doesn't make him worry any less about the future of his party.


Indonesia to boost HIV/AIDS spending;jsessionid=e728a27596d11ffffffffdcdccd8d46feed5?date=2007/07/20/2&navpath=/channels/news/

Indonesia to boost HIV/AIDS spending
published Friday, July 20, 2007

Indonesia will increase the amount of money it spends on fighting AIDS by 75 percent over the next three years, with the major focus on hardest-hit Papua Province, the welfare minister said in Jakarta.

Indonesia has one of Asia's fastest-growing HIV rates, with up to 290,000 infections among its 235 million people, fueled mainly by injecting drug users and prostitution.

Health authorities have warned that a failure to take prompt action in areas like Papua -- where infections are 15 times the national average -- could result in 1 million people infected with HIV within a few years.

Welfare Minister Aburizal Bakrie said late Thursday the government would increase the amount of money budgeted for the AIDS fight from $67 million last year to $263 million in 2010.

The government also wants to reduce its dependency on international donors, which have contributed up to 70 percent to the national AIDS budget, he said.

The main focus of the new spending would be on Papua, which now receives only 4 percent of the money budgeted for AIDS even though it has the highest proportion of cases. (AP)


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