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Washington Post
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Second One Elected to House
UCC Is Happily Riding Obama's Coattails
Candidate's Church Of Inclusion Enjoying Renewed Interest
Britain Halts Deportation Move Against Gay Iranian
19-Year-Old Fears Execution at Home
Norway Proposes Gay Marriage Measure
Okla. Pol's Screed Vs. Gays Sparks Furor
OKLAHOMA CITY -- A YouTube audio clip of a state lawmaker's screed againsthomosexuality, which she called a bigger threat than terrorism, has outragedgay activists and brought death threats rolling in.
Steve Rothaus
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Oklahoma lawmaker's son denies reports he is gay
Kern, who said he is affiliated with the Des Moines School of Metaphysics,said that he chooses to be celibate, but he is not homosexual. "First ofall, no one's sexuality is anyone's business. It is not even my mother'sbusiness," he said. "I practice celibacy to give to my God," he said.
Express Gay News
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Court hears reappeal in lesbian custody case
Panel could decide as early as Friday
A Virginia woman asked the Vermont Supreme Court again Thursday to bar herformer lesbian partner from visiting a 5-year-old girl born when the twowere still together.An attorney for Lisa Miller-Jenkins told a three-judgepanel that the full court's 2006 decision in the same case was wrong becauseit was based on the assumption that a couple from Virginia could be bound byVermont's civil union law.
Gay groups protest at Naugle's 'prayer breakfast'
Fort Lauderdale mayor hosts anti-gay leader of Focus on the Family
Carrying picket signs with images of men and women who were killed becausethey were gay or transgendered and bearing placards that called for an endto hate speech by public officials, about 20 GLBT supporters protested theMarch 13 prayer breakfast hosted by Fort Lauderdale Mayor Jim Naugle at theBroward County Convention Center. The group marched silently during theearly morning commute along the entrance to the convention center, hoping tocatch the eye of passing motorists. The featured speaker at the prayerbreakfast, Jim Daly, president of the right-wing religious organizationFocus on the Family, is among the most aggressive opponents of the gayrights movement. Daly's organization is one of the primary backers of ananti-gay marriage amendment that goes before voters in November.
Plays about gay Mormons attracting audiences outside Utah
Two new dramas about gay members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daySaints - one that played to sold-out houses last month at the University ofIowa and another produced in a well-attended workshop in New York City -suggest there's still artful vigor left in mining the painful collision offaith and homosexuality.
Same-sex marriages, death and taxes
In a ruling that could prove pivotal, a state appeals court last monthdecided that legal same-sex marriages established elsewhere must berespected by all public and private entities here, even though New YorkState does not license the marriages of gay couples (unless one is a gay manand the other is a lesbian woman).
Ellen, you go girl! by Kevin Naff
Ellen DeGeneres must be feeling secure in her job these days, because she'staking on gay rights issues on her show with some regularity. What arefreshing turn of events.
Need proof that hairgel addict Gavin Newsom is, as the San FranciscoChronicle reports, setting up a run for Governor of California? Read theopinion piece he posted at Daily Kos last week advocating gay marriage.
Newsom says it's too early to talk about any plans, but Chron investigativereporters put their union paychecks to use to uncover Newsom'sbehind-the-scenes groundwork. The pro-business Democrat diverges fromSchwarzenegger Republicans on three issues: Legalized gay marriage,universal health care, and protection for illegal immigrants would -- atleast so far -- be part of his platform. Throw in medical cough marijuana,Gav, and you'll sweep the Bay Area vote.
Activists from the GLBT organizations Fight Out Loud and Gay AmericanHeroes, as well as supporters from several Fort Lauderdale churches, saidDaly's appearance at the breakfast is a further example of Naugle'sintolerance and animosity toward the gay community.
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Australian State Moves Closer To Gay Partner Registry
(Melbourne, Australia) Legislation to create a domestic partner registry forsame-sex couples in Victoria state has swept through the lower house ofParliament on a 54 - 24 vote.
Vt. High Court Declines To Review Contentious Lesbian Visitation Case
(Montpelier, Vermont) Vermont's Supreme Court declined Friday to review itsearlier ruling in a nasty four year battle between two women over visitationrights to the young daughter of one of the women.
