Thursday, April 10, 2008


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New York Times
Go to the links for the following articles:

-2 Camps Trying to Influence McCain on Foreign Policy
WASHINGTON - Senator John McCain has long made his decades of experience inforeign policy and national security the centerpiece of his politicalidentity, and suggests he would bring to the White House a fully formed viewof the world.

-New Roadblocks Delay Tribunals at Guantánamo
GUANTÁNAMO BAY, Cuba - When military officials announced war crimes chargesagainst six detainees for the Sept. 11 attacks two months ago, the move waspart of an effort to accelerate the Bush administration's sluggish militarycommission system, which has yet to hold a single trial.

-Going Soft on Corporate Crime
The Bush administration has a well-known aversion to regulating bigbusiness. As it turns out, it is also reluctant to prosecute corporationsthat break the law. Federal prosecutors have been regularly offeringsettlements to companies for wrongdoing that, in previous administrations,would likely have led to criminal charges. It is another disturbing exampleof how this administration has taken the justice out of the JusticeDepartment.

-Asia's Republican Leanings
Europe votes Democrat, but Asia tends Republican.
That's the headline from the fastest-growing part of the world where, asthroughout a shrinking globe, the U.S. election is arousing passionateinterest. Many a Shanghai dumpling gets slurped to the accompaniment of chatabout superdelegates.

-Quality Care at Bargain Prices
Medicare could save tens of billions of dollars annually - without reducingthe quality of care - if all hospitals mirrored the practice patterns of theMayo Clinic.

-Another Heck of a Job
The Bush administration won't save the census, which is central to Americandemocracy. But Congress can.

-Nepal's Perilous Ascent
NEPALIS will vote today for the first time since a democratic uprising in2006 that rejected King Gyanendra Shah's absolute rule and led to a peacedeal that ended a 10-year Maoist insurgency. This is not an ordinaryelection. We will be voting for a 601-member constituent assembly that willdraft a new constitution that most likely will abolish the monarchy and willcertainly restructure Nepal.

-Olympic Torch Route Changed in San Francisco
SAN FRANCISCO - The nation's only chance to see the Olympic flame up closebecame an elaborate game of hide-and-seek here on Wednesday, as cityofficials secretly rerouted the planned torch relay, swarmed its runnerswith blankets of security and then whisked the torch to the airport in aheavily guarded motorcade.

Washington Post
Go to the links for the following articles:

-Missing: Our Trade Strategy
President Bush has sent his trade pact with Colombia to Capitol Hill, andsuddenly Washington is not only ablaze with cherry blossoms but cluttered bychestnuts. Every old argument for the virtues of free trade is beingrecycled by the league of American editorialists, whose all-but-universalcommitment to a failed policy will surely excite the wonder of futurehistorians.

-The Sports World in Foul Territory
Having made a living for almost 50 years covering politics, I've never beenunder any illusions about where it stands in the larger scheme of things.
Politics has its fans, but it holds nothing like the fascination thatmillions of Americans have with sports.

-Drop Dead, Colombia
Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi blocks a trade deal with America's closestSouth American ally.
THE YEAR 2008 may enter history as the time when the Democratic Party lostits way on trade. Already, the party's presidential candidates have engagedin an unseemly contest to adopt the most protectionist posture, suggestingthat, if elected, they might pull out of the North American Free TradeAgreement. Yesterday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared her intention tochange the procedural rules governing the proposed trade promotion agreementwith Colombia. President Bush submitted the pact to Congress on Tuesday fora vote within the next 90 legislative days, as required by the "fast-track"authority under which the U.S. negotiated the deal with Colombia. Ms. Pelosisays she'll ask the House to undo that rule.

-Pageantry and Protest
The Olympic torch relay sends an unexpected message.
THE MOUNTING protests surrounding the Olympic torch relay have promptedspeculation that the International Olympic Committee, ever protective of thefeelings of the Chinese government, will call off the 21-nation pageant.
Committee President Jacques Rogge was quoted yesterday as calling thereports "a misunderstanding," and we hope that's right. In fact the torchspectacle, which convulsed San Francisco yesterday, unexpectedly has becomean excellent vehicle for promoting understanding -- both in China andoutside it.

-China: Plot on Olympic Athletes Foiled
China's internal security apparatus announced Thursday that it had broken uptwo Islamic terrorist cells preparing to disrupt the upcoming Olympic Gamesby kidnapping foreigners, bombing hotels and government buildings andpoisoning food in Beijing and Shanghai.

