New Times - Broward - Palm Beach
Sex on the Beach
Testing Naugle's fantasy
By Brandon K. Thorp
Published: August 2, 2007
I'm sitting with my legs crossed on a bench outside of a restroom in HolidayPark, screaming for sodomy.
There's a way you're supposed to look if you're trying to get laid in apublic park, and I've got it down: I'm 24, tall and gangly, blond by choice.I'm wearing a little too much lipstick and just the right amount ofeyeliner, tight blue jeans, and a light-green, little girl's T-shirt with acartoon of a flying cat emblazoned with the words SUPER PUSSY!
The knowing smirks at passing joggers, the come-hither winks at geezers inwhite Caddys: Despite my years in this city as an out homosexual, this isall very new to me. I didn't think things were even done this way anymore.
The mayor begs to differ. On July 4, Mayor Jim Naugle revealed his plan toput a $250,000, one-stall toilet in the parking lot at Sebastian Beach. Thiswas necessary, he said, to thwart the gay sex going down in FortLauderdale's public bathrooms. Naugle knew that Sebastian Beach isfrequented by gay folks. He said he feared that anonymous gay sex in itsbathrooms would traumatize any straight family unlucky enough to stumbleupon it.
Naugle has actually made some good policy decisions during his slog acrossthe Fort Lauderdale political scene, but his primary contribution has alwaysbeen his genius for saying exactly the wrong thing. Even by Naugle'sstandards, this john debacle was a doozy — and then he eagerly compounded itby protesting the move of the gay and lesbian Stonewall Library to cityspace at ArtServe, in Holiday Park. Still not satisfied, he held a July 23news conference on the steps of City Hall and apologized — for havingunderestimated the incidence of anonymous gay sex in Fort Lauderdale.
If you're gay and you were alive in the 1970s, you may have happy memoriesof bathhouse craziness and backroom banging. You may even have a glory-holestory to share, or a dozen. Are those days gone now? Are there no more studswith moustaches and hairy chests stalking the wilds beyond monogamy andconvention? The gay community used to be Athens. Has it become Weston soquickly?
Not if you believe Naugle. And not if you get your cues from gayentertainment, especially gay cinema. Examine the roadside pickups ofL.I.E., the sluttiness of The Edge of Seventeen, the relentless hookups ofLatter Days, the sex-obsessed Another Gay Movie and it seems as though thefilmmakers have conspired with Naugle to paint the gay community as onecontinuous orgy. Get Real, a lovely depiction of the lonely gay teenexperience, is full of anonymous bathroom sex involving a 16-year-old boy.Ditto Todd Stephens' Gypsy '83. The gay community appears perfectly happywith this image of itself, so long as conservative Christians have nothingto say about it. But is it accurate?
It is if you read Damron, the popular gay travel guide. Published annuallysince 1964, Damron began life as an underground publication. Now it's soldat Barnes & Noble. It lists gay-friendly clubs, restaurants, cafés,boutiques, and accommodations, and it also offers tips on "cruisy" places.Damron advises readers to visit such places at their own risk and warnsabout vice cops. In the 2007 edition of the Damron Men's Travel Guide, fivecruisy places are listed near Naugle's domain, and two are the same placesNaugle has singled out for concern: Sebastian Beach and Holiday Park.
So I went to Sebastian Beach. I stood in the parking lot in my dark-brownJocko swim shorts and pursed my lips at passersby, and nobody said a thing.I walked up and down the beach, looking as slutty as possible, bending overin the surf and wetting my hair, careful of the eyeliner. Still, nobody saida thing.
So I came to Holiday Park on this gray evening, in my SUPER PUSSY! shirt,still in search of the anonymous sex that Damron and Naugle have promisedme. I'm near a sports field now, sitting on a bench outside a bathroom.
The Story of Wife No. 3
By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, August 2, 2007; 7:36 AM
Let's see: We the media have done Jeri the trophy wife. Elizabeth thecancer-stricken, Coulter-challenging strategist. Bill the questionable,once-philandering spouse. Andrew the disaffected son. Chelsea theonce-and-possibly-future First Daughter.
And now it's Judith Giuliani's turn.
Rudy's former mistress already had a big rollout in the media when thecouple sat down with Barbara Walters and the former mayor said she could sitin on Cabinet meetings. Then there was the revelation about the secondex-husband who she had somehow failed to mention. Judith disappeared forawhile.
The problem for her is that she can't freely talk about how they met (in aManhattan cigar bar, it turns out) and courted because she was, at the time,the Other Woman in one of the ugliest public divorces in modern history.Even by New York tabloid standards, the accusations that were hurled betweenHizzoner's camp and Donna Hanover's side were extraordinarily personal.
How interested should we be in Rudy's third wife? After all, Giuliani isn'tone of these David Vitter Republicans who preached about family values. Sohe's had a messy love life -- so what?
Stonewall Library's explicit material reignites debate
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
August 2, 2007
It was born from the private collection of a local college student. Nowit's one of the nation's leading libraries of gay and lesbian literature andhistory.
Inside the Gay and Lesbian Community Center, the Stonewall Library andArchives boasts the largest private collection of gay and lesbian writings,videos and historical documents in the southeastern United States.
That's about 18,000 titles and 7,000 historical archives. Items thatchronicle the history of the gay movement, from the pre-World War II dayswhen most gay men and women stayed in the closet to the New York riots thatspurred the modern gay-rights movement. It also features biographies onfamed gay writers such as Tennessee Williams.
The collection existed with fairly little attention until last month whenFort Lauderdale Mayor Jim Naugle objected to the library and materialsmoving into a city-owned building. He argued the collection was tantamountto pornography and fought library plans to move to a 4,200-square-foot spaceat a Fort Lauderdale branch of the Broward County Library at Holiday Park.
Naugle lost the debate, and city commissioners approved the move to theSunrise Boulevard building.
The Sun-Sentinel
Deerfield native brings financial background to state race
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
August 2, 2007
As the Florida legislature ponders a third special session in September,Mark LaFontaine says he has the answer to the budget dilemma: electing himto the Florida State House District 92 in 2008.
The 40-year-old alumnus and parishioner of St. Ambrose Catholic Church saidhe would bring to Tallahassee "a fresh perspective, specifically relating tofiscal responsibility."
"Consider the fact that there seems to be very little budget oversight,"said LaFontaine, an accountant and one of two candidates with solid ties toDeerfield Beach in a four-way Democratic race to represent parts ofDeerfield Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Oakland Park, Pompano Beach and WiltonManors. "…I believe the community in general is looking for more of that."
