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New York Times
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Same-Sex Marriage Barrier Nears End in Massachusetts
Massachusetts moved closer on Tuesday to erasing a hurdle that blockedmostout-of-state gay men and lesbians from marrying here. Following a votebythe state Senate two weeks ago, the House of Representatives votedonTuesday to repeal a 1913 law that prevented Massachusetts frommarryingout-of-state couples if their marriages would not be legal in theirhome states.
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-Injured victim in Tenn. church shooting no longer backs death penalty for'this kind of evil'
An injured victim of Sunday's church shooting rampage said the tragedy hasshaken his support for the death penalty, even after an old friend waskilled and three family members were wounded. Hit by more than 20 shotgunpellets in the back, neck and head, 76-year-old Joe Barnhart said Wednesdayhe had always supported capital punishment. But after the gunman attackedthe Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church on Sunday, killing twoand wounding six, the retired college professor said the death penaltydoesn't seem the answer for "this kind of evil." If suspect Jim D.Adkisson, 58, is convicted, he should "never see the light of day in anorderly society" again, Barnhart said
Steve Rothaus
Go to this link for the following articles:
-ACLU: Okeechobee high school Gay-Straight Alliance wins groundbreakingfederal lawsuit
The American Civil Liberties Union today announced that Federal Judge K.Michael Moore ruled that school officials in Okeechobee, Florida, must allowa gay-straight alliance (GSA) club to meet on campus. In aprecedent-setting order, the judge upheld his earlier ruling that GSAs donot interfere with abstinence-only education and in a legal first, holdsthat schools must provide for the well-being of gay students.
Express Gay News
Go to this link for the following articles:
-Justice denied
A shocking report resulting from an internal Justice Department
investigation confirmed this week that Monica Goodling, senior counsel toformer Attorney General Alberto Gonazles, violated federalnon-discrimination laws by denying job opportunities to a female stafferbecause Goodling believed the woman was a lesbian.
-What a difference 15 years makes
Gay service members find warm reception on Hill, unlike 'hostile' 1993hearings
-Gay rights activist detained, abused in Uganda: NGO
Rights groups on Wednesday urged Uganda to investigate thealleged detaining and torture of a gay rights activist on trial forprotesting against discrimination last month.
-Man in county's 1st gay marriage dies
Guerneville resident had bad headaches, but cause of death is unknownThey had met 15 years ago that day in Santa Rosa. And that's what made ChrisLechman and Mark Gren's historic wedding even more special.
-John McCain on gay adoption ... again
John McCain spoke to George Stephanopoulos on "This Week" on Sunday andre-confused America as to what's really going on in his head regarding gayadoption. McCain told the New York Times that he's against gay adoption.His staff later clarified his statement, saying that McCain thinks decisionsregarding things like gay adoption should be left up to the states. SoGeorge asks: "What is your position on gay adoption? You told the New YorkTimes you were against it, even in cases where the children couldn't findanother home. But then your staff backtracked a bit. What is your position?"The first thing out of McCain's mouth is that he's not running his campaignon this issue. But ... you told the New York Times your position on it. Andyour specific position on it matters because you're running for PRESIDENT OFTHE UNITED STATES.
"My position is, it's not the reason why I'm running for president of theUnited States. And I think that two parent families are best for America,"McCain said. Most of the gay adoption cases in this country involve eithergay men or lesbian couples, and "couple" means two, so that answer's notcutting it.George pressed on, asking McCain to clarify. "Because I think -well, I think that it's - it is important for us to emphasize family values.But I think it's very important that we understand that we have otherchallenges, too. I'm running for president of the United States, because Iwant to help with family values. And I think that family values areimportant, when we have two parent - families that are of parents that areparents that are the traditional family." "So you're against gay adoption,"George said, trying to help McCain out. "I am for the values and principlesthat two parent families represent. And I also do point out that many ofthese decisions are made by the states, as we all know. And I will doeverything I can to encourage adoption, to encourage all of the things thatkeeps families together, including educational opportunities, including abetter economy, job creation. And I'm running for president, because I wantto help families in America. And one of my positions is that I believe thatfamily values and family traditions are preserved." McCain avoids answeringthe question again. He avoids saying why he thinks a gay couple adopting achild would be a slap in the face to family values. What family values areyou talking about specifically, John McCain? Watch for yourself. Thediscussion begins at 3:31. Link to video below:
-Gay-dar, Quantified
How long does it take to decide if a man is gay? It turns out that peoplemake their decisions within 50 milliseconds of seeing someone, and thatfirst instinct is accurate the majority of the time, according to researchby Nick Rule and Nalini Ambady of Tufts University who have a study in anupcoming issue of the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.
