and we'll be happy to send the full article.
God's Warriors
Check out CNN's presentation of "God's Warriors" a 3-part presentation by Christiane Amanpour. We saw the second segment last night on Islam. Tonight's (Thursday) 2-hour report is on Christianity. The report on Judiasm was hown on Tuesday. Hopefully, CNN will rebroadcast the series. The focus is on religious fundamentalists and political activissm.
Mayor Says Gay Sex Is Public Health Issue
Naugle Focus Of Criticism From Gay Community
POSTED: 1:55 pm EDT August 21, 2007
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. -- Michael Rajnor listened Tuesday as Fort LauderdaleMayor Jim Naugle, members of HealthyPublicPlaces.com and members of thelocal clergy spoke on the steps of City Hall about the public health crisisin the city. Then he erupted.
"He should be serving the people," Rajnor said of the mayor. "He should bestanding up for people. He should be fighting for funds for housing, forsubstance abuse, for vocational training. Who the hell do you people thinkyou are?"
Rajnor, a member of the Campaign to End AIDS, directed his comments atNaugle and those who joined him at the outdoor news conference.
"This man has brought such disgrace to the Fort Lauderdale community and theworldwide AIDS community," Rajnor said.
Naugle, in discussing what he perceives as a public health crisis, saideight men have been arrested in two years for having sex in restrooms atpublic parks.
"The Broward County Health Department states that 74 percent of the new AIDScases in Broward County are MSM," Naugle said, referring to men having sexwith men.
"We want the homosexual community to know that we love them and that Godloves them also," the Rev. O'Neal Dozier said. "But God hates the act ofhomosexuality."
According to the health department, Broward County ranks first in the statefor new HIV cases involving men having sex with other men, but thestatistics are not narrowed down city by city.
"To have African-American members stand there while this mayor hasdisregarded the Sistrunk community in funding and not made certaininitiatives go forth to help the African-American community, they'rehypocrites to use the Bible," Rajnor said.
Naugle, who is in his final term as mayor, has been criticized ever since heproposed spending $250,000 on robotic toilets in the bathrooms at city-ownedpublic parks because he said it would discourage sexual activity inside abathroom stall. The toilet has a door that automatically opens after aperiod of time.
"I should have a button on my shirt, probably, (that says) 'politicalcorrectness' with a slash through it," Naugle said.
His critics, though, claim the mayor is on a religious crusade.
Michael Mayo column: Gay mayor urges Naugle to 'dust the cobwebs off'
Michael Mayo
News Columnist
August 23, 2007
We interrupt the mayor of Fort Lauderdale's latest publicity-seeking,gay-baiting news conference to bring you this word from the mayor of OaklandPark.
"He should think a little bit more before he speaks," Larry Gierer saidabout Jim Naugle, his mayoral neighbor to the south. "But the scary part is,maybe he is thinking."
I figured it was time to give a microphone to another voice, because heavenknows I'm tired of Naugle's.
Who better than Gierer, the openly gay mayor of Oakland Park?
"Let me start by saying that I'm truly a happy homosexual," Gierer saidWednesday, taking a dig at Naugle's comment that he doesn't call homosexualsgay because "most are unhappy." "And not only that, I'm a happy homosexualwho is HIV-positive. So he really slaps me upside the head."
Lauderdale Mayor Naugle must end anti-gay vendetta
August 23, 2007
Mayor Naugle just won't let go of his vendetta against the gay community.
As the mother of a gay son who died of AIDS, I am well aware of the ravagesof this devastating disease. In the 1990s, I was a Project AIDS Care casemanager in Broward County. We had many heterosexual patients, especiallywomen. AIDS is not only a "gay disease."
Mayor Naugle should focus on crime and other significant problems and leaveAIDS to the medical professionals.
How did Fort Lauderdale elect this bigoted man for mayor of such a diversecommunity?
Jane Brownley
Lauderdale- By-The-Sea
[al-fatiha-news] Nigerian Court Tries 18 for Cross-dressing
August 22, 2007 - From Reuters
By Estelle Shirbon
BAUCHI, Nigeria (Reuters) - Eighteen Nigerian men accused of dressingup as women during a party at a hotel went on trial Tuesday before anIslamic sharia court in the northern state of Bauchi.
Dozens of residents shouted abuse and hurled stones at the men as theywere escorted into an armored prison vehicle after the hearing,prompting police to fire tear-gas at the crowd.
The men, mostly in their 20s, were arrested in a Bauchi hotel onAugust 4. Police say they were dressed as women, which is illegalunder the state's sharia penal code.
The offence is punishable by up to a year in prison and 20 lashes by cane.
The accused, who tried to hide their faces as they were jeered ontheir way in and out of court, deny the charge. One of them toldReuters they went to the hotel for a graduation party.
Muhammad Bununu of the Hisbah Commission, a body charged withenforcing sharia law in the state, told reporters the accused were"addressing each other as women and dressing themselves as women."
"They said they went to the hotel to witness a wedding between a maleand a male," he said.
The police brought handbags and suitcases containing women's high-heelshoes and clothing to the court as evidence.
The 18 are not formally charged with homosexuality, which is illegalin Nigeria and considered immoral by the vast majority of people, bothMuslims and Christians.
Bauchi is one of 12 states in the predominantly Muslim north thatstarted a stricter enforcement of sharia law in 2000 -- a decisionthat alienated sizeable Christian minorities and sparked bouts ofsectarian violence that killed thousands.
Sharia courts have been active for centuries but under Britishcolonial rule their powers were curtailed. In the 12 states, theyregained the right to impose strict punishments such as death foradultery or sodomy and amputation for theft.
Only one man, a convicted murderer hanged in 2002, is known to havebeen executed under sharia law since it was reinforced in the 12 states.
Nigerian media had originally reported that the 18 men arrested inBauchi were charged with sodomy and facing death by stoning, raisingconcerns among human rights groups who sent observers to Tuesday'shearings.
But Bununu said the reports were incorrect.
Judge Tanimu Abubakar adjourned the case until September 13 to allowtime for a Bauchi state prosecutor who is taking over from the policeto familiarize himself with the evidence.
Florida investigators can't gain access to former U.S. Rep. Mark Foley'scomputers
The Associated Press
August 23, 2007
WEST PALM BEACH Florida's top police agency said Wednesday itsinvestigation into former U.S. Rep. Mark Foley's lurid Internetcommunications with teenage boys has been hindered because neither Foley northe House of Representatives will let investigators examine hiscongressional computers.
