Wilton Manors out to dissuade gays from having sex in park
By Elizabeth Baier
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
September 13, 2006
Wilton Manors · The elevated, wooden boardwalk in Colohatchee Park cuts through a secluded slice of old Florida, revealing one of the city's bestkept secrets: a lush park enveloped by a mangrove preserve, native wildlifeand cozy picnic areas.
But for years, the park has been a cruising spot for men seeking sex withother men.
Now, police are sending men courting encounters at Colohatchee Park a clearmessage: Get a room.
Officers have increased the number of daytime foot patrols in the past twomonths and now plan to conduct undercover stings as part of "OperationGet-A-Room." The goal is to dissuade men from meeting for sex in the publicpark at 1975 NE 15th Ave.
Nationwide to hike property insurance by 105.8% in some parts of South
By Kathy Bushouse
Business Writer
September 12, 2006, 8:26 PM EDT
Nationwide Insurance Co. of Florida, the state's fourth-largest homeinsurer, is adjusting a proposed rate increase and now some South Floridacustomers would have to pay much higher homeowner insurance premiums thanexpected.
While the 71.4-percent statewide average increase Nationwide proposed inJuly remains the same, the company on Thursday submitted to the state arevised rate request that changes the premium hikes across Florida.
So, for example, parts of Broward and Palm Beach counties once slated for asmall raise in their premiums will instead see much larger rate boosts.Customers in parts of Broward County could see an increase up to 82.1percent, while customers in parts of Palm Beach County could see premiumsrise up to 105.8 percent, according to revised information the companyprovided state insurance regulators. Those increases don't apply toNationwide customers who get windstorm coverage from state-backed CitizensProperty Insurance Corp.
The Republican nominee has an unconfirmed list of four finalists.
Democrat Jim Davis' picks are a "diverse pool."
By STEVE BOUSQUET, Times Staff Writer
Published September 13, 2006
TALLAHASSEE - Republican Charlie Crist's short list for a lieutenantgovernor running mate includes a surprising name with an unusual background:Helen Aguirre Ferre, opinion-page editor of the Spanish-language newspaperDiario Las Americas in Miami.
Ferre, 49, is a Republican appointee of Gov. Jeb Bush's to the board oftrustees of Miami-Dade College, where she has been since 1999 and now servesas chairwoman. The Miami native is married with three children.
Ferre is one of four people said to have made Crist's final cut for the No.2 position, but the candidate would not talk specifics.
1990 vote was a 'mistake,' Davis says
Maya Bell
Sentinel Staff Writer
September 13, 2006
MIAMI -- Saying he made a young lawyer's mistake 16 years ago, Democraticgubernatorial nominee Jim Davis publicly apologized Tuesday for votingagainst a legislative bill to compensate two black men wrongly convicted ofmurder.
"I'm here today to say I made a mistake," Davis said with Freddie Lee Pittsand Wilbert Lee sitting at his side. "I have spoken to Mr. Pitts. I havespoken to Mr. Lee, and I have asked them to forgive me."
With handshakes and Pitts' words, "Next stop, Tallahassee and the Governor'sOffice," Pitts and Lee said they were happy to accept the Tampacongressman's apology.
"You know it's kind of refreshing to have the opportunity to meet apolitician who can overcome the problem of ego and politics and stand up andsay, 'I am sorry,' " said Pitts, now 62 and a shuttle-van driver.
Davis apologizes in attempt to mend black rift
By S.V. Date
Palm Beach Post Capital Bureau
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
MIAMI - Hammered in the Democratic primary for a 16-year-old vote denyingcompensation for two wrongfully imprisoned black men, Jim Davis began makingamends Tuesday, appearing with the men as part of an appeal to a key votingbloc in the November general election.
Davis, who declined during the primary campaign for governor to apologizefor his vote, sat beside the two men and black community icon Carrie Meekand did exactly that Tuesday.
"I'm here today to say I made a mistake. If you're looking for the perfectcandidate, it's not me," said U.S. Rep. Davis, D-Tampa. "I've asked them to forgive me."