An Eagle Scout, LaFontaine graduated from Deerfield Beach High School thenwon a Congressional appointment to the Merchant Marine Academy. He left theacademy early to serve two years in the U.S. Coast Guard in Guam, thenearned a degree in taxation from Florida International University.
Before opening his own accounting practice eight years ago, he worked forthe Veterans Administration in Oakland Park and has been an unceasingadvocate for human rights issues. The national treasurer and local presidentof American Veterans for Equal Rights, LaFontaine has taken his campaign forSouth Florida veterans as far as local, state and national offices andincluded gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender veterans. As treasurer ofOakland Park Main Street, a nonprofit group devoted to economicredevelopment in blighted areas, LaFontaine has grown concerned about anissue he understands well.
The Sun-Sentinel
Broward County Main Library is organizing a Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual,Transgender Bookfest Expo from 2 to 5 p.m., Sept. 30, at the Main Libraryauditorium, 100 S. Andrews Avenue in Fort Lauderdale. Locally publishedauthors are invited to discuss their books and hold book signings.
Published authors may call for information Lorraine Woods, Broward CountyLibrary Outreach Services Department, at 954-357-7348, or e-maillwoods@browardlibrary.org.
Judge not, but God won't condone sin
August 2, 2007
It is not my wish to judge anyone. It doesn't matter who you are, for I knowwhere all judgment will come from on that appointed day.
After speaking with a man who approached me at the [gay rights] rally andbrought up the subject of public officials who make offensive remarksagainst the gay community, I was more concerned when he mentioned certainaspects of the Bible. I was left with the impression that God is one whosits in heaven playing a harp and sends nothing but sweet music to Earth andthat He is a God, who with his Tinkerbell wand, using Harry Potter magic,will declare to us, "Ya'll come on up now, trick or treat, April fool."
God's word needs no defense. He alone has decreed by whom all judgment hasbeen given to. One person mentioned in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel claimsthat Jesus loves everyone (no argument).
But to assign to deity the irresponsible act of condoning sin shows acomplete lack of truth, understanding and knowledge of God. Yes, judgment isinevitable for everyone and I am prepared to let Jesus alone do the judging.
I am only a messenger.
John Black
Fort Lauderdale
The Sun-Sentinel
Lauderdale issue is bigotry
August 2, 2007
Re "No backlash from gay tourists": In 1939, glass windows of shops ownedby Jews in German cities were smashed and dripping painted stars and uglywords defaced buildings, the act of Nazis fueled by hate.
On the upper east side in Manhattan, at the same time, German-Americanrestaurants and butchers, owned and operated by non-Jews, shops thrived,business as usual, with many Jewish patrons.
The issue is bigotry. Not the tourism dollar.
Amazingly, it took two people, Scott Wyman and Doreen Hemlock to collaboratea bottom line of "Well, DUH?"
Bob Bride
Oakland Park
The Sun-Sentinel
Oakland Park: Commissioners back transgender protection
August 2, 2007
Commissioners agreed unanimously Wednesday night to proceed with addinggender identity and gender expression to the city's anti-discriminationpolicy.
About 20 gay, lesbian and transgender activists spoke at the meeting insupport of the proposal. No one opposed it.
Commissioners asked City Attorney D.J. Doody to prepare an ordinance, whichthey will vote on in the next few weeks.
If approved, the policy would ban discrimination against transgendermunicipal employees. The city already protects employees based on race,religion, sex, national origin, age and/or disability.
More than 100 governments nationwide offer some form of protection totransgender people, including Lake Worth, West Palm Beach and Miami Beach.
The Sun-Sentinel
August 3, 2007
Gay Men's Chorus — 7:30 p.m. Tue. at Sunshine Cathedral, 1480 SW Ninth Ave.,
Fort Lauderdale. 954-791-4714.
The Sun-Sentinel
Philadelphia freedom
The Associated Press
August 5, 2007
When Philadelphia rolled out a national ad campaign aimed at gay touristsfour years ago, some of the commercials featured same-sex couples inColonial costumes.
"Come to Philadelphia," the ads said. "Get your history straight and yournightlife gay."
Since then, the city has become more sophisticated in its effort to attractpart of the annual $55 billion gay tourism market, targeting subgroupswithin the gay and lesbian community.
"Destinations will need to further refine what they're offering the gaytraveler. No longer will it be enough to say, 'Hey, we're gay-friendly. Youshould come here,'" said Jeff Guaracino of the Greater Philadelphia TourismMarketing Corp.
Philadelphia has been focusing recent marketing efforts on lesbians, who areless likely to have visited the city than gay men, according to DeborahDiamond, director of research and strategy for the Greater PhiladelphiaTourism Marketing Corporation.
The Sun-Sentinel
Study finds some printers emit as many particles as cigarettes
By Amber Dance
Los Angeles Times
August 1, 2007
That laser printer sitting on your desk could be emitting high levels ofpotentially hazardous particles, according to a study reported today.
Some printers released almost as many ultrafine particles as a smolderingcigarette, the study authors said.
There have been few studies on the health hazards of printing, and thecurrent research, appearing in the journal Environmental Science andTechnology, provides the most extensive look yet at particle emissions ofoffice printers, including Canon, Hewlett-Packard, Ricoh and Toshiba models.The researchers did not analyze the particles' content.
"Particles have been shown beyond any doubt to be a health hazard," saidstudy author Lidia Morawska, a physicist at the Queensland University ofTechnology in Australia.
Inhaling fine particles can cause health problems, including respiratoryirritation, cardiovascular ailments and cancer, Morawska said.
Gays Voted as a Block in Philadelphia Mayoral Election
PHILADELPHIA, July 31 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- A study by Equality Forum,an international gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) civil rights organization, suggests that gay and lesbian voters voted as a block in therecent mayoral primary election in Philadelphia and that gay and lesbianvoters were markedly more likely to support their candidate than theirneighbors. The study found that gays voted by about two to every one votefor Michael Nutter, the winning candidate, in the citywide vote.
"The study is important both in its methodology and the result," saidMalcolm Lazin, Executive Director of Equality Forum. "It demonstrates thateven in a field of gay-friendly candidates, a candidate who can provide theright cues can be the beneficiary of a GLBT block vote. Block votingincreases a group's political importance and power."