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement says it hopes to conclude itsinvestigation next week. Foley resigned from Congress on Sept. 29 afterbeing confronted with the computer messages he sent to male teenage pageswho had worked on Capitol Hill.
"We have requested to review federally owned computers that Mr. Foley usedduring his time as a representative, but the U.S. House of Representatives... cited case law restrictions that prohibited them from releasing thosecomputers," said Heather Smith, an FDLE spokeswoman.
Smith said that the House claims the computers are considered congressionalwork papers, and that only Foley can release them for review.
A federal appeals court ruled this month that the U.S. Justice Departmentviolated the Constitution in its 2006 raid of the office of Rep. WilliamJefferson, D-La. The FBI crossed the line when it viewed every record in theoffice without allowing Jefferson to argue that some involved legislativebusiness, the court ruled.
Naugle's Comments May Hurt Gay Tourism
Art Barron
(CBS4) FT. LAUDERDALE Mayor Jim Naugle admitted he's thrown politicalcorrectness out the door when it comes to dealing with gay men and publicsex in Ft. Lauderdale bathrooms, making it a full out war of words betweenhim and gay activists. Many business owners are now wondering what theeconomic impact may be if the city loses gay visitors.
Millions of dollars pour into the area every year because of gay tourism.Considered one of the most gay-friendly cities in the U.S., with a heavypresence of gay-friendly night clubs, hotels and beaches, many businessowners depend on these visitors.
CBS4's Art Barron spoke to business owners who are concerned.
"The Rainbow Coalition is really worried about it," said Ron Haselton of theDunes Resort. "They're just trying to go to other states through email andsay 'please try not to discourage other people from coming to our city.'"
Other business owners have contacted friends abroad who reassured them theywill continue to visit the city, despite the current controversy.
Same-sex pension benefits won for ILWU members
By Josh Richman
San Jose Mercury News
Article Launched:08/23/2007 01:36:08 AM PDT
Marvin Burrows of Hayward simply wanted what he believed his late partner of51 years had left him, but by pursuing it, he apparently has won new rightsfor about 5,500 union members and retirees across Northern California.
Burrows, 71, has fought for pension benefits left by his partner, BillSwenor, since Swenor's death in March 2005 at age 66. Last week,International Longshore and Warehouse Union locals 6 and 17 - based inOakland and West Sacramento, respectively - announced they had renegotiatedtheir contracts to grant pension benefits to domestic partners, and made thechange retroactive to include Burrows.
"Our union's motto is, `An injury to one is an injury to all,' and wedefinitely feel that applies in this case," ILWU spokesman John Showaltersaid Wednesday, adding that the union was proud to have worked with theNational Center for Lesbian Rights to address Burrows' case.
The San Francisco-based rights center went to bat for Burrows in July 2005after the Emeryville-based Industrial Employers and DistributionsAssociation - representing more than 150 public- and private-sectoremployers in their labor relations - twice rejected his claims for Swenor'spension benefits, citing that federal law doesn't recognize same-sex couplesas spouses.
But Showalter said Burrows' case inspired the ILWU locals to renegotiatetheir pact with IEDA so Burrows and others in his situation aren't left inthe lurch.
Lottery money for older LGBT outreach work
23rd August 2007 12:30
PinkNews.co.uk writer
The charity Age Concern has been awarded a £390,000 grant to help improveservices in London for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people over55.
The Big Lottery Fund award will pay for two full-time development staff whowill work in the Westminster, Hackney, Islington, Camden and Kensington andChelsea boroughs.
Age Concern has carried out in-depth research into the needs of older LGBTpeople.
A resource pack was launched last year to help those working in care homesand extra-care housing support older LGBT people.
A recent study by the charity found that older lesbian, gay, bisexual andtrans people can have more difficulty accessing community services.
August 23, 2007
Russians can't get enough of shirtless Putin pix
When he flexes Russia's diplomatic and military muscle, President VladimirPutin always makes headlines.
But few could have predicted the squall of gossip and speculation that wouldfollow after Putin stripped off his shirt for the cameras while on holidaywith Prince Albert II of Monaco in the Siberian mountains last week.
The resulting images of the presidential abs, prominently enshrined on thepresidential Web site, inspired admiration, criticism, and some racingpulses among his admirers.
The Russian media still can't get enough.
The mass-market tabloid Komsomolskaya Pravda on Wednesday published a hugecolor photo of the bare-chested president under the headline ''Be LikePutin.'' Its excuse? A guide showing exactly what exercises were required tobuild up a torso like that of the Russian leader.
August 23, 2007
S.C. prisons leader backs pink penalty
South Carolina's prisons director on Tuesday defended a policy of punishinginmates who perform sex acts by dressing them in pink, despite a lawsuitclaiming the rule subjects prisoners to ridicule.
John Ozmint of the South Carolina Department of Corrections said that thetwo-year-old punishment deters inmates and protects officers. His agency hasasked a federal judge to dismiss the lawsuit.
''We don't believe the United States Constitution protects an inmate's rightto publicly gratify himself,'' Ozmint said. ''We're hopeful federal courtswon't look into our Constitution and create such a right.''
Inmate Sherone Nealous, 31, filed the lawsuit in June 2006, claiming thecorrections department ''is placing inmates' lives and physical well-beingin danger.''
''The color 'pink' in an all-male environment no doubt causes derision andverbal and physical attacks on a person's manhood. This policy also givescorrectional officers an easy avenue to label an inmate,'' Nealous, who isserving a 10-year sentence for assault and battery with intent to kill,wrote in his lawsuit.
August 23, 2007
L.A. mayor announces new fire chief, hoping to end culture of discrimination
Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, hoping to eradicate what criticshave called a culture of discrimination, hazing, and sexism, announcedTuesday that he has named a 32-year veteran of the Los Angeles FireDepartment to serve as the city's first black fire chief.
Douglas L. Barry, who has been the interim chief since January, hadinitially rejected the full-time position but said Tuesday he changed hismind because there was still work to be done.
''The mission we have undertaken is not yet complete,'' Barry said. ''I feelmuch has been accomplished and now is not the time to break the momentum ofchange being embraced by the department.''
Former chief William Bamattre was forced to retire last year amidaccusations that he had failed to root out hazing and harassment during adecade on the job.
Harassment and discrimination cases filed by LAFD employees have costtaxpayers nearly $15 million since 2005, including a record $6.2 millionjudgment last month to Brenda Lee, a black lesbian firefighter who said shewas taunted and retaliated against for complaining.
August 23, 2007
HRC urges gays to come out to spread awareness
The Human Rights Campaign is asking you to "Talk About It." That's the themefor this year's National Coming Out Day. The notion stems from a poll thatrevealed that 72% of people in America know someone who is gay, lesbian,bisexual, or transgender, compared with just 11% in 1987.