-High School Seniors Get 'F' in Finance
WASHINGTON -- Young people's financial know-how has gone from bad to worse.
High school seniors, on average, answered correctly only 48.3 percent ofquestions about personal finance and economics, according to a nationwidesurvey released Wednesday by the Federal Reserve. That was even lower thanthe 52.4 percent in the previous survey in 2006 and marked the worst scoreout of the six surveys conducted so far.

Miami Herald
Go to the links for the following articles:

-Beekeepers stung by disappearing bees
DADE CITY -- With a third of the nation's honeybees disappearing because ofa mysterious malady, Florida's beekeepers are working to restore their hivesand nurse their bee colonies back to health.

-WORLD AFFAIRS: McCain wrong on foreign policy
Having cheerfully confessed he knows little about economics, John McCain isadvancing himself as a foreign-policy president, a ''realistic idealist,''he told the World Affairs Council of Los Angeles.
But judging from the content of his speech, McCain is no more a realist thanhe is a reflective man.

Pew Research center
Go to this link for the following articles:

-Bad Times Hit the Good Life
A new Pew Social Trends study finds that fewer Americans now than at anytime in the past half century believe they're moving forward in life. But atthe same time, two-thirds say they have a higher standard of living thantheir parents had. The report offers a comprehensive portrait of theAmerican middle class based on a new national survey as well as new analysisof government data. Read more

-That's What I Like About Me
Pew surveys find that Barack Obama's high favorable ratings are moreinfluenced by how he makes voters feel than by specific characteristics theyattribute to him. Hillary Clinton's image, in contrast, is driven byopinions about her own qualities. Read more

-Clinton Punches, Obama Bowls, McCain Reminisces
The Project for Excellence in Journalism's weekly campaign coverage analysisfinds that while Obama continued to attract the most coverage, and McCain'sbiographical tour earned him a return to headlines, Clinton generated theclearest story line with her "Rocky" self-characterization. Read more

-Petraeus Unfamiliar, Rice Popular
On the eve of his congressional testimony on Iraq, a Pew survey finds amajority of Americans (55%) saying they do not know enough about the topU.S. commander in Iraq to offer an opinion of him. The survey also foundSecretary of State Condoleeza Rice's favorability (56%) relatively unchangedsince March 2005. Read more

-Before the Court-Child Rape and the Death Penalty
Is capital punishment for child rapists constitutional? On April 16, theSupreme Court will hear arguments pro and con. A legal expert discussespossible outcomes and implications of the case. Read

-56% - Discontented Republicans
Republican dissatisfaction with the country's overall direction has risensignificantly in recent months with a solid 56% majority of Republicans nowsaying they are dissatisfied with the nation's course, and only 40%expressing satisfaction. Check back every weekday for another number in thenews. Read more

Fort Report
Go to the links for the following articles:

-David Brock, Dems plan $40M hit on McCain
Wealthy Democrats are preparing a four-month, $40 million media campaigncentered on attacks on Senator John McCain. And it will be led by DavidBrock, the former investigative reporter who first gained fame in the 1990sas a right-wing, anti-Clinton journalist.

-U.S. Iraq deaths 'for what?' Wexler asks Gen. Petraeus
Rep. Robert Wexler mentioned the death of a South Florida soldier in Iraqwhen he questioned Gen. David Petraeus at a congressional hearing Wednesday.
Wexler said he spoke Tuesday night to Len Wolfer of Boca Raton, whose son,Army Maj. Stuart Wolfer, 36, was killed Sunday while working out in a gym inthe Green Zone in Baghdad.

-Edwards's wife backs Clinton on healthcare
John and Elizabeth Edwards are staying on the sidelines of the Democraticnomination fight, but she let it be known yesterday that she prefers HillaryClinton's healthcare plan - a plug that could be the closest the Edwardseswill get to an endorsement.

-Bush presence at Olympic gala uncertain
WASHINGTON-President Bush has said he plans to attend the Beijing Olympics,but the White House has not ruled out the possibility that he may miss theopening ceremony, which China hopes to use as an international showcase.

-Powell: Troops in Iraq must be reduced
WASHINGTON-Former Secretary of State Colin Powell said Thursday thatPresident Bush's successor will have to come to grips with the reality thatthe United States cannot continue to keep such large numbers of troops inIraq and Afghanistan.


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