Sunday, February 10, 2008

NATIONAL & WORLD DIGEST February 10, 2008

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New York Times
Go to the links for the following articles:
Obama Gets Convincing Wins in 3 States
Huckabee Takes Kansas Caucuses, a Setback for McCain
Barack Obama beat Hillary Rodham Clinton in contests in Louisiana, Nebraskaand Washington State as Mike Huckabee showed that he is still attractingRepublican voters.
Interactive vote map - Democrats
Interactive vote map - Republicans
Because They Said So
Even by the dismal standards of what passes for a national debate onintelligence and civil liberties, last week was a really bad week. TheSenate debated a bill that would make needed updates to the ForeignIntelligence Surveillance Act - while needlessly expanding the president'sability to spy on Americans without a warrant and covering up the unlawfulspying that President Bush ordered after 9/11.
When Women Rule
While no woman has been president of the United States - yet - the worlddoes have several thousand years' worth of experience with female leaders.And I have to acknowledge it: Their historical record puts men's to shame.A notable share of the great leaders in history have been women: QueenHatshepsut and Cleopatra of Egypt, Empress Wu Zetian of China, Isabella ofCastile, Queen Elizabeth I of England, Catherine the Great of Russia, andMaria Theresa of Austria. Granted, I'm neglecting the likes of Bloody Mary,but it's still true that those women who climbed to power in monarchies hadan astonishingly high success rate.
Clean Power or Dirty Coal?
Bowing to veto threats from the White House, Congress stripped from anotherwise admirable energy bill two important provisions on alternativefuels.
The Republican Reformation
HAVING spent the better part of three months attacking Mike Huckabee andJohn McCain as crypto-liberals who would destroy the Reagan coalition, thepundits, talk-radio stars and professional activists who make up theestablishment of the conservative movement had to grit their teeth this weekas their preferred candidate, Mitt Romney, bowed to the inevitable andabandoned the field. .
Biofuel Breakdown
An article in The Times cites two reports that suggest alternative fuelsmight not be so green.
Tentative Deal Is Reached in Writers' Strike
The governing boards of the two writers' guilds are expected to meet asearly as Sunday, and the long and bitter strike could be over by Mondaymorning.
Terror Threat From Pakistan Said to Expand
A suspected bombing plot in Spain is indicative of an important threatcoming from Pakistan, officials said.

Washington Post
Go to the links for the following articles:
Gay Mormons Seek Meeting With New Leader
A group of gay Mormons is seeking an unprecedented meetingwith the new church president and his counselors, hoping to begin aconversation and find ways to address the concerns of its members.Affirmation, with more than 2,000 gay, lesbian and transgender members, isnot recognized by the church, which at one time labeled homosexuality as aproblem that required help.
Ledger Gets Final Send-Off in Perth
PERTH, Australia -- Heath Ledger's family, his former fiance MichelleWilliams and Australia's entertainment elite bade him farewell at a privatememorial service Saturday in his hometown.
Ledger's family returned to Perth earlier this week to bury the actor, whodied in his Manhattan apartment at age 28 from a prescription drug overdoseon Jan. 22. The family attended a memorial service in Los Angeles lastweekend.
Obama Sweeps Clinton in Louisiana, Nebraska, Washington
Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.) swept to solid victories over Sen. Hillary RodhamClinton (N.Y) in Louisiana, Nebraska and Washington state yesterday, animpressive showing that left the two Democrats in a virtual tie for nationaldelegates but with Obama gaining momentum. On the Republican side, formerArkansas governor Mike Huckabee delivered two humiliating defeats to Sen.John McCain (Ariz.) in the Kansas Republican presidential caucuses and theLouisiana primary, but barely lost to McCain in Washington state, accordingto an Associated Press projection.
Catching Up to the Boys, in the Good and the Bad
Teen Girls' Alcohol, Tobacco and Drug Use on the Rise
Protecting Your Nest Egg From a Bear
What a weird, irresistible urge it is -this compulsion to sell low and buy high.
I can't tell you how many folks I've heard from in the past several weekspatting themselves on the back for getting out of the market as it continuedsinking, locking in losses that until then had been only on paper.And some of the losses were considerable. The Center for Retirement Researchat Boston College estimates 401(k) savings plans lost about 9 percent oftheir value between the market's peak on Oct. 11, 2007, and the end ofJanuary.
Obama Sweeps
UPDATE, 11 pm: Barack Obama made a clean sweep of today's votes, securingthe third of a trio of victories in Louisiana this evening. Sen. BarackObama (Ill.) won the Democratic caucuses in Washington state and Nebraskatoday and seems likely to claim a third win in Louisiana's primary whenreturns come in later tonight from Louisiana. Obama was expected to win allthree contests, which the campaign of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.)only lightly contested.
Romney Bid Was a Crucible for Mormons
Mitt Romney isn't the only casualty in his failed presidential bid. TheMormon church, yearning for broad acceptance, also took a beating.Extremists denounced Romney's campaign as a Mormon plot to take over thecountry. Some Evangelicals feared that a Mormon in the White House woulddraw more converts to his faith. Mormon practices were picked apart, evenones that had been abandoned long ago such as polygamy. Romney tried tofocus on politics, but was often asked about sacred Mormon undergarments.
For Broken Iraqis, A Haven of Healing
Children Shattered by War Find Care, Kindness in Jordan
AMMAN, Jordan -- On the third floor of the Amman Palace hotel, above a cityblock crowded with appliance dealers and video-game vendors, six Iraqichildren formed a semicircle around their therapist and practiced how tobreathe. To the right of the therapist sat Abdullah, a 7-year-old boymissing his left foot and left eye. The afternoon sun slanted across hisface, which once had been so erased his father failed to recognize it andnow was a mottled mask of flesh grafted from his back. Two boys wore legcasts. A third had a burnt face. Three of the children sat in wheelchairs.Zaineb, an 11-year-old girl who could barely move her crippled legs, wore ablack wool cap over her broken skull.
Promises They Can't Keep
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama share a problem as they move deeper intothe primary season: They have both issued promises to withdraw from Iraqthat are impossibly vague, unrealistic or worse. They must now rectifythis -- for the good of their campaigns and the nation. The Democraticcandidates repeat fundamental errors already made in Iraq by President Bush.They ignore the important role that Iraqis must play in deciding the fate oftheir nation if there is to be any stability during and after a U.S.withdrawal.
A Strategic Choice for Democrats
When this remarkable political year began, many Democrats were expecting asmooth passage to a historic nomination and a relatively easy presidentialvictory. That is hardly the case today. Sen. Hillary Clinton was clearlythe established favorite among a large field of challengers, blessed withfar more financial and organizational resources than anyone else and thebest brand name in Democratic politics.
The Road To a GOP Minority
LEE COUNTY, Fla. -- Coconut Road near Fort Myers looks like any otherconcrete ribbon near housing developments, golf courses and shopping mallsin this state's booming southwest. But like another fragrant slab of recentpork, the $223 million "Bridge to Nowhere" in Alaska, Coconut Road leads tosomewhere darkly fascinating. It runs straight into Washington's earmarkculture of waste, corruption and anti-constitutional deviousness.
Why It Was Called 'Water Torture'
Last week, much to my dismay, government officials testified before Congressthat the United States has used the interrogation technique known aswaterboarding and would like to hold out the option of using it in thefuture. As someone who has experienced waterboarding, albeit in a controlledsetting, I know that the act is indeed torture. I was waterboarded during mytraining to become a Navy flight crew member. As has been noted in The Postand other media outlets, waterboarding is "real drowning that simulatesdeath." It's an experience our country should not subject people to.
The Coming Change
The next president will ban torture and seek solutions for global warmingand immigration. That's a good start.
THE DEMOCRATIC presidential race remains a tossup, but the contours of thegeneral election debate, and to some extent the next administration, havebecome remarkably clear in the past few days. Whether John McCain, HillaryRodham Clinton or Barack Obama, the next president will be a senator, thefirst in 48 years to enter the White House from Congress. As much asexecutive experience may be a plus for the presidency, there is something tobe said about coming to the White House with a nuanced understanding of whatit takes to get things done in Washington. Perhaps it's not too much to hopethat a president who's been stuck in gridlock will begin a newadministration with a good understanding of how to fix it.