This year's National Coming Out Day, on October 11, also falls on the 20thanniversary of the Gay and Lesbian March on Washington, when the AIDS Quiltwas displayed on the National Mall.
Mark Shields, director of HRC's Coming Out Project, said in a statement thatwhen the march first took place, coming out was a matter of life and death."In many ways, we have come a very long way in a relatively short time, andyet that lesson still resonates deeply today. Coming out and living openlyis the most important thing that gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, andstraight supportive Americans can do to build lasting understanding andequality." (The Advocate)
August 23, 2007
Gay Latina leader Yolanda Retter Vargas dies
Yolanda Retter Vargas, a pioneer of gay and Latino causes, succumbed tocancer at her Los Angeles home Saturday.
Vargas was an activist and scholar who advocated for lesbians of color. Bornin Connecticut, raised in El Salvador, Vargas was a founding member ofLesbianas LatinaAmericas in 1974. She was integral to the creation of manyother groups that fought for gay women of color.
For the past four years Vargas worked as head librarian and archivist at theChicano Studies Research Center at the University of California, LosAngeles. She also was an editor and contributor on numerous gay historybooks, including 1997's Lambda Literary Award-winner Queers in Space:Communities, Public Places, Sites of Resistance. In the late '80s and early'90s, Vargas ran the Los Angeles Public Library Chicano Resource Collection.
A memorial to her life is planned for September 29 at West Hollywood'sMetropolitan Community Church. (The Advocate)
August 23, 2007
Organizations file briefs for Calif. same-sex marriage court cases
Four civil rights groups filed briefs with the California supreme court lastweek, arguing that the state violates its own constitution by denyingsame-sex couples the right to marry. The American Civil Liberties Union,Equality California, the National Center for Lesbian Rights, and LambdaLegal filed the briefs for the coordinated marriage cases now before thecourt in response to the state's defense of the discriminatory law.
Appellants in earlier cases asserted that same-sex couples do not have theright to marry under due process of the law because marriage, by definition,is between a man and a woman. The brief argues that the state's prohibitionof same-sex marriage infringes on basic rights and discriminates on thebasis of sexual orientation and gender.
Another argument that the brief counters is the presumption that marriage isintended for procreation. However, the groups state that the elderly,infertile people, or those who cannot procreate have the right to marry aslong as they are heterosexual, but gays and lesbians do not.
The court agreed to hear the case in 2006 after the state's court of appealreversed a decision by a San Francisco superior court judge who ruled thatbanning same-sex marriage was unconstitutional.
Lambda Legal senior counsel Jennifer Pizer said in a statement that anythingless than marriage is a "confusing twilight zone" for gay and lesbiancouples. "We know this because we answer the distress calls every day-callsthat began with the first statewide domestic partner bill in 1999 and haven'tslowed as the law broadened over the years. To the contrary, the distresscalls have increased as more couples register, hoping to shield theirfamilies, and encounter inconsistent, incomplete protections. We've welcomedthe supreme court's invitation to explain how far domestic partnerships fallshort of full marriage."
August 23, 2007
New poll puts Clinton further ahead of Edwards, Obama in Iowa
Sen. Hillary Clinton seems to be gaining steam in Iowa. A new NewsMax/Zogbypoll found Clinton pulling ahead of her rivals there with 30% support,versus 23% for John Edwards and 19% for Sen. Barack Obama.
The survey, which has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.5 percentagepoints and was conducted August 17-19, painted a slightly more decisivepicture than an ABC News-Washington Post survey that put Clinton at 27% withObama and Edwards tied at 26% each. That poll was conducted July 26-31 andhad a four-point margin of error.
The latest NewsMax/Zogby poll found that Clinton added six points to hercolumn since the last poll they conducted in May put Edwards in the lead at26% followed by Clinton with 24% and Obama with 22%.
Clinton also expanded her lead among women in Iowa-a key demographic forher-to 35%, while Obama gets 19% and Edwards garners 17%. (The Advocate)
August 23, 2007
California bill simplifies state tax filing for domestic partners
The California assembly tax committee passed legislation Monday by a vote of5-3 that would simplify state income tax filing for registered domesticpartners.
The Domestic Partners Joint Income Tax Filing Implementation Bill wasauthored by Sen. Carole Migden, a San Francisco Democrat, and sponsored byLGBT advocacy group Equality California. The changes will begin with filingfor the 2007 fiscal year, according to an Equality California press release.The measure passed the state senate in May with a 37-2 vote and will next beheard by the state assembly's appropriations committee.
"Despite the differences between state and federal tax laws, domesticpartners in California will be able to file their 2007 income taxes nextyear with few headaches," Migden said in the statement. "All Californiafamilies deserve to be treated with dignity and respect under law. Inachieving equality for state income tax purposes, we give same-sex couplesthe added benefit of saving money on their tax bills." (The Advocate)
August 23, 2007
Answers sought in trans detainee's death
As immigration emerges as an issue in the 2008 presidential campaign, thedeath last month of a Mexican transgender woman in federal custody hassparked outrage among LGBT and immigrant activists.
Victoria Arellano, 23, died July 20 in the intensive care unit of a hospitalin Los Angeles's San Pedro district. U.S. Immigration and CustomsEnforcement officials detained the undocumented immigrant in May after sheentered the country for the second time.
Arellano's death was the first of three at ICE detention facilities acrossthe country in recent weeks, The Washington Post reported.
Arellano's family and the Latino advocacy group Bienestar plan a vigilMonday in Los Angeles. Her death and the movement's overall response to itreflect the broader immigration debate among LGBT activists at the local,state, and national levels.
Arellano, who was HIV-positive, first came to the United States as a child,the Los Angeles Daily Journal reported. She had worked at a West Hollywoodsupermarket and volunteered at a Hollywood drug and alcohol abuse treatmentfacility.
Straight talk
Christopher Rice sits down with straight pal Gregg Hurwitz to discuss the
best-selling novelist's penchant for gay characters
An Advocate.com exclusive posted August 20, 2007
The July release of The Crime Writer by Gregg Hurwitz was met with ravereviews and glowing endorsements from such mystery-writing legends as RobertCrais and Mystic River author Dennis Lehane, who called it "a quantum leapforward in the realm of American suspense literature." But this anticipatednovel from one of the most critically acclaimed mainstream thriller writersalso features an unabashedly gay character, whose impact on a novel marketedto the mainstream remains to be seen.