The May 15, 2007 Democratic primary, which is tantamount to election inheavily-Democratic Philadelphia, featured five well-known politicians: twolongtime Members of Congress, a former City Councilman, a StateRepresentative who chairs the Appropriations Committee in the PennsylvaniaHouse of Representatives, and a wealthy former Deputy Mayor. The former CityCouncilman, Michael Nutter, spent most of the race lagging in fourth placebefore he surged to victory, garnering 36.6% of the citywide vote.
The Equality Forum study reviewed the votes cast in seven distinctPhiladelphia gay neighborhoods and found that Nutter garnered 74% of thevote in these neighborhoods. A review of the top 12 Philadelphia tractsidentified in the U.S. Census as having the most same-sex couples residingin the same household found that Nutter received 69% of the vote in thesecensus tracts.
The study compared the percentage of votes from the gay neighborhoods andcensus tracts to the percentage of votes each candidate received in therespective wards. The gay voting divisions averaged a 17% higher percentagevote for Nutter than the respective overall ward percentage.
Imeson leaves hospital under police escort
Nico Coburne and Andrew Seymour
Ottawa Citizen
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
ARNPRIOR, Ont. - Former fugitive Jesse Norman Imeson, facing multiplecharges for the murder of three people in southwestern Ontario, was taken toan airport in Arnprior Wednesday night and placed on a plane that took offshortly after 9:45 p.m.
It was not immediately clear where the plane was headed although London,Ont., had been mentioned in some reports as a possible destination.
Earlier in the evening, Imeson had been released from a hospital inShawville, Que., where he was taken for examination after he complained ofstomach pains.
On his release from hospital, Imeson was shackled and wearing a light-bluejumpsuit and black boots and under police escort. He stared and said nothingto reporters as he was led by a plain-clothes officer to one of two brownImpalas waiting outside the hospital at about 6:45 p.m.
Two uniformed officers followed, while another pair of officers, wearingsuits, also ushered him along.
British offer settlement to gay soldiers
By Bryan Mitchell, Stars and Stripes
Mideast edition, Thursday, August 2, 2007
RAF MILDENHALL, England — The British Ministry of Defence is offering 3million pounds (about $6 million) to dozens of former servicemembers whowere wrongly ejected from the military because they are gay.
The settlement being offered — about $100,000 each to 60 formerservicemembers — comes as a result of a court case settled several years agothat was filed by a homosexual servicemember, according to MOD spokesmanPaul Leat.
“After the trial, we have a duty to pay compensation to any servicememberwho was ejected for being homosexual,” Leat said.
Leat said that each individual may accept the payment, or refuse and pursueseparate court action.
The settlement offer comes nearly eight years after the MOD allowed openlyhomosexual servicemembers in the armed forces.
Singapore bans gay kissing photos By GILLIAN WONG, Associated Press Writer
Wed Aug 1, 2:37 PM ET
Singapore's censors have banned an exhibition of photographs depicting gaymen and women kissing, a gay rights activist said, calling the move"absurd."
The city-state's Media Development Authority denied organizers a licensebecause the photographs "promote a homosexual lifestyle," Alex Au, founderof a Singapore gay rights group, People Like Us, told The Associated PressWednesday.
The exhibition, entitled "Kissing," is a selection of 80 posed shots ofsame-sex kissing between fully clothed models, said Au, who shot thephotographs.
"Kissing" was canceled after organizers received a letter from the MediaDevelopment Authority on Monday saying it was rejecting their applicationfor a license to hold the exhibition, Au said. The media regulator confirmedin an e-mail that it rejected Au's application for a license to hold theexhibition.
"Presently, homosexual content is allowed in the appropriate context but itshould not be of a promotional or exploitative nature," Amy Tsang, deputydirector of media content, said in the statement. "The proposed exhibition... which focuses mainly on homosexual kissing is deemed to promote ahomosexual lifestyle, and cannot be allowed."
Posted on Wed, Aug. 01, 2007
Politically inept in Fort Lauderdale
Fort Lauderdale Mayor Jim Naugle, whose off-the-cuff and sometimesout-to-lunch comments have gotten him in trouble before, says that hislatest woes are the result of being politically incorrect. In fact, he's inhot water because of being politically inept. For having a tin ear when itcomes to a large segment of his constituents, the gay and lesbian community.
Naugle started this furor a few weeks ago by telling a Sun-Sentinel reporterthat he refuses to use the word ''gay'' because most homosexuals ``aren'thappy.''
Naugle is entitled to believe that, of course. Undeniably it's true thatsome gays and lesbians have been tormented by their sexual orientation andthe stigma that comes with it, or used to. But that was true back in the'50s, which is where the good mayor and most of his social views seem to bestuck.
Fort Lauderdale has grown up; the mayor hasn't.
Naugle told me he made the gays-aren't-happy comment in passing and didn'tthink the reporter would print it. Naive for a guy who has been the mayor ofa big city for 16 years. Unless Naugle didn't care if his comment offended alarge part of his constituency. And why wouldn't it? What would the reactionbe if Mayor Susan Gottlieb of Aventura went around making disparagingcomments about Jews? Or if Hialeah Mayor Julio Robaina singled out Cubansfor complaint? Or if Opa-locka's Joseph Kelley pointed an accusing finger atblacks? Pandemonium. Revolution. Calls for their resignation.
The Advocate
August 02, 2007
Joint Chiefs nominee signals willingness to revisit "don't ask, don't tell"
The Servicemembers Legal Defense Network is reporting that Adm. MichaelMullen, President Bush’s nominee to succeed Gen. Peter Pace as chairman ofthe Joint Chiefs of Staff, was questioned about the military’s “don’t ask,don’t tell” policy on lesbian, gay, and bisexual personnel during a Senatehearing Tuesday.
Mullen said that while he would continue to implement the policy and dismissgay soldiers, he added, “I really think it is for the American people tocome forward, really through this body, to both debate that policy and makechanges, if that's appropriate.” Mullen indicated that he would likeCongress "to make its own decisions" with respect to considering a repeal ofthe ban. Pace, the current chairman of the Joint Chiefs, ignited controversyin March when he referred to gay sex as "immoral."
Just prior to his nomination as chairman, SLDN says Mullen told TtheBrookings Institution in Washington, “If it’s time to revisit thatpolicy...the American people ought to raise that issue and we’ll have thedebate. As a member of the Joint Chiefs and obviously the head of one of theservices, I will contribute to that and give my best military advice."