Miami Herald
Go to the links for the following articles:
Excessive military spending not buying much protection
Amid the recent avalanche of headlines about politics and the erodingeconomy, three little-noticed events took place that raise fundamental anddisturbing questions about the nation's security. . First, President Bushsent Congress a budget that seeks $515 billion for the Pentagon's day-to-dayoperations
Every year brings us closer to 1984 By LEONARD PITTS JR.
In the beginning was the fingerprint. It was in the 19th century thatscientists realized the ridged whorls on the tip of the finger constituted aunique marker that could be used to tell one person from another. Andeventually, the FBI built a massive database of fingerprints. ..... Now thefeds are building yet another database. And it has some folks worried.
To lessen inequities, try creative capitalism By BILL GATES
Microsoft founder Bill Gates spoke at the World Economic Forum in Davos,Switzerland last week. Below are excerpts. The full text is
Blacks, whites split Louisiana Democratic primary; McCain struggles amongfar right
Black votes for Barack Obama outpaced white support for Hillary RodhamClinton in Louisiana's racially split primary Saturday, exit polls found.John McCain struggled among very conservative voters who turned out in bignumbers for Mike Huckabee in their first head-to-head GOP matchup, butMcCain worked to make up the difference among more moderate Republicans.

Fort Report
Go to the links for the following articles:
Florida's Democrats once again too wily for own good
Being a Democrat in Florida is like being the coyote in a Road Runnercartoon. Things start out so promising, but in the end you just screw up everythingin a comical way.
The irrelevance of Obama's color
ON THE SUBJECT of Black History Month, I'm with Morgan Freeman, whodescribed it a few years ago as "ridiculous" - for the excellent reason that"black history is American history," not some segregated addendum to it. Theonly way to get beyond racial divisions, he told Mike Wallace of "60Minutes," is to "stop talking about it. I'm going to stop calling you awhite man, and I'm going to ask you to stop calling me a black man." Amento that.
The Disaffected Voters Who'll Decide 2008
It has been a totally confusing election -- and the 2008 race is onlygetting started. The resurrection of John McCain, the Barack Obamainsurgency, the fall (and rise) of Hillary Rodham Clinton, the rise (andfall and rise) of Mike Huckabee -- pundits, pollsters and other supposedlyexpert observers have largely missed them all. In fact, there's a simplereason why the chattering classes have so consistently called this electionwrong. They're missing the most important dynamic of this race: theappearance of a crucially important new bloc of voters who are clamoring forbold, nonpartisan solutions and are disgusted with today's Washingtonpolitics. But the candidates themselves are missing something, too -- abold, simple and overwhelmingly popular idea that would upend thepresidential race.

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