Monday, November 06, 2006

GLBT DIGEST - November 6, 2006

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Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List

Maryland Appeals Court Rules in Co-Parent Case

Leonard Link (blog), November 5, 2006

Maryland Appeals Court Rules in Co-Parent Case Arthur S. Leonard

In a custody and visitation dispute between a lesbian adoptive mother andher former domestic partner, a five-judge panel of the Maryland Court ofSpecial Appeals (an intermediate appellate court) has ruled in Janice M. v.Margaret K., 2006 WL 3114248 (Nov. 3, 2006), that the adoptive parent wouldnormally take priority over the co-parent for an award of custody as amatter of constitutional law, but the co-parent would normally be entitledto visitation if she could establish that she was a "de facto parent" to thesatisfaction of the court. Writing for the unanimous court, Chief JudgeJoseph F. Murphy upheld both the award of visitation and the denial ofcustody by the Baltimore County Circuit Court.

The mothers in this case, Janice M. and Margaret K., had a domesticpartnership relationship from 1987 until 2004. In 2000, Janice M.adopted Maya, a one-year-old child from India. From the time Janice returnedto the States with Maya, she and Margaret acted as equal parents to thechild, sharing all responsibilities and forming parental bonds.


The Miami Herald

Posted on Mon, Nov. 06, 2006

Cuban gay soap cracks legacy of hate
The huge success of a gay soap opera suggests Cuban society has begunto accept homosexuality.

SANTA CLARA, Cuba - It's a late Sunday afternoon at El Mejunje, Cuba'sonly openly gay disco, and some men are dancing or kissing while Alex isremembering the days he ducked police harassment by faking straightrelationships.

''In 1980, during Mariel, we were thrown out of the country with thecrazy people and criminals -- the useless,'' said the 42-year-old restaurantmanager. ``People threw rocks at us. I was forced to have girlfriends and dothings that were beyond me.

``Things have changed a lot.''


The Sun-Sentinel,0,3551907.story

Israel Refuses to Ban Gay Pride Parade

Associated Press Writer

November 6, 2006, 5:39 AM EST

JERUSALEM -- Israel's attorney general refused to ban a gay pride parade inJerusalem despite threats of violence from ultra-Orthodox Jews, instructingpolice and gay activists to try to work out a compromise, the policecommander said Sunday.

A Justice Ministry statement said Attorney General Meni Mazuz ordered policeto meet with gay activists "to work out a reasonable alternative proposal"for the march, set for Friday on a route through the middle of the city. Themeeting is to take place Monday, gay activists said, and a compromise waslikely.

Ultra-Orthodox Jews have rioted in Jerusalem nearly every night over thepast week, burning garbage cans, blocking roads and assaulting policeofficers in an attempt to get the authorities to call off the march,approved months ago by the Supreme Court. Many religious Jews, Muslims andChristians see homosexuality as a sin and the march as an affront to thesanctity of the holy city.


The Sun-Sentinel,0,2288426.story

Fired Evangelist Asks for Forgiveness

Associated Press Writer

November 6, 2006, 7:29 AM EST

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. -- Members of the New Life Church were stunned andbrought to tears by the Rev. Ted Haggard's confessions of "sexualimmorality," then accepted his plea for forgiveness with open arms.

Haggard, who had been a leading evangelist and vocal opponent of gaymarriage, apologized Sunday in a letter read from the pulpit of the14,000-member church he founded.

Some in the standing-room-only crowd wiped away tears and embraced eachother as they heard Haggard's words read by a member of the board that firedhim a day earlier.


The Express Gay News

International News
Member of British Parliament leaves wife for man: report

Nov. 03, 2006

LONDON - Greg Barker, the shadow environment minister in England'sParliament, is said to have ended his marriage of 14 years with his wife,Celeste, after having a year-long affair with a male interior designer, theDaily Telegraph reported. Barker and his wife have two sons and a daughterbetween ages 6 and 11, according to the report. The paper said Mrs. Barkeronly recently learned of the affair and is "absolutely devastated" about it.

