Saturday, September 06, 2008

GLBT DIGEST - September 06, 2008

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New York Times
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-Let's Talk About Sex
We need to create a sex education infrastructure that acknowledges realityand protects our children from unwanted pregnancies, or worse.

Washington Post
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-Public Display
The Picture-Perfect American Family? These Days, It Doesn't Exist. With thedebut of the Palins before a nationwide audience, a presidential campaignthat was supposed to be about the economy, Iraq or even race hasunexpectedly become -- for a little while, at least -- a conversation aboutfamily. But even before the surprising news of 17-year-old Bristol Palin'spregnancy, the Obamas, Bidens and McCains had spent an inordinate amount ofprecious convention time introducing us to their loved ones: videos,scripted shout-outs, smiling tableaus as the confetti came down. Bothparties clearly thought that it was crucial for the candidates to show howdeeply they value their family lives.

Steve Rothaus
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-Gay marriage opens new chapters on good manners
Two beautiful, meant-to-be-together souls become one. Two hearts. Onepromise. Partners in life and love . . . With gay marriage a reality intwo states, Hallmark Cards has made it easier for those wanting to send thevery best to Mr. & Mr. California or Mrs. & Mrs. Massachusetts.

South Florida Blade
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-SAVE Dade picks new Executive Director: Rapid search ends with Carlos"C.J." Ortuño
SAVE Dade, a.k.a. Safeguarding American Values for Everyone, lost its famedand beloved leader Heddy Pena when she was scooped up by the non-profitorganization Florida Red and Blue.

-Rainbow flags illegal in Miami Beach-but not for long
City commission to make ruling on public display of gay pride
In a move that will undoubtedly rock the South Florida universe, Miami Beachcity commissioners are prepared to rule on the legality of displayingrainbow flags in public. Rainbow flags cannot be flown outside anybusinesses or homes in Miami Beach, because of a city code restricting"pennants, banners, streamers, flags and flagpoles." Only flags thatrepresent actual countries are allowed. No word on the legalitiessurrounding my Brazilian next door neighbor, who uses his country's flag ascurtains.

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-Scientists: Roman Empire made Europeans more susceptible to HIV
A genetic study by French scientists claims that a gene variant spread byRoman legions as they conquered most of Western Europe has made peopleliving in the areas more vulnerable to HIV/AIDS.

-Gay Australia beyond Sydney
If you love a big gay Aussie parade (you know, the one that adds a littlecolor to the mainstream media each year) and a crushing number of near nakedguys out for fun, Sydney has what you're looking for. However, if you've"been there, done that," or are looking for a different kind of Aussieadventure, head south, and take a chance on the States of Victoria andTasmania.

-Church sign attacks gays
A church in Blacklick, Ohio, is making a statement using Katy Perry's song"I Kissed a Girl." Havens Corners Church put up a sign with the lyrics "Ikissed a girl and I liked it" and an additional line that reads "Then I wentto hell."

-Obama enlists all-woman army to blunt Palin
Barack Obama's campaign plans to employ high-profile female supporters in aneffort to blunt GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's potential topersuade women to vote Republican. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York,Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano and Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius all werescheduled to campaign for Obama in the coming weeks. Republicans say theyhope Palin, who made her national debut with a feisty speech on Wednesday,could put some female voters in play.

The Advocate
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-Missoula Police Beef Up Outreach to Gays
The GLBT Community Liaison program in Missoula, Mont., is getting amakeover. With a website, posters, radio spots, and billboards, the MissoulaPolice Department and community partners are campaigning to stop bias andreport it when it occurs, according to New West Missoula.

National Gay News,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/
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-Few Gay Couples Enrolling for State Health Benefits
Expensive, taxpayer-funded lawsuits over whether New York should recognizesame-sex marriages from other states could linger for years, but so far fewgay couples are taking advantage of the state's expanded rights, recordsshow. The state Department of Civil Service said it was aware of only 33same-sex married couples who had signed up for the state's health insurancesince it extended the benefits to them May 1, 2007.

-Subway Fires Gay Porn Star
Granted, other than the obvious joke above, there's nothing funny aboutthis: It seems that 22-year-old porn actor Kurt Wild has been fired from aSubway restaurant outside of St. Louis after a customer recognized him fromhis other line of work and raised hell with the management.