You introduce the gay character in a startling way. Your protagonist, DrewDanner, has been accused of murdering his ex-girlfriend while in a blackouttriggered by a brain tumor he didn't even know he had. Everyone he meets iseither treating him like a killer or a wounded victim. Then Preston-the gaycharacter-shows up and literally rips the drapes off his windows and tellshim to stop acting like a baby and get on with his life. This is a far cryfrom the gay male "girlfriend" we see in so many romantic comedies.
You're right. I wanted to cross a line with him. Preston isn't your veragestereotypical or politically correct gay character. On the one hand he's not
a pantywaist, and on the other he's not kind and sensitive. He doesn't runan rphanage. And he's not in a comfortingly long-term relationship with apartner who works in social services. He's an irreverent shit. I have agreat many gay friends, and the thing I gravitate toward in them is theirirreverence. In terms of humor, nothing is off-limits. I hate thatgeneralization: "My gay friends are all so clever." But in my case, my gayfriends and I arrive at an unvarnished truth a lot quicker then I do with myother friends. That's something I used in crafting the relationship betweenDrew and Preston in the novel.
So if it's irreverence that draws you to your gay friends, what do you thinkit is that draws them to you?
Developer's woes revamp GLCC project Plans for new gay center to move forward without financially troubledTarragon
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Attempting to ensure that construction plans for a new Gay & LesbianCommunity Center of South Florida are completed, the center's executivestaff and board members are renegotiating the GLCC's contract with nationaldevelopment firm Tarragon Corp. GLCC leaders say they will move forward withthe construction project without the financially troubled developer.
According to an Aug. 9 financial statement issued to Tarragon stockholders,the company is facing liquidation, if not bankruptcy, after an abysmalperformance sent its stock reeling. In recent weeks, the company's stockshave fallen from $12 a share to as low as 51 cents a share.
New York-based Tarragon, owner of the building where the GLCC now operates,agreed to construct a new community center across the street from the GLCC'sAndrews Avenue campus. The developer purchased the property and threesurrounding lots in a controversial $2.2 million deal just over two yearsago.
But according to GLCC leaders, that deal will change.
"What's going to happen is the GLCC will build its new building," said PaulHyman, executive director of the center, in an interview on Aug. 20. "We'renot going to build a building with [Tarragon] anymore; we're going to buildit without them."
Clinton trounces rivals in survey of gay donors
Small group of activists, celebrities contributing early in race
Aug. 23, 2007
An informal Express survey of gay and lesbian activists and celebrities whohave made contributions to candidates running for president in 2008 showsthat Democratic Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York received the lion'sshare of their money.
Among a sample of 35 gay contributors, including gay movie director BryanSinger, Clinton received contributions from 18 of them, totaling $50,750.
Coming in a distant second behind Clinton was Democratic Sen. Barack Obamaof Illinois, who received contributions from six of the gay activists orcelebrities totaling $10,300.
Republican Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York, came in third, with$9,400 from four donors.
The non-scientific survey was conducted by entering the names of 140prominent gay activist leaders and a dozen gay or lesbian entertainment orbusiness figures into the Federal Election Commission's database forindividual contributors to candidates running for president.
Civil union supporters lead White House race
Polls: Democrats would win if election held today
Thursday, August 23, 2007
In the long and crowded race for the White House, candidates who supportcivil unions are pulling ahead.
New polls by Rasmussen Reports, Quinnipiac University and others show civilunion supporters Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, Sen. Barack Obamaof Illinois and former Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina, all Democrats,would beat their Republican rivals if the election were held today.
Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese said the trend shows Americais ready for change.
"The American people are moving in the direction of full equality," he said."I think there's an expectation that we're going to have a president who ismoving in that direction as well."
Clinton, in a poll of 800 likely voters done Aug. 15-16 by Rasmussen, beatSen. John McCain of Arizona by two points and former Massachusetts Gov. MittRomney by 11 points. Neither GOP candidate supports civil unions.
Young Dems elect 2 gays as top leaders
Hardt, Anderson first to run openly and win
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Two openly gay men have been elected to lead the Young Democrats of Americafor the first time in the group's history. The elections occurred at thegroup's national convention in Dallas July 21.
David Hardt, 31, from Dallas, and running mate Chris Anderson, 27, fromChattanooga, Tenn., were elected president and executive vice presidentrespectively by an overwhelming margin of 93 percent.
"Early on I didn't realize it was that big of a deal," Hardt said. "Thisjust shows that party is a true indicator, that people don't see the GLBTissue as a factor. We can lead the organization without any negative impact."
Kyle Bailey, a board member of the National Stonewall Democrats and vicechair of the Young Democrats' GLBT Caucus, said the Young Democrats have hadgay leaders before, but they came out publicly after being elected. Theelection of Hardt and Andersons is significant because they were out longbefore they hit the campaign trail, he said.
"The Young Democrats have a large number of LGBT people," he said. "We are100 percent for equality, including marriage equality. Their election sendsa signal to our party that there needs to be more inclusion. We have movedin that direction and this is what the Democratic National Committee willlook like in 20 years."
Building a house from the roof down
Gay rights leaders are taking a backward approach to the fight
Thursday, August 23, 2007
N AUG. 9, THE Human Rights Campaign and the Logo TV network hosted what wasbilled as the "first GLBT forum" for the Democratic candidates. "Forum?"What I saw that night looked more like gays and lesbians questioning thecandidates on one thing and one thing only: marriage.
Yes, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act was mentioned, as was "Don't Ask,Don't Tell," the hate crimes bill, HIV, immigration, medicinal marijuana andthe bark beetle. But, all combined, the time spent on those issues wasn'tanywhere near the time the panel spent badgering the candidates about thedifference between marriage and civil unions.
I quickly noticed the lack of important transgender issues asked by thepanel. I figured that Melissa Etheridge wouldn't ask any trans-relatedquestions and Jonathan Capehart has actually written articles stating thattransgender people shouldn't be included in any legislation. I did hold outhope that Joe Solmonese would ask some tough trans-related question, butthat vanished when he asked John Edwards the one and only "T" question inthis "GLBT forum."
Solmonese asked Edwards what he would say if one of his staff members cameto him and stated they wanted to transition. What did he think Edwards wouldsay? "I'd kick them out?" Even most Republicans would have answered thequestion the same way Edwards did. It's wonderful to see that transgenderpeople have finally reached the level of warranting the same amount ofseriousness as the New Mexican bark beetle.
I get the impression that when it comes to working for our rights, somegroups want to jump ahead in the process. If efforts and money were put tobear on passing the most acceptable of equal rights legislation first, thenon up, each following effort would be easier because of the successes thatpreceded it.
