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New York Times
Go to the links for the following articles:
Politics and Needle Exchanges
Congress must insist that Washington be allowed to spend its own money onneedle exchange programs, which have proved highly successful around theworld.
Hillary on the High Road?
I suspect that Hillary Clinton's biggest hurdle from the beginning was theunforgiving nature of time - the tides of history changing.
The McCain Article
Editors and reporters who worked on The Times's recent article about SenatorJohn McCain answered questions from readers.
China, in New Role, Presses Sudan on Darfur
KHARTOUM, Sudan - Amid the international outrage over the bloodshed inDarfur, frustration has increasingly turned toward China, Sudan's biggesttrading partner and international protector, culminating in Steven Spielberg's decision last week to withdraw as artistic adviser to the Beijing Olympics.
Serbia Is Warned by Europe to Deter Embassy Attacks
China: Rise in AIDS and Syphilis
China disclosed a large percentage rise for 2007 in diseases transmittedsexually or via blood, including AIDS and syphilis, without reporting exactfigures. The number of new AIDS cases rose 45 percent in 2007 from the yearbefore and new syphilis cases rose 24 percent, the Health Ministry said onits Web site. It did not elaborate. China has been battling an acknowledgedrise in cases of AIDS and H.I.V., the virus that causes AIDS, now mainlysexually transmitted, though it had said before that the overall rate wasslowing. In the past, most cases were caused by intravenous drug use. Thegovernment said last year that it estimated that about 700,000 people hadH.I.V. or AIDS.
Washington Post
Go to the links for the following articles:
The Running Mate McCain Needs
"Do you think he'd do it?" That was the first question Ronald Reagan askedwhen, 24 days before the 1976 Republican convention, his campaign managersuggested that Reagan immediately name Pennsylvania's Sen. Richard Schweikeras his running mate. Reagan was narrowly behind in the delegate count as heattempted to wrest the nomination from President Gerald Ford. Three dayslater Schweiker joined the ticket.
In Thriving India, Wedding Sleuths Find Their Niche
NEW DELHI -- Like a lot of young Indian couples, they met on a matrimonialWeb site and within a matter of weeks were picking out the weddinginvitations, reserving the horse-drawn carriages and having the bride fittedfor a pearl- and gold-encrusted sari.
D.C. Police Cameras Are No Substitute For Shoe Leather
When gunshots blast through the evening quiet outside Aaron Albright'sapartment, as happens far too often, the police and politicians point tothose cool anticrime cameras the District has mounted on the streets ofColumbia Heights. See, we're doing something, the authorities say.
The Anti-Lobbyist, Advised by Lobbyists
For years, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) has railed against lobbyists and theinfluence of "special interests" in Washington, touting on his campaign Website his fight against "the 'revolving door' by which lawmakers and otherinfluential officials leave their posts and become lobbyists for the specialinterests they have aided."
Inside the Mind of a Gitmo DetaineeAs you read this, we expect to be inGuantanamo, meeting with the man President Bush mentions when he talks aboutthe intelligence gained and the lives saved because of "enhanced"interrogation techniques. We represent Saudi-born Abu Zubaydah in a legaleffort to force the administration to show why he is being detained. Andthis week, with our first meeting, we begin the laborious task of siftingfact from fantasy. Yet we worry it may already be too late.
A Future Beyond Fidel?
HAVANA -- I imagine that the outside world sees the latest developments inCuba quite differently from what we are shown here. Reacting to the messagethis week from "El comandante en jefe," Fidel Castro, that he is steppingdown, Lazaro Barredo, editor in chief of the Communist Party newspaperGranma wrote approvingly the next day that "Fidel has managed to transcendpolitical life to insert himself as an intimate in the family life of theoverwhelming majority of Cubans."
Serbia's Thugs
The tactics of Slobodan Milosevic return to Belgrade.
A SERBIAN leader delivered another demonstration Thursday of why it wasnecessary for NATO and the United Nations to intervene to protect theprovince of Kosovo and then to guide it to independence. Appearing before alarge rally in Belgrade orchestrated to protest Kosovo's independencedeclaration on Sunday, Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica incited Serbsagainst the United States and other governments that had recognized the newstate. Then his police melted away from the center of the city, allowing anorganized group of masked thugs to attack the U.S. Embassy, where they brokein and set a fire. The embassies of Croatia, Turkey, Bosnia, Belgium,Germany and Britain were also attacked.
Paxson Contradicts McCain Campaign Broadcaster says he talked with McCain inhis Washington office several weeks before senator wrote controversialletters to FCC.
E-Tickets Only Starting June 1
Paper Is a Luxury Airlines Can't Afford
With the demise of paper tickets, passengers will get e-tickets. Customerswho don't have computers or printers can use ticketing kiosks, such as theseat Bob Hope Airport in Burbank, Calif.
SMU to Host Bush's Presidential Library
Cost Expected to Exceed $200 Million. President Bush's future presidentiallibrary and public policy institute will be housed at Southern MethodistUniversity in Dallas, officials announced yesterday, launching a projectthat could require hundreds of millions of dollars in private donations.
Dear MoveOn member,
Your living room could be the place where Barack Obama clinches theDemocratic nomination for president. After two more victories last night,Obama is on a 10 for 10 winning streak-with millions of new people comingout to vote for change. Clinton adviser James Carville says that if Obamawins Texas on March 4, "This thing is done." There are over 125,000progressive MoveOn members in Texas. Many don't know that under the unusualprimary-plus-caucus system in Texas, voters can double their impact. So onSunday, March 2, the energy of the Obama movement will burst into livingrooms across the nation as folks come armed with cell phones, ready to callthousands of Texas MoveOn members. At these Obama parties, we'll let folksknow where to go for the primary and caucus-and help put Obama over the top.
