rays.list@comcast.net and we'll be happy to send the full article.
The Miami Herald
Posted on Thu, Dec. 07, 2006
Repeal of Canada's gay marriage law unlikely
TORONTO - (AP) -- Canada's ruling Conservative government askedParliament on Wednesday if it wanted to revisit the gay marriage debate, amotion widely expected to be defeated.
The Conservative motion does not directly challenge the law thatlegalized same-sex unions in Canada, but asks if parliamentarians arewilling to repeal or amend the legislation. A vote on the motion is expectedto be defeated today because the minority Conservative government does nothave enough support for it in the House of Commons.
Gay marriage became legal in Canada last year when Parliament passed
Bill C-38 in response to a series of court rulings that gay people have theright to marry.
The Miami Herald
Posted on Thu, Dec. 07, 2006
Poll: NJ voters support civil unions, not gay marriage
Associated Press
TRENTON, N.J. - New Jersey voters consistently support allowing gaycouples to form civil unions - but not to marry - according to a new pollthat mirrors the results of other recent surveys.
A Quinnipiac University poll out Thursday shows voter support forcivil unions at 60 percent, compared with 35 percent opposed to grantingsame-sex couples the legal rights of married people. Five percent wereundecided.
The same survey says voters oppose a law allowing gay couples tomarry, 50 percent to 44 percent. Voters by the more lopsided margin of 58-37percent oppose a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.
The Miami Herald
Posted on Thu, Dec. 07, 2006
Gay travel survey ranks Key West as No. 2 spot in nation
Only San Francisco outscored Key West in a poll of gay-friendly vacationspots.
Gay tourists feel more welcome in Key West than almost anywhere in thenation, reports a new survey of the sought-after travel segment.
Only San Francisco scored higher in the survey by the Travel IndustryAssociation of about 2,000 homosexual and bisexual people. Miami and FortLauderdale both finished in the second tier of gay-friendly destinations,along with Las Vegas, Boston, San Diego and Los Angeles.
The accolade comes as Key West faces a declining inventory of guest housescatering exclusively to gay travelers. Meanwhile, an increasing number ofdestinations are going after a market that once dominated the islandgetaway's tourism.
The New York Times
December 7, 2006
Cheney Pregnancy Stirs Debate on Gay Rights
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6 - Mary Cheney, a daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney,is expecting a baby with her partner of 15 years, Heather Poe, Mr. Cheney'soffice said Wednesday.
Lea Anne McBride, a spokeswoman for Mr. Cheney, said the vice president andhis wife, Lynne Cheney, were "looking forward with eager anticipation" tothe baby's birth, which is expected this spring and will bring to six thenumber of grandchildren the Cheneys have.
Mr. Cheney's office would not provide details about how Mary Cheney becamepregnant or by whom, and Ms. Cheney did not respond to messages left at heroffice and with her book publisher, Simon & Schuster.
The New York Times
December 7, 2006
Conservative Jews Allow Gay Rabbis and Unions
The highest legal body in Conservative Judaism, the centrist movement inworldwide Jewry, voted yesterday to allow the ordination of gay rabbis andthe celebration of same-sex commitment ceremonies.
The decision, which followed years of debate, was denounced bytraditionalists in the movement as an indication that Conservative Judaismhad abandoned its commitment to adhere to Jewish law, but celebrated byothers as a long-awaited move toward full equality for gay people.
"We see this as a giant step forward," said Sarah Freidson, a rabbinicalstudent and co-chairwoman of Keshet, a student group at the JewishTheological Seminary in New York that has been pushing for change.
Getting Real gay once again
The Advocate catches up with MTV's newest gay Real Worlder, a Southern boywho bucks stereotypes and defies labels from Marietta to Buenos Aires.
By Daniel Blau
As MTV's mainstay reality show The Real World relocates to Denver for its18th season (premiering November 22), The Advocate checks in with its latestgay cast member, 23-year-old Davis from Marietta, Ga. While a gay or lesbiancharacter is a staple archetype in almost every season of the show, Daviswants the world to know he is no ordinary reality show fag. We caught upwith him vacationing with his boyfriend in sunny Buenos Aires to let himexplain in his own words his feelings about homosexuality, conservativeChristianity, reality TV typecasting, and what it feels like to come out toyour grandmother.
What are you doing in Buenos Aires?
One of my really good friends is down here. Actually, it¹s my boyfriend.He's studying down here, and so I'm down here visiting him.
Express Gay News
New York City backs off rule change regarding birth certificates and genderHealth commissioner callsfor further study
NEW YORK (AP) | Dec 7, 8:01 AM
City health officials Tuesday backed off a plan that would have allowed NewYorkers to switch the sex on their birth certificates without undergoingsex-change surgery.
Health Commissioner Thomas Frieden said the issue needed further study, inpart to guarantee it wouldn't conflict with federal rules now beingdeveloped.
Like most other cities and states, New York has long allowed people who haveundergone sex-change surgery to get a new birth certificate reflecting thechange.