Death of a gay rights pioneer
Gary Steinsmith's passing marks end of the era of early Broward activism
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Few who read this today will recall the time when the birth of the gayrights movement truly took shape here in Broward County. Groups would formand mutter about things like equal rights and nondiscrimination. It was evena time before women began to insist on being called lesbians because the gaymoniker was supposedly a male concoction. The setting was 1990 and the maincharacters of this local movement were Brad Buchman, Jamie Bloodworth, TomBradshaw, Alan Terl and Gary Steinsmith.
I write about this moment in time because every single one of these peoplehave now died, with Gary being the last, having succumbed to complicationsfrom HIV just last week. In fact, that is how all the others died as well,except for Jamie, who died of an aneurysm during a routine surgery. Garyrepresented the last of this generation of local activists who were thefirst to take on the challenge of enacting a law to prohibit discriminationbased on sexual orientation.
They were a motley bunch, all from different backgrounds, sportingdifferent styles, expressing different demeanors. I wasn't reallypolitically active at the time, so I don't really know how they all came toknow one another or who called their first meeting. Maybe Bev Cothern, Jamie's partner, might recall. Otherwise, a lot of us at the time were pretty happyjust rollicking in the good times Fort Lauderdale had to offer, withBackstreet, the Copa and other party places in full swing.
It was in 1990 that this group, which later became known as United Citizensfor Human Rights, mustered together the countywide referendum to enact sucha law, because back then, it could only be accomplishedby referendum and not by a County Commission vote.
We have then State Rep.
Steve Ferren [need to confirm] who successfully introduced the state bill toallow it so. The referendum managed to get about 41 percent ofthe vote, and this despite the outrageous fear campaign put on by thereligious right. It would put to shame Mayor Naugle's bathroom fantasies.Then, in 1995, the County Commission voted to amend the Human RightsOrdinance, and sexual orientation became a protected class.
The names that I mentioned - Buchman, Bloodworth, etc. - will need to beenshrined somewhere. I remember Brad being the darling of the group, a20-something, bright, articulate spokesperson. Tom and Gary were the morecantankerous, with it often taking Jamie's sweet Southern ways to charm theminto quiescence. Alan, well, Alan was the guy who drew me into this stuff,though two totally dissimilar people you would never meet. He would call meup to say I should be at this meeting or come as his guest to somefunction - maybe he had romantic intentions, I was just flattered by hisinsistence. I soon became a regular, to the point where I was asked to takeGary's place on the board because he was apparently too difficult to getalong with the other board members.
Even still, Gary never resented me, or if he did, not for long. We becamegreat friends, and I was a strong supporter of his effort to becomepresident of the Dolphin Democratic Club. You see Gary was irrepressible. Hewas a stockbroker who cut his teeth in the trading pits. He needed to lead,he needed to fight, which was probably why he was "banned for life" fromanother activist organization back then called GUARD (Gays United AgainstRepression and Discrimination).
So the Dolphins organization was his next roost, and he took the group to alevel it never before had been able to achieve. Regular attendance at themonthly meetings went from a handful to the numbers you see today. Hestructured it, and he made it an institution. Local politicians flocked tothe meetings because he made it look like the Dolphins club was where theaction was. The newsletter read like the Daily News. I guess you can nevertake the New York out of a New Yorker.
Gary was inspiring. His activism turned to statesmanship, and it was he whocoined the admonition that the gay community would "never again accept tablescraps" from political leaders as he banged the podium that one night at anannual benefit.
Jamie once told me that before Gary, the Dolphins used to host regularawards benefits, but nobody would come. Gary packed the house. He knew theformula to entice the politicians. He ignited the passions within people tomake them want to be counted.
These people are now gone, but the results of their efforts remain, and wehave built upon them. The others they encouraged, the tone they set, theaccomplishments they achieved should not be lost as these things often arewhen time and events erase their separate identities.
Today, we are faced with new challenges if not threats to our rights. Wehold meetings, send out press releases and, guess what, new people with newideas and new approaches step forward once again. The cycle renews ourspirit and reaffirms our strength as a community. We may have lost ourleaders, but never our sense of purpose.
http://www.365gay.com/opinion/besen/besen.htmPutting Lies To The Test
by Wayne Besen
Last week, I wrote about Warren "Dr. Blog" Throckmorton an unlicensedpsychologist from a small Christian school in Pennsylvania. He has writtenno books, produced no noteworthy studies and his main claim to fame is hisonline diary, where he kvetches about real researchers who have actuallystepped foot in the lab.
On August 17, at the American Psychological Association's annual meeting inSan Francisco, Dr. Blog unveiled his new creation, "Sexual IdentityTherapy." In this bizarre paradigm, sexual attractions no longer matter.According to SIT, a man could lust after shirtless dudes in hot pants andhave no attraction to women, but could still identify as "straight." We usedto call this denial, but a few acquisitive quacks have figured out there ismoney to be made off conflicted clients by reassuring them that denial ishealthy, if it keeps them holy.
The theory behind SIT is that sexuality is a "construct" that can be alteredand aligned with religious beliefs. Of course, there is no evidence tosupport this view, while there are countless examples that such repressioncan be harmful. In Throckmorton's presentation he called this surrealprocess "synthesized sexual identity." Yeah, this sounds about as natural asplastic or polyester, doesn't it?
As irrational and incoherent as Throckmorton's theories are, he has joined acoalition of right wing activist organizations to try to force the APA intoendorsing such quackery. It is doubtful that they will get their way, butthe real goal is to bash the APA, hoping to diminish the group's authority.
In yet another effort to push this insidious political agenda, Ex-Gay Watchreported that later this year ex-gay organizations would unveil a new studyby Dr. Stanton Jones, Provost of Wheaton College. According to Ex-Gay Watch,the report, known by anti-gay activists as "The Thomas Project," is a 5-yearstudy of Exodus Ministries and likely consists of questions asked once ayear by telephone. There are also unconfirmed reports that the study has asample of as few as 100 to 150 participants. This is surprising consideringExodus claims to represent "hundreds of thousands" of ex-gays.
Clothing Optional Civil Unions?
by The Associated Press
Posted: August 22, 2007 - 5:00 pm ET
(Brattleboro, Vermont) Vermont's clothing-optional capital is stripping offits temporary ban on public nudity.
A month after passing the temporary ban, the Brattleboro Selectboard voted3-2 on Tuesday to reject a proposed ordinance that would have made itpermanent.
When the emergency temporary ordinance expires next month, public nuditywill no longer be illegal.
