rays.list@comcast.net and we'll be happy to send the full article.
November 14, 2006
San Francisco Appeals Gay Marriage Order
Filed at 8:26 a.m. ET
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- A month after an appeals court ruled against same-sexmarriage, the city and about a dozen homosexual couples have filed an appealto the California Supreme Court.
Gay marriage advocates hope to overturn the ruling that said limitingmarriage to a man and a woman does not violate the constitutional rights ofgays and lesbians.
If the high court takes the case, a decision on same-sex marriage is likelya year or more away. The justices have 90 days to announce their intentions.
November 14, 2006
Catholic Bishops Debate Gay Ministry
Filed at 4:30 a.m. ET
BALTIMORE (AP) -- The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is debating howparishes can be welcoming to gays while also upholding the teaching that gayrelationships are ''disordered.''
The proposed guidelines before the bishops Tuesday, called ''Ministry toPersons with a Homosexual Inclination,'' condemn discrimination againstgays, acknowledge that many try to live faithfully and state that it's not asin to be attracted to someone of the same gender.
But the document also directs gays to be celibate and reaffirms churchopposition to same-sex marriage and adoption by the couples. It alsodiscourages gays from disclosing their sexual orientation outside of a closecircle of parish friends and advisers.
November 14, 2006
Catholic Bishops Take Up Contraception and Gay Issue
BALTIMORE, Nov. 13 - The nation's Roman Catholic bishops gathered hereMonday to take up initiatives underscoring church teaching on a variety ofissues, including contraception and homosexuality. If anything united thoseinitiatives, it appeared to be an overarching concern that core teachings bebetter understood by Catholics who often live lives in clear divergence fromthem.
Among the issues before the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops atits semiannual meeting are new guidelines for ministry that encourageparishes to reach out to gay Catholics alienated from their church. At thesame time, the guidelines affirm church teaching about the "disordered"nature of "homosexual inclinations" and speak out against same-sex marriagesand adoptions by gay couples.
November 14, 2006
Publicity for One Who Exposed an Evangelical
What they say is true: To rise above the din in this publicity andhype-glutted city, it takes a real hustler. One need look no further thanseat E112 at the Cort Theater last night.
For there, attending the opening of "The Little Dog Laughed" at theinvitation of the producers, sat a man from Denver named Michael Jones.
Mr. Jones was not familiar with "Little Dog," a play about a gay Hollywoodstar, the male escort he falls for and the agent who tries to keep it asecret. But Mr. Jones knows from escorts, having been one for 20 years. Andhe knows from exposing secrets, as the one who, on the verge of the electionand with quite a splash in the press, told of his three-year, let's-call-it-professional relationship with the Rev. Ted Haggard, the evangelicalleader - and up until his dismissal a week ago - senior pastor of New LifeChurch in Colorado Springs.
Atlanta doctor charged with felony for withholding HIV statusFBI joins probe
JONESBORO, Ga. (AP) | Nov 13, 12:30 PM
The Clayton County sheriff's department has charged an Emory School ofMedicine doctor with a felony for not revealing his HIV-positive status to a16-year-old boy who says he had sex with the physician.
Adam Lebowitz, 47, a resident at Emory School of Medicine and an emergencyroom doctor at Grady Memorial Hospital, was arrested Nov. 2 for solicitingsex from another teenage boy. He was released on $50,000 bond but wasarrested again Wednesday at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta InternationalAirport. At the time he had an airplane ticket to Hawaii.
That arrest was for battery charges in DeKalb County in a case of road rageagainst a woman.
S. Africa Parliament OKs Gay Marriages
The Associated Press
Tuesday, November 14, 2006; 11:42 AM
CAPE TOWN, South Africa -- The South African parliament on Tuesday approvednew legislation recognizing gay marriages _ a first for a continent wherehomosexuality is largely taboo.
The National Assembly passed the Civil Union Bill, worked out after monthsof heated public discussion, by a majority of 230 to 41 votes despitecriticism from both traditionalists and gay activists and warnings that itmight be unconsitutional. There were three abstentions.
The bill provides for the "voluntary union of two persons, which issolemnized and registered by either a marriage or civil union." It does notspecify whether they are heterosexual or homosexual partnerships.
