Thursday, January 24, 2008

FLORIDA DIGEST January 24, 2008

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Subject: Final Fort Lauderdale Training for Primary Day Action on January29th

Dear Grasstop Leaders,

I wanted to first and foremost thank you so much for all the help thatyou've given me over the past two-and-a-half weeks. It's simply amazing whatwe've been able to accomplish in such a short amount of time. I wanted totake a second to update you all on where we're at - statewide, and here insouth Florida.

Statewide, we're doing excellent. So far, we've trained just over a hundredactivists, with 9 trainings still scheduled all across the state (For a listof them, you can check here: - the list doesn't yet reflectthe final Orlando, Ft. Lauderdale, or Ft. Myers Trainings). Here in Broward,I've had the chance to train almost 50 activists - many of whom have "neverdone something like this before." It's great to be reaching out to such newfolks, getting them out to work the polls ahead of such a crucial electionfor our community. As of right now, I have almost 100 shifts "hard"confirmed with polling locations! And we're still a week out!

To that end, I want to make sure that you all know about our final traininghere in Ft. Lauderdale. We'll be at Art Serve on Sunday, January 27th (MyBirthday!) at 5:30pm. We've had a lot of success at our first two trainings,and with so many new people still wanting to help, we wanted to do a last,final training before the Primary. I'd like to ask of you all that youforward this information far and wide throughout Broward County. Save Dadeis also running trainings for their work in Miami on Thursday and Saturday,and you might want to mention those too if your lists extend beyond Broward.
As I said before, many of the people who are signed up are new to thepolitical sphere - your memberships and contacts represent people who aretrained veterans of Florida politics, and I want to bolster our volunteerteams and make sure that we generate as much education, as many IDs, and asmany volunteers as possible to defeat this amendment. Please take the timeto forward this information on.

Primary Day Action Training
Ft. Lauderdale
January 27, 2008
Art Serve - 1350 E. Sunrise Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33304
RSVP Here:
For Questions, Contact HRC Organizer Toby Quaranta at 202.459.3307, or by
email at

Thanks again for all your help and support!

Toby Quaranta
Human Rights Campaign
Sent to you via webmail from South Florida


New Additions to GLCC Events and Programs, Submitted January 21, 2008

T.E.R.I. Meeting - Human Rights Ordinance 16½

(Wednesday, January 30th, 6:30-8:30 p.m., GLCC, room 2)

"TERI" (Transgender Equal Rights Initiative) provides the LGBT communitywith opportunities to increase knowledge on issues affecting the transgendercommunity. TERI helps us rally and empower transgender persons to show wevalue their presence and participation in our community.