“Admiral Mullen’s remarks are a welcome change of pace among militaryleadership, where there has long been an adversity to encouraging debate onopening the services to lesbian and gay patriots,” said Sharra E. Greer,director of law and policy for SLDN. “As Senator [Susan] Collins rightlypointed out, there is growing concern among the national securityestablishment that the loss of talented gay troops is having a detrimentalimpact on our armed forces. Admiral Mullen should be applauded for hiswillingness to take part in a national conversation about that issue, andfor his open-minded approach to working with Congress as they consider thefuture of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell.’”
During her questioning, Collins noted that she had recently met with aretired admiral in Maine who "urged" her to press Mullen to reexamine the‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy.” According to SLDN, the Military ReadinessEnhancement Act (H.R. 1246), a bill to lift the ban on open service, is nowsupported by 126 members of the House of Representatives. The supporters aredrawn from both parties. A recent poll of military personnel found that 73%of those surveyed were comfortable around gays, and CNN found last monththat 79% of the American public support repeal. (The Advocate)
The Advocate
August 02, 2007
Formerly jailed gay couple allowed contact with each other
In a decision handed down Wednesday in Philadelphia, a gay couple jailed forselling drugs will be allowed contact with each other while they serve outsupervised releases.
It's customary for the U. S. Probation Office to bar people from associatingwith other felons while on supervised release, but it ordinarily makesexceptions for close family members. Steven Roberts and Daniel Mangini weredenied their request to be together during their probationary period,however, because their relationship was not heterosexual, according to theAmerican Civil Liberties Union, who represented the two men in their lawsuitagainst the probation department.
When Mangini learned the good news, he promptly contacted partner Roberts.Until that moment, Mangini had been barred from speaking with Roberts formore than a year.
"This opens possibilities,” Mangini said. “Finally we get to resume ourlives together and dream for the future."
The couple, together for 20 years, owned property together and raisedRoberts’s niece to adulthood but later became addicted to meth. When Robertsand Mangini were charged with selling the drug, they pled not guilty andeach received a sentence of imprisonment, followed by five years ofsupervised release, according to a statement.
Gay Couple Awarded $10,000 In Harassment Complaint
by The Canadian Press
Posted: August 1, 2007 - 5:00 pm ET
(Montreal, Quebec) A Quebec human rights group has ordered that a gay couplebe awarded $10,000 for being harassed by young people in their neighborhood.
Theo Wouters and Roger Thibault said four youths targeted them because oftheir sexual orientation.
The Quebec Human Rights and Youth Rights Commission says the parents of oneof the youths must pay the two men $10,000.
Three other adolescents who were mentioned in the case now live in Calgaryand are not targeted by the ruling of the human rights group.
Wouters and Thibault have lived together for more than 30 years and gotmarried a few years ago.
Judge Nominee Runs Into Senate Confirmation Trouble
by The Associated Press
Posted: August 1, 2007 - 5:00 pm ET
(Washington) Senate Democrats stymied an effort by Republicans on Wednesdayto force a floor vote on a controversial Mississippi judge in a new fight inthe well-trod arena of judicial confirmations.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he would move to table, or kill, asymbolic resolution calling for a vote of the full Senate on the appealscourt nomination of retired Judge Leslie Southwick of Mississippi. ButSenate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy put Southwick's nominationback before his panel when it meets Thursday.
President Bush nominated Southwick to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals,which serves Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas.
Democrats have concerns about Southwick's writing in several cases.
One such case was a 1998 decision over an employee who had been fired forusing a racial slur. Southwick voted with the majority in the 5-4 decision,writing that the slur "was not motivated out of racial hatred or animositydirected toward her co-worker or toward blacks in general."
Thompson Finds Road Bumpy
by The Associated Press
Posted: August 2, 2007 - 9:00 am ET
(Washington) Not yet a declared White House candidate, Republican FredThompson may as well be for all his recent stumbles, from a staff shake-upto subpar fundraising to inconsistent answers about his resume.
Despite the difficulties, the "Law & Order" actor and former Tennesseesenator continues to post strong marks in national surveys and early primarystate polls five months before voting begins.
And his challenge is unchanged: living up to the hopes of dispiritedRepublicans searching for a conservative to rally around in the wide-openrace.
"The expectation levels are sky high right now, so that means if you don'tmeet them financially, you don't meet them organizationally and you don'tmeet them message-wise, you're in trouble," said Joe Gaylord, a Republicanconsultant close to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who also may enterthe GOP race.
Thompson has had difficulty on all three fronts in recent weeks:
Express Gay News
Is American healthcare ‘Sicko’?
Gays should pay close attention to the debate over future of medicine
Thursday, July 26, 2007
MICHAEL MOORE’S, documentary “Sicko,” has started a new round of thinkingabout reforming America’s healthcare system. For gay Americans, especiallygay men, the stakes in this debate are unusually high and the answers arenot obvious.
“Sicko” has two basic messages. The first is that America’s system ofprivately run healthcare is broken, leaving millions without insurance andmany of the rest frustrated by inadequate and expensive coverage. The resultis a country that, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), ranks37th in healthcare.
The second message of “Sicko” is that other countries — like Canada,Britain, and France — do a much better job of giving all citizens qualityhealthcare through government-run programs.
Along the way, Moore tells us horror stories about Americans whose insurancecompanies would not cover some life-saving treatment they need, aboutelderly and sick people dumped by the side of the road and about 9/11 rescueworkers who have to go to Cuba to get medical care.
These anecdotes are compared to happy tales from countries like France,where doctors make house-calls free of charge, new mothers are given astate-paid assistant to do the laundry and life expectancy soars.
Express Gay News
Is Naugle really envious of gay people?
Mayor thinks being gay is all about sex — a sexual freedom that he can’thave
Thursday, August 02, 2007
H. L. Mencken once wrote that Puritanism is “the haunting fear that someone,somewhere, may be happy.” The idea that those who we hate might enjoythemselves better than we do came to mind during Fort Lauderdale Mayor JimNaugle’s most recent anti-gay tirades. Some gay critics attribute Naugle’senduring homophobia to his own suppressed homosexuality. Nothing could befurther from the truth. If nothing else, Jim Naugle is a Kinsey One,dyed-in-the-wool, 100 percent heterosexual man. But, like the puritan thathe is, Naugle seems obsessed with the idea that gay men — the mayor does notcare about lesbians — might be having a good time. In spite of hisoften-quoted statement that “homosexuals ... are unhappy,” Naugle can’t helpbut worry that gay men are really happy; perhaps happier than he could everbe.