She had dedicated her life to her husband's political career, the papersaid. Barker, who entered the Commons in 2001 and was a member of fellowParliament member David Cameron's successful Tory leadership campaign lastyear, refused to comment in any detail on the reports. In a statement issuedthrough Conservative headquarters, Barker, 40, said: "It was announced inJuly that my wife and I had separated, and we are entitled to a privatelife." When asked to confirm that he had left his wife for a man, Barkersaid, "It's a private matter." The designer is believed to have carried outextensive work on the couple's house in Rye, East Sussex, the DailyTelegraph said.


Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List, November 5, 2006

The Truths of Ted Haggard's Story
Haggard's story reveals that life and love are much more complicated thanthose opposing gay marriage want us to believe.
By Macky Alston

Here's the day's spin from Colorado Springs: A gay prostitute and drugdealer tempts a pillar of the church. The man of the cloth comes close to afall, but resists at the decisive moment. He remains "steady" with his wifeand five children. The gay guy, Mike Jones, who sounds pretty normal, ispainted as the tempting devil, opportunistic in his timing and depraved inall aspects of his being. Haggard, who sounds like a cornered animal, comesoff as the tempted victor.

Of course the reference is to Christ in the wilderness. A colleague ofHaggard's, the Rev. Donald Armstrong, rector of Grace Episcopal and St.Stephen's Church, is quoted in the Colorado Springs Gazette yesterday assaying,


The New York Times

Abortion Tops Divisive Ballot Measures

The Associated Press
Sunday, November 5, 2006; 1:42 PM

-- Even if no candidates were running, this Election Day would be dramaticas voters across the country consider ballot measures on a multitude ofhot-button topics _ abortion, gay marriage, affirmative action, illegalimmigration, sex crimes, even legalizing marijuana.

In all, there are 205 measures on the ballots in 37 states _ a total toppedonly twice before. Huge sums have been spent, including tens of millions ofdollars by tobacco companies fighting anti-smoking measures and by oilcompanies fighting a proposed California oil-production tax.

Voters in sparsely populated South Dakota face perhaps the most momentouschoice _ whether to uphold or reject a new state law that would banabortions except when necessary to save a pregnant woman's life. Activistson both sides of the national abortion debate see it as a historic test ofpublic sentiment.


The New York Times

November 6, 2006

Disgraced Minister's Church Wrestles With His Absence

COLORADO SPRINGS, Nov. 5 - Long before the first tissue boxes were passeddown the aisles for mopping tears, and before the first guitar chords werestruck to begin the worship, many of the thousands of people who gathered onSunday morning at the New Life Church here knew that it would be a serviceunlike any other in their lives.

Some were curious outsiders, drawn by the moment and the sense of history.Even church leaders were not fully sure what to expect.

"We're living this in real time," said Rob Brendle, an associate pastor, ashe bustled through the 14,000-member evangelical church making last-minutepreparations for the 9 a.m. service.


The New York Times

November 5, 2006

U.S. Democrats Appear on Smooth Campaign Ride
Filed at 10:33 a.m. ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats, who have been known to bungle goldenpolitical opportunities, are holding their breath. With just days to gobefore voters could hand them control of the U.S. Congress, their ride hasbeen relatively smooth.

Instead of shooting themselves in the foot, they have sat back and watchedPresident George W. Bush's Republicans do the self destructing, dragged downby influence-peddling and sex scandals, the Iraq war and a slow responselast year to Hurricane Katrina.

Democrats, by comparison, have sustained few self-inflicted wounds andsuffered only a minor scrape last week with Sen. John Kerry's ``botchedjoke'' about Iraq.


The New York Times

November 5, 2006

Israel Seeks to Scale Down or Move Gay Pride Parade
Filed at 5:27 p.m. ET

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel's attorney-general ordered police on Sunday totalk to gay leaders to convince them to make a planned gay pride event inJerusalem more modest, or even move it out of the city, amid fears ofviolent protests.

Shortly after Attorney-General Menachem Mazuz's announcement, hundreds ofultra-Orthodox Jews rioted in the city, setting containers ablaze aspolicemen on horseback rode through the streets to stop them. Several peoplewere detained.

For the past week, ultra-Orthodox Jews have launched similar protestsagainst the parade, scheduled for Friday, in Jerusalem and other religiousJewish communities in Israel.


