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Jan. 24, 2008
John Gibson Cruelly Mocks Heath Ledger's Death
In the wake of Heath Ledger's death, people around the world are mourningthe gifted actor's passing and are expressing their appreciation for how hechanged hearts and minds with his Oscar-nominated role as a gay cowboy in2005's Brokeback Mountain.
In a stark and disturbing contrast, Fox News Radio host John Gibson cruellymocked Ledger's death and his role in Brokeback Mountain during his Jan. 22John Gibson Show radio broadcast. During the show, Gibson played an audioclip from the film of Jake Gyllenhaal's character, Jack, telling Ennis(played by Ledger), "I wish I knew how to quit you." Gibson then coldlyquipped, "Well, he found out how to quit you." Then, after playing anotheraudio clip from the movie of Ledger's character saying, "We're dead," Gibsonmockingly said, "We're dead" and played the clip again.
â?oGibsonâ?Ts remarks are vulgar and disgusting,â? said Rashad Robinson,GLAADâ?Ts Senior Director of Media Programs. â?oItâ?Ts sickening that Gibsonwould exploit Heath Ledgerâ?Ts tragic death to promote such hurtfulintolerance. And to do so at a time when family and friends are grievingshows a level of insensitivity that is beyond the pale.â?
Beyond his mockery of Ledger's role in Brokeback Mountain, Gibson called theactor a "weirdo" with "a serious drug problem," and callously speculated onthe reasons Ledger might have committed suicide. Gibson had previouslymocked Brokeback Mountain--calling it a "gay agenda movie" on his Fox NewsTV program in 2006.
Gibsonâ?Ts Past Comments on Brokeback Mountain:
GLAAD strongly urges you to contact Fox News and ask its representatives whythey continue to provide a platform for John Gibson's cruel and tastelesscomments.
Please contact:
Mr. Mitch Davis
Vice President
Fox News Radio Network
1211 Avenue Of The Americas
18th Floor
New York, NY 10036-8701
Direct Phone: *212-301-5800
Outlet Fax: *212-301-5455
Outlet Phone: 212-301-3000
Email: mitch.davis@foxnews.com
Mr. Robert Finnerty
Senior Vice President
Fox News Radio Network
1211 Avenue Of The Americas
18th Floor
New York, NY 10036-8701
Direct Phone: *212-301-5800
Outlet Fax: *212-301-5455
Outlet Phone: 212-301-3000
Email: robert.finnerty@foxnews.com
Ms. Irena Briganti
Vice President of Public Relations
FOX News Channel
1211 Avenue Of The Americas
New York, NY 10036
Direct Phone : *212-301-3608
Outlet Fax : *212-382-1411
Outlet Phone : 212-301-3000
Email: irena.briganti@foxnews.com
Contact by: E-mail
Ms. Suzanne Scott
Vice President, Programming
FOX News Channel
1211 Avenue Of The Americas
New York, NY 10036
Direct Phone : *212-301-8558
Outlet Fax : *212-382-1411
Outlet Phone : 212-301-3000
Email: suzanne.scott@foxnews.com
From Stonewall Democrats
Al Gore Makes Some Noise on Marriage
This week, Vice President Gore shared his thoughts on the freedom ofsame-sex couples to marry. His view? That it would only strengthen theAmerican family. Gore released his statement as a video blog post on CurrentTV, the user-generated cable television channel which he heads.
In response, Executive Director Jon Hoadley noted that "It is a positionwhich some would still call courageous, but which a new generation ofAmericans would call common sense."
To watch the Gore video, simply click here.
Intern with Stonewall Democrats this Spring/Summer
We are seeking talented and excited interns to round out our team on staffat the National Stonewall Democrats. Positions will include opportunities atour headquarters in Washington as well as our convention site in Denver.
Our internship program is designed to train individuals in the skillsrequired for success within political organizing and political advocacy. Weseek to develop talents into a skill set desired by political campaigns,government offices and progressive organizations.
You can learn more and apply at:
Please join us for our Oklahoma Regional training the weekend of February22-24. This event will draw on the media expertise of GLAAD to help prepareyou, and your chapter, to grow your media exposure and organizing skills.Registration is $50, but only $25 for students and members who book theiraccommodation through our host hotel - the Skirvin Hilton.
