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Equality Florida
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Broward County Passes Inclusive Anti-Bully Policy
(Ft. Lauderdale) Equality Florida applauds the Broward County School Boardfor passing the strongest anti-bully policy in the state. The policy isFlorida's most comprehensive; it contains a full list of prohibited forms ofharassment, bullying and discrimination, including targeting victims basedon their sexual orientation and gender identity and expression. EqualityFlorida spearheaded an eight-year coalition effort to pass a statewidebullying bill. The new law (HB 669) requires school districts to develop andenact anti-bully policies by December 1, 2008, and it requires that thosepolicies to protect all students. With yesterday's passage of the newpolicy, Broward becomes the statewide leader in addressing the epidemic ofbullying and harassment in Florida's schools. "This is the ideal policythat other schools should replicate. By fully listing all forms ofprohibited harassment, Broward County is making crystal clear what thelegislature has repeatedly said, that all students must be equallyprotected," said Nadine Smith Executive Director of Equality Florida. "Notonly does this policy provide the best protection for students and teachers,but it also protects the school district by demonstrating that they arefully complying with the law."
Will You Help Florida Red and Blue?
Please volunteer and join me @ the GLCC (1717 N. Andrews Ave) this Thursday(7/24) from 6-8pm
Start to "say no to 2" by saying yes to one volunteer shift. We holdweekly phone banks on Thursday evening from 6-8pm, and Saturday afternoonfrom 12-2pm. Florida Red and Blue is committed to educating voters on thehurtful and harmful impact that ballot initiative "Amendment 2" will haveon the rights of millions of Florida residents in non-traditional families .If you are interested in volunteering you can simply respond to this e-mailor call 954-775-2310.
In The Unity For A Whole Community,
Bishop Ma-Hee`
Broward Field Coordinator
Florida Red and Blue/Say No 2
Thursday, July 24, 2008 - 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Georgie's Alibi - Dana Manchester Room
2266 Wilton Drive (Shoppes of Wilton Manors)
Please RSVP To: rsvp@garyresnick.com
Vote No On 2 Campaign
Are You Ready to Speak Out?
For a $20 contribution, you can purchase a Basic Campaign Tool Kit
containing 1 T-shirt / 5 buttons / 5 bumper stickers / 5 posters / 25 postcards and 25 palm cards
Please join us at the Wilton Manors City Hall next Tuesday, July 29th from
You know how important it is to Vote No on Amendment #2, but do yourfriends, family, coworkers and classmates? Does your local senior centerknow how Amendment #2 could strip away essential benefits from all unmarriedcouples in Florida? Have you asked your local teachers' union to join you inthis fight? Election Day is November 4th. That means there are only 102days left to convince Florida's voters to oppose Amendment #2, the deceptive"marriage protection" amendment. Your Voice Makes A Difference! TheFairness for All Families Coalition has created a Vote No On 2 Speaker'sBureau. Equality Florida, ACLU of Florida, Florida Association of PlannedParenthood Affiliates are among the 240 coalition members that have teamedup to bring a Speaker's Training to your town. Trainings will be heldthroughout the state to make sure that you have the tools necessary toeducate voters in your community about the harm posed by Amendment 2. Reachout to your circle of friends. Present to your organizations. Educate votersduring the August primary.
Tuesday, July 29th - 7:00pm-9:00pm
Wilton Manors City Hall, 524 NE 21st Court, Wilton Manors, FL
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Officer shoots at son of Broward appraiser
Police shot at and used a stun gun on the son of Broward County PropertyAppraiser Lori Parrish during a traffic stop near downtown, police said.
-Lauderdale airport ranks as 4th cheapest in country
Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport ranked high in the nationfor its affordability and drop in airfares in early 2008, the governmentreported Wednesday.
-Invasion of fig whitefly threatens South Florida ficus plants
Popular landscaping plant is invader's favorite meal
Voracious invaders are sweeping across South Florida, pushing their waynorthward and devouring the landscape. It might sound like the script for asummer thriller. But the villains actually are tiny fig whiteflies. And theyare laying waste to ubiquitous ficus trees and hedges from Miami-Dade toPalm Beach County. The bug, Singhiella simplex, was not seen in NorthAmerica until last year, when it surfaced in Miami.
-U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler reacts to accusation that he doesn't live in
U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler is defending himself against new accusations that heis playing a residency shell game by using his in-laws' address in DelrayBeach while living in a Maryland suburb. A national TV news programreported, and records show, that the popular six-term Democrat owns a homein upscale Rockville, Md., where he and his wife spend most of the year, payproperty taxes, and where his children attend private school. But Wexlerofficially identifies his residence as the south Palm Beach County home ofLawrence and Roslyn Cohen, his wife's parents. It's where the Wexlersregister two vehicles and maintain voting and driver's license addresses,and where Wexler says he stays overnight during visits to the district oncongressional breaks and other occasions
Miami Herald
Go to the links for the following articles:
-Faraway lawsuit may block Marlins stadium
The future of a Florida Marlins stadium is enmeshed in constitutionalarguments and a complicated lawsuit from the Florida Panhandle. [...] Autodealer Norman Braman is challenging the legality of the $3 billion downtownMiami megaplan. One of Braman's arguments: The city and county cannot usebonds backed by property taxes generated inside Community Redevelopment Areadistricts without putting the projects before voters.
