Scientists create sperm from female stem cells
31st January 2008 10:26
Tony Grew
A research team at the University of Newcastle has created primitive spermcells with female embryonic stem cells.
The breakthrough could lead to same-sex couples producing children with boththeir genes.
Karim Nayernia, Professor of Stem Cell Biology at Newcastle University, toldNew Scientist:
"I think, in principle, it will be scientifically possible."
He and his team of researchers will now apply for permission from theuniversity to attempt to turn female bone marrow into sperm, a morepractical method than manipulating embryonic stem cells.
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Express Gay News
Outing campaign roils D.C. black Baptist church
More than 100 members named as gay in e-mails to pastor, congregation
By LOU CHIBBARO JR. | Jan 30, 2:14 PM
One of Washington's largest black Baptist churches was rocked by a femalemember of its choir who sent separate e-mail messages to the pastor inDecember and January outing more than 100 church members as gay, mostly malechoir members.
The outings added to the inner turmoil experienced by a large number of gayswho attend services at the 7,000-member Greater Mount Calvary Holy Church,located on Rhode Island Ave., N.E., according to a gay former member whoprovided copies of the e-mails to the Blade.
"I will be leaving the choir at the top of the year because 80 percent ofthe tenors are homosexuals and act more like a female in choir rehearsalthan I do," the church choir member said in one of her e-mails to BishopAlfred Owens Jr., the church pastor.
The e-mail, sent in December, identifies about 45 fellow church members asgay. She sent a second e-mail to Owens on Jan. 2 identifying another 62church members as gay.
"The following people I am asking you to monitor very closely and my prayeris that you will sit them down from their ministries," she told Owens in theDecember e-mail. "Because they are ushering in the presence of sin, lies, aspirit of homosexuality and sexual spirits."
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Express Gay News
Iowa lawmakers ask Supreme Court to overturn gay marriage ruling
Impeachment of judge called for on Jan. 24
DES MOINES (AP) | Jan 30, 11:34 AM
Attorneys representing five Republican lawmakers have filed court documentsasking the Iowa Supreme Court to overturn a Polk County judge, who struckdown a state law banning same-sex marriage in August.
The Alliance Defense Fund, an Arizona-based organization that defendsreligious liberty, filed a friend of the court brief Tuesday forRepresentatives Dwayne Alons, Carmine Boal and Betty DeBoef and SenatorsNancy Boettger and James Hahn.
The brief says Judge Robert Hanson abdicated his duty to be fair and neutralin considering a legal challenge to a 1998 state law filed by gay couples.
This comes after petitions calling for the impeachment of the judge weredelivered to Legislature on January 24th.
The petitions, with over 6,000 signatures, were handed over Thursday bysocial conservative Bill Salier. He says the goal is to ``stop a runawayjudiciary.'
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Westside Today - Los Angeles
Rosendahl endorses Obama, cites stance on gay issues
Staff reports
Councilman Bill Rosendahl, who is touted as the first and only openly gaymember of the Los Angeles City Council, has endorsed Senator Barack Obama(D-Il) for President of the United States.
In a press release that was distributed by Rosendahl's private campaignorganization, he said "I am convinced he [Obama] is the candidate who ismost genuinely committed to fighting for our civil rights."
Rosendahl represents Council District 11, which stretches from Mulholland toLAX and from the 405 freeway to the ocean.
Here is the full text of his press release:
Gay Councilmember Says Obama 'Genuine, Committed" to Civil Rights
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The Advocate
Obama Says Hillary Clinton Presidency Would Be A Step Back
January 31, 2008
Democratic Sen. Barack Obama said a Hillary Rodham Clinton presidency wouldbe a step back to the past, turning her husband's image of a bridge to thefuture against her. The former first lady decried the tenor of his commentsin an interview with The Associated Press.
''I know it is tempting -- after another presidency by a man named GeorgeBush -- to simply turn back the clock, and to build a bridge back to the20th century,'' Obama, an Illinois senator, said Wednesday in Denver.
