Tuesday, December 26, 2006

GLBT DIGEST - December 26, 2006

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The Palm Beach Post


A decade-long coverup
Palm Beach Post Editorial

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The House Ethics Committee's report on the coverup of Mark Foley's abuse ofunderage congressional pages demonstrates what is meant by the clichédnotion of a victim being victimized all over again. This time, the publicsuffers with the ex-pages.

As The Post detailed in an article last Sunday, the committee confirmed thatsome House members and staffers repeatedly did only "that necessary to shiftnotice and responsibility," and others "declined to probe deeply...ordeclined to follow up." The committee acknowledged that such behavior "isnot merely the exercise of poor judgment; it is a present danger to Housepages and to the integrity of the institution of the House." Then thecommittee pretended that no punishment is warranted.

After hearing the testimony under oath of eight House members and sworntestimony and interviews of 43 other witnesses, the Ethics Committeeconcluded in its report that "a pattern of conduct was exhibited among manyindividuals to remain willfully ignorant of the potential consequences offormer Representative Foley's conduct with respect to House pages."

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