Note: To receive the $25 registration rate, you must have a valid room nightat the Skirvin Hilton under the National Stonewall Democrats block foreither Friday, February 23 or Saturday, February 24. We are proud to offer areduced rate at this luxury hotel for only $138/night. To receive yourspecial Stonewall Democrats rate, mention code SWD when calling the hotel at(405) 272-3040.
Please take a moment to register today. This is a dynamic opportunity that Idon't want you to miss.
Register today at: http://www.stonewalldemocrats.org/okc
The Senate is rushing to pass legislation THIS WEEK that wouldgrant retroactive immunity to telecom companies that broke thelaw AND give the Bush Administration sweeping new powers toeavesdrop on us without getting a warrant first.
This one's urgent -- we all need to get in touch with oursenators and put a stop to this horrible legislation.
Take action on this action alert from CREDO Action at
Inside Higher Education
Ghettoized Poli Sci Textbooks
Jan. 25
For many college students, an introductory survey course may be their onlyexposure to a discipline - and in many courses, a textbook may serve as theguide. With that in mind, a committee of political scientists set out to seehow how black people are portrayed in the introductory textbooks used intheir discipline - and the results left them concerned.
The textbooks reviewed do feature discussion of black people and issues thataffected them, but the most in-depth coverage is typically in a chapter onthe civil rights movement, or sometimes civil liberties generally, found astudy by the American Political Science Association's Standing Committee onthe Status of Blacks in the Profession. The study appears in the new issueof PS: Political Science & Politics.
The committee reviewed 27 textbooks used in intro courses, and published orin circulation (in many cases as updated editions of previously issuedversions) from 2004 to 2007. Of those texts, 74 percent had a chapter oncivil rights, 19 percent combine civil rights and civil liberties, and 7percent had no specific chapter. For those books with a civil rightschapter, the average number of pages with references to black issues outsideof that chapter is 13 - not a large number on books that averaged 569 pages.
"Our analysis reveals that African Americans' active participation inAmerica's political development has been treated as a separate entity fromthe rest of the country's development.... [T]extbooks do not discuss AfricanAmericans as active agents (if at all) until the civil rights movement, whenthey are discussed as collective 'recipients' of government action," says areport on the study by Sherri L. Wallace, an associate professor at theUniversity of Louisville, and Marcus D. Allen, an assistant professor atWheaton College, in Massachusetts.
In part, the study attributes the relative absence of black people from thetexts as reflecting a larger bias in the discipline, in favor of powerfulgovernment institutions over less officially powerful (but in many casesextremely important) social movements. "Because political science as adiscipline typically studies institutions and elites as decision-makers, itthereby largely ignores the presence and questions of African-Americanpolitics," the report says. One example from the study: If you are searchingfor an image of a black woman in one of these texts, the person you are mostlikely to find is Condoleezza Rice.
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From Gays Without Borders
Hello everyone,
We here in Sacramento are working with a TV station in San Franciscothat is putting together a report on the Slavic Evangelicals and theirpolitical organizing (Watchmen on the Walls) and events that led to thedeath of Satender Singh last July.
The station is looking for video footage of gays being attacked byreligious extremists in Slavic countries.
If you can point me to some web sites or furnish such footage pleasecontact me, it will be much appreciated.
Gays Without Borders
EveryOne Group is following closely the case of Pegah Emambakhsh, who isstill not out of danger.
The Government of the United Kingdom has not forgiven her call for help tothe free world in an effort to stop her deportation to Teheran, towardsjail and death by stoning. After the Flowers Campaign, Gordon Brown andJacqui Smith, in spite of having total control of the media in the UnitedKingdom, had moments of serious embarrassment when their repeated violationsof the rights of refugees became public domain. Not even they, from theiralmost untouchable positions of power are allowed to break the lawsprotecting human rights with impunity. Our experience, however, teaches usthat the length of time it is taking the judges to reach a decision and themalicious attitude of the magistrates is not a good sign. Pegah is livingunder tremendous pressure, but she is a woman of great moral fibre andindomitable courage. She wants to live, but her heart is troubled for thosewho have no chance of being saved from the executioner: innocent people likeMakwan, like the journalists, dissidents and homosexuals whose lives weretaken away in an atrocious fashion by inhuman laws. Pegah awaits a decisionthat will decide everything for her, but it is not a passive wait, becauseher woman's heart, her mother's heart is filled with pain and anguish forthe fate of those who have neither home nor rights, people who arediscriminated against and sent away. This is why Pegah feels closer toEveryOne Group and its campaign for human rights. Her wishes for the NewYear are a warning not to give way to indifference, and to work together inorder that countries do not forget the human rights treaties which representthe noblest expression of thought and conscience of our civilization.