''... It's not enough to say you'll be ready from Day One -- you have to beright from Day One,'' he added in unmistakable criticisms of Clinton, whooften claims she's better prepared to govern, and her husband, who pledgedduring his own presidency to build a bridge to the 21st century.
Within hours, Hillary Clinton pushed back in an interview with the AP -- andgot in her own dig.
''That certainly sounds audacious, but not hopeful,'' said Clinton, in aplay on the title of Obama's book, ''The Audacity of Hope.'' ''It's nothopeful and it's not what we should be talking about in this campaign,''said Clinton, suggesting Obama was abandoning the core of his campaign.
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The Advocate
NYC Comptroller Files Record Number of Pro-Gay Shareholder Resolutions
January 31, 2008
New York City comptroller William C. Thompson Jr. and the New York CityPension Funds filed shareholder resolutions with 24 of America's largestcompanies calling on them to adopt worker protection policies based onsexual orientation and gender identity, Thompson announced at a pressconference Tuesday.
"We must work together to make sure that corporate America embracesacceptance and affords all employees the same protections, regardless oftheir sexual orientation or gender identity," he said. "Each year, morecompanies are making this commitment because they believe in guaranteeingequal treatment in the workplace. However, many of this country's largestcorporations still refuse to protect all workers."
Shareholder resolutions are proposals offered by stockholders for a vote ata company's annual meeting. The shareholder votes are not binding, andcompany management can oppose, adopt, or simply ignore the proposals.
The resolutions were filed on behalf of pension funds for city employees,firefighters, police officers, teachers, and education officials, which haveabout $2.2 billion in stock invested in the 24 companies being targeted. Thecorporations, most of which are found in the Fortune 500, included ExxonMobile Corp., Liberty Global Inc., and HCC Insurance Holdings. Managementofficials at six of the companies agreed to adopt the changes, prompting thecomptroller's office to withdraw the resolutions.
The resolutions build on pension fund proposals submitted over the pastdecade, but the number of resolutions submitted this year almost doubled. Todate, 50 companies have amended their policies to include protectionsagainst discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
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To Form a More Perfect Union: Marriage Equality News
Information, news, and discussion about the legal recognition of same-sexcouples and their families, including marriages, domestic partnerships,civil unions, adoptions, foster children and similar issues.
Go to the website, above, for the following articles:
Washington state: A measure to expand the state's domestic partnership lawpassed a House committee Wednesday, and could be up for a vote on the Housefloor within the next two weeks. The bill would grant same-sex couples morethan 170 of the benefits and responsibilities given to married couples,including property and guardianship rights. The House Judiciary Committeepassed it on a 7-4 vote. Before passing the bill, Rep. John Ahern,R-Spokane, apologized for remarks he made during Tuesday's public hearing inwhich he expressed concern about people claiming their dogs as domesticpartners.
My husband and I have been married 49 years. We are the parents of fivegrown daughters, one of whom is a lesbian. I speak with passion concerningour experience, which is marked by intense sadness because of the alienationmy daughter and others like her continue to suffer, especially at the handsof the Catholic Church.
Our daughter is in a long-term loving relationship. She and her partner havepledged their fidelity to one another in a commitment ceremony. They are theparents of a son, a fine young man of heterosexual "inclination" who is afull-time college student. Our daughter is a college graduate employed as acounselor; her partner is a registered nurse. Together, they also care forthree mentally challenged adults in their home.
Prague- The number of registered partnerships between Czech same sex couplesreached 487 by the end of last year with homosexual male couples prevailingconsiderably, according to a poll the results of which were given to CTK bythe Sidovsky Management agency today. The law on registered partnership thatallows marriages between gay and lesbian couples has been valid in the CzechRepublic since July 2006. Since then, legal registered partnerships wereconcluded by 353 homosexual male and 134 female couples. In 43 cases, oneof the partners was a foreigner, especially from Slovakia, but alsoAzerbaijan, Taiwan, Israel, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Armenia, the Netherlands,the USA and Canada. Homosexual couples were prosecuted in the formerCzechoslovakia until 1961. The law on registered partnership of same sexcouples was passed by the Czech Chamber of Deputies in March 2006 when theChamber overrode President Vaclav Klaus's veto by a narrow majority. Underthe law, same sex couples can officially register their partnership withlegal consequences. The partnership, for instance, guarantees its membersthe right to information about their partner's health, sets the duty to takecare for the partner, but does not allow the adoption of children.