It's all about tolerance, one board member said.
"We in this country are going down a slippery slope these days," said DoraBouboulis, noting a national newspaper recently published an article aboutthe emergency ordinance under the headline "Tolerant town gets intolerant."
Cop Busted In Hustler Sting
by 365Gay.com Newscenter Staff
Posted: August 22, 2007 - 5:00 pm ET
(Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) When police began a sting operation to catchsuspected prostitutes they had no idea they would be arresting one of theirown.
Levi Gibbon Jr, a part-time police officer with Newport Township innortheastern Pennsylvania, has been charged with prostitution.
An informant told the state police Organized Crime Unit about a man workingas a hustler and an undercover officer set up a date to meet the man at alocal motel.
The criminal complaint against Gibbon, 40, says that he discussed varioussex acts with the undercover officer and the fees involved.
The officer allegedly accepted $200 and began to undress.
Group To Out Signers Of Anti-Gay Oregon Petition
by 365Gay.com Newscenter Staff
Posted: August 22, 2007 - 5:00 pm ET
(Portland, Oregon) People who sign petitions seeking to put measuresrepealing two LGBT civil rights laws on next November's ballot are about tobe outed.
A newly formed group is planning to put the names and addresses on anational Web site. The names, once submitted to the state, are publicproperty.
Conservative groups are trying to collect enough names to have the two lawsput to voters. They need to collect the signatures of 55,179 registeredvoters within 90 days of the adjournment of the Legislature. The deadline isin about a month.
One of the laws the groups seek to overturn is a partnership law that grantsrights, responsibilities and protections afforded to other Oregon couplesand their families currently only available through a marriage contract inOregon. It would be open to both same and opposite-sex couples.
The other law would amend the state's non-discrimination laws to rohibitdiscrimination based on sexual orientation in housing, employment, ublicaccommodation, education and public services statewide.
Televangelist Couple In Atlanta Brawl
by The Associated Press
Posted: August 23, 2007 - 9:00 am ET
(Atlanta, Georgia) Police said Juanita Bynum, a televangelist who has won anational following with sermons about women's empowerment, was assaulted byher preacher husband in the parking lot of an Atlanta hotel early Wednesday.
Bynum and her estranged husband, Thomas W. Weeks III, the founder of GlobalDestiny churches, met at Renaissance Concourse Hotel near Atlanta's airportto try to reconcile, police said.
About 4 a.m., they fought in the parking lot until a hotel bellman pulledWeeks off, Officer Ronald Campbell said.
"She was bruised up and battered," Campbell said. "She had purple bruisingaround her neck and upper torso."
No charges had been filed by Wednesday night against Weeks, who left thescene accordign to police.
Ray's Note:
Peter LaBarbera and his right-wing activists don't like to be challengedwhen they spew their garbage about gays! His take on Michael Rajner'schallenge to Ft. Lauderdale's mayor and professional anti-gay, JanetFolger follows:
Michael Rajner, Anti-First Amendment Bully, Shouts Down Speaker at NauglePress Conference
For Michael Rajner, tolerance is a one-way street.
By Peter LaBarbera
If an honest historian ever writes an objective history of homosexualactivism in America, he or she will have to document many incidents of thesort witnessed (and enabled) by reporters in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida onTuesday.
At the press conference in support of Mayor Jim Naugle's opposition tomale-on-male "public sex," HIV-infected Michael Rajner of the "Campaign toEnd AIDS" (or was that the "Coalition to End Others' Free Speech Rights"?)decided he didn't like what pro-family advocate Janet Folger of Faith2Actionwas saying in support of Naugle.
So Rajner did what radical homosexual activists have done for years (thinkway back to Anita Bryant getting a pie in the face .): he began shoutingover Folger, who was speaking at the microphone, drowning out her messageand disrupting the Mayor's press conference. (He even accused Folger of"demonizing AIDS!") The media didn't seem to protest.
You can watch it all on this Sun-Sentinel website - just click on the thirdvideo on the right, the one innocuously titled, "Mayor Naugle's latest pressconference turns heated." (The video could have been titled, "Homosexualactivists shouts down speaker at press conference.")
Memo to Michael Rajner: next time just call your own press conference.If Rajner's self-important outburst wasn't bad enough, the Sun-Sentinel thenproceeded to reward him for for it. The liberal newspaper gave its camera toRajner for a one-on-one web-video "reaction" to the Naugle press conference.You can view Rajner's cliche-ridden rant against Naugle and his supporterson the same Sun-Sentinel website (the second video down on the right),"Reaction to Mayor Naugle's press conference."
Nothing like creating an incentive for intolerance. Now try to imagine theSun-Sentinel or any liberal media being similarly solicitous of aconservative activist who shouted down a "gay" speaker. Right. It's time forthe media to return to some semblance of objectivity, and to stop coddlingspoiled "gay" activists who do not understand, or simply refuse to abide by,the rules of fair play and civil discourse.
Wilton Manors
The M Project
Hi guys, don't forget our core group meeting is tomorrow at 7:00 p.m
The M house provides you with a laid back and comfortable environment tospeak your mind about everything that is affecting you as a young gay or bisexual guy!
Coming out of the closet? BE PROUD!
Concerned about the family and your gay life? WE GUIDE YOU!
You just met the man of your dreams but he is HIV positive? WE CAN ADVISEYOU!
Your boyfriend doesn't want to use condoms and you are not sure about it? WESUPPORT YOU!
Want to learn more about risky behavior? WE TEACH YOU!
Dealing with party drugs abuse? WE CAN HELP!
Looking for friends and support? WE ARE HERE WAITING FOR YOU!!
WHERE: The M House
2645 N Andrews Ave , Wilton Manors, FL 33311
WHEN: Tomorrow Thursday
TIME: 7:00 TO 9:00 P.M.
Gay Vs Straight Porn, also has the industry become too apart of ourcultures.
(Share all the information you have about it )
LOTS OF LAUGHS AND FUN!!!!!!!! See you there.
This is a walk-in event but we encourage you to call and RSVP at954-618-0736
Email us to 954guys@gmail.com http://www.myspace.com/m954guys
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
Update in Cincinnati election fraud controversy
A Cincinnati judge has renewed his call for Ohio state Rep. Tom Brinkman tobe charged with election falsification over an unsuccessful bid in 2006 torepeal Cincinnati's ordinance protecting LGBT people from discrimination,365gay.com reported yesterday. In addition, two women who worked for EqualRights Not Special Rights, headed up by Brinkman, pleaded guilty last monthto election falsification. The women had been accused of knowingly placingfraudulent names on the petition.