-HIV News
The HIV vaccine is a total bust. but researchers in Houston claim to havefound the Achilles' heel, a part of the fast-mutating virus that doesn'tmutate. Blast away at that, and you can "disable" the virus in infectedpersons.
-PFOX Lies About Teens with HIV
Regina Griggs of PFOX (Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays) continues to tellwhoppers. In this article at OneNewsNow she tells a huge lie: "Why are weallowing people to tell them, 'Try it -- you might like it?' Over 70percent of young kids 13- to 24-years-old, men having sex with men, are nowHIV-positive," Griggs notes. Over 70% of 13 to 24 year olds who are menhaving sex with men (MSM) are HIV-positive? That's absolutely ridiculous,not even in the ballpark. Here's the most recent CDC report, which does infact note that HIV infections have increased among MSM between 13 and 24.But 70%? Not even close.
Go to this link for the following articles:
-Colo. Man Charged In Transwoman Slaying
A Colorado man is accused of fatally battering a sex partner with a fire
extinguisher after discovering that his companion was a transgender woman.
-Bush Signs AIDS Bill
President Bush signed legislation Wednesday that triples U.S. funding to
fight AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis around the world.
-Another AIDS Stat That Will Be Ignored
A few years back when I was gainfully employed at a weekly newspaper, theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention released a press release thatnoted blacks accounted for 50 percent of the new HIV/AIDS diagnoses "in theUnited States in the 33 states with long-term, confidential name-based HIVreporting." I was convinced this was a story we should be all over; however,my editor at the time yawned. He thought the numbers tragic (!) but notparticularly newsworthy.
-Interview with "Brideshead Revisited" Director and Star
As you may have heard, an all-new, gay-injected adaptation of Evelyn Waugh'sclassic 1945 novel Brideshead Revisited is currently opening across thecountry. John Polly recently had a chance to sit down with the film's youngstar Matthew Goode (Charles Ryder) as well as director Julian Jarrold (KinkyBoots) to ask them about the film's making the character of Sebastian Flyteexplicitly gay, and his relationship with Charles more overtly romantic.
-Homophobic Attacks Mar EuroPride
(Stockholm) Homophobic attacks that left two gay men fighting for theirlives, two others seriously beaten, and three churches vandalized haveshocked this city known for its liberal attitude toward homosexuality.
-Major Calif. Company To Fight Anti-Gay Ballot Measure
California's largest public utility has given a quarter-million dollars tothe fight against a proposed constitutional amendment that would bansame-sex marriage in the state.
-Iran Pres. Blames West For AIDS
(Tehran) Iran's president is blaming the United States and other "`bigpowers" for AIDS, nuclear proliferation, and other global ills, and accusingthem of exploiting the United Nations and other organizations for their owngain and the developing world's loss.
-Ballot Measure Would Cancel Gainesville LGBT Protections
A social conservative voters group opposed to a Gainesville law protectingthe rights of transpeople in employment and housing has mounted a repealeffort that could terminate rights of all LGBT people in the city.
The Advocate
Go to this link for the following articles:
-Black U.S. AIDS Rates Rival Those of Some African Nations
A new report published by the Black AIDS Institute is intended to raiseawareness and remind the public that the "AIDS epidemic is not over inAmerica, especially not in Black America," reports CNN. "AIDS in Americatoday is a black disease," says Phill Wilson, founder and CEO of theinstitute to CNN. "2006 CDC data tell us that about half of the just over 1million Americans living with HIV or AIDS are black."
-California Town Debates Pride Parade
Residents of Salinas, Calif., located near Monterey, on Tuesday debatedhosting a gay pride parade. Two weeks ago the city's administratorsapproved a permit for a downtown gay pride parade, but dozens of residentson both sides of the issue showed up during the regular city council meetingTuesday to express their opinions.
National Gay News
Go to this link for the following articles:
-Amendment 2 Will Lead to Tragedy
Mathew Staver, president of the Florida-based Liberty Counsel, represents agroup of Californians described as "extremists" who want to go beyondbanning same-sex marriage to "strip away gay rights" of any kind in theGolden State. He also authored Florida's Amendment 2, the November ballotmeasure that would alter our state's constitution to define marriage asbetween only a man and a woman and ban its "substantial equivalent."
