Saturday, June 28, 2008


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New York Times
Go to the links for the following articles:

-NRA sues to overturn S.F. gun ban in city housing
The National Rifle Association sued the city of San Francisco on Friday tooverturn its ban on handguns in public housing, a day after the U.S. SupremeCourt struck down a handgun ban in the nation's capital. The legal actionfollows a similar lawsuit against the city of Chicago over its handgun ban,filed within hours of Thursday's high court ruling.

-Challenges to Bans on Handguns Begin
Using the new judicial muscle provided by the Supreme Court's affirmation ofthe right to bear arms, the National Rifle Association and another pro-gungroup sued San Francisco and its housing authority on Friday to invalidate aban on handguns in public housing. The lawsuit said the ban violated theSecond Amendment and "renders responsible, law-abiding adult public housingresidents especially vulnerable."

-Presbyterian assembly votes to drop gay clergy ban
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), bitterly divided over sexuality and theBible, set up another confrontation Friday over its ban on ordainingnon-celibate gays and lesbians. The denomination's General Assembly,meeting in San Jose, Calif., voted 54 percent to 46 percent Friday to drop
the requirement that would-be ministers, deacons and elders live in''fidelity within the covenant of marriage between and a man and a woman, orchastity in singleness.''

-New meaning for San Francisco gay pride parade
Move over Dykes on Bikes. Here come the brides -- and grooms. Given SanFrancisco's sizable role in initiating the lawsuits that led California'shighest court to strike down the state's bans on same-sex marriage, thecity's 38th annual gay pride festival and parade is likely to draw hugecrowds this weekend, tourism officials say.

-All Too Human
Once the green light is given to torture, the guaranteed result is anever-widening landscape of broken bodies, ruined lives and profound shame toall involved.

-It's Nice to Be Rich
The Supreme Court ruling that the millionaire's amendment violates the FirstAmendment is conservative judicial activism of the first order.

-A Candidate Runs to a G.O.P. Chorus of 'Don't'
Bob Barr, a Republican turned Libertarian, hopes to follow in thethird-party footsteps of Ross Perot and Ralph Nader.

Washington Post
Go to the links for the following articles:

-Dobson vs. Obama
I am a conservative evangelical, and even I am offended by James Dobson'sdishonest critique of Barack Obama's theology.

-Who'll Keep the Faith-Based Initiative?
As President Bush noted Thursday at the national conference of the WhiteHouse Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, his first executiveorder was to establish that office. The controversy over his initiativebegan then and continues. Liberals who measure compassion only by taxdollars spent say it hasn't gone far enough, while zealots aboutchurch-state separation say that it goes too far and should be shut down. But this program is transforming lives. And in an election campaign lackingfor new ideas, this one is worth saving.

-An Attack That Came Out of the Ether
Scholar Looks for First Link in E-Mail Chain About Obama
The e-mail landed in Danielle Allen's queue one winter morning as she wasstudying in her office at the Institute for Advanced Study, the renownedhaven for some of the nation's most brilliant minds. The missive began:

Go to the links for the following articles:

-It will cost you $25 to redeem Delta SkyMiles
Frequent fliers have a new charge to contend with on so-called "free" awardtickets: jet fuel. Delta Air lines said Friday it will charge frequentfliers $25 for SkyMiles Award Tickets between the 50 states and Canada, and$50 for international travel, starting Aug. 15.,0,3652950.story

-California fire deals big blow to Big Sur tourism
Many of the rustic inns, restaurants and art galleries that dot the ruggedCentral Coast are nearly deserted this weekend at the height of the touristseason as a huge wildfire threatens Big Sur. The blaze had charred nearly42 square miles as of Friday in the Los Padres National Forest and destroyed16 homes in the Big Sur area, one week after it was started by a lightningstorm that also ignited more than 1,000 wildfires from the Central Coast tothe Oregon state line.,0,1061533.story

Miami Herald
Go to the links for the following articles:

-'Forgotten war' a sad memory for survivors
The sour economy makes Iraq seem so 2006. Only 6 percent of South Floridiansnamed the war as a top issue in a Miami Herald poll released this week. ''Iraq fatigue,'' explained pollster John Zogby. But for Itzhak and BethAgami of Parkland, whose 25-year-old son Daniel was killed one year ago lastSaturday, the war is a constant source of heartache. The cost of gas meanslittle to parents forced to outlive their child.

-The great tolerant majority
Here's a nice news flash: Most people really are religious and tolerant,faithful and open, altogether American. That's the conclusion this week of amajor Pew Research Center study of religion in America. They call it''non-dogmatic.'' In what feels like an increasingly dogmatic world, it isultimately our greatest strength.

Fort Report
Go to the links for the following articles:

-Kucinich won't rally for Obama until he gets answers
Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) has yet to officially endorse Sen. BarackObama (D-Ill.) for president and indicated he will not rally his liberalsupporters this fall until he knows "what the party stands for." In aninterview this week, Kucinich said it is too early to see which directionthe Democratic Party is headed this election year. Pressed on when a formalendorsement of Obama would be announced, Kucinich replied, "[Obama and I]will be talking."

-$7-a-Gallon Gas Coming Soon?
A New Gas Price Forecast Comes on the Same Day That the Dow Plummets, OilSurges
Stocks plummeted today as oil hit a new record and signs of trouble from the financial, automotive and high-tech industries soured the mood on WallStreet.

-McCain: Set U.S. limit for car CO2
He moves away from state-set emissions limits, rejects federal bailout ofBig 3. Republican presidential candidate John McCain said Friday he favorsnationwide limits on carbon emissions from cars, a position that addressesone major worry of Detroit's automakers but could create new problems forthem.

-Obama and Clinton Hold First Post-Primary Event
Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton came to this tiny town ofUnity on Friday for their first public appearance after a bitter primaryfight. Less certain was whether Unity would come to them.

-Sen. Hagel won't endorse McCain
The Republican says he'd consider a post in an Obama Cabinet. Sen. ChuckHagel (R-Neb.) declined to endorse his party's likely presidential nominee,Sen. John McCain of Arizona, and said he would consider serving in a Cabinetunder Democrat Barack Obama.,0,1089970.story?track=rss


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