Friday, October 27, 2006

GLBT DIGEST - October 27, 2006

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Originally published by Broward-Palm Beach New Times 2006-10-26
©2005 New Times, Inc. All rights reserved.

Crist Denies Trysts
GOP frontrunner: I have never had sex with a man
By Bob Norman

A young rising star in the Republican Party has boasted to witnesses of hissexual relationship with Charlie Crist, the frontrunner in the Floridagovernor's race who has repeatedly denied that he is gay.

The GOP staffer, 21-year-old Jason Wetherington, told friends at separatesocial functions in August that he had sex with Crist, according to twocredible and independent sources who heard Wetherington make the claimfirst-hand.

Wetherington, who recently worked as a field director for U.S. Senatecandidate Katherine Harris and currently works for state representativeEllyn Bodganoff's reelection campaign, also named a man whom he said isCrist's long-term partner, a convicted thief named Bruce Carlton Jordan whoalso recently worked for Harris in her long-shot Senate bid.

Jordan made headlines recently when the Miami Herald learned that the felonwas working as Harris's travel aide. The newspaper noted that Jordan, 42,was reported to be close friends with Charlie Crist, whom he convinced toattend an annual Florida Funeral Directors Association meeting in 2003.

Jordan was charged in 2003 with stealing thousands of dollars from twoorganizations for whom he worked, including the Tallahassee-based FloridaFuneral Directors Association, where he served as executive director. Hecompleted a 60-day jail sentence in February and will be on probation untilthe year 2011, according to state records.


The Washington Post

In South Africa, a Dramatic Shift on AIDS
Treatment, Prevention Get New Emphasis as Deputy President Takes Key Role

By Craig Timberg
Washington Post Foreign Service
Friday, October 27, 2006; A01

JOHANNESBURG -- The South African government is seeking to shake off yearsof international denunciation for its handling of the AIDS epidemic --including a fixation on the supposed protective powers of beets andlemons -- while expanding treatment, testing and prevention programs,officials and activists say.

In public comments and private meetings over the past six weeks, DeputyPresident Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka has emphasized that the government nowbelieves unequivocally that HIV causes AIDS, a connection that PresidentThabo Mbeki once publicly questioned. She has also said that antiretroviraldrugs must be the centerpiece of the government's response while playingdown the dietary recommendations long cited by Health Minister MantoTshabalala-Msimang as key to fighting AIDS.


The New York Times

October 27, 2006
G.O.P. Moves Fast to Reignite Issue of Gay Marriage

WASHINGTON, Oct. 26 - The divisive debate over gay marriage, which played aprominent role in 2004 campaigns but this year largely faded from view,erupted anew on Thursday as President Bush and Republicans across thecountry tried to use a court ruling in New Jersey to rally dispiritedconservatives to the polls.

Wednesday's ruling, in which the New Jersey Supreme Court decided that gaycouples are entitled to the same legal rights and financial benefits asheterosexual couples, had immediate ripple effects, especially in Senateraces in some of the eight states where voters are consideringconstitutional amendments to ban gay marriage.

President Bush put a spotlight on the issue while campaigning in Iowa, whichdoes not have a proposal on the ballot. With the Republican House candidate,Jeff Lamberti, by his side, Mr. Bush - who has not been talking about gaymarriage in recent weeks - took pains to insert a reference into his stumpspeech warning that Democrats would raise taxes and make America less safe.


The Washington Post

Religious Conservatives Cheer Ruling on Gays as Wake-Up Call

By Alan Cooperman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, October 27, 2006; A07

The New Jersey court decision that gay couples are entitled to the samerights as heterosexual couples was bad news for social conservatives -- thebad news they were hoping for.

"Pro-traditional-marriage organizations ought to give a distinguishedservice award to the New Jersey Supreme Court," said the Rev. Richard Land,head of the public policy arm of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Land and other conservative religious leaders predicted that the court's 4to 3 ruling, which was handed down Wednesday, would boost turnout of socialconservatives in the midterm elections, particularly in the eight statesthat have constitutional amendments against same-sex marriage on the Nov. 7ballot.