The transgender community is particularly affected by hate crimes, violence,prejudice, and discrimination. One of the more important roles of TERI isto engage all of us, as a community, in mobilizing and helping to protectand fight for equal rights for transgender friends and family members. TheGLCC of South Florida partners with and supports TERI with marketingsupport, meeting space, and fiscal guidance.
GLCC Flea Market
(Saturday, February 2, 8:00AM - 2:00 PM, GLCC Parking Lot, 1717 N. AndrewsAvenue)
Bizarre Bazaar Flea Market We've got it all from A to Z! Bric-a- Bracand Nick-Knacks for Adam and Zachary and Alicia and Zelda! From Antiques toPet Adoptions-from Kitsch to re-created Treasures, this gigantic Flea Marketwill be held at the GLCC Saturday, February 2, from 8:00AM-2:00PM. TheseFlea Markets are a lot of fun and an opportunity for you to either sell yourwares as a vendor, or simply go and enjoy the ambience, meet new people andpurchase things you had no idea you needed! Either way it's a greatexperience.
(Monday, February 4, 7:15PM - 9:15PM, Room 3)
When you speak in public, do you experience ... Sweaty palms? Shaky hands?
Racing thoughts? Pounding heart? Forgetting what you had to say?
Butterflies in the stomach? Do you fear that others will notice your fear?
If you experience two or more of the symptoms above, speaking in public maybe a painful experience for you. You may need Toastmasters! Even if youdon't need it, you may enjoy learning how to speak in public while spendingsome time with some great people! Face your fear by attending Toastmasters!
Church of the Holy SpiritSong - Ash Wednesday Services
(Wednesday, February 6, 7:30PM - 10:00PM, Main Hall).
Saturday Bingo
(Saturday, February 9, time) Theme is Sweethearts Bingo
Have you heard about BINGO night? People are talking, because it is fun,and very popular! Come in hungry - the kitchen is open. BINGO happens onthe second Saturday of each month and is not your Grandma's blue-hairedBingo, but you can bring her-- or wear your own blue hair if you wish! ThisSaturday's theme is Sweethearts Bingo so you can come as a heart, in red, ora red boa or anything you want! It's about fun, so be prepared-- adult humorhappens! Please bring a nonperishable food item to Bingo and be entered ina raffle to win a special prize.
Bingo Sponsorships are available for $25 (call one game). Make announcementsbefore and/or during the game, promote your organization and/or event, bringbanners and paraphernalia, set up a display table and that's it. Greatopportunity!
Be a Raffle Sponsor by donating a raffle prize to be given away after the50/50 drawing.
Join us for a night of fun and fundraising. All proceeds benefit theprograms and services of the GLCC. Did you know that the GLCC conducts over250 Free HIV tests per month? You are helping make this possible.
Girth & Mirth - Group Social
(Saturday, February 9, Room 1)
Here's a chance to socialize with others in the community. It will be agreat event so make plans now to attend.
Previously Distributed GLCC Events and Programs Still Timely and Relevantfor promotion in publications:
Stars of the Rainbow Crystal Ball Gala & Celebration
(Saturday, February 17, 5-10 p.m., Marriott Harbor Beach Resort, 3030Holiday Drive, Fort Lauderdale)
Did someone say Stars of the Rainbow? Who are these stars? Did we miss a newTV production? It's not that kind of star. This is the GLCC's annual eventto recognize and celebrate the stars in our community. These stars arevolunteers, activists, and agencies in our community who are representspirit, drive and dedication in supporting our GLBT community. There arenine categories ranging from "Individuals" (Honorees are Michael Greenspan,Judy Shepherd, Tony Timiraos and Larry Wald), to "Volunteer" (Honoree isMarc Hansen), and Media (Honorees are Howard Finkelstein and Dale Madison).
For information about additional honorees, please go or Tickets can be purchased inadvance and sponsorship opportunities are available by calling 954-463-9005or by emailing Robert Boo, Director of Development at
Would You Like to Be Updated About GLCC Events and Services?
The GLCC of South Florida sends out regular EVoice email newsletters thatwill keep you current and 'up to the minute' on events, services and helpingyou Connect With Your Community! If you do not currently receive the GLCC's
EVoice and you would like to learn more about everything from travelservices and events, to how to get help with your health or emotional wellbeing, please visit the GLCC website, and sign-up to receivethe EVoice. It's easy to do!

Nicole Martin
Operations Manager
Gay and Lesbian Community Center of South Florida
1717 North Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311
Phone: 954-463-9005
Cell: 954-812-0822
Fax: 954-764-6522


WomenNet Buffet and Spa Day

Women this is one event you will not want to miss!
Ocean Sands, located at 1350 N Ocean Blvd., in Pompano Beach, is treatingyou to a night of pampering.

You will begin your experience with a glass of wine and a relaxing handand/or chair massage, then a tour of the spa and other special treatmentsawait you.

If that wasn't enough, you will then enjoy a complimentary, lavish buffetand drink bar. Now what woman wouldn't love this? Let Ocean Sands pamper youin style!

COME JOIN US - EVEN IF YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN TO WOMEN NET BEFORE - THIS IS ONEYOU DON'T WANT TO MISS! There is no cost for this event (it is sponsoredentirely by Ocean Sands - however donations to the GLCC Women NET programare graciously accepted at the door.