Standing behind her third-row desk on the floor of the New Mexico House ofRepresentatives, holding the microphone close to her mouth, state Rep. MimiStewart made the closing argument for her domestic partnerships bill."Mr.Speaker, there has been some misinformation," Stewart, an AlbuquerqueDemocrat, intoned. "This bill states specifically that domestic partnershipmeans a relationship that is not marriage." As if on cue, state Rep. NormaEspinoza, R-Chaves, offered her own view."Domestic partnership is justanother word for marriage," she countered.Stewart ultimately prevailed witha Jan. 24 33 to 31 vote in favor of her Domestic Partner Rights andResponsibilities Act. If it passes the state Senate and is signed into lawby Gov. Bill Richardson-the former considered likely, the latter a surething-New Mexico would become the 11th state to enact such landmarklegislation [Jan. 23, SFR Talk: "One for All"]. But as Stewart and herallies beat back what they call misinformation, New Mexico's gay communityis having its own internal debate over domestic partnerships versusmarriage."Domestic partnership benefits are not portable, they offer somebenefits but they create a second class status," Norma Vazquez de Houdektells SFR. She quickly adds that while she supports HB 9 as a "good firststep to marriage," it's not "full and equal equality."
The "Big Gay Following" feature over at The Advocate can be a hit-or-missaffair. Sometimes the subjects (straight entertainers with considerable gayfanbases) seem uncomfortable with the line of questioning, sometimes theyaren't very entertaining subjects, and sometimes I'm left wondering who onearth the gay fans of this person are in the first place, and how I cancontact them to stop. (Yes, Nick Carter fans, that means you.) But thelatest BGF victim is a doozy: Family Guy and American Dad creator, showtuneenthusiast and equal-opportunity offense artist Seth MacFarlane. I'm a bigfan of The Family Guy, which regularly tosses gay jokes into its caustic andhilarious mix without ever seeming mean-spirited. And MacFarlane's brilliantinterview makes it clear that he's a big supporter of gay marriage rights(as evidenced by ant episode in which Brian's gay cousin visits with hisboyfriend) and reveals that deranged, matricidal, football-headed rugratStewie is probably gay.
Kentucky's state Senate has approved a measure that would block publicuniversities from offering their employees domestic partner benefits. Theproposal cleared the Senate on a 30-5 vote Wednesday. Attorneys representingfive Republican lawmakers have filed court documents asking the Iowa SupremeCourt to overturn a Polk County judge, who struck down a state law banningsame-sex marriage in August.The Alliance Defense Fund, an Arizona-basedorganization that defends religious liberty, filed a friend of the courtbrief Tuesday for Representatives Dwayne Alons, Carmine Boal and BettyDeBoef and Senators Nancy Boettger and James Hahn.The brief says JudgeRobert Hanson abdicated his duty to be fair and neutral in considering alegal challenge to a 1998 state law filed by gay couples.The measure headsto the House for consideration, where it has an uncertain future. A similarbill failed in the House last year.
A federal judge's decision to delay the state's domestic partnership lawuntil a hearing Friday, Feb. 1, has exacted an emotional toll on same-sexcouples. But it also carries financial costs for those couples as well asfor the state, which is defending the new law that had been scheduled totake effect Jan. 2. Calculations are less precise for the cost incurred bysame-sex couples from the one-month delay in the law, or from a longerpostponement if U.S. District Judge Michael Mosman ends up clearing the wayfor domestic partnership opponents to put a proposed repeal on the Novemberballot. Based on numbers from the State Registrar for Vital Records andestimates from lawyers and accountants who specialize in working withsame-sex couples, the financial impact of delayed domestic partnership couldtotal much more, collectively, than tens of thousands of dollars forsame-sex couples.