Gay Parade in Moscow planned for May
24/ 01/ 2008
MOSCOW, January 24 (RIA Novosti) - Gays rights activists plan to hold amarch in central Moscow in May, their third attempt after previous paradeswere banned by the Moscow mayor, the event organizer said.
"We expect this to be a political and public event, without outrage, butwith specific demands," Nikolai Alexeyev said, speaking on the Ekho Moskvyradio station.
Moscow authorities rejected official requests by Gay Parade organizers in2006 and 2007 for permission to march, on the grounds that it wouldinterfere with the rights and routines of ordinary Muscovites.
Mayor Yuri Luzhkov has branded gay pride parades "Satanic" and vowed thatthey would never be permitted in the capital, while the Russian OrthodoxChurch and various far-right groups have sworn to halt any attempt to hold amarch in support of gay rights in Russia.
Alexeyev said: "If the march will be again illegally banned, we will applyto Russian and European courts."
Last year, Moscow's Tverskoi District Court ruled that a city ban on holdinga Gay Pride Parade was legal. Around 100 protestors subsequently gatheredoutside City Hall to submit a petition to the mayor against what they calledan 'unfounded and illegal prohibition on holding the march in support ofsexual minorities in Russia.'
When a conservative and liberal 'talk'
January 25, 2008
If you're like me, you probably watch Comedy Central's The Daily Show. Ifyou're like me, you probably also turn to reruns of Scrubs or Seinfeld whenthe newsmaker interview comes on. If that's the case, you probably missed meand Jon Stewart playing Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots last week.
It started civilly enough, discussing my new book, Liberal Fascism. Butthings got sufficiently testy that we spent nearly 20 minutes swearing andsparring, and only six minutes aired.
Largely left on the cutting-room floor were some important points that mighthave made my book seem a bit more nuanced. When he railed aboutconservatives and gay marriage, I pointed out that in my book, I'msympathetic to it. When he took shots at Republicans, I noted that Icriticize the likes of President Bush and Pat Buchanan for being "right-wingprogressives."
Viewers in search of more than disjointed, stuttering cross talk would bedisappointed if they caught the whole exchange. Stewart, try as he might,could not understand where I'm coming from.
His stated problem, in a nutshell, was that he didn't like the book's titleor its cover (bright red with a smiley face - oh, and the smiley face has alittle Hitler mustache). Stewart's complaint, echoed all over the Web, radioand TV by other critics, is that a book can indeed be judged by the cover. Itried to explain, for those whose feelings were so hurt they didn't evencrack the spine, that the title Liberal Fascism comes from a speechdelivered by H.G. Wells, one of the most important and influentialprogressive and socialist intellectuals of the 20th century. He wanted tore-brand liberalism as "liberal fascism" and even "enlightened Nazism." Asfor the smiley face, that's a reference to comedian and social commentator George Carlin, who explained on HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher that "whenfascism comes to America, it will not be in brown and black shirts. It willnot be with jackboots. It will be Nike sneakers and smiley shirts.Smiley-smiley."
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Amendment may change way you live
By William Butte
January 25, 2008
Inasmuch as marriage is the legal union of only one man and one woman ashusband and wife, no other legal union that is treated as marriage or thesubstantial equivalent thereof shall be valid or recognized. - FloridaMarriage Protection Amendment
Are you a heterosexual Floridian who is, as some might describe it, "livingin sin"?
Are you and your significant other retirees who registered as domesticpartners to ensure you wouldn't be denied the right to visit each other inthe hospital? Or, are you younger or middle-aged, and have health insuranceor other benefits through your partner's employer?
If you and your other half are a gay or non-married straight couple andreceive domestic partnership benefits either through a local registry orthrough your employer, those benefits might disappear if the FloridaMarriage Protection Amendment is placed on the ballot this November andenough Floridians vote for it.
The constitutional amendment is supposedly designed to prevent any ofFlorida's non-existent, pro-gay marriage activist judges from ruling againststate law that already prohibits same-sex marriages or legal recognition ofsame-sex relationships "treated as marriage."
