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The New York Times
October 21, 2006
Priest Named by Foley Is Barred From All Religious Duties
MIAMI, Oct. 20 - The Archdiocese of Miami on Friday barred the Rev. AnthonyMercieca from functioning as a priest anywhere in the world after confirmingthat he was the clergyman who Mark Foley said molested him in the 1960's.
Father Mercieca, who now lives in Malta, can no longer publicly celebrateMass, administer the sacraments or wear priestly clothes, said Mary RossAgosta, a diocesan spokeswoman.
Ms. Agosta apologized to Mr. Foley in a statement and described as repugnantFather Mercieca's intimate contact with him, which the priest disclosed to aFlorida newspaper this week. Father Mercieca, 69, worked in South Floridafor almost 40 years and remains under the auspices of the archdiocese.
"Such behavior is morally reprehensible, canonically criminal andinexcusable," Ms. Agosta said.
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Daily Queer News
The Left Versus Gays
18 Oct 2006 01:01 pm
The outing crusade gains momentum. Look: I loathe the closet. I despise thehypocrisy in the Republican party. But a witch-hunt is a witch-hunt. If thegay left thinks it will advance gay dignity by using tactics that depend onhomophobia to work, that violate privacy, that demonizes gay people, thenall I can say is: they are wrong. They will regret it. It will come back tohaunt them. And they should cut it out. The fact that their motives might begood is no excuse. Everybody on a witchhunt believes their motives are good.But the toxins such a witchhunt exposes, the cruelty it requires, and thefanaticism of its adherents are always dangerous to civilized discourse.What you're seeing right now is an alliance of the intolerant: theintolerant on the gay left and the intolerant on the religious right. Thevictims are gay people - flawed, fallible, even pathetic gay people. Butthey are still people. And they deserve better.
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Protests, talks continue at Affirmations
By Cornelius Fortune and Dawn Wolfe Gutterman
Originally printed 10/19/2006 (Issue 1442 - Between The Lines News)
FERNDALE - Local activists staged numerous protests last week after twoformer employees at Affirmations Lesbian and Gay Community Center saidracism played a part in their departure.
The first demonstration took place Oct. 11 outside Mark Ridley's ComedyCastle in Royal Oak during a coming out day show sponsored by Affirmations,and protests continued later in the week outside the community center. "Whatwe're wanting is a serious discussion and action plan and training onissues of diversity, not just race, but all other issues - what I call truediversity," said Kimya Afi Ayodele, who was fired from her job as communityoutreach coordinator at Affirmationson Oct. 2. "I really need an apology andI need for my reputation and my name to be restored. I think it's alsoimportant to know this is not (just) a black and white issue."
About a half-dozen protestors were present at the protests.
"It was a friendly, peaceful protest," said Kat LaTosch, marketing andspecial events coordinator for Affirmations. "We didn't have any problems atall."
Meanwhile, the leadership of the Detroit Black Pride Society met withAffirmations leadership on Oct. 10 and Oct. 17 "and had talks about how wecan move forward," LaTosch said.
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
McCain confused over gay marriage
On the divisive issue of gay marriage, the senior Senator for Arizona isclearly trying to please both sides of the argument.
By Tony Grew
October 20, 2006
With the mid-term elections only weeks away, a leading contender for theRepublican nomination for President has spoken out in favour of gaymarriages - and against them.
Senator John McCain, seen by many gay and lesbians as the most acceptableRepublican candidate for President in 2008, was answering questions at IowaState University on Wednesday, as part of a tour of universities for MSNBC.
McCain, who at 70, is almost certain to be the oldest Presidential hopeful in next year's contest, is seen as the acceptable face of Republicanism.
He was a keynote speaker at the Conservative party conference in Bournemouthat the start of October, and is seen as politcally close to the 'new' conservatism espoused by David Cameron.
On the divisive issue of gay marriage, the senior Senator for Arizona is clearly trying to please both sides of the argument.
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
Outrageous outreach?
'HIV is a gay disease' ad campaign sparks heated controversy
By ZACK HUDSON, Oct. 20, 2006
Despite sharp criticism from some fellow AIDS service organizations, thecreators of an edgy HIV awareness campaign defend their work as needed toshake gay men out of complacency surrounding the disease.
Much of the controversy surrounding the Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Center'smonth-long campaign is focused on a statement in print advertisements, whichreads, "HIV is a gay disease."
"We tested and it and showed it to a lot of people. And we knew that itwould stimulate a reaction. That was our intent. That was really one of thewhole reasons behind this campaign, is to get gay men thinking and talkingagain about HIV," said Jim Key, chief public affairs officer for the L.A.Gay & Lesbian Center.
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
The World Uncovered: Sex crimes and the Vatican
Saturday 21st October at 1215 GMT
Repeated: Saturday 21st at 1915, Sunday 22nd at 0115, 0715 and 1715 GMT
A secret document which sets out a procedure for dealing with child sexabuse scandals within the Catholic Church is examined by Panorama. CrimenSollicitationis was enforced for 20 years by Cardinal Joseph Ratzingerbefore he became the Pope. It instructs bishops on how to deal withallegations of child abuse against priests and has been seen by fewoutsiders. Critics say the document has been used to evade prosecution forsex crimes.