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
http://www.hrc.org/actioncenter> Action Alert
Call Congressman Barton TODAY
This morning, the Senate passed the Ryan White HIV/AIDS TreatmentModernization Act, a bill to reauthorize the Ryan White CARE Act. In orderfor this critical bill to pass, however, the House MUST consider theidentical bill before it adjourns tomorrow.
The Ryan White CARE Act provides critical care and treatment to low-incomeAmericans living with HIV and AIDS. For communities across the nation tocontinue providing access to life-saving primary medical care and supportiveservices, the Act must pass now.
Congressman Joe Barton (R-TX), who is chair of the Energy and CommerceCommittee, has not yet agreed to put the bill up for a vote. Time is runningout, and we need your help in convincing Chairman Barton that immediatepassage of this program is critical for Americans living with HIV/AIDSacross the country.
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
Senate Secures Passage of Ryan WhiteCARE Act Reauthorization
Luis Vizcaino | Phone: 202/216.1547 | Cell: 310/869.5700
Brad Luna | Phone: 202/216.1514 | Cell: 202/812.8140
Senate Secures Passage of Ryan White CARE Act Reauthorization; BillMoves to House for Consideration
"Today's passage is a critical step in securing that a life-line formany Americans remains intact," said Human Rights Campaign President JoeSolmonese
WASHINGTON - The United States Senate passed today, by unanimousconsent, a compromise version to reauthorize funding for the Ryan WhiteCARE Act. The program, since 1990, has provided critical care andtreatment to low-income Americans living with HIV and AIDS.
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
WI: Ban drives faculty away
UW Badger Herald, WI, December 6, 2006
Ban drives faculty away
by Joanna Pliner
While most Wisconsinites are proud to reside in the Badger State, oneUniversity of Wisconsin faculty member has been looking to leave since thisfall.
Concha Gomez, UW faculty member in the mathematics department said theproposal and recent passage of Wisconsin's gay-marriage amendment led her tolook for jobs outside the state. Voters passed the amendment in the Nov. 7election, effectively banning same-sex marriage and civil unions.
Washington Post
Conservative Rabbis Allow Ordained Gays, Same-Sex Unions
By Alan Cooperman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, December 7, 2006; A17
NEW YORK, Dec. 6 -- A panel of rabbis gave permission Wednesday for same-sexcommitment ceremonies and ordination of gays within Conservative Judaism, awrenching change for a movement that occupies the middle ground betweenorthodoxy and liberalism in Judaism.
The complicated decision by the Conservatives Movement's Committee on JewishLaw and Standards leaves it up to individual seminaries whether to ordaingay rabbis and gives individual rabbis the option of sanctioning same-sexunions. Reform Judaism, the largest branch of the faith in the UnitedStates, has ordained openly gay men and lesbians since 1990 and has allowedits rabbis to perform same-sex commitment ceremonies since 2000. OrthodoxJudaism does not countenance same-sex relationships or the ordination of gayrabbis.
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
US: Opposition Research--Protect This;Marriage-protection is a issue the GOPshould be wedded to
National Review Online, December 6, 2006
Protect This
Marriage-protection is an issue the GOP should be wedded to.
By Kathryn Jean Lopez
The 2006 midterm elections may be over, but they are worth taking anotherlook at before we become wedded to the wrong conclusions.
Marriage was an issue on the ballot in eight states and was a winning issuein all but one. Voters in Virginia, Tennessee, South Carolina, Wisconsin,Colorado, South Dakota and Idaho all voted to protect marriage.
Although some prominent voices have highlighted marriage as a distractionissue that hurt Republicans in the long run, the GOP would be wise not torush to divorce court.
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
Israel: Knesset vs. High Court on gay marriage registration
Ynetnews, Israel, December 6, 2006
Knesset vs. High Court on gay marriage registration Knesset gives initialapproval to MK Eitan's proposal that will block High Court's decision onnational registration of same-sex couples married abroad. Eitan: Today isvictory for reason Ilan Marciano
Gay rights groups may have to put the corks back in their champagne bottlesif MK Michael Eitan (Likud) has anything to say about it. On Wednesday Eitanintroduced a new bill opposing the High Court of Justice's recent decisionto allow same-sex couples married abroad to register in Israel 's populationregistry as legally wed.
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
Italy: Italian city votes to extend rights tocohabitingcouples, gays included
Associated Press via The Advocate, December 6, 2006
Italian city votes to extend rights to cohabiting couples, gays included
The city of Padua has become the first in Italy to allow gay couples to havetheir partnerships legally recognized. Padua's city council decided onMonday night to recognize unmarried cohabiting couples, including gays,allowing the statistics office to issue certificates to domestic partnersrecognizing them as "a family founded on bonds of affection."
While the move is being viewed by some as an advance for gay rights, it wasalso motivated by the growing number of nontraditional families, even inRoman Catholic Italy, in which children are being raised by single parentsor unmarried couples. "This is for couples who don't want to getmarried-couples who are living together who want to register that they arecohabiting," city spokeswoman Donatella Gasperi said Wednesday. "It's notnecessarily for gays, but if two gays come in, they will be registered."