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Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
New York: Thank Governor Spitzer for Funding LGBT Health & Human Services
For the second year in a row, Governor Spitzer has provided $6 million inhis Executive Budget for critical heath and human services programstargeting New York State's LGBT communities. This matches the Governor'srecord-setting allocation last year--and given that many other statewideprograms received funding cuts because of a looming budget deficit, this istruly a victory of our community!
In maintaining this level of funding, Governor Spitzer continues todemonstrate his support for directly funding community-based providers whoefficiently deliver services in their own neighborhoods--a model that theNew York State LGBT Health and Human Services Network has proven to beeffective.
More than 600,000 LGBT New Yorkers benefit from these communityorganizations, which provide non-HIV services ranging from substance abusetreatment, violence prevention, emergency housing services, family support,programs for youth, senior citizens and people of color, and much more.
Send the letter below to thank Governor Spitzer for his commitment to makingsure that LGBT people across New York State have access to local programsand services that help all of us to be healthier, happier and moreproductive citizens.
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
Check out what's new at BayWindows.com
Europe: Gay Adoption Ruling Advances Family Equality
Governments Should Change Laws
(New York, January 24, 2008) - The European Court of Human Rights' rulingthat a lesbian woman can embark on the process of adopting a child meansEuropean states should ensure equality in the right to found a family, HumanRights Watch said today.
The court, ruling on January 22, 2008 in the case of E.B. v. France, held by10 votes to seven that the French authorities' refusal of a lesbian'sapplication to obtain authorization to adopt a child on the grounds of hersexual orientation was unlawful. The court said France had violated Article14 (prohibition of discrimination) and Article 8 (right to respect forprivate and family life) of the European Convention on Human Rights.
"This groundbreaking ruling means governments can't use sexual orientationto stop someone from adopting a child," said Scott Long, director of theLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Program at Human Rights Watch."Adoption decisions should be based on the best interests of the child,uncontaminated by prejudice."
The court is the oversight mechanism for the European Convention and itsdecisions are binding across the 47 members of the Council of Europe (CoE)who have ratified the convention.
LATVIA: Reactions on the adoption judgement of the
European Court of Human Rights
www.vdiena.lv, 24 January 2008
LPP/LC: Allowing Homosexual Couples to Adopt Children ViolatesConstitution. Mozaika: Party is Confusing Concepts
The LPP/LC (First Party of Latvia/Latvia's Way) faction of Latvia'sParliament categorically rejects the comparison of homosexual relations orsame-gender cohabitation to a family, and permission for homosexual couplesto seek the status of a family and to adopt children violates the LatvianConstitution. In Section 110, it states that "the State shall protect andsupport marriage, the family, the rights of parents and rights of the child.The State shall provide special support to disabled children, children leftwithout parental care or who have suffered from violence." This has beenannounced by the party in a press release.
On Wednesday (January 23), the LPP/LC faction heard a report prepared by twoparty members - children's and family affairs minister Ainars Baðtiks andminister with special portfolio for public integration Oskars Kastçns -about the ruling from the European Court of Human Rights which stated that arefusal by institutions to allow homosexual people to seek permission toadopt a child is discriminatory.
The party says that the ministers and all members of the faction agreed thatthis approach to the adoption of children is completely unjustified andunacceptable, because it ignores circumstances in which an adopted childshould live, the psychological compatibility between future parents and thechild, and the possible influence which the child might face.
Express Gay News
Profile of an anti-gay murder: Documentary faults culture, police and mediain Skipper killing
Jan. 24, 2008
When filmmaker Vicki Nantz first learned about the brutal murder of centralFlorida student Ryan Skipper just south of her community, her journalisticinstincts took over. After almost a year of investigative work, she produced"Accessory to Murder: Our Culture's Complicity in the Death of Ryan Skipper." The 72-minute documentary tells the story of the hate crime andsocietal norms that thrive in rural America that Nantz believes allowed itto happen.
The documentary is a thoughtful examination of how the crime wasinvestigated and portrayed in the media.
As friends and family get ready to mark the first anniversary of the crimeMarch 14, Nantz is releasing the film to high schools, colleges and GLBTorganizations. There will be a public screening in Orlando to mark thetragic anniversary.