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Ferndale passes human rights ordinance
Jennifer Chambers / The Detroit News
FERNDALE -- In its third time before voters, a human rights ordinance thatbans discrimination against gays, lesbians, transgendered and bisexuals hasfinally become law in Ferndale.
Unofficial vote totals showed the measure overwhelmingly passed 4,863 to2,424 when precinct results were finally tallied around 1 a.m. this morning.
"That's 2,400 votes. I am overwhelmed that the people of Ferndale realizedthat everybody's rights should be respected," Mayor Robert Porter saidWednesday morning. "That is such a dramatic turn from the past."
In the last decade, Ferndale has earned a reputation as a progressivecommunity, from its thriving downtown rife with eclectic shops to the freemetered parking it offers hybrid car owners.
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Gay rights groups to push Spitzer on legalizing same-sex marriage
By Dan Wiessner
Gannett News Service
(Original Publication: November 12, 2006)
ALBANY - Gay rights groups across the state will push Gov.-elect EliotSpitzer to propose legalizing same-sex marriages, citing his win this weekas a "tremendous victory in the battle for gay rights."
"The question with New York has never been if we'll have equality, it'salways been a matter of when," said Alan Van Capelle, executive director ofthe Empire State Pride Agenda, a statewide gay rights advocacy group. "Withthe election of Eliot Spitzer, the question now is how soon."
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Gay marriage opponents weigh options
By Steve LeBlanc/ Associated Press
Saturday, November 11, 2006
BOSTON -- Kris Mineau could barely contain his anger after state lawmakersopted to break off debate rather than vote on a proposed anti-gay marriageconstitutional amendment Thursday.
Swinging a copy of the state constitution as lawmakers streamed out ofthe House chambers, Mineau, whose organization helped collect more than170,000 signatures in support of the amendment, vowed to seek help from Gov.Mitt Romney or the courts to force a vote.
But there may be little recourse for Mineau and supporters of theamendment as the clock ticks down to the end of the legislative year.
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Posted on Sun, Nov. 12, 2006
Gay couple faces barriers to building a family
Pioneer Press
Ty Tonander met the tiny girl called Sophie in a crowded orphanage inUkraine.
A database made the match. He was 27. She was 2 and "troublesome,"orphanage workers said.
Her new adoptive father saw a bubbling curiosity instead. "I rememberher walking up to a tree and touching the bark - like she had never seen atree before."
Adoption opened a new world for him, too. He wanted so much to be aparent. But as a gay man, he feared the experience might be out of reach.
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Beating in Jerusalem ends gay Palestinian Americans' plans
One man in group allegedly attacked by angry Muslims
Matthew Kalman, Chronicle Foreign Service
Saturday, November 11, 2006
(11-11) 04:00 PST Jerusalem -- A group of gay Palestinian Americans canceleda planned pride march in East Jerusalem on Friday after one of them wasbeaten unconscious by a local man who said he was from the Waqf Muslimreligious authority.
The beating incident occurred on the same day an Israeli gay pride rallywent ahead as scheduled, though without a planned march through citystreets. The march had been called off after threats by religious andright-wing opponents to mount huge counterdemonstrations. Only minorviolence marred the event.
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Singapore may alter sex laws
SINGAPORE (Reuters) -- Singapore is considering decriminalizing oral andanal sex between consenting heterosexual adults, but not betweenhomosexuals, official documents show.
The Ministry of Home Affairs on Thursday posted a public consultation paper
about proposed amendments to the city-state's penal code, Singapore's
primary criminal legislation.
"We intend to repeal s.377, rescoping it such that anal and oral sex, ifdone in private between a consenting adult heterosexual couple aged 16 yearsold and above, would no longer be criminalized," the paper said
Currently, section 377 of the Penal Code "criminalizes all forms of carnalintercourse against the order of nature, other than vaginal intercourse".
The paper makes no mention of the decriminalization of oral and anal sexbetween men.
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Could tension over gay pride rally put homosexual issues on agenda?
By Dina Kraft
JERUSALEM, Nov. 12 (JTA) - Gay issues have never been at the forefrontof Israeli domestic politics - unlike in the United States - but some wonderif that will change after fervently Orthodox protesters used violence toprevent a gay pride parade.
