Washington Post
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-Demo mocks ban on annoying Pope fans
SYDNEY, Australia -- Wearing T-shirts that read "Pope Go Homo" and "The popeis wrong, put a condom on!," a dozen demonstrators poked fun Wednesday at anew Australian law meant to protect participants of next week's World YouthDay from being annoyed by opponents.
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-Conservative Calif. County Delivers Setback To Gay Marriage Foes
Kern County supervisors refused to ban gay marriage, rebutting aconservative group that sought to make it the first California county toreject the statewide policy.
-Homophobia Alleged In Workplace Shooting
A Houston city worker accused of shooting a co-worker in what her fatherclaims was retaliation for homophobic bullying has been released on bail.
-Court: Gays Cannot Sue Russian President
(Moscow) A Moscow court ruled Tuesday that Russian President Dmitry Medvedevis immune from prosecution, throwing out a complaint by gay pride organizersthat Medvedev ignored pleas to intervene in a longstanding dispute with thecity over Moscow's ban on the event.
-G8 Accused Of Failing To Meet AIDS Pledges
(Rusutsu, Japan) An aid group founded by U2 frontman Bono calculates thatthe Group of Eight top industrialized nations has delivered only $3 billionof the additional $25 billion promised for Africa for everything from AIDSdrugs to training peacekeepers.
-Obama Campaign Subject Of Gambling Probe
A Minnesota official has asked state authorities to investigate whether arequest for money by Barack Obama's presidential campaign constitutes anillegal raffle.
Express Gay News
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-McDonald's Stands Up
Lest you think the enticing market for wedding-related marketing to gays andlesbians had suddenly made it "safe" for gay and lesbian communications, thesaga of McDonald;s should remind you that there are still folks out therewilling to attack companies for their involvement with our community.McDonald's last week became the latest victim of a certain anti-gay fringegroup. McDonald's "crime?" They agreed to allow a senior executive to jointhe board of the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce.
-San Fran gays declare independence from HRC
This Saturday, July 12 at noon, gay activists in San Francisco will"celebrate independence" from the Human Rights Campaign by giving outrainbow flag stickers in front of the HRC store in the Castro as a "symbolof LGBT liberation." They encourage former HRC members to cover up theirbumper stickers with the rainbows.
-Man sues Zondervan to change anti-gay reference in Bible
A Canton man is suing Zondervan Publishing and a Tennessee-based publisher,claiming their versions of the Bible that refer to homosexuality as a sinviolate his constitutional rights and have caused him emotional pain andmental instability. Bradley LaShawn Fowler, 39, is seeking $60 million fromZondervan, based in Cascade Township, and $10 million from Thomas NelsonPublishing in the lawsuits filed in U.S. District Court for the EasternDistrict of Michigan.
-Federal judges grill foes of Oregon gay rights law
Gay rights - A quick ruling will be needed to decide if a referendum goes onOregon's November ballot
A lawsuit that seeks to force a vote on Oregon's domestic partnership lawran into a panel of skeptical federal judges Tuesday. A group of voters isseeking to reverse a decision by Oregon elections officials who disqualifieda referendum on Oregon's new law giving many of the legal benefits ofmarriage to same-sex couples who register for domestic partnerships.Officials said the petition was short of the number of voter signaturesneeded to get on the November ballot.
-Will gay Republicans tolerate the Barnes Option?
Openly gay former congressman withdraws support for Arizona campaign //Anti-gay group tries to salvage petition against Oregon domesticpartnerships » The LGBT community has grown accustomed to the tiredtradition of anti-gay politicos scaring the bejesus out of straight Americain order to turn out voters. But the conventional wisdom, before this pastweek anyway, was that the tactic had played itself out in presidentialpolitics.
The Advocate
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-South Africa Demands Justice in Lesbian Killings
South Africa's The Star reported Tuesday that there have been no suspectsretained for the vicious murders of out lesbians Sizakele Sigasa and SalomeMaoosa, which occurred over a year ago. "This has been a year of horror forus, knowing that a year has passed and no one has been convicted of thecrimes," Mpumi Mathabela, of the Forum for Empowerment of Women, told TheStar.