-AIDS Hitting Asian Gays at High Rates
HIV infection rates among gay men in many parts of Asia are as severe asthose which devastated US homosexual communities in the late 1980s, topofficials of the UNAIDS agency said here Tuesday. Launching his agency's2008 report on the global AIDS epidemic, Peter Piot, UNAIDS executivedirector, urged more action to prevent the spread of the disease among gaymen who have unsafe sex and stressed the importance of working with affectedcommunities.
-NGLCC Welcomes Top Law Firm to LGBT Supplier Diversity Program
Today the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) and NGLCCNYannounced the addition of Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal, LLP, a prestigiousnational law firm with major operations in thirteen U.S. cities includingChicago, New York, and Washington, DC. Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal, LLP,had joined the organizations in an effort to attract more diversity to thefirm's supply chain, specifically by adding LGBT-owned companies to the mix.
-Anal HPV Common in Hetero Men
Roughly one in four heterosexual men have anal human papillomavirus (HPV)infection and, in many cases, a cancer-causing type of the sexuallytransmitted wart virus is present, a study shows. Certain strains of HPV,which can be transmitted from male to female partners, are responsible formost cases of cervical cancer. Although much is known about HPV infection inwomen, this is not the case in men.
-Gay Congressman Barney Frank Proposes Legalization of Marijuana
Openly gay congressman Barney Frank, D-Mass, announced a proposal onWednesday to make it legal for pot smokers to light up. The proposed HR 5843bill would call an end to federal penalties targeting Americans carryingless than 100 grams of marijuana. "The vast amount of human activity oughtto be none of the government's business," Frank said at a news conference onCapitol Hill, CNN reported. "I don't think it is the government's businessto tell you how to spend your leisure time."
-Risk Behavior Does Not Account For Higher Rates Of HIV In Black MSM
Far higher rates of HIV among black MSM (men who have sex with men) comparedwith white MSM are not accounted for by any significant difference in riskbehavior, according to a large study review by the Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention (CDC) completed late last year.
Marriage Equality News
Go to this link for the following articles:
-John Aravosis: My take--"Mass. House votes to let out-of-state gays marry"
Link: AMERICAblog
I've been saying for years that neither our national groups, nor state-basedadvocates of gay marriage, are preparing for the day when one state will beforced to recognize another's marriages of gay couples. When that day comes,it will be very interesting to see what the "plan" is to convince members ofCongress not to walk. Far too many members of Congress, for my comfortlevel, said they were opposed to the Federal Marriage Amendment because "itwasn't necessary yet." That could change the day Massachusetts lets gaycouples come from all over America to be wed. And I don't hear of anyonedoing any real work at the national level to change the public's, orcongress', mind about marriage.
-"A minister speaks out for marriage equality"
Link: Milpitas Post
Fortunately, the meanings of words change over time. Although it is commonto hear that marriage is the same now as it was 5,000 years ago, this ispatently false. In ancient civilizations marriage was often a propertyexchange rather than a relationship based on love, shared interests, andcommon values. And in Biblical times it was not even a union between one manand one woman, but rather between one man and one or more women. (RememberSolomon's 700 wives?)
-CA: Opinion--"Is this historic or not?"
Link: Ventura County Star
If voters reject Proposition 8, it would be the first time the public hasaffirmed the right of gays and lesbians to marry. In the civil rightsarena, that would be as historic as the U.S. Supreme Court's Brown v. Boardof Education decision - a moment in time when the tide turned againstunequal legal treatment of separate classes of people. At least that's theway opponents of Proposition 8 seek to frame things. Interestingly, it isthe proponents who seek to downplay the significance of Proposition 8, whichwould amend the California Constitution to state that only "marriage betweena man and a woman is valid or recognized in California."
-CA: "Group warns Inland pastors about same-sex weddings"
Link: Press-Enterprise
A Sacramento-based conservative legal group arrives in Corona this week towarn local pastors that they might be sued for refusing to host same-sexweddings, and to advise them on how far they can go in supporting a ballotinitiative that would ban same-sex marriage.
-Will Arizona be abandoned?