Confrontations with police and threats of worse violence to come forcedgay-rights advocates to downgrade last Friday's event from a parade throughthe city center to a rally, in a cordoned-off stadium on the edges of thecapital.
"In the past two weeks, people are talking about the issue as part of aconservative agenda, where before it was never an issue," said EranHertzmann, 34, a high-tech worker from Tel Aviv who attended the rally withhis partner, Uri Eik, 37.
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Gay Russia Reacts to Elton John's Desire for Moscow Pride Gig
"We should, en masse, go to Moscow next year if they'll have us," declaredElton John in yesterday's Observer. "We want you," chanted Russian Gayactivists last night
While Nikolai Alekseev, the organiser of the first Moscow Pride last May,was in London to receive an award for his courage in challenging homophobiain Russia and beyond from the British Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association,the British newspaper, The Observer choose to reveal yesterday morning thatElton John and Scissor Sisters' Jake Shears plan to take part in a gay prideconcert next year in Moscow.
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Ugandan lesbian faces deportation
Marc Shoffman
A Labour MP is supporting a Ugandan lesbian's plight after she is facingdeportation despite fleeing her Muslim father after he threatened to killher, according to reports.
Faridah Kenyini, 20, came to Britain in 2004 and has been in a relationshipwith Sarah Garenette, a British security officer, however, a judge at herasylum hearing recently questioned her sexuality and ordered that she returnhome.
An attempt to remove her last week failed because of an administrativeerror, but Jim Cousins, Labour MP for Newcastle Central has now contactedimmigration minister Liam Byrne detailing an offer to stop her deportation.
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Campaigners seek Christmas cheer for El Salvador gays
Marc Shoffman
Amnesty International is encouraging people across the UK to send a messageof solidarity to William Hernández - a gay activist in El Salvador who hasreceived death threats apparently intended to deter him from campaigning -as the campaign group launches its annual Greetings Card Campaign.
William Hernández is the director of Asociación Entre Amigos (BetweenFriends Association) and he and other members of the organisation haveallegedly received death threats.
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Commentary: On Being Gay and Christian
by Rev. Michael S. Piazza
In 1981 I wrote my first published piece. It was a small brochure entitled"Homosexuality and Christianity." More than one million copies have beenprinted in English, Spanish and French, and it is still one of the mostoften-visited pages on the Cathedral of Hope's website -www.cathedralofhope.com.
Twenty-five years later, I am surprised to meet so many people who are stillstruggling with their sexuality and spirituality. So often, people Icounsel, emails I receive, and conversations I have at the grocery store orrestaurants come back to this issue in one way or another. Why? Why is itthat this one issue seems to be so divisive for the church and such a pointof struggle with so many people? Even lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgenderpeople who are not struggling with their sexuality and spirituality areactually living lives in reaction to the issue. They are angry at organizedreligion, and the majority of LGBT people will have no part of churchanymore. They have allowed their pain or fear to rob them of a community offaith and of a spiritual home. This is not a healthy resolution.
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Since when is it moral to restrict rights of gays?
November 13, 2006 12:50 am
Michael Young
America is "the land of the free," unless you're gay.
I must've missed the memo where we decided to pick and choose which rightspeople can and can't have ["State voters OK gay-marriage ban," Nov. 8].
Am I the only one who sees this directly contradicting constitutionalrights?
"Two men get- ing married destroys a sacred institution." Though I don'tagree personally, I'll play Republicans' advocate for a moment. Let's say itdoes destroy a sacred institution. What is it, then, when Elvis oversees theunion of a couple in Las Vegas? Or when a game show about women competing tomarry a suitor on television to win prizes is one of the highest-rated showsin America?
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Commentary: Pastoral Reflections
by Rev. Shelley Hamilton
H4PJ Program Director
The morning in Dallas is cool; the air is moist and fresh upon my face.Autumn colors and smells abound. Me, I'm glad for life this morning; and forcreation. And I'm profoundly thankful for all the Saints; living and dead,who have helped me open myself fully to the wonder, joy, and freedom ofGod's love and grace. I'm grateful to be who I am and where I am in my life today.Always, in the midst of mulling over my many blessings and gifts; Jesus bidsme pray for others.
