Sunday, June 08, 2008

NATIONAL & WORLD NEWS - June 08, 2008

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New York Times
Go to the links for the following articles:

-Op-Ed Columnist: One Historic Night, Two Americas
WHEN Barack Obama achieved his historic victory on Tuesday night, the battlewas joined between two Americas. Not John Edwards's two Americas, dividedbetween rich and poor. Not the Americas split by race, gender, party orideology. What looms instead is an epic showdown between two wildlydifferent visions of the country, from the ground up.

-Obama Maps a Nationwide Push in G.O.P. Strongholds
Barack Obama has moved to transform his primary organization into a generalelection machine, hiring staff members and sending organizers into keystates.

-People vs. Dinosaurs BY THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN
Before dismissing prospects for Israel's longevity, Iran's toxic presidentshould remember that while his country invests in oil, Israel invests in itspeople, a renewable resource.

-Women's Work
A bill of rights for domestic workers would bring the professionlong-overdue affirmation.

-Chávez Suffers Military and Policy Setbacks
On the same day Colombia said it had captured a Venezuelan national guardofficer carrying 40,000 AK-47 assault rifle cartridges believed to beintended for leftist guerrillas, President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela saidSaturday he would withdraw a decree overhauling intelligence policies thathe had made earlier that week.

-Senator Asks About Surgery on Gangsters
A United States senator wants to know more about liver transplant operationsperformed by U.C.L.A. Medical Center on four Japanese gang figures,according to a published report.

-The Nation: Running in Circles Over Carbon
Cutting carbon dioxide emissions is a fine idea, and a lot of companieswould be proud to do it. But they would prefer to be second, if not third orfourth. This is not a good way to get started in fighting global warming.

Washington Post
Go to the links for the following articles:

-Shrinking Flock Examines Its Identity
Churches Renamed to Escape Stigma Some Say 'Baptist' Carries
The Rev. Todd Thomason looked out at the nearly empty pews of hiscongregation at Baptist Temple Church last Sunday. He had preached long andhar about Abraham leaving all that he knew and setting out into an unknownfuture on nothing more than faith in God. He was hoping that, after theservice, what was left of his flock would have the courage to do the same.

-Calif. Battle Over Gay Marriage Raises Novel Legal Questions
Court Legalized Unions, but Ballot Measure Would Ban Them
Two things are certain in California's mounting legal showdown over same-sexmarriage: Gay couples will wed this month, and, come November, voters willdecide whether the state's constitution should exclude them from suchunions.

-Screeching to a Halt
On mass transit, the nation is falling perilously behind.
WITH SAN Francisco gas stations already charging $4.50 per gallon of regularand other places not far behind, it's little wonder that the demand for masstransit is surging nationwide. Last year, the 10.3 billion trips taken onU.S. public transportation -- trains, subways, buses -- were the most in 50years, according to the American Public Transportation Association. Andridership continued to jump in the first three months of 2008, particularlyon light rail (streetcars and trolleys) and commuter rail lines.

-Looking to the Future, Feminism Has to Focus
In April 2004, around 1 million women went to Washington to rally forwomen's rights. One of the main speakers at the event was the junior senatorfrom New York, Hillary Rodham Clinton, even then the object of futurepresidential speculation. Her surprise appearance elicited an ecstaticresponse from the crowd.

-The Civil Rights Movement Needs to Overcome Its Fears
Sen. Barack Obama will accept his nomination as the Democratic candidate forpresident on Aug. 28, exactly 45 years after the Rev. Martin Luther KingJr.'s historic speech at the March on Washington. For those of us fascinatedby such things, the occasion suggests less a coincidence than a harmonicconvergence of cosmic dimensions. Just think: A brown-skinned American,having been judged according to "the content of his character," will betaking aim at the nation's highest office. What's more, he will be takingthe helm of a party that, just a few decades ago, was sorely divided overthe mere inclusion of blacks in its ranks.

-The Color of an Awkward Conversation
I was annoyed the first time an African American man called me "sister." Itwas in a Brooklyn store, and I had recently arrived from Nigeria, a countrywhere, thanks to the mosquitoes that kept British colonizers from settling,my skin color did not determine my identity, did not limit my dreams or myconfidence. And so, although I grew up reading books about the bafflingplaces where black people were treated badly for being black, race remainedan exotic abstraction: It was Kunta Kinte.

-The Homegrown Young Radicals Of Next-Gen Jihad
We are fighting the wrong foe. Over the past six years, the nature of theinternational Islamist terrorist threat to the West has changeddramatically, but Western governments are still fighting the last war -- setup to fight an old al-Qaeda that is now largely contained. Unless weunderstand this sea change, we will not be able to ward off the new menace.

-'Feeling the Strain'
World leaders met in Rome last week to find ways to ease a global foodcrisis that is affecting millions of people on every continent. A glimpse ofhow consumers in several countries are dealing with higher prices andshortages.

-Bush Is a Lame Duck. Bush-Bashing in Europe Is, Too.
When President Bush came to Britain on a state visit in November 2003, morethan 100,000 people turned out to protest against him -- the largest everweekday rally in London. But when the president comes to town this week,we'll be talking closer to 100 protesters than 100,000. Newspapers won't berunning multiple pages of open letters to Bush from the great and the good.
The television schedules will go undisturbed.

Go to the links for the following articles:

-Religious Right feeling rejected by McCain
On May 22, 2008, a new era began in the history of what is called theReligious Right. Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain rejectedthe endorsements of two influential Evangelical pastors, Rev. John Hagee andRev. Rod Parsley. The impact of McCain publicly disavowing these two majorfigures will trigger a new alignment among politically active religiousconservatives and the political parties.,0,6406837.story

-Think twice before dumping old car for gas-miser
With gas prices skyrocketing, you may be contemplating dumping your old gasguzzler for something much more efficient. But think before you rush,especially if you are financing your car and have owned it for three yearsor less, says Consumer Reports. The costs associated with buying a new car(price tag, taxes, new financing, etc.) could end up much higher than thesavings you'll recoup in a new Prius or other gas-miser, said ConsumerReports.,0,6244522.story

Miami Herald
Go to the links for the following articles:

-Paranoia harming our way of life By LEONARD PITTS JR.
You've seen this gag in a hundred old cartoons: Cat turns to flee angry dog,steps on a rake instead, knocks himself silly. It's not sophisticated humor,but it is a visceral illustration of an abiding truth: Panic can make youhurt yourself. Some of us, I think, need reminding. Consider the case ofRachael Ray and the scarf that made people scream. Ray, of couse, is thepreternaturally perky host of cooking shows on the Food Network -- and aspokeswoman for Dunkin' Donuts. In that capacity, she wore theaforementioned scarf around her neck in an online ad -- and people startedsceaming. It seems that in the eyes of conservative columnist MichelleMalkin and a handful of blogosphere blowhards, the scarf resembled akaffiyeh, the Arab headdress most infamously worn by the late PLO leaderYasser Arafat.


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