Link: Box Turtle Bulletin
This is a question I am asked nearly everyday from folks in Arizona and fromfolks around the country. They ask questions like how much support came fromoutside Arizona in 2006? Will anyone outside of Arizona give money this timeto defeat Prop 102? Will anyone inside Arizona give money? How do you feelabout so much money going to California? What about Florida? Can Arizona winthis one too? Do you feel abandoned by those supporting Californiaespecially but also Florida since Arizona is the only state in the nation todefeat an anti-marriage amendment? There is no easy answer to any of thosequestions.
Pink News - UK
Go to this link for the following articles:
-Concern for gay Iranian refused asylum in Cyprus
The Commissioner of Administration in Cyprus has warned that a gay Iranianman faces death in his homeland if he is deported.
-Sex determination tests for female Beijing athletes
A decision to test female contenders for the Beijing 2008 Olympics to see ifthey are men has caused uproar
-Transsexual gene identified by scientists
A gene variant has been identified that could explain female-to-maletransexuality.
-"Orthodox Christians" target EuroPride churches
A pastor in Stockholm has revealed that three Lutheran churches in the cityhave been targeted by vandals, apparently because they are supportingEuroPride.
-Gay man re-elected chair of Royal College of Nursing Congress
The world's largest trade union for nurses, the Royal College of Nursing(RCN), has re-elected a gay man as the Chair of the RCN's Annual Congressfor a further two years.
-Estonia debates same-sex partnerships
The Ministry of Justice in Estonia is preparing a draft law which wouldallow same-sex partners to register their cohabitation.
-South African radio host leads protests against homophobic journalist200people protested yesterday outside the Sunday Sun newspaper's offices inJohannesburg against a controversial homophobic article from columnist JonQwelane.
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Go to the links for the following articles:
-55 Arrested During Raid on "Gay Party" in Saudi Arabia
Police in the Gulf kingdom of Saudi Arabia have launched another raid on aso-called gay party, this time in the coastal Qatif province. Drugs,alcohol were reportedly found at the gathering. TV channel al-Arabiyareports that two young men wearing women's make up and dancing together wereamong 55 people arrested by religious police. Last month more than 20 menafter a raid on another property in Qatif. Quantities of alcohol wereseized at a gathering of young men. Many were initially arrested onhomosexuality charges but later released. The state Commission for thePropagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice was acting on a tip off.In Saudi Arabia homosexuality is illegal under sharia, or Islamic Law.
-Bill O'Reilly, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity On Accused Shooter's ReadingList
Police found right-wing political books, brass knuckles, empty shotgun shellboxes and a handgun in the Powell home of a man who said he attacked achurch in order to kill liberals "who are ruining the country," courtrecords show. Knoxville police Sunday evening searched the Levy Drive homeof Jim David Adkisson after he allegedly entered the Tennessee ValleyUnitarian Universalist Church and killed two people and wounded six othersduring the presentation of a children's musical. Knoxville PoliceDepartment Officer Steve Still requested the search warrant afterinterviewing Adkisson. who was subdued by several church members afterfiring three rounds from a 12-gauge shotgun into the congregation.
-Messages That Lead to Murder
By Wayne Besen | Anything But Straight
This week, I attended the Commercial Closet's Images In Advertising Awardsin Manhattan, which honored corporations that produced gay affirming ads.The pro-gay plugs showed genuine progress and highlighted that many leadingcompanies "get it." The work of Commercial Closet is vital because imagesmatter and repeated exposure to messages shape our views and create positivechange in society. The cleverness and creativity in these ads imparts tomillions of people that homosexuality is nothing to be feared and that GLBTpeople are part of the human family.
-Out & Equal to Host 2008 Workplace Summit in Austin, Texas
Keynote Speakers to Include Syndicated Columnist Arianna Huffington andFormer U.S. Ambassador to Romania Michael Guest, among OthersOut & EqualWorkplace Advocates, the only national nonprofit organization exclusivelydedicated to advancing workplace equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual andtransgender (LGBT) people, expects nearly 3,000 attendees to gather at theAustin Convention Center in Austin, Texas, September 10-13 forthe annual Out& Equal Workplace Summit. For more information or to register, visitwww.outandequal.org. The early bird registration deadline is August 8,2008.
-TN: Neighbors Help Troubled Transgender Woman
To say that 43 year-old Duanna Johnson leads a difficult life would be anunderstatement. At her small, rundown, North Memphis house you'll findcondom wrappers on the ground outside her door.Her power meter is missing.Not that it matters because her electricity was turned off months ago aftershe stopped paying her utility bill. She has one extension cord runningfrom her bedroom window to the neighbor's house. They charge her $20 amonth to plug into their electricity. It powers the single fan Duanna usesto cool her house. And because Johnson has no running water in her home,neighbors often let her use their bathrooms to wash up and take care of herpersonal hygiene."Well, she would come over and talk," says 82 year-oldHattie Mae Benson. "And I mean, it was a good while before I knew what washappening."
