Saturday, April 26, 2008

GLBT DIGEST April 25, 2008

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New York Times
Go to the links for the following articles:

-TV Has Never Seen More Transgender Characters
LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Although long known to the gay community,breakout star Candis Cayne became a household name this year with herrecurring role as the male-to-female transgender character Carmelita onABC's "Dirty Sexy Money."

-Some young religious voters focus on social justice
CHICAGO (AP) -- Beau Underwood is putting his faith in politics. He's a22-year-old at the University of Chicago Divinity School, an active memberof the Disciples of Christ and -- in his spare time -- he's showingcandidates that the path to political righteousness doesn't always veerright.

-Gay Bishop Plans His Civil Union Rite
Bishop Gene Robinson, the openly gay Episcopal prelate whose consecrationled conservatives to split from the church, said in an interview on Thursdaythat he and his partner of 20 years were planning a civil union ceremony tobe held in his home church in the diocese of New Hampshire in June.

-Faith of Our Fathers
Watching the polygamists in West Texas come into the sunlight of the 21stcentury has been jarring, making you feel like a voyeur of some weirdhistorical episode

Go to the links for the following articles:

-Court says Ill. student can wear anti-gay T-shirt at school
CHICAGO - A federal appeals court has ruled that a suburban Chicago studentshould be allowed to wear an anti-gay T-shirt at his high school -- adecision the teen's attorneys describe as a victory for First Amendmentrights.,0,7486491.story

Miami Herald
Go to the links for the following articles:

-BENEDICT XVI: Pope's U.S. visit incomplete
The pastoral visit by Pope Benedict XVI was a missed opportunity. It wasadmirable that the pope talked with four men and one woman who had beenabused by priests.

Express Gay News
Go to this link for the following articles:

-Gay rights bill dies in Florida Senate
Deutch bill could re-emerge in 2009 legislative session

-UK:Woman jailed for gay couple abuse
A mother has been jailed and her daughter given a community order afterbeing found guilty of harassing a gay couple in Kent.

-Blood agencies' ban on gay donors is outdated and unjustified
Giving blood is not a right. The overriding responsibility of blood collection and distribution agencies is not to ensure all Canadians are allowed to join in this altruistic act, but to ensure the safety of blood and blood products for recipients.

-Gay Rights Group Plans to Announce Senate Endorsements
The nation's largest gay rights organization is planning to make anannouncement on Monday naming its endorsements for key U.S. Senate races. Atthe same time, the group plans to launch what it calls an "unprecedentednationwide campaign" to get out the vote this fall.

-Students pledge silence to support hate crime victims
About 6,000 registered to participate in event

-Looking for the first out
New baseball season revives hope that a gay player will come out

Robert Rosenberg
Founder of the Miami Gay & Lesbian Film Festival
Pope Benedict XVI

-Branded as a felon for life
Harsh criminal laws make second chances rare in Fla.

Go to this link for the following articles:

-Some Young Religious Voters Steering Away From Anti-Gay Measures
(Chicago, Illinois) Beau Underwood is putting his faith in politics. He's a22-year-old at the University of Chicago Divinity School, an active memberof the Disciples of Christ and - in his spare time - he's showing candidatesthat the path to political righteousness doesn't always veer right.

-Record Number Of Schools Observe Day Of Silence
(New York City) Students from some 6,000 middle and high schools are takingpart today in the 12th annual National Day of Silence to bring attention toanti-lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender name-calling, bullying andharassment.

-5 Mos. In Prison For Terrorizing Gay Neighbors
(London) A British court has sentenced a woman to 150 days behind bars andher daughter to 24-months of supervised probation for a terror campaignagainst the gay couple who lived next door.

-Anglican Church Issues Warning Over Controversial South American Bishop
(Vancouver, British Columbia) A controversial Anglican leader from SouthAmerica arrived in Canada on Wednesday, over the objections of the AnglicanChurch of Canada.

-Never Too Late: Aging Lesbians Marry In Nursing Home
(Victoria, British Columbia) Ruth Pogson, 83, and Beth Aime, 79, have provedyou are never to old to marry.

-Singapore Fines Second Broadcaster For Showing Gay Couples
(Singapore) A Singapore television station has been fined for airing a showthat depicted a gay couple and their baby in a way that "promotes a gaylifestyle," the city-state's media regulator said Thursday.

National Gay News,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/
Go to this link for the following articles:

-Most Married LGBT Folks Believe Love is a Gift
For as many lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender marriages and unions thatexist, there are at least as many explanations of spirituality's role intheir lives together. Irregardless of the fact that most LGBT couples'unions are not sanctioned by either state or most religious institutions, itappears that some of the rituals and traditions of a marriage ceremonyitself - shared with supportive friends and family - will suffice until lawscatch up with more accepting recognition. There is some irony, though, inthat the majority of couples interviewed clearly expressed an acknowledgmentof their love being a gift of spirituality.

-Neil Reveals all to Howard Stern
For over a year now, I've written about Howard Stern's positive impact onthe gay community, and his interview today with openly gay "How I Met YourMother" star Neil Patrick Harris was perhaps one of the best examples todate. It's probably the most interesting interview Harris will do in hislife. Harris spoke in-depth about his sexuality, but Stern wanted more --and Harris was more than game to reveal details.

-Task Force Loses Foreman, Makes Big plans for Future
Last Tuesday, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force underwent asignificant change when Matt Foreman had his last day as the gay rightsorganization's executive director. Foreman has served in the position since2003. Deputy Executive Director Rea Carey, who will serve while the searchfor a new executive director continues, will temporarily replace him.