Crimen Sollicitationis was written in 1962 in Latin and given to Catholicbishops worldwide who are ordered to keep it locked away in the church safe.It instructs them how to deal with priests who solicit sex from theconfessional. It also deals with "any obscene external act ... with youthsof either sex." It imposes an oath of secrecy on the child victim, thepriest dealing with the allegation and any witnesses. Breaking that oathmeans excommunication from the Catholic Church.
Reporting for Panorama, Colm O'Gorman finds seven priests with child abuse allegations made against them living in and around the Vatican City.
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James Dobson: "I have never seen such hatred in my life. I am being bludgeoned"
Children Will Be Targeted if States Change Marriage Definition, He Warns
Lifesite News
By Gudrun Schultz
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado, October 20, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) - The social
consequences of a liberal victory in the coming elections will be grave,particularly for children, Dr. James Dobson warned in a radio broadcasturging pro-family voters to go to the polls.
Dr. Dobson accused the national media of attempting to influence pro- familyvoters to stay home. Despite media efforts to convince "values voters" thatthe issue of homosexual marriage is no longing of central importance, Dr.Dobson said, activists' push for same-sex "rights" is increasingly focusedon the next generation.
"Children are being targeted," Dr. Dobson stated. "If one of these states donot confirm traditional marriage, adoption laws will change. Those put infoster care will be placed in different kinds of homes, the training foster care parents receive will be consistent with the homosexual perspective."
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
Nissan offering same-sex insurance benefits to Tennessee employees
The Daily News Journal
Friday, 10/20/06
Nissan plans to start offering health insurance benefits for same-sex domestic partners it employs in Tennessee, a spokeswoman said.
The company said it wanted one standard plan for its 16,000 employees in theUnited States, which includes about 6,800 at its Smyrna assembly plant, saidVicki Smith, a spokeswoman for Nissan North America. Nissan employees whopreviously worked in California at the North America headquarters werealready offered coverage for legally recognized domestic partners, arequirement of state law there.
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
Thursday Oct. 12, 2006
From the desk of H. Alexander Robinson
Hate Crimes Continue To Plague Black Gay Community:
NBJC Calls for National Mobilization to End the Violence
Hate crimes; they occur more often than many of us would care tobelieve. It can happen anytime, any place and without warning. On Sundayevening Oct. 8, 2006, Michael Sandy of Brooklyn, NY was viciously attackedin a gay related hate crime.
The National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC) extends its deepestprayers of healing and support to Michael Sandy and his family at this verycrucial point in their lives. We must now come together as a community toprovide the emotional, moral, and spiritual support to the Sandy family intheir time of need.
It will take all of us to bring an end to the racism andhomophobia that plagues our communities and threatens our families. For thesake of our children we must create communities where all people are fullyempowered to participate safely, openly and honestly in family, faith andcommunity, regardless of race, gender-identity or sexual orientation.
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
Australian PM Howard swayed on gays by backbenchers
Howard swayed on gays by backbenchers
By Samantha Maiden
The North Queensland Newspaper Company
JOHN Howard has pledged to tackle legal discrimination against gays andlesbians, after a quiet campaign by an alliance of Liberal backbenchers.
The Prime Minister's review will focus on eight areas where the Liberal MPscontend homosexuals are subject to legal discrimination.
The Weekend Australian also understands Attorney-General Philip Ruddock isreviewing commonwealth legislation with a view to reforming areas ofdiscrimination.
The Independent Gay News
From the Editor: I Don't Want to be Tolerated
By Michael James
There was a statement made on a blog on National Coming Out Day (Oct. 11)asking why "these gays" have to rub their sexuality in everybody's face.This is exactly why it is important to continue to educate people in aneffort to inoculate this ignorance.
First, as a gay man, sexuality is a fraction of who I am. I refuse to bedefined solely based on whom I sleep with. Because we are still shunned to acertain degree we are forced to create our own families. Interestingly, mostgay families are more functional that heterosexual families.
I live my life very much the same as anyone else. I wake up, cook breakfast,go to work, watch my diet, cook dinner, watch a little TV, read a good bookevery now and then and call my mother every Sunday. I do not define my totalidentity by sex anymore than others would define theirs by the eye color.
The Miami Herald
Melissa Etheridge, partner have twins
Associated Press
LOS ANGELES - Melissa Etheridge and her partner, Tammy Lynn Michaels, arethe new parents of twins, the couple announced Friday.
Michaels gave birth to a boy and girl Tuesday: son Miller Steven anddaughter Johnnie Rose.
"Tammy and the babies are in excellent health," Etheridge said on her Website. The babies were conceived using an anonymous donor from a sperm bank.