Go to the website, above, for the following articles:
Indiana Senate Passes Anti-Gay Amendment
(Indianapolis, Indiana) Indiana's Senate has approved a proposed amendmentto the state constitution that would limit marriage to opposite-sex couples.
Spaniards Overwhelmingly Approve Of Gay Marriages
(Madrid) With just over a month before Spain goes to the polls the Socialistgovernment's same-sex marriage law is causing barely a ripple in thecampaign.
Civil Unions Slow To Catch On In Czech Republic
(Prague) In the year-and-a-half since civil unions became legal in the CzechRepublic fewer than 500 gay and lesbian couples have registered.
Gay Monument Moves Forward As Germany Marks Hitler Rise To Power
(Berlin) The 75th anniversary today of Adolf Hitler's elevation to Germanchancellor is one the country would prefer to forget, but the ignominiousevent remains part of the weighted history that drives past and futuregenerations to remember the victims of the Nazi regime and ensure theircrimes cannot happen again.
White House Race Down To Twin, Two-Way Races
(Washington) The race for the White House narrowed abruptly Wednesday totwin two-way battles, party maverick John McCain the man to beat for theRepublican nomination while the Democrats faced a historic choice between awoman and a black man.
Giuliani Gives Nod To McCain
(Simi Valley, California) Rudy Giuliani, who sought to make the leap fromNew York mayor to the White House, bowed out of the Republican presidentialcontest Wednesday and endorsed front-runner and longtime friend John McCain.
Edwards Withholds Endorsement As Campaign Ends
(New Orleans, Louisiana) Democrat John Edwards bowed out of the race for theWhite House on Wednesday, saying it was time to step aside "so that historycan blaze its path" in a campaign now left to Hillary Rodham Clinton andBarack Obama.
Will Young Voters Count In 2008?
(Chicago, Illinois) Tammy Hsu is one of those 20-something voters who candrive a presidential candidate crazy.
Vermont Town To Vote On Arresting Bush, Cheney
(Brattleboro, Vermont) A town petition making President Bush and VicePresident Dick Cheney subject to arrest for crimes against the Constitutionhas triggered a barrage of criticism from people who say residents are"wackjobs" and "nuts."
Obama Gives Away Money Tied To Donor
(Washington) Barack Obama is giving to charity more than $70,000 incontributions linked to an indicted Chicago businessman whose pastconnections to the Democratic presidential candidate have created adistraction and raised questions about his judgment.
National Gay News
Go to the website, above, for the following articles:
Cambridge Has a Historic First - An African-American lesbian mayor
The city of Cambridge made history this month when it elected the nation'sfirst African-American, openly lesbian mayor. E. Denise Simmons took thereins from Kenneth Reeves, an African-American who was also openly gay.
Simmons, a Cambridge native, has been a community activist for close tothree decades, serving on the school committee for nine years and the citycouncil since 2002. The city council elects the mayor.
McCain Hit Romney Hard With Anti-Gay Robo Call In Florida
Interesting news from the straight talking John McCain campaign hitting hardagainst Romney and using the old GOP playbook from the Bush / Rove era.
There is no evidence that this type of negative campaigning works.
Farrell to be Best Man on Gay Brother's Big Day
Actor Colin Farrell is to be best man at his brother's civil partnershipceremony.
Eamon Farrell, 35, is planning to marry his 23-year-old boyfriend StevenMannion after a proposing to him in New York last year.
Oxford Street Safety Strategy Continues
The City of Sydney has renewed its commitment to increasing public safetyand amenity in the Oxford Street precinct. At a media briefing lastThursday, January 24, Social Policy and Program Manager Suzie Mathhews andGLBT Project Coordinator Pip Ditzell reaffirmed key strategies of the City'sOxford Street Safety Strategy.
Safe Zone Allies
The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning (GLBTQ) community atUSC is making headway in providing a safe college atmosphere for itsstudents. The USC Safe Zone Ally Project, which trains members of theuniversity community to fight homophobia and heterosexism, just welcomed its400th member Jan. 14.