Equal Rights Not Special Rights asked the Cincinnati Board of Elections lastAugust to remove its anti-LGBT referendum from the November 2006 ballot, anacknowledgment of fraud in its signature gathering and the likelihood ofdefeat at the polls. The Task Force, Inc., had invested heavily in the localcampaign that was geared up to defeat the initiative.
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
Pentagon Shuts Database Linked To Spying On Gay Groups
by 365Gay.com Newscenter Staff
Posted: August 21, 2007 - 5:00 pm ET
(Washington) The Pentagon said Tuesday that it will shut down an anti-terrordatabase that was found to be spying on gay and anti-war groups.
A Pentagon spokesperson said that the database will be closed on September17 but that much of the information it contained will be sent to the FBIwhere it will be placed on a database known as Guardian.
The Threat and Local Observation Notices surveillance program, known asTALON, was launched in 2003 track and monitor domestic terror threats.
But it came under intense scrutiny after news reports revealed officialswere collecting data on demonstrators and protestors, including those withinthe lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.
The reports said that the Pentagon had spied on New York University lawschool's LGBT advocacy group OUTlaw and gay groups at the State Universityof New York at Albany, William Patterson College in New Jersey, andUniversity of California at Berkeley and at Santa Cruz.
In February, 2006, the DoD acknowledged in a letter to the Senate ArmedServices Committee that it had 'inappropriately' collected information onprotestors but did not name any of the organizations.
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
[euro-queer] Dutch gays feel less safe on the streets
Dutch gays feel less safe on the streets
Wednesday 22 August 2007
Almost half (42%) of homosexuals in the Netherlands feel less safe on thestreets than they did a year ago and of these 38% claim to have beenconfronted by anti-gay sentiments, according to a new survey published onTuesday.
Verbal insults account for 64% of anti-gay incidents, while 12% result inphysical abuse, the survey indicates. It also found that homosexuals inAmsterdam are more fearful than in other parts of the country.
Of the total 23,000 people questioned, including 1,980 homosexuals andlesbians, 61% said the Netherlands is a gay-friendly country and 72% are infavour of gay marriages.
The survey which was carried out by the current affairs programme EenVandaagin collaboration with COC, the gay rights lobby group.
Reacting to the survey, COC chairman Frank van Dalen told ANP news servicethat he was shocked by the result: 'These figures make it clear that goodinformation about homosexuality is vital in schools.'
Many people feel Amsterdam is no longer the 'gay capital of the world'following a reported increase in attacks against homosexuals in Amsterdamover the past few years.
Earlier this month, two of the government coalition parties, ChristianDemocrats and Labour, called for tougher punishment for those who useviolence against homosexuals.
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
Aging with AIDS
Now that drug cocktails are keeping people with AIDS alive for decades, health providers and others must educate and treat a group many thought they would never see: older people with HIV and AIDS.
The New York Times
Akinola: Anglicans must not sacrifice Bible for unity
ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) -- Nigerian Archbishop Peter Akinola, a leader of Bible traditionalists in the Anglican world, says the ''the moment of decision is almost upon us'' about whether Anglican conservatives and liberals can stay together.
In a statement Monday, Akinola said that theological conservatives cannot stand by as the U.S. Episcopal Church -- the Anglican body in the U.S. -- and the Anglican Church of Canada move toward full acceptance of gay relationships.
''We earnestly desire the healing of our beloved communion but not at the cost of rewriting the Bible to accommodate the latest cultural trend,'' Akinola said. ''We cannot turn away from the source of life and love for a temporary truce.''
Conservatives believe the Bible bars same-sex relationships. Liberals believe that the overarching message of Scripture is full acceptance for all people.
In 2003, Episcopalians consecrated the first openly gay bishop, V. Gene Robinson of New Hampshire. In Canada, the Diocese of New Westminster approved blessing ceremonies in 2002 for same-gender partners. And in June of this year, the Canadian church passed a resolution stating that the ceremonies do ''not conflict with the doctrine'' of the church. Canon lawyers are trying to determine whether that measure, in fact, gives approval for the ceremonies churchwide.
The U.S. church has apologized repeatedly for not fully consulting with other Anglicans before consecrating Robinson, but has not apologized for
electing him.
The communion's spiritual leader, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, is scheduled to meet with the Episcopal House of Bishops in New Orleans next month.
At that gathering, the U.S. bishops must respond to demands from Anglican leaders that they unequivocally pledge by Sept. 30 not to consecrate another openly gay bishop or risk losing their full membership in the communion.
The Washington Post
Elderly Staying Sexually Active
By Rob Stein
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, August 23, 2007; A01
Many people maintain rich, active sex lives well into their 80s, according to the first detailed examination of sexuality among older Americans.
The nationally representative survey of more than 3,000 U.S. adults ages 57 to 85 found that more than half to three-quarters of those questioned remain sexually active, with a significant proportion engaging in frequent and varied sexual behavior.
Sexual problems do increase with age, and the rate of sexual activity fades somewhat, the survey found. But interest in sex remains high and the frequency remains surprisingly stable among the physically able who are lucky enough to still have partners.
"There's a popular perception that older people aren't as interested in sex as younger people," said Stacy Tessler Lindau of the University of Chicago, who led the study, being published today in the New England Journal of Medicine. "Our study shows that's simply not true. Older people value sexuality as an important part of life."
"This study paints a portrait of this aspect of older Americans' lives that suggests a previously uncharacterized vitality and interest in sexuality," agreed Georgeanne E. Patmios of the National Institute on Aging, the primary funder of the study. "This has not perhaps been fully appreciated."
The Palm Beach Post
State probe of Foley nearing completion
Palm Beach Post Capital Bureau
Thursday, August 23, 2007
TALLAHASSEE - State law enforcement officials expect to complete their investigation into former U.S. Rep. Mark Foley within 10 days and hand over the information to a state attorney, Florida Department of Law Enforcement Commissioner Gerald Bailey said Wednesday.
The FDLE, FBI and Congress are examining whether Foley, a Fort Pierce Republican, broke state or federal laws by sending sexually suggestive electronic messages, including e-mail, to minors.
Congress recently refused to turn over computers requested by the FDLE to the state agency and instead redirected them to the FBI, which had the information sought by the state already, Bailey said.
"We're in the process of doing that now, and the FBI is cooperating with us all the way in giving us what they have," he said.
Foley resigned in disgrace last year after sexually explicit instant messages and e-mails he sent to teenage boys became public during his reelection campaign.
After he resigned, Foley said he was an alcoholic and was molested as a teen by a Roman Catholic priest.
