Sunday, June 22, 2008

GLBT DIGEST - June 22, 2008

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New York Times
Go to the links for the following articles:

-The Ethicist: Don't Tell When Hiring
I am a supervisor at a large corporation in the Bible Belt. I am gay and outand, while the company has no formal nondiscrimination policy, my colleaguesand supervisors generally have no issues with my sexuality. I am about tointerview a potential employee in his early 20s, who hunts, drives a truckand did not attend college. I want those who join my team to be of atolerant disposition. Would it be appropriate to tell this applicant that Iam gay? - NAME WITHHELD

-Firing Back at Gay Bashers, Bawdily
ENJOYING cocktails after a fatiguing rehearsal for "Bash'd," a "gay rapopera," Chris Craddock and Nathan Cuckow, the show's Canadian writers andactors, recalled an evening nearly a year ago. Having just performed at theNew York International Fringe Festival, they were strolling down a GreenwichVillage street when, Mr. Cuckow said, a young man passed them and hissed ananti-gay slur.

-Editorial: A Victory for Women
Three women from Guinea won a court victory in Manhattan this month in theirstruggle to win asylum as victims of the barbaric form of persecution knownas female genital cutting. In doing so, they have shined a light on theurgent need for consistent humane policies that treat women's rights asfundamental human rights.

-Op-Ed Columnist: The Carla Effect
The French are different from you and me. Yes, they have Sarkozy. Andthey have Carla. And they have "the Carla effect," as it's known in Paris.If an American first lady, or would-be first lady, described herself as a"tamer of men" and had a "man-eating" past filled with naked pictures, MickJagger and Eric Clapton, sultry prone CD covers, breaking up marriages,bragging that she believes in polygamy and polyandry rather than monogamy,and having a son with a married philosopher whose father she had had anaffair with, it would take more than an appearance on "The View" to sweetenher image.

-He's Pregnant. You're Speechless.
WHEN Thomas Beatie gives birth in the next few weeks to a baby girl, theblessed event will mark both a personal milestone and a strange and wondrouscrossroads in the evolution of American pop culture.

Washington Post
Go to the links for the following articles:

-A British Diplomat's Mission Of Rescue: Forced Marriages in PakistanPrevented
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan -- Helen Rawlins climbed into her Toyota Land Cruiser at7:30 in the morning, off to rescue another woman. The British diplomatsettled into the back seat as she whizzed by the baking bustle of thePakistani countryside: the women in colorful head scarves sitting inthree-wheeled rickshaws, donkey carts piled high with mangoes, andelaborately painted buses where women sit apart from men.

Go to the links for the following articles:

-Fears fade as viewpoints changing
Consider this: At the very moment you're reading these words, thousands ofsame-sex couples are traveling across America to California to do whathundreds of same-sex couples throughout the Golden State are doing rightthis second: They're getting married. Meanwhile, San Francisco hasn'tcrumbled in an earthquake. Locusts haven't devoured all the state's crops.California didn't slide into the ocean. And your day will continue on asusual.,0,4540778.story

-Gay therapist Michael Shernoff: Founded safe-sex workshop
Michael Shernoff, a psychotherapist who, beginning in the early years of theAIDS epidemic, wrote widely on its emotional toll on gay men and whoorganized an early safe-sex workshop, died Tuesday at his home in Manhattan.
He was 57.,0,1767686.story

Go to this link for the following articles:

- Poll: 70 Percent In Jamaica Oppose Any Rights For Gays
(Kingston) There is little chance laws against homosexuality will berepealed in Jamaica if a public opinion poll released Friday is anyindication.

-Pride Bans Gay Soldiers
(Hamilton, Ontario) Gays and lesbians have been part of the Canadianmilitary since 1992 when the armed forces lifted its ban on gays fromserving.

-Presbyterian Pastor To Officiate At Ga. Gay Wedding
(San Rafael, California) Now that gays and lesbians can legally marry in
California, a retired Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) minister is againchallenging her denomination's position on same-sex marriage by officiatingthe wedding of two women.

-Tasmania Mulls Gay Marriage
(Hobart, Tasmania) The Australian state of Tasmania could be the first areain the country to legalize same-sex marriage.

-Abstinence Only Program Moving Toward Renewal
Despite a growing body of evidence showing it is not only ineffective butalso discriminatory toward LGBT youth a renewal of the Bush administration'sabstinence-only-until-marriage program for schools appears likely inCongress.