Though there are many reasons why one might be homophobic, envy of lesbiansor gay people is certainly one of them.
According to Gregory M. Herek of the University of California at Davis,“Heterosexual men may envy gay men because the latter are not constrained bythe masculine ideal. Heterosexuals may also envy the sexual freedompresumably enjoyed by lesbians and gay men. In either case, the envy ispresumably translated unconsciously into hostility.”
In laymen’s terms, many straight men hate us because we score more oftenthan they do. But rather than admit that they wish they could be like us,they condemn us as sex-driven, promiscuous libertines.
Express Gay News
Anti-gay graffiti greet Haulover Beach visitors
‘Homos Die’ and other slurs scrawled on walls of tunnel leading to beach
Thursday, August 02, 2007
South Florida residents and guests were greeted with hateful anti-gaymessages at Haulover Beach this week as they crossed under U.S. 1 in thetunnel that leads to the beach.
Homophobic slurs and hate speech were scrawled in thick black graffitiacross both sides of the tunnel’s walls. “Homos Die, Faggot Mother F--kersand Dick Sucker Go To Hell” were a small sample of the various derogatoryphrases used by the perpetrator.
The Express was first alerted to the story by Jon Jon, a resident fromHallandale Beach who prefers to use his nickname and asked that we notpublish his full name. Jon Jon is a frequent visitor to Haulover Beach,which is world-renowned for its pristine sands, water sports and nudesunbathing. A section of the beach is popular with gay visitors.
Jon Jon stated that he was at the beach both Saturday, July 28, and Sunday,July 29, and that the graffiti appeared overnight between the two days. Theanti-gay graffiti covered the walls of the breezeway from one end to theother.
Express Gay News
Former St. Regis Hotel employee files complaint with civil rights board
Worker claims bias based on sexual orientation and sexual harassment
Thursday, August 02, 2007
A former employee of the St. Regis Hotel in Fort Lauderdale has filed acomplaint with the Broward County Civil Rights Division, alleging that hewas discriminated against based on his sexual orientation and was alsosexually harassed.
Demetrius Pratt was hired as a laundry attendant on March 28, about a monthbefore the hotel’s grand opening on May 1. In his complaint, Pratt, who isgay, alleges that he was “subjected to derogatory comments from mysupervisor about my sexual orientation.” He also said his supervisor“treated me differently from heterosexual employees.”
Pratt said the “hostile climate” forced him to quit his job.
The hotel’s manager said the St. Regis “expressly denies that theseallegations are correct.”
In an interview with the Express, Pratt said his supervisor made disparagingremarks and jokes about gay people.
Express Gay News
Putting out the welcome mat
Rainbow Alliance showcases all the colors of Fort Lauderdale’s gayhospitality
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Instead of competing with each other for business, the owners of some localgay guesthouses decided to join forces. Figuring that they could be morepowerful and attract more tourists to the area as a united front, the gayhoteliers formed the Rainbow Alliance in 2000.
“What we wanted to do was kind of unify everyone,” says Richard Gray, ownerof Royal Palms Resort and founder of Rainbow Alliance. “Build bridgework asa group to promote Fort Lauderdale first.”
In addition to Gray, Rainbow Alliance’s board includes Roger Handevidt ofOrton Terrace; Bill Hiddemen of Cheston House; Ohad Soberano of La Casa DelMar; Keith Blackburn of Mary’s Resort; and Jennifer Morales of SidelinesSports Bar. The group started working with the Broward County Convention &Visitors Bureau in 2006 to bring in more gay visitors and gay businesses.
The group put together a website, www.southfloridafun.com, and a map andguide of Greater Fort Lauderdale, which are distributed around the UnitedStates, Canada and Europe. Members of Rainbow Alliance also travel to gayand lesbian travel shows, Pride festivals and mainstream travel events toget the word out.
The members, owners of local businesses and guesthouses, team together whenit comes to marketing. “We are pooling our resources,” Gray says. “We areeducating more and more people about how massive Fort Lauderdale really is.”
Express Gay News
Former GLCC board president arrested on Southwest flight
Moody allegedly made unwanted sexual advances and assaulted a flightattendant, investigators say
Thursday, August 02, 2007
The former board president of the Gay & Lesbian Community Center of SouthFlorida is facing federal charges after he allegedly assaulted a flightattendant and interfered with his ability to do his job during a drunkenincident aboard a Southwest Airlines flight in June.
John Michael Moody II resigned as president of the board of directors of theFort Lauderdale gay center shortly after his June 12 arrest.
According to a criminal complaint filed in U.S. District Court inJacksonville, Moody was “extremely rowdy” and made unwanted sexual advancestoward a flight attendant on a Southwest flight that originated inIndianapolis and was bound for Fort Lauderdale.
Reached by phone, Moody declined a request for an interview. His lawyer alsodid not respond to an interview request.
The Southwest flight attendant, Cory Cash, told FBI investigators that Moodyasked him and other flight attendants, “Where is the gay section?” duringthe pre-boarding procedures for the flight.
Express Gay News
The fallout from Naugle’s negativism
Will mayor’s insults drive away gay tourists?
Thursday, August 02, 2007
After Fort Lauderdale Mayor Jim Naugle escalated his fight with the localgay community with more anti-gay remarks at a press conference last week,local gay hoteliers and others are now trying to gauge the possible effectsof a story that has received national attention.
Naugle has appeared on CNN denouncing the gay Stonewall Library as a threatto little leaguers. He has given news conferences to castigate gays forengaging in public sex, even though local police officials have said thatpublic sex is not a problem in the city.
Naugle’s negative comments about gays come at a time when tourist visits tothe area in general, and international visits in particular, are alreadydown, due to a sluggish economy, tourist officials say. They come at a timewhen many gay guesthouse owners are struggling to survive because of thedouble whammy of high property taxes and soaring insurance rates.
But despite the bad timing, gay guesthouse owners seemed to agree that thegay market in Fort Lauderdale is strong enough to weather the Naugle storm.There were, however, varied opinions about what impact it will have.
“I would say that it’s not going to have any impact at all,” said RichardGray, owner of the Royal Palms Resort and a member of the Broward CountyTourist Development Council. He noted that his resort had received nocancellations as a result of the Naugle controversy. He also pointed outthat the Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitors Bureau has been a“pioneer” in promoting gay tourism going back to the early 1990s.
