Wednesday, April 30, 2008

NATIONAL & WORLD NEWS April 30, 2008

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New York Times
Go to the links for the following articles:

-Dumb as We Wanna Be
It is great to see that we finally have some national unity on energypolicy. Unfortunately, the unifying idea is so ridiculous, so unworthy ofthe people aspiring to lead our nation, it takes your breath away. HillaryClinton has decided to line up with John McCain in pushing to suspend thefederal excise tax on gasoline, 18.4 cents a gallon, for this summer'stravel season. This is not an energy policy. This is money laundering: weborrow money from China and ship it to Saudi Arabia and take a little cutfor ourselves as it goes through our gas tanks. What a way to build ourcountry.

-An Angry Obama Renounces Ties to His Ex-Pastor
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. - Senator Barack Obama broke forcefully on Tuesday withhis former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., in an effort to curtaila drama of race, values, patriotism and betrayal that has enveloped hispresidential candidacy at a critical juncture.

-Mr. Obama and Rev. Wright
It took more time than it should have, but on Tuesday Barack Obama firmlyrejected the racism and paranoia of his former pastor, the Rev. JeremiahWright Jr., and he made it clear that the preacher does not represent him,his politics or his campaign.

-Praying and Preying
Barack Obama has spent his life, and campaign, trying not to be the AngryBlack Man.
Early on, he wrote in "Dreams From My Father," he discerned the benefits ofplaying against the '60s stereotype of black militancy.

-Pulling Back the Immigration Posses
Many parts of the nation have tilted severely toward harsh, unyieldingpolicies to catch and punish illegal immigrants, but not everyone has goneover the edge. Gov. Janet Napolitano of Arizona on Monday pushed back,vetoing a bill that would have required all police and sheriff's departmentsin the state to join the federal immigration posse.

-Zimbabwe Chose Change
Zimbabwe's voters have waited more than four weeks for the results of theMarch 29 presidential election. A recount was supposed to begin on Tuesday,but it was again postponed. The only explanation for the delay - and themounting attacks against the opposition - is that President Robert Mugabeand his henchmen are still trying to figure out a way to fix the vote.

-Pakistan's Planned Accord With Militants Alarms U.S.
Bush administration officials are expressing increasing alarm that a dealbeing negotiated between the new Pakistani government and militant tribes inthe country's unruly border area will lead to further unraveling of securityin the region.

Washington Post
Go to the links for the following articles:

-Pakistan's Moment
We Will Fight Terrorism -- Our Way
It is important for Pakistan -- which has transited from an authoritarianregime to democratic governance -- that the message of this first criticalpost-election period be bold and clear. Like newly elected governments inother democratic societies, we intend to set the tone and agenda. We want toshow the world that our nation is back in business, with an overwhelmingmandate from our people.

-Landing the White Whale
The relationship between Barack Obama and the white working class isbeginning to resemble that between Ahab and the white whale. In state afterstate (Ohio, Pennsylvania and now Indiana), Obama sets out to reel in hisworking-class quarry, and, in state after state, it eludes him. As Obama isstill the likely nominee, many Democrats fear that come November,working-class whites will pull Obama and their party down to defeat.

-Mr. Mugabe's Violence
Zimbabwe's president continues to terrorize his opponents while withholdingthe results of the election he lost.

-Siphoning Off Corn to Fuel Our Cars
As farmers feed ethanol plants, a costly link is forged between food andoil.

Miami Herald
Go to the links for the following articles:

-SEAN BELL: Where is justice?
I want you to tell me how I can trust the justice system.
Mister Attorney General, the question is for you. And you too, Ms. PoliceOfficer, Madame District Attorney and Mr. Judge. It is also for you, Mr. andMs. Average Citizen. I realize this will be an engraved invitation for thosecrackpots who get their jollies flouting their hatefulness and ignorance onelectronic message boards, and I'm willing to live with that because thequestion, I assure you, is in earnest.

-US troop deaths push monthly toll to 7-month high in Iraq
The killings of three U.S. soldiers in separate attacks in Baghdad pushedthe American death toll for April up to 47, making it the deadliest monthsince September, the military said Wednesday.

From Ron Mills

Unnamed Add-on Delegates 59
Clinton Superdelegates 258
Obama Superdelegates 239
Uncommitted Superdelegates 239

Inside Higher Education

-Ethnic Profiling Alleged at Georgetown
A graduate student filed suit against Georgetown University on Tuesday,alleging discrimination and unlawful search and seizure when campus policedetained him while he was attending a friend's graduation ceremony lastyear. Two months later, the university issued a report responding to thestudent's initial complaint stating that the officers had followed properpolicies.

Fort Report
Go to the links for the following articles:

-In Smalltown, U.S.A., Obama's campaign looks doomed
Of course one shouldn't jump to conclusions talking to friendly voters inone small homogeneous community.

-Dems fear photo-ID voting law fallout
Congressional Democrats and minority groups assailed Monday's Supreme Courtdecision upholding Indiana's photo-ID law as an affront to voting rights,but political realities in the states suggest that the ruling could haverelatively limited impact nationwide.

-Religion issue hurting Obama with Indiana cafe patrons
Barack Obama can talk about his childhood years in Kansas and upbringing byhis white Midwestern grandparents, but if voters at one small-town Indianacafe are any indication, he has a long way to go to convince them herepresents heartland America

-McCain's disturbing lack of Mideast realism
As the Democratic candidates battle each other, Sen. John McCain's ideasabout America and the world have gotten too little coverage.

-Does John McCain Stand for Anything?
Ideas have never been the Arizona senator's strong suit, even when theconservative tide was surging. McCain's calling card has always been hisbiography, and his platform is built on received conservative truths.

Marc Paige

-Televangelist Rod Parsley endorsed Senator John McCain for President at acampaign rally on February 26, 2008, calling McCain a "strong, true,consistent conservative." During the Cincinnati rally, McCain praisedParsley, calling him "a spiritual guide." The mutual admiration between thetwo men could present problems for McCain, if the media decides to treat theArizona Senator with the same scrutiny as the other two candidates remainingin the race. Parsley does not like gay people, and there are videos withthe pastor vowing to, "lift my voice against the agenda of America'stortured and angry homosexuals," and condemning the U.S. Supreme Court for,"legalizing the perverted act of sodomy." Clearly, Parsley hopes a McCainSupreme Court will reverse the sodomy decision, and allow states tocriminalize gay Americans once again. Parsley's organization, the Center forMoral Clarity, has also called for prosecuting people who commit adultery.
Another problem for McCain could be Parsley's vocal hatred of all thingsIslam. The Ohio pastor has called upon Christians to wage a "war" againstIslam with the aim of eradicating it. Parsley has written that, "America wasfounded, in part, with the intention of seeing this false religiondestroyed," and he does not differentiate between violent Islamic extremistsand other followers of the religion.
Would John McCain have called Rod Parsley a "spiritual guide" if thepastor had said, "one mission of our nation was to destroy Judaism?" Hatredagainst one group could be hatred against any group, and McCain's silenceover Parsley's incendiary and divisive comments calls into question thecandidate's credibility and judgment.


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