"The creation of life brings about immeasurable love, and pours hope intothe future. The joy will help carry us through our upcoming sleeplessnights," the couple said in a statement.
The current issue of The Independent Gay News is online
The current issue of The Express Gay News is online
The New York Times
[Not Foley Priest]
October 21, 2006
Accused Priest Flees From Law in U.S. and Mexico
TEHUACÁN, Mexico - For two decades, dozens of children have accused the Rev. Nicolás Aguilar of molesting or brutally raping them. He faces an indictmentcharging sexual abuse in Los Angeles and at least five formal complaints inMexico. Yet at 65 he remains at large, still working as a priest in villageshere.
Father Aguilar's long flight from the law, critics say, reflects the easewith which priests can avoid prosecution in the United States by hiding inMexico, where judges and prosecutors are reluctant to challenge the enduringpolitical strength of the Roman Catholic Church.
The case has focused attention on a problem that is not limited to FatherAguilar, but rather, critics say, points to a pattern of complicity by highofficials in the church.
In September one of Father Aguilar's accusers filed a lawsuit in southern California alleging that the cardinals of Mexico City and Los Angeles hadconspired to help him escape prosecution by allowing him to slip across theborder.
The New York Times
October 21, 2006
Sex Scandals Dominate Midterm Elections
Filed at 2:31 a.m. ET
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Cover your eyes, kids, it's time to round up a few ofthis week's headlines from the midterm elections.
''During National Character Counts Week, Bush Stumps for Philanderer.'' TheWashington Post.
''Gubernatorial race: Gibbons denies doing anything inappropriate,offensive.'' Las Vegas Review- Journal.
''Ellison campaign says woman has blackmail in mind.'' Minneapolis StarTribune.
''Priest offers further details about his relations with Foley.'' SarasotaHerald-Tribune.
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Colorado Appeals Court Rules For Gay Partner In Will Dispute
by 365Gay.com Newscenter Staff
October 20, 2006 - 12:01 am ET
(Denver, Colorado) The Colorado Court of Appeals on Thursday reversed alower court ruling and said the partner of a man who died in 2004 isentitled to his estate.
Before his death Ronald Wiltfong wrote a letter saying he wished to leaveeverything to his partner, Randall Rex, and acknowledged this letter as hiswill in the presence of witnesses.
After his death, a relative took Wiltfong's partner to court to overturnWiltfong's written wishes and demand the estate go to her sons from whom hehad been estranged.
The trial court ruled that the letter was not a legal will and ordered thestate to go to Wiltfong's blood relatives.
Rex appealed and the Appeals Court ruled that the letter was sufficient. Itordered the case back to lower court for reconsideration.
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
GOP attack says Democrat backs lesbian; called 'nasty politics'
Associated Press
ANNISTON, Ala. - Recorded messages left by the state Republican chairman ontelephones in a northeast Alabama House district accuse the Democraticincumbent of supporting "an openly lesbian candidate" and urge his defeat tostop "the gay-rights agenda."
The incumbent, Rep. Leah Fite of Jacksonville, on Thursday called the attack"nasty politics" that has angered residents in the district.
The automated message, featuring the voice of Alabama GOP chairman TwinkleAndress Cavanaugh, was left on answering machines in House District 40 inCalhoun County. The message attempts to link Fite with Patricia Todd, who isopenly gay and won the Democratic primary in Birmingham's House District 54.
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
The Gay Moralist: Gays and pedophilia
By John Corvino
Originally printed 10/19/2006
The recent scandal involving Rep. Mark Foley sending sexually explicit textmessages to 16- and 17-year-old former congressional pages has resurrectedthe ugly stereotype of gays as pedophiles. I am no longer surprised when Ihear this sort of garbage from the Family Research Council or Paul Cameron.But when the Wall Street Journal links the two by criticizing those "whotell us that the larger society must be tolerant of private lifestylechoices, and certainly must never leap to conclusions about gay men andyoung boys," it makes me nervous - not to mention angry.
First, a little bit of perspective on the scandal driving this. The youngmen whom Foley courted were 16 and 17 - not adults, but not children either.The age of consent in Washington, D.C. (and many other places) is 16. Issuesof potential harassment aside, had Foley had sex with these young men inWashington, it would have been perfectly legal.
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Daily Queer News
The Columbus Disptach
Blackwell fans far-right flames
Conservative talk-show hosts' innuendo about Strickland's sexuality may
backfire, experts say
Friday, October 20, 2006
Joe Hallett
J. Kenneth Blackwell's Republican campaign for governor used the Internetyesterday to share with thousands of voters the transcript of a nationallytelevised talk show full of innuendo about his opponent's sexuality.
Blackwell, who is trailing Democrat Ted Strickland by double digits in thepolls, is attempting to focus the campaign debate on an issue that has beenused to no avail against Strickland in past congressional campaigns.
Strickland had predicted two months ago that Blackwell would "try to destroyme," and he told about 1,500 supporters at a Columbus rally Wednesday nightthat the GOP nominee should be ashamed.