-Bono's AIDS Group Accuses G-8 of Failing to Meet Pledge
An aid group founded by U2 front man Bono calculates that the Group of Eighttop industrialized nations has delivered only $3 billion of the additional$25 billion promised for Africa for everything from AIDS drugs to trainingpeacekeepers. Now the Africans and their allies want a new system to makesure rich nations come through. The G-8 opened their summit in northernJapan this week with a discussion with eight African leaders over theprogress in aid increases to the continent - and how the wealthy countrieshave fallen short.
National Gay News
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-Gay Marriages Still Unequal in the Eyes of Federal Government
Last week, on our 13th wedding anniversary, my partner finally became mylawfully wedded wife. In the Santa Clara County wedding chapel, as our2-year-old son scampered around and our 2-month-old daughter dozed, were-exchanged vows and rejoiced that our state has finally recognized ourunion. But there is another battle to be fought before we have the fulllegal rights enjoyed by our straight friends. And I'm not even talking aboutdefeating the November ballot measure that would amend the stateconstitution to ban gay marriage.
-Seattle Opera Reaches Out to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and TransgenderCommunity
Seattle Opera is looking to build its audience by reaching out tolesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender music fans. The arts organization announcedthree LGBT Nights at McCaw Hall during the upcoming 2008-09 season. Atthese designated performances, patrons may pay $100 for discountedmain-floor orchestra seating, private intermission receptions (with wine,hors d'oeuvres and desserts) and admission to preshow lectures. Theinaugural event - an Aug. 22 presentation of "Aida" - will be hosted bySeattle Opera trustee JJ McKay and Washington state Sen. Ed Murray. Ticketsfor the evening are on sale now.
-Study Sought on Response to Violence
With the new legal protections given same-sex marriages and a lack ofdetailed information by police agencies, a city panel on Monday called for astudy on how the Los Angeles Police Department responds to cases of domesticviolence in the gay and lesbian communities.
-Gays to Protest at Pope's Arrival
Gay and lesbian Christians will protest the Pope's condemnation ofhomosexuality ahead of World Youth Day, labelling his beliefs as right-wingpropaganda. The protest, calling for equality for gay and lesbianfollowers, will take place at the Pitt Street Uniting Church this Sunday,coinciding with Pope Benedict XVI's arrival in Sydney.
Marriage Equality News
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-Church of Ireland clarifies Archbishop's statement
Link: Londonderry Sentinel
THE Church of Ireland (COI) has moved to clarify statements made onhomosexuality by the Archbishop of Armagh, Alan Harper. It had beenreported the Archbishop had said the Church would allow same sex marriagesif homosexuality was proven to be biologically predetermined. However, theCOI has told the Sentinel that the comments have been misrepresented. In alengthy speech to an international theological conference in England lastweek, Archbishop Harper called for a return to the heart of Anglicanism toresolve "contemporary issues."
-PageOneQ's Mike Rogers appears on Fox News to defend gays' marriage rights
Link: PageOneQ
If the people can vote away gay citizens' right to marry in California thisupcoming November, asked activist Mike Rogers during a recent paneldiscussion, why didn't the Supreme Court let the voters continue to dictatewho their fellow citizens could marry based on race? California's gaymarriage ban, overturned by California's Supreme Court on May 15, was a"super statute," said Liberty Counsel chairman and founder Matt Staver,meaning that it was higher than a legislative measure but didn't have theweight of an amendment to the constitution, the intent of this year'sProposition 8. "And that amendment, when passed--I believe it will pass,and it only needs 50% to pass--will overrule this activist 4-3 decision bythe California Supreme Court and restore marriage as the union of one manand one woman as it has historically been, in that state and around thecountry."
Pink News - UK
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-Pride London apologises for trans toilet problems
The Directors of Pride London have said that they deeply regret that sometrans people were asked to use a disabled toilet at the festivities inTrafalgar Square.