Mich. Dems Agree To June 3 Re-Do Vote
(Washington) Michigan Democrats agreed Friday to push a do-over primary inearly June to give them a say in the close presidential race between Sens.Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama.
Fla. Presidential Re-Do Considered Unlikely
(Tallahassee, Florida) The head of Florida's Democratic Party says theproposed vote-by-mail presidential primary is unlikely to go forward becauseof strong opposition and concerns about conducting the vote.
Insults And Tender Sensibilities On The Campaign Trail
(Washington) If the presidential campaign were kindergarten, rude peoplecould be sent for a time-out or made to write "hope and change" on theblackboard until they are nice.
Obama Tries To Allay Jewish Concerns
(Cleveland, Ohio) Barack Obama is facing unease among some Jewish voters andis moving to quell fears.
Norway Moves To Legalize Gay Marriage
(Oslo) The Norwegian government on Friday introduced legislation allowingsame-sex couples to marry and have joint custody over children.
National Gay News
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Gay Input Sought for 'Healthy People 2020'
As federal health officials gear up to set the next decade of nationalhealth objectives, a coalition of advocacy groups wants to make sure thatconcerns specific to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people don't getleft out.The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services issues nationalhealth objectives every 10 years through its "Healthy People" project.
Miami Beach Mayor to Create Gay Business Development Committee
Miami Beach Mayor Matti H. Bower's first initiative of 2008 is to create aGay Business Development Ad Hoc Committee to address a variety of issuescritical to the future and welfare of Miami Beach's gay business andresidential communities.
The mission of the committee will be to bring recommendations to the Mayorand City Commission on how to enhance the gay identity of Miami Beach, andhow to make it more attractive and supportive of gay businesses, residentsand tourists.
A Safe, Gay Refuge For Retirement
Years after Bill Stein came out to friends and colleagues, he moved nearfamily in Portland and went back into hiding. If a resident of his westsideretirement home makes an anti-gay slur, Stein, 86, says nothing. "I'm, bynature, chicken," the retired anthropology professor said. " If you don'tsay, 'I'm gay,' you pass. I'm pretty well closeted."
Lutheran Draft Report Sidesteps Judgment on Gay Marriage
A task force drafting a long-awaited statement on sexuality for the nation'slargest Lutheran denomination has recommended that the church continue todefine marriage as a union between a woman and a man. The panel, in apreliminary report released Thursday, said that the Evangelical LutheranChurch in America, despite years of study, had yet to reach consensus onsame-sex unions. The draft, which did not condemn such unions, alsoexpressed regret that historical Lutheran teachings on homosexuality hadsometimes been used to hurt gays and lesbians.
Does Gay 'Diversity' Require New Terms?
Have you ever partied at one of Atlanta's many urning nightclubs or attendeda tribade rights rally? Even if you didn't realize it, the odds are highthat you have - especially since you're reading a homophile newspaper.
Since the time of Sodom and Gomorrah, there has been a continuous evolutionof terms used to describe men who love men, who were coined "urnings" byGerman researcher Karl Ulrich in the 1860s, and women who are attracted towomen, who used to be known as "tribades" during the 17th century.
The Advocate
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HIV Rates Jump 80% Among Young Black Men
The rates of HIV among young African-American men who have sex with men haveskyrocketed, reported the Centers for Disease Control on Thursday.
Marriage Equality News
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The Norwegian government put forth a long-expected gay marriage bill onFriday, clearing the way for homosexual couples to secure the same marriagerights as heterosexuals. Norway already has a so-called "partnership law"that has allowed homosexuals to form legal domestic partnerships. Now theylikely will be able to marry, with all the rights that entails, since thegovernment has a majority in parliament and the law is expected to winapproval.
Pink News - UK
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Iranian gays still facing deportation from UK
Gay activists have told PinkNews.co.uk that the government need toreconsider the cases of other gay asylum seekers following the reprieve ofIranian teenager Mehdi Kazemi's. Home Secretary Jacqui Smith announcedyesterday that in the light of "new circumstances" gay Iranian Mehdi Kazemishould have his case reconsidered upon his return from the Netherlands,where he fled when his first application was denied. The 19-year old, whohas lived in Britain since 2005, was facing deportation and possibleexecution in Iran, where homosexuality is illegal.