In this case, on route to the office, I see in my mind and heart the imageof Ted Haggard and his wife talking to a reporter through their car window.Specifically, his wife, her face already beginning to reflect the stress,disbelief, and pain she's experiencing. I feel deep sadness for her, and thechildren. I will continue to pray for her, their children, other family andchurch. I will also pray, and I invite you to do the same; that the fear,ignorance, and hatred responsible for such brokenness and oppression behealed.
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Surprise surprise, they knew about Pastor Ted all along.
Promoted from the diaries -- fc
In a remarkably candid interview with The Jewish Week Rev. LouisSheldon admitted that he and "a lot" of other people had known about TedHaggard's homosexuality for "a while" before the story broke:
Then, as if things could not get worse, there was the disgrace ofSheldon's own friend and colleague, Rev. Ted Haggard, the Coloradomega-church leader and president of the National Association ofEvangelicals, an even bigger pillar of Republican support on the Christianright. Sheldon disclosed that he and "a lot" of others knew about Haggard'shomosexuality "for awhile ... but we weren't sure just how to deal with it." Months before a male prostitute publicly revealed Haggard's secretrelationship with him, and the reverend's drug use as well, "Ted and I had adiscussion," explained Sheldon, who said Haggard gave him a telltale signalthen: "He said homosexuality is genetic. I said, no it isn't. But I justknew he was covering up. They need to say that."
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
N.C. Baptists poised to approve strict policy on homosexuality
The Associated Press
November 12, 2006 6:02 pm
GREENSBORO, N.C. -- Delegates gathering this week at the Baptist StateConvention are expected to approve a policy that would prohibit membershipfor churches or affiliate groups that endorse homosexuality.
The policy, proposed by the convention's board of directors earlier thisyear, would forbid churches from ordaining gay clergy, making publicstatements supporting homosexuality or accepting openly gay churchgoers asmembers.
The proposal, believed to be the first of its kind in the country, includessteps for triggering an investigation.
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
US Church suggests therapy to solve gay issue
Marc Shoffman
The US Catholic Church will discuss guidelines on ways of welcoming gaypeople into the church at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops(USCCB) this week, with one controversial suggestion being therapy.
The guidelines attempt to create a balance between welcoming gays andlesbians into the Church whilst upholding religious teachings.
The document, Ministry to Persons with a Homosexual Inclination: Guidelinesfor Pastoral Care was prepared by the bishops' Committee on Doctrine inresponse to questions which were raised about the suitability of theseministries in some instances.
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Billboard company rejects gay imagery
PinkNews.co.uk writer
A series of billboards by a Polish artist showing two men holding hands havebeen rejected in the US for being too controversial.
The images, by Karolina Bregula, were part of the Real Art Ways' newexhibition of contemporary Polish art, and were supposed to be displayed onbillboards, but Lamar Outdoor Advertising of Hartford is refusing to run theimages.
After initially agreeing to do the project in Hartford and New Britain, theadvertising company rejected Bregula's images, and refused to run them onthe billboards, allowing two text-only billboards by another artist thatdidn't have images.
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
`Children's Hour' revival an old and new view on being gay in America
By Sid Smith
Tribune arts critic
November 12, 2006
There's a little something in it for just about every gay activist todenounce.
Lillian Hellman's "The Children's Hour" tells of two New England teachers,living together, sharing a business and running a boarding school for girls.After one student comes up with the lie that the two women are lovers, theschool fails, the women's lives are ruined and one of them, after confessingshe actually does harbor gay desires, kills herself.
Any young gay teen catching the 1961 film version on TV is likely to bescared to death. Gays will be exposed and ostracized, with suicide a likely,maybe inevitable option, or so one might conclude.
An Update From Marc Adams
Hi everyone...
We have some very important news to share with everyone. At this point,we are unable to be too specific about some aspects of this news however,I will give you all of the details I can. We are hoping that by themiddle of or late this week, we will be able to bring forth the specifics.With that vague introduction... :)
Very recently on this outreach trip, we were scheduled to do apresentation at a Unitarian Universalist church. Pretty standard. We'vedone nearly 150 of those in the past eight years.
