Tuesday, May 20, 2008


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Go to the links for the following articles:

-Constitutional ban would protect bigotry, not marriage
Two recent court decisions give ammunition to both sides of the gay marriagedebate in Florida. Proponents of an amendment banning same-sex marriage point to last week's ruling by the California Supreme Court allowing gays to wed and say, "See, these activist judges are exactly why we need to vote a ban into the Florida Constitution."

-Wildfires trigger health advisory in Broward County
Broward County residents with breathing problems or allergies are being told to stay indoors today as smoke continues to waft in from South Florida wildfires. Those who are at most risk are infants, children, pregnant women, older adults and anyone with heart or respitory problems, said Maribel Fields, a manager for the Broward County Air Quality Program, which issued the health advisory.

-Constitutional ban would protect bigotry, not marriage
Two recent court decisions give ammunition to both sides of the gay marriage debate in Florida.
Proponents of an amendment banning same-sex marriage point to last week's ruling by the California Supreme Court allowing gays to wed and say, "See, these activist judges are exactly why we need to vote a ban into the Florida Constitution."

Ft. Lauderdale: Join Stonewall Library and Archives for a festive "hardhat" party on May 26
Please join us on Wednesday, May 28, from 6:00 -7:30 PM, at our new location,1300 East Sunrise Boulevard in Fort Lauderdale, as Stonewall breaks through our final 'wall'. The permits are signed, the contractors areworking and we couldn't be more pleased. Join us for hard hats, hammers, and music. Date: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 6:00 pm -7:30 pm
1300 East Sunrise Boulevard- our NEW HOME !!
This event is free and open to the public. For further information, please contact:
Jack Rutland, Executive Director
Stonewall Library & Archives

SayNO2 Board Member, Jim Stork to speak @ Broward Democratic Party Meeting
Broward Democratic Party Monthly Meeting May 20, 2008 7:30-8:30 pm
Deicke Auditorium Plantation, FL
Contact: Amy Rose - 954-593-8826 Email: amy@floridaredandblue.com

Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, FADP.org

-The stay of execution for Mark Schwab has been lifted. After 18 monthswithout an execution, the State of Florida is about to re-start the killingof captive prisoners. Death Warrants do not expire. It is not necessary forthe governor to sign a new warrant for this execution, just set a date andleave it up to the D.O.C. to carry out the killing in the name of the"People of the State of Florida." More and more Floridians are speaking upand demanding a better way to help the victims of violent crime and theirfamilies...a better way to protect the people of Florida...a better way toa safer, more humane and less violent Florida. Please help in any way youcan. Join a group. Make a donation. Plan an awareness event. Takeaction by writing letters-to-the-editor and contacting Governor Crist andyour elected Florida representatives. Sign on the to the Florida campaign.
Please speak up and speak out. For more info go to: www.fadp.org.

-Florida's next execution has now been set for July 1st.
With almost 400 people in our Death House, Florida has the second largestDeath Row in the U.S. For a complete list, see:
While Floridians spend an extimated $51 million a year to retain our DeathPenalty system (that's over and above the cost of permanent incarceration),victim's services are being cut-back, crime prevention programs are beingdisbanded and thousands of murders and violent crimes remain unsolved. Fora growing number of Floridians, the fight to end executions is not aboutpartisanship...it is about priorities.

Miami Herald
Go to the links for the following articles:

-SCHOOLS: Teachers' private lives in limelight
When it comes to morals, teachers are held to a higher standard, most educators say. The sex education that students in Palm Beach and St. Lucie counties are getting from some school staff members this semester is not on the approved curriculum: Introductory Filmmaking: Shooting Campus Love Scenes. Advanced Biology: How to Go From Bikini Mate to Play Mate.

-Crist signs bill to pay murdered boy's parents
Gov. Charlie Crist on Monday signed into law the bill ordering theMiami-Dade School Board to pay $1 million to the parents of Jaime Gough, the14-year-old Southwood Middle School student stabbed to death in school in2004.

Fort Report
Go to the links for the following articles:

-Free Florida taxpayers; end prison-food contract
After nearly $1 million in fines for contract violations, among them havingtoo little food and too few staff, why is Florida still contracting withPhiladelphia-based Aramark Correctional Services to feed state prisoners?


[Send your comments about articles to Rays.List@Comcast.net]

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