-MI: Play About Gay Christians Moves to World Stage
Having grown up gay in the Catholic church, Nathan Gregorski mostlyassociated religion with feelings of rejection. So he said he is excited bythe chance to perform a play about gay Christians for the world's Anglicanbishops this week in Canterbury, England. Gregorski, 22, is part of aWestern Michigan University acting troupe that will perform "Seven Passages," a locally produced play based on the stories of West Michigangays, for many of the 650 bishops attending the once-a-decade LambethConference. "I just hope they get a little bit clearer understanding aboutthe issue and about gay people in general - that gay people are likeeverybody else," said Gregorski, a 2004 graduate of Mason County CentralHigh School and a WMU senior.
Forwarded from Gays Without Borders
Contact rays.list@comcast.net for the full article
-Drs. Arash Alaei and Kamiar Alaei Detained in Iran
Sign the petition to free Doctors Kamiar and Arash Alaei
Physicians for Human Rights today urged the Iranian government to end theincommunicado detention of Drs. Arash Alaei and Kamiar Alaei, two Iranianphysicians who have reportedly been detained in Iran by Iranian authorities.The physicians, who are brothers, were apparently arrested at the end ofJune, 2008 and their current whereabouts are unknown. The doctors areexperts on HIV/AIDS and have worked for many years on HIV/AIDS preventionand treatment activities in Iran and internationally. PHR calls on thegovernment of Iran to disclose their whereabouts, provide them access tolawyers and family, and either to charge them with an internationallyrecognized crime or release them immediately.
-Execution of 29 people in Evin prison in Iran (July 29, 2008)
Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union
The European Union condemns in the strongest terms the 29 simultaneousexecutions which took place in Evin prison, Iran, on Sunday 27 July 2008. Itconsiders that the Iranian regime's action of staging these executions andmaking them the focus of media attention is an affront to human dignity. TheEuropean Union remains convinced that capital punishment cannot form thebasis of a fair and effective prosecution policy: the dissuasive effect ofthis penalty has never been proved and any judicial error is irreversible.
The European Union is deeply concerned by the increasing recourse to thedeath penalty in Iran in recent months. It urges the Iranian authorities toput an end to death sentences and executions, to establish a moratorium witha view to abolishing the death penalty in accordance with the resolutionadopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 18 December 2007 and torespect international human rights standards for all Iranians.
-Iran: Risk of stoning of nine Iranians (July 24, 2008)
Declaration of the Presidency on behalf of the European Union
The European Union, which has just reaffirmed to Iran its opposition tocapital punishment under any circumstances, is deeply concerned by thesentencing of eight Iranian women and one Iranian man to stoning and by therisk of their imminent execution. It recalls that the Islamic Republic ofIran pledged to introduce a moratorium on stoning. The European Union urgesIran to abide by its commitments and international human rights standards.
The European Union calls on the Iranian government and parliament toabolish, in law and in practice, recourse to cruel and degrading punishmentand in particular the use of stoning as a method of execution, in accordancewith the latest resolution concerning the situation of human rights in theIslamic Republic of Iran adopted by the United Nations General Assembly inDecember 2007.
Forwarded from Euro-Queer
Contact rays.list@comcast.net for the full article:
-Turkey's Governing Party Avoids Ban
ISTANBUL - Turkey's governing party narrowly missed being banned in a courtruling on Wednesday that released months of pressure in the country andhanded a victory to the party's leader, a former Islamist. The party,Justice and Development, or AKP, as it is know in Turkish, was kept alive byjust one vote - six members of Turkey's Constitutional Court voted to closeit, but seven were required. A ban would have brought down the government,forcing national elections for the second time in a year and pitching thecountry into chaos. "A great uncertainty blocking Turkey's future has beenlifted," said Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the leader of the party,speaking in Ankara, Turkey's capital. The court case was the culmination ofan epic battle between Turkey's secular establishment - a powerful coterieof judges and generals that have deposed elected governments four times inTurkish history - and Mr. Erdogan, a broadly popular politician who saysthat his past as a political Islamist is firmly behind him.
