Sunday, September 17, 2006

GLBT DIGEST - September 17, 2006


On The Record
"When you hold something back, that's all everyone wants to know."

Sep. 16, 2006

Gay CNN Headlines News anchor Thomas Roberts, on a panel at the annualconvention of the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association; one daylater, the network announced his show has been cancelled and he was beingreassigned (Blog Beantown Cuban, Sept. 8)

"Angie and I will consider tying the knot when everyone else in the countrywho wants to be married is legally able." Actor Brad Pitt, on why he andlive-in girlfriend Angelina Jolie will not marry until gay couples in theU.S. can as well (Esquire magazine, October issue)

"New York is so clean now, you could eat your dinner off its streets."Singer Boy George, commenting on the ease of his recent community service job cleaning the streets of the Big Apple (BBC, Sept. 7)



The Express Gay News

When identities fall like dominoes
I lost pride, one by one, in the identities that defined me, only to discover there is one more waiting to be shed.

Sep. 16, 2006

IN SCHOOL, MY liberal friends used to joke that I represented pretty muchevery manifestation of "the man" who proverbially keeps everyone else"down":Not only am I a white male from the South, but I was a Bible-believingChristian, a Republican, and, of course, heterosexual.

I laughed along with the characterization, even though I knew the intent wasto discount my views as the product of a life lived in supposed privilege. Iknew my background was more modest - my parents were the first college graduates from their Arkansas families - but it was fair enough to say I was someone for whom "the system" worked.

I was proud of who I was and from where I came. What a difference a decadeor so can make.


The Express Gay News

The big lie about gay men and sex

If straight men could find sex in public restrooms with women, we'd never beable to use the facilities for legit purposes.
Sep. 16, 2006

THE WORLD OF men can be divided into two groups: Those who feel empty aftera one-night stand and those who roll over and go to bed feeling completelysatisfied.

This emotional divide among males is equally as dramatic as the morepublicized difference in sexual orientation between gay and straight men.Yet the phenomenon is rarely talked about as the conventional wisdom wronglyconcludes that "men are pigs."

The gulf between the men who oink and boink and those who bed and wed isworth exploring. It seems to me that these men have little in common, as pigs are from Pluto and mensches are from Mars.


The current issue of The Express Gay News is online


The New York Times

September 17, 2006

Excerpts From 'The Confession,' McGreevey's Autobiography

New York magazine will publish excerpts on Monday from "The Confession," an autobiography by former Gov. James E. McGreevey of New Jersey, who resigned from office in 2004 after saying he had had a gay affair with Golan Cipel,an Israeli national whom he appointed as the state's homeland securityadviser. After Mr. McGreevey's resignation, Mr. Cipel fled to Israel withoutfollowing through on a threat to file a lawsuit and has refused to comment.From the book, published by Regan Books, which will be released on Tuesday:

Inauthenticity is endemic in American politics today. The politicalbackrooms where I spent much of my career were just as benighted as mypersonal life, equally crowded with shadowy strangers and compromises,truths I hoped to deny. I lived not in one closet but in many.

Ironically, the dividing experience of my sexuality helped me thrive in thatenvironment. As I climbed the electoral ladder - from state assemblyman tomayor of Woodbridge and finally to governor of New Jersey - politicalcompromises came easy to me because I'd learned how to keep a part of myselfinnocent of them. I kept a steel wall around my moral and sexual instincts -protecting them, I thought, from the threats of the real world. This gave mea tremendous advantage in politics, if not in my soul. The true me, my spiritual core, slipped further and further from reach.


From Marc Adams - HeartStrong
Hi Everyone,

I know its been a bit since our last update. Kinda hard to find decentinternet connections in the motels we stay in.

However, we have been hard at work. We have been doing many educationalforums, school visits (including a stop last week at Loma LindaUniversity...a Seventh-day Adventist university in CA).

Educational forums were held in Las Vegas, Flagstaff, Tucson, Riverside,Long Beach and many other places.

I will send out a more detailed update shortly.

For some of you, this is your first email from our list. Thanks for signing up and please sign our online guestbook at We'd love to hear from you.

We still have two weeks to go on this portion of the Fall Outreach Tripand we are also preparing for the next portion of the trip which begins mid October and takes us through the northeast.

