Saturday, April 05, 2008

FLORIDA DIGEST April 5, 2008

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Ft. Lauderdale: Bizarre! Bazaar!: 8 a.m.-2 p.m. today at the Gay & LesbianCommunity Center, 1717 N. Andrews Ave., Fort Lauderdale. Free admission andparking. Call 954-463-9005.

Steve Rothaus
Go to this link for the following articles:

-Gay Rodeo Weekend at 2008 Sunshine Stampede in Davie
This weekend is the Florida Gay Rodeo Association's 2008 Sunshine Stampedein Davie. Here's a schedule of events:

-South Florida activists salute Task Force's Matt Foreman

Express Gay News
Go to this link for the following articles:

-Sex offender bill raises gay, civil liberties concerns
Measure would make it a felony to have sex in a public park
A sex offender bill working its way through the Florida Legislature seeks toimpose felony charges on people arrested for having sex in public parks andother locations. House Bill 801, sponsored by State Rep. William Snyder (R.Stuart), would impose felony charges on offenders who are charged with alewd and lascivious violation in or within 1,000 feet of a public park, pub-lic beach, school or day care center. Additionally, the bill originallysought to stiffen the penalties for indecent exposure, but the move wasscrapped when lobbyists for nude beaches and recreation areas spoke toSnyder.

-Broadway comes to Broward Center
'Bravissimo' concert to benefit gay social services agencies
MAESTRO FRANCO BERTACCI HAS assembled a talented cast of singers andperformers for "Bravissimo! 2008," an evening of opera classics and Broadwayhits to be presented at the Broward Center's Amaturo Theatre at 8 p. m. onApril 5. The concert benefits SunServe Social Services and the SunshineCommunity Foundation, agencies of the Metropolitan Community Church'sSunshine Cathedral in Fort Lauderdale.

-Justin Flippen President of the Dolphin Democrats and candidate for Wilton Manors City Council
With his bid for city commission in Wilton Manors, Broward native JustinFlippen steps to the forefront of the county's gay political scene. But he'sno beginner. He works as a commission aide for Broward County CommissionerStacy Ritter and served as Ritter's deputy campaign manager. He also servedas a legislative assistant to Irv Slosberg and as judicial clerk for BrowardCounty Judge Robert Lee. While studying at Florida Atlantic University, heworked as an intern for Sen. Bob Graham.

Broward County Commissioners Stacy Ritter, Ilene Lieberman, Kristen Jacobs,and Ken Keechl
Cordially invite you to join them for a reception with Michelle Obama
Wednesday, April 9, 2008 - 3:30-5:00pm
The home of Broward County Commissioner Stacy Ritter
7711 Salem Lane - Parkland, FL
Friend: $2,300 per person
Guest: $500 per person
RSVP now at:
Or call Georgette Brammer at (305) 442-7464

The Dolphin Democrats will have a table and booth every first Saturday of the month at the GLCC in Ft Lauderdale, @ 1717 N. Andrews Ave from 8am to 2pm for a Get Out The Vote Effort
president@floridaGLBTdemocrats. org

ArtsUnited will feature the photography of local artist Laura Hardesty in a solo exhibit from April 7 though May 2, 2008, at the Stonewall Library and Archives, 1717 North Andrews Avenue in Fort Lauderdale. The exhibit opens with a reception to meet the artist from 6:30 to 8:00 PM on Monday, April 7th. Admission to the exhibit and reception are free and open to the public.
For more information about ArtsUnited, look online at

From PFAW Activist Network

-Breaking news from our Florida Legal Counsel Reginald J. Mitchell:
"Today the Florida Taxation and Budget Reform Commission by a vote of 16 - 9failed to get the necessary 2/3 vote needed to pass Constitutional Proposal#40. This proposal sought to place on the state ballot an amendment to theFlorida Constitution that among other things would have allowed for "publicfunding" of private and religious schools and directly overturned theFlorida Supreme Court's Bush v. Holmes decision invalidating the state'spublicly-funded school voucher program." This is great news! If you are oneof the many Florida activists who contacted the Commission, YOU made a hugedifference on this one and you can go ahead and pat yourself on the back forhelping to score this victory. We certainly thank you.

Fairness for All Families - Vote No!
At lunchtime today [April 2], Fairness for All Families Co-Chair NadineSmith will go toe-to-toe in a debate with the prime backer of Amendment #2,the so-called Marriage Protection Amendment. This is the second time in thepast two weeks that our Fairness team has debated those trying to push thismeasure that take family protections away from all unmarried Floridians gayand straight. Last week, Nadine took on John Stemberger, the lead supporterof Amendment #2, in a debate in front of 150 people at the Orlando Tiger BayClub. Rather than our telling you the outcome, here's what Scott Maxwell ofthe Orlando Sentinel had to say: "The crowd at Tiger Bay -- which, whilebipartsan, has traditionally leaned conservative if it has leaned any way --only broke into widespread applause for Nadine." And, "I highly doubt thatStemberger) is winning support from people who previously opposed theamendment with performances like this."
Please do your part - Donate!

Sunshine Cathedral
Go to this link for the following articles:

-Troy Perry to speak at Sunshine Cathedral
Start spreading the word: The founder of the Metropolitan Community Churchesmovement, the Reverend Elder Troy D. Perry, will be our guest speaker at theCathedral on May 4th. He will be speaking at both services that day, so planto attend and tell your friends to join you.

Miami Herald
Go to the links for the following articles:

School voucher plan fails ballot-qualification vote
A powerful tax panel rejected a proposal to put constitutional protectionfor school vouchers before Florida voters. Six other measures will appear onthe November ballot.

-Scientists downplay global warming's effect on hurricanes
Global warming is not the cause of increased hurricane activity, researcherssaid, but many more busy -- and costly -- seasons are ahead.
ORLANDO -- We're in a busy period of hurricane activity that will inflictunimaginable damage, but global warming is not the cause, leadingresearchers told the nation's foremost forecasters and other experts Friday.

Fort Report
Go to the links for the following articles:

-Dean says he's committed to seating Florida's delegates
(CNN) -- Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said Wednesdaythe party would "absolutely seat" a Florida delegation when it meets inAugust in Colorado for the national convention.

Miami-Dade jails under federal investigation
Conditions at Miami-Dade County jails have become so dire that the U.S.Department of Justice has launched an investigation into possiblecivil-rights violations -- including poor treatment of the mentally ill andthe mistreatment of inmates -- and suicides.

-Our position: Innocent people sent to prison shouldn't have to fight inLegislature
The state of Florida will now own up to its mistake in wrongly imprisoningAlan Crotzer for crimes he did not commit.,0,337914.story


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