For Nantz, the story is not only about a brutal murder but also about thesecond-class status of many gay people in rural America. Skipper, a25-year-old computer science student, was found stabbed to death along theside of a road in Wahneta, Fla., about 50 miles south of Orlando. WilliamDavid Brown, 21, and Joseph Bearden, 22, have been charged with first-degreemurder in the case and are awaiting trial. The Polk County Sheriff's Officeclassified the killing as an anti-gay hate crime.
According to police, Skipper picked up Brown, and after partying in Skipper's apartment the two men drove to pick up Bearden. At some point soonafterward, Bearden and Brown allegedly stabbed Skipper more than 20 times,slit his throat, dumped his body by the side of the road and stole his car.The pair allegedly drove around town showing off the bloody interior of thecar.
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Express Gay News
GLBT groups clash over state anti-bias bills
Disagreement over transgender inclusion mirrors federal fight
Jan. 24, 2008
Gay political organizations are clashing over the best way to passGLBT-friendly anti-discrimination bills through the Florida Legislature. Thehead butting is taking on strategic tones similar to those that emerged lastyear in the fight over the Employment Non-Discrimination Act in the U.S.Congress.
Gay rights organizations are taking different stances on whether to supporta two-pronged effort that sends separate anti-discrimination bills throughthe Florida House of Representatives and the Florida Senate. If passed,House Bill 47 sponsored by Kelly Skidmore (D-Boca Raton) would banemployment and housing discrimination based on sexual orientation as well asgender identity and gender expression. Senate Bill 572, introduced by TedDeutch (D-Delray Beach), bans discrimination based on sexual orientationonly. Both bills are expected to go before the Florida Legislature duringthe spring session, which begins March 4.
There is little expectation that either bill will be successful in theconservative-dominated legislature. Last year, a similar bill that onlyincluded sexual orientation protections was not even read. Groups such asEquality Florida and the Palm Beach Human Rights Council have been active inseeking political support for the Skidmore bill. Equality Florida, however,a statewide GLBT political organization, has been lobbying legislators notto support the non-inclusive Senate bill.
"Our position is that we will not support a bill that leaves a portion ofour community behind," said Stratton Pollitzer, deputy director of EqualityFlorida. "We believe in a fully inclusive bill."
Pollitzer characterized the current Senate bill as "bad policy," and saidthat Equality is seeking either to find a state senator who will sponsor anentirely new inclusive bill or to convince Deutch to expand his bill toinclude gender identity and expression.
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Express Gay News
International News : Grenada to allow cruise ships with gay passengers to
Jan. 24, 2008
TORONTO - Cruise ships carrying gay passengers will be permitted to dock inGrenada this year, according to a report in the Toronto Star. The newspapersaid last week that the country was debating whether or not to allow entryto gay cruise ships, which prompted hotel cancellations, according totourism minister Clarice Modeste-Curwen. Some protesters also wrote theCanadian government asking that aid be cut to Grenada's Port of St. Georgeswhere cruise ships dock, the newspaper reported. "We will continue towelcome all visitors and we will work, along with our population, to ensurethat their time and ours will be enjoyable," Modeste-Curwen said. "Grenadarespects the rights of all persons of all persuasions and lifestyles."
Despite the announcement, gay sex remains illegal in Grenada. The head ofthe Toronto-based gay rights group Egale said she was monitoring thesituation. "We're hoping the government will change its legislation," HelenKennedy told the Star. "Not only for the sake of cruise passengers but alsofor the [gay] community in that country."
Campaign Frustrates Some Gay Activists
AP National Writer
6:48 AM EST, January 25, 2008
Few constituencies are as eager for the Republican Party to falter thispolitical season as gay-rights activists. Yet as they observe the Democraticpresidential campaign and the rest of the electoral landscape, their highhopes often are mixed with frustration.
Even as they expect to support whichever Democrat gets the presidentialnomination, many activists are disappointed that the three leadingcontenders rarely mention gay-rights topics unless responding to a question.
"They don't want to broach civil unions, marriage, equalizing benefits forsame-sex couples," said Jennifer Chrisler, head of the Family EqualityCouncil, which supports gay and lesbian families. "The vast majority ofpoliticians don't lead, they follow."