Marriage Equality News
Go to this link for the following articles:

-The State of Israel has agreed for the first time to register an overseasadoption by a gay couple and to grant the child Israeli citizenship. Thelandmark case involves a Cambodia-born boy, now eight years old, who wasadopted in 2000 in the United States by two men who hold American andIsraeli citizenship. Following his adoption, the boy received Americancitizenship and was also converted to Judaism. The parents returned toIsrael shortly after the adoption, but their applications to the InteriorMinistry to recognize the adoption and grant their child citizenship wereunsuccessful. Since 2001, the child has lived in Israel on a temporaryresidence visa that is extended annually.

-The first test of whether or not Ohio's marriage ban amendment affectschild custody will be decided in a dispute between two former domesticpartners. The Tenth Ohio District Court of Appeals was asked on March 27 tooverturn a Franklin County ruling that the amendment has no effect oncustody agreements. Almost immediately after the amendment passed in 2004,Denise Marie Fairchild asked the Franklin County Common Pleas Court toinvalidate a nearly four-year-old parenting agreement with her formerpartner, Therese Marie Fairchild, now Therese Marie Leach. Denise is thebiological mother of a son, now 12, born of artificial insemination from ananonymous donor. The couple lived together for four years before he was bornin 1996. Their relationship ended in 2001, six months after the custodyagreement was entered.

-State Sen. Fred Smith says a proposed constitutional amendment that hesupported in the legislature is not "anti-gay marriage." In several posts,Dome has referred to a constitutional amendment supported by Smith, aRepublican gubernatorial candidate, as "banning gay marriage." But Smithsaid that's not accurate.He argues that the amendment would allow voters todecide whether to amend the constitution to define marriage as between oneman and one woman."There's a lot of relationships that that law would sayare not legal," he said. "Polygamy, bigamy -- just look at what's going ondown in Texas -- all that other stuff would be prohibited."

-With popping corks and tinkling glasses, with laughter and with tears, RuthPogson, 83, and Beth Aime, 79, exchanged simple, loving vows in Island Viewnursing home yesterday. The two retired Anglican priests, committed to eachother since 1995, wanted to make their relationship legal, said Pogson.
"What we're here for is about justice and it's about bringing a communityinto an inclusive community rather than being shut out all the time," Aimetold their guests. "We're here to hopefully bring this world somewhere wherewe're all equal. The Anglican Church of Canada, to whom they have devoteddecades of their lives, was not there to marry them or to bless them. Pogsonand Aime were married in a civil ceremony in front of a small group offamily and friends.

-Kitty Lambert is one of the most enthusiastic people you will ever meet.
Lambert and her partner of 14 years, Cheryle Rudd, are both grandmothers wholead the group Outspoken for Equality. This Tuesday, April 29, they aregoing to Albany to meet with state leaders about the issue of gay marriage.
Outspoken for Equality is working on the passage of the Marriage EqualityBill in New York, not only to recognize same-sex marriages from otherjurisdictions but also to allow same-sex couples to marry in the state andprovide them with the same rights and privileges afforded heterosexualcouples. The group emphasizes that marriage is a civil right and thatgovernments, not religious institutions, issue marriage licenses. Withmarriage comes 1,324 New York State rights, benefits, and protections thatare denied to LGBT families.

-They met by chance in Amsterdam one night 11 years ago. Their journey hastaken them through challenging times, when slurs and threats were hurled attwo men holding hands and, later, through the successful fight for same-sexmarriage. And, now, finally, matrimony. Tomorrow, Easton Town AdministratorDavid Colton will marry his longtime partner, Brian Khoo, an interiordesigner from Malaysia. It will be a black-tie event. The five Eastonselectmen will attend. So will state Senator Brian A. Joyce, a legislativesupporter of gay marriage who will deliver a speech on the subject.

Pink News - UK
Go to this link for the following articles:

-Footballers launch anti-homophobia campaign in honour of Justin Fashanu
A campaign is being launched to help stamp out homophobia in Britishfootball. Justin is a campaign against homophobia in football that aims to,"vindicate the memory of Justin Fashanu, the world's first openly gayprofessional footballer."

-Clinton campaign accuses Brown of neglecting gay refugees
Gordon Brown has been condemned by Hillary Clinton's campaign team for theUK governments policy to deport LGBT people to countries where they facepersecution.

From Marc Paige
Letter to the Editor

-On April 20th on ABC, John McCain said it was a "mistake" to solicitReverend John Hagee's endorsement, but he was "glad" to have it. I guessthis means he was against Hagee's endorsement before he was for it.
At that time he sought the endorsement, was Senator McCain aware thatPastor Hagee had called the Catholic Church "a false cult" and "the greatwhore"? Did John McCain know that Pastor Hagee also felt Hurricane Katrinawas a way for God to damn America, or at least New Orleans and the Louisianaand Mississippi Gulf Coast, because of a planned gay pride parade? InSeptember, 2006, over one year before endorsing Senator McCain, Hageestated on radio that, "I believe that the hurricane Katrina was in fact thejudgment of God against the city of New Orleans." Hagee has also impliedthat Katrina was God's damnation on America because Washington supported theevacuation of Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip, and that God willunleash terrorists on America for supporting a two-state solution inIsrael-Palestine.
During a recent radio interview on April 22nd, Pastor Hagee saidHurricane Katrina "may in time be called a blessing," and reiterated hisposition that gay people were responsible for a storm that left over 1000people dead, hundreds of thousands homeless, and destroyed a major Americancity.
In New Orleans on April 24th, Senator McCain again declined to renouncePastor Hagee's endorsement. If instead Pastor Hagee had said Jewish peoplehad caused the death and destruction to the Gulf region, would McCain havesought Hagee's endorsement? I don't think so. It is unacceptable for JohnMcCain to remain "very honored" and "glad" for the endorsement of a man whoclaims the gay community brought on the worst natural disaster in our nation's history, and who continues to justify his hate speech in the name ofreligion.


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