Can you host a "Yes We Can" Obama party in your city on Sunday, March 2, at4 p.m.? To host a party, click here:
Pew Research center
Go to this link for the following articles:
The Hispanic Vote
As the Democratic nomination contest heads for a showdown in Texas on March4, Latinos may be a pivotal constituency in a state where they make up aquarter of the electorate. This report examines the turnout, demographiccharacteristics, opinions and voting patterns of the Hispanic electorate inDemocratic primaries and caucuses held so far in 2008. Read more
Campaign '08 More Interesting and Less Negative than '04
The public remains highly engaged in the election, with no increase incampaign fatigue. Also, with the Democratic race still in question, a Goreendorsement would be more influential than one from Edwards. Read more
Obama and Clinton Tie in Coverage, But Barack Wins on Tone
The media narrative for the Democratic presidential race shifteddramatically last week, anointing a definite frontrunner and an underdog.
Read more
After Castro
Global Views on Castro and Cuba
Fidel Castro ends his long tenure as president of Cuba with internationalopinion mixed on the question of whether his leadership has been good or badfor his country. Read more
A Portrait of Early Internet Adopters
Technology has advanced and the size and composition of the internetpopulation has changed, but the reasons internet users go online and thethings they do while there have remained remarkably constant. Read more
Star-Struck States Seek Oscars
In their efforts to attract big money from the film industry states areoffering tax rebates, no-interest loans and training credits. Come Sunday(Feb. 24), New Mexico may even be able to brag about an Oscar or two. Fourfilms nominated for Academy Awards were shot in the Land of Enchantment.Read more
Evolution Battle Flares in States
Evolution has won some recent battles, but its supporters are bracingagainst what they see as a growing effort to undermine the theory'scredibility. Read more
The Daily Number
58% - Losing Ground Financially
Nearly six-in-ten Americans (58%) now say that their incomes are fallingbehind the rising cost of living, compared with just 44% who expressed thisview in September 2007. Check back every weekday for another number in thenews. Read more
Inside Higher Education
Loss for Immigrant Students; Win for Foreign Students
When Arizona voters passed Proposition 300 in 2006, they barred immigrantstudents without legal status from enrolling at in-state tuition rates orreceiving state financial aid. As expected, the measure has led to declinesin the number of such students enrolled at public colleges and universities.At Arizona State University, however, officials responded to Proposition 300by announcing that they would use private scholarship funds to make up thedifference between in-state and out-of-state tuition rates.
Worried About Guns? Ban a Campus Musical
After the Virginia Tech murders a year ago, Yale University banned the useof stage weapons in a student theatrical production - infuriating actors andeducators who believed audience members could distinguish drama from reallife. After a few days of ridicule, Yale backed down.
Fort Report
Go to the links for the following articles:
State retiree loophole costs Florida $300M a year
Rule lets employees "retire" with pensions and still get salaries.
TALLAHASSEE -- A growing number of elected officials are quietly takingadvantage of a loophole carved into the state retirement law a few years agothat allows double dipping -- collecting a state pension while still gettinga regular paycheck from taxpayers.
State retiree loophole costs Florida $300M a yearRule lets employees"retire" with pensions and still get salaries.
Rule lets employees "retire" with pensions and still get salaries.
TALLAHASSEE -- A growing number of elected officials are quietly takingadvantage of a loophole carved into the state retirement law a few years agothat allows double dipping -- collecting a state pension while still gettinga regular paycheck from taxpayers.
Justice Dept. office probes waterboarding
Legal memos that authorized CIA use at issue Democrat calls action overdue.
WASHINGTON - An internal watchdog office at the Justice Department isinvestigating whether Bush administration lawyers violated professionalstandards by issuing legal opinions that authorized the CIA to usewaterboarding and other controversial interrogation techniques, officialsdisclosed yesterday.
Democrats embrace immigration issue
AUSTIN, Texas - Last fall, neither Hillary Clinton nor Barack Obama waseager to take a stand when asked in a series of debates whether illegalimmigrants should be able to apply for drivers' licenses. But Thursdaynight, they were much less bashful when the issue of immigration came up:Clinton said she would stop federal raids against undocumented workers,consider halting the construction of a border fence, and during her first100 days as president, pursue a legalization plan for illegal immigrants.
Rice Says No Interest In Veep Spot
Rice Says She Will Not Be A Vice Presidential Candidate On Republican Ticket
(AP) Condoleezza Rice's name on the Republican ticket is a dream to some,but not a reality she can see happening.
Analysis: McCain Loses Leverage
Analysis: McCain's Money Spat Weakens His Case That Obama Must RestrictFundraising.
AP) Republican Sen. John McCain might well ride out his standoff withfederal regulators over his withdrawal from public financing for theprimaries.
Truth the Clintons Can't Handle
Today, it's almost an article of faith among pundits and pollsters thatHillary Clinton can't win the African American vote because Barack Obama hasthat bloc sewn up.
Conservatives Are Defending McCain After Newspaper Story
Boston conservative radio host Jay Severin has repeatedly described Sen.John McCain as "a liberal," "a Democrat" and "no conservative." On a recentshow, he said President Bush's defense of McCain's conservative credentialsmade him want to "barf."
[Send your comments about articles to Rays.List@Comcast.net]
Saturday, February 23, 2008
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