-Not all plain sailing for Gay Pride
Amsterdam is gearing up for the high point of gay pride week this Saturdaywhen lesbians, gays and their friends take part in a boat parade through thecity's canals. More politicians are jumping aboard for Canal Pride, withthree more ministers announcing they intend to take part in the parade.
Their boat will sail under the (English) motto 'Simply Gay'. However,opposition MP Boris van der Ham (pictured below), whose progressive liberalD'66 party has had a boat in the gay parade for years, is trying to make itanything but plain sailing for the government. He welcomes the goodintentions, but says there are "still Dutch laws which discriminate againsthomosexuals". His party wants to amend the article in the constitutionthat outlaws discrimination by adding homosexuals to the list of those whoenjoy constitutional protectection. The Christian Democrat-led rulingcoalition is also under fire for allowing civil servants to opt out ofperforming marriage ceremonies for same-sex couples.
-Peter Tatchell interview while in Northern Ireland regarding statement from
MP and MLA Iris Robinson.
Link to video: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/northern_ireland/7531514.stm
-Greenland's gays fail to measure up to society's expectations
A masculine culture makes homosexuality tougher for men than for womenAn explanation for recent reports that gay Greenlanders are more likelytofind themselves ostracised by their communities than lesbians can befoundin the island's masculine culture, according to one historian. JensRydstöm explained that while lesbians are seen as being able tofulfiltraditional female roles, the discrimination experienced by gays stemsfroma belief that they are incapable performing traditional male roles suchashunting and trapping.
-Global Forum on Men Who Have Sex with Men & HIV
To Examine Gaps in HIV/AIDS Research, Care and Prevention atXVIIInternational AIDS Conference
Peter Piot of UNAIDS to Address Over 450 Participants from 80 CountriesGathered to Raise Awareness of Unique Issues Facing Gay MenLos Angeles, Calif., July 30, 2008 - Continuing the work it began at itslaunch at AIDS 2006, The Global Forum on Men Who Have Sex with Men & HIV(MSMGF) today announced a full program of activities at the XVIIInternational AIDS Conference - to be held in Mexico City August 3-8 - tobring much-needed attention to a population at heightened risk for HIVinfection around the globe. MSMGF will hold a pre-conference satellitefocused on MSM and HIV on Friday, August 1 and Saturday, August 2, with ajust-announced address and question and answer session from Peter Piot,executive director of UNAIDS, scheduled for August 1 at 1:30 p.m. (CDT).MSMGF will hold a press conference to recap its satellite at noon onWednesday, August 6 in the XVII International AIDS Conference Media Center.
In addition, MSMGF will exhibit at the AIDS 2008 Global Village, re-launchits online presence with a new Web site and participate in a first-everinternational march against stigma, discrimination and anti-homophobia setfor August 2. "As the eyes of the world focus on AIDS in August, we want toensure that the dire situation facing men who have sex with men, theircommunities and, ultimately, their governments, is addressed head-on at AIDS2008," said Don Baxter, executive director of the Australian Federation ofAIDS Organizations and a co-chair of MSMGF's Steering Committee. "The impactof HIV on MSM cannot be overlooked, and there is an urgent need forinternational action now."
-Children's books become ideological battleground in Sweden
STOCKHOLM (AFP) - Two new publishing houses for children's books havesparkeddebate in gender-equal Sweden over their professed aim of instillingthecountry's open-minded social values in the next generation. "Our goal isfor all people, regardless of gender, sexuality, ethnicity orother suchthings, to have the freedom to create their own identity and berespected fortheir personal qualities," said Karin Salmson, the co-founderof the newVilda publishing house. But several critics are outraged, saying they aresimply pushing propaganda disguised as literature. Vilda and another smallpublisher, Olika, both opened their doors last yearwith the express aim ofmaking children's books that promote liberal valuesand challenge traditionalviews on gender, race and sexual orientation.
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
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Contact rays.list@comcast.net if can't access the article
-Young Voters Use Online Video Platform to Voice Concerns About Human
andCivil Rights
Human and civil rights are a key issue for young people
WASHINGTON - In response to record-setting young voter turnout this year,Campus Progress Action has launched I'mVoting For, an online videotestimonial project that gives young people aplatform to talk about howtheir personal experiences and passion for theissues are driving them to thepolls. Young people aren't turning out just because of a particularcandidate -they are reacting to important issues like health care, the warin Iraq, andcivil rights. And of the hundreds of videos on the I'm VotingFor website,human and civil rights are consistently one of the top issuesthat youngvoters identify as their primary concern, often citing a need forimmediategovernment action.