-Homophobic aristocrat claims public support his civil partnerships ban
A castle owner who had his civil wedding licence revoked for discriminatingagainst same-sex couples says that bookings for receptions are up as aresult of his prejudicial stance.
-New programme targets gay abuse in Welsh schools
A community safety organisation and a gay rights group have joined forces todevise a new training programme that aims to raise awareness around sexualorientation and gender identity issues in Welsh schools.
-Gays in Northern Cyprus seek European support for law reform
An anti-homophobia group in Northern Cyprus has launched an English languageversion of their website.
-Straight Pride has a "homophobic agenda"
Plans for a so-called "Straight Pride" in New York, promoted by a reggaemusic label, have been criticised by leading a campaigner againsthomophobia.
-INTERVIEW: The "devil incarnate" for fundamentalist Anglicans
The chief executive of the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement is too busypreparing for next month's Lambeth Conference to dwell on his impendingdeparture from the organisation he helped found.
Forwarded from Gays Without Borders
Contact rays.list@comcast.net for the full article
-Moscow Pride Organizers Question Russian President's Immunity In the Appealto Moscow City Court
On Wednesday 9 July organizers of Moscow Gay Pride appealed the decision ofTverskoi District Court which denied to consider the case against RussianPresident Dmitriy Medvedev initiated due to his inaction on the letter ofgay activists asking him to permit Gay Pride march in Alexandrovskiy Sad ofMoscow Kremlin.
Forwarded from Euro-Queer
Contact rays.list@comcast.net for the full article:
- London: LGBT Pride is worse than the other kind
For the first time in thirty-some years of going to Pride, I have come awayseriously questioning whether I will ever go again. Official stewards whowere running the toilets at Trafalgar Square announced that I, and any othertransgender or transsexual woman, had to use the disabled toilets and wasnot allowed to use the regular women's toilets. I pointed out to thestewards that I transitioned and had surgery before they were born; I wasmore polite than a polite thing. No dice. I went and fetched a posse oftranswomen and transmen and we made a collective fuss. Their response - andremember these were official stewards AT PRIDE - was to radio in 'we'rebeing attacked by a mob of trannies! send backup'.
-Cypriots admit to widespread discrimination
HOMOPHOBIA is rampant throughout Cypriot society, according to a recent EUsurvey, which found that almost three-quarters of all Cypriots admitted todiscriminating against homosexuals. The figure puts Cyprus higher than anyother member state of the European Union, according to the Eurobarometersurvey on discrimination. Of the 506 people who were surveyed in March2008, 61 per cent of respondents said they had issues with people of otherraces. According to the study, the highest level of discrimination inCyprus is reserved for sexual orientation, with 73 per cent of thosequestioned saying they discriminate against homosexuals. The figure putsCyprus 20 per cent higher than the European average.
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
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Contact rays.list@comcast.net if can't access the article
-Sign on letter - Protect HIV travel ban repeal
Friends, As many of you know, an important provision which repeals the HIVtravel and immigration ban is part of the Senate's PEPFAR legislation.Unfortunately, we hear from our allies in the Senate that we will likelyface an amendment to strip out the repeal when the legislation is on theSenate floor. Attached is an organizational sign-on letter opposing anyattempt to remove this critical provision from the Senate's PEFPARlegislation. Please join this important effort to reject discrimination andstigma towards people living with HIV/AIDS and add your organization's nameto the letter by emailing adamf@immigrationequality.org by Friday, July 11that 12pm (noon) EST. If you have any questions, please feel free to contactAdam Francoeur (at the above email address or 917.573.3773 x 21) or me (atdena.feldman@hrc.org or 202.216.1574).