Religious Conservatives Cheer Ruling on Gays as Wake-Up Call

By Alan Cooperman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, October 27, 2006; A07

The New Jersey court decision that gay couples are entitled to the samerights as heterosexual couples was bad news for social conservatives -- thebad news they were hoping for.

"Pro-traditional-marriage organizations ought to give a distinguishedservice award to the New Jersey Supreme Court," said the Rev. Richard Land,head of the public policy arm of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Land and other conservative religious leaders predicted that the court's 4to 3 ruling, which was handed down Wednesday, would boost turnout of socialconservatives in the midterm elections, particularly in the eight statesthat have constitutional amendments against same-sex marriage on the Nov. 7ballot.


From: Michael Emanuel Rajner
National Secretary - Campaign To End AIDS
Telephone: (305) 677-3506

The commentary written by Eric Miller of Palm Beach County captures theproud contribution made by Campaign to End AIDS at the United StatesConference on AIDS. The youth demonstration came under heavy attack by aBroward County member of the USCA Host Committee who hastily jumped from herseat and unsuccessfully attempted to stop the peaceful demonstration whilein progress. Paul Kawata, Executive Director of NMAC and others werereported to have applauded the effort of these courageous youth while othersdid state they found the action a waste of time and effort. These youthwere accused of "preaching to the choir". Perhaps the choir they werepreaching to is either tone deaf or among the resistance we find to maketrue progress in the fight to end AIDS.

The youth that participated in the peaceful demonstration entered theluncheon while holding up End AIDS posters and singing chants that theycreatively came up with on their own and then found a table to sit and enjoylunch.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

Ireland: Education minister launches campaign against homophobic bullying inschools

Irish Examiner, 26 October 2006

Bullied gay students can seek redress from equality body

By Ed Carty

YOUNGSTERS suffering homophobic abuse in school may be able to bring theiraggressors to book at the Equality Tribunal, it was revealed yesterday.

As a new initiative was launched encouraging schools to protect pupils frombullying, teenagers were told they can seek redress from the EqualityTribunal.

Under the Equal Status Acts, harassment is prohibited on a number ofgrounds, including sexual orientation, and schools are required to takereasonable steps to protect children in their care.


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Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

Court Outlines Rights It Says Gay Couples Are Due

Published: October 26, 2006
New York Times

Under the New Jersey Supreme Court's decision, same-sex couples will soon begranted rights like those of married couples, ranging from the very narrowto those that help define what a family is.

Among other things, gay and lesbian couples are to be allowed survivorbenefits under the state's workers' compensation system, as well as statetax deductions for spousal medical expenses and exemptions from fees forreal estate transfers between spouses.

Other basic benefits, which married couples take for granted, will also haveto be extended to same-sex couples, like the presumption that a partner in aunion does not have to be the biological parent to have parental rights. Andunder the ruling, gay and lesbian couples would face new issues common inmarriages, like child support, custody disputes and even support after aunion dissolves.


Foley blogger was in gay rights group
By Andrew Marra

Palm Beach Post Staff Writer

Friday, October 27, 2006

The anonymous blogger who first published former U.S. Rep. Mark Foley'squestionable e-mails to a teenage congressional page was an employee of agay rights group.

The Human Rights Campaign acknowledged this week that the man who operatedthe blog was employed by the Washington-based organization that organizesvolunteer drives in Michigan. The organization said it fired the man afterlearning of his role but declined to identify him.

A spokesman said the man admitted Monday night that he was the blog'sauthor. He was fired Tuesday for "improper use of resources," the spokesmansaid.

House Republican leaders have speculated that liberal groups with ties tothe Democratic Party leaked Foley's e-mails in an attempt to discredit himand other Republicans before the November elections.