-The Worst Kept "Secret" In Public Health
For more than a year, U.S. federal officials have attempted-sometimesinvain-to quell rumors that the number of new HIV infections in the UnitedStates is on the rise. The Washington Blade first broke the story inNovember2007, reporting that the CDC was poised to raise the officialestimate forthe number of HIV infections believed to occur in the UnitedStates to arange as high as 58,000 to 63,000 per year-a greater than 50percent increaseover the current estimate of 40,000 annual HIV infections. By December2007, World AIDS Day media coverage in The New York Times, TheWashingtonPost, Bloomberg News, The Associated Press and other outletsamplified theleaks. They also described growing frustration among AIDScommunity advocateswith delays in making the important research findingspublic.
-FCC's Porn-Free Broadband Plan Draws Fire from Public Interest GroupsAgency could face lawsuits if proposal passes. More than half a dozenadvocacy groups ranging from liberal to libertarian agree on one thing: theproposal for a porn-free national broadband service put forth by FederalCommunications Commission Chair Kevin Martin is "unconstitutional andunwise." The Friday filing illustrates the plan as a "government mandated'blacklist' of websites." The filtering system would restrict the system"so dramatically that the usefulness of the service would be radicallyreduced."
-Michigan lawmakers look to expand hate-crime laws
Lansing Police Chief: "We need to send a strong message"
Lawmakers and law enforcement both say it is time to get tough onhatecrimes. Legislation spearheaded by Rep. Paul Condino (D-Southfield)wouldexpand Michigan's hate-crime law to include additional classes ofpeople. Vowing to get it through the current lame-duck session of the house,Condinointroduced legislation on Thursday that would add intimidation ofgays andlesbians and people with disabilities to the hate-crime list. Themeasurewould also bring stiffer penalties to those who do thingscommonlyassociated with bias and prejudice, such as hanging a noose orburning across on someone's property. While the measure is expected to passin the House, its future in the Senate is uncertain. State Senator HansenClark stood by Condino and the otherspushing for the change. The DetroitDemocrat said, "I want to send themessage that we need to be tolerant ofeveryone's differences. We also wantto attract jobs. We want to show thatMichigan is a welcoming, acceptingstate of everyone." He said he will do hisbest to convince the Senate thatthis is the right thing to do.
-Don't Ask Don't Tell - Jon Stewart (beyond humorous)and The Daily Showcommentary (and video)
-Max Hardcore's Motion for New Trial Denied
TAMPA, Fla. - In an order issued today, U.S. District Court JudgeSusanBucklew has denied the motion by defendants Paul Little (a.k.a.Maxhardcore) and Max World Entertainment for a new trial and/or a judgmentofacquittal for the charges upon which they were convicted on June 5. Littleand Max World had been charged with interstate transportation ofobscenematerial and of posting obscene material on the Internet. Among themultiple bases for new trial or acquittal contained in the defensemotion,authored by Max World attorney Jennifer Kinsley, were threeinstances of juryirregularities; charges of bias against the defendantsallegedly committed byJudge Bucklew herself; failure of the prosecution toproduce enough evidencefor the defendants to be found guilty; and severallegal issues based on theSupreme Court's ruling in Lawrence v. Texas.
-Many Stories, One Voice
The North American Convocation of Pro-LGBT Christians inNew Orleans, La., Sept. 4-7
Many Stories, One Voice: The North American Convocation of Pro-LGBTChristians is a conference that will offer new tools and training intheareas of faith-based community organizing, media training,boarddevelopment, fund-raising, research, biblical studies,theology,capacity-building and other concrete skills. Participants will alsoengagein discussions about issues of race, class, ability, age,embodiment,gender identity and sexual orientation.