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Homophobic bishop branded un-Christian by MSP
A Labour member of the Scottish Parliament has echoed comments from gayequality organisation Stonewall and branded the Bishop of Motherwell asun-Christian. George Foulkes MSP tabled a motion condemning Bishop JosephDevine's comments that gay people attend Holocaust memorial events in orderto "create for themselves the image of a group of people under persecution"as "unfortunate, outdated and un-Christian." Gay equality organisationStonewall also criticised the Roman Catholic leader.
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Lesbian couple delighted at birth of quads
A lesbian couple who work at the Irvine Police Department in Orange County, California have become the parents to quadruplets.Cristine Gaiennie andPatsy Lovell, who have a 2-year old son from the same anonymous sperm donor,conceived after seven failed attempts at artificial insemination. Gaiennie,39, who carried the babies, underwent ovulation induction to stimulate eggproduction before successfully giving birth to two boys and two girlsearlier this month.
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Trans meeting will attract activists from across Europe
The second meeting of the European Transgender Council is to be held thisyear in Germany, it was announced today. The council, comprised ofTransgender Europe (TGEU), the Transgender Network Berlin (TGNB) andTransInterQueer Berlin (TrIQ) will be meeting in Berlinfrom 2nd to 4th May,following their last successful event held in Vienna in 2005. The programmewill feature representatives from international activists and experts suchas Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International.
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CPS want Royal blackmail trial in private
The Crown Prosecution Service has requested that the trial of two mencharged with attempting to blackmail a member of the Royal Family be heldwithout the public being allowed into court. Ian Strachan, 30, and SeanMcGuigan, 40, pleaded not guilty to making demands with menaces, contrary tothe Theft Act 1968, at the Old Bailey in December. They were arrested inOctober after police mounted a sting operation.
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Gay group shocked at ignorance among Euro politicians
Last week's meeting of the Legal Affairs Committee of the ParliamentaryAssembly of the Council of Europe exposed some members' ignorance about gay,lesbian, bisexual and trans people, according to the International Lesbianand Gay Association (ILGA). The committee was holding its first hearing on areport on LGBT rights in the member states. The 47-member Council of Europepromotes and protects democracy, educational and sporting co-operation andcreated the European Court of Human Rights.
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Galloway claims Iran executes sex offenders, not gays
Outspoken London MP George Galloway has said that the boyfriend of Iranianasylum seeker Mehdi Kazemi was executed for sex crimes. The Respectpolitician made his claims on Channel Five show The Wright Stuff yesterdaymorning. Mr Kazemi is claiming asylum in the UK. He claims his boyfriend wasarrested by police in Iran for being homosexual, forced to reveal the namesof men he had relationships with, and executed.
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New rules on HIV prosecutions released
New guidelines on how prosecutors should deal with cases involving theintentional or reckless transmission of STIs have been published by theCrown Prosecution Service (CPS) today.
The CPS has devised a public policy and guidance statement that covers theCode for Crown Prosecutors and how it should be implemented in all cases.Theguide also outlines offences the CPS will consider in relation to cases ofthe intentional or reckless sexual transmission of infection.
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Forwarded from Euro-Queer
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Pedophile priest jailed for three years in Germany
The 40-year-old clergyman pleaded guilty to 22 counts of abuse over athree-year period starting when the boy was 10. Regensburg, Germany -- Apriest who sexually molested an altar boy after his bishop reassigned him toa new parish following a previous conviction for pedophilia was jailed forthree years on Thursday. The 40-year-old clergyman pleaded guilty to 22counts of abuse over a three-year period starting when the boy was 10.
Forwarded from Gay Asalyum - UK
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Hundreds of protesters swarmed Tibet's capital Friday, clashing with policeand setting fire to shops and cars in a spasm of violence worse than anythere in nearly 20 years. Ten people were confirmed dead, and doctorsreported dozens of injured streaming into hospitals as Lhasa descended intowhat one witness called "a state of siege."
