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New York Times
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Zapatero: Spain's Bold Liberal
MADRID - He was the accidental prime minister, an unproven Socialistcontender swept into power by a surge of public rage about the way Spain'sconservative government handled the terrorist bombings of March 11, 2004.
India Nurtures Business of Surrogate Motherhood
Steve Rothaus
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Groups reach out to gay and lesbian elderly population
Express Gay News
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Tel Aviv: Gay Arab-Israelis struggle as outcasts in two societiesUnderground drag queen shows serve as the only refuge for some
Blood rules debated as supplies dwindle
SAN JOSE, Calif. - To understand why the U.S. Food and Drug Administrationprohibits gay men from donating blood, recall what happened in the early1980s: The nation's blood supply became contaminated with the AIDS virus,killing much of a generation of hemophiliacs. A quarter of a century later,the blood supply is once again extremely safe, thanks to improved screeningand highly accurate tests. But because those tests are now so advanced indetecting an increasing number of infectious agents, a new problem hasemerged: More than just gay men are excluded from giving blood, so bloodsupplies are running dangerously low.
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Fla. Mail-In Primary Gaining Support
(Washington) A consensus has begun to emerge that the best way to giveFlorida's Democrats a voice in electing a candidate for president lies withthe U.S. Postal Service.
McCain Overshadowed By Continuing Democratic Drama
(Phoenix, Arizona) John McCain sees one downside to having clinched theRepublican presidential nomination: There's less attention focused on himthan on the volatile contest between Democrats Hillary Rodham Clinton andBarack Obama.
Marriage Equality News
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SACRAMENTO-While same-sex couples battle for the right to marry, a lesbianlawmaker is proposing that the state allow heterosexuals to take a stepshort of going to the altar-registering as domestic partners.
State Sen. Carole Migden, a San Francisco Democrat whose legislation createdthe state's domestic partner registry in 1999, has introduced a bill thatwould allow straight couples over age 18 to become domestic partners.
Last week, Republicans in the Iowa Legislature tried a parliamentarymaneuver to force a floor debate on amending the Iowa Constitution to outlawgay marriage. The effort fell five votes short, but it gave House MinorityLeader Christopher Rants what he wanted: a campaign issue for the fall.It'stoo bad Democrats didn't allow the debate to happen. Now, besides having todefend their positions on gay marriage, they appear to be afraid of having aformal debate on the issue.
Researchers at the Williams Institute at UCLA found a large income gapbetween same-sex couples and married heterosexuals - even more pronouncedamong non-white gays and lesbians, who make up 20% of same-sex parents. Inthe summer of 2004 Della Nagle and Ruth Pinkham dropped their kids off atsummer camp, hopped on a flight from San Antonio, Texas, to Niagara Falls,Canada, got married, and quickly flew back home. Nagle, 46, and Pinkham, 52,have been in a committed lesbian relationship for 22 years.
A former Baywatch man-babe has outed himself as gay and revealed he plans towed his lover and adopt an African orphan. The Tasmanian actor JaasonSimmons was 24 when he first pulled on the red togs to play the cockyAustralian lifeguard Logan Fowler on the cheesy hit series that made PamelaAnderson a household name and resuscitated the TV career of DavidHasselhoff.
Justifying Monroe County's plan to appeal the Martinez decision, whereby NewYork state recognizes same-sex marriages performed outside the state, CountyExecutive Maggie Brooks said, "We must appeal this decision in order toprotect Monroe County taxpayers. We cannot simply extend benefits tounmarried couples ..." However, Monroe County gay and lesbian residents alsopay taxes. And it is simple equity that gay and lesbian county employees getthe same benefits for their families as those extended to their heterosexualco-workers, especially given the state law against workplace discriminationbased on sexual orientation.
One of the benefits of job transitions is that you can indulge your whimswhile you ponder your next move. Okay, so watching oral arguments in the gaymarriage cases before the California Supreme Court was not exactly a boldand dramatic departure from my last day job as Berkeley city attorney. Butit was fascinating, and something I would never have had the time to dobefore. Over the extremely enlightening and lively three-hour oral argument,all theories and defenses were discussed in detail, with all justices askingpointed questions. Yet, the subsequent media coverage was about as clear asmud. Instead of grumbling to myself, I decided to weigh in. Hence thisanalysis - designed as a lay person's guide to the gay marriage cases' legalterrain and the import of the justices' questions. First, the bottom line: Ipredict that the court will invalidate the marriage law's restriction toopposite-sex couples as a violation of the California Constitution.
Pink News - UK
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"Ex-gay" adverts forced off the air in Canada
Activists in Canada have won a major victory against an ex-gay movement withthe removal of an advert from a major television channel that promoted thecourse aimed at changing the sexual orientation of gay people. The ad, airedon the Canadian TV channel CTV, featured a man talking about how a lot ofgay people actually don't want to be gay and that it's possible tochange.LGBT activists in Canada launched an online campaign for the removalof the advert, utilising social networking sites such as myspace andFacebook.
