Thursday, September 28, 2006

GLBT DIGEST - September 28, 2006


Ryan White on House Floor Today

On Thursday, the House will meet at 10:00 a.m. for legislative business.

Last votes expected: 8:30-9:30 p.m. 4) H.R. 6143 - Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Modernization Act of 2006 (Sponsored by Rep. Bono / Energy and Commerce Committee)

Ryan White Care Act; AIDS bill is dilemma for Clinton

By Alexander Bolton

An AIDS funding bill that has stalled on the Senate floor has put Sen.Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) in a difficult position - forcing her tochoose between the interests of her home state and those of battlegroundstates in the 2008 presidential election.

Elected officials and AIDS activists from Iowa, South Carolina, and Ohio areurging senators to pass the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS ResourcesEmergency Act, which would increase their state's funding for peopleinfected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

A group of activists and officials are focusing their efforts on Clintonbecause she has the highest profile among the bill's opponents. They mayalso be calculating that they have most leverage with her because she isexpected to run for president.


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For Immediate Release

Contact: Greg Herek

DAVIS, CA, September 27, 2006 -- Dr. Gregory Herek, one of the nation's leading social science experts on sexual orientation, has launched a newblog that focuses on the intersections of science, policy, and sexuality."Beyond Homophobia" is located at

The blog's title reflects Dr. Herek's efforts to encourage a more nuancedunderstanding of prejudice against sexual minorities, moving beyond theconceptual and linguistic limitations of "homophobia." Toward that end,blog entries will address sexual prejudice and its relationship to culturalevents and public policy in a variety of ways. Critical summaries of newresearch studies will be posted, as will discussions of how social scienceresearch can inform efforts to fight prejudice and discrimination based onsexual orientation.


The Washington Post

Jim McGreevey's Night Out With His New Constituents

By Darragh Johnson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, September 28, 2006; C01

You see him on TV, all earnest with Matt Lauer, all plaintive and kind of creepy with Oprah.

And you think, Oh gawd. He's so slick, so self-promoting, so insincere .

Then you walk downstairs to the basement bookstore on Dupont Circle, andfind about 80 people, most of them men, are waiting to meet Jim McGreevey,the 49-year-old former "gay governor" of New Jersey.

As it happens, McGreevey is not the only one here who knew he was gay but got married anyway.

Two years ago, after the governor found himself at the center of a scandalinvolving a male staffer who threatened to sue for sexual harassment, theboyishly good-looking politico confessed, "I am a gay American." Standing athis side in the glaring lights at the news conference were his mom and dadand his second wife. His was the only face not wearing a strange expression.


Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News

Greeks discuss their gay community

Panhellenic Council hosts discussion with student groups about being Greek and gay at USC.

Catherine Lyons

Issue date: 9/26/06 Section: News

The Greek community addressed an elephant in the room Monday night, with "Out and Greek," an event about homosexuality in fraternities andsororities.

Shane Windmeyer, best-selling author and educator on sexual orientationissues and Greek life, opened the doors to discussion of what it's like tobe gay and Greek.

Windmeyer, a Phi Delta Theta at Emporia State University in Kansas more than10 years ago, came out to his brothers during his junior year. Based on hisexperiences, he has written three books: "Brotherhood: Gay Life in CollegeFraternities," "Out on Fraternity Row: Personal Accounts of Being Gay in aCollege Fraternity" and "Secret Sisters: Stories of Being Lesbian & Bisexualin a College Sorority."

Hosted by the Panhellenic Council and sponsored by Undergraduate StudentGovernment, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Resource Center, GayLesbian Bisexual Transgender Assembly and the Peer Mediation Program,Windmeyer discussed how straight members of the Greek community can becomeallies and supporters of their gay brothers and sisters.


Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News

World Net Daily

Kupelian exposes 'gay marketing' on national TV
D. James Kennedy's 'Coral Ridge Hour' to feature WND managing editor Sunday

Posted: September 26, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2006

This weekend, WND managing editor and bestselling author of "The Marketing of Evil" David Kupelian will expose how "gay rights" is being sold toAmerica on D. James Kennedy's nationally broadcast TV show, "The Coral RidgeHour."

One of the most talked-about books of the last year, "The Marketing of Evil"is being featured throughout September on the show, which airs on more than600 stations, four cable networks, and to 145 nations and 125 ships at seaon the Armed Forces Network.After Sept. 17's interview with Kupelian on multiculturalism, and Sept. 23'sinterview on "the attack marriage" (both segments can be viewed onlinehere), this Sunday will feature Kupelian pulling the curtain back on the marketing of homosexuality.

Kennedy is pastor of the 10,000-member "Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church" in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. One of the most widely known and respected Christianministers in the nation, Kennedy launched his weekly one-hour televisionshow in 1978.


Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News

Express India

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

'Hateful' anti-gay law must go: NACO


New Delhi, September 27: A British colonial era law in India that criminalises homosexuality is "not acceptable" and scrapping it is "fundamental" to the fight against AIDS, the country's top official leadingefforts to end the disease said.

Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code carries a maximum penalty of 10 yearsin jail for men having gay sex.

"This is not acceptable. Section 377 is quite an anachronism," Sujatha Rao,the chief of the state-run National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO), toldcheering delegates late on Tuesday at the end of a four-day Asia-Pacificconference on male sexual health and HIV. She termed the law "hateful".