Australia: Anti-Homophobic Poster Campaign Launched
A campaign has been launched to encourage gay, lesbian, bisexual andtransgender people to report any harassment to Victorian Police.A series ofanti-homophobic harassment posters will be unveiled at the Melbourne TownHall today.
Australia: Gay and Lesbian Lifesavers Needed
Lifesavers with Pride, the national group of gay and lesbian Australian surflifesavers are reporting that new lifesaver recruits have doubled in thepast 12 months. The national body are directly linking the increase innumbers to the visibility lifesavers gained from its debut during the 2007Mardi Gras Parade. And with the 30th Anniversary of the Sydney Gay andLesbian Mardi Gras Parade around the corner, bigger things are expected.
Anything But Straight
by Wayne Besen
January 30, 2008
Stop Blaming Hillary For Culture Wars
I caught the political bug while in college in 1992, seduced by the charmingoptimism of Bill Clinton's presidential campaign. At the time, I wasinterning as a radio news reporter at KQED in San Francisco. One of myassignments was to cover a Clinton visit. Although I was still a politicalneophyte, there was something special about this candidate. With a centraltheme of "change" he inspired and instilled hope - while making the futureseem limitless.
Beyond his political gifts, Clinton substantively appealed to me because hewas in favor of gay and lesbian equality. I had come out four years earlierand a pervasive silence on GLBT issues had been the norm for politicaldiscourse. By and large, "gay" was something to be whispered in thecloakroom - not an issue thoughtfully discussed by the most powerfulpolitical figures in the land.
Bill Clinton changed this.
On May 11, 1992, the presidential candidate made an unprecedented appearanceat a gay fundraiser at the Palace Theater in Hollywood. Organized by GLBTadvocate David Mixner, $100,000 was raised for the Clinton campaign. Thecandidate gave an historic speech that led the audience to break out inspontaneous applause on several occasions.
Primary Choices
by Libby Post
So the day every political junkie has been waiting for is just around thecorner-Super Tuesday is this coming Tuesday, February 5th.
For those of us who have doggedly tracked this protracted presidential race,Super Tuesday is the mother lode of primaries. Democrats in 22 states andRepublicans in 21 will choose their candidates.
This year-long roller coaster ride of democracy has treated us to a panoplyof candidates that span the political spectrum. But as Super Tuesdayapproaches our choices have been slashed and for some hopes dashed.
New York's Republicans are denied their favorite son because Rudy Guilianidenied good political advice. His Florida-only strategy backfired. Ron Pauland Mike Huckabee may or may not stick around after Tuesday but for allintents and purposes the Republican race is now between John McCain and MittRomney.
When the race started, my favorite Dem was John Edwards-I really don't carehow much he spends on a haircut. I liked what he had to say. I liked hisdedication to his wife and family. I liked that as a southern Democrat hegave the Republicans agita. But as the race heated up, his candidacy didn't.
So the burning question now is who am I going to vote for on Tuesday?
Well, I have never been more conflicted in my life. My internal flipflopping between Clinton and Obama makes Mitt Romney look like steady Eddie.
As far as lesbian and gay issues are concerned, I know we can count oneither Clinton or Obama to do the right thing. With either of them in theWhite House, the eight years of homophobia that has become a trademark ofthe Bush presidency will end. Assuming that the Democrats maintain andexpand their majorities in both the House and Senate, we'll see eitherPresident Clinton or President Obama signing the EmploymentNon-Discrimination Act, the Matthew Shepard Act and the repeal of Don't Ask,Don't Tell. Those events will be the beginning of what could be a golden agefor LGBT issues in America.
But, what about Super Tuesday?
I like Hillary Clinton. She's done a good job as one of our U.S. Senators.She's intelligent, understands the intricacies of U.S. policy both abroadand at home and has a personal fortitude that has withstood political andpersonal firestorm after firestorm. She welcomes challenges. She's notafraid of anything.
Letting down her guard just a bit in New Hampshire showed the country thatthere's an emotional core to this woman. Opening up that window let us allknow that she's just like the rest of us-human.
It may surprise some of you that behind this hard, political exterior ofmine there's a political idealist defining my views.