-School Board rebels against FCAT tyranny
The revolution began at 3 p.m. on a Tuesday. The Broward School Boardrefused to kill a charter school. The board said no to the ideologues inTallahassee who confuse FCAT decrees with holy Scripture. The board votedagainst closing the Smart School Institute of Technology and Commerce inLauderdale Lakes. The vote flouted the state rule that clearly says schoolboards have no such discretion. Not after a charter school on probationregisters yet another F result on the mighty FCAT.
-HOSPITALITY: S. Fla. summer tourism sluggish
The summer slowdown for South Florida's hotel industry is worse this year,with the economy keeping vacationers at home. But the region isoutperforming the rest of Florida.
Fort Lauderdale Campaign for Change Headquarters Opening
Please join us this Thursday, July 24th, at the grand opening of theCampaign for Change Fort Lauderdale headquarters. Come meet Campaign forChange staff and celebrate with departing Obama Organizing Fellows. Get toknow fellow supporters in the area and learn how you can make a differencein Florida. Here are the details:
733 W. Sistrunk Blvd.
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Thursday, July 24th - 5:00 p.m.
Fort Report
Go to the links for the following articles:
-In Miami, Mrs. Obama drums up support, cash
In her biggest event in Florida so far, Michelle Obama addressed hundreds of supporters at Jungle Island in Miami. The candidate's wife wore white. Nota hint of camouflage. Campaigning in a linen sheath one week after The NewYorker magazine caricatured her as a black militant, Michelle Obamaaddressed hundreds of donors in Miami Wednesday in her largest event inFlorida so far. About 800 people contributed between $100 and $5,000 to herhusband's presidential campaign.
-Florida would suffer under Amendment 5
It takes some guts to oppose a 25''percent tax cut. It helps if thatopposition is compelling. On Wednesday, Florida TaxWatch released itsanalysis of Amendment 5 on the November ballot. The amendment is tempting;it would eliminate the state-ordered property tax for schools, known as theRequired Local Effort. But the amendment is more potentially destructive."Amendment 5's proposed solution," TaxWatch notes, "is worse than theproblem."
-Amendment 5 taxpayer costs could outweigh savings
The constitutional amendment that would eliminate property taxes that payfor public schools could end up costing taxpayers more than they would save,according to a report released Wednesday by Florida TaxWatch. The analysispoints to a provision in Amendment 5 on the November ballot that requiresstate lawmakers to replace the $8.2 billion from school property taxes with$11.1 billion in education spending.
-Putting idle acres to work
South Florida cellular-tech entrepreneur Howard Melamed figures it couldtake the state 30 years to turn the U.S. Sugar land it's buying into arestored Everglades. So he's making an offer he believes could help easethe nation's energy crisis.
-Fewer companies bid on leasing Alligator Alley
It appears state transportation officials have had a bit of their work donefor them. Teams interested in bidding on a possible lease of AlligatorAlley re-submitted statements of qualifications by a Wednesday deadline, andthe list is slimmer than the one announced in June.
-Nearly 300 poor North Florida children denied health coverage
Medicaid says almost 300 can't be treated at Tallahassee PediatricFoundation
Nearly 300 poor children in North Florida were rejected for subsidizedhealth coverage at the Tallahassee Pediatric Foundation at a time when thestate is struggling with a transition to a new $300 million computer systemthat manages 2.3 million Medicaid patients.
-Florida ag chief to press for FDA changes
Florida Agriculture Commissioner Charles Bronson travels to Washington nextweek to seek changes in the way the U.S. government handles food-borneillness outbreaks in the wake of the salmonella scare that cost Floridatomato growers millions of dollars. "Public health and safety is of course,the top priority, but we also have to look out for growers who are losingtens of millions of dollars unnecessarily," said Liz Compton, spokeswomanfor Bronson's office. "We're going to have food-borne illnesses in thefuture, but that doesn't mean an entire industry should have to suffer."
-Part of Fla. Pledge of Allegiance law stricken
A federal appeals court on Wednesday invalidated part of a Florida lawrequiring public school students to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, but thepanel declined to rule on whether the rest of the statute is constitutional.
-Bring back Theresa LePore
You'd think that certain politicians would know better than to show theirfaces too often. Apparently, Palm Beach County Supervisor of ElectionsArthur Anderson isn't one of them. As Post political columnist GeorgeBennett reported on Monday, Dr. Anderson's office is spending $63,000 on30-second radio and TV ads that will run before the Aug. 26 primary. Dr.Anderson himself is featured prominently in the ads, urging viewers andlisteners to register and vote. Note that it's his public office, and nothis private campaign, that's writing the checks.
[Send your comments about articles to Rays.List@Comcast.net]
Thursday, July 24, 2008
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