Tuesday, March 25, 2008

FLORIDA DIGEST March 25, 2008

**IF YOU CAN'T ACCESS THE FULL ARTICLE, CONTACT US AT rays.list@comcast.net and we'll be happy to send the full article.

Go to the links for the following articles:

-Lake Worth: PrideFest of the Palm Beaches will be this weekend in park
The PrideFest of the Palm Beaches is set for noon to 6 p.m. Saturday andSunday in Bryant Park, at Golfview and Lake avenues along the IntracoastalWaterway.

-Broward housing market still bleak
South Florida's housing market looks worse now than it did at the end of abrutal 2007.

Miami Herald
Go to the links for the following articles:

-Moving on up -- and out of South Florida
Some South Floridians will cheer the news that the latest U.S. Censusfigures show the region's population growth is slowing or, in the case ofBroward County, actually dropping. After all, fewer residents means fewercars in rush hour traffic, right?

-Some cuts hurt more than others
With Florida's economy and state revenues in a nose dive, legislators areconfronting one of the worst budget crises in state history. They alreadyhave cut spending for the current year by $1.6 billon. Still, revenueestimates for next year project an additional budget shortfall of up to $3billion.

-Floridians might vote on church-state issue
Florida voters could be asked this November to lift a constitutional ban onspending public money on religious institutions.

-CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT: Keep church and state separate in Florida
When the state Taxation and Budget Reform Commission meets Wednesday inTallahassee, most of the attention will, understandably, be focused on itsquest to bring down sky-high property taxes and shift the tax burden fromthe things we own to the things we buy. Without doubt, it's a big issue.

-Trailer parks the end of line for some residents
It's no wonder that Miami-Dade County finds itself in an affordable-housingcrisis. Our county leaders are unwilling to implement policies that preservewhat's left of our affordable housing, let alone build enough housing tomeet the need in our community. The predicament of Miami-Dade's nearly13,000 occupied trailer homes is a case in point.

-Obama pastor at center of controversy to speak at Tampa church
TAMPA, Fla. -- Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama's pastor isexpected to speak at a Tampa church.

-Lawmaking by grudge
Not every Florida university needs to offer a medical degree or other costlygraduate and research programs, but a bill that would create a new tier ofundergraduate colleges has surfaced for the worst of possible reasons. Ithas sprung from a Legislature that resents university leaders who speak outon budget cuts, and that prefers instead to offer college degrees atbottom-dollar prices.

Florida: We have great news!
-On Wednesday, March 26th, the Senate K-12 Committee will hear SB 848, theHealthy Teens Act. Please call members of the Senate K-12 Committee todayand urge them to support SB 848, the Healthy Teens Act! When you reach yourlegislator's office please tell the person that answers the phone:
. I urge [insert legislator name] to support SB 848, the Healthy TeensAct.
. Our youth need comprehensive sex education that is age-appropriate,includingthe facts that help protect them from diseases that threaten their health.
. Florida currently has NO statewide standards for teaching sexeducation. We
need the Healthy Teens Act so all teens learn the facts about sex fromtrusted responsible sources.
Senate Education Pre-K-12 Committee:
Sen. Gaetz (Chair)- 850-487-5009
Sen. Carlton- 850-487-5081
Sen. Diaz de la Portilla- 850-487-5109
Sen. Wise- 850-487-5027
Sen. Wilson (Vice Chair)- 850-487-5116
Sen. Bullard- 850-487-5127
Sen. Deutch- 850-487-5091 *** Bill sponsor: no calls necessary

Palm Beach Human Rights Counsel

-The Florida Taxation and Budget Reform Commission is scheduled to vote thisWednesday on a proposed amendment to the Florida Constitution that wouldallow the government to fund religious proselytizing activities anddiscriminate among religious groups. The proposed amendment would removethe prohibition on using tax dollars to fund religious activities and allowgovernment to earmark your tax dollars to sponsor government-fundedreligion.
On Wednesday, March 26 the Commission will vote on Proposal CP0020. The
measure, if approved, would place on the ballot a devastating constitutionalamendment that remove the prohibition on using monies from the publictreasury to aid any church, sect or sectarian institution. The measurewould also "prohibit individuals and entities from being barred fromparticipating in public programs because of their religion."
This amendment would allow government to fund religious proselytizingactivities and show preference for one religion over another. It would alsoopen the floodgates for discrimination by permitting government-fundedreligious organizations to discriminate in who they serve.
Your voice is urgently needed. Click here to take action or copy andpaste the URL below into your browser. Tell the Commission that you do notagree with proposal CP0020 and strongly urge them to vote against it. (Feelfree to copy and paste the e-mail below into the comments section on theFlorida Taxation and Budget Reform Commission's web site):

Fort Report
Go to the links for the following articles:

-Clinton's solutions for Florida, Michigan delegates fall short
To hear her campaign tell it, Hillary Rodham Clinton is fighting the goodfight to give Florida Democrats a say in the presidential primary, whileBarack Obama is blocking her noble efforts.

-Obama pastor at center of controversy to speak at Tampa church
TAMPA, Fla. -- Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama's pastor isexpected to speak at a Tampa church.

A reception is to be held in honor of
Scott Newton, Mayor of Wilton Manors,
Running for State Representative for District 92.
Wednesday, March 26th at "Art Expressions,"
438 NE 26th Street, Wilton Manors 5:30 to 7pm
Scott will be introduced by Wilton Manors City Commissioner, Joe Angelo.
All Welcome


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