Many thanks for your support,
Dena Wigder Feldman
Public Policy Advocate
Human Rights Campaign
-Academy for Leadership and Action coming to Michigan and Florida
The Task Force Academy for Leadership and Action - a premier leadership andskills development academy for the LGBT rights movement - will be hostingdiverse training sessions in Detroit, Mich., and Miami, Fla. On July 10, atthe Alliance for Non-Profit Management Conference in Detroit, Mich., theAcademy for Leadership and Action will host a training session forpractitioners working with social movement organizations focusing on diversecommunities. For more information, please contact Task Force Director ofCapacity Building Lisa Weiner-Mahfuz at lmahfuz@theTaskForce.org or at202.639.6325. On July 26-27, the Academy for Leadership and Action alongwith Fairness forAll Families, Florida Red and Blue and SafeguardingAmerican Values forEveryone (SAVE) will host a training session on how torecruit a team ofvolunteers, talk to voters and coordinate large-scaleactions to urgeFloridians to vote No on 2 this November. Amendment 2 is aproposedconstitutional amendment that would ban same-sex marriage, civilunions andpossibly domestic partnership benefits for both gay and straightcouples. Toregister, please contact Task Force Senior Field Organizer BeccaAhuja atrahuja@theTaskForce.org or at 202.360.8327.
-Do you want to work for the next President of the United States?
Our partners at the Gay
&Lesbian Leadership Institute are leading a community-wide effort toidentifystrong candidates to serve the next president of the United States.GLLI's Presidential Appointments Project serves as the talent bank foropenlyLGBT professionals seeking appointed positions in the nextpresidentialadministration. If you've ever considered working for thefederal government,now is the time to start thinking about whether you havewhat it takes towork for the president and help to bring about positivechange our country.Help raise the voices of LGBT working folks on the federal level - visit thePresidential Appointments Project's website
challenging and exciting opportunity!
-Is Sam Nunn Gaining Momentum?
The potential of Sam Nunn being selected as running mate
seemsincomprehensible. He stands in stark contrast with a campaign thathasreached out to the LGBT community and has a number of openly gaystaffmembers, including Deputy Campaign Manager Steve Hildebrand. Yet thevicepresidential selection process has now become an elimination game, (withJimWebb the latest to drop out) and Nunn's name still appears on almostevery"short list." Barney Frank recognized the turn of events several weeksago and issued thesternest warning possible. We know that Nunn is a shrewdand ambitiousoperator with the backing of big-moneyed constituencies. Theywill be makingthe best case possible for Nunn to the selection committee.Given thearguments put forth for Nunn and the increasingly positive mediareports,perhaps now would be a good time to prepare our best case againstNunn for the selection committee.
-MSNBC - Vote on Same-Sex Marriage Issues - Quick 2 questions.
-I'm not making this up
Right now on Sean Hannity's web site. two ads are flashing on the screen inrotation: one for "Hannidate," his conservative matchmaking service, and one(from energy interests) that commands in big letters, "Drill Here. DrillNow. Pay Less."
Gay American Heroes
"Shining a light on our family and friends who have been murdered for beingthem self and giving a voice to those silenced by hate."
Scott Hall gayamericanheroes@yahoo.com
From Transgender Equality
Contact rays.list@comcast.net for the full article
-Man convicted in cross-dressing murder sentenced to life in prison
A 19-year-old man convicted of shooting a cross-dressing man to deathoutside a night club was sentenced to life in prison today. Cesar Villazanosaid he felt "very bad about what happened." But speaking through aSpanish-language interpreter, Villazano said he didn't kill Mario OscarMosqueda, 37, on July 29, 2007. Villazano was found guilty of second-degreemurder on June 20.
-The most recent tactic used by the groups trying to prevent adding GenderIdentity/ Expression to anti-discrimination ordinances is the "bathroomissue". Recently, in both Colorado and Maryland, the "bathroom issue" hasbeen the reason they use to deny protection for TGs. According to the ads,men is dresses are going to be using the bathrooms, exposing themselves, andacting as a sexual predators to women and chilren. I do not know of a singlecase where this has occured in any city, county, or state that has voted toprotect Trans people but it's a scare tactic that creates traction andincites hysteria. Very good and thought-provoking video:
[Send your comments about articles to Rays.List@Comcast.net]
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