Monday, July 21, 2008

FLORIDA DIGEST - July 21, 2008

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Steve Rothaus
Go to this link for the following articles:

-Anti-gay slurs sprayed on three Wilton Manors homes
Vandals scrawled anti-gay slurs on three Wilton Manors homes early Friday,an incident police are investigating as a hate crime. Someone wrote theslurs on three adjacent homes in the 2800 block of Northeast Seventh Avenue,an area with a large gay population. Five cars were also defaced with blackspray paint.

Express Gay News
Go to this link for the following articles:

-Equality Florida reps plan strategy to defeat Amendment 2
"Marriage Protection Act" to appear on November ballot
Activists working to defeat Amendment 2, the so-called "Marriage Protection
Act" that will appear on November's ballot, are ramping up efforts to raise
voter awareness. At the 2008 South Florida Democratic Party Summit at
Florida Atlantic University on July 12, Equality Florida representatives
unveiled two new initiatives: Tobias Packer, Equality Florida's Local Policy
Coordinator, said they are creating a Speakers' Bureau and want volunteer
speakers, as well as groups to invite speakers to talk about Amendment 2.
The other action is to double the amount of volunteers working outside the
polls to inform voters about the proposed measure, with a goal of 1,000
people lobbying against Amendment 2 on election day.

Stonewall Library & Archives
Join Stonewall's new Social Network of Active Professionals (SNAP)
Thursday - July 24 6:00 - 8:00
The Naked Grape
2039 Wilton Drive
Wilton Manors
$10 donation to Stonewall at the door. Don't miss this chance to mix and mingle with fellow LGBT professionals. SNAP will meet every third Thursday. Watch your e-mail for locations.
Stonewall Library & Archives
1717 N Andrews Ave
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311
(954) 763-8565

Adriane Reesey, Candidate for Broward County Supervisor of Elections
On July 26, 2008 at 9:00am, the Broward County Transit system will be thesite of an event to stimulate social awareness and interest in the upcomingAugust 26 election. The Reesey's "Pieces" Campaign Volunteers from acrossthe county will converge to ride the BCT, Route 72, on Saturday July 26. They will be promoting community awareness and involvement in several socialactivist causes; among them voting and the environment. Volunteers willgather at 9:00am on Oakland Park Blvd and Federal Highway picking up ridersalong the way to the Sawgrass Mall. They will hand out American flags,Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, and Reesey t-shirts, as they ride from east towest and points between on the Broward bus. If you want to ride withReesey's "Pieces" volunteers, or would like more information, please call954.594.3363.
9:00am - Oakland Park and Federal Highway
9:20am - Oakland Park and Powerline Rd.
9:30am - Oakland Park and HWY. 441
9:45am - Oakland Park and University
10:00am - Oakland Park and Nob Hill
10:10am - Sawgrass Mills Mall (Green Toad Entrance)

Palm Beach Human Rights Council
The Board of Directors cordially invites you to our Summer Party
Sunday, July 27 - 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Grandview Gardens Bed & Breakfast
1608 Lake Avenue in West Palm Beach Join Palm Beach County's electedofficials, candidates for office and civic leaders for cocktails andconversation.
Casual attire · Open Bar · $125 per person
For information call: (561) 845-6545

GLCCSF - Ft. Lauderdale
Are you an HIV+ man wanting a "jump-start" to better living?
Join the L.I.F.E. Program! The 18-week L.I.F.E. Program® providespractical, step-by-step guidance to help participants create and implementpersonal health plans for long-term thriving with HIV. Through a uniqueblend of large group meetings, small group sharing, experiential exercisesand one-on-one health counseling, the program helps men living with HIVimprove their health. Participation in the L.I.F.E. Program (LearningImmune Function Enhancement) boosts the immune system, lowers risky behaviorand increases adherence to medication schedules.
Next Session: Starts July 29, 2008
Weekly Workshop Times: Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Location: GLCC 1717 N. Andrews Ave
Contact: PALS Project at 954.463.9011 or

ACLU of Florida
November is fast approaching and Floridians are facing sweeping attacks ontheir civil liberties and human rights. We have never faced such afar-reaching collection of proposed constitutional amendments. One threatensto take away basic rights of straight and gay unmarried couples (proposedAmendment #2) and two others (Amendments #7 & #9) would eliminate Florida'sstrong commitment to separation of church & state and religious freedomlanguage, and require government funding of religious programs. In thecoming months you will hear more from us on these proposed constitutionalamendments and how you can help defeat them.


Go to the links for the following articles:

-Florida may tighten lucrative DROP provision for government retirees
It's an offer many private sector workers wish they could get -- brieflyretire and take thousands in a lump sum payment. Then go back to work atyour old job and collect both a full salary and a pension.,0,7236695.story

Miami Herald
Go to the links for the following articles:

-Monroe commissioners vote no on iguanas
Monroe County commissioners want the state to crack down on the explodingnumbers of iguanas in the Keys. The commission last week asked the FloridaFish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to enact rules that would prohibitpeople from releasing their green reptile pets into the wild.

Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, FADP
Florida Gears Up For More Executions.
With YOUR Help We Can Halt The Death Penalty
Governor Crist has signed a Death Warrant for the execution of RichardHenyard for Tuesday, September 23, 2008 at 6:00 pm. More Death Warrants areexpected. Florida's outrageously-expensive, broken Death Penalty systemcontinues to fail victims, their families and Florida's taxpayers. Donatenow to end executions. There has been an upwelling of concerned Floridiansjoining ranks for a better way. Funds are desperately needed to maintainand continue the momentum of our movement in Florida. FADP and our alliancepartners are working diligently to advance the day when state homicides arehalted and we can live in a Florida without the horror of unnecessarystate killings of prisoners. It will not happen without your support. Please help today.

Miami Herald
Go to the links for the following articles:

-New High-Tech Security Unveiled At MIA
Body Scans, X-ray Technology Speed Up Security
MIAMI, Fla. -- Some new high-tech security is being unveiled Monday at MiamiInternational Airport. Two new technologies, one to scan carry-on luggage,and one to scan passengers will begin being used Monday. X-ray technologywill be used to screen carry-on baggage, and a millimeterwave technologywill be used to screen passengers. This type of technology enables TSAofficers to detect weapons, explosives and other metallic and non-metallicitems that could pose a threat in a matter of seconds, and without havingto make physical contact. The technology passes harmless electromagneticwaves over a person's body to create an image that looks similar to a fuzzynegative. The X-ray technology gives security officers a better look at whatis in carry-on luggage. It also has the potential to speed up the securityprocess because fewer bag checks will be required.

Fort Report
Go to the links for the following articles:

-Offshore Drilling Foes Cite Idle Acreage
The national debate over opening more offshore areas to oil and gasexploration has begged the question: Just what are the companies doing withthe tens of millions of acres they're already leasing from the federalgovernment? In particular, congressional Democrats who oppose PresidentBush's plan to expand offshore drilling point to 68 million acres of federalland and offshore sites now leased by oil companies that sit idle.


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