After eight years of cynicism and lies, I really want to believe in ourcountry again. You have no idea how deep this desire is. I'm one of thosekids Caroline Kennedy spoke about in her recent op-ed in the New York Times.I really never knew her dad. My first real memory of the Kennedy presidencyis the grainy black and white image on our family TV of the plane in Dallasthat flew his body back to DC. I was five. My mother stood at the ironingboard crying.
White Party Week Miami is proud to announce that the White Party 2007 CD hasnow entered the top 100 dance albums on I-Tunes.
This CD features two of americas favorite DJ's Warren Gluck and Wendy Huntspinning together to bring you some of the dance communities favorite musicincluding:
1. FR featuring Jenny B - Love Is The Music
2. Avalon Superstar - So Alive
3. Master And Muse featuring Robin Shanelle - Well Alright
4. Georgie Porgie - Lift Your Voices (Dj Escape & Dom Capello)
5. Soul Seekerz featuring Kate Smith - Party (For The Weekend)
6. Viola Wills - Enjoy Yourself (Twisted Dee Anthem Mix)
7. Stonebridge - You Don't Know (Hott 22 Remix)
8. Dj Scotty K. featuring Knockhopper - Goodnight Tonight
9. Jason Antone - Be Free (Georgie's Original Club Mix)
10. Rachel Panay - It's Got To Be Love (Georgie Porgie's Original Club)
11. ATFC featuring Peyton - Beautiful (Mark Picchiotti Vocal Mix)
12. Brian Kent - Breathe Life (Radboy Vocal House White Party Mix)
Download the CD from I-Tunes now for only $9.99 by clicking below
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
Task Force and SAVE Dade join forces in Florida to combat anti-marriage
The Task Force teamed up with SAVE Dade
Currently right-wing forces in Florida are working feverishly to gather theremaining 22,000 signatures they need to qualify this constitutionalamendment for the November 2008 ballot. The Task Force sent four organizersto Miami for two weeks to assist SAVE Dade's volunteer recruitment efforts;together, we produced the largest volunteer-driven action in Miami-Dade tooppose the amendment. Volunteers spoke with voters about the potential harmsof the amendment; they identified 1,280 new opponents of the anti-LGBTinitiative; and they recruited 295 new volunteers for the fight.
Read more coverage and view photos
of the Task Force in action in Florida in this blog entry by the MiamiHerald's Steve Rothaus. Photo: Task Force Senior Field Organizer Becca Ahujaand Morningside resident Bill Jurberg outside the polling place Tuesday atMorningside Park in Miami. Credit: Steve Rothaus
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
Make your voice heard on health care.
Take the 2008 Health Care for America Survey today.
Poll after poll show working families view health care as one of the mostimportant issues facing our country today.
But we know these polls only tell part of the story. We want to knowmore-more about how the health care system affects you and your family.
Do you have health care coverage for yourself, for your partner? Does youremployer offer domestic partner benefits? Are you left out of manyhealthcare plans because of transgender exclusions?
We need to hear your stories. We are at a moment where we could makehealthcare for all a reality in America. But your stories are key to makingthat happen.
Please take the AFL-CIO's 2008 Health Care for America
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
The third hearing of the closing case against Lambdaistanbul will be heldtomorrow on 31 January 2008
Opening lawsuits to shut down LGBT organisations has almost become abureaucratic ritual of governorships in Turkey; a ritual that one hasto go through while establishing an LGBT organisation with a legalentity.
In 2005, Ankara and Bursa governorships were the first one to takeLGBT associations to court demanding their closure, claiming thatthese organisations were threatening public morality. Despite the factthat each one of these cases was soon rejected by the public prosecutor andthe two LGBT organisations gained official recognition by the state,the governorships' discriminatory attitude has reacheda new level in Istanbul.
The Istanbul governorship had first taken Lambda Istanbul LGBT Associationto court in 2006 and demanded its closure. However, the case wasrejected in Lambda's favour as the court maintained the fact thatevery Turkish citizen had a constitutional right to found anorganisation. BR>
The governorship of Istanbul then appealed to a higher court in 2007,which so far has held two hearings. Lambda members and allies, as wellas the press, were present at both hearings. Lambda members, whoexpect the next hearing to be a final one and await a decision infavour of Lambda, also state that in case of a decision against theorganisation they are ready to take the case to the European Court ofHuman Rights. The third hearing will be held on January 31, 2008.