Oakland Park commissioners back transgender protection
By Elizabeth Baier | South Florida Sun-Sentinel
11:19 PM EDT, August 1, 2007
Oakland Park - The city is one step closer to protecting the rights of itstransgender employees.
Commissioners agreed unanimously Wednesday night to proceed with addinggender identity and gender expression to the city's anti-discriminationpolicy.
Commissioner Suzanne Boisvenue proposed adding the two categories to thecity's policy, which already protects municipal employees based on race,religion, sex, national origin, age and/or disability. The city passed itscurrent anti-discrimination policy in July 2002. It is unclear how many, ifany, transgender people work for the city.
"Discrimination, should not be tolerated, any place, any time," Boisvenuesaid. "Oakland Park is known, rightfully so, for fair and equal treatment ofpeople."
Others on the dais echoed the remarks.
"We've proven, over and over again, that we don't tolerate discriminationhere," Commissioner Layne Walls said.
About 20 gay, lesbian and transgender activists spoke at the meeting insupport of the proposal, including four transgender women. No one spokeagainst it.
"My knowledge base did not change just because I put on a skirt," saidJacqui Charvet, a North Lauderdale resident who told commissioners she losther job five years ago when she came out to her employer as a transgenderwoman.
"I have been denied access to restrooms and fitting rooms," Charvet said."Even though I feel I am successful, I am still attacked for my genderexpression."
Join the Equality Florida and HRC at the Gay and Lesbian Community Center ofSouth Florida for a town hall discussion about the discriminationtransgender Floridians face on a daily basis and what we all can do to stopit.
Over the past several months, there have been many stories highlighted inthe media about the ways transgender people continue to face rampantdiscrimination. From Susan Stanton's firing in Largo for transitioning, toLos Angeles Times sports columnist Mike Penner's announcement that he wastaking a leave of absence from his job in order to transition to female, theissues facing transgender people across the country have been widelypublicized.
Guest speakers Susan Stanton and transgender activist Blue will share theirpersonal experiences with discrimination during a panel discussion.
Tobias Packer from Equality Florida and Marty Rouse from the HRC will alsobe present and inform attendees how to get involved on a local, state andnational level.
Equality Florida, HRC and the GLCC of South Florida present:
Susan Stanton, the former city manager of Largo, Fla., who was fired afterannouncing she was transitioning, andBlue, transgender youth activist.
Friday, Aug. 3, 2007
7 - 8:30 p.m.
Gay and Lesbian Community Center of South Florida
1717 N Andrews Ave.
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311
For Immediate Release
For More Information phone (954) 567-8599, ext. 3
Cong. Etz Chaim Men's Club Hosts Rosh Hashanah Luncheon (Sept. 13)
The Men's Club of Congregation Etz Chaim will host its annual Rosh HashanahLuncheon on Thursday, September 13, at 1:30 p.m., at Tropics Restaurant on“the Drive” (2000 Wilton Drive, in Wilton Manors). Luncheon includes achoice of several entrees, Tropics’ popular soup, salad and dessert bar, andcoffee, tea or soft drinks. The Rosh Hashanah Luncheon is the Men’s Clubbiggest and most popular event that brings together the entire Synagoguecommunity; not just the members of the Men’s Club. The Rosh HashanahLuncheon is $20 per person (regardless of membership) and is open toeveryone. Those interested in attending the Luncheon must RSVP by Friday,Sept. 7, either by phoning the Men’s Club at (954) 567-8599, ext. 3 or byspeaking to one of the Men’s Club board members before or after Cong. EtzChaim's 8:30 p.m., Friday Night Services. Cong. Etz Chaim is located at1881 N.E. 26 Street, in Wilton Manors.
Progressive San Antonio Police Chief William McManus will be attacked attoday's San Antonio City Council meeting.
The San Antonio City Council will meet today, August 2nd at 5:45 p.m. andhear from religious political extremists and right wing nuts. These kooksare calling on San Antonio City Council to condemn Chief McManus for beingthe grand Marshall in the recent Gay Pride Parade.
Please contact the San Antonio Mayor and the City Council and let them knowthat you support Police Chief McManus as a fair and progressive leader: http://www.sanantonio.gov/council/
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
St. Petersburg [Russia] gay pride parade to be rescheduled
St. Petersburg, August 1, Interfax - The organizing committee of the gaypride parade in St. Petersburg, which was scheduled for September 8, the dayof the beginning of the Siege of Leningrad, is planning to conduct theparade on another day.
"We respect city holidays and understand very well the feelings of localresidents, so we have decided to change the date. The event will be held inearly September, but the date will not coincide with any important holidayor any commemorative date," head of the organizational committee EdwardMurzin said in a statement posted on the community's website.
It was reported earlier that in early July the organization committee saidit was planning to conduct a gay pride parade on September 8, a memorabledate for all city residents.
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
[euro-queer] More from Moscow officials: Moskovsky Kosomolets
Deputy head of staff of Moscow city mayor and government denies gay rightsviolations
Moscow, July 27, Interfax - Deputy head of staff of Moscow city mayor andgovernment Vladimir Shukshin denies that sexual minorities experience anydiscrimination from the city government.
'What discrimination are you talking about? Turn on your TV and watch anyshow or concert. There are plenty of gay clubs in Moscow and no one closesthem,' Shukshin told Moskovsky Komsomolets daily in his interview publishedon Friday.
It is law and order that should be prioritized in this situation, he said.
'It is not gays but law and order that matters here. For instance, when NewYork gay community wanted to parade on the same day the local Irish hadtheir St. Patrick's Day, they were forbidden to do that in order not to hurtRoman Catholics' religious feelings. And the gays did not parade indeed,' hesaid.
In Moscow, Shukshin added, the situation was quite the contrary as the gaycommunity ignored the city government's ban and tried to go parading anyway.
'They went out ignoring the ban. They invited some foreigners to join them,some of which were bitten. By the way, the individual who kicked theEnglishman was detained at the spot. But afterwards they blamed the Moscowgovernment,' he said.
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
This is an update on the legal status of Shumail Raj, a female to maletransgender man and Shahzina Tariq, his wife, who were imprisoned byPakistani authorities. IGLHRC has followed this case closely and been inregular contact with Nighat Khan, a women's right's activist in Pakistan whohas been supporting Shumail and Shahzina from the time they were arrested.The following observations are based on information provided by Ms. Khan.