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Scottish politicians back removal of gay blood ban
An MEP has questioned why the National Blood Service is importing blood fromcountries where gay men can donate while banning any man in Britain who hasever had sex with another man from giving blood. A petition is beingprepared for submission to the Scottish Parliament calling for a repeal tothe ban the prevents gay and bisexual men from donating blood in the UK.RobMcDowall, the creator of the petition, has received support from Tory andSNP MEPs.
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Poles appeal for funds to establish LGBT centre
Polish lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans activists are asking for help toestablish the first LGBT centre in Poland.
Szymon Niemiec, founder of the Polish Equality Parade, needs 75 000 euros indonations in order to establish the facility in Warsaw.Mr Niemiec said: "The
Queer Central Station will be a place where everyone is welcome."It is ourdesire to encourage artists worldwide to contribute to a special gallerywith periodical exhibitions."
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American "family" group call for school silence boycott
A Christian group that claims to "promote the biblical ethic of decency" hastold parents to take their children out of education for the day if theirschool plans to observe the International Day Against Homophobia. On Friday,April 25th several thousand schools across the United States will beobserving the "Day of Silence" (DOS). The American Family Associationclaimed that "DOS is a nationwide push to promote the homosexual lifestylein public schools."
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US gay Catholics plan special welcome for Pope
A group that works for the rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans in theRoman Catholic church is planning a series of protests against Pope Benedictduring his visit to the US next month.The Rainbow Sash Movement said it iscalling on "Catholics of good will" to take the Papal visit as anopportunity to shower the Pope mobile with ashes instead of confetti. "Ashesare an ancient and appropriate greeting for a sinner who has caused theChurch so much division and pain," RSM said in a statement.
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Pro-gay Zapatero wins re-election in Spain
Pro-gay, socialist Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero haswon re-election this evening as voters ignored worries about the economy andthe Basque militants.Although with 92 per cent of the votes counted, theSocialist party will not have an absoloute majority, it is understood hewill form an alliance with smaller parties in order to govern thecountry."The Spanish people have spoken clearly and decided to start a newera," Mr Zapatero told supporters.
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McCain displays his quick temper over links to Democrats
He may have won the Republican Party nomination for Presidential candidatebut this week John McCain let his temper flair when questioned about apotential former move to represent the Democratic Party. A New York Timesreporter questioned McCain about conversations he had with 2004 Democratnominee John Kerry about becoming a running mate which prompted a rathertelling outburst. On Friday during a Q&A with reporters, Times stafferElisabeth Bumiller posed the question.
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EXCLUSIVE: Blood service defends gay discrimination
PinkNews.co.uk has challenged the National Blood Service to explain why itcontinues to discriminate against any man who has ever had sex with anotherman. Currently, a man who has ever had oral or anal sex with another man,even with a condom, is barred from donating blood for life because they aredeemed to be more at risk of passing on sexually transmitted diseases. ANational Blood Service spokesperson said the ban on gay and bisexual mengiving blood is "justified."
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Forwarded from Gay Asalyum - UK
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Israel to build more homes in West Bank
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has approved plans to build hundreds ofnew homes in a Jewish settlement in the occupied West Bank. In the comingyears a total of 750 homes will be built in the Givat Ze'ev settlement nearJerusalem. Israeli media say the ultra-Orthodox Shas party had threatened toleave the governing coalition unless construction was approved.
Fresh anti-Western protests in Afghanistan
More than 2,000 people in the Afghan city of Jalalabad have staged renewedprotests against the reprinting of a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad inseveral Danish newspapers and a planned anti-Qur'an film by far-right DutchMP Geert Wilders. The protesters burned Dutch and Danish flags and shoutedanti-Western slogans. They also called for the expulsion of Dutch and DanishNATO troops from Afghanistan. On Saturday, there was a bigger demonstrationin the city of Herat, where some 5,000 people turned out in the largest suchprotest so far.
Malaysia PM refuses to quit after setback
Malaysia's Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi says he will not resignafter his ruling coalition suffered a major setback in Saturday's generalelections. Though it retains a simple majority, the Barisan Nasionalcoalition, which has been in power for 50 years, lost its two-thirdsmajority in the poll. Pressure on the prime minister to stand down increasedafter his predecessor, Mahatir Mohammed, joined calls for his resignation.
Mahatir, who appointed Abdullah five years ago, said he had made the wrongchoice. The prime minister's refusal to quit is expected to fan Malaysia'sethnic tensions.
Saudi Arabia restores ties with Qatar
Saudi Arabia has reestablished full diplomatic ties with the neighbouringGulf State of Qatar and is sending an ambassador to Doha after a five-yeargap. The news comes on the eve of a visit to Qatar's capital by Saudi CrownPrince Sultan on Monday. Riyadh withdrew its ambassador to Doha in 2002 inprotest at coverage critical of Saudi Arabia on the Qatar-based news stationAl Jazeera. Saudi Arabia was also angered by Qatar's independent politicalline, which included relations with Israel.