Rep. Tim Mahoney, D-Palm Beach Gardens, went on to win the congressional seat Foley had held for 12 years.
No charges have been filed against Foley.
Moscow priest urges church for gay community
23/ 08/ 2007
MOSCOW, August 23 (RIA Novosti) - A member of Moscow's reformist clergy hassaid he plans to open a church for the gay community in the capital and hassecured the support of churches in Europe and the U.S., a Russian paper saidThursday.
Father Alexei, who quit the Russian Christian Orthodox Church for a churchgroup within the Renovated Church Federation, said the idea came to himfollowing a gay parade in the capital in May, when its members were attackedby nationalists shouting "death to homosexuals," the Moskovsky Komsomoletsdaily said.
"A gay man came to me for advice. He told me his story. What was I to do? Toorder the cursed catamite out? I could not do it. I talked to him, othersfollowed soon. An Orthodox priest listening to a gay man's story isuncommon. But all people have the right to pursue a spiritual life," thepriest told the paper.
"The phrase that 'the Church is not an institution, but an organ of truelove" appeals to me very much," Father Alexei said. "I have come tounderstand that God is Love."
Uganda: State Homophobia Threatens Health and Human Rights
Government Persecution Contributing to HIV Pandemic
(New York, August 23, 2007) - In a country where homosexual conduct can be punished with life imprisonment, the Ugandan government's latest call for arrests based on sexual orientation is a grave threat to basic freedoms, Human Rights Watch said today in a letter to President Yoweri Museveni. The letter urged the government to repeal its colonial-era sodomy law and end a long record of harassing lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people.
On August 21, Uganda's Radio One announced that Deputy Attorney General Fred Ruhindi had called for the criminal law to be used against lesbians and gays in Uganda. "I call upon the relevant agencies to take appropriate action because homosexuality is an offense under the laws of Uganda," he reportedly said. "The penal code in no uncertain terms punishes homosexuality and other unnatural offenses."
Homosexual acts are criminalized in Uganda under a sodomy law inherited from British colonial times, although punishments were substantially strengthened in 1990. Section 140 of the criminal code punishes "carnal knowledge against the order of nature" -interpreted to include consensual same sex relationships - with a maximum of life imprisonment.
"For years, President Museveni's government has drummed up homophobia and denied the basic rights of LGBT people for his own political advantage," said Juliana Cano Nieto, researcher in the LGBT rights program at Human Rights Watch. "If lesbians and gays can be punished simply for speaking up for their rights, the freedoms of all Ugandans are endangered."
This announcement came a week after an organization called Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG), a coalition of four LGBT organizations - Freedom and Roam Uganda, Spectrum Uganda, Integrity Uganda and Icebreakers Uganda - launched a campaign called "Let us Live in Peace." In a press conference in Kampala on August 16, the group condemned discrimination and violence against LGBT people, as well as the life-threatening silence about their sexualities in HIV/AIDS prevention programs. Juliet Victor Mukasa, a SMUG leader, described how authorities raided her home in 2005 and forced her into hiding.
Poland's gays create political black list
Created: Thursday, August 23. 2007
But the list does not just target Poland's conservative, rightwingpoliticians - many on the roll, drawn up by gaylife.pl, are from the left ofthe political spectrum. A human rights organization has criticized such alist.
"There's a parliamentary election coming. We want to enable the gaycommunity to make a conscious choice and this is the reason for creating alist with the names of the people who have hindered us from achieving ourgoals", said Marek Ryszard, of the gay portal and initiator of the idea.
The index will include names of the politicians who are famous forappearances offending gays and lesbians. Among them are Roman Giertych andWojciech Wierzejski from the League of Polish Families (LPR), but also AnitaBlochowiak and Wojciech Olejniczak from the leftwing Democratic LeftAlliance (SLD), a party that presents itself as 'liberal'.The final decision concerning who will be included on the list will be madeby Internet users.
But Professor Andrzej Rzeplinski from the International Helsinki Federationfor Human Rights firmly objects to creating such lists. "If there is noevidence for the candidate's homophobic behaviour then including him on thelist is a crime. Such campaign will lower the already dubious level of theelection campaign", says professor Rzeplinski.
Daily Mail
22 Aug 07
Rough justice: 80 lashes for 'immoral' Iranian who abused alcohol and had sex
His face covered by a balaclava, an official brandishing a cane repeatedlylashes the back of a man found guilty of breaking Iran's moralitylaws.
Two police officers hold the legs of 25-year-old Saeed Ghanbari and another hisarms to ensure there is no escape from the punishment of 80 lashes handed downby a religious court.
Traffic was brought to a halt in Qazvin, 90 miles west of the capital Tehran,as more than 1,000 men gathered behind barricades to watch the public flogging.
British Ambassador promises: "We will not deport Pegah Emambakhsh"
Roberto Malini - Matteo Pegoraro - Gruppo EveryOne | 22.08.2007 17:21
Unfortunately the case records would leave us to doubt it. Theimpression we get is that it is an attempt to demonstrate the absurdityof the situation, that is, that Pegah will not endure any form of persecution in Ahmadinejad's Iran and the ruthless Islamic courts!
The British Ambassador in Rome promises:
"We will not deport Pegah if the woman runs a risk in Iran"
In a letter addressed to Roberto Malini of the EveryOne Group, theItalian British Embassy manifests quite clearly a commitmenttowards Pegah Emambakhsh, the Iranian lesbian woman who took refugein the United Kingdom in order to avoid the torture and the capitalpunishment that await her if she were to be repatriated.
"The United Kingdom repatriates only those who do not needinternational protection, those who can return to their Country of originwithout a risk to their life," writes the Ambassador, who took up hisappointment in Italy last year. It is a solemn commitment, butwill the British Government honour it?
This message is to let you now that there are a great deal of things in the works at the moment concerning Mayor Naugle and his most recent outbursts of hate and bigotry.
There will be an meeting of UNITE Fort Lauderdale next Thursday evening. We will pass along the time and place once we confirm where it will be, most likely the GLCC.
At that meeting we will discuss and provide everyone with what has been going on and what you can do to help the efforts.
Please save the date and start spreading the word to get involved next Thursday evening, until then...
Visit http://www.flushnaugle.org/action.html nowand let your elected officials know you have taken a standand now it is time for them to do the same.
There are updates on www.FlushNuagle.org
as well as information on the www.UniteFortLauderdale.org Please visit both and get into the fight to put an endto this masquerade the Mayor calls a crusade for health.
[Send your comments about articles to Rays.List@Comcast.net]
Friday, August 24, 2007
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