Shumail, 31, had undergone two surgeries to remove breasts and uterus andlived for 16 years as a man. He and his longtime sweetheart, Shahzina Tariq,26, were married in September last year. Shahzina's father, Tariq Hussain,who had planned to sell her into marriage to another man to settle a familygambling debt, rejected the marriage and used police officers from theirhometown to harass the couple. Shumail and Shahzina sought and receivedprotection from the court but the father's harassment continued. With thehelp of a lawyer, the couple went to the High Court for help, at whichpoint, Shahzina's father informed the judge that Shumail was not a man.Judge, Khawaja Sharif ordered a medical examination, following which hecensured the couple for "lying" about Shumail's gender and consequently alsolying about the legality of their marriage (same-sex marriages are notallowed in Pakistan). On May 28, 2007, Shumail and Shahzina were eachsentenced to three years in prison and fined 10,000 rupees ($166).
On June 22, an appeal was filed by a Supreme Court lawyer, Babar Awan, whoargued that since Shumail had undergone gender re-assignment surgery and hisphysical characteristics conformed to social and cultural expectations ofmasculinity, there was no perjury. On June 28, the Supreme Court agreed tohear the case and ordered the couple released on bail set at 50,000 rupees($825) each.
Inside Higher Education
The Satisfaction Gap
Colleges that want to recruit new faculty talent talk frequently about thisnew policy or that — or about efforts to promote a certain environment foryoung scholars. But a study released Wednesday suggests that those policieshave had mixed effectiveness — and that the experience of junior facultymembers continues to vary based on gender and race.
White and male junior faculty members experience a better campus climatethan do their minority and female counterparts, according to the results ofa study of the views of 6,773 tenure-track faculty members at 77 four-yearcolleges and universities around the country. Those working at collegesgenerally experience a better climate than those working at universities,the survey also found. The study was conducted by the Collaborative onAcademic Careers in Higher Education, a research project based at theHarvard University Graduate School of Education. COACHE, as the project isknown, has become a leading source of information on how colleges canattract the next generation of professors and keep them happy — even astheir demographics and priorities may differ in key ways from their seniorcolleagues.
Cathy Trower, director of COACHE, said that the study pointed to theimportance of remembering the difference between establishing sound policies(which many institutions have done) and making sure that they are effectiveand working for everyone (which is more difficult). “A change in policy doesnot necessarily mean a change in practice or climate,” she said. In manycases, colleges that have adopted policies may need “to drill down” to thedepartment level to see why they are or aren’t working.
Express Gay News
Robinson still hopes to be included in international meeting
First openly gay Episcopal bishop hopes Anglicans can stay together
LONDON (AP) | Aug 1, 4:16 PM
The first openly gay Episcopal bishop, whose 2003 consecration has moved theAnglican fellowship to the brink of schism, says he remains hopefulAnglicans can stay together.
"I think we need each other," said New Hampshire Bishop V. Gene Robinson, inan interview with The Times of London, published July 27. "We need to learnand grow with the presence of each other. I think it would be a terribleloss to all of us."
The Episcopal Church is the U.S. province of the world Anglican Communion.Theological conservatives are demanding that the American church pledge bySept. 30 not to consecrate any more gay bishops or face losing fullmembership in the communion.
In an attempt to ease tensions, Robinson and Bishop Martyn Minns, who leadsa network of breakaway conservative Episcopal parishes, have not beeninvited to a once-a-decade gathering of the world's Anglican bishops. Themeeting, called the Lambeth Conference, is set for next year.
Express Gay News
Same-sex registry begins in Lawrence
Lawrence first city in Kansas to offer option for couples
LAWRENCE (AP) | Aug 1, 1:56 PM
The state's first domestic partnership registry goes into effect today,allowing same-sex couples living in this city to register in a state wherevoters rewrote the constitution two years ago to ban gay marriages.
City Clerk Frank Reeb said the registry, which also is open to unmarriedheterosexual couples, doesn't mean those signing up will enjoy any new legalrights. He said from 40 to 50 couples are expected to register either inperson or online.
"On the online registry, we ask them to acknowledge that this creates nolegal rights for them other than they will be in the city registry asdomestic partners," Reeb said.
Lori Messinger, a board member of the Lawrence-Douglas County chapter of theKansas Equality Coalition, said the registry will make it easier fordomestic partners to qualify for health insurance and other benefits fromemployers. More than half of the Fortune 500 companies extend some type ofbenefits to partners.
Companies extending such benefits often accept registration as proof of anongoing relationship and require more detailed documentation without it.
Express Gay News
Singapore bans photo exhibition on gays, lesbians kissing
Exhibition's organizers denied license
SINGAPORE (AP) | Aug 1, 11:22 AM
Singapore’s censors have banned an exhibition of photographs depicting gaymen and women kissing, a gay rights activist said Wednesday, calling theove "absurd."
The city-state’s Media Development Authority denied the exhibition’sorganizers a license on the grounds that the photographs "promote ahomosexual lifestyle," Alex Au, founder of a Singapore gay rights group,People Like Us, said.
The Media Development Authority had no immediate comment.
The exhibition, entitled "Kissing," is a selection of 80 posed shots ofsame-sex kissing between fully clothed models, said Au, who shot thephotographs.
"Kissing" was canceled after organizers received a letter from the mediaregulator on Monday saying it was rejecting their application for a licenseto hold the exhibition, Au said.
The exhibition was part of a two-week gay pride series of forums, filmscreenings, lectures and other events that was scheduled to start laterWednesday.
"It’s absurd to think that gay people do not also kiss, and thatrepresentation of such a reality would be subversive," Au said. "There is avery stereotypical representation of gays and lesbians as deviants and Ithink it is important to correct the stereotype."
Express Gay News
Hopeful sign from U.S. military
Michael Mullen, Bush's nominee for chair of the Joint Chiefs, has alreadyexceeded his predecessor, Gen. Peter Pace, as far as gay rights areconcerned.
During a Senate hearing Tuesday, Mullen, the chief of Naval operations, wasquestioned about the military's ban on gay personnel, according to PRNewswire.
Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) asked Mullen about his stance on "Don't Ask,Don't Tell." Collins has a moderate voting record and opposed the FederalMarriage Amendment.
Mullen said that he would implement the current law but also said that "[he]really think[s] it is for the American people to come forward, reallythrough this body, to both debate that policy and make changes, if that'sappropriate."