We are still in need of $2500.00 to pay for all of the costs of this trip. We had some special donations which got us to this point which I willtalk about in the next email. However, if you can help us today, pleaseeither call me (206-351-9993) or make your donation online at Your help is greatly needed and appreciated.

We are also beginning to determine the costs for the next portion of thisoutreach trip and it looks like about $8,000.00. If we are fortunate toreceive the $2500.00 to clear this trip's costs, any additional funds willgo to the second portion of this trip.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Remember, donations are tax deductible.

Marc Adams
(volunteer) Executive Director

HeartStrongList mailing list


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MA: Chief Justice speaks on freedom

Alexandra Lima
Issue date: 9/15/06 Section: News

Daily Free Press [Boston University]

Chief Justice Margaret Marshall of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court-- who presided over the legalization of same-sex marriage in the state inNovember, 2003 -- spoke at the University of Massachusetts-Boston Thursdayabout the significance of preserving freedom and equality in the UnitedStates.

The speech, sponsored by the John W. McCormack Graduate School, wasdelivered before an audience of several hundred people, including faculty,students and eight members of the Massachusetts Justice Conference.

Marshall, who was born and raised in South Africa, compared her personalexperiences in Africa and the United States to stress that "without freedomof thought, justice and equality can never be achieved."


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Media Contact:
Cathy Renna,, 917.757.6123 Syd Peterson,, 917.621.6411


Family Pride to provide skills building opportunities for advocacy,education, and community organizing to hundreds

August 31, 2006-- DALLAS, TEXAS-- Family Pride will host Act OUT: theNational LGBT Family Conference, in Dallas, Texas, this October 27-29, 2006.The conference will be a dynamic three-day event focused on advocacy,education, and community building for LGBT-headed families and their allies.Hundreds of families are expected to attend from across the country. Spaceis limited and time is running out, so interested families should register at


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VA: Opposition research: Same-sex marriage opponents outpaced in fundraising efforts

By CHRISTINA NUCKOLS, The Virginian-Pilot
September 16, 2006

RICHMOND - Opponents of a constitutional amendment that would bansame-sex marriage and civil unions outraised supporters of thereferendum initiative 2-to-1 this summer, according to financialreports filed Friday.

The Commonwealth Coalition raised more than $315,000 in July andAugust in its effort to defeat the ballot question, the group said ina statement filed with the State Board of Elections. The groupincludes gay rights advocates and religious and business organizations., an affiliate of the Richmond-based Family Foundationthat backs the amendment, reported nearly $155,300 in donations forthe period.


Forwarded from EuroQueer

Flamenco flamboyance at Spain gay military wedding
Sat Sep 16, 2006 7:15 AM IST

SEVILLE, Spain (Reuters) - Two airmen became the first gay Spanish militarycouple to marry on Friday, accompanied by a fire-cracker chorus of flamencoclapping, guitars and a crowd of hearty-voiced well-wishers.

Private Alberto Linero exchanged vows with Private Alberto Sánchez atSeville's town hall, both in air force dress uniform and watched by friends,family and well-known gay personalities.

"I just hope everything goes well," said a nervous-sounding Sánchez ashe was pursued along the streets of the Andalusian capital by a mediathrong.

They shed a tear as they hugged and kissed effusively as anotherflamenco chorus was played at the door of the town hall.


Forwarded from Ken's List <>

Woodhull Congratulates Board Member Jeffrey
Importance: High

Triangle Foundation Executive Director and Woodhull Freedom Foundation BoardMember and Treasurer, Jeffrey Montgomery, was honored on Wednesday,September 13th with the prestigious Liberty Bell Award by the State Bar ofMichigan.

The award was given because of the tremendous contributions JeffreyMontgomery has made to the struggle for civil rights and justice.

Upon accepting the award, Montgomery used his time to further educate theaudience about the lack of legal protections that GLBT people have inMichigan. He also condemned the tremendous legal setback the GLBT communityendured with the passage of the constitutional amendment that bannedmarriage equality in 2004.

For more on this, please visit

The board and staff of Woodhull are very proud of Jeff and join the StateBar of Michigan in honoring his work in the cause of affirming sexualfreedom as a fundamental human right.