Forwarded from Kenneth Sherrill - Ken's List
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"If there is any consolation in this sad, sad situation surrounding GovernorSpitzer, it's that David Paterson is the staunchest ally our New Yorkcommunity has ever had. We know we can count on him to continue hisdecades-long commitment to winning full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexualand transgender New Yorkers." .. Task Force Executive Director Matt Foreman
Greetings from the Lambda Literary Foundation -- it's Award Season -- notthe Golden Globes, not the Oscars, not the Grammys -- but the 20TH ANNUALLAMMYS. For the 20th year, the Lambda Literary Awards are set to recognizethe best in LGBT literature and literary achievement. SAVE THE DATE:THURSDAY, MAY 29, 2008 Today, we are pleased to announce the 107 finalistsin 21 categories.
Gay & Lesbian Leadership SmartBrier
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Kansas to try again with anti-funeral-picket law
A clause of Kansas' new anti-funeral-picketing law that was meant to headoff legal challenges has been found to be unconstitutional by the state'shigh court. The justices ruled the clause, which stipulated the law wouldnot take effect unless it passed muster with a state or federal court,violated the separation of powers. The House Federal and State AffairsCommittee is expected to take up new version of the bill, which bansdemonstrations within 150 feet of a funeral, next week. The TopekaCapital-Journal (Kan.) (3/11)
Group: Lawsuit planned to stop ballot question on Md. county's trans-biaslaw
"Project Runway" shows the benefits of being "out"
Blogger Eddy Evans lauds Bravo reality competition "Project Runway" for"being unapologetic" in presenting a range of out contestants, as well asco-host Tim Gunn and judge Michael Kors. "I am sure there will be manyyounger viewers in particular, both gay and straight, who will takeinspiration from the show and recognize that you don't have to fit a certain[mold] if you are gay even if you are into fashion," he writes.
Forwarded from Susan Frishkorn
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Judge Calls Immigration Officials' Decision "Beyond Cruel"
The ruling says a detainee who later died of penile cancer was denied abiopsy of a lesion though several doctors said the procedure was urgentlyneeded. His family will be allowed to seek damages. In a stinging ruling,a Los Angeles federal judge said immigration officials' alleged decision towithhold a critical medical test and other treatment from a detainee wholater died of cancer was "beyond cruel and unusual" punishment. Contact Rays.List for the entire article.
Forwarded from Victoria Lavin
Daily Queer News
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A safe, gay refuge for retirement
Seniors experience bias from their age group, yet a rare, gay-friendlyretirement home is underused
Parents oppose vigil against anti-gay violence, but insist they're notanti-gay
Holmen, Wisc. -- A few parents in this Wisconsin town near Lacrosse objectedat a Monday school board meeting to a proposed vigil to honor victims ofanti-gay violence, including 15-year-old Larry King, who was murdered in hisOxnard, Calif. classroom because he was gay.
Arraignment for openly gay Patrick appointee postponed
beijing lesbian group wins ''she changes the world'' award
Changing the world might take more than 5,000 euros. But it's a start forBeijing-based lesbian group Common Language, the prize winner of the MamaCash awards.
John Hagee, McCain's choice to oversee the National Weather Service
Did DNC Lawyers Try to Intimidate Gay Media?
Just when you thought the anti-gay discrimination lawsuit against the DNCcouldn't get any messier, it is.
The other L word, What is so bad about liberal?
Conservatives have managed to make 'liberal' such a dirty word that evenliberals have started calling themselves progressive
Beyond partners
Ending civil marriage would be a terrible mistake
The Heritage Foundation's thirty-five year smackdown of liberalism
Washington, D.C.-based tax-exempt "non-partisan" Republican think tankcelebrating three-plus decades of saying no to government and yes toprivatization, deregulation, wars, intervention and 'traditional familyvalues'
"McCain Leaves Social Conservatives Cold"
More Response from Ford to AFA's "Boycott Victory"
Aberdeen teen gets 7 days in jail for online bullying
Aberdeen, Wash. -- An Aberdeen High School senior who threatened a classmateon a MySpace web site will serve seven days in jail for harassment.
"You are young," the judge told Brandon Peterman, "but you're old enough toknow better."
Peterman, 19, pleaded guilty Tuesday to harassment -- a reduced charge fromfelony malicious harassment -- for an online "joke" threatening to hang a17-year-old black student. The message included profanity and a racial slur.
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Saturday, March 15, 2008
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