Lambda's court case becomes even more significant with regards to theongoing debates around the draft for a new Turkish constitution. Thefirst draft put forth by the government was received with muchcriticism and was denounced as 'backlash' against gender equality,women's rights and human rights. Lambda, Ankara-based KAOS GL,Istanbul's Women's Platform for a New Constitution and other humanrights groups are currently undertaking a campaign to prevent ba cklashand gain new ground. Among other issues, we are demanding that theconstitution' s anti-discrimination article include "sexual orientationand gender identities".
*Based on an article from the January 2008 e-newsletter of theCoalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies, publishedby Women for Women's Human Rights - New Ways, www.wwhr.org
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Vets mark 15th anniversary of US gay military ban
PinkNews.co.uk staff writer
30th January 2008 14:10
"I believe if we get a Democratic President we'll get rid of the ban. Theyounger generation doesn't care one bit."
That is the hope Joan Darrah expressed to Time magazine this week - theretired Navy captain, and lesbian, served from 1972 to 2002.
She is not alone.
Millions of Americans are hoping that the next resident of 1600 PennsylvaniaAvenue will abolish a policy that stops openly gay people from serving inthe US Army Forces.
The issue has been featured in at least two Presidential primary debatesaired on CNN - where all of the Democratic candidates were in favour ofrepeal and all of the Republican candidates opposed.
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Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Gay Voters Revel in Democratic Comity
by Steve Weinstein
New York Editor-In-Chief
Monday Jan 28, 2008
Gay voters are facing a delightful predicament, according to an in-deptharticle in The New York Times "The three leading Democrats have staked outsimilar positions on issues that resonate with gay men and lesbians," writesgay reporter Andrew Jacobs. "Although none of the three candidates back gaymarriage, they all support same-sex civil unions and say they would fight torepeal the military's 'don't ask, don't tell' policy. And each of them sayshe or she would champion a federal anti-discrimination law that wouldprotect lesbians and gay men."
Gay leaders seem to agree that the Democratic field is remarkably similarwhen it comes to issues of concern to them. "You would need a magnifyingglass to see any real or substantive differences between the threecandidates," said Alan Van Capelle, the executive director of the EmpireState Pride Agenda, New York State's most prominent gay political lobbyinggroup.
On the Republican side, it's a mirror image. Jacobs reports that, "All ofthe candidates hold opposite positions from the Democrats on those matters."He quotes unnmamed strategists as saying that the old bugaboo of gay rightswill become prominent in the campaign of whichever GOP contender gets thenomination-although gay issues have so far been remarkably not brought upvery much in debate or by candidates, with the possible exception of MikeHuckabee. The former Arkansas governor raised some controversy recently whenhe told a Christian journalist that gay sex would lead to polygamy andbeastiality.
Because of the comity on gay issues on the Democratic side, gay voters areapparently turning their attention to the same issues as other Americans,including the war in Iraq, health care and Hillary Clinton's claim ofexperience over Barak Obama's inspiring oratory.
"I think there's also a lot of excitement over having someone other thanGeorge Bush in the White House," Matthew W. Carlin, president of theStonewall Democratic Club, a New York City gay political club that hasendorsed Clinton, told Jacobs. "And there's a feeling that people could behappy with any of the Democrats."
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Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
GLBT community sounds off on gay divorce
by Scott Kearnan
EDGE Contributor
Monday Jan 28, 2008
Breaking up is hard to do.
Of course, while it's never a pleasant experience when a marriagedeteriorates, there are certain considerations that ease the pain for mostcouples.
For example, it's usually possible to grieve for a lost relationship inprivacy, far away from the prying eyes and gossiping lips of others. Unlessyou're a former teen pop star on her third husband and eighth frappuccino,it's doubtful anyone will be publicly commenting on your break-up or rubbingsalt in the wounds of a broken heart by turning your failed marriage into aforum of speculation and debate.