National Gay News,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/
Go to this link for the following articles:

-News Media Does the Rite Thing:
Cameras Focus on Historic Day's Love, Not Hate
On the first full day of same-sex weddings in California last week, just upthe street from the West Hollywood site where paparazzi wait to capture theshopping habits of tabloid darlings, a team of photographers and TV crewstracked every step of another celebrity: George Takei, aka Sulu from "StarTrek," who with his partner Brad Altman were among the first to obtain amarriage license.

-A Global AIDS Campaign Stalled
A handful of Republican senators is blocking action on a bill that wouldgreatly increase American funding to combat AIDS, tuberculosis and malariaaround the world. If their delaying tactics succeed, the United States willlose considerable leverage in trying to persuade other advanced nations tocontribute substantially more money to fight against global disease at theupcoming meeting of the Group of 8 industrial nations.

-Beating Of Gay Sacramento Man Appears To Be Hate Crime
Marquis Bryant says he was just leaving a nightclub when four men beat himso badly he had to be hospitalized. A bruised head and swollen eye didn'tstop 20-year-old Marquis from speaking publicly about the attack. He'sadmittedly afraid after what happened, but said he is not afraid of who heis. "I've been called names while I was out, but never like this," saidBryant. Bryant says the attackers started by yelling offensive remarks.

-Pocket Porn: Is The iPhone The Next Frontier Of Skin Flicks?
Apple may be golden because of the iPhone, but the soon-to-be-updated deviceis also increasingly the source of forbidden fruit. Steve Jobs' company iskeeping a civil, if embarrassed, silence on one of the potentially mostlucrative and controversial uses of its handheld jewel: porn.

-Universalists Plan Five-Day Gathering in
Fort Lauderdale with Caucuses, Issues, Rallies
Gay rights, immigrants, the environment, paganism - next week's gathering of Unitarian Universalists can seem like a collision of social caucus and NewAge festival. But the five-day event, starting Wednesday in FortLauderdale, does have a few philosophical anchors. "They include theinherent worth of a person, and the interconnected web of which we're allpart," says its president, the Rev. William Sinkford. "We pitch a bigtheological tent."

Marriage Equality News
Go to this link for the following articles:

-Opinion: "Gay Marriage Is Good for America"

Link: Wall Street Journal by Jonathan Rauch
By order of its state Supreme Court, California began legally marryingsame-sex couples this week. The first to be wed in San Francisco were DelMartin and Phyllis Lyon, pioneering gay-rights activists who have been acouple for more than 50 years. More ceremonies will follow, at least untilNovember, when gay marriage will go before California's voters. They shouldchoose to keep it. To understand why, imagine your life without marriage.Meaning, not merely your life if you didn't happen to get married. What I amasking you to imagine is life without even the possibility of marriage.

-AIDS agencies & rights groups say marriage could be bad for AIDS patients
Link: EDGE Boston
AIDS services agencies and gay-rights groups tell EDGE they have no clearidea of how much same-sex marriages could affect individuals currently ondisability or government assistance for HIV-related care. Until answers areforthcoming from Sacramento, they urge caution. "I'm in contact with thestate AIDS office pretty much every day," Jason Roundy, Benefits & WorkServices Program Manager for AIDS Project LA, told EDGE. "I want thisanswered because I'm already getting these phone calls. People are movingforward." "It's a very grey area," said Shannon Minter, legal director forthe National Center for Lesbian Rights and the lead counsel in the case thatled to last month's California Supreme Court decision to allow same-sexmarriages. "If we had clear answers, we'd be giving them. There's a lot ofuncertainty here."

Pink News - UK
Go to this link for the following articles:

-English bishops snub Archbishop of Canterbury over homosexuality
As the Archbishop of Canterbury grapples with the "marriage" of two gayclergy in a Church of England service, one of his most senior bishops, theBishop of Rochester, will join two other English bishops and 250 from acrossthe world to boycott the Lambeth Conference.

-The Dark Knight: One of Heath Ledger's final films reviewed
When news emerged of Brokeback Mountain star Heath Ledger's untimelyaccidental death back in January this year, many film fans were shocked bythe loss of such a promising, rising star whose portrayal of a closeted gayman changed perceptions of homosexuality across the world.


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