Pink News - UK
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-Posters call for execution of gays as tensions mount over Sarajevo queerfestival
International observers have spoken out after tensions around the first evergay festival in Bosnia intensified. The Queer Sarajevo Festival is to takeplace in from September 24th to 27th. The Dutch, Canadian and Swissembassies are among those supporting the event.

Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
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-Instruction in Pole Dancing Tests the First Amendment
ADAMS TOWNSHIP, Pa. - It is safe to say that last week was the first time the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania had ever filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of a pole dancing instructor. But Witold J. Walczak, the organization's legal director, said the issues involved were common to many of its cases. "Why is the A.C.L.U. here?" Mr. Walczak asked. "The simple reason is this involves teaching, and that is expression protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution." The instructor, Stephanie Babines, 30, was denied a permit to open a dance studio here. The A.C.L.U. has sued to overturn that decision.

-Smoother Transitions
BREANNA L. SPEED waited four years before announcing to her co-workers that she would not be Wendell anymore. She was concerned that the revelation that she felt more comfortable living life as a woman than in the male body she was born with would jeopardize her job at Hewitt Associates, an outsourcing company in Lincolnshire, Ill., where she had worked as a database administrator for seven years. But since Feb. 26, 2007, when she walked into the office as Breanna (with a company ID and a workplace paper trail that carried her new name), Ms. Speed said she has received nothing but support.

-Study Links Gene Variant in Men to Marital Discord
Men are more likely to be devoted and loyal husbands when they lack aparticular variant of a gene that influences brain activity, researchersannounced yesterday -- the first time that science has shown a direct linkbetween a man's genes and his aptitude for monogamy. The finding isstriking because it not only links the gene variant -- whichis present in two of every five men -- with the risk of marital discord anddivorce, but also appears to predict whether women involved with these menare likely to say their partners are emotionally close and available, ordistant and disagreeable. The presence of the gene variant, or allele, alsoseems predictive of whether men get married or live with women withoutgetting married.

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-HeartStrong Announces 28th Outreach Trip
Restorative Therapy & Faith-based Anti-GLBT Bullying
At Religious Educational Institutions Uncovered
Seattle - Marc Adams, Lambda Literary Award finalist and Silver Pen Award recipient for his autobiography, The Preacher's Son, will be heading the 28th Outreach Trip for HeartStrong beginning September 17, 2008. HeartStrong, Inc., is the non-profit educational organization Adams co-founded. HeartStrong is for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender students of religious schools, colleges, and universities. HeartStrong hasprovided hope and help to GLBT students who have endured faith-based anti-GLBT bullying in religious schools around the world since 1996. Adams is executive director. Since 1996, the HeartStrong Outreach Team has self-driven more than 368,000 miles around North America providing hope and help for GLBT students from religious schools and educating the public about the plight of these students.
All dates for the 28th Outreach Trip are listed below. There will be afew more additions over the next couple weeks. For more detailedinformation about locations and times, please visit and go to our Educational Forums page.

14 Olympia WA
18 Westchester PA
19 Manchester CT
21 Canton NY
21 St Lawrence University Canton NY
23 Syracuse NY
26 Garden City NY
27 Princeton NJ
28 Rockland County NY

1 Frederick MD
6 Westchester NY
8 Ellicott City MD
12 Media PA
12 Tom's River NJ
14 Worcester MA
15 Rockland County NY
19 Buffalo NY
19 Jamestown NY

9 San Francisco CA
16 Prescott AZ
17 Paradise Valley AZ
23 Prescott AZ
30 Thousand Oaks CA

1 Fresno CA
14 Los Angeles CA
17 Los Angeles CA
20 Reno NV
21 Reno NV

HeartStrong is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization. All donations are taxdeductible as allowed by law.

