Saturday, May 10, 2008


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HSC Seeks 15 Youth for 10-Month Paid Apprenticeships
Application Deadline - July 3
The Human Services Coalition is looking for 15 motivated people between theages of the 18 - 30 to fill 10-month paid apprenticeships with selectednonprofits as part of the Miami Public Allies program. You must bepassionate about social issues and interested in working with a diversegroup of people. We're looking for potential Allies that are self-directed,energetic, creative and resourceful. Being a Miami Public Ally is afull-time commitment, requiring 40 hours a week. Allies are discouragedfrom enrolling in school or working other jobs during the 10-monthapprenticeship. You must also be a U.S. citizen or a legal permanentresident, and have a high school diploma or GED. [...] The Human ServicesCoalition is being funded by the Corporation for National and CommunityService in Washington, D.C., The Children's Trust and the AlleganyFranciscan Ministries to run the program in Miami. Public Allies currentlyhas 13 similar programs across the country. The partnership with the HumanServices Coalition is the organization's first in Florida.
For more details about applying, contact Asha Loring,, or305-576-5001 x42.
Human Services Coalition
Address: 260 NE 17th Terrace, Suite 200, Miami, FL 33132
Phone: 305-576-5001

Go to the links for the following articles:

-Fort Lauderdale: Gay and lesbian center plans party Monday night
The Gay and Lesbian Community Center of South Florida will sponsor the BuzzMultimedia Lifetime Achievement Award and Buzz TV Premier Party at 6:30 p.m.Monday at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, 201 SW Fifth Ave.,0,5720301.story

-Fort Lauderdale: Gay rights group to train campaign workers today
The Human Rights Campaign gay rights group plans to hold a "Camp Equality"boot camp today and Sunday.,0,3815086.story

-Uninsured? Don't hold your breath for coverage
Don't expect miracles from Gov. Charlie Crist's new plan to cover theuninsured.
Insurance experts said the Cover Florida program passed by the Legislaturelast week will offer low-cost, bare-bones medical policies to the 3.8million people without coverage, but the plans will not be out until nextyear and even then may be of limited value.,0,7604822.story

-South Floridian lobbies to contain global warming
Reversing global warming has become a popular cause, but advocates forlegislation to prevent air-pollution are finding a tough political climatein Washington this campaign season.

Fort Report
Go to the links for the following articles:

-Democratic challenger faces a tough task to unseat Stearns
It would be an understatement to say that Tim Cunha faces challenges in hiscampaign for the U.S. House of Representatives.
He's a newcomer to the 6th Congressional District and has little politicalexperience. He's facing a 10-term incumbent who won the last three electionsby an average margin of 26 percent and has nearly $2.3 million of campaigncontributions in the bank.

From Robert Loupo, Executive Director
Safe Schools South Florida
Our own De Palazzo, Board member of Safe Schools South Florida as well asBoard member of Equality Florida, is being honored tonight along with HeddyPena, Executive Director of SAVE Dade, with the Community Leadership Awardsat the Aqua Foundation VIP party tonight in Miami at a beautiful baysideresidence, 7305 Belle Meade Island Drive, 7 - 10 PM.
Safe Schools South Florida will be recognized also as a recipient of a $5000Aqua Foundation Grant award to implement its Women's Empowerment Project.
Tickets for tonight's party -- $85/$95 -- are still available atwww.aquagirl.org_ ( or _www.boxoffictickets.com_
( or calling 1-800-494-TIXS.


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