Tuesday, February 26, 2008

NATIONAL & WORLD DIGEST February 26, 2008

**IF YOU CAN'T ACCESS THE FULL ARTICLE, CONTACT US AT rays.list@comcast.net and we'll be happy to send the full article.

New York Times
Go to the links for the following articles:
Talking With Children About Sex and AIDS: At What Age to Start?
What age is the right age to have "the talk," not just about where babiescome from, but also about sex and AIDS?
Poll Shows Obama Is Seen as More Likely to Beat McCain
WASHINGTON - In the past two months, Senator Barack Obama has built acommanding coalition among Democratic voters, with especially strong supportamong men, and is now viewed by most Democrats as the candidate best able todefeat Senator John McCain, according to the latest New York Times/CBS NewsPoll.
A Little Help for His Friends
Congress needs to ensure that federal prosecutors appointed by the Bushadministration are not using their positions to throw patronage to friendsand political allies.
A Little Help for His Friends
Congress needs to ensure that federal prosecutors appointed by the Bush administration are not using their positions to throw patronage to friendsand political allies.
Poll Finds a Fluid Religious Life in U.S.
WASHINGTON - More than a quarter of adult Americans have left the faith oftheir childhood to join another religion or no religion, according to asurvey of religious affiliation by the Pew Forum on Religion and PublicLife.

Washington Post
Go to the links for the following articles:
It Just Isn't Fair
Without a Certain Magazine Bash, Oscar Parties Lack That Special Vanity
In Search of the Secularist Party
Dear Stumped,
For as long as I have been interested in politics, I have been staunchly Republican. Over the last year or so, however, I have had a change of opinion, namely on social issues. I generally support the "smaller government" philosophy of the party, but I am troubled by its recent gay-bashing and abortion-hating policies. Not to mention that I'm an atheist who is deeply troubled (in some cases outright scared) by the extent to which Republicans invoke religion as a justification for these policies. It feels like the "core" Republicans, theChristian evangelicals, are attempting to cut off the more moderate, secular branch of the party. I support the core values of the party, but I don't really want to be part of a party of xenophobes who hate everyone who is not like them.
McCain's Lobbyist Baggage
It seems odd, but for John McCain it was a blessing to have the chance tobury questions about his dealings with lobbyists beneath an alleged sexscandal. The prurient part of the story was easy to deny, and voters aresick of sex scandals.
Quit Now, Hillary by Richard Cohen
The more Hillary Clinton campaigns, the worse she does.
In Turkey, Students Test a New Policy on Head Scarves
ISTANBUL, Feb. 25 -- One of the agents of Turkey's cultural transformationstood, 5 feet tall and less than 100 pounds, at the gate of Istanbul BilgiUniversity on Monday, a flying wedge of social change in a fuzzy purplewinter coat, brown hiking boots and a black wool scarf wrapped around herhead.
Obama's Victory by Eugene Robinson
Win or lose, he has proved that black America can beat white America at itsown game.
Eloquence Seen as Both Boon, Burden for Obama
Ability to meld rhetoric and ideas allows senator to adapt quickly torivals' complaints of plagiarism, bombast while bolstering his popularity.
China Seeks to Improve Image
Beijing declares it is willing to resume long-stalled human rights dialogueahead of Olympic Games.
In Turkey, Students Test a New Policy on Head Scarves
ISTANBUL, Feb. 25 -- One of the agents of Turkey's cultural transformationstood, 5 feet tall and less than 100 pounds, at the gate of Istanbul BilgiUniversity on Monday, a flying wedge of social change in a fuzzy purplewinter coat, brown hiking boots and a black wool scarf wrapped around herhead.

Pew Research center
Go to this link for the following articles:
The U.S. Religious Landscape: A Fluid and Diverse Pattern
A new survey including interviews with more than 35,000 Americans finds thatmore than one-quarter of adults (28%) have left the faith in which they wereraised in favor of another religion -- or no religion at all. Read more
An Interactive Look at America's Religions
A special interactive feature provides dynamic tools that complement thefull report, providing graphic profiles of the geographic and demographicdistributions of religious faiths across America. Learn more at pewforum.org
McCain's Polling Problem: Age
In November, Will Age Matter?
John McCain's age has remained notably absent as a campaign issue, butearlier polling data suggest it could become a big issue for the Arizonasenator come November. Read more
NGA Meeting: What the Governors Want
More Money for Medicaid, Real ID
Meeting in Washington, the states' chief executives made clear theirunhappiness with federal standards for driver's licenses and costly newMedicaid rules. Read more
'Greener' Energy, Cleaner Coal
Governors have few doubts that global warming is a looming threat, but havesome major differences about how to address the problem. Read more
The Daily Number
44% - African Americans View the Future
Fewer than half of all African Americans (44%) now say they think life forblacks will get better in the future, down from the 57% who said so in a1986 survey. Check back every weekday for another number in the news. Readmore

Forwarded from Susan Frishkorn
Go to this link for the following article:
This is the single best article I have read this campaign season thatdiscusses what Barack Obama offers this country in substantive change.
While you would know much of Barack's philosophy and character had you readhis books, this article explains how his outlook manifests itself in policy.I know it's long, but please take the time to read this. - Kirk Wagar,Florida Finance Chair, Obama for America

The Audacity of Data
Barack Obama's surprisingly non-ideological policy shop.
As a young economics professor in the late 1970s, Richard Thaler begannoticing small but nagging ways in which ordinary people defied thepredictions of economic theory. .... Sociologically, the Obamanauts have a lot in common with the last gang of Democratic outsiders to make a credible run at the White House. Like BillClinton in 1992, Obama's campaign boasts a cadre of credentialed achievers.Intellectually, however, the Obamanauts couldn't be more different.

Fort Report
Go to the links for the following articles:
Proposal puts state sales-tax increase on November ballot
A state panel voted unanimously Monday to put a proposal on the Novemberballot that would raise the state sales tax by a penny, close billions ofdollars worth of sales-tax loopholes and use the money to replace $8 billionin school property taxes.
AP Poll: Obama Catches Clinton Across US
AP Poll: Obama Catches Clinton Nationally As He Takes Big Leads Among WhiteMen And Liberals
Finger-pointing, frustration in Clinton camp
With a week to go before climactic tests in Texas and Ohio, Hillary RodhamClinton's campaign team has slipped into full recriminations mode.
Democrats, beware
A fractious political convention can fatally wound the surviving candidate.
Thus, the Clinton-Obama duel could leave one man standing: John McCain.
A War We Must End
Despite the Democratic presidential candidates' expressed commitment toending the war in Iraq, there is unease among the party's base. Some ardentactivists have suggested that upon election, a new Democratic president willcome under inordinate pressure to sustain the U.S. military commitment toIraq, albeit with some modifications. This concern demonstrates both thedifficulty of ending a controversial war and the necessity of doing so.
Rendell: 'The Media Does Not Like the Clintons'
Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell (D) said Monday that the media's pro-Obama (oranti-Clinton) bias explains in part why Barack Obama is portrayed as runningaway with the Democratic presidential nomination (instead of being locked ina close fight with Hillary Rodham Clinton).


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