"I'd love to have Congress make its own decisions," he said on the repeal of"Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
In contrast, Pace told the Chicago Tribune that homosexuality is "immoral"and that he "believe[s] that homosexual acts between individuals areimmoral, and that we should not condone immoral acts."
Posted on Tue, Jul. 31, 2007
Domestic-partner benefit foes rally
By Megan Boehnke
Children holding signs that read "Marriage: God's Way" and senior citizensin wheelchairs with stickers demanding protection of marriage joined a crowdthat filled the Capitol Rotunda yesterday protesting domestic-partnerbenefits.
But those who urged lawmakers to take up a proposal that would bandomestic-partner benefits at state universities saw the measure die onlyhours later when the House and Senate adjourned the special session Gov.Ernie Fletcher called earlier this month.
Further, House Speaker Jody Richards, D-Bowling Green, said Democrats willnot return to Frankfort for an anticipated Aug. 13 special session ifFletcher puts any issue other than incentives for alternative fuel plants onthat session's agenda.
The Democratic-controlled House refused yesterday even to take possession offive bills, including a ban on domestic-partner benefits, which theRepublican-controlled Senate approved overwhelmingly earlier this month.
"I think the Democrats in the House are going to have a hard time explainingwhy they wouldn't even accept the bills," said Minority House Leader JeffHoover, R-Jamestown.
The hourlong rally, organized by the Family Foundation of Kentucky, came onthe same day Attorney General Greg Stumbo announced the University ofLouisville will comply with his June 1 opinion on the matter.
Denver Post
Texan picked to replace Ted Haggard
New Life committee tabs pastor after 8-month hunt
By John Ingold Denver Post Staff Writer
Article Last Updated: 08/01/2007 01:01:47 PM MDT
The committee charged with picking a candidate to replace the Rev. TedHaggard, ousted as the leader of New Life Church in Colorado Springs amidallegations of gay sex and drug use, has chosen a Texas pastor.
After eight months of searches and interviews, New Life's Pastoral SelectionCommittee chose the Rev. Brady Boyd, an associate senior pastor at GatewayChurch in Southlake, Texas, according to a message posted Tuesday night onNew Life's website from Lance Coles, New Life associate pastor.
"We believe his heart and vision align closely with the heart and vision ofNew Life Church," the message reads. "He has strong leadership gifts,significant experience and training in senior pastoral ministry, and apassion or teaching the Scriptures. He is a man of character, provenexperience and good reputation."
New York
Lesbian couple's lawyers reject athletic club's defense
8/1/2007 10:33:04 AM
By Janice Gregorson
Post-Bulletin, Rochester MN
Efforts by a Rochester athletic club to have a discrimination lawsuitdismissed should be rejected, according to the plaintiffs.
At issue is whether Amy and Sarah Monson of Rochester and their 11-year-olddaughter were discriminated against by the Rochester Athletic Club.
The Monsons, identified in court papers as lesbian women in a committedrelationship raising a child, filed the lawsuit earlier this year, allegingsexual orientation discrimination. The complaint alleges the Monsons triedto purchase a family membership at the club last year and were turned downbecause they are not legally married.
Named as defendants are the club and its owner, John D. Remick. Thedefendants have moved for summary judgment, saying their policy doesn'tviolate the state Human Rights Act, that the policy requires all couples tobe married under Minnesota law to qualify for a family membership.
Express Gay News
A ‘WIN’ning organization
Women In Network celebrates its 20th anniversary
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Twenty years ago, being a lesbian in South Florida was a completelydifferent experience than it is today.
“There wasn’t a place for women to go and be themselves,” said Women InNetwork President Flo Crea.
Women in Network, a networking and social group, was formed in 1987 toprovide a safe place for lesbians to come together and meet like-mindedladies. The group also promotes health education.
“Thousands of women have passed through these doors,” Crea said. “I have metsome of the finest women, and there have been close friendships, close ties,and some people met those they are spending the rest of their lives with.”
Two of WIN’s founding members met at a meeting and have been together 20years.
Don’t change what works
Crea said that WIN is a rare organization, because it has survived 20 yearsand hasn’t really changed too much.
The Miami Herald
Posted on Thu, Aug. 02, 2007
President Bush to veto $21 billion water bill
President Bush will veto a national water bill that includes nearly $2billion for Everglades restoration and other South Florida projects.
The White House spelled out its objections to the ''excessive'' $21 billionbill in a letter sent to four members of Congress that was obtained by TheNational Audubon Society.
Some congressional staffers think there are enough votes to do that, judgingby the sweeping 91-4 vote to approve it originally.
Florida lawmakers and environmentalists called the bill, which cleared acongressional negotiating committee this week, critical to getting stalledEverglades restoration efforts back on track. Federal funding for the $15billion project has dwindled since 2000, in part because previous waterbills have stalled in Congress since 2002.
The White House letter, signed by Budget Director Bob Portman and John PaulWoodley Jr., an assistant secretary of the Army who oversees the Corps ofEngineers, said the legislation would authorize ``excessive spending andprojects.''
The new water bill approves $5 billion more in civil works projects thaneither the initial House or Senate versions and is triple the Bushadministration's proposal.
The Corps, the letter said, already is backlogged with $38 billion inunfunded, long-delayed projects.
“Meet Your Congressman”
Congressman Ron Klein Hosts
Town Hall Meetings to Discuss Issues Important to You Ranging from Your
Insurance Premiums to
Your Health Care Costs
Date: Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Time: 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Place: Dixon Hall, 2220 NE 38th Street Lighthouse Point, FL 33064
Date: Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Time: 7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Place: Ft. Lauderdale City Hall Commission Chambers,100 North Andrews Ave.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
Please feel free to call our office if you have any questions or need directions (954) 522-4579
“Meet Your Congressman”
Congressman Ron Klein Hosts
Town Hall Meeting to Discuss Issues Important to You Ranging from Your
Insurance Premiums to
Your Health Care Costs
Date: Tuesday, August 16, 2007
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Place: FAU, Boca Raton Campus
Live Oak Pavilion A&B
777 Glades Road
Boca Raton, FL 33431-0991
Directions to FAU Live Oak Pavilion: Take I-95 to Glades Road. Go east on Glades Road to first entrance to FAU. Entrance is on north side of road and has a lighted marquee sign (NW 10th Ave). Make a right onto Volusia and the parking garage will be on your left (parking garage #1). From the garage, follow the overhang the Live Oak Pavilion which will be the building directly south from the garage on your left.
Please feel free to call our office if you have any questions or need directions (954) 522-4579
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