From Transgender Equality
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-Transgender Youth Supported with New Program
Miami: In Florida, bullying is at the forefront of everybody's lips. Arecent anti-bullying law has made the public schools in lorida more awareand diligent in addressing issues of bullying and harassment. No place doesthis happen more than in the lives of GLBTQ youth. According to VivanMarthell, director of Pridelines Youth Services, transgender youth face themost discrimination today, even more than for gay or lesbian youth.Although this population is smaller than the other initials (GLBQ), thisgroup is the most severely affected by bullying, harassment, isolation andsuicide," Marthell explained. Because of this, Pridelines Youth Services hasrecently created a new program on Tuesday nights called Between Here andSomewhere Else where transgender and gender variant youth can meet foractivities, support, and peer socializing.

-Name Change Kit
Here's a link to the magnificently thorough Florida Name Change Kit puttogether by our dear friend Karen Doering, formerly of the National Centerof Lesbian Rights.

GLAAD's "The Best & Worst of National News"
August 2008

-New York Times Op-Ed Debunks Legitimacy of Olympics "Sex Test"
In an op-ed titled "The XY Games" published on August 3, acclaimedtransgender author Jennifer Finney Boylan critically examined the tests usedto determine gender in many prominent athletic competitions. In reaction tothe ruling of the Beijing Olympics organizers to set up a "genderdetermination lab," specifically designed to test female athletes"suspected" of being male, Boylan pointed out the illegitimacy ofchromosomal testing, saying that these tests "measure maleness andfemaleness by the wrong yardsticks." In light of this, Boylan calls for anend to these discriminatory tests, saying that gender "is malleable andelusive, and we need to become comfortable with this fact, rather thanafraid of it." Boylan points out the possibly tragic results these tests canhave, such as the global humiliation and subsequent suicide attempt ofrunner Santhi Soundarajan who "failed" such a test at the 2006 Asian Games.
GLAAD encourages you to email Jennifer Finney Boylan and The New York Timesand commend them on addressing the discriminatory practice of gender testsin the Olympic and athletic communities.

-Gay Couple's Immigration Struggle Reported by the Wisconsin State Journal
Melanie Conklin of the Wisconsin State Journal highlighted the seriouslosses communities all over the country are facing because of the lack offederal recognition for same-sex marriages. In the article "Immigration lawseparates same-sex couple" Conklin shares the story of Pamela Hathaway andLucie Ferrera, a bi-national couple living in Wisconsin. Hathaway andFerrera married in Canada last January, and as they are unable to gainspousal immigration rights, the couple has been forced to move to Canada tostay together. Conklin shows how Hathaway and Ferrera's friends andneighbors are trying to come to terms with her departure, and describes thecouple's hopes that the laws will change so they can come back to theirhome.
GLAAD encourages you to contact the Wisconsin State Journal and MelanieConklin and thank them for drawing attention to the struggles bi-nationalgay and lesbian couples face due to immigration laws and the lack of federalrecognition for their relationships.
Melanie Conklin
Wisconsin State Journal Editor, Ellen Foley

-Portrait of Young Gay Orthodox Jewish Woman Published by the Detroit FreePress
On August 12, the Detroit Free Press ran the article "Student finds couragein her art," by Christy Duan, about a young Orthodox Jewish gay woman andher journey towards self-acceptance. Duan describes Naomi Zaslow's processof reconciling her sexual orientation with her Orthodox Jewish upbringing,quoting the young artist about her decision to come out. Zaslow says,"sometimes you do need to take the risk. There are places where you can findsupport. Things do get better." Zaslow's recent senior art showcase focuseson her multi-faceted identity. Duan highlights her success, giving hope toother young LGBT people as they strive to find acceptance and images ofthemselves within their religious communities and families.
GLAAD encourages you to email Christy Duan of the Detroit Free Press andthank her for providing insight into the experiences of a young OrthodoxJewish gay woman and helping readers to learn from her journey.
Christy Duan

-Reuters Draws Attention to Anti-Gay Attitudes Prevalent in Olympic AthleticWorld
In an August 18 Reuters article, Paul Majendie draws attention to the factthat only 10 of the 10,500 athletes competing in Beijing during thissummer's Olympics are openly gay. The article explained that many athletesfear coming out and facing disapproval from fans and teammates. Majendiepoints out that the lack of openly gay athletes creates an environment inwhich being a gay athlete is perceived to be a deterrent to success. Thelack of encouragement for openly gay athletes permeates through the world ofathletics, and is rarely given the much needed attention Majendie offerswith this article. He details some of the tangible consequences athletescould face if they come out, such as lost endorsement deals and unwantedmedia attention distracting them from their performances.
GLAAD encourages you to email Paul Majendie of Reuters and thank him forbringing attention to the prevalence of anti-gay attitudes in the world ofathletic competition.
Paul Majendie