Call for directions or more info:
1350 N. Ocean Blvd.
Pompano Beach, FL
Phone: 954.590.1110



Republican candidates criss-cross Florida in advance of primary

By Anthony Man
Political Writer
January 24, 2008

With Rudy Giuliani attempting to sell himself to Florida voters by embracingthe idea of a national catastrophic insurance plan to ease storm insurancepremiums, John McCain didn't back away Wednesday from his opposition to theidea.

McCain delivered some of the "straight talk" he brags about as histrademark. Expressing "all due respect to this beautiful state," he said hedoesn't favor Florida-sponsored federal legislation that would spread riskin disaster-prone states to taxpayers elsewhere.

With Tuesday's Republican primary in Florida looming as a pivotal event inthe contest for the party's presidential nomination, South Florida votersgot their first 2008 glimpse of Mike Huckabee. The former Arkansas governorand ordained Baptist minister appeared at an evening rally at FortLauderdale Executive Airport.

Meanwhile Giuliani was in Estero and Naples. Mitt Romney was in Tampa. AndMcCain visited Orlando, Fort Lauderdale and Boca Raton.

Meeting voters is almost incidental at this point in a statewide campaignwhen polls show four leading contenders. The candidates' main objective is asnippet of positive coverage on local television news shows in as many ofthe state's media markets as possible.

more . . . . .


St. Petersburg Times

State still wants Allstate shut down

Tom Zucco, Times staff writer
January 23, 2008

Claiming that Allstate Corp.'s failure to turn over documents is a crime,the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation filed a brief today with theFirst District Court of Appeal seeking to suspend Allstate's license to dobusiness in the state.

Insurance commissioner Kevin McCarty last Thursday ordered that Allstate bebanned from selling any new insurance policies in Florida. McCarty saidAllstate had failed to turn over documents crucial to a state investigationinto the company's underwriting practices. Regulators also want to know whyAllstate has not passed savings on to policyholders.

But after being shut down just one day, Illinois-based Allstate got theorder overturned by the appellate court, and Florida's third-largestproperty insurer was back in business.

"This doesn't change the fact our agencies are open for business,'' saidAllstate spokesman Adam Shores, "and we'll continue to produce documentsrequested in the subpoena.''


Washington Post

Sunshine State Warm to Giuliani, But His Poll Position Falls Sharply

By Peter Whoriskey
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, January 24, 2008; A08


T here's always a Yankees hat in the crowd, always an FDNY T-shirt, andalways the borough accents. And when Rudolph W. Giuliani finally arrives ata typical campaign stop in this place 1,000 miles from the Empire State, heprovokes a Gotham-style scrum of celebrity.

Rudy! Rudy! Ova heah! I wanna take a picsha.

"Whenever you say 'Brooklyn,' you get applause," Giuliani quipped at anevent in Boca Raton.

Giuliani's Republican primary campaign may have been pummeled in otherstates, but it is clinging to life in Florida, thanks in part to the hordesof New Yorkers who now call this state home.

They flock to his appearances here, nodding solemnly when he describes NewYork City's crime and joblessness when he became mayor, and applauding, eventearing up, when he alludes to his role on Sept. 11, 2001.

more . . . . .


Orlando Sentinel,0,6672353.story

CAMPAIGN 2008: Clinton or Obama? Question divides Orlando-area black voters

Babita Persaud
Sentinel Staff Writer
January 24, 2008

Like many black voters in Central Florida, Jackie Perkins is struggling tochoose between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

"I wish they can both be president," said Perkins, a retired Orlando teacherand widow of civil-rights attorney Paul Perkins.

"In my 76 years, I've seen both sides: racism and sexism. I listen to whatboth candidates say, and I'm agreeing with both of them. Both are historybreakers. It's time for both of them."

About Clinton, a U.S. senator whose husband, Bill, was famously described as"the first black president," she says: "I know a woman can handle things."

But Obama could actually be America's first black president.

more . . . . .


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