Sunday, March 02, 2008


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New York Times
Go to the links for the following articles:
Horrifying and Unnecessary
President Bush is planning to veto a law that would require intelligence services to abide by the same rules on torture as the military. We urge him not to veto this bill.
McCain Channels His Inner Hillary
Whatever John McCain's sporadic overlap with liberals, he is emulating almost identically the suicidal Clinton campaign against Barack Obama.
Africa's Next Slaughter
It is still possible to avert a new war in South Sudan, but only if there is a major international effort to ensure that the Sudanese government will paya price for its action.
McCain's Big Decision: Who to Pick as VP
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate John McCain has a big decision ahead of him -- picking a vice presidential running mate whose presence on the ticket would reassure Americans concerned about McCain's age.
Washington Post
Go to the links for the following articles:
Hillary's Hypocrisy
She sets impossible standards that no candidate -- including herself -- can live up to.
Stop Hating on NAFTA
Quitting NAFTA would send economic shock waves throughout the world, and the damage would start here at home.
It's All About Me, Me, Me
We want what we want and we want it now, but a sense of entitlement wreaks havoc on happiness.
In Search for Peace, White House Role Fades As Secretary of State Rice returns to Middle East, three months after the Annapolis, Md., talks, signs of U.S. irrelevance are everywhere in the region.
Can He Make the Play? by David Ignatius
For all his talk of bipartisanship, there's little evidence that Barack Obama is capable of healing Washington.
He Could Still Matter
Ralph Nader's candidacy -- and how the other candidates react to it -- may well determine who the next president will be.
She Can Be Proud by David S. Broder
Even if her campaign ends this week, Hillary Clinton has nothing to apologize for.
Russia's Succession
In eight years a weak democracy has become a belligerent autocracy. Westernpolicy has yet to adjust.
No Secret Cash
Mr. Bush should disclose who pays for his presidential library.
Putin's Heir a Shadowy Figure
The man almost certain to be Russia's next leader is largely unknown to his people and the world.
Miami Herald
Go to the links for the following articles:
Which religion (if any) is right for you?
Just below the text, there was a Google ad inviting me to take a quiz.``Christian? Jewish? Muslim? Atheist? See which Religion is Right for You.''
Polls: Races tighten in Ohio, Texas
New polls show Democratic rivals Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are in a dead heat ahead of Tuesday's Texas primary and are locked in a similarly tight race for Ohio.
BAGHDAD -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Sunday his landmark visit to Iraq opened a new chapter in "brotherly" relations between the two countries, which were once bitter enemies.
Advice to a young colleague By LEONARD PITTS JR.
Last week, a fellow journalist wrote to ask me for help. His name is David Tintner, and he's a senior at Cooper City High, where he's the editor of the school paper. Recently, he wrote a column criticizing those who wear what he regards as ''an extremely offensive symbol'': the Confederate battle flag.
David says a group of students known on campus as ''the Redneck Nation'' took exception. A gang of them cornered him at lunch to yell at him. They've made threats and tried to stare him down.
Go to the links for the following articles:
Military should not face immigration bureaucracy
No matter what your take on immigration, it should be a no-brainer that members of the military should be put into the express lane when it comes to gaining citizenship.
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