-Chicago Tribune Runs Defamatory Op-Ed Defending ~Don't Ask, Don't Tell'Policy
On August 14, the Chicago Tribune published an Op-Ed by Elaine Donnelly,president of a group that calls itself the Center for Military Readiness.Donnelly is a vocal opponent of allowing gay service members to serve in hemilitary, and breathlessly claims that if the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" ban islifted, there will be "forced cohabitation with professed (not discreet)homosexuals, in all military communities, 24/7." Donnelly's baseless scaretactics dishonor many thousands of courageous, loyal and patriotic servicemembers, at the same time as the ban continues to put our country at risk bydischarging essentials service members just because they're gay. Whilesubstantive discussion about the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" ban is important,the Chicago Tribune offered instead little more than fear-basedhyperventilation from a predictably virulent anti-gay activist.
READ ARTICLE:,0,5487863.story
GLAAD urges you to contact the Chicago Tribune and voice your concerns. Urgethem to promote a discussion about the real-world impact of the "Don't Ask,Don't Tell" ban, and ask them to bring voices to the table that can crediblyaddress the ways in which it puts our nation's security at risk.
Chicago Tribune, Letter to the Editor

-Rush Limbaugh Insults Rachel Maddow After She is Named Host on MSNBC
Rush Limbaugh made insulting comments about Rachel Maddow, the popularopenly gay political commentator who will be hosting her own show on MSNBCthis September. On his August 20th radio show broadcast, Limbaughmentioned Maddow's new show. Referencing Dan Abrams, whose time slot Maddowwill be taking over, Limbaugh joked that, "he's losing his show to somebodywith more testosterone than he has." Limbaugh's juvenile remarks wereuncalled for, and made Maddow's sexual orientation the punch line of thejoke.
GLAAD urges you to email Clear Channel and its CEO Mark Mays and ask them tohold Rush Limbaugh accountable for his comments.
Mark Mays

-Mike Galanos Sensationalizes So-Called "Dangerous" Trend of Girls KissingGirl
In his August 25th broadcast on CNN Headline News, Prime News host MikeGalanos led a sensationalized segment about a so-called "devastating" trendof girls kissing girls. Drawing on the popularity of pop singer Katy Perry'shit song "I Kissed A Girl" as evidence of a widespread crisis for teenagegirls, Galanos reported that girls are experimenting with other girls solelyto garner male attention. He repeatedly refers to this trend as"devastating," "dangerous," and "disturbing." While the intention was tohighlight the need to garner positive self-esteem in teenage girls, Galanosrelies on stereotypes to create hysteria and shock his viewers, and fails toinclude young lesbian and bi women in his analysis.
GLAAD urges you to contact CNN and Mike Galanos to call for an apology forthese sensational statements, which aimed to create unwarranted fear andperpetuate misconceptions around lesbian and bi teenagers. ÂCONTACT:
Prime News

VP Candidate Has Not Yet Expressed Views On 'Pray Away the Gay Movement'
ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Gov. Sarah Palin's church is promoting a conference thatpromises to convert gays into heterosexuals through the power of prayer."You'll be encouraged by the power of God's love and His desire to transformthe lives of those impacted by homosexuality," according to the insert inthe bulletin of the Wasilla Bible Church, where Palin has prayed since shewas a child. Palin's conservative Christian views have energized that partof the GOP electorate, which was lukewarm to John McCain's candidacy beforehe named her as his vice presidential choice. She is staunchlyanti-abortion, opposing exceptions for rape and incest, and opposes gaymarriage and spousal rights for gay couples. Focus on the Family, anational Christian fundamentalist organization, has scheduled the "Love WonOut" Conference for Sept. 13 in Anchorage, about 30 miles from Wasilla. Palin, campaigning with McCain in the Midwest on Friday, has not publiclyexpressed a view on the so-called "pray away the gay" movement.


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