Forwarded from Ken's List <>

Associated Press, September 13, 2006

Episcopal truce attempt on gay issues fails

Episcopal bishops at odds over homosexuality ended a private meetingWednesday saying they had failed to reach agreement over dioceses thatreject the authority of the church's incoming national leader.

The 11 bishops said they "were unable to come to common agreement on the wayforward," although they recognized the need to accommodate the dissentingdioceses.

"The level of openness and charity in this conference allow us to pledge tohold one another in prayer and to work together until we have reached thesolution God holds out for us," the bishops said in a statement. They didnot say whether another meeting was planned.


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We'd like to take this opportunity to introduce you to largest LGBTpolitical change conference in the country: Creating Change. For thisyear's conference, held in Kansas City, MO, the Woodhull Freedom Foundationhas partnered with the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force to create anentire track dedicated to Sexual Freedom.

Our mission for this conference is to help educate activists and advocateson the importance of focusing on the general issue of sexual freedom ratherthan any one particular identity. In order to accomplish this we areshowcasing a daylong, Pre-Conference Institute on Sexual Freedom that willbe led by experienced activists and leaders from different areas of theSexual Freedom movement. During the main conference schedule, the SexualFreedom track will include great workshops and skills academies coveringtopics ranging from discussions about sex in the disabled community to youthissues and leather issues, as well as understanding sexual freedom as apolitical leader.


Famed Connecticut Church Appoints Gay Pastor
by The Associated Press
September 16, 2006 - 4:00 pm ET

(New Haven, Connecticut) Sporting an earring, a tattoo of a cross on his armand a rainbow garment, the Rev. John MacIver Gage does not look like thetypical pastor. But that's OK at a church the FBI once bugged.

Gage, who is openly gay, will be installed Sunday as senior minister of theUnited Church on the Green in New Haven.

While other Christian denominations have been torn apart over gay rights,Gage's sexual orientation has generated little, if any, controversy.

"This church would love for me to find a nice man and settle down and hostmy wedding," Gage says.

As long as he doesn't get too conventional.


The Washington Post Company

A Bad Amendment
Even if you oppose gay marriage, Virginia's ban would go too far.

Sunday, September 17, 2006; B06

SINCE 1998, 20 states have adopted constitutional amendments banning gaymarriage. But not all of them have been drafted so expansively, and socarelessly, as the measure that will appear on Virginia's ballot inNovember, which would recognize no "union, partnership or other legal statusto which is assigned the rights, benefits, obligations, qualities or effectsof marriage." The amendment is muddle-headed and absurdly broad, duplicateswhat is already in state law and carries the germ of a thousand unintendedconsequences. Virginia voters should reject it.

Gov. Timothy M. Kaine (D) opposes gay marriage, but he shares with itsdefenders the concern that the wording of Virginia's amendment could imperilthe rights of individuals to enter into private contracts or employers toextend benefits such as health care coverage to unmarried couples. Plenty ofthe state's most prominent employers might face a more vexing recruitingenvironment if the amendment is approved.


The New York Times Company

September 17, 2006
The City
Wrong Again on Same-Sex Marriage

In a lamentable decision this summer, New York's highest court declared thatdenying same-sex couples the right to marry does not violate the state'sconstitutional requirement of due process and equal protection. Butwrong-headed as it was, the 4-to-2 ruling by the Court of Appeals was not sobroad as to alter the state's duty to respect same-sex marriages validlyperformed in other jurisdictions like Massachusetts or Canada, where suchunions are allowed.

That vital distinction needs clarification. Just days after the ruling, alower court on Long Island, citing the Court of Appeals decision, blockedthe efforts of a 73-year-old man, Duke Funderburke, to obtain spousal healthbenefits for Bradley Davis, his partner of 43years. The two men were married in Ontario in 2004.


The New York Times Company
September 17, 2006

Adam Berger and Stephen Frank


THEY had been close friends for years, first at college and later in NewYork, but now Adam Berger was baring his soul to Stephen Frank. "I havenews: I don't play on your team," he said, adapting the line from "Seinfeld."

They had gotten to know each other as freshmen at Harvard. As collegeprogressed, they became best friends, dated women and ultimately becamesuite mates.

They bickered, they quibbled, they finished each other's sentencespractically before the one speaking knew what he was actually going to say.So much so, that friends jokingly began to refer to them as an old marriedcouple.