But if you're divorcing and gay, plan to fire up the printing press and putyour dirty laundry under the microscope; the pundit paparazzo will be havinga field day.
"There's a sense of pressure and visibility," says Rich Domenico, LICSW[Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker], a Boston therapistspecializing in issues of love, sex and intimacy. He has extensiveexperience working with gay couples, including those only a hair's breadthfrom divorce and says that same-sex relationships face an unusual amount ofscrutiny when they're in the midst of falling apart.
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Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Maya Angelou, Magic Johnson tout Clinton
Published on: 01/30/08
Retired basketball superstar Magic Johnson and poet and author Maya Angeloutout Hillary Clinton's candidacy in radio ads that hit the Atlanta airwavesTuesday.
In separate spots, the two discuss their support, with Johnson talking aboutClinton's leadership. Angelou, who spoke at former President Bill Clinton'sfirst inauguration, focuses on Clinton's advocacy for families.
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Cameron calls for ban on hate preachers
30th January 2008 13:35
Tony Grew
The Leader of the Opposition has urged the Prime Minister to stopcontroversial Islamic theologian Yusuf al-Qaradawi from entering thecountry.
Speaking at Prime Minister's Questions in the Commons, David Cameron saidthat he was a "hate preacher" and should be denied entry.
Mr al-Qaradawi is known to have supported suicide bombings in Israel, theoppression of women's rights and has argued in the past that homosexualsshould be put to death.
He is reported to be seeking medical treatment in the UK.
"This is a man who, incidentally, Mayor Ken Livingstone calls the best hopefor progress in Islam," said Mr Cameron.
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Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Israeli gays target MPs over proposed ban on marches
29th January 2008 15:00
PinkNews.co.uk staff writer
LGBT activists in Israel have targeted the homes of two homophobic membersof Parliament with posters protesting their support of a ban on gay Pride.
Nissim Zeev and Eliahu Gabbay's residences were visited by Jerusalem OpenHouse, a group fighting for the right to march in the city.
"In this house lives an MK (MP) who is trying to outlaw the citizens' rightto march and protest on the streets of Jerusalem," one of the posters read.
"This anti-democratic bill is targeting not only the homosexual, lesbian,transgender and bisexual communities, but also human and civil rights ingeneral."
Last week the Knesset, the country's parliament, discussed new legislationthat would enable Jerusalem's city authorities to ban gay Pride parades onthe grounds that they might offend religious people or create a disturbance.
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Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Cheney's daughter joins Romney camp
Last updated January 27, 2008 8:48 a.m. PT
MIAMI -- Liz Cheney, one of Vice President Dick Cheney's daughters, hassigned onto Mitt Romney's presidential campaign as a senior foreign policyadviser.
Cheney most recently worked in the State Department handling Middle Eastaffairs.
While her father and President Bush have both vowed to remain neutral astheir fellow Republicans battle it out for the GOP nomination, theendorsement is likely to be well received among conservatives who comprise acritical primary voting bloc in both Florida, which votes Tuesday, and the20-odd states voting Feb. 5.
Romney has also enjoyed the support of aides with ties to the Bush family,including top assistants to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and formerPresident George H.W. Bush.
Liz Cheney, 41, is the elder of Dick and Lynne Cheney's two daughters. Heryounger sister, Mary, has been more prominently in the public eye afterrevealing she is a lesbian and having a son last year with her partner,Heather Poe, despite the administration's opposition to gay marriage.
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Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Bishops will bring partners to Lambeth conference
29th January 2008 17:10
PinkNews.co.uk staff writer
The wife of the Archbishop of Canterbury has revealed that she expects tohost the male partners of Anglican bishops attending this year's Lambethconference.
It is thought around ten men, the spouses of female bishops, will be inCanterbury.
Jane Williams was speaking at the launch of the conference at the Universityof Kent.
She is organising the Spouses Conference, which runs in parallel with themeeting of primates and church leaders from across the globe.
During a question and answer session, she said she was expecting some "malespouses" to attend, reports Kent on Sunday.
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