Register online at http://www.manystoriesonevoice.org/
Pros and Cons of a New Dominion Decision
Larry J. SabatoDirector, U.Va. Center for Politics
We have no earthly idea if Virginia Governor Tim Kaine is Obama's choiceforVice President. All we know is that distinguished reporters who claimtohave good sources are calling and saying that Kaine is on theshort-shortlist. Since the Crystal Ball is based in Virginia, and since wehave followed Tim Kaine's career since it began on the Richmond City Councilin 1994, we'lloffer our readers a brief precis on what Kaine would add tothe ticket, andwhat he would not, should the rumors prove accurate. As withall potential Veep picks, there are pluses and minuses. Let's startwithKaine's advantages:
-Social issues crowd state ballots
Besides electing a president on Nov. 4, voters in some key battlegroundstates also will face divisive social policy choices, including whether toban gay marriage in Florida and restrict affirmative action and abortion inColorado. Michigan voters may be asked to end a 30-year-old ban onstem-cell research that destroys human embryos. Ohioans may decide whethersick workers should be guaranteed paid leave. Missouri voters' attitudestoward immigrants will be tested by a measure to declare English theofficial state language. In Washington, voters may get to weigh whether tojoin Oregon in legalizing assisted suicide for the terminally ill.
Gay & Lesbian Leadership SmartBrier
Go to this link for the following articles:
-Pelosi proud of her "San Francisco values"
The GOP's condemnation of so-called "San Francisco values" to inspire moregiving from its supporters doesn't sit well with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi,who represents the city, according to this blog posting. "I think theyhighlight [San Francisco values] because they are the forces that arefighting health insurance for our children[,] ... they are the forces thatare fighting increases in the minimum wage," Pelosi said. "So when they sortof use their winks and nods about San Francisco values, they are talkingabout the fact that we respect our gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendercommunity. But what they are really afraid of is economic justice." TheHuffington Post (7/28)
Anything but Straight
-Wayne Besen Vs. Bill O'Reilly On Snickers Ad [video]
Ft. Lauderdale: ArtsUnited Features Paintings by James Goodson in August
ArtsUnited will feature the paintings of local artist James Goodson in soloexhibit at the Stonewall Library and Archives from August 4 through 29,2008. The library is located at 1717 North Andrews Avenue in FortLauderdale, FL. The exhibit opens with a reception to meet the artist from6:30 to 8:00 PM on Monday, August 4th. Admission to the exhibit andreception are free and open to the public. As a teen, James Goodson beganstudying dance, drama and play writing at Baylor University. Work in fashiondesign and retail and wholesale display followed. Later James studiedcomputer applications and digital photography. He recently retired from NSUwhere he worked in Media Services. In addition to his photography andpaintings, James has published two books - a collection of poetry and ateen/tween novella. His art has been featured in a number of venuesthroughout Broward County.
Contact rays.list@comcast.net for the full article
-We just completed our Minnesota Outreach and Educational Trip. Now weare gearing up for the second part of our summer O/E trip in Colorado. Wewillbe spending just over two weeks in the states. While Colorado tends to getalot of attention for some of its anti-GLBTresidents and organizations,there are relatively few religious schools.However, every two years or so wereturn to the state to do more of ourlife saving work.
Colorado has about 55,000 students enrolled in religious k-12 schools.Thosestudents are spread out among approximately 232 religious schools. [...]Finally we are still working on raising money for this upcoming trip.Infact we are still behind about $500 from our trip to MN and needabout$2000. for this Colorado trip. If you are able to help you can makeyourdonation securely online at http://www.heartstrong.org or by mailingyourdonation to HeartStrong, PO Box 2051, Seattle WA 98111. Everything helps! We appreciate everyone's support as we continue onour23rd outreach trip since 1998.
Marc Adams
Forwarded from Bill Sterling
-Mulling a Troubling Murder
NEWSWEEK's cover story provoked a fierce debate over homosexuality,harassment and a school's obligation to police its students. Larry King wasan openly gay 15-year-old who was shot dead by one of his middle-schoolclassmates. Could the school have done anything to stop it? That is thequestion NEWSWEEK tackled in "Young, Gay and Murdered," the cover story thisweek. The article drew a massive response online--more than 4,000 commentswere posted through the week. Many responded to reporter Ramin Setoodeh'sassertion that Larry "was a troubled child who flaunted his sexuality andwielded it like a weapon."
From Transgender Equality
Contact rays.list@comcast.net for the full article
-Greeley, CO: 9NEWS has learned the man arrested in the murder ofan18-year-old transgender person was on date with who he thought was agirl.Police say when the suspect discovered his date was actually aman, he killedher. Alan Ray Andrade, 31, was arrested in Thornton on Tuesday and facessecond-degree murder and aggravated motor vehicle theft charges. In anarrest affidavit obtained by 9NEWS Andrade admits to police tokilling AngieZapata, 20, who was living as a woman but born as JustinZapata.
[Send your comments about articles to Rays.List@Comcast.net]
Thursday, July 31, 2008
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