There are other frustrations as well. Activists were dismayed that theDemocratic-led Congress failed to approve two much-anticipated bills latelast year -- one defining anti-gay assaults as a federal hate crime, theother prohibiting anti-gay job discrimination.
And at a time when they hoped to be making advances, gays and lesbians areon the defensive in at least two states -- facing a likely ballot item inFlorida that would ban same-sex marriage and a measure in Arkansas aimed atbanning them from adopting children or serving as foster parents.
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Express Gay News
Can the gay community survive?
Are assimilation and dispersion reasons to sound the alarm bell?
Jan. 24, 2008
After I wrote recently about research on homosexuality and people'sill-founded concern that it could lead to preventing homosexuality, Iremembered that there is also a cluster of concerns about the survival ofthe gay enclave, or community. Let's take a look at those.
One concern is that gays are becoming "assimilated," that they are becomingmore like mainstream society and losing whatever unique qualities andvaluable differences they have.
I don't know if gays are inherently, intrinsically different from
heterosexuals. Early Mattachine Society manifestos back in 1950 referred togays as "androgynes," or inherently cross-gendered, a view which stillsurvives in the antics of the "radical fairies."
But I doubt it is or ever was true. Seeing gays as a mix of male and femalebecause of their orientation to the same sex is, after all, a heterosexistview (anyone attracted to a man must be somehow female) and a socialconstruction of the times.
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Express Gay News
Heath Ledger: More than a gay cowboy in 'Brokeback Mountain'
Actor will be remembered for courage, shattering stereotypes
Jan. 24, 2008
It's funny how we remember famous people. Tammy Faye Bakker will always beremembered for her eyelashes, Richard Nixon for Watergate, Luciano Pavarottifor his sprawling tenor voice. And, if headlines are any indication, HeathLedger, who died Jan. 22 at the age of 28, will be remembered for hisOscar-nominated performance in "Brokeback Mountain."
Celebrities, for the most part, have little or no say in how they will beremembered. They put themselves out there, and whether it's baseball,singing, televangelism or acting, we - the public - decide on their legacy.
I'll admit it: I wasn't a huge fan of the "gay cowboy" film. Maybe it wasthe hype. I saw it late in its release and was expecting - I don't know -something more. It could be because I had come out of the closet yearsbefore and so much of the pain I had experienced through that process hadbeen stacked away in my closet of now-fading memories.
Whatever the reason, I left thinking the film was just OK. What I did leavewith, however, is an appreciation for the bravery of both Ledger and JakeGyllenhaal for accepting the role many of their counterparts had rejectedfor fear it just might ruin their careers.
And in spite of my disappointment in the film, Ledger and Gyllenhaal helpedchallenge a notion many of us in the gay community have battled with sinceour coming out - that we're all effeminate, fashion gurus whose sexuality isdefined entirely by stereotype and - even worse - by choice. Because ofthis, I had never been a fan of shows like "Will and Grace" or "Queer Eyefor the Straight Guy." Those shows, in my opinion, only confirmed what manypeople already assumed.
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Express Gay News
DNC lawsuit reveals black vs. gay rivalry
Top party official accused of stirring anti-gay prejudice
A gay man's lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee has revealedallegations of bitter, behind-the-scenes disputes that appear to pit blackDNC officials against gays.
In a fiery e-mail exchange obtained this week by the Blade, a seniorofficial with the gay partisan group National Stonewall Democrats denouncesa top DNC staffer, Leah Daughtry, for allegedly inciting anti-gay prejudice.
"Imagine what [DNC Chair Howard] Dean could do if people like Leah wereconfronted for their bigotry and fired," writes the Stonewall Democratsofficial. The author's name is redacted on the e-mails obtained by theBlade. The e-mails were sent in 2006.
Referring to Daughtry, the official says, "I think Samuel L. Jackson said itbest when he said 'I'm sick of these mother fuckin' snakes on this motherfuckin' plane.' It may be time to drive the snakes from the DNC."
The Stonewall Democrats group works closely with the DNC.
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Express Gay News
New Mexico
Domestic partnership proposal approved by House
Proposal would also recognize same-sex marriages from other states
SANTA FE (AP) | Jan 24, 4:33 PM
Gay and heterosexual couples could form domestic partnerships and enjoy thesame rights and benefits as married couples under legislation approved bythe House on Thursday.