Scores killed in Sri Lanka fighting
At least 56 Tamil Tiger rebels have been killed at the weekend in northernSri Lanka. The defence ministry says four soldiers also died. According toministry figures, nearly 2,000 rebels and 117 government troops have beenkilled this year alone. A report published this week by Human Rights Watchaccuses the government of widespread disappearances. The reports says atleast 1,500 people have disappeared without a trace since 2006.
Pakistan opposition to form coalition cabinet
Pakistan's two major opposition leaders have agreed to form a coalitiongovernment. The PPP's Asif Ali Zardari, the widowed husband of murderedPrime Minister Benazir Bhutto, and former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of thePML urged President Pervez Musharraf to convene parliament without delay.
The PPP won most seats in February's elections followed by the PML. Thepresident has asked the incoming government not to meddle in politics andfocus on good governance.
Sarkozy faces setback in local elections
France is holding local elections seen as a test for President NicolasSarkozy, whose popularity has plumetted since his election 10 months ago.
Voters are choosing mayors and local councillors as well as half of allcanton seats on departmental councils. Opinion polls predict major gains forthe opposition Socialists, whose candidate, Segolene Royal, lost thepresidential poll. The Socialists are set to regain control of a largenumber of important cities from the president's centre-right UMP party.
Twenty two cabinet ministers and deputy ministers are also standing in thelocal polls. The second round of voting will be held next Sunday.
Turnout in Spanish election higher than 2004
Turnout in Spain's general elections is so far slightly higher than fouryears ago. At the end of the afternoon 56 percent of the electorate had castits ballot against 53 percent in 2004. A high turnout is needed by theSocialist Party of Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero. The lastopinion polls, taken six days ago, were giving the Socialists a razor-thinlead over the Popular Party led by Mariano Rajoy. Mr Zapatero urged hiscompatriots to vote after he voted in the capital Madrid on Sunday morning.The election campaign was cut short by the murder of a former Socialistlocal councillor in the Basque region on Friday. The assassination isthought to have been carried out by the armed Basque separatist group ETA.Campaigning was dominated by the economy, immigration and the fight againstETA.
Chavez urges FARC to release Betancourt
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has urged Colombia's FARC rebels to releaseIngrid Betancourt. The Colombian former presidential candidate has been heldhostage for more than six years. Accompanied by Ms Betancourt's mother, Mr. Chavez launched his appeal directly to FARC leader Manuel Marulanda. Thepresident stressed she is the only female hostage left, adding there was noreason to keep her in the jungle any longer. President Chavez's mediationrecently resulted in the release of six FARC hostages.
FARC tensions "to ease slowly"
Ecuador's President Rafael Correa says restoring relations with Colombiawill take time. Ecuador and Venezuela cut ties with Colombia a week ago whenColombian troops entered Ecuador to attack FARC rebels. A rebel leader waskilled in the attack. In response, Ecuador and Venezuela sent troops totheir borders with Colombia. Mr Correa warned that rebuilding confidencewill be a difficult process. The crisis ended unexpectedly on Friday at aLatin American summit in the Dominican Republic. Colombian President AlvaroUribe apologised for the incursion, ruling out any future cross-borderraids. The crisis ended with a handshake between the two leaders, who werejoined by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
Russia warns Merkel of tough future
Russia's outgoing President Vladimir Putin has warned the West that hissuccessor, Dmitry Medvedev, will not ease foreign policy. Speaking with thevisiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel, he said Mr Medvedev is "no less anationalist" than himself. He added that Russia's partners should not expectto have an easier time with Mr Medvedev. President-elect Medvedev confirmedhe intends to continue Russia's current foreign policy. Mr Putin alsocriticised Western recognition of Kosovo's independence and NATO's eastwardexpansion.
Serbian coalition dissolved over EU
Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica has dissolved his government. Hesaid divisions over European Union membership and Kosovo's declaration ofindependence meant the ten-old-month coalition was no longer working. Theprime minister has called early elections for 11 May, when local electionsare held. Prime Minister Kostunica opposes closer ties with the EU because amajority of EU members has recognised Kovoso's independence. The party ledby pro-Western President Boris Tadic, which forms the coalition's backbone,is in favour of EU accession, even though it also strongly opposes Kosovo'sindependence.
In an article published on Friday March 7th 2008, in the The Independent,Simon Hughes, leader of the Liberal Democrats and the party's Shadow Leaderin the House of Commons, stated: "The Home Office claims that a gay personcan return to Iran and avoid persecution by being "discreet". All advicesuggests that in Iran, to be discreet means that you would have to deny youridentity. The punishment for giving in to personal feelings might well benothing less than torture or death".
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
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Iranian Refugee: Sky News Film about Mehd
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Monday, March 10, 2008
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