Wilbert Lee, who along with Freddie Pitts spent a dozen years behind bars,said, "It takes a good person to stand up and admit they made a mistake. Therefore, I accept his apology."
What Crist and Davis bring to the ring
The preliminaries are over; it's time for the main event. Crist vs. Davis. Nelson vs. Harris. Campbell vs. McCollum. Sink vs. Lee. Bronson vs. Copeland. All right, those last three are the undercard. In caseyou don't recognize them, they're the match-ups for Florida attorneygeneral, chief financial officer and agriculture commissioner. All areimportant but won't attract attention beyond their self-interestedconstituencies.
Since Sen. Bill Nelson is the prohibitive favorite to win a second term,there's only one main event on the November ballot: the race for governor.We got a preview of how it will play out the day after the primary whenDemocrat Jim Davis flew into Broward and, a day later, GOP candidate Charlie Crist visited Hialeah.
Take the chains and shackles off juveniles
When it comes to making an appearance in court, Florida treats murderers and rapists better than it does a 12-year-old charged with a harmless misdemeanor. A heinous killer who faces a jury at trial must have his shackles and handcuffs removed, lest the restraints unfairly taint thejurors' minds about his possible guilt. This is not the case with juveniles.They routinely appear before juvenile judges in courtrooms throughoutFlorida bound by handcuffs and shackles.
End this practice now
This is a daily occurrence with children across Florida accused of nothingworse than hitting a brother or sister (they call it domestic violence), orbeing in the wrong place at the wrong time. It is a shameful, irrational,disgusting practice that should be changed -- immediately. Anthony Schembri,director of the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice, can put an end tothe practice with a simple change in DJJ policy that says juveniles are notto be shackled when they appear in court.
ArtsUnited seeks Starving Artists!
Do you have a stockpile of artwork that you're anxious to sell? WellArtsUnited needs you!
ArtsUnited will host the first annual "Starving Artists Sale" on Saturday,September 30, 2006 from 1 to 4 PM in the Gay and Lesbian Community Center,1717 N. Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL. The sale is an opportunity forartist to sell off some of their inventory and for the public to buyoriginal artwork at bargain prices. Admission is free and open to thepublic.
Artists interested in participating should hurry and reserve a table soon.An application is attached, or may be downloaded fromwww.artsunitedonline.org. Deadline for entry is September 15, 2006.
Forwarded from Michael Emanuel Rajner
For Immediate Release
Please join us on Monday, September 18, 2005 at 5:00 PM Eastern Time, for anopen and informative national conference call inviting ALL persons andorganizations and perspectives concerned with proposed changes forreauthorization of the Ryan White CARE Act. We are excited with all thenational partners that will join in this effort to help empower individualswith a better understanding on changes currently being considered byCongress.
This call is open to the public and all are invited to join, learn,participate and present their perspective. All perspectives are encouragedto explain their position on reauthorization of the Ryan White CARE Act.This call is to be educational and informative, not a debate.
This is an opportunity for us to work together as a community and understand
how best to meet the needs of those infected and affected with HIV/AIDS.The latest proposed legislation will affect states and regions in differentways. In order for us be the best advocate for the community we serve, itis important to understand the impact this legislation will have on ourdiverse communities.
Campaign to End AIDS is committed to community mobilization to stimulatepositive change. We hold firm that we must provide every opportunity toeducate the public, affected communities and organizations. Education isparamount if we are to we work together to End AIDS.
We look forward to your participation!
Date: Monday, September 18, 2006
Time: 5:00 PM
Call-In Number: 1 888 765-3648
Access ID#: 450154
Michael Emanuel Rajner, PLWA
National Secretary - Campaign To End AIDS
Telephone: (305) 677-3506
visit: www.aidsvote.org and www.CampaignToEndAIDS.org
Forwarded from Michael Emanuel Rajner
Please join on Monday, September 18, 2006 at 4:00 PM (ET) for a special
meeting prior the United States Conference on AIDS.