"This is a bill about fairness and justice," said Rep. Mimi Stewart, anAlbuquerque Democrat. "This bill would offer basic legal protections tosame-sex couples unable to marry as well opposite-sex couples, many of whomare senior citizens and people with disabilities, that choose not to marryfor financial reasons."
The proposal, which is part of Gov. Bill Richardson's legislative agenda,also will recognize same-sex marriages from other states as having the legalrights as a domestic partnership in New Mexico.
The House approved the measure on a mostly party-line 33-31 vote. TwoRepublicans supported the bill and seven Democrats opposed it.
The bill goes to the Senate, where a similar domestic partnership proposalstalled last year.
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Swimming Pools and 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell': A Guest Post
By Ian Ayres
January 23, 2008, 11:40 am
With the Democrats in control of Congress, and with the prediction marketssuggesting a Democratic presidential victory, there has been a lot of talkabout ending sexual orientation discrimination in the military by repealingthe "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" ("DADT") policy.
There are always two ways of ending de jure discrimination: you can levelup, or level down. In the late 1950s, the estimable city of Greensboro,N.C., operated a whites-only swimming pool. When a group of AfricanAmericans petitioned the city council to end the segregation, the councilrelented -- by closing the pool to both whites and blacks.
As such, there are also two ways to end the military's de jurediscrimination based on sexual orientation. We can either repeal DADT, or wecould extend its application to heterosexuals as well. If extended, nosoldier could talk about his or her orientation without risk of exclusion.
My own church, St. Thomas Episcopal in New Haven, tried a version of thisstrategy. In 2004, the church vestry adopted a resolution "calling for St.Thomas's clergy to treat same-sex couples and opposite-sex couples equallyin administering the sacrament of marriage," as the church Web sitedescribes it. The Bishop was not amused, and within 3 days he called anemergency meeting warning our rector, Father Michael Ray, that he riskedbeing defrocked if he performed marriage ceremonies for any same-sex couplesinside the church. Ray responded by honoring both the request of the vestryand the demands of the Bishop by announcing a moratorium on the celebrationof all marriages. The Times ran a great piece describing the event.
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Science Now
An Eye for Sexual Orientation
By Matt Kaplan
ScienceNOW Daily News
18 January 2008
Talk about "gaydar." In just a fraction of a second, people can accuratelyjudge the sexual orientation of other individuals by glancing at theirfaces, according to new research. The finding builds on the growing theorythat the subconscious mind detects and probably guides much more of humanbehavior than is realized.
Humans are remarkably good at making snap judgments about others. In ahallmark study conducted by psychologists Nalini Ambady and Robert Rosenthalin 1994, people shown 2-second video clips of professors teaching formedopinions about the professors' teaching abilities that were uncannilysimilar to evaluations written by students at the end of a semester. Theresults led psychologists to begin questioning what else people might detectin a glance.
Ambady and colleague Nicholas Rule, both at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts, wondered about sexual orientation. They showed men and womenphotos of 90 faces belonging to homosexual men and heterosexual men forintervals ranging from 33 milliseconds to 10 seconds. When given 100milliseconds or more to view a face, participants correctly identifiedsexual orientation nearly 70% of the time. Volunteers were less accurate atshorter durations, and their accuracy did not get better at durations beyond100 milliseconds, the team reports in an upcoming issue of the Journal ofExperimental Social Psychology. "What is most interesting is that increasedexposure time did not improve the results," says Ambady.
Romantic attraction likely works just as fast, notes psychologist PaulEastwick of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. "If people makeaccurate judgments about sexually relevant aspects of a person thisquickly," he says, "you have to stop and wonder how we size up one another'sromantic potential in a matter of milliseconds."
Psychologist David Kenny of the University of Connecticut, Storrs, says thefinding demonstrates the brain's remarkable ability to make fast yetaccurate appraisals. Still, he notes that with some of the images, accuracyregularly fell below 50%. It's possible that some faces are just hard toread.
National Gay News
Go to the website, above, for the following articles:
GLBT Center Has Grand Opening
The University's new Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Center had itsgrand opening yesterday in the Talley Student Center Lobby. Approximately150 people came to celebrate the Center's opening.
Get In the Gay Swim of Things
They have wonderful names-the Atlanta Rainbow Trout, the Queer Utah AthleticClub (QUAC), and SQUID-Swimming Queers United in Denver. They're gay andlesbian swim clubs, and they're splashing through pools around the world.
