Monday, March 31, 2008

FLORIDA DIGEST March 31, 2008

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From Mark LaFonatine Democrat, for Florida House of Representatives,District 92

-Mark with Elliot Rodriguez on Channel 4
Yesterday I appeared on "4 Sunday Morning with Elliot Rodriguez" discussingthe constitutional amendment that the Taxation and Budget Committee justplaced on the November ballot. This dangerous amendment, while billed as aschool voucher issue, will in reality allow religious institutions toutilize taxpayer money to advance their own agendas, which are oftendiscriminatory. I believe in religious freedom, but this is just wrong --and explained my reasons to Elliot. When I'm in Tallahassee , I'll stand upand fight these kinds of purely political initiatives from the floor of theLegislature, just like I'm doing now from my office in Oakland Park .
Please click here to watch the interview.
PS: We're on a mission to break last quarter's fundraising record beforetonight's midnight deadline. Please click here to contribute and help meget my message out. Last quarter you helped me raise more money than all ofmy competitors combined, and they're gunning for me this time. Thanks forall that you're doing!

Pridelines Youth Services has served Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual,
Transgender and Questioning youth for over 25 years, providing themwith a safe and nurturing environment. As we move forward into theNew Year, there are many exciting opportunities for development.
Pridelines Youth Services is excited to launch our DevelopmentCampaign. With a goal of raising $10,000 in 10 days, we turn to rolemodels such as you for support.
These funds will go toward powerful programmatic initiatives such asour youth financial literacy and micro-enterprise course called MoneyTalk, our new Transgender peer group night and youth enrichmentprogramming, community outreach, and satellite programs that willbridge the gap between glbtq youth in Miami and Ft. Lauderdale.
We look forward to your donation in order to provide many more yearsof service to our glbtq youth community.
Click here to Donate Now securely with your credit card or with PayPal.

Go to the links for the following articles:

-PrideFest parade honors slain gay activist in Lake Worth
Lake Worth - There were bubbles.There was a giant metal rooster.And there were even people wearing extravagantly long eyelashes.,0,7378179.story

-At last, some meaningful change to FCAT
ISSUE: FCAT grading change in the works.
Around the state, you could almost hear it being shouted in unison:"Finally.",0,6828768.story

Fort Report
Go to the links for the following articles:

-From public hands for religious cause
It is bad enough that the state Taxation and Budget Reform Commissionproposed a constitutional amendment axing $9 billion for local schooldistricts. (It would do so by eliminating the state-required portion ofproperty taxes -- without a real guarantee, only a recommendation, thatfunds would be replaced by the Legislature.) Now it is proposing anotheramendment that would allow state government to divert education dollars toprivate, faith-based schools -- schools that don't have to meet the legalaccountability laws required of public districts.

-State wants to reuse sewage water
TALLAHASSEE - Lakes are reaching record-low levels and Floridians are facingwater restrictions, but every day in South Florida, water that could fill450 Olympic pools gets piped out to sea.

-Let Citizens keep money; keep premiums frozen
If the Legislature doesn't let Citizens Property Insurance Corp. raiserates, the Legislature shouldn't take money from Citizens.

Florida, Michigan delegates are seated in limbo
As 48 states jockey for the best hotels and floor seats at the 2008Democratic convention in Denver, Florida and Michigan delegates are leftnoodling on travel websites and wondering if they should risk shelling outplane fare.


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