The New York Times

November 5, 2006

Evangelical Pastor Confesses to 'Sexual Immorality'
Filed at 11:46 p.m. ET

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) -- Saying that he was a ''deceiver and liar''who had given in to his dark side, the Rev. Ted Haggard confessed to sexualimmorality Sunday in a letter read from the pulpit of the megachurch hefounded.

The disgraced former president of the National Association of Evangelicals,which represents 30 million evangelical Christians, apologized and said''because of pride, I began deceiving those I love the most because I didn'twant to hurt or disappoint them.''

''The fact is I am guilty of sexual immorality. And I take responsibilityfor the entire problem. I am a deceiver and a liar. There's a part of mylife that is so repulsive and dark that I have been warring against it forall of my adult life,'' he said.


Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News

School play draws protesters, arrest

A man is charged outside Valley High after tackling a 'Laramie' protester.


Two demonstrators attacked a group of Kansas protesters who picketed ValleyHigh School's fall play Saturday night.

Andrew James Volker, 26, of West Des Moines was arrested after he tackledone of the 16 members of the Westboro Baptist Church who held signs and sangsongs that denounced homosexuality as they protested from 6 to 7 p.m. nearValley High.

No one was injured.

An unidentified man ran with Volker west across Valley West Drive andallegedly took two of the protesters' signs. Volker was quickly apprehendedby West Des Moines police, but the other man ran back across the road into asea of counterprotesters and could not be located.


Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News

We're no mafia, gay staffers declare
By Emily Heil

As the scandal over former Florida Republican Rep. Mark Foley and hiscome-ons to underage male pages simmered, gay Hill staffers were feeling theheat. Some Republicans circulated the storyline that a "gay mafia" insulatedFoley from reproach, covering up or downplaying his untoward and possiblyillegal behavior.

Weeks later, the scandal has left staffers and others who ostensibly make upthat "mafia" feeling burned. Far from being a shadowy cabal ofhyper-protective operatives, those who consider themselves part of the Hill'sgay community say their social and professional network operates like somany others in a town where who you know trumps everything, and the linebetween work and play is fuzzy at best.


Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News

Haggard, Foley and GOP Preaching Against the Very Vices They Can't Shake

In the latest sign of rank hypocrisy among social conservatives, thepresident of the 30-million member National Association of Evangelicals hasresigned amidst accusations that he had a relationship with a maleprostitute. Ted Haggard, who is married with five children, is a frequentadviser to the White House, and a staunch advocate of banning marriagerights for gays and lesbians.

The news, of course, comes just a month after Florida GOP Congressman, MarkFoley, who had pushed legislation to protect youth from "exploitation byadults using the internet," was revealed to be an internet sexual predator.And it adds to the sense among weary voters that their leaders, especiallyif they happen to be Republicans, cannot be trusted to do the right thing.

Indeed, the chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committeeacknowledged he had been aware of Foley's inappropriate emails for months,but took no steps to protect the children who were in harm's way. Instead,he spearheaded a series of TV ads attacking a Democratic challenger for,yes, being soft on child molesters.


Jimmy Swaggart Will Kill a Gay Man [VIDEO]

(Sounds like he doesn't understand the GOD knows everything in the heartsand minds of men. And to say he would "kill a gay man and then tell God hedied" is not only a lie before the Great and Awesome God it is saying thatHe/She doesn't know what you are thinking and doing. HYPOCRITE)


The Miami Herald


Democrats may win, thanks to GOP stumbles


A letter to the Democrats.

Congratulations. If the prognosticators are correct, you are about to win avictory that will shift the balance of power in one or both houses ofCongress. Of course, if the prognosticators are incorrect, you will soon becommitting hara-kiri. In which case my only advice would be: one hard thrustand then pull up.

But this letter proceeds from the assumption that the prognosticators areright. On that basis, I want to make a plea.

Let me preface by saying the campaign that ends here feels like it's beenseven years long. Last week, The Washington Post published a storydescribing it as ''a carnival of ugly, especially on the GOP side.''The Post was referring to ads like the one in New York that accused aDemocrat of using taxpayer money to pay for phone sex -- after a campaignaide misdialed a government office and reached a porn line, at a total costto taxpayers of $1.25.

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