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
CA: Napa winery to donate funds to support gay marriage
San Francisco Business Times, CA, December 5, 2006
Napa winery to donate funds to support gay marriage by Chris Rauber
O'Brien Cellars, a brand of O'Brien Family Vineyard, said Tuesday it'sstarted a "progressive" philanthropic program to donate 20 percent ofrevenues from its online Equality Wine Store to a civil rights group thatsupports an end to California's ban on same-sex marriage.
The family-owned Napa vineyard and winery said it will automatically donatethose funds to Equality California, a San Francisco-based lesbian, gay,bisexual and transgender civil rights organization.Winery owners Bart and Barb O'Brien said their goal is to help wine loverssupport equal opportunity.
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
NY: Opinion--City Council wrong to endorse gay marriage
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, NY, December 6, 2006
City Council wrong to endorse gay marriage By Laura Woods
This fall, City Council sent a letter to Albany asking lawmakers to withholdsupport from citizen efforts to strengthen the language of the law thatdefines marriage to be between one man and one woman, and to, instead, passa law that will allow same-sex couples in the state to marry. The letter,which all council members signed, suggests that redefining laws on marriageis like the historic struggle for women's rights and civil rights.
Why would the City Council sign and send a letter like this? It is surelynot because this is the opinion of the majority of citizens in this city. Ifthis issue were put up for referendum, it would most likely be defeated. Ina recent CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll, 68 percent of respondents opposedchanging the law to recognize same-sex partnerships as marriage.
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
365Gay.com, December 6, 2006
Sweden's Largest Protestant Denomination To Allow Gay Couple Blessings by
365Gay.com Newscenter Staff
(Stockholm) The Swedish Lutheran Church announced Wednesday that as ofJanuary same-sex couples will be able to have their unions blessed in any ofits congregations throughout the country.
Until 2000 it was the state religion and has 7.2 million members out of atotal population of nine million.
Individual priests may refuse to perform blessing ceremonies, but thecongregation will be responsible for ensuring that a blessing is providedthe Church said Wednesday.
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Interview with James McGreevey, former Governor of New Jersey
by Denny Meyer
"~the inherent deception of Don't Ask Don't Tell: you can continue to appearstraight and act straight, but once you live or show your truth there arenegative consequences. We value appearances over the truth; we value formover substance; we value societal norms over integrity." - James McGreevey
In person, James McGreevey is gregariously congenial, charming andstrikingly genuine. Going to meet a man who fell from grace, one wondershow he might be; he's not like anything you would expect. There is noegotism and no shame. He is a proud gay man, a Gay American -in his words,still glowing from the incredible personal freedom of being newly openlyout. This is a man with nothing left to hide, his deepest secret havingbeen revealed on the evening news around the world. His absolute joy inbeing totally honest is what draws you to him; it is what seems to be hisway of having risen from the ashes, just being honest.
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Don't Ask . Don't E-mail
The half-open closet in which Mark Foley spent his life was a recipe fordisaster, say those few who tried to intervene. Investigating Foley'spre-teen seduction by a priest, the "ladies' man" mask he wore in Palm Beachsociety, and his love-hate relationship with the gay community, the authorsuncover the ambition, delusion, and hypocrisy that corroded both thepolitician and his party.
by Gail Sheehy and Judy Bachrach January 2007
Everyone knew Mark Foley was gay. Everyone. And everyone who had a stake inhis success-party, press, parents, staff, supporters, and pages-conspiredfor their own purposes to keep the closet half closed.
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Tribe blesses lesbian 'marriage'
By Sanjaya Jena
An Indian tribe has given its consent to a lesbian 'marriage' in the easternIndian state of Orissa.
A priest belonging to the Kandha tribe led the ceremony between WetkaPolang, 30, and Melka Nilsa, 22, in Koraput district recently.
Both the women are day labourers and now live together in Dandabadi village.
Same-sex relationships are outlawed in India. The 145-year-old colonialIndian Penal Code clearly describes a same sex relationship as an "unnaturaloffence".
Sociologists say that a community blessing a same-sex 'marriage' is unheardof in India.
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
Navy Times Editorial Blasts "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy As Failed
Glenn A. LeCarl
Posted December 5, 2006 06:45 PM
Excerpted from an editorial by Glenn A. LeCarl, a member of Naval AcademyAlumni Association, published in the December 11, 2006 edition of the NavyTimes:
"With "don't ask" under scrutiny, alumni group should take lead"
Members of the Navy and Marine Corps community who have watched from adistance the Naval Academy Alumni Association rebuff lesbian, gay,bisexual and transgendered alumni may want to start paying closerattention. This defacto "don't ask, don't tell" policy, and the insularapproach behind it, impacts not just this gay alumnus but the association,academy and the sea services.
[Send your comments about articles to Rays.List@Comcast.net]
Thursday, December 07, 2006
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