The law, enacted in 1861 by British colonial rulers, is being challenged inNew Delhi's High Court by an anti-AIDS voluntary group. The challenge hasbeen supported by NACO.

Activists say policemen use Section 377 to extract money from gay mensitting in parks or lanes and the threat of penal action only compounds theproblems of social stigma and discrimination the sexual minority faces inIndia.


Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News


Why we need to break the chains of gay people

Ashok Row Kavi | September 27, 2006 | 13:35 IST

It's strange how the movement to annul the anti-sodomy laws has beenproceeding. The latest being the hue and cry over the open letter by VikramSeth and over 150 others including Amartya Sen and Arundhati Roy crying forthe removal of Section 377 from the Indian Penal Code for beingunconstitutional.

The backlash against the movement has also started building up and nowcovers a whole spectrum from lunatic fringe right-wing groups to the equallyloony liberals.

Some of the voices for keeping the sodomy laws are the usual set of culprits with the same old tired arguments confusing same-sex love with pedophilia,equating homosexuality with species suicide, and even a rather funny Shiv Sena argument that if 'all women became lesbians the population wouldcollapse and India would get de-populated.'

However, what interests me now is the way the political class isappropriating and co-opting the gay movement without looking at the healthangle. In fact the only sensible statement till date that I can relate tohas been the affidavit from the National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO)saying that Section 377 has 'become a hindrance in reaching out to andaccessing population on the margins of society like men-having-sex (MSM) inthe national effort to prevention and control HIV/AIDS.'


Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News

September 26, 2006


The Senate is about to freeze AIDS treatment and care for another year witha reauthorization bill for the Ryan White Act, introduced tonight by SenatorFrank Lautenberg (D-NJ) and co-sponsored by Senators Clinton and Schumer,Senators Menendez (D-NJ), Obama (D-IL), Durbin (D-IL), and Nelson (D-FL).This noxious bill, as it now stands, would turn back the clock on the Ryan White Act.

Write your Senators today-- tell them this bill must be amended to meet the life-or-death needs of people with AIDS. And here are Talking Points,courtesy of Housing Works, the feisty AIDS service organization whose work I much admire:

For too long, people living with HIV/AIDS and frontline AIDS serviceproviders have all made do with hopelessly inadequate funding. As of lastweek, nearly 200 people were on the wait list for drugs in South Carolina.Meanwhile, in New York, the over 125,000 people living with HIV/AIDS standto loose $78 million in Title II funding over the next four years under the current Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Modernization Act of 2006 (the bill to reauthorize Ryan White).


Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News

Money fight stalls AIDS bill

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - A bill that would shift millions of dollars for AIDS care to rural areas is being held up in the Senate by Democrats from California, NewYork and New Jersey, whose states would lose out.The objections threaten to stall passage of the $2.1 billion Ryan White CAREAct before Congress wraps up work this week ahead of the Nov. 7 midtermelections.

The law, originally passed in 1990, sends money to state and local programsfor the neediest patients. A rewrite that has passed House and Senatecommittees would funnel more money to rural and southern states where AIDSis spreading, but less money to larger states and urban areas thattraditionally have been at the front line of the epidemic.

Republican leaders hoped to get the legislation through the full House andSenate this week, but Democratic Sens. Barbara Boxer of California, HillaryClinton and Charles Schumer of New York, and Robert Menendez and FrankLautenberg of New Jersey are all objecting.


Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News

Posted on Tue, Sep. 26, 2006

Judge halts Kentucky law aimed at stopping military funeral protests

Associated Press

LOUISVILLE, Ky. - A federal judge has temporarily suspended Kentucky's lawforbidding protests within 300 feet of military funerals and memorialservices.

U.S. District Judge Karen Caldwell said today that the law goes too far inlimiting free speech. The law aimed at Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka,Kan., which is known for its anti-gay protests, is too broad, the judge saidin issuing an injunction.

"The zone is large enough that it would restrict communications intended forthe general public on a matter completely unrelated to the funeral as wellas messages targeted at funeral participants," Caldwell wrote in a 37-pageruling issued in Frankfort.

Earlier this year, the Kentucky General Assembly passed the law prohibitingnearly all protests near military funerals.

Lili Lutgens, general counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union ofKentucky, which filed the suit, said Caldwell's ruling protects the FirstAmendment.

"We think Judge Caldwell reinforced the importance of freedom ofexpression," Lutgens said. "We continue to support the commonwealth'sefforts to protect funerals, but we know it's not necessary to violate theFirst Amendment to do that."


To Support Truth Wins Out

Truth Wins Out's Urgent Call For Support - (Send Wayne to Macon)

From Wayne Besen

Dear Friend:

I write with an urgent request.

On Saturday, a conference featuring Focus on the Family's ex-gay leader MikeHaley is coming to Macon, Georgia. At the "Love Matters Most" extravaganza,the lives of gay people will be grossly twisted and badly distorted, as wellas the faithful urged to vote against gay rights.

At the moment, there is no one to counter this misleading message in the
heart of the Bible Belt. This means the ex-gays can spin theirpseudo-science with impunity to a gullible mainstream media. I would like tobe at this event to ensure our side is represented in the media. If I am notthere to provide the facts, the media will have nothing to report on butFocus on the Family's fiction.

Unfortunately, this event is outside of TWO's 2006 budget and we need toquickly raise $1,000 to make this happen. Please consider sponsoring thisentire action or giving what you can today, so I can provide a counterweightto the well-funded ex-gay industry's message machine.
