Saturday, April 26, 2008

FLORIDA DIGEST April 25, 2008

**IF YOU CAN'T ACCESS THE FULL ARTICLE, CONTACT US AT and we'll be happy to send the full article.

Go to the links for the following articles:

-Broward schools allow Day of Silence against bullying of gay students,0,5306457.story

-Florida voters to decide whether to cut property taxes, hike sales tax,0,1755465.story

-Tax portability forms languish in Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's

-Florida Senate launders lyrics of state song Swanee River,0,4784483.story

-Portability calculator: Find out how your property taxes will be affected,0,1787141.flash

-Higher water rates a sign of the times, and the future
ISSUE: County water rates going up.
Palm Beach County water utility customers, get ready. Next month, your waterbill is going up 15 percent. Welcome to your new future.,0,5449262.story

Miami Herald
Go to the links for the following articles:

-TRANSPORTATION: 25 percent toll hike sought on turnpike
The state Senate is proposing to sharply hike tolls on Florida's Turnpike inJuly

-Jailed ex-sheriff Jenne to testify from prison
From behind the walls of a federal penitentiary in rural Virginia where he'sserving time for corruption, former Broward Sheriff Ken Jenne will testifyunder oath Friday about how he used to run the Broward County Jail.

Steve Rothaus
Go to this link for the following articles:

-Miami Gay & Lesbian Film Festival starts tonight

-Sharon Gless to be a presenter Friday at Miami Gay & Lesbian Film Festival

Palm Beach Post
Go to the links for the following articles:

-Voucher amendment cleared to make November ballot
TALLAHASSEE - A constitutional amendment that could allow public dollars forprivate schools appears headed for the Nov. 4 ballot.

Express Gay News
Go to this link for the following articles:

-Taking a bite out of the AIDS crisis
S. Florida restaurants participate in Dining Out for Life on May 1
More than 40 South Florida restaurants will serve up a portion of theirreceipts on Thursday, May 1, to help fight HIV/AIDS. Dining Out for Life isan annual event held in 46 cities to raise funds for local HIV/AIDS serviceorganizations.

-Gay Davie official running for county commission
Coletka's race against controversial Rodstrom is heating up
It's a bright Saturday afternoon and Davie City Commissioner Bryan Caletkais knocking on doors at Pine Island Ridge collecting signatures to qualifyfor Broward County Commissioner for District 7 in the Aug. 26 primary.

Fort Report
Go to the links for the following articles:

-Don't mix science, religion
With newly passed science standards that require the teaching of evolution,Florida is finally on track to give its young people a solid educationalgrounding for careers in biology and medical science.

-Florida lawmakers consider a Christian license plate
This handout photo supplied by Craig Dobson from Faith in Teaching onThursday April 17, 2008, shows a proposed specialty license plate. TheFlorida legislature is considering a specialty license plate design thatwould include a cross, a stained glass window and the words "I Believe". Ifapproved it would be the first state to have a license plate featuring areligious symbol that it is not part of a college logo.,0,7816236.story

-Tax 'swap' will be on ballot
Plan ends main property tax
TALLAHASSEE -- A plan to jettison the main property tax for public schoolsand replace it -- in part, at least -- with more sales tax is headed for theballot after withstanding a lobbying blitz by business and trade groupsopposed to it.

From Florida Red and Blue
Contact for the full article

-Win Us $1,000 - Don't Forget to Vote!
The eQuality Giving poll closes on April 30 - please click HERE to vote forFlorida Red and Blue on the far right hand box. It only takes a few secondsand the winner receives $1,000. Every dollar we get goes into fightingAmendment 2, and even though we're in Florida this is one place where yourvote really does count!

-Amendment 2 "Protects No One"
Amendment 2 "threatens not only gay people but all Floridians who have setup joint households instead of getting married.It would put governmentsquarely where it does not belong-regulating the personal relationshipbetween two consenting adults," writes George Griffin. We couldn't say itbetter ourselves.

-"Numerous government employers in Florida, including cities, counties,school districts, hospitals, and half of the Fortune 500 corporations havealready established domestic partnership arrangements to extend healthinsurance and other employee benefits to straight and gay couples withoutbeing married," Mr. Griffin continues. "My own daughter was able to add heruninsured fiancé to her policy under such an arrangement and many retirees -who risk losing pension benefits if they remarry - have entered partnershipagreements to maximize their benefit opportunities." Read the rest of GeorgeGriffin's op-ed HERE.

-Sign Up for HRC's Camp Equality
Florida Red and Blue/Say No 2 has partnered with the Human Rights Campaignfor Camp Equality, a two-and-a-half day training designed to teach keycampaign skills that will strengthen our impact on the 2008 election. Thereare two exciting training tracks depending upon your level of campaignknowledge: The Fundamentals of Working on a Campaign is designed forindividuals new to political campaigns, and the Advanced Campaign Track isaimed at seasoned volunteers or campaign professionals. We have two sessionson the books. The first is in Orlando and is scheduled for Friday, May 2through Sunday, May 4 - but hurry, because the deadline to sign up isFriday, April 25! The second session is set for Fort Lauderdale May 9-11.
To sign up, please visit

-Say No 2 Website Updates
Have you visited our new website yet? is a comprehensiveresource for fighting the Florida Marriage Protection Amendment. We'readding content daily, so please visit often! We've just added valuableinformation resources for seniors and a letter attorneys can 'sign' on-lineto express their concerns about how dangerous Amendment 2 is. We'll keepfighting for you to defeat the amendment. To help us, visit our website forways you can help including making a secure on-line donation, hosting yourown house party or printing campaign literature you can give to friends orco-workers.


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