This particular UU Church happens to lease it's meeting space from aNewman Catholic Student Center at a secular university. A priest who usedto run the center was very kind and helped the UU church get a lease forthe space for their Sunday services until they could build their ownbuilding.
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
Pastor's case stirs debate
By Kevin Simpson and Eric Gorski
Denver Post Staff Writers
November 11, 2006
Prominent evangelical Ted Haggard's murky admissions of sin following
allegations of an affair with a male prostitute have reignited a volatileargument over the roots of homosexuality - a debate where religion, politicsand science collide.
Haggard, who has said he isn't gay, was fired this month from New LifeChurch in Colorado Springs and now faces what church officials call a"restoration process" that will include a clinical exploration of hissexuality.
Details of that process remain vague. But evangelical leaders who willshepherd Haggard through his ordeal do so amid questions about howevangelicals balance emerging research and their religious beliefs.
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
Dear Kenneth,
We are thrilled to report that Massachusetts legislators today soundlyrejected one constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, and recessed theConstitutional Convention until January, thereby effectively derailing aproposed ballot measure which would have ended marriage equality inMassachusetts.
By taking this action, the Legislature sided with the majority of people inMassachusetts who believe that marriage equality is good for families andcommunities and that it's time to move on to more pressing matters.
In addressing two proposed constitutional amendments that would havestripped away marriage rights for same-sex couples, legislatorsoverwhelmingly defeated the first by a 196 to 0 vote. They then moved to endthe debate altogether, thereby effectively terminating our opponents' driveto put a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage on the 2008November ballot. That vote was 109 to 87.
Killing gay men is OK, says British imam
British Isles / NEWS 24
Posted by gayteens on Nov 13, 2006 - 08:15 AM
The leading imam in Manchester, England, confirms that he thinks theexecution of sexually active gay men is justified, the rights group Outragereported.
Killing gay men is OK, says British imam
Arshad Misbahi of the Manchester Central Mosque confirmed his views in aconversation to John Casson, a local psychotherapist.
Casson said: "I asked him if the execution of gay Muslims in Iran and Iraqwas an acceptable punishment in Sharia law, or the result of culture, notreligion.
Living in the wrong body Transgenders are caught in identity gap
Article published Nov 13, 2006
Living in the wrong body Transgenders are caught in identity gap
By Angie Fenton
Gannett News Service
Monica Roberts gently circled a fingertip around the lip of her coffee cup,the perfect manicure a stark contrast to such large, strong hands.
"Gender is who you are," said Roberts, 42. "Sex is what you do and who youdo it with."
For the past 16 years, Roberts, who was born male, has been living as afemale, since finding the ability to accept herself.
The transgendered are not only caught in a gender-identity gap but also withpsychology that has yet to fully grapple with the issue.
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
Time Magazine features Gay Teens in America
The cover story of tomorrow's edition of Time Magazine focuses on gay teensin America. In a 5,500+ word article, written by John Cloud, the magazinecovers a number of interesting points sure to rouse the ire of socialconservatives:
Kids are disclosing their homosexuality with unprecedented regularity--andthey are doing so much younger. The average gay person now comes out justbefore or after graduating high school, according to The New Gay Teenager, abook Harvard University Press published this summer. The book quotes a PennState study of 350 young people from 59 gay groups that found that the meanage at which lesbians first have sexual contact with other girls is 16; it'sjust 14 for gay boys.
The article covers the high rate of growth among Gay/Straight Alliances inAmerican schools:
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
Porn Sites Might Not Comply With Law
Published: Nov 11, 2006
TAMPA - A gay pornographic video company in San Diego owned by Ralph Mervinemay be in violation of a federal law specifying how and where an adultbusiness keeps records documenting the age of its performers.
Mervine, 55, resigned Wednesday from his $208,000 job as executive directorof the Tampa-Hillsborough County Expressway Authority. He quit shortly afterbeing confronted by Tampa Tribune reporters about his affiliation with CoastProductions.
Documents on file in San Diego County list Mervine as the sole owner ofCoast Productions.
[ Send your comments about any of the articles in Ray's List Digest toRays.List@Comcast.net ]
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
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