There may even be one in your own home town. These clubs are a great way tokeep in shape while making new friends and contributing to your community.
Decisions Loom in Presidential Primaries
For gays in states with the largest gay populations, such as California,it's decision time in the 2008 presidential race. From the evidenceavailable - anecdotal and indirect - most gays are trying to choose betweenthe top two Democratic candidates - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Forthose who will consider only a Republican, the choice appears to have alsonarrowed to two - John McCain, whose record has been relatively moderate ongay-related issues, and Rudy Giuliani, whose record has been relativelysupportive but whose campaign is relying on a sort of "Hail, Mary" strategythat starts in Florida on January 29.
Lesbian Dem Caught Up in DNC Bias Lawsuit
Add a claim of perjury to the ongoing saga of bad blood between DonaldHitchcock and the Democratic National Committee. The alleged perjuryinvolves Claire Lucas, who chairs the board of the Gay and LesbianLeadership Council at the DNC.
WA State Legislature Has Largest Gay Caucus in U.S.
The Washington state Legislature has more gay lawmakers than any other statein the country, edging out California after a new young member was appointedto the statehouse this year.
Marko Liias, a 26-year-old Democrat from Mukilteo, started the legislativesession earlier this month, replacing former Rep. Brian Sullivan, who leftthe Legislature for the Snohomish County Council. Liias' arrival givesWashington state six openly gay lawmakers, ahead of California with five.
Gay Rights' Group Eyes Key Races to Advance Marriage Agenda
A coalition of politically active gay rights groups will gather at aRockville Centre synagogue Wednesday night to explain its strategy to ouststate lawmakers they said have blocked legislation supporting same-sexmarriage.
Prior to the meeting, leaders of the Human Rights Campaign, a national gayrights organization, said they plan to focus on a few key Long Island races,but they declined to name the candidates involved.
Go to the website, above, for the following articles:
Frustrates Some Gay Leaders
(New York City) Few constituencies are as eager for the Republican Party tofalter this political season as gay-rights activists. Yet as they observethe Democratic presidential campaign and the rest of the electorallandscape, their high hopes often are mixed with frustration.
Race A Minefield For Obama In SC
(Charleston, South Carolina) Democrat Barack Obama is walking a trickyracial line in South Carolina, openly appealing to black voters whilestriving not to be tagged as "the black candidate."
NY Times Endorses Clinton, McCain
(New York City) The New York Times editorial board has endorsed Sens.Hillary Rodham Clinton and John McCain in the presidential primary race.
- Gay Marriage Advocate Kucinich Abandons White House Bid
NYPD Now Says More Calls To Olsen Before 911
(New York City) The massage therapist's first call on finding a lifelessHeath Ledger wasn't to 911. Nor was her second. Nor her third, police nowsay.
Will 3rd Try Be Lucky For Moscow Gays?
(Moscow) Moscow's LGBT community will make its third attempt to hold a gaypride parade in the Russian capital and this time organizers hope it will beallowed to go on.
Bid To Impeach Gay Marriage Judge
(Des Moines, Iowa) Petitions with over 6,000 signatures were delivered tothe Iowa legislature Thursday demanding lawmaker impeach a judge who lastyear struck down a state law limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples.
Court Upholds New Orleans Same-Sex Partner Benefits
(New Orleans, Louisiana) A New Orleans court has ruled that the city of NewOrleans was within its authority when it granted health benefits to domesticpartners of city employees and established a domestic partner registry forcity residents.
Court Asked To Strike Down Gay Pension Ruling
(New York City) A New York State court was asked Thursday to strike down aruling in a long running battle over pension rights, that denied recognitionof a same-sex couple's Canadian marriage.
Puerto Rico Gov. Won't Block Vote To Ban Gay Marriage
(San Juan, Puerto Rico) Puerto Rico Gov. Anibal Acevedo Vila says he opposesa referendum to ban same-sex marriage but he will not stand in the way ifthe island's House of Representatives approves it.
And Now There Are Six!
(Olympia, Washington) Marko Liias has been sworn in as Washington state'snewest lawmaker - bringing to six the number of openly gay members of theLegislature.
[Send your comments about articles to Rays.List@Comcast.net]
Friday, January 25, 2008
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