Monday, November 06, 2006


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Please go to
to read the digests if you don't don't receive them.


Ray's List will be offline on Tuesday - We'll be poll workers!

Be sure to vote!

Ray and Michael


Vote Tue, November 7th

Jim Davis Is Within Storm Surge Distance

Ron Klein Is Ahead In The Polls

Ken Keechl, Cristian Chiari And Marty Kiar as well As Phyllis Hope areWithin Striking Distance


We Must Play It Forward

In my October Dolphin Democrats Vice President's Message I recommendedthat every member and our allies Vote by Absentee and find 5 more to VoteAbsentee then find 5 to Vote Early and then 5 to Vote on Election Day, Theseraces are so close that everyone NEEDS to call 25 freinds in the next 2 daysand get them to the polls on election Day.

If you need a Palm Card you can download one HERE

If you have the time in the next 40 plus hours we need you !!

we have many volunteer opportuninties availableCall JD at the Democratic Vote Center 954-763-1880


ArtsUnited Features Artist Steven Sylvester in November

ArtsUnited will feature the mixed media art work of Steven Sylvester in asolo exhibit at the Stonewall Library and Archives from November 6 throughDecember 2, 2006. The exhibit opens with a reception to meet the artist onMonday, November 6 from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. The Stonewall Library and Archivesis located at 1717 North Andrews Avenue in Fort Lauderdale. The exhibit andreception are free and open to the public.

Steven Sylvester often played in mud puddles as a child. Things aren'tmuch different for him as an adult. Mud is still his medium of choice.Playing with mud as an adult clay artist requires a balance between delicatefinessing and outright mud wrestling with a creative result as the goal.

Steven initially entered the profession of social work. In 1993 he becamethe owner of a wholesale clay art business in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, thusopening doors for exposure to creativity. Selling the business in 2003allowed time for his total immersion in the creative process.

Along with the making of handbuilt clay and mixed media pieces, Stevenpaints in abstract style on rolled slabs of clay which he uses as hiscanvases. In addition, he is developing his sculptural abilities with an eyetoward the installation of large-scale ceramic art pieces in the homes ofcollectors and public places. Pursuing this interest in large scaleinstallations, Steven was recently awarded an Individual Artist EnhancementAward Grant by the State of Florida. This allowed him to participate in aweek-long International Architectural Ceramics Symposium held in St.Petersburg, Florida. At the symposium Steven studied under internationallyknown ceramic artists Peter King, Xinia Marin, Stan Bitters and Gwen Heeney.

Mr. Sylvester's work has been shown in numerous exhibits includingArtsUnited's ArtExplosion and United and Proud Exhibits. For moreinformation about the artist, go to For moreinformation about ArtsUnited, call 954-530-2723 or go online towww.artsunitedonline


The Miami Herald

By Steve Rothaus

'Political rock star' Clinton drops in on gay group's gala in SoBe

Former President Bill Clinton, in South Florida to campaign for Democraticcandidates, made a surprise appearance Saturday night at the National Gayand Lesbian Task Force's 10th annual Recognition Dinner in South Beach.

Clinton arrived at the Loews Miami Beach Hotel about 8 p.m. and greetedNAACP Board Chairman Julian Bond, who received the evening's NationalLeadership award. Local honorees: philanthropist Bob Cole (The Miami HeraldHumanitarian Award) and TWN (The Weekly News), South Florida's gay newspaperthat closed in March after 29 years.

Clinton, 60, and Bond, 66, exchanged a few words, then the former presidentshook hands with dozens of the dinner's 600 attendees. He gave no speeches.

Soon, Secret Service agents whisked Clinton down a winding staircase and outof the hotel.


The Miami Herald

Posted on Mon, Nov. 06, 2006

Broward schools consider gender-separated classes
The Broward School District might begin an experiment in student learning byseparating boys and girls at one middle school next year.

In Marie Cadet's first-period civics class, 19 seventh-graders -- allboys -- stare back at her as she goes over a lesson.

When she looks for volunteers to read out loud, a few hands go up. When sheasks a question about how they will analyze the passage they are reading,there are even more volunteers.

Cadet, a three-year teacher working for the first time at Odyssey Middle inBoynton Beach, was surprised that most of her classes would be separated bygender. She worked in high schools before and said the change is palpable.


Crist says he won't join Bush today at rally
Gubernatorial hopeful to stump across state
Aaron Deslatte
News Journal capital bureau

Michael Stewart

While President Bush, his wife, Laura, and brother Jeb campaign forRepublicans in Pensacola today, the GOP candidate for the state's top jobwill be elsewhere.

Gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist said his absence is not because hedoesn't support the president or does not care about Northwest Florida.

"We want to be in different parts of the state. That's all it means," Cristsaid. "We're doing very well in Pensacola. We've got to fight for votes inother parts of the state."

While today's prospective presidential visit has generated excitement inthis Republican stronghold, the euphoria does not seem to be as high as thatexperienced during Bush's visit to the Pensacola Civic Center two years ago.


The New York Times

November 6, 2006

Protecting the Right to Vote

No one expects Florida elections to go smoothly, but this year the state gotoff to an alarming start. Voters reported that after selecting Democraticcandidates on electronic voting machines, the review screens registered thatthey had chosen Republicans. A spokeswoman for the Broward County supervisorof elections told The Miami Herald that the machines often fall out of syncunder heavy use, but that they can be fixed when voters complain.

That snapshot of Florida's early voting is confirmation - as if any wereneeded - that a great deal can go wrong tomorrow, much of it eminentlypreventable. Six years after the 2000 election meltdown, voting machines arestill unreliable, and there are an array of other obstacles to voters whowant their votes to count.


Please help us spread the word:


The GLCC will once again host a community potluck on Thanksgiving Day,Thursday - November 23, 2006. The event is free and open to the entirecommunity, you may also bring a potluck dish but it is not mandatory.

Volunteers are needed from 11am to 5pm. Dinner will be served from 12:30pmto 3:30pm.

"This year we have been very fortunate to receive covered dishes donated bythe Church of the Holy SpiritSong, which include: turkey, gravy, stuffing,mashed potatoes and veggies," reports Nicole Martin, Operations Manager ofthe GLCC. "The Church meets at the Center weekly on Sunday mornings at 10amand we are very grateful for their generosity."

Suggested potluck items are salads, side dishes, beverages and desserts.

Anyone interested in volunteering may contact Nicole at 954 463-9005 x227 orvia email at

The Center Switchboard, Admin Offices and Group Meetings will be closed onThanksgiving.


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