When: Monday, September 18, 2006 at 4:00 PM (ET)
Call information: 1 (888) 765-3648 Access ID#: 450154#
We will discuss several items that are attached:
Florida DOH Secretary M. Rony François's call to mobilize communities withthe release of Silence is Death where AIDS is the leading cause of death forAfrican American's between the ages of 15 - 44 years of age for the pastconsecutive 15 years!
Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners sponsor a resolute to place HIVPrevention & Education as a funding priority in the county budget.
Broward County HIV Health Services Planning Council creates barrier toprimary medical care & treatment. Approx. 5,000 (new estimate) remain outof care.
Florida's ADAP changes eligibility to cap income at 300% FPL ($29,400) and$12,000 liquid assets.NAPWA's Executive Director Frank Oldham's statement on Ryan Whitereauthorization.
Involvement at the United States Conference on AIDS in Hollywood, Florida. AIDS Vote statewide update.
For us that live with HIV/AIDS and other illnesses, we find it difficultfrom time to time to maintain our energy, health and hope in continuing ouradvocacy efforts. On August 20th, a strong outspoken activist, Larry Osbandof Palm Beach County suffered yet another heart attack and is recovering.
Please keep him in your prayers for a speedy recovery. Recently, I havealso being fighting an unidentified infection that has caused me muchstress. My physician has been ordering all kind of lab work to identifywhat the source of the fatigue, fevers and night sweats and now an allergicreaction to medications. I guess this is what President Bush meant bycalling HIV/AIDS a chronic and manageable illness. Sometime HIV/AIDS isjust an inconvenience to this administration.
On that note, the Campaign to End AIDS is only as successful as the effortwe are able to dedicate. In Broward County, our HIV Planning Council passeda disgraceful motion that places a cap on eligibility to primary medicalcare services and medication even for those that have no other alternate toprimary medical care. Have we regressed in our response to AIDS? Withlegislative bodies taking such disgraceful actions, we must mobilize as acommunity to respond and take action!
Looking forward to your participation on the call!
Michael Emanuel Rajner
Founding Member - Campaign To End AIDS-Florida
National Secretary - Campaign To End AIDS
Tel: (954) 272-8131 or (305) 677-3506
Fax: (954) 566-0144
Cell: (954) 288-1999
Musicians and Singers will be joining together in a free Peace Concert inthe Religious Science Center Auditorium on September 21, at 7:30pm. Sharinga vision of unity and forgiveness, the concert will be a celebration of whatunites us as individuals into a global community.
Artists at the free Peace Concert include: Ellen Bukstel, Shawna Sweeney,Maryel Epps, Katy Peterson, Michael Hulett, SF Mahee, Lin D'Andrea, andMichael McCain. Genres will include jazz, folk, gospel, and pop allfocusing on global unity and forgiveness.
Each artist will be performing gratis at this event, giving of their time
and talent to celebrate all that unites us across our local and globalcommunities. Many will have CDs available for sale following the concert.
"Regardless of labels we employ to segregate us, music is a universallanguage capable of uniting our hearts with one voice," said Rev. Donna L.Conley, the organizer of the events. "Each artist will bring their uniquestyle but share a common passion: Peace."
The Religious Science Center for Spiritual Living is joining hearts withchurches and organizations across the world to celebrate 11 Days of GlobalUnity & a Season of Forgiveness. Peace meditations will be held daily in theReligious Science Center at noon and 7:30 pm offering a place of reflectionand restoration on individual, community and global levels. Everyone iswelcome regardless of religion, race, sexual orientation, or genderidentity.
WHO: Religious Science Center for Spiritual Living
WHAT: Peace Concert
WHEN: September 21, 2006 at 7:30 pm
COST: Free
WHERE: 1550 NE 26th Street; Wilton Manors; 954-566-2868
Dr. Arleen Bump & Dr. Charles Geddes,
Rev. Donna L. Conley, 954-974-5538; revdonna@comcast.net
WEB RESOURCES: www.RSIFTL.com, www.agnt.org
954-822-0109 mobile