Tuesday, July 08, 2008

FLORIDA DIGEST - July 08, 2008

**IF YOU CAN'T ACCESS THE FULL ARTICLE, CONTACT US AT rays.list@comcast.net and we'll be happy to send the full article.


-Florida's hot tourist destination is home to five former judges with theirown shows. Taped trials helped give them exposure.
MIAMI -- Surf the TV channels anywhere in America on a given weekday, andchances are you'll find a former Miami judge holding court.

Dolphin Democrats General Membership Meeting
Date: Wednesday July 9, 2008
Time: 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Location: GLCC 1717 N. Andrews Ave, Fort Lauderdale
Notes: This Month - Statewide Candidates Forum


Go to the links for the following articles:

-120-mph Bertha heads for Bermuda, may weaken
Hurricane Bertha, now a Category 3 storm, is expected to turn in thedirection of Bermuda and weaken within a few days, forecasters with theNational Weather Service said Tuesday. At 5 a.m. Tuesday, the Atlanticseason's first hurricane was centered about 675 miles east northeast of thenorthern Leeward islands and about 1,035 miles southeast of Bermuda. It wasmoving northwest near 10 mph with maximum sustained winds of 120 mph withhigher gusts. A gradual turn to the northwest is expected within the next 24to 48 hours along with a decrease in forward speed.

-'Glades restoration plan hinges on land trade with Fanjul family
The powerful and politically savvy Fanjul family is in the catbird seat whenit comes to the multibillion-dollar Everglades restoration plan. That'sbecause its Florida Crystals sugar operation owns roughly 35,000 acres ofsugar cane that South Florida water managers need if they are to completetheir ambitious plan for a "flow-way" connecting Lake Okeechobee and theEverglades.

-Palm Beach County School District struggles with budget cuts
Budget plan: No layoffs, but pay raises unlikely
Palm Beach County schools are nearly finished slogging through a $55.7million operating budget shortfall caused by plummeting state funding andrising costs such as diesel fuel for buses, officials said Monday. Theemerging $1.5 billion spending plan spares employees from layoffs, but thereare zero dollars set aside for teacher raises or pay increases for schoolbus drivers, police officers and secretaries.

Miami Herald
Go to the links for the following articles:

Foster child denied shot at new liver
A Central Florida foster child needs a life-saving liver, but doctors havetaken him off a transplant list because they fear he cannot recover fromsurgery without a stable home. A disabled foster child whose liver isfailing has been removed from a Central Florida hospital's organ-transplantwaiting list because hospital administrators fear the state's shakychild-welfare system cannot ensure he has a permanent home in which torecover.

Fort Report

-Black, youth turnout can win Florida, 8 other states for Barack Obama
Barack Obama could make major gains in at least nine states the Democratic presidential ticket lost in 2004 if he can achieve a relatively modestincrease in turnout among young and African-American voters, a ChicagoTribune analysis of voting data suggests.

-Rep. Robert Wexler Breathes Fire -- A Florida Tough Guy Fighting forProgressive Values
This is our time. We've had eight years of failed policy from Bush. NowMcCain wants to continue it. But this is our time to make the case forprogressive ideology in America, to get our economy back going strong, toget good-paying jobs in America, to relieve our dependency on foreign oil.This is the time for liberals and progressives to stand up. Lay out a case.And I believe we'll win with a significant number of Americans supportingus.


[Send your comments about articles to Rays.List@Comcast.net]

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